#email blasting service singapore
cnovelartreblogs · 2 months
this may not be the place for it - feel free to ignore! but do you know of any good guides for ordering English edition rosmei books in the USA? I've reached out to one group order place but I'm find everything about rosmei to be deeply confusing lol
So as far as I know, the only way to do it (the way I'm doing it) is to join a group order/buy from a place that has partnered with Rosmei. There's a list of those places (all over the world) here: https://shop-b24ce1da57f643b5f45af2da645ab4c4.myallvalue.com/pages/partners
As far as I know, the only one in the US is Yiggybean:
What's been happening is, Rosmei announced that pre-orders are opening, and then Yiggybeans opens a pre-order listing. Those seem to run 2 to 4 weeks. They're only a first payment; there'll be a second for shipping. The books have been running $25 to $35 per book, and by pre-ordering they come with extras. They also charge the domestic part of the shipping, which is another $5 to $10. I'm expecting the second payments to be $20 to $30 per book but I don't know for sure yet because none of them have shipped.
How to Survive as a Villain vol. 1 had pre-orders open in January.
Nanchan and Don't You Like Me? The pre-orders for each vol. 1 ended about a week ago.
I found out about the more recent ones after the order had already ended, and I emailed Yiggybean to ask what could be done. They were very prompt and polite answering me, and they told me they'd pre-ordered a few extra and were able to sell me one of each of those, it was all settled very quickly and easily and I was impressed by their customer service.
I also asked if there was a way to get notification of when the next pre-orders go live; they said not yet but they were working on putting together an email blast for it, so I'm hoping for that so I don't accidentally miss any others.
I haven't actually received anything yet, so I can't speak to quality of the Rosmei editions, translation fidelity, shipping, etc., but the above is everything I do know. The tl:dr is the only way I've found to order the books from the US, legally and without like, knowing someone in Singapore, is through Yiggybean, and buying there is as easy as adding the pre-order to your cart and checking out like in any other online store.
A friend has also pre-order one through the place in Poland, so for European folks I may be able to report back on how that goes, too.
Hope this helps!
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threelittlepigspro · 2 days
Copywriting That Sells - How to Sell with Words (Examples)
Have you ever read sales page, an email from a company, a product description on Amazon or seen clicked on a Facebook ad whilst browsing through your Facebook newsfeed? They are fall under one umbrella: copywriting. It took me YEARS to realize this: the best copy is written focusing on customer... and customer research!
Great Copywriting Comes from Customer Research
It's not uncommon for marketers and copywriters to want the fast tactics: let's run Facebook Ads! Entirely without considering WHY people purchase and click on ads in the first place. This is why customer research is of utmost importance: - Who is your ideal client? - What do they look like? - Their age range? - Job status? - Job titles? - Spending ability? - Their ability and willingness to pay? - What are their hopes, fears and dreams? - The exact language they use when describing their problems in your market? When I started my first business, I used SEO and outranked all my competitors within six months on search engine optimization… and yet... ZERO sales. I had one of the biggest business lessons then: you got to meet your market where they are at, and NOT where you’re at. You see, what I didn't understand: - No one wakes up and say: 'I want to be a better person'. Everybody wakes up and say: ‘I want to get more girls’. - No one wakes up and say: 'I want to be financially literate'. Everybody says: 'I want to be a millionaire’. Understand the language of your audience and then putting that down into copy is going to make the difference between mediocre and great copy.
How to Write Great Copy: The Language of Your Audience
So how can you figure out the language of your audience? - Real life conversations This is simple, simply pay attention to what your customers are using. What are their fears when it comes to your service or product? One of my ex-clients blurted out: am I too old to learn SEO? Is it too technical? That’s extremely important data. Some of these business owners are worried that SEO is too technical, and someone their age isn't able to learn it. That’s one of my target market’s fear. - Forums and Reddit Conversations You can Google ‘X keyword + Forum’ and look at the threads on a forum. You can pay attention to the actual phrases and terms people use. Their hopes, dreams and fears. You can do your research on: - Amazon Reviews of Similar Products - Reddit or other online posting sites - Facebook groups I literally wrote my sales copy for an investment company by studying a sub reddit on investments in Singapore. The source of a million dollar lead generation page Thank you Reddit! Note: it’s helpful to record these data points on a Google docs document and collate them through your research process. - Surveys You can learn about your customers by surveying them. You can blast out an email to your current subscribers by asking them what they want to hear from you. I get on calls with clients 1:1 and I pay attention to what they say to me and the exact language they use. This can also help with your company’s market positioning. You’ll want their words, not your interpretation of them. The key here is to interact and start conversations with your target audience. You should want to always be listening to customers responses! Stop thinking ‘internet marketing’ and start thinking: your customers and audience. Yes, behind all the analytics, there are real human readers. Stop thinking ‘email marketing’ and start thinking of building a real relationship with your readers.
Copywriting - The Basics
When I was an SEO consultant, I used to go around mouthing off technical SEO terms to business owners. I also read nerdy SEO blogs filled with SEO jargon. I soon figured that if I wrote and spoke like an SEO technician: “Citation sources, conversion rates optimization, backlinks acquisition, HTML coding, bounce rate, time on page and etc.” These business owners look at me and got no I am talking about. Look: - Business owners know nothing technical SEO - They aren’t saying to themselves: ‘how to identify low-effort/high yield pages for quick SEO fixes’ - They are saying: ‘I want to rank high on Google’ Yes, I can write long nerdy technical guides. However, am I selling to SEO nerds, or am I selling to small business owners? It’s the latter. If I wrote and spoke in manner that’s understandable by my target audience, then I’ll have a higher chance of closing the sale.
