#erandri writes things
erandri · 10 months
AUgust Day 1- Sightless
Steve's ears are ringing. No, not just his ears, his whole head is ringing,  drowning out the noise around him. He shakes his head but that just makes it worse, and now there's a throbbing in his head beating in time with each pulse.
Just under the throbbing he can feel pain but it's dulled. It feels like the sun shining on him and for the briefest moment he gets a pang of homesickness, for just a moment he remembers the heat of the Hawaiian sun as it beat down on him. Just as soon as the memory comes its gone and just as suddenly comes the full brunt of pain. He screams out against his will. The shock is wearing off now and with it the nice dulling sensation. The warmth he felt seconds ago is now a raging fire, consuming him.
Steve reaches up to his forehead trying to do anything to get rid of the pain. He's not on fire but his hands come away slick with blood. It runs down his hands as a feels around, trying to find where he's wounded but there's blood and pain everywhere and the more he touches his face the worse it gets.
He startles when hands grab him, tearing his hands away from his face and pushing them down and out of the way. Someone is yelling but Steve can't hear them over someone screaming. It's only after some time that he realizes the screaming is coming from him.
When he finally starts to calm himself down he hears the voice still talking to him and zeroes in on it. After a second he realizes that it's Trevor, the teams medic.
"Lieutenant, Steve, can you hear me?" Trevor asks. His voice is firm and calm, it's a voice Steve has heard him use many times as he's patched up other members of their unit. Steve finds himself drawn to it, the even tone calming his breathing.
"I can hear you," he finally rasps out. He's not sure if his voice is raw from the accident or screaming or both but he barely manages to force the words out.
"That's good Steve," Trevor says, still using that even tone. Now that he has something new to focus on Steve can feel him wrapping his head in gauze, the pressure of the compacts helping with some of the pain in his head. "Can you tell me what hurts?"
"Everything. My whole head. What happened?"
Trevor hums and finishes wrapping his head. Steve is pretty sure half his head is covered with bandages, including both of his eyes, and he can feel the fuzziness of painkillers creeping in around the edges of his consciousness. "The convoy was hit by an IED, Lieutenant. Your rig took the full brunt of it."
"Everyone else?"
"The truck flipped, Simmons and Wainwright have some broken bones but they'll be fine. You took the worst of it.
"How bad?" He's almost afraid to ask but he has to know.
"Glass shrapnel to your whole face." As soon as he finishes speaking Steve can hear the far away thumping of helicopter blades. "Looks like your ride is here."
He's trying to sound upbeat but Steve can hear the underling worry starting to seep through his voice. "How bad is it?" He asks again.
There's a long pause before Trevor finally responds with "It's bad."
"Steven!" His father calls up the stairs to him and he winces, knowing what's coming next, "Did you track sand all through the house!"
It's a rhetorical question so Steve doesn't even bother to try and answer before his dad continues, yelling at him about how they are having company in less than an hour and he had the house all clean and now he has to clean it again.
"I'll take care of it in a second," he calls downstairs when his dad has finished. There's no response so Steve continues to the bathroom to take his shower.
Twenty minutes later he's downstairs, dressed for company and trying to find the broom.
"I cleaned it up already." His dad says from behind him and Steve sighs.
"I said I would do it."
"I know but," his dad doesn't say anything more but Steve can fill in the blank.
But it's faster for him. But he doesn't want to inconvenience Steve. But it's easier for him to clean it when Steve can't even see the mess he's made.
"Dad, I'm blind, not an invalid." He snaps. He knows his dad means well, but constantly getting picked up after just makes him feel like a child.
The doorbell rings, cutting off any response his dad might have had. He sighs, knowing the conversation won't be continued, and listens as his dad moves to the door to answer it. They're having dinner with his dads new partner, some mainland transplant and his family and Steve is less than enthused about it.
