#enber intro
enber-refs · 11 months
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Welcome to my little reference corner!
I'm @enberlight, and my art gallery here on Tumblr is at @caffeinatedmagpie.
This page here is a mini-gallery to give you an idea of my asset library for 3D renders. A few older finished examples are above as a placeholder. Below, you'll find the promotional images for the assets I have in my library. (I did not generate those pictures! Think of them as a catalogue.)
I have... at least a few thousand invested in my 3D rendering library at this point. Don't worry, it isn't AI or anything. These are purchased, licensed assets. I don't have a license to make a game with them, (I wouldn't know where to begin), but I CAN render you a lovely character portrait. Or ten, because once I customize your character? Posing and outfit changes are a much smaller matter, so you can come back for updates when you like!
You'll see the range of models I have below. Skintone and hairstyles haven't been added yet, it was a doozy just to document all of THESE. But take a peek, and see what kind of creatures I can churn out for your character sheets and story illustrations!
I also have a lot of buildings, natural settings, outfits, props, and whatnots that... will probably just take longer to document than for you go go "hey, ya got this"? I'll make a general post about those as well.
PS: I can do "turnaround" shots of any of these in various sorts of poses and put them up as reference packs, if anyone would like a bit of an assist in visualizing angles and such. That was originally what I used these for... then I got carried away and started editing them.
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enberlight · 4 years
This is your periodic reminder that I am rather queer and occasionally get noisy XD
My primary fandom is Miraculous Ladybug, but you'll catch me running around waving shiny things and snippets from BNHA, Haikyuu!, She-Ra, Trollhunters, Good Omens, The Good Place, and Star Trek. Along with nostalgic sprinklings of Gargoyles, FMA, and Inuyasha.
That last one has a next gen sequel coming out this fall so uh. Brace yourself for Hanyou no Yashahime postings.
Seriously, three girl protagonists, one stately, one feral, and one presenting in a nonbinary fashion? You have my attention.
I'm also into cryptids and lore and shiny things. I sculpt and make jewelry and collect purty rocks. I doodle and render in 3D and muck about with fanfiction and novel writing when I find time between shifts as an AutoCAD drafter. (Art is gathered on @caffeinatedmagpie)
I am also That One Reader who comments on just about every chapter of your longfic, lovingly yelling at your characters and squeeing like the 90s were yesterday.
I know more about comics than I should for someone who doesn't have many but I eat up the meta and neat things that show up here. I'm more Marvel for movies but DC has my heart for animation. It also has Batman.
I'm ace and married and bi and a mom, and none of those things actually contradict each other.
I'm a chaos mews and enby magpie. :3
My askbox is open if you'd like to know more, pick my brain (it is quite neurodivergent thank you) or just holler random nonsense or fanflail. I tend to be slow on tag memes though.
Anyway, hey.
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enberlight · 6 years
I see... real people o.o
Halp, I think people actually found my name in that rec list. Welcome to chaos? I have shiny rocks and teakettles :3 You'll see me bopping around the ML fandom, mostlly flailing (sometimes coherently) in Ao3 comments, or flinging shiny fanart every which way here on tumblr. Mostly other people's, as I get quite distracted by all the talent around here, and don't put my phone down long enough to art and write myself. That's changing this weekend though, I have some fic fanarts to work through and six WIP outlines to pick from for writing (It's down to two frontrunners) but then there's the little one with Over and... oh y'all don't wanna hear about thaaaaaat... :3
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enberlight · 2 years
It's about time for a more organized Intro post, so here goes!
I'm Enber (she/they), a nonbinary, neurodivergent, disabled aroace artist and writer. I support a family of four plus a pupper, working in tech during the day, and with art and jewelry on @caffeinatedmagpie whenever I can. I am occasionally noisy, but generally approachable, so feel free to stop by my comments or Askbox.
Find Me Elsewhere:
Twitter | Instagram | Pillowfort | Ao3
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Support Me with...
Ko-fi | Yamibuy
We're about $10k in medical debt. So tips are nice if you like my blog or art!
The Yamibuy link gives you $10 off on your order of Asian groceries and homegoods. Yum!
My Tags - Fun, Fandom, & Filter
To get an idea of what I post here...
As a courtesy, I use the following tags when I Get Loud or reblog "noisy" content. Block them if you need to:
Whoops politics
Enber rants
Lightly salted
Reproductive rights, pro choice, miscarriage
Trans rights, LGBT rights, queer rights
This is dystopia
Capitalism kills
History they don't teach (this is technically Good Stuff! But usually calls out Bad Stuff too.)
