#eli5 bitcoin
bitcoinversed · 9 months
ELI5 Bitcoin: Explain bitcoin Like I'm Five
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Hey there, curious minds, allow me to break Bitcoin down so a five-year-old can understand it…
Ever tried to wrap your head around Bitcoin and ended up with a mega brain freeze? Don’t stress. Remember when you first tried to figure out the Internet and all its wizardry? Yep, most of us still can’t explain all those geeky bits and bytes, but hey, we’re all pros at scrolling through our favorite sites.
Bitcoin? Kinda the same deal. It’s the cool kid on the block that’s setting the stage for a bunch of exciting financial stuff (think money, but cooler and techier!). You don’t need a PhD to get it. But if you’re itching to get the lowdown on Bitcoin without the jargon, stick around. Let’s dive in! 🚀  Read more a Bitcoin Versed...
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faggotgamzee · 9 months
observations on the future of social media in regards to P2P and Blockchains and decentralized protocols in general ie nostr/iris, bluesky etc, what it means in Threads, Tumblr and Twitter/X's case and what it means to us as users
prefacing this with I'm just a person with access to google and a hefty amount of curiosity and a layman's understanding of the subjects so I will most likely be wrong about a couple things but I just wanted to write this to get a discussion going in a public space about what these social medias mean for the future of the internet and what I think their goals are and also to just get my thoughts in order
P2P in the simplest of terms is how torrenting works, it is peer 2 peer sharing of information ie computer 2 computer, so for example if you download something sent to you by a person from google drive its person > google servers > you, however if you torrent somethings its person > you (well in actuality its Multiple people> you and that's what seeding is but I am keeping it simple for my own sake) So in my quest to find a way to p2p stream things directly from a computer to another computer not on the same network on github, I've found that a huge amount of research has been done in general on P2P implementation beyond just media sharing in the last couple of years
and subsequently I fell down a rabbit hole of P2P social media, so what that means is imagine a social media without a middle man or a direct company. Twitter right now works as such, person tweets > passes through twitter servers > you access their tweet as shown to you through the twitter servers this mode of information sharing requires physical servers to store this data on, most companies don't own their own servers but instead rent them, usually from amazon or google, and twitter is the same, in fact almost everything on the internet is hosted through amazon servers and they have intense monopoly worldwide (x) (x)
this is partially how countries can exert their laws on these social media companies
P2P makes all of this obsolete, reduces the overhead cost of servers and takes them out of the equation, the sharing of information will be pingponged through multiple computers instead of passed through one large middle man that can be prosecuted and contacted for hosting/platforming this data. personally I am very excited about the development of P2P technology however, this form of decentralized social media isn't new people have been experimenting with it since 2012 and the early internet ran on p2p (IRC), but the biggest difference now is that people have combined it with blockchains (bitcoin) (W3C ie Web.3 consortium pretentious name I know) and this brings me to the current Big Fish battle that is happening right now between IRIS(NOSTR)/Blusky and Threads, Twitter
So starting with IRIS, most people have probably not heard of IRIS but what IRIS is, is a p2p social media running on a protocol called NOSTR, ELI5 protocols are just Ways of doing things/sharing information/guidelines, ie emails are just a protocol called SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) that companies can build things around ex: gmail, runs on SMTP protocol I stumbled on the ex CEO of twitter Jack Dorsey on IRIS and a couple things struck me first scrolling through the site and his account. first even though Jack Dorsey is on the board of directors for bluesky and helped in its development he more so wants NOSTR protocol and IRIS to succeed and seems to be pushing them more heavily even on his twitter secondly the little dollar amount tied to every post he makes,
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this literary banger is apparently worth a dollar and a half in "Zap Coins" this leads me to speculate on the future of bluesky because to me it seems like IRIS is being used as a testing ground for bluesky, bluesky currently DOESNT have bitcoin tied to its posts like nostr does but it does have the groundworks laid in in its protocol! I offhandedly mentioned previously that social medias are combining P2P and blockchain this time around and thats exactly what is happening in IRIS and what bluesky seems to be working towards, now what does this mean in IRIS's case? well from my understanding is that creating accounts on IRIS is exactly like creating a crypto wallet, in that your account will have its own unique generated hash encrypted number and every post you make is like making a transaction in the blockchain ie it has its own hash attached to it hence every post you make has a monetary value pros > makes you hard to find, posts are decentralized and spread over multiple computers worldwide and encrypted >can make as many accounts as you want no need for verification you just need to remember the unique hash attached to them >no servers hosting your information governments and companies have less control cons (to me anyways lol) >monetized posts >the power balance gets shifted from companies and goverments to ISP's and their abilities to connect you to other computers worldwide >nothing can ever actually be deleted its all recorded, you can orphan posts from your account I think? but they will still be findable
what does this mean in Blue sky's case?
Well starting with the differences, Bluesky is NOT p2p it is running on its own self made "decentralized" protocol called ATP (@ protocol) it is very theoretical and doesn't have any actual implementation anywhere as opposed to NOSTR and other protocols that twitter and tumblr run on I read through it and looked up some things but I genuinely don't understand how its supposed to be decentralized especially with how it seems to be implemented in actuality, so currently bluesky has frequent outages and is slow to use, if it were decentralized these things shouldn't be affecting everyone? so from my understanding it says that everyone has their own server PDS (personal direct server) that will host their posts and that it all PDS will be connected via a crawler which will siphon that information to an app, which I GUESS is decentralized but what does PDS mean in this case? signing up to bluesky is most definitely not hosting your own server with your own posts, you are putting these posts on a server somewhere, but who is it owned by? I read some articles saying that bluesky is starting out by hosting their own servers for you in that case they've just invented twitter 2 but with more flexibility in regards to third party implementation anyways rant aside, the similarities, while iris isnt the same as bluesky, bluesky's philosophy seems to be in a similar vain to iris and blue sky is following iris' steps closely, while iris isn't owned by one single entity, blue sky board of directors want to make some cash money and I assume thats why they didnt fully lean into p2p
like I mentioned before Blue Sky's protocol has the capabilities for bitcoin integration baked into it (x) I dont know if they will try to monetize the posts in the same way directly in bluesky as is done in IRIS but the ATP is very flexible and what that means is that they can create a different monetary based app that you don't even need to sign up for you'd just use your bluesky credentials and you'd have a crypto wallet tied to your blue sky account because your ID isn't tied to just blue sky, its tied to anything running the ATP protocol
sound familiar? this is what Elon musk is trying to do with Twitter rn and this is basically where he got the idea, he wants to make twitter the one stop shop app for everything, but this isn't a fantasy unattainable idea this is coming directly from the protocols IRIS and Bluesky use, and I will not be surprised if in the near future we see him attempt to integrate bitcoin into twitter
Twitter, Threads and Tumblr (triple T haha 3T if you will) are all going to try and compete with Bluesky and Iris because ~money~, but they are doing so with.... *drum rolls* Mastedon! the dark horse or more accurately the protocol that Mastedon uses which is called ActivityPUB, Activitypub is older than both NOSTR and ATP and has a history of a wide range of implementation, however if you've ever used Mastodon you'd know its very limited in its capabilities when it comes to social media
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This is basically I theorize/speculate is one of the reasons tumblr changed its looks, they are trying to standardize social media between all 3 of them and basically build bridges between each other so as to combat IRIS and BlueSky This is not to say they will become like Mastedon however, in fact between Threads which has a huge amount of money to throw at inventing things and polishing the Activepub protocol and Automattic which owns tumblr and has owned wordpress for even longer who have a familiarity with blogging platforms and multi integration across multiple platforms I think they can be strong competitors
dont ask me what twitter is doing, I am not even certain it will integrate activitypub 100% I just think thats the easiest and fastest way to try and achieve elon's goals and threads and tumblr are combining
so what does it mean exactly when these sites say they will use ActivityPub?