As soon as his dad answers the door Steve's quiet world is filled with a barrage of sound. His dad's partner starts talking immediately, complaining about everything from the afternoon traffic to the sand. In the lulls of the complaints Steve can hear the sounds of small feet walking around the living room. His dad had mentioned that his new partner had a child, a daughter he thinks. Now he wishes that he had paid better attention when his dad was talking about them, he can't even remember his partners name.
Steve takes a breath, savoring his last seconds of alone time in the hall before he goes to go greet their guests.
Danny- that's his dad's partners name, Danny Williams- is not what Steve expected. Not that he really had any expectations but if he did, they never would have come close to what Danny is. He's loud, and he takes up so much space, he's constantly reaching out to touch Steve. It was surprising to him at first, the constant little grazes from Danny's hand, but now he expects them. If he's honest with himself he might say that he even likes Danny's little touches.
Most of all though Danny is warm. Every time he talks, every time he touches Steve, he feels that warmth settle over him like a blanket. It's nice. And he's not afraid to say, at least in his own head, that wants more of it.
Grace is amazing too. They've met three times now and every time she has regaled him with things she learned in school, things she did with her mom and Step Stan, or old stories of things they used to do in New Jersey. He is absolutely wrapped around her little finger.
"She calls you her Uncle Steve," Danny says one afternoon. They're out behind his father's house, relaxing after another cook out. His dad has taken Grace down to the waters edge to look for shells, leaving him and Danny alone back at the table.
"Really?" He doesn't even try to stop his smile. It's only been a little over a month since they met and he's been elevated to uncle status. He feels honored.
"Yeah, she loves coming over here. We both do." 
Steve tamps down the little flutter in his heart when he hears that. So maybe there are other things that he likes about Danny than his warmth. And maybe there are other places that he imagines Danny touches him other than his arms. But those are thoughts better left for when he's alone.
"Well we like having you both here." He wonders if Danny can hear the unsaid words. That Steve loves having them there. Not for the first time he wishes that he could see Danny, to see the emotions play across his face. To see if Danny looks at him the same way that he's sure he looks at Danny.
"I have to go into the office," his dad says, coming into the dining room where he and Danny are finishing their dessert, waiting for his return. It's just the three of them tonight, thanks to Rachel and Step Stan taking Grace on a trip to Denver for Stan's job.
"Anything I need to do?" Danny asks. His chair scrapes against the floor and Steve imagines it's because he's stood up, ready to get back to work.
"No, no," his dad protests, "just some paperwork I forgot to sign to close the Kekoa case. You stay here and finish dinner with Steve."
His dad has a tone as he encourages Danny to stay but he doesn't think much of it. It is odd however that he forgot to sign some paperwork. He doesn't think he can remember any other time his dad got called back into the office to sign anything. He doesn't question it though, not if it means getting to spend some time alone with Danny.
"Are you sure?" Danny asks but they can all hear in his tone that he's only asking because he's supposed to.
"I'm sure," his dad says, "I might be a while so don't wait up."
"Okay," Steve says, waving in the direction of his dad's voice. Seconds later he hears the door open and close and then he and Danny are alone.
It's the first time that he and Danny have been by themselves since they met and Steve feels a jolt of nerves at the idea. He doesn't know what to say now that it's just the two of them so he shoves a fork full of the cake in his mouth to pass time until he thinks of something.
"I think this is my fault," Danny says, breaking the silence for him.
"How is my dad forgetting to sign paperwork your fault?" He asks, genuinely confused.
"I don't think there is paperwork. I think he just wanted to give us some alone time."
Steve freezes. His dad wanted to give them alone time? Why? Did his dad know about his feeling for Danny? He's been trying for months to keep his feelings hidden.
"I may have asked your dad if you were seeing anyone." Danny continues before Steve can spiral too much and now he's frozen for a whole new reason.
"You wanted to know if I was seeing anyone? Why?" He asks, his pulse racing. He wonders if Danny can hear his heart beating. It sounds like a drum beat to his own ears, counting time until Danny answers him.
"I wanted to know if there might be any chance for me to ask you out." Danny says it so non chalantly that Steve almost misses the vibration of his leg shaking under the table. It settles something in him, knowing that Danny is just as nervous as he is.