The Frameworks of Successful Copy
The majority of copywriting advice sucks. They focus on blinking spam-my button, flashing lights, false scarcity plays and all of that. The worst of all, they promise you the moon, the earth and seven virgins. Sure brah Totally persuasive... NOT Well, you bet you’re going to asking for your money back with those kinds of promises. You don’t have to be scammy or flashy to write great copy. Here are some frameworks I keep in mind when writing just about anything from a sales page or a blog post. - Focus on the reader I used to only write my opinion on my projects. It’s called the I, I, I syndrome.  Here’s the truth: no one cares about your opinion. People that click on your site want a problem to be solved. Unless you’re a hot girl, you can’t constantly be writing about yourself. Poor writers only care about themselves. Good writers write about what they’re readers care about. Remember: good writers focus on their audience, and not on themselves. - Bar Stool Test One of the elements of a successful copy passing the bar stool test. This means: not writing in corporate jargon. Nothing is more boring and dry than corporate speak. How many SEO or digital marketing blogs out there are dry and boring? Yes, 98% of them. If you flip through the usual SEO marketing blog, usually what do you get? You get technical terms like Google panda, penguins, canonical tags and analytics, blah blah blah. There’s so many technical guides out there already. How can you make technical details relatable? When I launched a dating advice for men years ago, I used big philosophical terms hoping that my readers will find me articulate, intellectual and knowledgeable. However, it backfired. Instead, I got feedback from one of the site owners I reached out to say that he felt like he was reading a college thesis. I took a step back, studied some copywriting advice and came across the barstool test. Imagine if you were sitting in a bar and chatting with a friend. He asks you: What business are doing? If you said: I help small medium enterprises in Singapore optimize their H1 title tag on their content management platform so they’ll be able to attain higher visibility on search engines. He’ll look at you crazy. However, if you said: I help small medium sized companies in Singapore generate leads on Google. That’s it. Plain simply English. Understandable within a sentence. Good copy works the same way. It’s not about writing super dense material. Good copy is actually similar to how day to day people talk. One other trick you can use is to read everything out loud. If it’s something you wouldn’t say, then it’s probably not good copy. When I consulted in search engine optimization, I had the tendency to use technical jargon and complicated terms. I thought that'll make me sound smart and sophisticated. However, I quickly realized that the average SME owner in Singapore (my target audience) isn’t going to understand what the hell I was saying. Ask yourself, who are you writing for? You should be writing for your clients, hence you should write content to fit your audience needs. - Understand Benefits Versus Features When someone purchases a Mercedes Benz, do you really think they are buying the features of the car such as horsepower? Or are they buying the benefits of owning a luxurious car: status and class? Features: Advanced dating modules in our dating course Benefits: Advanced dating modules to help you approach, meet and date beautiful women without the fear of being rejected No one cares if you have 9 advanced dating modules in your dating courses.... at the end of the day, what’s in it for them? Features: Financial literacy class to educate you on the 4 factor models in investing Benefits: How to build a portfolio of steady income returns without any prior knowledge to investing Nobody gives a crap if you got a hundred factors in investing, but every cares about building a steady cashflow from the markets. - Be Specific Boring: I can help you rank your website on Google Specific: Imagine the day you wake up and you see leads automatically in your inbox. You no longer have to worry about pushing flyers out or hoping a relative or a friend of yours ‘support’ your business by purchasing your product half-heartedly. Boring: Having a website isn’t enough Specific: Okay, let’s say you have a website, or a business card even. However, what are these things doing for you? Is anyone viewing your website? Is anyone contact you about your services through your website? What about those fancy business cards? How many of them have you given away without hearing back from the people you gave them away too? These simple tweaks will make all your writing much more persuasive. - Use Case Studies If you’ve gotten results for your clients, you can showcase case studies on your site. You can write about the process of how you got them results, the obstacles you guys face and how you overcome them. - Use Your Own Voice The majority of writers on the internet are not writers, they are marketers. They aren't writing with a unique voice. If you aren't going to write with a voice behind it, then what makes you different from every other writer that is taking content, rehashing it and paraphrasing it? - Personal Stories From time to time, I make fun of bad advice and overweight internet marketing gurus. I’m also quite sarcastic. These are my personal ticks and I enjoy it to an extent. However these stories make my content unique and stand out. - Tutorials and Helpful Content Tutorials can range from how to get backlinks to how to write copy to branded techniques and solutions that solves a common pain point. You can include in your copy real life case studies, line by line scripts and/ or techniques that you use in your own niche or industry. Note: I don’t think every post has to be a 5000 worded essay filled with practicality, it's hard to read. There are various ways to do it ranging from the methodical to the inspirational. The serious to the light hearted. The logical to the emotional. - Positioning Positioning is determined by 1) how your company is different/ better/ unique as compared to your competitors. and 2) what the market thinks of you. I used to go around screaming and ranting about how important SEO to business owners without understanding that SEO is just one part of the huge puzzle of marketing. I attended SEO courses, paid multiple thousands and thought that business owners would trust me if I was SEO certified. However, apparently not, nobody gave a crap. I didn't understand the concept of positioning. I was going up against hundreds of others of "SEO experts' pitching $500 a month SEO deals, guarantee-ing Google page one rankings within weeks or days. I was also getting constant objections: someone else was willing to do it cheaper. That was when I realised that I had to market myself and position myself differently from all competition that I face. However, I intuitively knew that it isn’t going to be enough. I had to build my own brand, my own case studies and get my results using my own SEO strategies. You should always be asking yourself: how are you going to stand out and differentiate yourself from the competition? Then, are you able to elaborate your position in the market on copy?
Lee Luan Yew as a Master Copywriter
You can study great copy by studying great persuaders, politicians and business leaders of your time. Since I am Singaporean. There’s no need to look further than Singapore’s first Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Like him or hate him, he’s a MASTER of persuasion: Let's breakdown a simply speech by Lee Kuan Yew: Youths Don't Know What it's Like to be Poor
Copywriting Skillset 1: Specific and Vivid Descriptions
Great copy relies on specific and vivid descriptions. If you noticed, Mr Lee Kuan Yew is always using specific, real life and vivid descriptions to get his message across. Instead of relying on some esoteric statistical data, he uses real life, day to day examples. Some of his quotes from this speech: ‘Your grandfather probably worked harder than your father.’ ‘Had we not had people with that ruggedness, that robust attitude, we’ll make it, do or die, we won’t have today’s Singapore.’ ‘I’m not sure if I went back with 1959, and started with today’s generation, bred and brought up in comfort where there’s no discomfort with a HDB flat with an air conditioner, and there’s a covered walkway.’
Copywriting Skillset 2: Passing the Bar Stool Test
Secondly, your copy has to pass the bar stool test. It has to be as simple as talking to a friend over a beer at a bar. Forget about writing like a professor. Write like a layman. That’s great copy. Here are some quotes from his speech: ‘Very few people had homes of their own. In Chinatown, you have cubicles 8 or 10 people in the room sharing 4 bunks. Because they do shift work. Save money.’ ‘So Lim Kim Shang, once went to a HDB cubicle and asked a man who was covering himself with a blanket. So he asked him why? He said because his friend was using his trousers.’ ‘If you lived in those conditions and you get a flat with one room, communal bath room and communal kitchen, running hot and cold water. From that you go to a three and fourth room flats to executive condominiums, just like how you go from a bottom of the ship to the deck of a ship.’ ‘As I flew over to New Zealand, I watched the green fields, the sheep, and the cows, and the small little houses dotted around. 3 million people there. I thought to myself, if come back in a hundred years, I’ll see the same scene.’ You can see that Mr Lee Kuan Yew uses a combination of simple and ‘big words’, with numbers, to get his message across.
Copy Skillset 3: Write to Your Reader
Secondly, some sites tend to get too technical, and they make their content seem like a University lecture Lastly, you’ll need to write to your reader. Great copy uses the ‘you’, a lot more than the word ‘I’. You’ll see that in Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s speech, he uses ‘you’ and ‘we’ a lot more than ‘I’. ‘Many of the parents who are living in the HDB flats. They understood like the people in Chinatown. They understood what it’s like to be poor. Today’s children do not understand what it’s like the be poor.’ ‘And no other country does that. But we have ministers out of 3 million people who can talk  to Chinese ministers, American secretary of state, secretary of treasury or any European nation at the same level intellectually, and we’re not inferior to them.’ ‘Now we need these 2 things, then you got today’s Singapore. Then we got this cultural hall. Then you can sit down and talk about what will happen in 50 years. Otherwise, you’ll be scratching a living. So please don’t forget that’.
