#esc 1967
eurovision-facts · 2 months
Eurovision Fact #583:
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Ireland's 1969 national final saw four previous representives and one future representive compete. Among the lineup was: Pat McGeegan (1968), Sean Dunphy (1967), Dickie Rock (1966), Butch Moore 1965), and eventual winner of the 1970 contest Dana.
"Beyond the wins: 10 lesser-known facts from Ireland's Eurovision history," Eurovision.tv.
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eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇮🇪 Sean Dunphy - If I Could Choose
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vintageurovision · 4 months
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Dukkemann, Kirsti Sparboe | Norway, Eurovision Song Contest Grand Prix de la Chanson 1967
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fliponline · 1 month
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Here's the #Lazarusheart ‘Puppet on a String’ t-shirt in #RealLife, inspired by Sandie Shaw’s winning Eurovision entry.
🔴 Get yours at @Redbubble (link in bio)…
www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/14765126?asc=u #Redbubble #eurovision #esc #uk #unitedkingdom #sandieshaw #puppetonastring #winner #winningsong
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anotherescsite · 2 years
United States of Eurovision: L' amour est bleu
Happy 70th birthday, Vicky.
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diceriadelluntore · 5 months
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Storia Di Musica #309 - Led Zeppelin, Led Zeppelin, 1969
Come iniziare un nuovo anno di storie musicali? Si inizia con la scelta di 4 dischi che portano lo stesso nome dei loro autori, 4 band molto differenti tra loro, alcune famosissime, altre molto di meno (la scoperta di grandi dischi da artisti sconosciuti vorrei fosse una sorta di cardine di tutte le scelte del 2024). La Storia di Musica della prima domenica di gennaio 2024 parte con un modo di dire inglese: Go over like a lead ballon, che significa “è fallito del tutto” perché un lead ballon è un palloncino di piombo che ovviamente non può volare. Leggenda vuole che fu questo detto ad ispirare Keith Moon e John Entwistle, che suggerirono a Jimmy Page il nome per quella che diventerà una delle più formidabili formazioni di sempre: i Led Zeppelin. La storia è piuttosto nota: Page entra nel 1966 negli Yardbirds (già di Eric Clapton) come seconda chitarra di Jeff Beck. La band era già allo sfascio, e Page aveva intenzione di formare una nuova band con Moon ed Entewinstle. I tre con Jeff Beck registrano la storica Beck’s Bolero, registrata nel Maggio del 1966 ma pubblicata come singolo solo mesi più tardi, nel Marzo del 1967, brano fenomenale ma dalla storia travagliatissima, tra cui una intricata questione di diritti d’autore. Page, titolare del nome Yardbirds, prende accordi come leader degli Yardbirds per un mini tour in Scandinavia, ma nessuno dei suoi compagni accetta. Ne trova di altri: convince un session man mago delle tastiere, John Paul Jones, nel progetto, e tramite l’ex cantante degli Yardbirds Chris Dreja (che nel frattempo si è dato alla fotografia) assolda un biondo cantante, Robert Plant, che si porta con sé un batterista un po’ pazzo, John Bonham. È il 1968. Nascono così i Led Zeppelin (scritto così per non confondere il lead “piombo” con il lead “guidare”).
Senza nemmeno un po’ di gavetta registrano in 36 ore, sotto la guida del grande ingegnere del suono e produttore Glys Johns per poco più di 1700 sterline il loro primo, omonimo album per la Atlantic Records (fa più impressione il dato temporale che quello economico, 1700 sterline del 1968 sono 35 mila di adesso). E bastano: Led Zeppelin esce il 12 gennaio 1969 e diviene uno dei 10 album di debutto più belli ed importanti della musica rock. Venderà decine di milioni di dischi e manda in orbita, forse quasi troppo velocemente, il dirigibile più famoso del rock. In copertina mettono l’incidente del dirigibile Zeppelin LZ 129 Hindenburg avvenuto il 6 maggio 1937 nel New Jersey (vicenda leggendaria, su cui aleggia un complotto internazionale e non l’ufficiale incidente aereo). I 4 partono dal furente suono del british blues, ma arrivano dove nessuno si era mai spinto: rifanno due classici del blues, I Can’t Quit You Baby (eccezionale, caldissima e stupenda) e You Shook Me di Willie Dixon, e prendono da Jack Holmes Dazed And Confused (che nei live diverrà infinita con medley di altri classici della Musica del Delta). Per capire il suono Zeppelin e la sua travolgente natura, basta capire come strutturano il suono di una canzone tutto sommato banale come Good Times Bad Times. Your Time Is Gonna Come è quasi corale, come la veloce How Many More Times. Black Mountain Side è uno strumentale acustico in cui Page rincorre la maestria del fingerpicking di Bert Jansch, allora in auge con i superbi Pentagle. Communication Breakdown diviene un altro classico, con il suo stile particolare: parte blues, poi sale con l’intensità della voce di Plant e diviene furiosa ed accesa, e per molti è la nascita dell’hard rock. Gemma dell’album è però Babe I’m Gonna Leave You: presa da Joan Baez, in realtà la canzone, accreditata come traditional, è dalla folksinger inglese Anne Bredon (che fu ricompensata con un cospicuo assegno dalla band una volta risolto il mistero). Plant canta babe come mai nessuno più farà, la canzone ha un intro acustico ma poi esplode nel nuovo suono elettrico e potente, diviene struggente, torbida, assolutamente memorabile.