"I'm not… and there is." He says and the vibration from Danny's leg stops.
"So next Friday?"
"I'm available," he says maybe a little too fast.
"Okay. Great," Danny breathes, Steve can hear the joy and relief in his voice. A second later he hears Danny's chair push back and him step around the table. Steve can sense Danny come to a stop just in front of him. And turns his body so that they're face to face. "Can I?"
Steve doesn't know what Danny is asking for but he nods his consent anyway. A second later he feels Danny's hand on his shoulder, the heat from him scorching him through his shirt. Steve's heart races as Danny's hand runs higher, moving up his neck until his fingers can curl in Steve hair. Steve pushes his head into it but Danny moves his head, tilting his chin upward.
"Can I kiss you?" He can feel Danny's breath as he speaks and knows that he must be just inches away. Steve is already moving as he says "Yes," and crashes their lips together.
I don't really know where I was going with this. There was more I wanted to add but it would have taken too long and I wanted to keep this a quick prompt. It's also the first time I've written anything in well over a year and I'm rusty. Anyway, let me know what you think?
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mymcdanno · 5 years
9, 19, 34, 42, 45, 46
thank you so much!!💖
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
already answered here (x)
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
yes actually!! there are some hp ships that i wish i could like, but just… can’t!!
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
this is….. embarrassing really, but from the ones i’ve posted it’s 2144 words (i enjoy writing little drabbles okay) 😂
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
gonna do more than 5!! @tari-aldarion @cowandcalf @thekristen999 @erandri @lavvyan @stellarm @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine @h5mcdann0 @chrissys2boys-dannysteve (honestly i could go on forever, i know so many amazing and wonderful writers)!!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
in the mcdanno fandom it would either be you put the lime in the coconut (and add the pineapple) by sirona or from the ashes by @thekristen999
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
honestly i really enjoyed writing ever since i met you💖
fanfiction questions
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erandri · 10 months
AUgust Day 2- Immortals
This is my first OMITB fic(let)! I may end up continuing this one, I've been floating around the idea of a fic like this for a while so we'll see.
Theo stares out his window, looking down at the sidewalk in front of the Ardonia and watching the people pass by, not noticing the looming apartment building they pass by. Some of the people are familiar, they pass by the building every day on their way to their jobs or their homes. Sometimes Theo will imagine lives, give them names and families, just to give him something to fill his days.
He doesn't know exactly how long he's been trapped in the Arconia, how long they've all been trapped. Sometime after the first decade he stopped counting the days. Bunny would probably know. Bunny always knows what's happening in the building, but Bunny hasn't talked to him in at least five years, he doesn't even remember why. Maybe they just got bored with talking to each other.
Outside the window the first snowflakes of the year start to fall, a couple land on his window and melt forming little droplets of water that trickle down the window pane. He sighs, wondering if he should move from his seat and figure out what else to do with his day when something catches his eye. No, not something. Someone.
She stands at the gate of the Arconia, her bright orange jacket like a beacon amidst the blacks and grays of the other New Yorkers walking around her. She has a big bag slung over her shoulder and she pushes her hair behind her ear from where the wind has blown it in front of her face. She's beautiful is his first thought. His second, far more surprised thought, is she's coming inside.
If the Arconia had been a normal building this wouldn't have been surprising at all. People go in and out if buildings all the time for all manner of reasons. But the Arconia is not a normal building and no one has opened the wrought iron gates to the courtyard in decades. No one until this woman.
Theo is on his feet before his mind registers what his body is doing. He presses his face against the window trying to get a better look but the woman has already disappeared from his view. Downstairs is the only thought on his mind now. He needs to get downstairs as fast as he can.
His father waves to him from where he's sat in the living room, trying to get his attention, but Theo ignores him. He tears the door open and races to the elevator, pressing the call button a half dozen times. The light turns on for the second floor, then agonizingly slowly, the third. This is taking too long, he thinks. The door to the stairwell is next to him. He's on the sixth floor, he could run.