it just means that they are trying to build bridges between each other, that is very vague and obscure of course because idk how they will go about it, the most basic way is post sharing between sites will change and become easier but its not limited to just that, IDK if they will even change the sites themselves instead of just building addons but tumblr's aesthetic change makes me think that they will
more importantly what does this mean for us Users?
well if you've read this far, I just want to emphasize that this isn't something to doom about, while I don't support crypto 100% I think the next wave of social media is headed in a good direction in that people are Finally focusing on decentralizations, social media that isn't under the thumb of one company or hosted on one single server (tumblr servers for example ALLEGEDLY were hosted on one amazon server without backup x) we are finally moving in a direction that is more open as I listed in the pros section above when it comes to IRIS I personally think those ones are worth the cons, however I want people to understand when they are joining bluesky, threads etc the conversation isn't about what these websites are good at NOW, you are NOT joining a twitter copy, all the social medias are gearing up to move away into a new era of internet, it may look the same but under the hood their goals are different, as far as I can tell every social media's goals are focused on 3 things currently >decentralization (lowering their costs in moderation, hosting etc) >getting money, alot of money as fast as possible (crypto integration, selling your data) >beating their competition and surviving as the big fish (protocols are duking it out iris/bluesky vs the world)
like I said at the start of this post I am just a layman with a keyboard, these are just observations I've made, and I could be wrong about multiple things here! but either way, curious about where we are headed
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pabloclarke · 4 years
Bitcoin is pretty technical, and understanding it isn’t easy. Understanding how the Internet works isn’t easy either, but we can all surf from page to page without many problems.
Bitcoin is no different, you don’t really need to know all the intricacies to work it, but if you’re interested in a basic understanding, allow me to ELI5 Bitcoin for you.
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conyersmooney · 4 years
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ELI5 Bitcoin - Explain Bitcoin Like I'm Five
Visit us at - https://bitcoinmaximalist.net/eli5-bitcoin-explain-bitcoin-like-im-five/ Bitcoin is pretty technical, and understanding it isn't easy, but ELI5 Bitcoin is stripped down and explained in such a way that a five year old can understand Bitcoin. If you're interested in Bitcoin but are put off by all the technical jargon, have a listen. It's Bitcoin for beginners simplified.
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youtifulhobi · 3 years
Please read the following threads about NFTs and make an informed decision (what you decide is up to you and I won’t judge you based on it -- just make sure you have all the information you need) before you blindly buy it.
↑ What’s an NFT? A concise explanation, explained in ELI5 terms
↑ NFT analogies and brief explanation
↑ WHY NFTs are bad; a thread of how they consume energy and why it’s bad for the environment
↑ What NFTs depend on and how they’re similar to bitcoin
↑ Basically the previous 4 twitter threads condensed into a few explanations
↑ Also condensed into a few explanations; this is a very good summary for those who are lacking on time and just want a quick explanation
Feel free to reblog and add your own explanation!!!
These links were found by the lovely @blckjeon so please send them some love!!!
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henry420 · 5 years
So I’m not sure if any of you tumblr friends are into crypto but this is a great website to get started! I’ve never been good at really understanding economics (especially in school) and I never thought I could ever wrap my head around bitcoin and all that. 
 somehow I’ve made several grand over the last few years dabbling with this on and off. My first time I threw down like $50 and 4 months later it turned into almost 10 times that amount. there have been times where I wasn’t so lucky - so know that this is anecdotal evidence. I’m a total idiot so if I can do it than you definitely can too!  
Crypto is definitely the wave - a lot more retailers are starting to offer bitcoin and other crypto as payment and usually there’s a big discount for crpyto payments. (especially for electronics!)  
I personally like binance more than Coinbase but you need/should get both! (coinbase is honestly more like an ELI5 version but the fees are much higher!) - it has so many different options for coin (bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and so so many more!) 
If you have a million questions please check out -- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/ if you wanna read more into it! :) the sidebar has some great references as well
Happy july 4th!