The Hemingway Method
Your copy is going to determine the quality of clients you're going to get into your business. Unknown to many, the hardest and most valuable parts about copywriting are keeping it simple.  Taking statistics, research and plonking it onto a blog post is easy. Other than a broken recorder machine, you're going to sound like a history textbook. However, refining the ideas into simple words that are able to persuade and move others. That's difficult. This is why simple copy is MUCH HARDER to write than complicated copy. This form of copywriting is also known as the Hemingway method. Let's take a look at this two examples: Copy 1: 'Get Rich in Singapore with 3 Never Seen Before Secrets in 3 Days' Copy 2: 'Get Rich in Singapore with this 3 CEO Level Strategies' One of the big ideas I got from a book about luxury marketing is the language use when it comes to copywriting: On luxury brands, you'll never get copy such as: '30 Hacks in X Dates/ Numbers of Secret/Hack/Formula' However, for some reason, these sort of copy is celebrated across internet marketing blogs. Why is that so? The first copy may 'convert' better on the front end: your email list/ squeeze page blah blah. The second copy will be why people will transact with you: trust and brand. The copy you use is going to determine the kind of clients you'll attract, the price point you command and the type of brand you want to build. You want high quality, qualified clients. Start writing. Stop marketing.
Outsourcing Copywriting and Hiring Writers
In my experience, SEO agencies, consultants and business owners alike detest writing and much prefer to outsource it. I once outsourced my SEO content and hired someone cheap to write. The quality turned out to be piss poor and I hated it. I then decided to write everything on this blog from scratch. If you are outsourcing your copy to writers that are willing to do it for as low as four dollars per X number of words, you're going to get low quality copy. If you don’t stand out in your copy and bore your market. You get no attention, and no one purchases from you. Great copy is worth it, pay up for it. Fun fact: every single paid customer I interviewed in my life told me that they liked something controversial about my articles or the way I wrote. Read the full article
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myshow22 · 7 years
Russian tech expert named in Trump report says US intelligence never contacted him
A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false. A report compiled by a former Western intelligence official as opposition research against Trump was made public Tuesday when BuzzFeed posted its 35 pages. The document included unsubstantiated claims of collusion between the Trump campaign team and the Kremlin.
It also alleged that global tech firm XBT Holding, with operations in Dallas, was instrumental in the hack of leaked Democratic Party emails that embarrassed Hillary Clinton and fellow Democrats. XBT, owner of Dallas-based enterprise-hosting company Webzilla, is run by a successful Russian tech startup expert, Aleksej Gubarev. In a phone interview from Cyprus, where he said he’d lived since 2002, Gubarev said he was surprised to see his name in the report. “I don’t know why I was there,” Gubarev said, adding that perhaps a competitor sought to discredit him. “I still don’t understand the true reason for this report.”
The salacious innuendoes in the periodic reports about Trump’s personal life dominated social media headlines. The mention of Webzilla and Gubarev was among the more specific allegations: that XBT and affiliates “had been using botnets and porn traffic to transmit viruses, plant bugs, steal data and conduct ‘altering operations’ against the Democratic Party leadership.” Gubarev said he operated 75,000 servers across the globe and got real-time information if there had been hacking or illicit activity tied to his businesses. There is no evidence of that, he said, adding that no one has contacted him. “I have a physical office in Dallas. Nobody contacted me,” said Gubarev, adding that 40 percent of his business is handled over the servers it runs in Dallas and the United States accounts for about 27 percent of his global business.
President-elect Trump confirmed Wednesday at a news conference that he had seen the 35-page report, and he blasted it as “fake news” and an “absolute disgrace.’’ McClatchy has reported that Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gave the bulk of the report to FBI Director James Comey on Dec. 9. The final pages of the report are dated Dec. 11. McClatchy had the report earlier but couldn’t verify any of its allegations. A federal law enforcement source told McClatchy that the document was being examined as part of a broader FBI inquiry into Russia’s influence on the U.S. election but wouldn’t characterize its credibility. A source familiar with the former Western intelligence expert who compiled the dossier told McClatchy that the ex-spy has extensive experience in tracking activities in the Kremlin.
The report alleges that Gubarev and another hacking expert were recruited under duress by the FSB, the Russian intelligence-agency successor to the KGB. Gubarev said he had not been threatened or blackmailed, nor had his mother, who lives in Russia. Gubarev’s Facebook page shows his wife, Anna Gubareva, and him on the bow rail of a fast-moving luxury yacht. His profile picture shows him behind the wheel of a vintage convertible Citroen. He is the public face of a number of tech companies around the globe. XBT offers an array of tech services, from dedicated hosting of servers and cloud-based storage to developing apps for mobile phones and offering virtual private servers. His company advertises specialized services to software developers, advertisers, gaming companies and electronic-commerce enterprises. It also operates data centers in Russia, Asia, Europe and Dallas.
XBT has been on a buying spree in recent years, accumulating companies in the web-hosting and related fields, including DDoS.com, 1-800-HOSTING, SecureVPN.com, ColocateUSA, Server.lu in Luxembourg, Singapore’s 8 to Infinity, and a site used heavily to host pornography, fozzy.com. It acquired Webzilla about a decade ago, which is a medium-sized web-hosting company. Although Webzilla operates from Texas, it has a “pretty deep Russian client base,” analyst Carl Brooks of 451 Research, a Boston-based consultancy, said in a December interview. “They don’t have a bad reputation, by any means.” He said the same went for XBT Holding: “To the best of my knowledge, XBT is not particularly nefarious.” He estimated annual revenues for XBT between $50 million and $200 million.
Gubarev suspected he might have been named in the report because of comments to Bloomberg’s Russia business columnist Leonid Bershidsky. Bershidsky wrote on Nov. 1 that Gubarev questioned allegations that the Trump organization maintained a server found to have communicated with two servers at Russia’s Alfa Bank, which is also named in the 35 pages of unproven allegations. “Bloomberg asked me my expert opinion,” he said, noting it was the only time he’d ever commented about a U.S. election or U.S. politics. In that column, Gubarev expressed doubt about the conclusions of outside experts who said they had studied the server connections between Alfa Bank and the Trump organization. These experts, Gubarev said, would not have had access to the complete logs of a server they didn’t control.
The Russian-born Cyprus resident may not be a household name in the United States, but he is tied to millions of iPhones belonging to ordinary Americans. Gubarev was a major investor in the app now called Prism. It was one of the most downloaded of 2016 and uses artificial intelligence to turn ordinary cellphone photos into a wide range of painting styles. If law enforcement wants to talk with him, Gubarev said, his door is open. “I’m ready for any investigation. I’m ready to cooperate with everybody, he said.
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merrymedia · 3 months
Merry Bees Pte. Ltd.
