#edser firsts
lizacstuff · 1 year
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Edser + FIRSTS 
Episodes 1-12
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chronicallycouchbound · 9 months
Rating names/terms for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome:
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: 10/10 Lawful neutral, it’s the official terminology, lets you know what’s up
EDS (in all caps): 9/10 Sometimes confused with other unrelated conditions and acronyms but usually works
EDs (‘S’ is lowercase): 2/10 Usually refers to erectile dysfunction or eating disorders, which causes a lot of confusion.
Ehlers Danlos: 8/10. Good shorthand while still knowing what’s going on.
Earers Daniel’s Syndrome: 1/10. I have only heard this once, from an ER doctor. He said it to me as he turned away from his screen (which was pulled up to the Web MD page for EDS) and proceeded to mansplain my condition to me inaccurately. At least he tried.
“Eyers Dan—“ *waves hand around*: -5/10 I’ve heard this one a lot from medical professionals. I just know I’m about to be malpracticed and am already planning the quickest way out of the situation.
Zebras: 6/10 I like the imagery, I like mascots, I like the story (when doctors are in med school they’re told “if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras” but them zebras are missed) however, I have two criticisms: a) more rare conditions are out there, and zebras technically refers to any rare diseases, not just EDS b) I feel sad when I think about how it basically calls EDS the “I was medically malpracticed disease”
EDSers: 8/10 a cute lil shorthand for “people with EDS”. Easier to explain than the zebras thing
hEDS/vEDS/cEDS/including subtypes: 7/10 I like the idea of being able to know what your subtype is and find people in your sub community, HOWEVER my only concern is that it can feel (and used for) invalidating people without a genetically confirmed subtype because of inaccessibility. I haven’t had gene testing because I can’t afford it— but I have clinically diagnosed EDS, which has been confirmed at multiple hospitals by multiple specialists. I score a 9/9 on the Brighton, meet all major criteria, and meet almost every other minor criteria for EDS on top of that. But I don’t know my subtype yet. I don’t hate/dislike people who use this term and I don’t discourage it, but I do encourage mindfulness about genetic testing accessibility and privilege of access.
Bendy disease: 10/10 a silly goofy joke I say with friends “I cannot walk up stairs on account of my loosey goosey bendy disease” which is always funny to me. Even with my serious things like “my life threatening cardiac conditions are rapidly progressing” you add “on account of my bendy disease” and bam theres my coping skill.
Ehlers: 3/10 a step in the right direction, but it sounds like “yellers” and dismisses half of the team that described the condition
“Double jointed”: 1/10 I was told my whole life until I was 18 that I was just “double jointed” for starters, it’s medically inaccurate. You’re hyper extending, subluxing, or even dislocating joints whenever you’re “double jointed” in a joint. There is not two joints there (unless you’ve had x rays and for some reason genuinely do have two joints in that spot). I honestly hate this term and it’s incredibly dismissive of the pain that happens with EDS while also making it seem like a super power that we’re encouraged to do
Contortionist: 1/10 [NOTE!!! some contortionists DO NOT have EDS and can just bend like that. Some have benign joint hypermobility. But many contortionists do have EDS.] In the context of people with EDS, I hate this term. It’s often the first thing people jump to when I explain my condition. They see my crippled ass in my wheelchair/powerchair or limping around with my cane/crutches/rollator, usually in multiple braces/supports (and thats just external noticeable-to-everyone things, let alone if you hear any aspects of my daily life) and their first thought is: “wow!! So you can entertain me like it’s a freak show!” And not “holy shit dozens of dislocations per day and countless subluxations per day must be excruciating”. I did contortions when I was younger to get praise and due to peer pressure. Fuck that noise I will not be your ugly law era freak show creepy cripple p0rn. Fuck everything to do with that actually.