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airoasis · 5 years
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-i-choose-bitcoin-cash/
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
I prefer a Peer to see digital money over the whole lot. Correct now the first-class form of this comes in the form of Bitcoin cash, which holds the ticker BCH on virtually all exchanges. My title is Collin Enstad, i’ve lived in the USA my entire lifestyles. I am a freelance director / cinematographer / steadicam operator. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2013 in the course of its bubble, the place it peaked at $1200. I consider my first purchase was once around $one hundred fifty however I only bought a bit bit, as much as I might find the money for being a broke school pupil. I made some cash and purchased matters with it, like this bizarre digicam rig. Of course part of the adoption of bitcoin is brought about via men and women speculating trying to generate income off of it. But i noticed I had actual utility, I could use it as money. An investment that’s liquid as hell. Excellent. I requested an harmless query in late 2015 on the uncensored bitcoin subreddit, /r/btc: ELI5: Why achieve this many individuals insist on a small block size?. I got first-rate answers, similar to Blockstreams function in taking up the progress, how Peter Todd remains to be seeking to these days to kill 0-affirmation transactions, and how the Core devs have been proscribing the bottom layer to push a 2nd one that they claimed would be even higher than the actual blockchain.All of these aspects nonetheless maintain proper to nowadays. I even respect a number of the names within the thread from again then with persons I still speak to in these days. I even had some put up calling out theymos, the king of censorship, round this time. How things have no longer transformed. The extra I dig up the more obvious the manipulation of public opinion. Once more, this was once in 2015 this was all being called out, 4 years ago. Thats close to 1/2 of bitcoins lifetime. Crypto is really just politics, but on a time scale which appears hundreds and hundreds of times faster.I was once continuously a huge blocker. 1MB is tiny. Its less knowledge than a 2d of this video. It gave the impression a majority of the community back in 2015 was once for bigger blocks too. How a small crew of Core developers took over and sabotaged the bitcoin experiment with never-ending small blocks will be rather the exciting case be taught in historical past class. Im nonetheless seeking to utterly wrap my head around how Gavin, the character Satoshi entrusted with the keys to the bitcoin code, used to be pushed out and ostracized for looking the logical answer, higher blocks.Its a narrative that takes a long time to tell, and entails a false Satoshi. Im currently engaged on a feature size documentary about the shitshow that’s bitcoins history. The real down and dirty bitcoin politics, no longer some loud mouth troll showing up on tv spouting nonsense. So the fork happened in August 2017 and the large block version, Bitcoin cash, didn’t win over the hearts and minds of traders. Instantaneous ridicule from the Core persons ensued, as used to be par for the path. Bcash is trash was once their mantra, in an try to rip the word bitcoin out of its name. Now take into account, theymos fairly ramped up his censorship on /r/bitcoin in 2015. Reddit used to be THE spot to talk bitcoin, and theymos actions make him, individually, the only greatest affect on this whole Scaling warfare. Go to any publish from again then about theymos increasing moderation and appear at how many individuals vehemently adverse it.One of bitcoins most important residences is censorship-resistance, however apparently whenever you go away the protocol layer you additionally abandon all of its ethos. When your methods hotel to silencing the opposition you understand your arguments aren’t on stable floor. If they were, they might let all of the dissent come their approach and evaporate before them in the face of truth. However no. The block and ban buttons are used as a type of religious piety. This itself was once a tremendous red flag that some thing used to be wrong with Bitcoin. As a latest concrete instance of manipulation, My ultra-modern video criticizing the lightning community was once the top put up on /r/btc, except every week historic news story broke in regards to the Twitter CEO, Jack, purchasing a hardware pockets all of a sudden unseated it. This Jack story was once in a antagonistic sub and it won the highest spot in an hour. Mods deleted the submit shortly after. The account had a history of vote botting. Proof Of Social Media. Par for the course for those against peer to peer money. And this this is the place I just get angry.BTC does no longer work as a trustworthy form of money, but its still pushed on unsuspecting noobs, many who now go to the bcash sunday service. These social media influencers have 10s of hundreds of thousands of followers that they preach the nice word to absolutely this many folks wouldnt listen to any person who was just basically unsuitable! This market is immature and albeit, just dumb. I really awoke to all of this when instantly I was paying $1 for a transaction rate in early 2017. This isn’t what I signed up for. My money will have to not disappear every time I need to move it. When Bitcoin cash forked, I was all in, actually with my nonetheless tiny stash and figuratively from an ideological standpoint. Does this provide me investment bias? Almost always, however again, Im now not talking tremendous cash right here.Irregardless, I do my research and its the one coin i can confidently put my cash in. I do know what it is trying to do is the reason bitcoin was created in the first place, which is what once more? Oh yeah, to offer each person in the world an possibility to be their own bank. To give humans the potential to transact with anyone in the world with out the necessity of a 3rd celebration, even if they make not up to $2 a day. That is bitcoin. I kept diving deeper into the rabbit hole. Undoubtedly each person couldnt be this deluded however they were. Advocating for the shrewd factor of raising the blocksize and how BCH is a reliable variation of Bitcoin on social media has been tiring. I dont know the way a few of these trolls are so lively and simply hostile.I grew up with the web, part of the primary iteration that had social media for his or her whole middle and excessive institution experience. However these bitcoin guys man, the most poisonous i have ever seen. You have to have thick epidermis when you even believe about having impartial idea in crypto. Its sad. I haven’t any doubt there are individuals whose full-time job it is to sow up disagreement and strife within people who want to see Bitcoin be the arena money. Theres even proof of In November of 2017 I made a industrial for BCH with the support of the Bitcoin money association. It used to be a excessive high-quality industrial in a barber store which showed bitcoin getting used as cash. Response from the group was once nice, and i located myself in Tokyo a pair months later shooting the Satoshis vision convention, where a few of the Bitcoin cash group attended.I interviewed lots of the prime leaders in BCH for the period of that point interval for my documentary together with Craig Wright. This man appeared to come out of nowhere and was once a large suggest of Bitcoin cash. He had charisma, unquestionably, even when his Satoshi claims have been iffy. I consider the BCH neighborhood sided with him on account that he was once so anti-core. An enemy of an enemy is your buddy. And on the grounds that this buddy was very aggressive and outspoken in the direction of the purpose, many were inclined to let his shadiness slide.However very quickly after this convention actual bitcoin devs, who in reality work on and comprehend the bitcoin protocol, began calling him out on his lies. It was once rough to confess youd been duped, but right here we all are. Then, of direction he forked off into his possess coin months later, and his fraud lives on. Then comes the altcoin arguments. For those who dont like BTC so much simply use nano? Dash is the real peer to see cash! Lol noob do you even cardano? Well, considering BCH has the identical transaction historical past relationship again to the genesis block in 2009, one could argue the distribution of the coin is more decentralized than any of the altcoins, due to the fact that it has been around the longest.Im a strong believer in Proof of work as well. Even though BCH has a lot less hashpower than BTC, it has been shown how a gigantic portion of hash would transfer to BCH in safeguard of a malicious actor, like we noticed within the hashwar. The miners like Bitcoin money, however they generally follow gains, and this means mining BTC and BCH on the same price as the fee ratio between them. Now that BCH is free from its former crippled blocksize, most things the altcoins can do, BCH would enforce itself. Even things just like the lightning community would work muchhhh higher on Bitcoin cash as a result of the small charges to open and shut channels. Bitcoin was once intended to be the one crypto that ruled all of them, absorbing the quality altcoin facets. Vitalik Buterin found out this was no longer the case to any extent further, and he ran off to make Ethereum in 2015 after a lot combating with the Core devs. So right here I to find myself, in March 2019, nonetheless a supporter of Bitcoin cash. That you may believe the creative and grassroots power of individuals who just wish to construct. I hear the Bitcoin OGs say its the same spirit that bitcoin had it in its early days.Persons that CARE about making bitcoin exceptional again. And of path, the small blocks made building apps problematic for devs, because the excessive charges and sluggish confirmations might disable some functions who relied on inexpensive and speedy transactions. Full blocks rationale unreliability. And if youre a dev and need to construct an app, why within the hell would you use a base protocol that can instantly price $50 for a single use. If BCH stops being the excellent type of P2P money, make no mistake, i’d drop aid. Im no longer a blind follower and am at all times watching to mission my beliefs. Tokens, Decentralized handles, Badger wallet, suggestions.Cash, CashShuffle, Satoshidice the record goes on. So many of those projects are simply now hitting the Bitcoin cash market, and wallets are looking to catch up and implement these elements as speedy as they may be able to.Its nonetheless early in Bitcoin Cashs development existence, and the power within the community is the equal one I felt once I first received into it, vibrant, filled with hope for a greater future, and now with an added tenacity to make certain that no dangerous actors can once once more spoil the imaginative and prescient of Peer to look cash for the complete world. .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-i-choose-bitcoin-cash/