Phone: '+6596770178Adress: 60 Kaki Bukit Place #10-16 (Suite 12)
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Merry Media is a leading event organizer and video production company in Singapore, specializing in event planning, corporate event solutions, and social media marketing. As a one-stop events service provider, we offer a range of services including talent sourcing, event space rentals, live event photography, post-event video production, and social media marketing. Our goal is to create unforgettable and engaging experiences for our clients, making their events a blast and leaving a lasting impression. Trust Merry Media to bring your vision to life and make your events truly memorable.
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shreetripada · 1 year
Bulk SMS Marketing Solution 90% Engagement With Your Customers
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What is SMS Marketing?
The quickest and most straightforward method of communicating with your consumers is through SMS marketing. In addition to establishing and maintaining a solid customer connection, it allows you to send coupons, special offers, and brand-specific links to customers in an effort to boost consumer engagement and sales. These succinct, straightforward, and powerful messaging may increase brand recognition for your business at a very low cost. For instance, you could instantly blast hundreds of consumers with your current deal!
Who should use it?
You must be debating if SMS marketing is appropriate for your company. Regardless of the size of your company, SMS marketing is a powerful alternative to emailing your clients for marketing purposes. With a 98% open rate, it is a tested solution!
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Why need it?
Let's talk about why your company needs it now. Use this marketing solution to speed up the delivery of messaging to your consumers if you've recently launched a promotional offer and want to get it to them as quickly as possible. You may send bulk SMS to the Asian nations listed below, for instance, using Hostpro2u Bulk SMS. You shouldn't be concerned about differing currency exchange rates between nations because they are all standardized in RM.
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Where to use it?
You may use this SMS marketing solution anywhere, at any time, to target your desired audience because the rate is fixed and standardized. For instance, you have ventures in Singapore and Malaysia. You wish to send a special offer to your Malaysian consumers while you're in Singapore. As all prices are uniform in Singapore, you may do this without paying any extra money.
When to use it?
Finally, you must understand when your company need an SMS marketing solution. The majority of firms employ this instrument as a marketing tool to increase sales or for promotional purposes. In addition, you may send customers wishes on holidays like Christmas or even customized birthday notes to customers with various birth dates.
Have more questions? Need more advice? Feel free to reach our friendly and helpful team by email at [email protected] or simply fill out a form here https://www.shreetripadasms.com/request-quote.php
Why Choose us?
Shree Tripada is India's one of the most trusted Bulk SMS Service Provider for national and international Bulk SMS requisites.
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Water Wall in the Desert
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/custom-pool-projects/water-wall-in-the-desert
Water Wall in the Desert
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, we take our custom swimming pool design to a whole new level. Providing our clientele with spectacular swimming pools and outdoor living environments is our top priority. So not only do we deliver the modern custom swimming pool designs, but we also can design your complete outdoor kitchen & living area. But the best part about Clarity Pool Service is that we’ve partnered with HFS Financial to help you finance your outdoor living project. In a majority of cases, we can get you funded with zero out-of-pocket expenses upfront. You heard correctly, and now there’s no excuse to procrastinate about your swimming pool project another minute longer.
We invite you to call us today to schedule an on-site pool design consultation with the pros here at Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations and deliver a custom pool that you and your family will enjoy for many years to come!
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Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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mcleanmatt · 4 years
Strengthening a brand through crisis
Customer service isn’t just a value at Singapore Airlines (SIA) -- it’s core to their brand. At a time when Airlines compete on fares, Singapore has built an incredible (and sticky) customer experience by differentiating on personalized care and quality. 
Yet, despite this enviable brand position, Singapore is not immune to the crisis facing the airline industry. With airports shuttered amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore airlines has cancelled routes and halted operations. 
One might think: 
“How can a company possibly think about reinforcing their brand through such a crisis?”
While most companies are hunkering down and blasting out a boiler-plate “We’re here for you” email, Singapore Airlines is getting creative in reinforcing their brand. SIA cabin crew members have been redeployed as “care ambassadors” at hospitals in Singapore, helping fill non-medical gaps in patient care. Services like helping patients with meals, getting to/from washrooms, and escalating issues to nurses. 
At a time when most companies have hit then pause button, Singapore Airlines has stepped up -- in a manner that is both selfless and brand-building. Instead of focusing solely on reducing costs, they've found a novel and important way to continue provide exceptional service and care, reinforcing their brand through the COVID-19 crisis. 
Not all companies have such flexibility to redeploy resources and brand build through this crisis. However, SIA should be an example for all of us. If your company has similar flexibility, how might you pivot and find creative ways to both serve customers in need and reinforce your brand?
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meyer94753-blog · 4 years
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namoadsandevents · 5 years
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NAMMA MYSURU FOOD & CARNIVAL EXPO 2019 Organizer would like to invite you to take part in our upcoming Event as Sponsor. The goals of the event are to focus an Areas of Wellness & Organic Products, Automobiles, Home & Consumer Electronics, Kitchen Appliances, Computer & Mobile, Solar Products, Furniture, Furnishing & Interiors, Art & Handicrafts, Handloom & Footwear, Garments & Dress Materials, Fashion, Textiles & Jewelers, Beauty & Health, Stationery, Gift & Toys, Artificial Flowers , Crockery, FMCG Product , Food Product, Insurance & Banking Real Estate and many more allied creative and deserve life style .Which will be occurring on 30th August 2019 to 1st September 2019 at Venue Puttaraj Gawai Stadium, JP Nagar, MYSURU, Karnataka. As you are in Related Industry , we feel that you would be a great fit to NAMMA MYSURU FOOD & CARNIVAL EXPO 2019 would be an outstanding opportunity to raise your brand’s awareness.
We believe that a strategic partnership with your esteemed Organization at NAMMA MYSURU FOOD & CARNIVAL EXPO 2019 will be mutually beneficial to both of our companies. As stated above Namoads Media and Events Private Limited would like to propose that you come in as a Sponsor for our NAMMA MYSURU FOOD & CARNIVAL EXPO 2019.
As a featured sponsor, would be prominently featured in front of a crowd of an estimated 20 thousand Visitors for 3 days, along with that, we will include your Organization’s Logo in advertisements and also Branding in all Promotional/Marketing Material like Banners, Posters, Hoardings, Radio, Electronic/Social Media, News Papers, Magazines, Website, Brochure’s etc., many of whom are part of your targeted market. As you can see from the nature of NAMMA MYSURU FOOD & CARNIVAL EXPO 2019, it is clearly apparent how Your Organization will benefit from this relationship:
Below list is of different types of sponsorships and Benefits;
1. Title Sponsorship 
·  20 X 10 Stall will be provided
·  Arch at Stadium Entrance
·  Banner Promotion inside Stadium
·  Banner Promotion outside Stadium
·  Campus in front of the Stage
·  TV Channel Displaying
·  Radio Announcement  
·  All Social Media Promotion
·  Mobile Canvas
·  Branding & Promotion up to 5 km Radius.