The door swings easily as he pushes against it, letting him into the empty stairwell. His feet land heavily on each step and he keeps a hand on the railing to stop himself from falling over as he rounds the corner. Fifth floor, fourth, third, second. Finally, the stairway opens up and he rounds the final turn into the buildings lobby and there, standing just in front of him with he bag on the floor is the woman in the orange jacket.
She must have heard him coming down the stairs because she's already looking for him when he comes to a stop on the last step. She waves to him and too late he looks to read her lips only catching the last couple of words.
"--- Mabel. — move —- building."
Mabel. That's the woman in the orange jacket's name. Mabel Mora, and Theo knows three things about her.
1) Mabel is beautiful.
2) Theo is pretty sure he has a crush on her.
3) Mabel is the first person to go in or out of the Arconia in 98 years.
The building had a meeting the same night Mabel arrived, everyone crowding down into the lobby to talk about their new arrival. He couldn't follow most of what happened, too many people all talking over each other, but his father caught him up afterward, signing all of the important bits to him.
No one knows how Mabel was able to enter the building. Mabel says she received an invitation to redesign one of the apartments in the building, the one that she is currently living in, but that apartment was vacant even before the curse fell over the building. No one knows who could have sent her the letter and Mabel said that there was no name, just a company that no one had ever heard of.
No one knows what this means for the curse. So far everything has been business as usual. The cupboards stay full no matter how much they eat, their newspaper shows up on their doormat every morning same as always. None of them can get hurt and none of them can leave.
Theo watches the light of the elevator signal its way down to his floor and waits for the doors to open for him. As soon as they open he starts to move, but stops short when he notices someone else in the elevator. No, not just someone. Mabel.
She waves to him with a smile and Theo's heart races. She has her hair up in a bun today and Theo takes a very keen interest in the couple of loose curse of hair that have fallen out to brush against her shoulders. He's so struck by her in fact that the elevator doors start to close on him.
He and Mabel both shoot a hand out to stop the doors, their hands just missing each other. Rather than embarrass himself anymore he steps on to the elevator with a polite nod to Mabel and plans to stare at the elevator buttons until they reach the lobby. No sooner have the doors closed again than he feels a tap on his shoulder.
When he looks he sees that Mabel has turned to face him and then slowly, haltingly, she signs.
Hello T-H-E-O.
You sign? He asks in shock. He was sure that she didn't know any sign the couple of times they've run into each other since she arrived.
I'm L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G.
Mabel smiles at him and Theo is pretty sure his heart is going to beat out of his chest.
There are three things that Theo knows about Mabel Mora.
1) Mabel is the first person to go in or out of the Arconia in 98 years.
2) Mabel is beautiful, and smart, and kind, and funny.
3) Theo definitely has a crush on her.
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erandri · 4 years
@embracetheshipping ask and ye shall receive! The pranking aspect you asked for didn’t really fit into the story once I started writing but I hope you still like it.
It’s pretty late now so I won’t write anything more tonight but if anyone else has prompts feel free to send them over!
Danny has a superpower. It’s not something that he likes advertised, in fact, he’s gone to great lengths to make sure that only a select few people know about his ability. To date that list includes his parents, his siblings, and Grace. It’s not easy to tell someone ‘oh hey, by the way, sometimes I happen to turn invisible’. Not even Rachel knew that he was a super, which in hindsight speaks a lot about the state of their marriage. No one on the team even knows about his ability. He’s thought about telling them dozens of times but if he told them he’s afraid that then word would get out and he’d have to register.
Frankly, it’s a miracle that he hasn’t had to register already. He’s heard the horror stories about supers who register and suddenly the government shows up on their door and they’re never seen again. His parents used to tell him when he was younger as a cautionary tale, ‘Danny make sure you keep your powers under control or men in black suits might come and take you away from us’. It had made their point very effectively and Danny had tried his best to control his powers.