Questo fu il primo episodio di un modo di “gestire” le ispirazioni da altre canzoni che fece scuola, e si potrebbe aprire un dibattito infinito sulla loro musica. Per alcuni (pochini, va sottolineato) il loro rock blues portato all'estremo, con la chitarra rivoluzionaria di Page (che influenzerà 3 generazioni di chitarristi), il bombardamento ritmico di Bohnam (davvero feroce), l’elegante e mai invasivo tessuto sonoro di Jones (che suona basso e tastiere) e la voce, straordinaria e incantatrice di Plant, non è niente di così innovativo. Per altri (la stragrande maggioranza degli appassionati) il loro suono, le idee, la maestria tecnica dei musicisti e l’alone leggendario che la band riesce a costruire su di sé, li pongono ai vertici assoluti della storia del rock, ne fanno i padri putativi dell’Hard Rock (con i coevi Deep Purple), e la loro genialità è dimostrata dalle future evoluzioni stilistiche e musicali. È innegabile però che per farlo saccheggiarono un po’ dovunque, dal blues del Delta a quello urbano di Chicago, spesso non accreditandolo sui dischi, con picchi assoluti di sorrisetti ironici (tipo il caso di Stairway To Heaven per l’intro uguale ad una canzone degli Spirit, Taurus, caso che finirà addirittura in tribunale con la vittoria di Page e Plant, sebbene lo stesso tribunale ne riconosce le somiglianze). All’epoca era prassi comune raccogliere i semi del blues e riadattarli nel suono, un po’ per convenienze e un po’ perché non esistevano le normative precise e puntuali che esistono oggi sui diritti d’autore (molti altri, tra cui i Rolling Stones, furono protagonisti di episodi analoghi). Il successo dei Led Zeppelin amplificò la questione: il problema fu molte volte la paternità delle musiche, spesso passate come traditional (vedi il caso della canzone della Bredon) e quindi non riconducibili ad un artista detentore dei diritti. In tutti i casi di presunta usurpazione di diritti altrui, hanno sempre pagato i richiedenti ufficiali. Quelli che li accusano di scarsa inventiva, sinceramente non li hanno mai ascoltati: nessuno prima di loro suonava così, probabilmente sono tra le band più imitate in assoluto, saranno centinaia quelli che dopo vorranno suonare come loro. E rivoluzionarono anche altri aspetti del mondo del rock: l'andare in tour, i rapporti con le case discografiche, con i promoter, persino con le radio: ruolo centrale lo ebbe in ciò il loro manager Peter Grant, un gigante di stazza e di potere, passato alla storia anche per i modi tutt'altro che amichevoli con cui convinceva i gestori dei locali o chiunque potesse danneggiare il gruppo a farla finita. Un’ultima curiosità: con il crescente successo, una discendente dei Von Zeppelin citò la band per uso improprio del nome, e per un unico, storico concerto a Copenaghen la band si presentò come The Nobs. Poi però tornarono ad essere quel dirigibile di piombo che volava altissimo.
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heizenka · 2 years
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⚘ Brother!Billy Hargrove x f!sister reader
— content warnings: Season 3 spoilers, season 4 spoilers, references to death, ANGST(I cried writing this oml)
— word count: 0.8k
Inspired by: Heroes by Peter Gabriel
The world around me felt quiet as I walked away from the car, towards the quiet field. My head for once, was quiet. There were no thoughts of regret, guilt, or even anger for what happened that night at the mall.