·  Led screening at Venue        
2. Co-Sponsor 
·  10 X 10 Stall will be provided
·  LED Displaying Company Logo & Details
·  Hand Fan with Company Logo & Details
·  Brochure Promotion Distribution
·  Cycle Branding around 5 km  
·  LED screening at Venue        
·  Look Walker branding
·  TV Channel Bites.
3. Associated By
·  10 X 10 Stall will be provided
·  Channel Bites
·  Social Media Promotion & Spread
·  Logo Branding For all Banners
·  Radio Announcement
·         Pamphlets Distribution
·         LED screening at Venue           
4. Powered By:
·  10 X 10 Stall will be provided
·  Mobile Canvas 
·  Pamphlets Distribution
·  Complementary Gifts
·  LED Displaying 
·  Brochure Hoardings
·  Radio Announcement
·  Social Media Promotion & Spread
·  Mobile Canvas
·  Branding & Promotion up to 5 km
5. Food &Beverage (Water/Healthy Drinks Sponsor)
·         10 X 10 Stall will be provided
·         Water bottles
·         Food for all Exhibitors
·         Food for Organisers and Team
   6. Walkathon Sponsor
·         5 k walkathon
·         Logo or brand name on 500  T shirt
·         Logo or Brand name on 600  Caps
·         Your Logo or Brand name on  Medal for Participants
·         Your Logo or Brand name on Certificate for all Participants
·         Breakfast for all Participants(branding will be mentioned and announcement)
·         Water & Energy Drink for all Participant (stickering of your Logo or Brand name will be placed)
·         Winner price Distribution materials or Gift (logo will be placed)
7. Hand Fan Sponsor
·         Logo and Branding on 10 thousand hand fan will be provided to all visitors
 8. Equipment & Infrastructure Sponsor
  Led ,Stage,Sound and Lighting
 9. Prizes Sponsor
 All competition winner prize distribution (logo and branding)
 10. Nutrition Sponsor
 Energy drink for all Walkathon Participant
 11. Publicity Sponsor
Pamplets or Fliers
Auto Announcement
Tata Ace vehicle Branding
Cycle Branding
  Promotion & Branding at venue
 Booth @ Event Rs.6000/-
 Banners @ Event  Rs.5000/-
 Fliers @ Event Rs.2500/-
  For your information, the event details are provided below.
·         Radio
·         T.V Channel
·         SMS Blast regarding the Event
·         Announcements in surrounding areas
·         Facebook paid promotions
·         Print media and All social media promotions
·         Brochures distribution/Pamphlets Printing Company Logo
·         Stage LED Display
·         Campaigning Materials (Ex. Hand Fan)
·         Hoarding at 5km Surrounding
·         All Social Media promotions (Face book, twitter, LinkedIn, instogram, skype etc.,
·         Look walker
·         Tata ACE vehicle Branding for One month
·         Mobile Canvas
·         LED Displays Promotion
·         Banner Promotion at Stadium
·         Theatre Advertisements
·         Tag with sponsors page
·         Cycle Branding, Complementary Gifts etc.,
·         Rangoli Competition for all Mysuru MahilaSanghas and general public of Mysuru
·         Drawing Competition for all Namma Mysuru childrens
·         Dub Smash Competition
·         Tune Smash Competition
·         Dance Competition
·         Kids attraction – jumping castle, kids games
·         Hand and Face paint
·         Mehandi Competition
·         Cultural activities like Singing, Mimicry
·         Cultural Shows
·         Health Camp
·         Free Eye Test
·         Free Dental Test
·         Plants distribution
·         Blood Donation Camp
·         Free BP & Sugar Test
·         Pranic Healing Demo
·         Free Bone Mineral Density Test
·         Walkathon for 5 kms(500 Participant)
·         Cooking Competition without Gas
·         Food Eating Competition
 ·         Wellness & Organic Products
·         Automobiles
·         Home & Consumer Electronics
·         Kitchen Appliances
·         Computer & Mobile
·         Solar Products
·         Furniture, Furnishing & Interiors
·         Art & Handicrafts
·         Handloom & Footwear
·         Garments & Dress Materials
·         Fashion, Textiles & Jewelers
·         Beauty & Health
·         Stationery, Gift & Toys
·         Artificial Flowers
·         Crockery
·         FMCG Product
·         Food Product
·         Insurance & Banking
·         Real Estate and many more allied products
 NAMOADS MEDIA AND EVENTS PRIVATE LIMITED is an Bangalore based company that has well versed in the field of organizing events and expo’s and also into advertisement services for branding and promoting of products and services for over 8 years.  We are dedicated to work in any complex situations also and we conduct Expo, Events, Workshops, Seminars, Residential & Overseas Programmes, ANNUAL EXPO FROM NAMOADS AND EVENTS are WELLNESS AND ORGANIC EXPO, CINEVARNA CARNIVAL EXPO, Hanuman Chalisa Event, Health and Happiness Programme, Financial Planning by SEBI Experts(Govt. of India), Secret of Success, Law of attraction Personality Development Programme, Business Motivational Programme, Digital Marketing Internet Security, Neuro-Linguistic Programme – NLP, Soul In Harmony, Yoga Laughter, Sri Chakra, Overseas Programmes (Srilanka & Singapore)Training & Talent Shows at Educational Institutions (Schools & Colleges).
 Namoads and Events is also into Advertisement services, following are our ADVERTISING SERVICES;
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abservetech · 3 years
How to build Gojek like App - Abservetech Blog
Gojek is an on-demand multi-service platform and digital payment technology. It allows customers to connect with courier delivery and ride-hailing services. On their first initial release, it had only four services like ride-sharing, payment gateway, online shopping, food ordering script. In this current market situation, Gojek like app valued at more than $10 billion. These company is currently operating in Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, etc. Gojek has expanded its services like bike ride booking, car rentals, grocery delivery, pharmacy delivery, wine delivery, car wash, babysitting, beauty service, carpenter, electrician, home cleaning, pest control, plumber, etc. Gojek has more popularity with customers and has encouraged lots of entrepreneurs and startups to build a business like Gojek. 
Gojek Clone is a multiple on-demand services app. It tends the customers to book a vary of services. Our Gojek clone script is available with the admin panel, customer panel. Admin can control the website’s front-end panel with the admin panel. Our Gojek clone contains an app store to get Alcohol, Food ordering, and delivery, Grocery delivery, Pharmacy Delivery, etc.
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Our Gojek like app contains features like the following available with it.
In-App Call / Chat:
In all our on-demand services app, we have integrated with In-app call/chat. For example, In the taxi booking service, the rider and the driver can call and chat with each other. It makes sure the customer and the corresponding driver to contact them. It helps understand the customer location.
Real-time Navigation:
This feature is available in the majority of services. Real-time navigation is available in Food delivery, Taxi booking, Alcohol delivery, grocery delivery, etc. It allows a customer to identify the location of the corresponding delivery boy, rider, etc. 
Ratings and Reviews
It is one of the main features of our Gojek clone script. It is mainly available in Taxi booking, food delivery, etc. It tends the customers to give reviews and provide ratings about the corresponding stakeholders.
