moonpaw · 11 months
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where are you getting this information?? how do you know skitty can't learn swift? actually wait this doesn't matter, get to jail--NOW
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daddyn3xus · 5 months
I can't explain the goofy smile I get when you be saying sweetheart but man am I red
Sun get smooch? Smooch for sun? A thousand smooches back for Lee💋
Sunny gets lots of smooches <3 <3 My dear <3 My sweetheart <3 <3
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hajihiko · 9 months
I got stomach ache so here’s my prompt romp-t question for ya
Who be the one going “I’m so brave cuz I’m not telling anyone about my stomach ache” and who be the other side of the coin going “help me my stomach burns a thousand suns and it’ll eclipse with a shit storm soon”
May I mention that I took night quill as well so the droze might be kicking in
So brave: Fuyuhiko. Gutted himself like a fish and then told people to stop overreacting. Was trying to break open doors with the stitches still in. Tried to keep lactose intolerance a secret and definitely tried to drink milk for the bones way too often. Suffering in silence is basically his middle name and that includes tummyaches, internal or external.
Please help: Ibuki. Hear me out; Hiyoko is a baby about tummyaches but not so crass, and might try to hide it like she hid her lack of bathing. Nekomaru IS crass and does loudly announce when someone should Not Go In There (the WC) for a while because he destroyed it. But he can take care of his own gut flora and doesn't need help.
Ibuki, WHEN afflicted, does in fact go somewhere like "Ibukis stomach is like a boiling pot of milk that no one's watching! IT'S GONNA OVERFLOW, and SOON!!! SOMEONE DO SOMETHING"
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time-to-run · 2 years
Imagien reader finding some chapstick and deciding it would be a fun idea to wear it, just cause why not. He thought no one would notice until daryl started to give him too much attention.
Daryl kept staring at you trying to work out what's up with you. Looking up and down constantly. Always stopping to look at you when walking by. You'd just awkwardly waze or smile at him and walk away.
But when you stopped wearing it, that droze daryl crazy. Tf kept changing about you, god he had no idea. Well not until he saw you putting it on one day.
He didn't mention it, but when you where alone he just had to say something. He slightly elbowed you, getting your attention. You looked up at him. "Looks nice on ya"...
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benkaden · 1 year
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Cottbus Neubauten in der Ottilienstraße Chošebuz Nowe stwarjenja w Ottiljowej droze.
Reichenbach (Vogtl): VEB BILD UND HEIMAT Reichenbach i.V. (V 11 28 A 3/63 DDR 6/1424 339/63).
Foto: Stopper, Cottbus
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k1spiegel · 1 year
that poll abt the best stone fruit has made me think of that autobiographical bit of writing abt someone asking their dad for plums after a suicide attempt and he comes back w a truck bed full of plums he droze across state lines for and im abt to cry omw home from the grocery store
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originalsoulduck · 2 years
I spend way too much time on Tumblr and watching Criminal Minds. I had a dream and Hotch was in it. He was a teacher at some school. I guess we both were. I want to say we lived really close if not together (you know how dreams are weird).
It was just so random. My irl friend droze a bus and she left me behind.
I woke up at a kiss. Crazy times.
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ender--slime · 3 months
thinking of making a (dreamworks) trollsona but it’s the same guy as my (homestuck) trollsona. osirah drozee as a future funk dreamworks troll :)
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
A great French restaurant’s owner, Monsieur Septime, is thrust into intrigue and crime, when one of his famous guests disappears.  Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: M. Septime, patron d’un grand restaurant parisien: Louis de Funès Le commissaire divisionnaire: Bernard Blier Sophia, la secrétaire du président Novalès: María Rosa Rodríguez Henrique, chef de la sécurité du président Novalès: Venantino Venantini Le président sud-américain Novalès: Folco Lulli Le sommelier buveur: Paul Préboist Le ministre: Noël Roquevert Henri: Yves Arcanel Le conspirateur français: Robert Dalban Le général conspirateur: Julián Antonio Ramírez Le complice de Novalès: Eugene Deckers Un conspirateur: Frédéric Santaya Un conspirateur: Albert Dagnant Le maître d’hôtel « Mon Dieu ! Mon Dieu ! »: Jean Ozenne Le second maître d’hôtel: Pierre Tornade Le troisième maître d’hôtel: Yves Elliot Petit-Roger, le serveur lèche-bottes: Michel Modo Un serveur: Jacques Dynam Un serveur: Guy Grosso Un serveur: Jean Droze Un serveur: Pierre Roussel Un serveur: René Bouloc Julien, un serveur et violoncelliste forcé: Maurice Risch Marcel, le chef cuisinier: Raoul Delfosse Marmiton Louis, le filleul de Marcel, le chef cuisinier: Olivier de Funès Le violoniste / Client qui dit que “ce n’est pas cher du tout”: Max Montavon Le Doktor Müller ” Kartoffeln und Muskatnuss “: Claus Holm L’invité ignoré du ministre: André Badin Un client du restaurant: Marc Arian Le pianiste: Roger Caccia Le second inspecteur adjoint: Henri Marteau L’agent de police: Jacques Legras …: René Berthier Le client satisfait: Bernard Dumaine Un client du restaurant: Roger Lumont Le client taché: Paul Faivre …: Julian Ramirez Le baron: Robert Destain La baronne: France Rumilly Film Crew: Writer: Louis de Funès Writer: Jean Halain Writer: Jacques Besnard Movie Reviews:
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manga-girl67 · 3 months
Já miluji kávu, co vy?