The folded piece of paper felt weightless in my hand, though it held the heavy thoughts that have been stuck in my head for months, the months that were spent without him.
I stopped walking when I reached the headstone I dreaded seeing again.
MAR 29 1967
JUL 4 1985
My heart felt heavy once my eyes read the headstone over, even though I had it memorized since the last time I saw it.
His funeral.
I sat down in front of the neat headstone, swiping a few leaves off the bottom of it. I looked down at the paper in my hand for a few seconds, contemplating whether or not I actually wanted to read it.
A heavy breath left my body before I decided to unfold the paper and read it, besides if death was going to come so soon why not clear my head first.
Dear Billy,
I know that you hated me, since the very day I was born you only saw me as a problem in your life. And for a really long time I felt the same way.
But I realize now that I was wrong, and I'm sorry.
But if someone told me a year ago I would be sitting at you grave and grieving over your death, I would think they were mental. Because why would I mourn you? The only thing you have ever done for is take me to school, hell sometimes you didn't even do that. You would ditch me for some hookup.
But I realize now you did so much more foe me, but I just never thought to notice.
Whenever I would do something that I knew dad would get mad about, you always somehow managed to get into bigger trouble, or start a fight with him. You made sure that I never had to deal with him, or the the things he would do if he found out.
I always thought that I would spend my entire life hating you, but what do I know? I just learned that I may die in less that 24 hours, so I just going to stop assuming I know anything thing anymore.
But the worst part about all of this is that I want to be able to not care that your gone, to keep living my life like you weren't killed by some monster from another dimension right in front of me.
I keep thinking back to that day, thinking that I should have tried to get you to change your mind about saving El, thinking that I should have been the one to have taken your place.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt as much as missing you. Maybe you would still be here, and everything would be right again.
But I don't have powers like El, I can't fix this, I can't go back to that day and take your spot, and I can't change what dad did to you.
I imagine that if you were still here, nothing between us would have changed. Or, maybe it would. Maybe we could have been friends, like a real brother and sister.
But your not here, and nothing can change that
I'm sorry.
I'm so so sorry Billy.
Love you shitty little sister, Y/N
I let out a heavy breath, folding the paper back into it's original form and shoving it in my pocket.
I wiped the stay tears that managed to escape my eyes before standing up to walk back to the car, but before I took a step, the sky around me turned dark.
I looked around me, everything was the same, just darker.
"Hey Y/N." It felt like I was just stabbed in the chest as I heard Billy's voice from behind me.
I slowly turned around, my eyes met with his grey eyes, the eyes that I haven't seen since he died.
Tears slowly fell down my face, the only thing I wanted to do was run up to him and give him a hug, tell him everything that I wanted to say but didn't get the chance to.
He stood there, he didn't move.
But a small smile formed on his face, and he opened his arms, he opened his arms for me.
A sob escaped my mouth, my heart felt so heavy in my chest, I didn't know what to do.
He walked towards me, and the closer he got the more my heart hurt, I just wanted to be with him. I wanted to be able to be held in my big brother's arms for the first time.
So I let him get closer, until he had me in his arms. He felt so warm as he held me tightly, I cried into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.
I was finally with my big brother again, and I never wanted it to end.
Even if it now meant that I had to join him in death.
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copyright 2021 heizenka, all rights reserved. I do not allow my creations to be published of translated anywhere else so please do not repost.
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residentraccoon · 6 months
Music shuffle ask game
Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a string (United Kingdom 1967)
❤️ - What’s your favorite line(s)?
"Love is just like a merry-go-round
With all the fun of the fair"
Pretty interesting to compare love to an amusement fair, the feelings you get are definitely thrilling, just like any ride at a fair. Very cool
🔍- How did you find the song?
Eurovision Radio, pretty much how I discovered literally all of other old esc songs lmfao
🤔 - Why do you like this song?
I love especially the instrumental, it sounds like circus/funfair music with the little jingles and such. It's such a cute lil bop and I love it 💞
🥰 - What’s your favorite part of this song? (instrumental bit, lyric, etc)
The build-up before the chorus, love how the instrumental goes. Also the ending ("Like a puppet on а...ѕtring"), Sandie is very charismatic!
