#especially irt the robodebt victims who caused all this hassle for them in the first place
realasslesbian · 1 year
So subsequent to being a robodebt victim I sort of fell into this funk of ‘not only is there no point in trying, but in fact it’s better if I don’t, bc every time I have ever tried to do something good it’s backfired horrifically, so I’m just going to make like a tree and exist, no trying to do anything for myself, just drink some water, get some sunlight, and that is all’. And recently, after a few years of living a tree-like existence, I thought ‘you know, this is illogical, like there is no rational correlation between ‘trying’ and the universe taking a big shit on you, let’s just try again, yeah?’ So I signed up for a one hour a week job and the Australian government took that as an excuse to call up all of my previous employers of the last decade to ask for payslips and as an aside tell them all I’m homeless. Additionally all my online government accounts are being overrun with entirely fake income data from a century ago, not to mention apparently thousands of dollars in superannuation I have never had. And the logical part of me is just like ‘ok cool yeah, obviously they’re mistaken, someone just got their wires crossed, it’ll work out’, but that’s exactly what I told myself the last time a whole bunch of fabricated data was flying around my government accounts bc of robodebt, so I already know what’s coming. In conclusion: irrational belief system confirmed✅
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