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crippled-peeper · 7 months
I hate being talked down to about how “ineffective” and “dangerous” spinal surgery is by a “not disabled” EDSer like I had a fucking choice in the matter as if by going to a chiropractor they’re morally or intellectually superior somehow
my first spinal surgery happened when I was 14. FOURTEEN. do you honest to fucking god think I chose that. to be the school cripple as a freshman in fucking high school. are you fucking stupid
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uniquelysamantha · 5 months
What The Hell Is EDS?
Why You Should Care...
You can’t know me without knowing my journey with EDS. My journey helped me become the woman I am today. The woman I was at 8 and the child I was yesterday.
So What Is It?
EDS stands for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It’s a collection of connective tissue disorders. EDSers are born with faulty collagen. (And no, collagen supplements can’t change faulty collagen to healthy collagen.) Unfortunately collagen is needed to hold the body together. There are several types of EDS, some being moderately common and some extremely rare. Each type has certain symptoms that are different from other types, but a few symptoms are present across the spectrum. I could write a paper about EDS, a long paper. Instead, I’m going to tell you about my experiences.
First, let me get one thing out of the way right at the beginning. I have two types of EDS, which is supposed to be impossible, but bear with me. I inherited Classical EDS from my mom. It was obvious from the beginning. I also inherited Hypermobile EDS from my dad. That was only diagnosed later. Here’s the absolute crazy thing. Neither of my parents knew they had EDS. My parents, like so many other EDSers, had symptoms, but doctors couldn’t figure it out. So, yeah, it’s crazy that two people with different types of EDS meet, and pass on that faulty gene to all three children in the family. So, before other EDSers say anything about how it’s not possible to have two types, my two types EDS have been confirmed by four different geneticists.
Ok now that that’s out of way . . .
When I was born, my left foot was twisted completely backwards. According to my parents, my health and development issues never got “better.” My mom had been around babies all of her life. She knew what babies were supposed to be able to do around certain ages. From the very beginning, she tried to tell the doctors that something was wrong with me. I couldn’t hold my head up when most babies do. I couldn’t sit up when most babies do. Forget crawling and walking on time. All through this, my parents struggled with my severely fragile skin. It was bruised most of the time and would tear at the smallest bump. There was clearly something wrong with my health, but the doctors didn’t understand what.
At the age of 18 months I was still not walking well. That left foot was floppy and didn’t want to stay in place. I was shipped off to an orthopedic surgeon to see what could be done. This was the most important doctor in my life. He was the first one to suggest to my parents that I might have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. He didn’t want to make the official diagnosis because he didn’t think he had the qualifications to do so. So he shipped me off to the Shriner’s Hospital for Children. It was a very high ranking doctor that finally told my parents that I have Classical EDS, then called Type I.
Unfortunately, even the doctors didn’t know much about it and had never heard of someone being diagnosed so young. We left the Shriner’s Hospital For Children with more questions than answers. This was in 1973.
Cigarette Paper Skin . . .
As a child, my paper thin skin caused a ton of problems. Any fall would warrant a trip to the ER for stitches. Unfortunately because the doctors in the ER didn’t know anything about Ehlers-Danlos, they spent hours stitching me up, only to have them later pull through my skin, causing extremely slow healing and giant scars. I have tons of scars, from my head to my toes. Some are bright purple and some have stretched so much that they spread across my whole leg.
Rubber Man Joints ?
When I was about eight my joints started to painfully sublux and dislocate for no reason. The doctors didn’t understand how I could dislocate my knee during my sleep. My ankles were so weak that stepping on a pebble could cause a sprain or subluxation. I was on crutches 18 times before I even reached the age of 18.
My feet were just as unstable. They were terribly weak and I needed special shoes from the very beginning. Actually all of my joints were unstable. I could barely hold a pencil or a heavy book. My elbows and shoulders hurt when I tried to pick myself up off of the floor. I only became aware that most people’s knees didn’t hurt every day when I was about 10.
Ugh Surgeries . . .