Jsem typ člověka: "ať si každý dělá, co chce a jak chce, přesto je špatné cpát ostatním lidem jenom to své přesvědčení o něčem xxl".
Je jasné, že pak vyslovím své znepokojení. Přijde mi děsivé, jak moc je dnešní svět otevřený k drogám. Býval i kdysi a nejspíše bude i v budoucnu. V těchto letech je to HHC a THC. Ačkoliv je to z konopí, znepokojuje mě vysoké využití tohohle i ve sladkostech.
Dobře, jsou to sladkosti pro dospělé, přesto je to děsivé. Chytří puberťáci se dostanou k čemukoliv, když budou chtít.
Před pár lety jsem slyšela o droze - směs benzínu a něčeho, kdy si to lidé nějak vpichovali do těla a pak ta postižená část těla touto drogou odumírala a odpadala. Nekróza?
Samozřejmě, všechno se může vymknout kontrole. Dokonce i dávkování kofeinu. Prosím buďte k sobě laskaví a opatrní.
Neodsuzuji nikoho, je to věc každého. Já jsem v 15 letech zkusila cigaretu a bylo to odporné! Nechutnalo mi to.
Můj táta kouří klasické cigarety, moje babička kouří a příležitostně i můj bratr. Možná už jenom z tohohle důvodu mě kouření cigaret odrazuje. Dokonce i pít alkohol, který si dám příležitostně.
Dokonce i jídlo může být ve velké míře škodlivé - jakákoliv závislost. Proto říkám, buďte na sebe opatrní.
Konopí mi přijde fajn jen z hlediska k využití v masti. Někdo má na to názor, že i tohle se dostává do krevního oběhu. No, řekla bych, že kouření a polykání různých látek z konopí je daleko více závažnější, než nějaká léčebná mastička, která také jde do těla. Řekla bych v daleko minimální míře.
Mimochodem, tahle mastička vážně pomáhá hojit mnoho různých kožních nezdarů, ekzémů apod.
A poslední nové trendy - "být extrémně tlustý je v pořádku". Opravdu to není. Ano, může to být způsobeno genetikou, nějakou nemocí, štítnou žlázou. Lépe řečeno. Momentálně narážím na děsivé lidi, kteří jsou opravdu extrémně až morbidně tlustí a propagují tohle své přesvědčení na internetu. Celkově na internetu jsou divné věci.
Další odbočka je anorexie, bulimie, sebepoškozování - především je děsivé to vidět u dětí.
Rozhodně je dobře, že svět je otevřený mnoha okolnostem. Taky je pěkně pokrytecky. Morální hodnoty jsou zahozeny a materiální hodnoty jsou oslavovány. Kde to jsme?
Ano, ano - to je ten slavní věk Vodnáře. Víte co? Revoluce a svoboda. Dobře. Ale je třeba mít i zodpovědnost a tu nikdo, již už tolik ani nechce.
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Gaming Log for November 6th 2023
New Nintendo 3dsxl
1. Pokemon Blue- evolved my Bellsprout into weepingbell and added data for Weepingbell to the pokedex
2. Pokemon Crystal- put my baby togepi in the daycare, got an odd egg, and caught a drozee and added data for Drowzee to the Pokedex
3. Pokemon Platinum- caught a Machop and added data for Machop to the Pokedex
4. Pokemon Picross- did the training puzzle
Nintendo Switch Lite
1. Pokemon Let's Go Eevee- beat Brock, caught an Ekans, added it to my team, and added data for Ekans to the Pokedex
Neopets- did the daily challenges, Trudy's Suprise, and the usual dailies plus collected the monthly freebies and stocked my shop with a morphing potion and a petpet paintbrush aslo added a retro neopets toolbar to my homepage
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tinogiehd · 1 year
yeah im good im just dramatic. so I leave my class and it’s so fucking cold. But i have to get gas bc i love driving till my gas light comes on. all is fine and well i pull in the gas station and then fuckinf. For the SEXOND TIME IN A WEEK. The door to my gas cap IS FROZEN SHUT. so I go in the gas station to get hot water. it’s almost 9pm at this point like fuck my life but anyways. i buy a cookie too bc i felt I deserved it for my patheticisms. i pour the hot water on my thing it unfreezes things are looking up i get gas and then i pour the rest of the water on my windshield bc it’s dirty as hell from snow and shit and my windshield washer fluid doesn’t work but that’s a whole other story. so anyways i get back in my car and by this time THE WATER DROZE TO MY WINDSHIELD. so then i get back out and have to use the little window washer thingy they have by gas pumps to clean my window with it. and they have no paper towel by it for you to be able to wipe off the squeegee(?) thing that you get the soap off the window with. anyways moral of the story is im fucking freezing by this point. And then my windshield still had white stuff on the sides of it. AND THEN MY COOKIE WASNT EVEN THAT GOOD. anyways now im home.