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 months
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Fiorucci Story
Creative Project : Puzzle Communication Agency
Concept and copy : Manuela Cassarà (Fiorucci Design Office)
Arts Directors : Laura Fumagalli, Erica Musella (Puzzle)
Photographers : Bruce Andrew, Attilio Concari, Rofer Corona, Dxing, Nick Ferrand, Terry Jones, Douglas Kent, Edland Man, Oliviero Toscani, Eric Shemilt, Gianni Viviani
Electa, Milano 2004, 62 pagine, 25x25cm, ISBN 9788837033408
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Stilista, talent scout, imprenditore e comunicatore, Elio Fiorucci apre il suo primo negozio a Milano, nel 1967, mostrando ai milanesi le ultime novità di Carnaby Street e Manhattan. Nel 1970 disegna con Italo Lupi il suo celebre logo con gli angioletti vittoriani. Lo stile Fiorucci è la ricontestualizzazione di tanti elementi tratti da culture diverse, con un pizzico di nostalgia per il passato, unito a uno sguardo al futuro: un equilibrio che esce da ogni preconcetto per muoversi tra materiali, forme e cose diversissime, senza pregiudizi, né gabbie culturali.
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Finnish weekly magazine APU used to publish famous people as paper dolls between 1968 and 1998. The dolls ranged from sports stars to royals, tv comedians, beauty queens, and of course singers, including our Eurovision representatives. 
Many of the dolls were collected and printed into a book in 2008. It doesn’t include all of them, but at the end of a book there is a list of all the dolls published and after some research I managed to find pictures of all of the Eurovision dolls. I will collect each decade into a different post.
Finnish Eurovision representatives from the 1960′s, ordered by the year their dolls were published in:
1968: Kristiina Hautala (ESC 1968), also the first paper doll published in the magazine 1968: Katri Helena (ESC 1979 & 1993) 1969: Kirka Babitzin (ESC 1984) 1969: Jarkko ja Laura (ESC 1969) 1969: Päivi Paunu (ESC 1972) 1969: Fredi (ESC 1967 & 1976) 1969: Ann-Christine (ESC 1966) 1969: Lasse Mårtenson (ESC 1964) 1969: Laila Kinnunen (ESC 1961, Finland’s first ESC representative)
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Sandie Shaw won the 1967’s Eurovision Song Contest in Viena, thus giving to the United Kingdom its first ESC victory💐
Via @cocochanelando and @esctoday on Instagram💐
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eurovision-facts · 1 year
Eurovision Fact #234:
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Sandie Shaw's beaded pink dress from her winning 1967 performance of 'Puppet on a String' for the United Kingdom is on display at the Victoria & Albert Museum in Kensington.
The garment was made out of chiffon and silk that is covered in sequins by Parker Costumier Ltd. It is maintained by professionals who repair fallen beads and tares.
ASMR at the museum | Conserving a Eurovision dress | V&A, YouTube.com.
Sandie Shaw Dress, Collections.vam.ac.uk.
Vienna 1967, Eurovision.tv.
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eurovisionart · 2 years
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🇲🇨 Minouche Barelli - Boum-Badaboum
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vintageurovision · 6 months
Il doit faire beau là-bas, Noëlle Cordier | France, Eurovision Song Contest Grand Prix de la Chanson 1967
3rd place with 20 points
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beijingsoftgo · 2 years
Golf mk4
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By the time production on the Mk4 ceased, Volkswagen had put 4.99 million units on the road.ġ997 Extremely high body quality levels, achieved by elements including laser weldingġ997 Navigation system with large color screen for the very first timeġ998 Introduction of the optionally available Electronic Stability ControlĢ002 First Golf with direct petrol injection engine (FSI)Ģ002 Debut of the Golf R32 as sporty, top-of-the-range modelĢ003 First dual clutch gearbox (DSG) in Golf R32Ģ003 Phase-out of the fourth generation after 4. It was the first Golf to face serious competition in the C-segment thanks to Ford and Opel launching the 1st-gen Focus and 2nd-gen Astra, respectively, in 1998. In the end, the Mk4 will go down as one of the most important generations ever. It preceded the Golf R32, which arrived the following year with a new VR6 engine, a top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h) and, for the first time in a Golf, a dual clutch DSG gearbox. In 2001, the 180 PS Edition 25 was launched to mark the GTI’s 25th anniversary. The GTI switched to a turbocharged 1.8-liter with 150 PS. While the German automaker didn’t build an actual Cabriolet version of the Mk4, carrying over the third-gen with a fourth-gen-like front end instead, the compact hatchback was available as a three-door, five-door and estate. Its platform was also used for the first-generation Seat Leon and Skoda Octavia, two models that allowed V-Dub to market the Golf Mk4 as a more upscale product, which was by no means a stretch since interior quality was on par with that of the Mk1 Audi A3. Like with its predecessors, there were multiple body styles to choose from, as well as derivatives such as the fourth-gen VW Jetta (Bora). In time, ESC became standard and direct injection gasoline engines (FSI) were made available.