Our Gojek clone script has email notification, push notification, etc. It allows customers and other stakeholders to send a notification to each other.
General Settings
It has general settings like page management, user management, Blast emails to users. Admin can control the front-end panel with the use of the admin panel with general settings.
Our Gojek Clone Script page: https://www.abservetech.com/gojek-clone/
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vishalchhipa-blog1 · 5 years
Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market Report Analysis and Forecast 2026.
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The latest report published by Profshare Market Research projects that Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market expected to remain positive over following years. The Market is expected to show constant growth between 2019-2027. In recent years Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market Growth primarily due to rigid stipulations on quality and economic efficiency over a period of time and this has been subject to continuous change. The study covers detail analysis, growth and forecast of the Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market. The report includes market analysis on global and regional level. Historical data analysis from 2014 to 2017 helps to forecast the market and market forecast for 2019 to 2027.
The report comprises value chain analysis for each of the product segments. Value chain analysis offers in depth information about value addition at each stage. The study includes drivers and restraints Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market along with their impact on demand during the forecast period. The study also provides key market indicators affecting the growth of the market. Research report includes major player analysis with shares of each player inside market, growth rate and market attractiveness in different end users/regions. Our study on Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market helps user to make precise decision in order to expand market presence and increase market share.
Research report includes the extensive use of primary and secondary data sources. Research process focuses on multiple factors affecting the industry such as competitive landscape, government policy, historical data, market current position, market trends, upcoming technologies & innovations as well as risks, rewards, opportunities and challenges. In order to validate market volume market, manufacturers, regional analysis, product segments and end users/applications study use top-down and bottom-up approach.
 Asia Pacific is largest and most dominating market primarily due to New advancements in technology and new specifications. North America and Europe also expected to show growth primarily due to heavy demand in new applications and upgrading the design. Latin America, Middle East and Africa also expected to show significant growth in usage of Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market.
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Major players in the market are identified through secondary research and their market revenues determined through primary and secondary research. Secondary research included the research of the annual and financial reports of the top manufacturers; whereas, primary research included extensive interviews of key opinion leaders and industry experts such as experienced front-line staff, directors, CEOs and marketing executives. the percentage splits, market shares, growth rate and breakdowns of the product markets are determined through using secondary sources and verified through the primary sources.
 Inquiry about report or ask for sample report @
 Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market: Product Type
 •        Low Heat Cement
•        Sulphates resisting cement
•        Blast Furnace Slag Cement
•        High Alumina Cement
•        White Cement
•        Coloured cement
•        Pozzolanic Cement
  Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market: End User / Application
 •        Residential Buildings
•        Industrial Buildings
•        Commercial Buildings
  Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market: Regional Analysis  
 •         China
•         Japan
•         India
•         Singapore
•         South Korea
•         Rest of APAC
Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market: Companies Covered
  •        Cemex
•        Holcim
•        HeidelbergCement
•        Lafarge
•        CRH
•        Buzzi Unicem
•        Italcementi
•        Cimpor
•        Votorantim
•        US Concrete
•        Shanghai Jiangong Engineering Material
•        China Resources Cement Holdings Limited
•        Southeast Cement Copporation
•        West China Cement Limited
•        Cahina Energy Enigeering Group
  Asia-Pacific Concrete and Cement Market report delivers comprehensive analysis of :
  •        Market Forecast for 2017-25
•        Market growth drivers
•        Challenges and Opportunities
•        Emerging and Current market trends
•        Market player Capacity, Production, Revenue (Value)
•        Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import analysis
•        End user/application Analysis
 Access full report @
 About Profshare
Profshare market research is a full service market research company that delivers in depth market research globally. we operate within consumer and business to business markets offering both qualitative and quantitative research services. we work for private sector clients, along with public sector and voluntary organisations. Profshare market research publishes high quality, in-depth market research studies, to help clients obtain granular level clarity on current business trends and expected future developments. we are committed to our client’s needs, providing custom solutions best fit for strategy development and implementation to extract tangible results.
for more information, visit https://www.profsharemarketresearch.com/
or email us at [email protected]
contact :
mia cox
sales manager
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duncanbarker-blog · 5 years
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Every time we visit Singapore, a trip to Universal Studios Singapore is the one thing we always try to do. I’ve been to this fun theme park on Sentosa Island four times now—with Erin as a couple, with my brother, and even with my whole family (aged from their 20s to 60s).
Top tip: We always buy discounted tickets to Universal Studios Singapore online at Voyagin for a saving of at least 10% off the usual price. Click here for current prices.
I love theme parks. I love eating ice cream to a dramatic film score soundtrack. I love walking through carefully constructed, exquisitely detailed scenes, imagining the hard work that a team of immensely creative people put in to make me feel like I’m in a 1920s-era, hyper-stylised New York.
New York Wharf at Universal Studios Singapore (photo by Kevin Fairbairn)
And, of course, I love the rides. While it’s not a huge park, there are some fantastic rides at Universal Studios Singapore that I’m happy to ride again and again.
Universal Studios is easily accessible from the centre and well worth a day trip. The small size can be a relief in Singapore’s heat as you can do all the main attractions by mid-afternoon and then retreat to your hotel pool.
In this post we share the best Universal Studios Singapore rides and attractions for older kids and adults like us, who steadfastly refuse to grow up. We also give tips on how to avoid queues, how to get there, the best place to buy tickets, where to eat, and much more to make the most of your day.
Me and my brother in front of the castle at Far, Far Away
Top Universal Studios Singapore Rides and Attractions
1) Battlestar Galactica: Human vs Cylon
Battlestar Galactica is two rides in one and is not to be missed if you enjoy rollercoasters. We usually start our day here when queues are short. 
This duelling coaster features a blue inverted coaster representing the Cylons and the seated red coaster representing the Humans. If you don’t like going upside down, stick with Humans.
The Cylon coaster is my favourite ride at Universal Singapore—it has multiple inversions including a cool loop that takes you below ground level through a thick mist.
The Human coaster has no inversions, instead delivering its not-insignificant excitement through speed, quick stomach-lurching drops, and tight turns. It’s still a lot of fun and both are worth riding. 
Both coasters require you to put all of your stuff in a nearby locker (and I mean everything), which is free for the first 45 minutes. And when they say require, they are serious—staff members stand at the head of the line and are armed with hand-held metal detectors to detect wallets and phones that you may not have put away.
Transformers is the most popular ride after park opening, so we usually head straight to Battlestar—on our latest visit both coasters only had a 5-minute wait. 
2) Transformers: The Ride
Transformers is a 3D ride where you don glasses and sit in a cart that flings you around in time to the action on the screens, and it is incredibly effective.
Zooming down city streets chased by giant fighting robots is as dramatic and exciting as it sounds. The ride gets you as close to being in the movie (assuming you’d want to be in a Transformers movie) as you’re ever likely to get.
Unfortunately, if you are prone to motion sickness, then this one is very likely to set it off. For everyone else, it’s an incredibly thrilling next-generation ride.