To date, I’ve had 40 (I’m currently 51.) Some surgeries have been routine, like my tonsils and appendix. Most of my surgeries have been orthopedic and even experimental for a young EDSer. My feet have been cut up so much that I have more metal than bone in some areas. And, most of these surgeries failed within in years if not months. I’ve also had several reconstructive surgeries to try to put things back where they go.
I had a bilateral knee reconstruction from a terrible fall I had. I still have nightmares about it. More recently, I’ve had three surgeries on my left knee to reconnect my quad tendon to the bone. Again a terrible fall. Because of that stupid quad tendon, my knee can’t hold me upright any longer.
Wait, There’s More . . .
EDS is not just skin and joints though. Slow healing is a big part of every type. When a doctor says he’ll take the stitches out in seven days, it ends up being 14. I get sick if I’m around anyone who sneezes or coughs. I’ve had Scarlet Fever, several bouts of pneumonia, fevers over 103, bronchitis twice a year like clockwork, and enough viruses for hundreds of people.
Then I have other related issues. My heart and lungs are weak. I had to have a hysterectomy when I was only 24. I can’t even look at spicy food without my GERD yelling at me. I have mild hearing loss because there are bones in the ear, which can sublux too. My eyes are tricky because they change prescription a few times a year.
Displaced . . .
At the ripe old age of 43, I moved into the local nursing home because I just couldn’t take care of myself. Some days I’m fine, but other days I can’t move my neck without shooting pain. It’s very hard to eat or sit up when your neck is subluxed. Forget trying to cook for myself. I now use a wheelchair full time. I actually don’t mind because walking was not only painful, but dangerous. I had the chance of falling with every step, every tiny step. Yes, I’m limited a bit to go places because of my chair, but heck, I couldn’t do stairs when I walked anyway.
Evolution . . .
As my Ehlers-Danlos has progressed, I’ve had to give up a lot of things that I love. I can’t sew or knit anymore. I really shouldn’t be around most animals anymore because of their unpredictability. I can’t even hold a fork and spoon correctly. I haven’t cut my own food in years. I can’t chew gum or eat apples without cutting them up because my jaw dislocates. I can’t hold books to read. Thank goodness for ebooks! My back and knees are painful every minute, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year.
So, Anyway . . .
Even with all of my physical issues, I’m actually content most of the time. I know my limits and stay within them while creatively adapting activities to have a great quality of life. I write, read on my tablet, research curious little things, even learned a way to knot keychains and small wall hangings. I still love people, and I still create, and I still learn. Those things are important to me.
Uniquely Samantha . . .
My life journey is mine. It’s made me as unique as your journey made you
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milkweedman · 1 year
I dont seem to have the normal hypermobility in my hands that EDSers typically have, but like all joints except for the knuckles have no structural stability but my thumb is by far the worst--when im on muscle relaxants i can bend it so its facing my wrist really easily. And its always the first part of my hand to get fucked up when im doing stuff... annoying.
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moodypetrichorlove · 2 years
The Dizi Tag Game
1. Your first dizi & how you discovered Turkish dramas 
The first dizi I ever watched (that was not dubbed and shortened) was Sen Çal Kapımı in 2020. I binged 7 episodes only to discover it was currently on-air, and by then I was hooked so while waiting for episode 8 to air, I started Her Yerde Sen, lol. So, to sum up, SÇK is how I started my dizi adventure, and HYS was the first show I ever watched in its entirety. Both were good decisions. 🤗
Ironically, 2 years later I still haven’t seen Bizim Hikaye which is what I was trying to watch when I came across SÇK’s significantly captivating poster. 
2. Show(s) you’re currently watching 
Ooof, I wasn’t sure I’d watch any new ones, but now I am and it’s too much, but it’s a hyperfixation, so, 🤷‍♀️. Anyway, I’m watching Afili Aşk, Seversin, and, Senden Daha Güzel currently. 🙈 Oh, and Inadına Aşk, which is basically my “I don’t really care about you, and can’t concentrate on shows I watch for fun rn but I’d like some background noise on so you’ll have to do” watch. 😂
3. Your favorite genre of dizi (romcom, mafia show, contemporary drama, historical/fantasy, etc.) 
Romcom (shocker, I know 😱).