Īlso Read: VW Golf Countdown: 1991-1996 Mk3 Was Full Of Safety First But Not The Most Memorable Drive In 1999, it gained a 6-speed gearbox for the first time, but not before receiving a sat-nav system with a large color screen. It had features such as Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and brake assist and became the first Golf to utilize VW’s new 4MOTION all-wheel drive system. In fact, three years after its launch, it became Europe’s best selling car thanks to its high-quality interior and strong equipment levels. As we continue to count down to the launch of the new Golf Mk8, we arrive at the fourth-generation model, a car that signified Volkswagen trying to take the nameplate to a whole different level in terms of quality.ĭeveloped in the mid 1990s, the Golf Mk4 made its debut in 1997 and became an instant hit.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
11 Best Off-Road RC Cars for Adults: A Guide to Top Performance and Fun - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/11-best-off-road-rc-cars-for-adults-a-guide-to-top-performance-and-fun-technology-org/
11 Best Off-Road RC Cars for Adults: A Guide to Top Performance and Fun - Technology Org
Remote control (RC) cars aren’t just for kids; they offer adults an exhilarating experience, combining high-speed action with the challenge of skillful maneuvering. In this guide, we explore the best off-road RC cars for adults, perfect for those who love the thrill of racing and the great outdoors.
Shop Off-Road RC Cars on RC Visions
Before diving into our top picks, let’s take a moment to highlight RC Visions, a premier destination for RC enthusiasts. At RC Visions, you’ll find an extensive collection of RC cars, planes, and more catering to all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned racer or just starting, RCVisions has something for everyone. Ready to elevate your RC experience? Shop now at RC Hobby Store.
11 Best Off-Road RC Cars for Adults
1. Arrma Granite 4X4 V3 3S BLX 1/10 RTR Brushless 4WD Monster Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Arrma Granite 4X4 V3 3S BLX is a formidable 1/10 scale brushless 4WD monster truck that stands out for its robustness and high performance. Known for its solid construction, the Granite is one of the most durable and well-designed RC monster trucks on the market. It features a powerful Spektrum 3200kv Firma motor and BLX100 ESC, enabling it to perform tricks, wheelies, and flips with ease. This truck is not only incredibly powerful but also user-friendly, making it one of the easiest RC trucks to learn and understand. Whether you’re adding to your collection or choosing your first RC truck, the Arrma Granite is a top-tier choice.
2. Traxxas “Bigfoot” No.1 Original Monster RTR 1/10 2WD Monster Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Traxxas “Bigfoot” No.1 is a 1/10 scale 2WD RC Monster Truck that captures the essence of the iconic Bigfoot truck with its officially licensed parts. It’s based on the durable Traxxas Stampede and features a new body, tires, and LED lights for added realism. Powered by Traxxas’s XL-5 ESC and 12T Titan motor, this truck can achieve big air and speeds over 30 MPH. Suitable for people of any age and level of expertise, the Traxxas Bigfoot combines speed and power, making it a thrilling choice for RC enthusiasts. Its waterproof electronics allow for versatile driving in various conditions, and its high-torque steering servo ensures responsive control.
3. Axial SCX24 1967 Chevrolet C10 1/24 4WD RTR Scale Mini Crawler
Scale: 1/24
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Mini Crawler
The Axial SCX24 1967 Chevrolet C10 is a compact yet highly capable 1/24 scale 4WD mini crawler. It stands out in the RC crawler market for its size and upgradability, similar to its larger counterpart, the SCX10. Equipped with a powerful 88t brushed motor and a 2-in-1 ESC and receiver, this mini crawler can tackle various terrains with ease. The fully licensed Chevrolet C10 body and working LED lights add to its realism, making it a great choice for both beginners and seasoned RC enthusiasts. Whether it’s your first RC vehicle or an addition to your collection, the SCX24 Chevrolet C10 offers a unique and versatile crawling experience.