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
I prefer a Peer to see digital money over the whole lot. Correct now the first-class form of this comes in the form of Bitcoin cash, which holds the ticker BCH on virtually all exchanges. My title is Collin Enstad, i’ve lived in the USA my entire lifestyles. I am a freelance director / cinematographer / steadicam operator. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2013 in the course of its bubble, the place it peaked at $1200. I consider my first purchase was once around $one hundred fifty however I only bought a bit bit, as much as I might find the money for being a broke school pupil. I made some cash and purchased matters with it, like this bizarre digicam rig. Of course part of the adoption of bitcoin is brought about via men and women speculating trying to generate income off of it. But i noticed I had actual utility, I could use it as money. An investment that’s liquid as hell. Excellent. I requested an harmless query in late 2015 on the uncensored bitcoin subreddit, /r/btc: ELI5: Why achieve this many individuals insist on a small block size?. I got first-rate answers, similar to Blockstreams function in taking up the progress, how Peter Todd remains to be seeking to these days to kill 0-affirmation transactions, and how the Core devs have been proscribing the bottom layer to push a 2nd one that they claimed would be even higher than the actual blockchain.All of these aspects nonetheless maintain proper to nowadays. I even respect a number of the names within the thread from again then with persons I still speak to in these days. I even had some put up calling out theymos, the king of censorship, round this time. How things have no longer transformed. The extra I dig up the more obvious the manipulation of public opinion. Once more, this was once in 2015 this was all being called out, 4 years ago. Thats close to 1/2 of bitcoins lifetime. Crypto is really just politics, but on a time scale which appears hundreds and hundreds of times faster.I was once continuously a huge blocker. 1MB is tiny. Its less knowledge than a 2d of this video. It gave the impression a majority of the community back in 2015 was once for bigger blocks too. How a small crew of Core developers took over and sabotaged the bitcoin experiment with never-ending small blocks will be rather the exciting case be taught in historical past class. Im nonetheless seeking to utterly wrap my head around how Gavin, the character Satoshi entrusted with the keys to the bitcoin code, used to be pushed out and ostracized for looking the logical answer, higher blocks.Its a narrative that takes a long time to tell, and entails a false Satoshi. Im currently engaged on a feature size documentary about the shitshow that’s bitcoins history. The real down and dirty bitcoin politics, no longer some loud mouth troll showing up on tv spouting nonsense. So the fork happened in August 2017 and the large block version, Bitcoin cash, didn’t win over the hearts and minds of traders. Instantaneous ridicule from the Core persons ensued, as used to be par for the path. Bcash is trash was once their mantra, in an try to rip the word bitcoin out of its name. Now take into account, theymos fairly ramped up his censorship on /r/bitcoin in 2015. Reddit used to be THE spot to talk bitcoin, and theymos actions make him, individually, the only greatest affect on this whole Scaling warfare. Go to any publish from again then about theymos increasing moderation and appear at how many individuals vehemently adverse it.One of bitcoins most important residences is censorship-resistance, however apparently whenever you go away the protocol layer you additionally abandon all of its ethos. When your methods hotel to silencing the opposition you understand your arguments aren’t on stable floor. If they were, they might let all of the dissent come their approach and evaporate before them in the face of truth. However no. The block and ban buttons are used as a type of religious piety. This itself was once a tremendous red flag that some thing used to be wrong with Bitcoin. As a latest concrete instance of manipulation, My ultra-modern video criticizing the lightning community was once the top put up on /r/btc, except every week historic news story broke in regards to the Twitter CEO, Jack, purchasing a hardware pockets all of a sudden unseated it. This Jack story was once in a antagonistic sub and it won the highest spot in an hour. Mods deleted the submit shortly after. The account had a history of vote botting. Proof Of Social Media. Par for the course for those against peer to peer money. And this this is the place I just get angry.BTC does no longer work as a trustworthy form of money, but its still pushed on unsuspecting noobs, many who now go to the bcash sunday service. These social media influencers have 10s of hundreds of thousands of followers that they preach the nice word to absolutely this many folks wouldnt listen to any person who was just basically unsuitable! This market is immature and albeit, just dumb. I really awoke to all of this when instantly I was paying $1 for a transaction rate in early 2017. This isn’t what I signed up for. My money will have to not disappear every time I need to move it. When Bitcoin cash forked, I was all in, actually with my nonetheless tiny stash and figuratively from an ideological standpoint. Does this provide me investment bias? Almost always, however again, Im now not talking tremendous cash right here.Irregardless, I do my research and its the one coin i can confidently put my cash in. I do know what it is trying to do is the reason bitcoin was created in the first place, which is what once more? Oh yeah, to offer each person in the world an possibility to be their own bank. To give humans the potential to transact with anyone in the world with out the necessity of a 3rd celebration, even if they make not up to $2 a day. That is bitcoin. I kept diving deeper into the rabbit hole. Undoubtedly each person couldnt be this deluded however they were. Advocating for the shrewd factor of raising the blocksize and how BCH is a reliable variation of Bitcoin on social media has been tiring. I dont know the way a few of these trolls are so lively and simply hostile.I grew up with the web, part of the primary iteration that had social media for his or her whole middle and excessive institution experience. However these bitcoin guys man, the most poisonous i have ever seen. You have to have thick epidermis when you even believe about having impartial idea in crypto. Its sad. I haven’t any doubt there are individuals whose full-time job it is to sow up disagreement and strife within people who want to see Bitcoin be the arena money. Theres even proof of In November of 2017 I made a industrial for BCH with the support of the Bitcoin money association. It used to be a excessive high-quality industrial in a barber store which showed bitcoin getting used as cash. Response from the group was once nice, and i located myself in Tokyo a pair months later shooting the Satoshis vision convention, where a few of the Bitcoin cash group attended.I interviewed lots of the prime leaders in BCH for the period of that point interval for my documentary together with Craig Wright. This man appeared to come out of nowhere and was once a large suggest of Bitcoin cash. He had charisma, unquestionably, even when his Satoshi claims have been iffy. I consider the BCH neighborhood sided with him on account that he was once so anti-core. An enemy of an enemy is your buddy. And on the grounds that this buddy was very aggressive and outspoken in the direction of the purpose, many were inclined to let his shadiness slide.However very quickly after this convention actual bitcoin devs, who in reality work on and comprehend the bitcoin protocol, began calling him out on his lies. It was once rough to confess youd been duped, but right here we all are. Then, of direction he forked off into his possess coin months later, and his fraud lives on. Then comes the altcoin arguments. For those who dont like BTC so much simply use nano? Dash is the real peer to see cash! Lol noob do you even cardano? Well, considering BCH has the identical transaction historical past relationship again to the genesis block in 2009, one could argue the distribution of the coin is more decentralized than any of the altcoins, due to the fact that it has been around the longest.Im a strong believer in Proof of work as well. Even though BCH has a lot less hashpower than BTC, it has been shown how a gigantic portion of hash would transfer to BCH in safeguard of a malicious actor, like we noticed within the hashwar. The miners like Bitcoin money, however they generally follow gains, and this means mining BTC and BCH on the same price as the fee ratio between them. Now that BCH is free from its former crippled blocksize, most things the altcoins can do, BCH would enforce itself. Even things just like the lightning community would work muchhhh higher on Bitcoin cash as a result of the small charges to open and shut channels. Bitcoin was once intended to be the one crypto that ruled all of them, absorbing the quality altcoin facets. Vitalik Buterin found out this was no longer the case to any extent further, and he ran off to make Ethereum in 2015 after a lot combating with the Core devs. So right here I to find myself, in March 2019, nonetheless a supporter of Bitcoin cash. That you may believe the creative and grassroots power of individuals who just wish to construct. I hear the Bitcoin OGs say its the same spirit that bitcoin had it in its early days.Persons that CARE about making bitcoin exceptional again. And of path, the small blocks made building apps problematic for devs, because the excessive charges and sluggish confirmations might disable some functions who relied on inexpensive and speedy transactions. Full blocks rationale unreliability. And if youre a dev and need to construct an app, why within the hell would you use a base protocol that can instantly price $50 for a single use. If BCH stops being the excellent type of P2P money, make no mistake, i’d drop aid. Im no longer a blind follower and am at all times watching to mission my beliefs. Tokens, Decentralized handles, Badger wallet, suggestions.Cash, CashShuffle, Satoshidice the record goes on. So many of those projects are simply now hitting the Bitcoin cash market, and wallets are looking to catch up and implement these elements as speedy as they may be able to.Its nonetheless early in Bitcoin Cashs development existence, and the power within the community is the equal one I felt once I first received into it, vibrant, filled with hope for a greater future, and now with an added tenacity to make certain that no dangerous actors can once once more spoil the imaginative and prescient of Peer to look cash for the complete world. .