4. The show you rewatch (parts of) the most 
Her Yerde Sen, Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir, & Seviyor Sevmiyor.
5. Favorite Turkish actor and actress (feel free to pick multiples) 
Kerem Bürsin, Çağlar Ertuğrul, Engin Öztürk, Burcu Özberk, Elçin Afacan, Demet Özdemir, Yusuf Çim, & Elçin Sangu. 
6. A show you quit before finishing 
Kiralık Aşk, Aşk Yeniden (idk, maybe I’ll watch it completely someday), Gülümse Yeter, and El Kızı.
7. Favorite song(s) you’ve discovered in dizis 
Güneş + Aşk Lazım – Aydilge
Sen Çal Kapımı – Başak Gümülcinelioğlu
Olamazsan Olmaz – Güliz Ayla
Aşk Mı Lazım – Buray
Beni Biraz + Bakma Bana Öyle – Nova Norda
Ne Olur Kal – Tuana
8. The show whose plot disappointed you the most 
Kiralık Aşk. El Kızı. To be fair, each dizi, at some point, disappoints.
9. A show that was cancelled too soon / ran too long - 
I think Iyi Günde Kötü Günde deserved a few more episodes; it had potential. And call me biased, but Ateşböceği was a fairly sweet series and should’ve run longer. 
Kusura bakma, but Kiralık Aşk ran way too long. 
10. Favorite Character(s) 
Serkan Bolat, Barış Tunahan, Kerem Yiğiter, Ayşe Yiğiter, Demir Erendil, İbrahim Tunç (Ibo in HYS), Melo (SÇK), Gölge/Adem (50m2).
11. Your favorite romantic pairing(s) 
Serkan Bolat & Eda Yıldız – Edser
Demir Erendil & Selin Sever – Seldem
Barış Tunahan & Zeynep Göksu – Zeybar
Ozan & Deniz – Bay Yanlış
Kerem & Ayşe Yiğiter – Afili Aşk
12. Favorite side character(s) 
Volkan (Afili Aşk) & Ozan (Bay Yanlış – honestly, liked him more than the male lead), Melo & Fifi (Sen Çal Kapımı), Emine (Doğduğun Ev Kaderindir), and Deniz (Bay Yanlış).
13. Best kiss  
As someone who looks away or skips these scenes 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈, I’ll do my most favourite love confessions from diziland (which, I know, no one asked for) instead. 
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This entire scenario, from Serkan chasing after Eda to the actual confession will always be number 1 for me. Always! Serkan’s frustration, exasperated fondness translating into that “deli gibi aşık oldum”? Gold! 😍
Next up are my second most favourite confessions: Kerem’s sweet, wholesome confession with the swan origami and then Ayşe with the angsty reveal in response to Kerem’s confrontation. These two pulled it off so well! ❤️
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14. An underrated show more people should watch 
Her Yerde Sen.
Seviyor Sevmiyor (it has moments where you’d be annoyed, but the two mains have really good chemistry and they’ve done angst well). 
Seversin, being a currently on-air show, deserves more attention because it’s a lighthearted watch, even if there’s not much new there – which I believe is the way of dizis lol. Ilayda and Burak are doing a good job, BTW. 
15. A show everyone loves that you aren’t interested in 
Erkenci Kuş.  
16. A show you want to recommend right now 
I’d say watch Seversin, and Senden Daha Güzel. Good shows, good acting, even greater potential. I’d like to see each reach at least 13 episodes before cancellations. 
17. The next show on your list 
I think I need to finish the off-air dizis, like Afili Aşk (and many more), before I watch anything else. 😂
@thescorpioracer tagged me in this ages ago (like last year, perhaps) and I'm embarrassingly late to doing this, but here I am. So, thanks for the tag!