Then, when he became a police officer and suddenly he was investigating the disappearances- that is, before a cease and desist order was slapped on his desk from the feds- Danny knew that not all of the stories he heard had been made up. Since then he’s taken extra care to keep his powers under wraps. He learned that his powers were tied to his emotions, so he learned how to let his emotions out without triggering his ability. He did his best to keep himself out of high-stress situations, not that he was seeing very much of the field since he moved to Hawaii anyway. For the first time he felt like he really had a wrap on things, he hadn’t had an episode in over a year and had even been able to prevent his ability from triggering twice. Finally, he felt like he could start to relax.
Then Steve McGarrett came into his life, guns blazing and deciding that he was going to drag Danny along for the ride.
Danny doesn’t mind it for the most part, not that he’d ever let Steve know that, but it has made keeping his powers a secret more difficult than ever. He knows that the team wouldn’t mind, and would do their best to protect him, but Danny can’t run the risk of letting anyone else find out. He’s not going to let himself be carted off in some black car, destined for some secret lab where the government is going to perform test after test on him to try and figure out what makes him different.
Danny is finding it more and more difficult to keep his power under wraps though, and that has everything to do with his partner. Not his affinity to run directly at people shooting at him, or his penchant for hiding firearms in places where firearms should definitely not be, or even his ability to rile Danny up in ten words or less.
No, Danny’s difficulty with Steve is on a more personal level. His face, and his arms, and definitely his abs and the way Steve will take any opportunity to show them off. But most specifically, it’s the way Steve looks like some greek god, unfairly hot as he walks out of the water after his morning swim, breathing hard from the exertion of swimming five miles. Danny watches helplessly as water runs down every dip and curve of Steve’s stomach, follows the way Steve’s muscles move as he reaches up to rustle the water out of his hair. Before he knows it Danny can feel his skin vibrating, a low hum settled just underneath his skin. It’s a sure sign that his powers are about to activate so Danny tears his eyes away, refusing to look at Steve while he towels off, and tries to do the meditative breathing that he learned.
It settles him a little bit. He can still feel the vibrations but it’s softened, dulled enough that Danny is no longer worried that he’ll disappear in front of his best friend.
“Danny?” Steve asks and he realizes in his attempt to calm himself he had totally missed Steve talking. He makes some joke, brushes the whole thing off as being tired from them working till all hours of the morning on their latest case. It’s technically not even a lie, even if it isn’t the whole truth, but it at least does the trick of wiping away Steve’s worry.
“You sure you’re okay?” Steve asks as they head into his house and Danny’s skin starts buzzing again.
“Never better,” he lies.
At first, Danny doesn’t even notice that it’s happened. One moment the bad guys are shooting at him and the next they’re not. It’s a lucky break which allows him to drop another of their drug runners. He moves cover, rushing from the hallway to behind the kitchen counter, thankful that no one seems to see him, and drops another shooter. Soon enough all of the bad guys are either dead or injured enough to wish they were dead, and Danny can finally holster his weapon. It’s then that he sees it.
He’s still crouching on the floor, directly across from the oven, only there’s no reflection of him in the glass front. It’s a habit he’s made since he was a child to check for himself in every reflective surface. It’s earned him quite a bit of mocking over the years, but he’s dealt with it was just further confirmation that his powers hadn’t activated. But now, Danny stares at the glass but nothing stares back at him. He waves a hand at it just for good measure, but the only thing reflected at him is the cupboard behind him.
“Danny?” Steve calls out and Danny can hear a hint of worry in his voice. By now Steve probably has all their remaining perps cuffed and is wondering why Danny hasn’t joined him. They had separated as soon as the shootout started, diving in different directions when the guy they had been questioning pulled a gun and started shooting. Now Danny should be joining Steve in booking the guys and celebrating in living through another thing that probably should have killed him.
Steve calls out for him again but Danny keeps quiet, thirty-two years of self-training and constant vigilance keeping him quiet. He closes his eyes and tried his breathing exercises, but Steve calls out for him again and the worry in his voice makes all of Danny’s calm disappear.