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Understanding the blockchain technology (ELI5): What it is and how it is working
Understanding the blockchain technology (ELI5): What it is and how it is working
The real world is too restricted with drawbacks of the existing system and with constant research; people try to move on to find a better one. Back in 2009, the most innovative technology – “blockchain”, alongside with Bitcoin, a digital currency became the best combo in the ledger world. With extensive knowledge and work experience in this technology, Epixel MLM Software have prepared an article…
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pabloclarke · 4 years
ELI5 Bitcoin Mining: Explain Bitcoin Mining Like I’m Five
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conyersmooney · 4 years
ELI5 Bitcoin - Explain Bitcoin Like I'm Five
Visit us at - https://bitcoinmaximalist.net/eli5-bitcoin-explain-bitcoin-like-im-five/ Bitcoin is pretty technical, and understanding it isn't easy, but ELI5 Bitcoin is stripped down and explained in such a way that a five year old can understand Bitcoin. If you're interested in Bitcoin but are put off by all the technical jargon, have a listen. It's Bitcoin for beginners simplified.
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kroisosbitcoin · 3 years
Bitcoin Beginner Basics - What is self custody?
Bitcoin Beginner Basics – What is self custody?
MsHodl made these videos to explain the basics of bitcoin self-custody. Bitcoin Beginner Basics – What is self custody? VERY general overview of Bitcoin custody, keys and how it works. #ELI5 *Had a bunch of DMs asking what “self custody” is. Here is my attempt to help in a ELI5 way. Please use this as a starting point, not a how…
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lascapigliata · 3 years
i spent like 3 hours last night doing my monthly scrape of ELI5 to see if i could actually figure out bitcoin this time and the answer is still No
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airoasis · 5 years
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-i-choose-bitcoin-cash/
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
I prefer a Peer to see digital money over the whole lot. Correct now the first-class form of this comes in the form of Bitcoin cash, which holds the ticker BCH on virtually all exchanges. My title is Collin Enstad, i’ve lived in the USA my entire lifestyles. I am a freelance director / cinematographer / steadicam operator. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2013 in the course of its bubble, the place it peaked at $1200. I consider my first purchase was once around $one hundred fifty however I only bought a bit bit, as much as I might find the money for being a broke school pupil. I made some cash and purchased matters with it, like this bizarre digicam rig. Of course part of the adoption of bitcoin is brought about via men and women speculating trying to generate income off of it. But i noticed I had actual utility, I could use it as money. An investment that’s liquid as hell. Excellent. I requested an harmless query in late 2015 on the uncensored bitcoin subreddit, /r/btc: ELI5: Why achieve this many individuals insist on a small block size?. I got first-rate answers, similar to Blockstreams function in taking up the progress, how Peter Todd remains to be seeking to these days to kill 0-affirmation transactions, and how the Core devs have been proscribing the bottom layer to push a 2nd one that they claimed would be even higher than the actual blockchain.All of these aspects nonetheless maintain proper to nowadays. I even respect a number of the names within the thread from again then with persons I still speak to in these days. I even had some put up calling out theymos, the king of censorship, round this time. How things have no longer transformed. The extra I dig up the more obvious the manipulation of public opinion. Once more, this was once in 2015 this was all being called out, 4 years ago. Thats close to 1/2 of bitcoins lifetime. Crypto is really just politics, but on a time scale which appears hundreds and hundreds of times faster.I was once continuously a huge blocker. 1MB is tiny. Its less knowledge than a 2d of this video. It gave the impression a majority of the community back in 2015 was once for bigger blocks too. How a small crew of Core developers took over and sabotaged the bitcoin experiment with never-ending small blocks will be rather the exciting case be taught in historical past class. Im nonetheless seeking to utterly wrap my head around how Gavin, the character Satoshi entrusted with the keys to the bitcoin code, used to be pushed out and ostracized for looking the logical answer, higher blocks.Its a narrative that takes a long time to tell, and entails a false Satoshi. Im currently engaged on a feature size documentary about the shitshow that’s bitcoins history. The real down and dirty bitcoin politics, no longer some loud mouth troll showing up on tv spouting nonsense. So the fork happened in August 2017 and the large block version, Bitcoin cash, didn’t win over the hearts and minds of traders. Instantaneous ridicule from the Core persons ensued, as used to be par for the path. Bcash is trash was once their mantra, in an try to rip the word bitcoin out of its name. Now take into account, theymos fairly ramped up his censorship on /r/bitcoin in 2015. Reddit used to be THE spot to talk bitcoin, and theymos actions make him, individually, the only greatest affect on this whole Scaling warfare. Go to any publish from again then about theymos increasing moderation and appear at how many individuals vehemently adverse it.One of bitcoins most important residences is censorship-resistance, however apparently whenever you go away the protocol layer you additionally abandon all of its ethos. When your methods hotel to silencing the opposition you understand your arguments aren’t on stable floor. If they were, they might let all of the dissent come their approach and evaporate before them in the face of truth. However no. The block and ban buttons are used as a type of religious piety. This itself was once a tremendous red flag that some thing used to be wrong with Bitcoin. As a latest concrete instance of manipulation, My ultra-modern video criticizing the lightning community was once the top put up on /r/btc, except every week historic news story broke in regards to the Twitter CEO, Jack, purchasing a hardware pockets all of a sudden unseated it. This Jack story was once in a antagonistic sub and it won the highest spot in an hour. Mods deleted the submit shortly after. The account had a history of vote botting. Proof Of Social Media. Par for the course for those against peer to peer money. And this this is the place I just get angry.BTC does no longer work as a trustworthy form of money, but its still pushed on unsuspecting noobs, many who now go to the bcash sunday service. These social media influencers have 10s of hundreds of thousands of followers that they preach the nice word to absolutely this many folks wouldnt listen to any person who was just basically unsuitable! This market is immature and albeit, just dumb. I really awoke to all of this when instantly I was paying $1 for a transaction rate in early 2017. This isn’t what I signed up for. My money will have to not disappear every time I need to move it. When Bitcoin cash forked, I was all in, actually with my nonetheless tiny stash and figuratively from an ideological standpoint. Does this provide me investment bias? Almost always, however again, Im now not talking tremendous cash right here.Irregardless, I do my research and its the one coin i can confidently put my cash in. I do know what it is trying to do is the reason bitcoin was created in the first place, which is what once more? Oh yeah, to offer each person in the world an possibility to be their own bank. To give humans the potential to transact with anyone in the world with