Anyone following me who wants to join in, consider yourself tagged, please!
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petnews2day · 2 months
Virgin Australia: Major change coming to flights means you may never have to leave your pet at home again
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/S6HT1
Virgin Australia: Major change coming to flights means you may never have to leave your pet at home again
By Lisa Edser For Daily Mail Australia Published: 19:07 BST, 6 March 2024 | Updated: 19:07 BST, 6 March 2024 Virgin Australia has announced it will become the country’s first airline to allow pets onboard so they can travel with their owners. The plan to allow small cats and dogs on specific domestic flights will […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/S6HT1 #PetTravelNews
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newmusicradionetwork · 4 months
JD Wood "Never Loved Her Anyway"
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Hey y’all. I’m JD Wood, and I’m a songwriter. I’ve always had a deep love for music. I started writing music when I was about 9 years old; a lot of years have passed since then, but I haven’t been able to shake this addiction. While I enjoy getting to play and sing as well, being a songwriter first and foremost allows me the freedom to experiment and create in different styles and genres. Whether I’m writing Country, Americana, Worship, or Pop songs, or producing music for Film/TV, it’s the challenge of making great music that keeps me in the game. I’m thankful to have had a few successes so far in my songwriting career. One of the more satisfying moments was having the Country music supergroup, Sawyer Brown, cut one of my songs. They Don’t Understand (co-written with Dean Chance, Teresa Johnston, and Steve Miller) was included on Sawyer Brown’s Mission Temple Fireworks Stand CD. They released it to radio as a single and shot a great video for it as well. The most amazing thing was that about a year later, they decided to add They Don’t Understand to their Greatest Hits CD as well. I am blessed to have the opportunity to write with a number of super- talented up-and-coming artists, many of whom have recorded and released our songs. One such example is rising Country artist, Lucas Hoge, who released our tune Flip Flops (check out the video here) in July of 2017 on his Dirty South CD project. The most recent is a fun, beachy song called Margarita (click here to hear it on Spotify), written with Australian Country/Pop artist, Grayson. Debuting as a single in Australia in December of 2017, it was also released in the United States in the spring of 2018. Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: JD Wood Song Title: Never Loved Her Anyway Publishing: JD Wood Publishing Affiliation: ASCAP Publishing 2: Michael Edser Publishing Affiliation 2: ASCAP Album Title: Never Loved Her Anyway Record Label: Winter Record Label: Winter Records Nashville Michael 3109804191 [email protected] Radio Promotion: Winter Records Nashville Michael 3109804191 [email protected] Publicity/PR: Winter Records Nashville Michael 3109804191 [email protected] Manager: Winter Records Nashville Michael 3109804191 [email protected] Read the full article
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kjsadd · 5 months
Your brain develops based on sensory input—sight, hearing, sight, touch, etc. Eg, as a child you learn the language spoken around you, regardless of your genetic background. The EDS population moves “a little funky” due to joint instability. Gives them different input than the non-EDS population, which affects how the brain is formed and how it functions. 
Connective tissue disorders, the input you get from joints moving funny / inappropriately rewires the brain differently than someone who doesn’t have a CTD. Eg, for all people, if you put your arm in a cast, parts of your brain literally shut down because you don’t  activate it enough and don’t get feedback from your arm. We function in a feedback loop from sensory input to motor output, and your whole system, including autonomic and gut, is connected in that cycle. The biggest and most constant input is from resisting gravity and moving your body. We’re always doing both those things, so if your feedback loop is funky, your system is never working quite the way it should. And movement / gravity feedback “kisses” autonomic systems on the way to the brain, hence gut issues, hand mottling, POTS, etc. Do what you can to counteract that, get that feedback loop to improve via other systems. 
