#dyn; Raziel ☽ it's too bad that you had to fall anyway
jvmiel · 4 months
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jvmiel · 7 months
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image ☽ i will find myself again
study ☽ hero is another word for damned
headcanon ☽ i left home a child and came back a hero
aesthetic ☽ stars were never peaceful
dyn; Michael ☽ you made him to be a warrior
dyn; Raziel ☽ it's too bad that you had to fall anyway
dyn; Chuck ☽ maybe i'm just never meant to meet you
dyn; Gabriel ☽ poets always love a good tragedy
open starter ☽ we all love what destroys us
wishlist ☽ does it have a happy ending
v; pre fall ☽ we were meant to own the sky
v; post fall ☽ we will be destroyed the gods
v; alt verse ☽ we were meant to be gods
starter call ☽ please allow me to burn at your side
memes ☽ but i guess i was never much of a write
drabbles ☽ i will not ask you to remember me
edits ☽ it's always been about the same boy
ooc ☽ can you tell me a story?
Discord commentary ☽ perhaps it does not know how to listen
Dash commentary ☽ love will come back again
Crack ☽ I am only body
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