out the necessity of a 3rd celebration, even if they make not up to $2 a day. That is bitcoin. I kept diving deeper into the rabbit hole. Undoubtedly each person couldnt be this deluded however they were. Advocating for the shrewd factor of raising the blocksize and how BCH is a reliable variation of Bitcoin on social media has been tiring. I dont know the way a few of these trolls are so lively and simply hostile.I grew up with the web, part of the primary iteration that had social media for his or her whole middle and excessive institution experience. However these bitcoin guys man, the most poisonous i have ever seen. You have to have thick epidermis when you even believe about having impartial idea in crypto. Its sad. I haven’t any doubt there are individuals whose full-time job it is to sow up disagreement and strife within people who want to see Bitcoin be the arena money. Theres even proof of In November of 2017 I made a industrial for BCH with the support of the Bitcoin money association. It used to be a excessive high-quality industrial in a barber store which showed bitcoin getting used as cash. Response from the group was once nice, and i located myself in Tokyo a pair months later shooting the Satoshis vision convention, where a few of the Bitcoin cash group attended.I interviewed lots of the prime leaders in BCH for the period of that point interval for my documentary together with Craig Wright. This man appeared to come out of nowhere and was once a large suggest of Bitcoin cash. He had charisma, unquestionably, even when his Satoshi claims have been iffy. I consider the BCH neighborhood sided with him on account that he was once so anti-core. An enemy of an enemy is your buddy. And on the grounds that this buddy was very aggressive and outspoken in the direction of the purpose, many were inclined to let his shadiness slide.However very quickly after this convention actual bitcoin devs, who in reality work on and comprehend the bitcoin protocol, began calling him out on his lies. It was once rough to confess youd been duped, but right here we all are. Then, of direction he forked off into his possess coin months later, and his fraud lives on. Then comes the altcoin arguments. For those who dont like BTC so much simply use nano? Dash is the real peer to see cash! Lol noob do you even cardano? Well, considering BCH has the identical transaction historical past relationship again to the genesis block in 2009, one could argue the distribution of the coin is more decentralized than any of the altcoins, due to the fact that it has been around the longest.Im a strong believer in Proof of work as well. Even though BCH has a lot less hashpower than BTC, it has been shown how a gigantic portion of hash would transfer to BCH in safeguard of a malicious actor, like we noticed within the hashwar. The miners like Bitcoin money, however they generally follow gains, and this means mining BTC and BCH on the same price as the fee ratio between them. Now that BCH is free from its former crippled blocksize, most things the altcoins can do, BCH would enforce itself. Even things just like the lightning community would work muchhhh higher on Bitcoin cash as a result of the small charges to open and shut channels. Bitcoin was once intended to be the one crypto that ruled all of them, absorbing the quality altcoin facets. Vitalik Buterin found out this was no longer the case to any extent further, and he ran off to make Ethereum in 2015 after a lot combating with the Core devs. So right here I to find myself, in March 2019, nonetheless a supporter of Bitcoin cash. That you may believe the creative and grassroots power of individuals who just wish to construct. I hear the Bitcoin OGs say its the same spirit that bitcoin had it in its early days.Persons that CARE about making bitcoin exceptional again. And of path, the small blocks made building apps problematic for devs, because the excessive charges and sluggish confirmations might disable some functions who relied on inexpensive and speedy transactions. Full blocks rationale unreliability. And if youre a dev and need to construct an app, why within the hell would you use a base protocol that can instantly price $50 for a single use. If BCH stops being the excellent type of P2P money, make no mistake, i’d drop aid. Im no longer a blind follower and am at all times watching to mission my beliefs. Tokens, Decentralized handles, Badger wallet, suggestions.Cash, CashShuffle, Satoshidice the record goes on. So many of those projects are simply now hitting the Bitcoin cash market, and wallets are looking to catch up and implement these elements as speedy as they may be able to.Its nonetheless early in Bitcoin Cashs development existence, and the power within the community is the equal one I felt once I first received into it, vibrant, filled with hope for a greater future, and now with an added tenacity to make certain that no dangerous actors can once once more spoil the imaginative and prescient of Peer to look cash for the complete world. .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/why-i-choose-bitcoin-cash/
Why I Choose Bitcoin Cash
I prefer a Peer to see digital money over the whole lot. Correct now the first-class form of this comes in the form of Bitcoin cash, which holds the ticker BCH on virtually all exchanges. My title is Collin Enstad, i’ve lived in the USA my entire lifestyles. I am a freelance director / cinematographer / steadicam operator. I first heard about Bitcoin in 2013 in the course of its bubble, the place it peaked at $1200. I consider my first purchase was once around $one hundred fifty however I only bought a bit bit, as much as I might find the money for being a broke school pupil. I made some cash and purchased matters with it, like this bizarre digicam rig. Of course part of the adoption of bitcoin is brought about via men and women speculating trying to generate income off of it. But i noticed I had actual utility, I could use it as money. An investment that’s liquid as hell. Excellent. I requested an harmless query in late 2015 on the uncensored bitcoin subreddit, /r/btc: ELI5: Why achieve this many individuals insist on a small block size?. I got first-rate answers, similar to Blockstreams function in taking up the progress, how Peter Todd remains to be seeking to these days to kill 0-affirmation transactions, and how the Core devs have been proscribing the bottom layer to push a 2nd one that they claimed would be even higher than the actual blockchain.All of these aspects nonetheless maintain proper to nowadays. I even respect a number of the names within the thread from again then with persons I still speak to in these days. I even had some put up calling out theymos, the king of censorship, round this time. How things have no longer transformed. The extra I dig up the more obvious the manipulation of public opinion. Once more, this was once in 2015 this was all being called out, 4 years ago. Thats close to 1/2 of bitcoins lifetime. Crypto is really just politics, but on a time scale which appears hundreds and hundreds of times faster.I was once continuously a huge blocker. 