#drv3 spoilers -
lampochkaart · 1 day
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I have been thinking about one interesting thing lately.
I noticed it first during my secong DRV3 walkthrough, but with each rewatching I noticed it more and more.
Tsumugi throws shade at Kokichi SO often, it's insane. Almost from the very beginning of the game, she makes comments about how suspicious Ouma is, or how scary and dangerous he is. She jumps at pretty much every opportunity to point fingers at him and say how bad he is. Now, I wouldn't pay any attention to this if Tsumugi was an ordinary girl. It's much harder to find those who like Kokichi than those who dislike him. But the thing is... Tsumugi is not an ordinary student. She's a mastermind. She is not wary of Kokichi because she believes that he is a potential threat. She deliberately turns the group against him. She knows exactly what she's doing. Every time there is an opportunity to throw shade in his direction, Tsumugi is using it. And in cases where she is not the initiator of the idea, she is one of the first people to agree.
This is a very interesting detail that I have been thinking about for several months now. The more closely you look, the more you notice how often this happens.
I also have been thinking about how Shirogane is literally a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and Ouma, on the contrary, is a sheep in wolf’s clothing. Tsumugi looks and acts like a sheep: nervous, weak, defenseless. But at her core, she is a blood-hungry, ruthless wolf. At the same time, Ouma goes out of his way to be perceived as a wolf. He puts in a lot of effort to be considered scary, dangerous and evil. But in reality, he is just a sheep.
Admittedly, a very weird seep, that was even biting other sheep in order to convince everyone that he was a dangerous predator. But the only thing he has from a wolf is it's hide. Wearing it, however, is risky, because hunters can actually mistake the wearer of this skin for a wolf. Then there just will be one less sheep, and the wolf will remain unnoticed among the herd...
Version with a black sheep Ouma
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training-trio-irl · 5 months
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Stage 1: Denial
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hajihiko · 8 months
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Polyamory 🥰❗
polyamory AND extra drama 😈‼
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soshuscribbles · 13 days
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Danganronpa V3 chapter 2 in a nutshell
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ariespetal · 4 months
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Doomed by the narrative? Maybe. But they're writing their own script anyways
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months
I've seen the ch4 closing argument tons of times but I just now realized:
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Miu is drawn as a silhouette right before she was going to kill Kokichi with the hammer, but then in full colour when Gonta begins strangling her. She's depicted as the Blackened until Gonta forcibly changes the course of the story and her role in it.
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
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I'm so normal about them
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thatstroubling · 1 year
collected some impecable V3 reviews <3
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chickensoup1025 · 2 months
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The whiteboard in Kokichi's room in English and Japanese
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templegate · 15 days
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Version with no shadows- and some notes
I kept up with the running motifs I have for truth/lies/ and belief
Truth being blue circles
Lies being pink eyes
And Belief being purple stars.
I incorporated those three a lot into this drawing- for example Kaito has a lot of purple star buttons on his design. But a blue circle button on his right collar (just for funsies honestly) and a pink eye on his right sleeve. Which is the arm he uses to cover up his coughs.
For Kokichi hes got pink eyes on his stupid clown shoes. And one in the middle of his belt. But they're flanked by a purple star and blue circle as buttons. This is to show how he uses both of the others to make lies. Leaning into peoples beliefs and known facts to lie.
However Kaito has a pink eye symbol for his pupils and Kokichi a purple star. It's to show how they've switched roles and become eachother.
Shuichi and Maki are kind of flat in this drawing, and for a bit that wasn't on purpose. But it works a lot for what I think of them. At this point in the story they're still fully within the confines of the characters they're meant to be. They act exactly how the mastermind wants them to- as weapons against anyone who tries to break the killing game (see Maki shooting Kokichi, and Shuichi exposing Kaito). Which is why they're not only flat in how they're posed, but why they have such limited colors.
Maki also has pink highlights because she's a liar and tries to cover the truth. And Shuichi has a bright blue shadow because he is someone who finds and reveals the truth.
Also of course- since they're both weapons of the mastermind- some turquoise curls around them.
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lampochkaart · 1 month
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Kiibo, please, don't ask him complicated questions. He does NOT have emotional strength to think about any of this too hard right now
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training-trio-irl · 1 year
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Saimota Week Day Seven: pre-canon / post-canon / free space
I just barely made it for Saimota week, but I made it nonetheless!
Chapter 6 but Shuichi gets help from his emotional support boyfriend from beyond the grave
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fukurozchan · 2 months
In other universes.
this song stuck in my head for awhile.
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cyanidas · 2 months
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he's thinking evil (read: gay) thoughts
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