DMX (digital motion x-ray) scans can help see what the impact of your daily activities are, eg if you always sleep on one side. Shows what cervical spine does in 9-12 planes of motion. Upright MRIs or CTS may be less clear. Can tell what the neck is doing when they move. 
Romberg’s test. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romberg's_test
A body with EDS is like a house built with weak mortar. 
Dysautonomic issues with raised heart rate. 90, 100 beats a minute. If you take a beta blocker, you’ve altered the beta receptors on your heart and slowed the heart down, but that doesn’t stop the brain from telling the heart to beat at 100 beats a minute. All your sensory input is still sending odd readings 
At night, most people don’t taste or smell very well; shut them down. (Some are hyper sensitive.) But the proprioceptive is still active—if your arm is at a weird angle, it’s sending that message back to your brain. 
If you’re on a treadmill, and blood isn’t being delivered because you’re “biased toward higher sympathetic tone,” and you’re asking biggest muscles to work, but have vasal constriction going on in your peripheral veins, you’re going to fatigue pretty quickly. You go into anaerobic metabolism: your cells don’t have enough oxygen to work correctly, so you start to break muscle down to get a little fuel—that’s anaerobic. You start firing pain fibers, mostly C fibers, which is what your sympathetic nervous system uses to transmit. So you’re putting lighter fluid on the embers you’re trying to calm. That’s why when you hit your thumb with your hammer, your heart rate goes up; pain fires sympathetic. So we look at the autonomic first and get that under control, then try easy exercises. 
EDSers are often “cut down in their prime”—lots of drive when young, almost superhuman, but that eventually fails, then steep decline. 
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olko71 · 5 months
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2024/01/post-office-scandal-former-minister-calls-for-mass-appeal-against-convictions
Post Office scandal: Former minister calls for mass appeal against convictions
By Chris Mason, Michael Race & Nick Edser
BBC News
Hundreds of sub-postmasters convicted in the Post Office Horizon scandal should be able to submit a mass appeal, a former cabinet minister has said.
Sir David Davis, who is seeking to question ministers about the scandal, told the BBC there was “no real reason” why there could not be a “mass case”.
Ministers are to meet to consider possible ways of clearing the names of hundreds of convicted sub-postmasters.
The PM has told the BBC the government is reviewing options to help victims.
The scandal led to more than 700 branch managers being convicted of false accounting, theft and fraud, based on faulty software.
Some sub-postmasters wrongfully went to prison, many were financially ruined. Some have since died.
While the scandal has been public knowledge for some time, an ITV drama which aired last week has thrust the issue back into the spotlight.
Speaking to the Today programme, Sir David Davis said the drama had galvanised the response to the scandal. “There are now tens of millions of people who care about this – care a lot. They’re furious in many cases.”
He added: “All of the cases depend on one single lie, and that is nobody but the postmasters and mistresses could access their computers. We now know that to be untrue. I see no real reason, no logical reason you can’t have a mass case, mass appeal on that basis.”
Sir David and Labour MP Kevan Jones are among those hoping to secure the chance to scrutinise a minister in the House of Commons, which is reassembling on Monday for the first time since Christmas recess.
Why were hundreds of sub-postmasters prosecuted?
PM considers ways to clear all Post Office victims
The Post Office – which is wholly owned by the government – acted as the prosecutor when it brought the cases against its sub-postmasters between 1999 and 2015.
A petition calling for the former Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells to lose her CBE over the scandal has received more than one million signatures. Ms Vennells has been contacted for comment on the petition.
Both Tracy Felstead and Janet Skinner were sub-postmistresses who were jailed in connection with the Post Office Horizon scandal. They told BBC Breakfast that Ms Vennells should hand back her CBE.
“To be fair, and if she had any decency she would just hand it back,” Ms Skinner said.
Ms Felstead said she would like to see “someone held accountable”.
“We were classed as criminals by the Post Office,” she said. “Now it is their turn to be investigated and find out who knew what, why and when this all happened. Someone needs to be held accountable for everybody.”