1MB is tiny. Its less knowledge than a 2d of this video. It gave the impression a majority of the community back in 2015 was once for bigger blocks too. How a small crew of Core developers took over and sabotaged the bitcoin experiment with never-ending small blocks will be rather the exciting case be taught in historical past class. Im nonetheless seeking to utterly wrap my head around how Gavin, the character Satoshi entrusted with the keys to the bitcoin code, used to be pushed out and ostracized for looking the logical answer, higher blocks.Its a narrative that takes a long time to tell, and entails a false Satoshi. Im currently engaged on a feature size documentary about the shitshow that’s bitcoins history. The real down and dirty bitcoin politics, no longer some loud mouth troll showing up on tv spouting nonsense. So the fork happened in August 2017 and the large block version, Bitcoin cash, didn’t win over the hearts and minds of traders. Instantaneous ridicule from the Core persons ensued, as used to be par for the path. Bcash is trash was once their mantra, in an try to rip the word bitcoin out of its name. Now take into account, theymos fairly ramped up his censorship on /r/bitcoin in 2015. Reddit used to be THE spot to talk bitcoin, and theymos actions make him, individually, the only greatest affect on this whole Scaling warfare. Go to any publish from again then about theymos increasing moderation and appear at how many individuals vehemently adverse it.One of bitcoins most important residences is censorship-resistance, however apparently whenever you go away the protocol layer you additionally abandon all of its ethos. When your methods hotel to silencing the opposition you understand your arguments aren’t on stable floor. If they were, they might let all of the dissent come their approach and evaporate before them in the face of truth. However no. The block and ban buttons are used as a type of religious piety. This itself was once a tremendous red flag that some thing used to be wrong with Bitcoin. As a latest concrete instance of manipulation, My ultra-modern video criticizing the lightning community was once the top put up on /r/btc, except every week historic news story broke in regards to the Twitter CEO, Jack, purchasing a hardware pockets all of a sudden unseated it. This Jack story was once in a antagonistic sub and it won the highest spot in an hour. Mods deleted the submit shortly after. The account had a history of vote botting. Proof Of Social Media. Par for the course for those against peer to peer money. And this this is the place I just get angry.BTC does no longer work as a trustworthy form of money, but its still pushed on unsuspecting noobs, many who now go to the bcash sunday service. These social media influencers have 10s of hundreds of thousands of followers that they preach the nice word to absolutely this many folks wouldnt listen to any person who was just basically unsuitable! This market is immature and albeit, just dumb. I really awoke to all of this when instantly I was paying $1 for a transaction rate in early 2017. This isn’t what I signed up for. My money will have to not disappear every time I need to move it. When Bitcoin cash forked, I was all in, actually with my nonetheless tiny stash and figuratively from an ideological standpoint. Does this provide me investment bias? Almost always, however again, Im now not talking tremendous cash right here.Irregardless, I do my research and its the one coin i can confidently put my cash in. I do know what it is trying to do is the reason bitcoin was created in the first place, which is what once more? Oh yeah, to offer each person in the world an possibility to be their own bank. To give humans the potential to transact with anyone in the world with out the necessity of a 3rd celebration, even if they make not up to $2 a day. That is bitcoin. I kept diving deeper into the rabbit hole. Undoubtedly each person couldnt be this deluded however they were. Advocating for the shrewd factor of raising the blocksize and how BCH is a reliable variation of Bitcoin on social media has been tiring. I dont know the way a few of these trolls are so lively and simply hostile.I grew up with the web, part of the primary iteration that had social media for his or her whole middle and excessive institution experience. However these bitcoin guys man, the most poisonous i have ever seen. You have to have thick epidermis when you even believe about having impartial idea in crypto. Its sad. I haven’t any doubt there are individuals whose full-time job it is to sow up disagreement and strife within people who want to see Bitcoin be the arena money. Theres even proof of In November of 2017 I made a industrial for BCH with the support of the Bitcoin money association. It used to be a excessive high-quality industrial in a barber store which showed bitcoin getting used as cash. Response from the group was once nice, and i located myself in Tokyo a pair months later shooting the Satoshis vision convention, where a few of the Bitcoin cash group attended.I interviewed lots of the prime leaders in BCH for the period of that point interval for my documentary together with Craig Wright. This man appeared to come out of nowhere and was once a large suggest of Bitcoin cash. He had charisma, unquestionably, even when his Satoshi claims have been iffy. I consider the BCH neighborhood sided with him on account that he was once so anti-core. An enemy of an enemy is your buddy. And on the grounds that this buddy was very aggressive and outspoken in the direction of the purpose, many were inclined to let his shadiness slide.However very quickly after this convention actual bitcoin devs, who in reality work on and comprehend the bitcoin protocol, began calling him out on his lies. It was once rough to confess youd been duped, but right here we all are. Then, of direction he forked off into his possess coin months later, and his fraud lives on. Then comes the altcoin arguments. For those who dont like BTC so much simply use nano? Dash is the real peer to see cash! Lol noob do you even cardano? Well, considering BCH has the identical transaction historical past relationship again to the genesis block in 2009, one could argue the distribution of the coin is more decentralized than any of the altcoins, due to the fact that it has been around the longest.Im a strong believer in Proof of work as well. Even though BCH has a lot less hashpower than BTC, it has been shown how a gigantic portion of hash would transfer to BCH in safeguard of a malicious actor, like we noticed within the hashwar. The miners like Bitcoin money, however they generally follow gains, and this means mining BTC and BCH on the same price as the fee ratio between them. Now that BCH is free from its former crippled blocksize, most things the altcoins can do, BCH would enforce itself. Even things just like the lightning community would work muchhhh higher on Bitcoin cash as a result of the small charges to open and shut channels. Bitcoin was once intended to be the one crypto that ruled all of them, absorbing the quality altcoin facets. Vitalik Buterin found out this was no longer the case to any extent further, and he ran off to make Ethereum in 2015 after a lot combating with the Core devs. So right here I to find myself, in March 2019, nonetheless a supporter of Bitcoin cash. That you may believe the creative and grassroots power of individuals who just wish to construct. I hear the Bitcoin OGs say its the same spirit that bitcoin had it in its early days.Persons that CARE about making bitcoin exceptional again. And of path, the small blocks made building apps problematic for devs, because the excessive charges and sluggish confirmations might disable some functions who relied on inexpensive and speedy transactions. Full blocks rationale unreliability. And if youre a dev and need to construct an app, why within the hell would you use a base protocol that can instantly price $50 for a single use. If BCH stops being the excellent type of P2P money, make no mistake, i’d drop aid. Im no longer a blind follower and am at all times watching to mission my beliefs. Tokens, Decentralized handles, Badger wallet, suggestions.Cash, CashShuffle, Satoshidice the record goes on. So many of those projects are simply now hitting the Bitcoin cash market, and wallets are looking to catch up and implement these elements as speedy as they may be able to.Its nonetheless early in Bitcoin Cashs development existence, and the power within the community is the equal one I felt once I first received into it, vibrant, filled with hope for a greater future, and now with an added tenacity to make certain that no dangerous actors can once once more spoil the imaginative and prescient of Peer to look cash for the complete world. .