This is the park’s busiest ride in the morning, so we usually wait until mid-afternoon to ride it. A 120-minute wait at 11 am can turn into a 10-minute wait at 3 pm. 
3) Revenge of the Mummy
In a similar vein to Transformers but without the 3D glasses, on Revenge of the Mummy you set off in your jeep through an ancient Egyptian tomb in search of The Book of the Living. You travel through various scenes (with some fun surprises) before being thrown onto a surprisingly intense roller coaster in the dark.
I always forget what a fantastic ride Revenge of the Mummy is—it’s a fun mix of roller coaster, haunted house, and multimedia adventure. The queues aren’t usually long in the morning (we only waited five minutes and rode it twice), but it’s best to make it your second stop after Battlestar Galactica as they do increase in the afternoon. 
This one also requires lockers (again, free for the first 45 minutes), but they’re not as strict as for Battlestar. 
Ancient Egypt area (photo by Kevin Fairbairn)
4) Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure
A river rafting adventure through the world of Jurassic Park, this one is a guaranteed soaking and includes an impressive waterfall drop and plenty of splashing river rapids.
Lockers are available nearby and they’re not free for any amount of time (unlike Ancient Egypt and Battlestar), but unless you bring a dry bag for your valuables, you’ll want to use them.
If you find yourself uncomfortably drenched afterwards, there are drying pods available to blow dry you for S$5.
It’s best to wear quick drying clothes when you visit Universal (especially given Singapore’s often rainy climate) so you can dry off quickly after this ride. Our companions who wore denim shorts were uncomfortable for quite a while. 
5) Waterworld
The Waterworld stunt show is set in a specially constructed theatre and is an absolute delight.
The performers are fully committed to their roles, providing slapstick entertainment before the show begins and breathtaking stunts throughout. Multiple three storey drops, jet ski chases, explosions, and dramatic fights on narrow catwalks are thrilling to behold.
There are usually a few shows in the afternoon and it’s definitely worth scheduling in one of them. Pick up a map with show times as you enter through the ticket gates. 
6) Shrek 4-D Adventure
With my family outside the Shrek 4-D ride which takes place inside the Far Far Away Castle
The Shrek 4-D Adventure show plays continuously throughout the day and the queues aren’t usually long. 
In the 4-D theatre, you join Princess Fiona, Shrek and Donkey on a honeymoon adventure that picks up where the Shrek movie left off. You wear 3-D glasses and are immersed in the adventure as your seat bumps and bounces along with the action and you feel air blasts and water spray. 
If you are pregnant or have back issues, you can ask the staff for a non-moving seat. 
Note that the pre-show and show are quite long, so allow about 30 minutes if you are trying to fit it in before Waterworld as we did. 
7) If You Have More Time
Here are some other Universal Studios Singapore rides and shows that are worth doing if you have extra time: 
Lights, Camera, Action – Steven Spielberg hosts this movie special effects show where an empty soundstage is transformed by a hurricane about to hit New York City. 
Street Performers – While you are strolling the park take the time to stop and watch some of the street entertainers. New York has the most options including break dancers, tap dancers, and pop-rock music.
Canopy Flyer – A gentle aerial ride with great views over Jurassic Park. The queue is usually long for this and it didn’t seem worth the wait. 
Puss in Boots Giant Journey – A suspended family rollercoaster atop a giant beanstalk with anti-gravity sensations. For adults looking for thrill rides, it’s probably not worth the often long queues but if the wait is short, try it. 
Enchanted Airways – Another gentle family rollercoaster that gets busy. 
Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase – A cute indoor kids ride that’s worth a go if you need a break from the sun and the queue is short. 
Parade and Fireworks – These only happen on certain days (usually Fridays and Saturdays) so check the park map when you arrive. 
Note: There is no Harry Potter World at Universal Singapore—for that you’ll need to visit Universal Studios Japan in Osaka or Universal in Orlando or Hollywood in the USA. 
Minion! (Photo by Kevin Fairbairn)
Universal Studios Singapore Ticket Prices
One day Universal Studios Singapore tickets cost S$79 (US$58 / £45) for adults, S$59 (US$43 / £34) for 4–12-year-olds, and S$41 (US$30/ £23) for seniors aged over 60. 
How to get discount tickets
We highly recommend buying your e-ticket in advance from Voyagin to save 5 to 20% on the standard ticket price and avoid the queues. We always do this and it’s a very easy process—you print your tickets at a self-service machine just outside the gates by scanning the code you receive by email. Get your discounted tickets from Voyagin here.
Tickets if you are over 60
If you are over 60, it’s cheaper to buy your ticket direct from Universal either by queuing on the day or by getting an e-ticket in advance from the Resort World Sentosa website. You don’t need to print these etickets—just scan the code on your phone when you go through the gates. 
Express passes
Express passes are available to give you access to the priority express queues and are worth considering on weekends and holidays. These cost an extra fee in addition to your entrance ticket.
Express passes are priced dynamically depending on the date and start at S$40 (US$29 / £23) for one use per ride or S$70 (US$52 / £40) for unlimited uses per ride. You can’t use an express pass on Canopy Flyer but you can on most other rides mentioned here. 
Universal Studios Singapore Opening Hours
Universal Studios Singapore opens at 10 am and closing times vary from 6 pm to 10 pm. Check the Universal calendar. Fridays and Saturdays have the latest openings but are the busiest. 
I recommend arriving at least 20 minutes before opening time for the best chance of getting on the popular rides quickly. They sometimes open the park gates five minutes before the official opening.  
How to Avoid Long Queues at Universal Singapore
We hate queueing and never wait more than 15-20 minutes for a ride, even though ride wait times can get up to two hours or more at Universal Singapore. Use these tips to avoid long queues:
Visit on a weekday
Friday and Saturday are peak days at Universal (I’d also avoid Sundays) so try to visit from Monday to Thursday. Also avoid any national holidays. 
Arrive early
Make sure you arrive before the park officially opens. If you are one of the first in the park, you should be able to ride multiple popular rides without queuing more than 5-10 minutes. 
Ride the most popular attractions first (except Transformers)
This is the order of rides we did on our last visit and we avoided any long waits: 
Battlestar Galactica Human
Battlestar Galactica Cylon
Revenge of the Mummy x 2
Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure
Lunch break
Shrek 4-D
Transformers – Only a 5 minute wait at 2.30pm while everything else was much longer by then.
If you can’t do that, buy an express pass
Express passes allow you to skip the queues so it’s worth considering if you have to visit on a peak day or can’t arrive early. See the ticket price section above for more details. We’ve never needed one by following the rules above.
How to Get to Universal Studios Singapore
By MRT and monorail
Singapore is easy to get around by public transport and Universal is no exception. The efficient MRT goes to HarbourFront Station, and from there you can get the Sentosa Express monorail to Waterfront station, which is a short walk from the park.
The monorail is a little more expensive than standard MRT rides (S$5 return), but you can use your MRT card to get straight on. 