When he doesn’t answer again Steve starts searching the house, walking right past Danny on his way. Danny tries every trick he has to turn his power off, but nothing works. By the time Steve calls dispatch for backup Danny has accepted his fate, he’s stuck like this for the foreseeable future.
“Hey Boss,” Kono says, announcing herself with a soft knock on the door as she opens it, Chin following a step behind her as they come into Steve’s office.
“Did you find anything?” Steve asks, head popping up from the paperwork that he’s been immersing himself in for the last day and a half. Last he saw Steve was looking at map printouts of the area around the house they had been at when he disappeared but he hasn’t paid attention in a while so Steve could have moved onto something else by now.
“No,” Chin says apologetically and Danny watches Steve’s shoulders fall.
He’s been running himself ragged since Danny disappeared. Danny’s sure that he didn’t sleep last night and the effects are showing. There are dark bags under Steve’s eyes and his hair is a mess from all the times he’s run a hand through it. Worst of all though is Steve’s eyes. Danny can see every ounce of panic in them, every lingering worry that another person that Steve loves has left him. He wishes that there was something that he could do to put that worry at ease but the only thing he can do is to turn visible again, a feat which right now is seemingly impossible.
“Can I ask you something?” Kono asks as the two of them sit down in one of the chairs across from Steve’s desk. Kono leaning forward in a way Danny has seen her do when she questions a skittish witness.
“Will it help find Danny?” Steve asks more aggressively than he needs to. Danny wants to tell him off for being so snippy but holds his tongue.
“No, but it will help us get a better understanding of what’s going on,” Kono says and after a second Steve nods his head in assent, “How do you feel about Danny?” she asks and that, that is not what Danny had been expecting to hear.
Steve immediately goes on the defensive which has Danny even more curious to the answer. He leans forward on Steve’s couch in anticipation and watches Steve as he tries to come up with an answer. But before he can say anything, Kono interrupts him.
“It’s just that the way you’ve been acting since he disappeared has me wondering. It just seems like something more than one friend looking for another, or even one cop looking for his missing partner. I mean, have you even eaten anything today?”
No, Danny wants to tell her. Steve hasn’t eaten anything since their lunch on the way to the house two days ago.
“We know that you guys tell each other that you love each other all the time, but we were wondering if maybe it was something more than that for you,” Chin goes on and Danny is on the edge of his seat waiting to hear the answer.
There’s no way that Steve could possibly feel the same way about him as he feels for Steve. There’s no way that Navy SEAL, all- American, boy-scout Steve McGarrett could have feelings for him. But the silence in the room stretches on and Danny’s treacherous feelings start to try to convince him otherwise. His logic tries to tell his heart that it can fuck right off with those feelings but before he can convince himself of anything, Steve sighs.
“I’m in love with him,” Steve says, so quietly that Danny almost doesn’t believe he heard it right.
“What!” he asks out loud before he remembers that he’s not supposed to be speaking.
Kono, Chin, and Steve look at him and it takes Danny a second to get past the bombshell that was just dropped on him to realize that they see him.
“Danny!” the cousins both yell, jumping up from their seats and running over to him. They pull him into a hug but Steve hangs back. Danny can feel the nervous energy radiating off of him from across the room, so he cuts his hug with Kono and Chin short and steps up so that he’s standing toe to toe with Steve. They stay exactly where they were and Danny realizes that they’re not going to have any privacy during this. He would have had higher hopes for Chin, but he honestly wouldn’t have expected anything less from his team.
“Where have you-” Steve starts to ask but Danny cuts him off.
“Did you mean it?” he asks.
He can see the momentary flash of panic across Steve’s face before he shutters it, locking his expressions down the way Danny’s sure he learned to do long before he joined the Navy. Danny knows that he has precious few seconds to get the truth out of Steve before he either lies or deflects.
“Did you mean it,” he asks again.