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weekinethereum · 6 years
June 14, 2018
Ethereum News and Links
Counterfactual: generalized state channels. Academic paper. Also Jeff Coleman Reddit comment on the history and progress of state channels. The rest of that Reddit thread is worth reading as well.
Tom Close: Minimal Progamable State Channels
Latest Casper standup call
Drake: Committee-based sharded Casper.
Drake: 1-bit BLS aggregation-friendly custody bonds
More Justin Drake: “we are considering changing the Ethereum 2.0 roadmap to skip Casper FFG with 1500 ETH deposits. Instead Casper and sharding validators would be unified from the get-go in the beacon chain, and deposits would be 32 ETH.” Two less technical Reddit threads worth reading: one and two.
Prysmatic’s geth sharding implementation update
Hsiao-Wei Wang: what you can do for sharding slide deck. Nice sharding overview in there as well.
Latest Plasma implementation calls: this week and two weeks ago
an “alternative light-client concept for plasma chain clients”
Dan Robinson: Plasma Debit. payment channels on Plasma Cash?
Loi Luu video talk on Kyber’s Gormos scalability project: application specific “plasma plus sharding”
Ben Jones, Kelvin Fichter: More Viable Plasma
Alexey Akhunov: latest on Turbo-Geth
Stuff for developers
First Vyper beta release
Truper: compile vyper contracts to truffle compatible artifacts.
Karen Scarbrough: A guide to generalized state channels for developers. And part 2.
Connext on becoming a network for projects to open hubs
Human readable contract ABIs using ethers.js
sol2proto  -  Amis’s first step to Contract as a Service
hevm: an EVM implementation for unit testing from Dapphub
ethQL: a graphQL interface from ConsenSys
Loom SDK out in public beta with long update on their plans
dappeteer: e2e testing with Puppeteer + MetaMask
libSTARK: C++ library for Starks from EliBen-Sasson
Thetta DAO framework v0.1. Github repo
Eth dev with Go online guide book
Cryptographic javascript-functions for Ethereum with web3js tutorials
Slock.it INCUBED client - a network of server nodes for Slockit’s IoT devices
How Weeve puts an Eth wallet in trusted enclave
Latest Open Block Explorers call
John Wolpert on the future of private and public blockchains
Introducing EthIndia and EthBerlin applications are open
Vitalik’s ELI5 on the difference between full and archive nodes
Tips on applying for ECF grants
Geth v1.8.11: 28% less disk usage, 23% faster block processing, increased memory stability
Governance and Standards
Casey Detrio on what happened to EIP648 (tldr: disk I/O is bottleneck, not CPU)
ERC721 finished last call and is finalized
Dean Eigenmann: against community governance
Avsa: governance of the .ETH namespace and ENS foundation
PoA Network governance model
Project Updates
Augur bounty program opens tomorrow before full launch on July 9
Bloomberg on the Decentraland land rush
Dharma 3 month roadmap: improve dharma.js API, better documentation, standardize terms on some debt agreements
Maker: a Dai primer
Now much easier to pay in tokens like Dai on Gitcoin
How Golem wants to use SGX for computational integrity and privacy
FunFair to seek platform licenses so casino operators don’t have to get their own license
TrustWallet to sell its tokens on Kyber
Brave at 2.7m MAUs and giving away 500k more in BAT
0x’s vision, mission and core values
Andy Warhol work to be auctioned by Maecenas
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Truebit’s Harley Swick on Hashing It Out
Grigore Rosu talks K framework on Epicenter
Joey Krug with Laura Shin
5 mins of Joey Krug’s story of risktaking leading him to Augur
Meher Roy gets interviewed by Decrypt Asia
Glen Weyl lecture on Radical Markets at Google
Video of Kyber Network’s event last week
Griff Green revisits The DAO on Zero Knowledge
SEC’s William Hinman: “current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.”
CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam: “Blockchain is more than technology: it is an advance that reaches out into every aspect of life.”
Colony’s Hackathon is an MVP of perpetual inflation to incentivize developers.
Etherisc: democratizing insurance using blockchain
A compendium of NFT links
Ujo: expanding collectibles for artists
Incentivized music curation with curved bonding rewards
What if BitTorrent had a token? More lessons learned from p2p file sharing by John Backus
Leigh Cuen reports on Code to Inspire offering Afghan women opportunities to earn Eth for completing tasks
How Polkadot is addressing the big issues in blockchain
Academic paper claiming Bitfinex/Tether manipulated Bitcoin price. I skimmed and did not see reason to update my priors. Still maybe.
Coinbase Index Fund is now open.
VB answers a few technical questions on Marginal Revolution.
Irish newspaper interviews Joe Lubin
Discussion of 20 psychological biases around money that is getting passed around in crypto circles this last week
A year after the sale, Tezos adds KYC/AML
WSJ on big pharma companies tracking supply chains using Ethereum.
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
June 24 -- Colony online hackathon finishes
June 25 -- Etherisc token sale starts
June 28 -- BuildEth (San Francisco)
June 30 -- Solidity Gas Golfing challenge deadline
June 30-July1 -- Off the chain state channel workshop (Berlin)
July 6-7 -- TechCrunch blockchain and Ethereum events (Zug)
July 9 -- Augur scheduled to launch
July 12-18 -- IC3 Eth Bootcamp (Ithaca, NY)
July 14-15 -- FEM governance meetings in Berlin
July 19-20 -- DappCon (Berlin)
July 24-26 — NIFTY hackathon and NFT conference (Hong Kong)
August 3-4 -- Discon (Boulder, CO)
August 10-12 -- EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
September 6 -- Security unconference (Berlin)
September 7-9 -- EthBerlin hackathon
September 7-9 -- WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
Oct 5-7 -- TruffleCon in Portland
Oct 5-7 -- EthSanFrancisco hackathon
Oct 22-24 -- Web3Summit (Berlin)
Oct 30 - Nov 2 -- Devcon4 (Prague)
December -- EthSingapore hackathon
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