By MRT and cable car
To enjoy the view, you can take the cable car to Sentosa Island—follow the signs in the HarbourFront MRT Station, take the cable car to Imbiah station, then take the Sentosa Express monorail one stop to Waterfront station. Voyagin offers discounts on Universal + Cable Car packages. 
By MRT and on foot
Alternatively, you can walk the 25 minutes across to Sentosa Island but given how hot and humid Singapore is, you might find yourself wishing you’d paid the S$5.
By taxi
If you are in a group, it might work out easier and almost as cheap to take a taxi. On our last visit, we paid about S$20 using the Grab taxi app from the Orchard area (with morning surge pricing) and about S$15 back taking a taxi from the basement of the parking lot of the casino just outside the park. 
See the RW Sentosa website for more transport details. 
Hotels Near Universal Studios Singapore
Sentosa Island is the nearest place to stay—Hotel Michael, Festive Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel, and Crockfords Tower are all highly rated hotels within easy walking distance of Universal. The bonus of staying nearby is being able to take a break during the hottest part of the day, but hotels here aren’t cheap.
If you are on a budget, stay in Chinatown and take the MRT to Universal (it should take about 30 minutes). The Bohemian Chic is a well-reviewed, stylish hostel and Hotel Mono has attractive ensuite double rooms. 
If you want to combine a Universal trip with shopping, then stay in Orchard. We loved our stay at Treetops Executive Residences for the comfortable apartments (great for families) and beautiful pool. It’s about a 20-minute taxi ride from Universal or you can take the MRT. 
We recommend Booking.com for finding a hotel in Singapore. The prices are great, it’s easy to use, there are no hidden fees, and there’s often free cancellation. 
Airbnb is also a great way to find budget and luxury accommodation, either a private room or a whole apartment. Again, Chinatown has the cheapest options closest to Universal. Sign up here for $40 off your first booking. 
Food At Universal Singapore
Technically you are not allowed to bring food and drink into Universal but our bag was not searched. There are water fountains throughout the park so you can refill bottles.
There are plenty of food stands and restaurants in the park offering a mix of Asian and Western fast food. Vegetarian and halal options are available (and are marked on the park map) and there is a Starbucks in Hollywood. Here are a few options:
Loui’s NY Pizza Parlor in New York – Decent pizza slices (S$11), vegetarian pasta (S$14), and ice cream sundaes. 
Discovery Food Court in The Lost World – Singaporean classics like satay and chicken rice. For vegetarians there’s a vegetarian noodle soup (S$13) that’s nothing special but it’s healthier than the usual fast food. They also have potato wedges. 
Oasis Spice Cafe – We wished we’d seen this Indian place before we ate because the vegetarian biryani with two curries (S$15) sounded good. 
The following eateries are also marked as having vegetarian options: Marty’s Casa del Wild Food Court, Friar’s, StarBot Cafe and KT’s Grill. 
Although it’s not the largest theme park, Universal Studios Singapore packs a lot in, and there is plenty to keep die-hard thrill-seekers occupied for a day.
All of the rides above can easily stand multiple visits, and wandering around wonderfully crafted themed worlds past bright and cheerful characters can’t help but bring out the joyful child in all but the most hard-hearted of cynics.
We also highly recommend Universal Studios Japan in Osaka—it’s much bigger than Universal Singapore and has different rides including the brilliant Harry Potter World and the scariest rollercoaster we’ve ever been on. 
If you enjoyed this post, pin it!
This post was originally published in January 2016 and was majorly updated in 2019 after our most recent visit. 
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
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Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
The Heat of the Summer is Approaching – Time to Call Clarity Pool Service and Build Your Dream Swimming Pool
Okay, if you’re feeling the warmth of the sun all ready, you are a valid Las Vegas resident. Anyone who’s been here more than a couple of Summers will tell you it comes on quickly. Summer that is! It’s like one day you’re enjoying the cool Winter feeling air, and then all of a sudden, we’re dropped back into the heat of Summer. A time of the year that will have you sweating in areas of your body you didn’t even realize you could sweat in. If you can relate to that statement, it sounds like you are more than likely a veteran of Las Vegas. In other words, it gets hot here in our desert. Right about when you start wishing you lived in Colorado, your brain starts coming up with alternatives that don’t include you selling your home and lugging your family over to a new state to set up shop. The next thought is a custom swimming pool.
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada, we specialize in building traditional and custom swimming pools. There’s nothing we love more than designing and building beautiful pools and outdoor living environments that our clients enjoy every summer. It’s almost mandatory to have a pool here in our city. If you’re new to this fantastic town, then you’ll probably smile at that comment. But I’ wasn’t joking, sadly. At Clarity Pool Service, we strive to become the cure for the typical Las Vegas, Summer. From the preliminary on-site design consultation to the finished pool and outdoor living environment, we want to exceed your expectations where it concerns your plans to transform your dirt backyard into a desert oasis. Give Clarity a call today to speak with one of our pool design professionals. You can reach our office at (702) 839-9265, or you can visit our “New Pool Construction” page to learn more about how Clarity Pool Service would build your pool project. You can learn more and visit our past project photo gallery below.
Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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Do you need financing for your custom pool project? No problem, we’ve partnered with HFS Financial to help you receive the funding you need to build your dream pool and outdoor living project. Visit HFS now to start your application.
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markalina721 · 4 years
Ways to acquire email marketing service
Regardless of how entrepreneurs are in a brief timeframe shifting their obsession to different forms of digital communication, the use of email marketing paying little cerebrum to everything continues to flourish. Unequivocally when done in the right way, email marketing will lead to strongly central engagement while simultaneously fulfilling your audience. In any case, some business owners are up to this point finding it hard in getting the most out of email marketing service. In the event that you are in this category, by then you have unmistakably gone to the right spot. In this article, we will take you through a touch of the things that you have to set up when utilizing email marketing.
 For you to get an opportunity of capturing the chance of your target audience utilizing email campaigns, you have to promise you sort out the quality and breadth of data you are planning to work with. Study even the most created of email management tools will potentially work enough when the lead intelligence that supports them is adjusted. Appropriately, start by capturing the right lead intelligence while at the proportionate maintaining the accuracy of all data gathered. It is then that you will get the most out of email marketing without centering.
 Concerning email blasting in Singapore, there is no other level of perfection that you can realize before applying universally. This is thinking about the way that the purchaser's journey will never be static and as such no strategy is going to work for all your target audience. Before you get to create a new email campaign, you should require massive endeavor and survey what turned gigantic in your last campaign and what didn't. You can even examine the cutoff in timing, content, number of emails or even headlines. Through this abrupt unexpected new development, you can set up responsive email newsletters as necessities be building up a strong brand.
 It is with no denying that email marketing is the establishment of any business that wants to appear at actually certain heights. To improve it, it is a cheap and personal strategy for getting in touch with your target audience while changing over them to loyal customers. In the event that you are finding it hard, by then you ought to get managed email lists for Singapore businesses. Fittingly, you can accomplish the proposed outcomes without from a general perspective contributing a gigantic level of centrality like the case with most entrepreneurs. For extra data, read this link.
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