There must have been something in his voice because no sooner does he finish asking than he sees Steve’s wall start to come down. He says Steve’s name, needing him to answer, and like in slow motion, Danny can see the moment Steve makes his decision play across his face.
One moment Steve is across from him, practically standing at attention he’s so on edge, and the next they’re kissing. It happens so suddenly Danny doesn’t even see Steve move but the press of Steve’s lips is so real that he can’t deny what’s happening. Danny kisses Steve back and Steve melts, shuddering out a breath and pulling Danny closer. Danny lets himself be pulled, falling into Steve and losing himself in the moment.
That is until Chin and Kono start whooping and hollering in congratulations.
He pulls away from the kiss but Steve doesn’t let him go far. Chin and Kono come over to congratulate them, hugging them both and saying that it’s about time. Danny also thinks he hears Chin tell Kono that he owes him fifty bucks but he magnanimously ignores it.
He knows that now he’ll have to explain everything about his powers and that they’ll have to come up with some sort of cover story since Steve called together an all-out manhunt to look for him, but right at this moment he just wants to relish the fact that people can see him again and that he’s with his ohana again. But mostly he just wants to kiss Steve again, so he does.
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erandri · 4 years
@82tweeder replied to your post “One Hour Prompts!”
Buddie prompt: „You use THAT to get the kid out?!“ —> with THAT being anything you find in a female‘s handbag (women‘s stuff - not a neutral thing like a pen or keys, please - because we only carry things around that are important 🤙🏻)
Thank you so much! Your story link is below, hope it’s what you wanted!
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erandri · 4 years
@deluweil replied to your post “One Hour Prompts!”
Buddie prompt "I didn't have a choice? That's what you're going with?" (No lawsuit though can't read anymore of those)
Thanks so much for the prompt! (and for your optimism about my day tomorrow) Your story is posted here:
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erandri · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Evan “Buck” Buckley
Additional Tags: the other characters make brief appearances, Pride Parades, First Kiss, Jealous Eddie Diaz, Bisexual Evan “Buck” Buckley, Buddie First Kiss Week 2020, Buddie First Kiss Week
“Buck, they’re here,” the guy that lead them here says. It’s a coincidence, it has to be, Eddie thinks to himself, but sure enough, the guy looks over his shoulder and Eddie can finally see Bucks face. If anyone else on the team is shocked to see Buck here, in the middle of a pride parade, they don’t show it. Eddie isn’t sure if it’s professionalism or the fact that they all knew something Eddie didn’t or that they just really don’t care about Buck’s sexual orientation. Their lack of focus on it draws Eddie back to the matter at hand instead of trying to read Buck’s t-shirt. (It says Bi-erasure makes me Bi-furious, and it absolutely does not make Eddie’s heart race to see those word printed so proudly across Buck’s chest).
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erandri · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: First Kiss, Getting Together, American Football, Eddie is thirsty, Buddie First Kiss Week 2020, Buddie First Kiss Week
Buck had run off of the field first to convene with Bobby but now that they’re waiting he’s using the time to cool himself off. Which just so happens to involve him spraying the water from his water bottle all over his head like some kind of cheesy rom-com scene. And then, as if Eddie isn’t already having trouble functioning from that scene, Buck lifts the bottom of his tank top up, exposing the soft planes of his stomach to wipe away the water dripping off of him.
Eddie's pretty sure a charity football match isn't supposed to get this intense.
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erandri · 4 years
One Hour Prompts!
I’m gonna have a sucky day tomorrow, so to take my mind off of it i’m opening up for some prompts! Send me a Buddie prompt of your choice and i’ll spend an hour writing you a fic
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erandri · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: First Kiss, Getting Together, Angry Kissing, Episode: s03e05 Rage, Buddie First Kiss Week 2020, Buddie First Kiss Week
Buck shuts off his Jeep, staring with trepidation up at Eddie’s house. The light in the living room is still on so Buck knows that he’s still awake, and it’s late enough after Chris’s bedtime that he shouldn’t be woken up by a knock at the door. Slowly, Buck makes his way up the driveway. It feels like so long since he’s been here, but nothing about the house has changed. Eddie’s truck is still parked in the same place it always is, the driveway has the same cracks, the door is the same door that Buck has stood in front of a thousand times before. Except that it’s not, not really.