4. Axial SCX24 2021 Ford Bronco Hard Body 1/24 4WD RTR Scale Mini Crawler
Scale: 1/24
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Mini Crawler
The Axial SCX24 2021 Ford Bronco is a top-notch 1/24 scale 4WD mini crawler that offers an exceptional crawling experience in a compact form. Like its sibling, the SCX24 Chevrolet C10, this mini crawler is highly upgradeable and capable, featuring a powerful 88t brushed motor and a 2-in-1 ESC and receiver. The fully licensed Ford Bronco body and working LED lights enhance its realism, making it a perfect choice for both RC beginners and enthusiasts. Its small size allows for crawling adventures in a variety of settings, adding versatility and fun to your RC experience.
5. Arrma 1/5 Kraton 4X4 8S BLX EXB Brushless Monster Truck RTR (Black)
Scale: 1/5
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Arrma 1/5 Kraton 4X4 8S BLX EXB is a high-performance, large-scale brushless monster truck that delivers an adrenaline-pumping experience. This 1/5 scale truck is equipped with a Spektrum DX3 3-channel 2.4GHz DSMR radio, a Spektrum SR6200A DSMR receiver with AVC, and a powerful Spektrum FIRMA 1100Kv brushless motor paired with a 160A V2 Smart ESC. The truck’s robust design and waterproof electronics make it suitable for all-terrain adventures. Its large size and extreme power are perfect for those seeking a thrilling RC driving experience, making it a standout choice for adult hobbyists.
6. Arrma Gorgon 4X2 Mega 550 Brushed 1/10 Monster Truck RTR
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Arrma Gorgon 4X2 Mega 550 is a 1/10 scale 2WD monster truck that offers a perfect blend of power and durability. It features a strong spine composite chassis and a brushless-ready transmission, making it both rugged and adaptable. The truck comes with a Spektrum 8.4V 3300mAh 7-Cell Smart NiMH Battery and a Spektrum 2S LiPo Ready S120 USB-C Smart Charger, ensuring long-lasting performance and easy charging. Its hidden body mounting preserves its sleek look, and the bottom-loading battery tray simplifies battery changes. With full ball bearings and high-quality LiPo-compatible Spektrum electronics, the Arrma Gorgon is a great choice for those seeking a reliable and powerful RC monster truck.
7. Traxxas Slash 1/10 Scale 2WD Short Course Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Short Course Truck
The Traxxas Slash brings the excitement of off-road racing into your hands with its impressive 1/10 scale and 2WD drivetrain. Designed for speed and durability, this electric short-course truck is a perfect blend of performance and resilience. Its robust construction and high-speed capabilities make it a top choice for adult RC enthusiasts seeking thrilling outdoor adventures.
8. Traxxas Stampede 1/10 Scale Monster Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Traxxas Stampede is a beast in the world of off-road RC cars. With its 1/10 scale and powerful electric motor, this 2WD monster truck is built to conquer any terrain. Its rugged design and high ground clearance allow it to tackle obstacles with ease, making it a favorite among adults who crave extreme off-road action.
9. Traxxas 1/10 Rustler Stadium Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Stadium Truck
The Traxxas Rustler combines speed and agility, making it a formidable contender in the off-road RC world. This 1/10 scale stadium truck is equipped with a powerful electric motor and a 2WD drivetrain, offering a balance of speed and control. Its sleek design and high-performance capabilities make it a popular choice for adult RC enthusiasts.
10. Traxxas Bigfoot Classic 2WD RTR 1/10 XL-5 Monster Truck
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 2WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Monster Truck
The Traxxas Bigfoot Classic is an iconic off-road RC car that pays homage to the original monster truck. This 1/10 scale electric monster truck features a 2WD drivetrain and is ready to run (RTR) right out of the box. Its classic design and strong build make it a nostalgic yet high-performing choice for adult RC car enthusiasts.
11. Senton 4×4 3S BLX 1/10 Blue
Scale: 1/10
Drivetrain: 4WD
Power Source: Electric
Vehicle Type: Short Course Truck
The Senton 4×4 3S BLX is a powerhouse in the world of off-road RC cars. This 1/10 scale short course truck features a 4WD drivetrain and a robust electric motor, offering unmatched power and control. Its durable build and high-speed capabilities make it an ideal choice for adults seeking an adrenaline-pumping RC experience.
Final Thoughts
Choosing the right off-road RC car can significantly enhance your outdoor adventures. Whether you prefer the raw power of a monster truck or the agility of a short-course truck, there’s an RC car out there that’s perfect for you. Remember to consider factors like scale, drivetrain, and power source when making your selection. Happy racing!
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