Many victims of the scandal are still fighting to have their convictions overturned or to secure full compensation after being forced to pay out thousands of pounds of their own money for shortfalls that were caused by Horizon accounting software.
It has been described as the most widespread miscarriage of justice in British history, but to date, fewer than 100 people have had their convictions quashed.
The board overseeing compensation has called for all Post Office staff wrongly accused of theft and false accounting to have their convictions overturned.
Prof Chris Hodges, the chair of the Horizon Compensation Advisory Board, told the Today programme that “a civilised state should overturn these convictions and deliver compensation with people having to do as little as possible”.
Some have argued that overturning all the convictions could encroach upon the independence of the judiciary, but Prof Hodges said while that was a consideration he did not think it was important in these circumstances.
“This is not a situation in which anyone would complain that the government is breaching anyone’s human rights,” he said.
Prof Hodges added that he would be “very surprised” if the judiciary “weren’t as angry and indeed embarrassed about the situation as we all are, so I don’t think that there is a constitutional issue behind here that actually stands up”.
However, former sub-postmistress Ms Felstead told the BBC that while the process of helping former sub-postmasters needs to be sped up, she cautioned against a mass exoneration.
“I think we need to be really careful that we’re not just going to go and turn everybody’s convictions over just in case you have that one person that has committed a crime and you’ve just turned over their conviction,” she said.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told the BBC on Sunday it was “right that we find every which way we can do to try to make this right for the people who were so wrongfully treated at the time”.
As a result of renewed anger and headlines following the ITV mini-series – Mr Bates vs the Post Office – a meeting between Justice Secretary Alex Chalk and the Minister for the Post Office, Kevin Hollinrake, has been brought forward by a week.
On Monday, Mr Chalk and Mr Hollinrake will talk to government lawyers to explore mechanisms to lawfully attempt to speed up the process.
The prime minister said on Sunday the government was reviewing options including stripping the Post Office of its role in the appeal process.
There has been concern within government that the quashing of convictions and getting compensation to those who were victims of a miscarriage of justice has been far too slow.
To date, 93 convictions have been overturned and, of those, only 30 people have agreed “full and final settlements”.
Meanwhile, 54 cases have resulted in either a conviction being upheld, people being refused permission to appeal, or the person appealing having withdrawn from the process, according to the Post Office.
The Post Office had the power to decide on bringing the original prosecutions, and its appointed lawyers presented the evidence in court. But one option now would be for the Crown Prosecution Service and its own lawyers to step in as appeals continue to be heard.
Currently, a public inquiry into the scandal is ongoing and the Metropolitan Police is investigating the Post Office over potential fraud offences arising from the prosecutions.
A Post Office spokesperson has previously said it shares the “aims of the public inquiry to get to the truth of what went wrong in the past and establish accountability”.
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Post Office Inquiry
Post Office Ltd
Rishi Sunak
More on this story
PM considers ways to clear all Post Office victims
18 hours ago
Met Police investigating Post Office scandal
1 day ago
Post Office victims’ compensation pot cut by half
21 December 2023
Around the BBC
Watch: Panorama – The Post Office Scandal
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aslibekroglu · 3 years
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ep.11 // ep.35
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alicekepley · 3 years
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Sen Çal Kapımı 24. Bölüm 2. Fragmanı
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onceuponablob · 3 years
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'Bolat' means strong as steel. You understand? So, like me. Like steel. Strong as steel... Why am I even telling you all this...? And yes. Yes, I have horses. What is your name?
— Sen Çal Kapımı, Episode 40
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laylaskeating · 3 years
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Sen Çal Kapımı 27. Bölüm 2. Fragmanı
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starsedser · 3 years
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eda yıldız & serkan bolat + taylor swift songs → “i did something bad” - reputation (2017)
i can feel the flames on my skin…
this post is sponsored by rtük
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azizefan · 4 years
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