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erandri · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Canon Compliant, Flirting, Buck has a crush on Eddie, (Eddie Has A Crush On Buck), Feminine Items as Safe Cracking Tools, Prompt Fic
The 118 gets a lot of weird calls. It’s unavoidable in their line of work and especially in their city. Sometimes they’re the strange kind of weird, the ones you don’t talk about with anyone but your team because who else is going to believe you? Some times they’re bad weird, those are the ones you only talk about with your team and your therapist. And then there’s the third kind, the funny kind of weird. Those stories you tell everyone.
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erandri · 4 years
Last 10 Fics
I was tagged by @medie-shanachie
Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics and then tag others to do the same.
I haven’t been posting that much fic lately so some of these are kind of old but here they are from newest to oldest.
The Space Between Us- 9-1-1
Buck shuts off his Jeep, staring with trepidation up at Eddie’s house.
For the Love of the Game- 9-1-1
Eddie’s never really been one for football.
A Matter of Pride- 9-1-1
Eddie plops down onto the couch in the lounge, sighing as he sinks into the soft cushions.
Untitled Prompt- Hawaii Five-0
Danny has a superpower.
shall i write it in a letter (shall i try to get it down)- 9-1-1
In the beginning, right after she leaves for Ireland and her 'couple month' vacation, she and Buck are in almost constant contact.
All My Roads Lead to You- Schitt’s Creek
David stares at the door in front of him, watching his reflection in the apartment numbers and wondering whether he should knock or just walk away and pretend that he never came here to begin with.
Take my Heart, Make it Strong- Schitt’s Creek
“David, can you come in here for a second?” his father calls out as soon as he passes by the open door joining their two rooms.
Six Pounds, Ten Ounces- Schitt’s Creek
David gets to the store just before eleven, letting a couple of women carrying Rose Apothecary totes out of the shop before he goes up the steps, spotting Patrick through the window standing in the back towards their candle display.
Like Coming Home- Schitt’s Creek
They’re fighting. Again.
Prelude- Schitt’s Creek
David wakes to the feeling of lips pressing a soft kiss to his bare arm.
I tag @pterawaters @stellarm @embracetheshipping @hullomoon and anyone else who want’s to do it!
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erandri · 4 years
When you start working on a WIP intending to write some pining or fluff or even smut but just end up writing 2k on how much your characters need therapy
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erandri · 4 years
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV)
Relationship: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Howie "Chimney" Han
Additional Tags: Getting Together, First Kiss, Soft Eddie Diaz, Soft Evan "Buck" Buckley, Episode: s03e15 Eddie Begins, Buck is not handling Eddie being buried alive well at all, Prompt Fic
“You cut your line!” Buck yells, rounding on him, and Eddie swears the whole station goes silent. Now, it only takes him a second to put everything together.
“I didn’t have a choice, Buck. You guys were pulling me up, I needed more time,” He tries to explain, keeping his voice calm.
“‘I didn’t have a choice?’ That’s what you’re going with?” Buck scoffs, crossing his arms.
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erandri · 4 years
I figured i’d try six sentence sunday for the first time, so here we go!
The first time he ran away from home he was eleven; his father had grounded him for speaking out of turn and Buck had decided he had had enough. He snuck out of his window that night, a backpack full of clothes and his allowance money shoved into his wallet. It was only a couple miles walk to the train station and once he was on the train he’d be free. A patrol car picked him up before he could make it out of his neighborhood and brought him back home. His father had been furious with him but it didn’t stop him from trying again. And again.
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erandri · 4 years
Okay, I want to start writing fic again but I can't get my brain to focus on any of the stories I've started. Story requests have always been a good way to get me writing in the past, so I'm opening up to prompts! Send me anything and we'll see what I come up with!
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