Racism, antisemitism, colonialism, imperialism
And TW types: spider, snek, bees
For a change of scenery to my Fun Reblogs:
Best kitty, best pupper, best birb, best bug, best critter
Smol dragon, fishies (includes sharks!), snek, batty bats, foxy fox
Music, dance, cosplay
Fiber art, sculpture, food magic
That chocolate guy, recipes, enber cooks, enber eats
Werewolves, mermaids, centaurs
Writing advice, writing reference
Art reference, tutorials
Fashion ref, historical fashion
Gods in nature
dnd things, story time, fairy tales
My most common fandom blogging:
Miraculous Ladybug
Our Flag Means Death, OFMD
The Witcher
Dracula Daily
Yugioh, Sailor Moon, YoI, FMAB, Inuyasha
LOZ (not technically going here? But I follow some crazy-good artists who do.)
How To Do Stuff
How to adult (adapting & life hacks)
How to job hunt (resume, rights, & interview help)
How to student (cheap or free textbooks)
Tutorials (art)
How to parent (practical points not yuppie ones)
How to Tumblr (coding, turning things off)
How to Ao3 (conventions, code, search hacks)
Recipes (includes B. Dylan Hollis)
Pet care, pet safety
And stuff that's Important to me (but not necessarily Loud or Fun):
Disability rights, disability representation, mobility aids
Representation in media, representation matters
Indiginous rights, indiginous history, indiginous sovereignty, indiginous business (some of these may have Bad News, and will have other tags that sort that.)
Black artists, Black history
PSA, health PSA
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enberlight · 2 years
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I posted 8,443 times in 2021
71 posts created (1%)
8372 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 117.9 posts.
I added 735 tags in 2021
#ml comic - 125 posts
#into the void - 98 posts
#best kitty - 88 posts
#linguistics - 87 posts
#ml fic rec - 67 posts
#best birb - 57 posts
#fashion ref - 54 posts
#ml au - 54 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 53 posts
#music - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and can pick up random words in related european languages bc english really did steal from everything and spanish fills in half the blanks
My Top Posts in 2021
Interest Query!
I'm curious about what kind of content my art and writing followers are comfortable with and expecting from me.
My ML Mermaid AU, Balancing the Scales, is at a crossroads. Now that intros are handled, Adrien and Marinette will be getting closer. But how close is a question I haven't settled yet.
Do I:
Keep it PG13, no kinky stuff
Fade to black and keep things Implied Only
The above but with the Cut Scenes on my AD account
Just up the rating and bring on the lemons
Similarly, is there any interest in seeing steamy or lemon artwork from me? This would be 3D renders, either in fandom or OC. And aged up obviously. Or is that a Hell No? (Art would end up on my AD Twitter since Tumblr can't even stand exposed forearms.) I would also keep previews on a new AD alt here for those not wanting to see even the crops.
You can answer in the comments or by Ask if you'd rather stay anon.
16 notes • Posted 2021-02-16 16:58:33 GMT
Sleep schedule? Whazzat.
19 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 11:28:55 GMT
If anyone's got good wishes they can send this way, it'd be much appreciated. I'm going through some medical stuff that might turn out to be a permanent disability. I'm hoping it is, at least, treatable. It may be related to the auto accident last December so yay for that /s.
Work is still only part time so if anyone wants to throw a kofi my way for an ML kiss or poly meme, I'm open for those. Regular commission inquiries can go to @caffeinatedmagpie. Follow me there, I'll probably do another giveaway soon.
I have some wheelchair turnaround refs planned for later this month, like the Nino hat. Stay tuned!
31 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 22:18:09 GMT
Zine zine zine zine
Zine zine zine zine
Zine! *vibrates*
@thedjwifizine is imminent
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 05:46:55 GMT
Emergency Commissions Open
If anyone is interested in 3D render commissions (human, demon, monster, furry, pet/companion critter), let me know!
I've been on basically $0 income since mid December while I recover from a bad car accident, and have to pay for office upgrades now, due to some changes at my employer. They aren't footing any of the bill for moving my cubicle to my house this week and I need computer equipment and a new desk because one tiny one can't hold two setups (art and work) @.@ They gave us 24 hours notice, I can't pull $300 out of nowhere that fast.
Here's a few examples of work I've done and models I can customize as your own OC. More examples and WIPs over on @caffeinatedmagpie
Drop me a line on @caffeinatedmagpie to discuss piece and prices. My price list isn't up yet (due to delays from the December car accident) but I can explain them.
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(First three images are custom modified and painted characters and scenes I've made. Last three collages are types of models I can customize - most humanoid and canid figures can have their features drastically morphed and combined to create all sorts of critters and aliens.)
I am also on Ko-fi as EnberLight.
Small donations are most welcome as I am on unpaid leave for two more months and refrigerators don't fill themselves any more than desks spontaneously manifest. I'll do ML icon packs or something as thank you's for coffees ❤
Much thanks,
Enber (30 January, 2021)
186 notes • Posted 2021-01-31 00:57:51 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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