I think dnf should drop the sextape tonight just for you
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digit4ltw1n · 1 year
miuxedavad imisa tu ramxela growth maqvs am wlebis ganmavlobashi ase mgonia rom aranairi winsvla ar ganvicade da var gachedili ert adgilas ghmerto momeci droze bidzgi
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444names · 2 years
all the npcs from skyrim
Acoicci Addgers Aderavessia Adreth Adriushna Aervena Agnuinarlus Agrash Ale-Finn Alius Amriorve Andor Annilimrem Anoctus Arever Arianth Arice Aridelagrir Ariefnar Ariss Arnas Aroadar Arood Arril Arrir Arverette Aslis Astahl Asteworn Astub Atasa Ateak Atura-Ben Augulustah Augurza Avargnus Avian Avuri Azzadrus Azzadvarak Ba-Deevaril Bagolli Barla Barvar Bathis Beavos Beidilnjo Berrus Blana Bolagi'sa Bolfuric Bolyn Boreni Borth Brain Branar Brane Brast Brayfia Brian Brold Brone Bronea Bulfgraugur Bulfrius Bulia Burne Caellen Caeran Caerex Caern Calasu Camant Camorpulf Cickt Cipildurgis Cleve Coretalepos Cynas Dagelgjakr Dagnilius Daidius Danus Daw-Gary Dawan Decretedril Dee-Far Deep-Ing Deette Doregoth Dorga Dorna Dra-Eyerand Draud Drell Drento Dresa Drethorn Dreylaing Drostors Drozee Durarakh Dushna Eardurz Eborn Edireste Edlaggviel Elds-Chin Elebore Elionetrane Elvancro Elvar-Skus Ely-Gar Elyna Elyth Embah Enderthryon Endilloadar Endritheld Engur Enmus Ennen Erahkaer Erlag Ervend Esber Esmor Eting Etium Etius Fainma Faius Falanud Faldia Faluvarier Faranyond Faretag Farrice Feeperius Feetarkul Ferus Fingo Firanus Firkus Fraadrys Freder Frethara Fro-Larei Fro-Nornea Fro-Shugula Frofthjis Frokirgna Fromo Fronor Frostroven Furauhna Furth Gandynla Garandardir Garfianig Geius Gel-Shar Gelint Geman Gemaristri Genvia Ghakr Ghomm Ghoralunz Gianost Givend Glone Glonskalmah Gored Gorunjo Gorven Gralebron Grelphil Gresi Grogna Groldarsob Guach Guevend Gullotter Gulusted Gunjoly Gunmin Hagiller Hajni Hajva Haleekus Halve Hamalus Hany-Hilana Heari Hearz Heaught Hersa Hesten Hesur Hiletrika Hjola Hogrulwulu Honek Hrerul Hroommir Hulsa Hundisval Hunier Idreldin Ien-Hild Illeva Inguk Irnilvar Iroberm J'Keif Jaleembeth Jeimph Jodir Jofiah Jorna Jorvenna Kaith Karaldurz Karier Kercielce Keroak Kesto Khada Khamar Khanne Kibbil Kjeeko Klik'ran Kuvard Kuvas Laelen Lairedrexus Lamanding Lamindis Laraud Laren Larve Lasher Leora Leorn Liele Lilevur Llemar Lobelan Logri Logrokthius Luciand Luckt Luringa M'ailu Ma'da Ma'rak Mactius Majvalden Malin Marclocky Mardisurz Mavan Mavyn Meetterl Milderr Mithyrranus Mogruk Moirdul Mormir Morwenille Mothittemar Narger Narior Narth Neevennil Neler Nelle-Ravar Nelvin Netrethus Nieklailmo Nieniub Nik'r Nildynash Nille Nimuna Njarr Nocky Nolfregalli Odar-Ari Oendyna Ofgar Oglurdulan Oldin Olfgar Olfurst Omorwe Omouran Oncromo Orcharknar Orclob Orlemki Oslanis Oslfrin Paalundir Pelgirr Prine Prokin Prourbart Quacky Quelenus Quingar Quinius Ra'kh Ra'ralebor Raellia Ralfurift Rante Rarbuk Razgar Reba-Shurba Reble Revinwen Revius Rhilim Riand Rielon Rocky Rodhaelvils Rogdis Rogro Rogro-Ban Rolfhin Rontius Roreth Rorram Rundanaie Rungvose Runma Sabil Sabingarki Sabryan Salfgrodir Salin Sallestalk Samiush Sanga Sareth Sargistus Sarystort Savyn Selianex Sepprius Serash Serci Serik Shimus Shorthry Siderra Silde Siliterd Sinice Skarst Skeloodmor Skertwogg Skuric Sliat Slicciandah Softh Solder Sordis Stalen Stond Stone Stornstuhus Stran Stricale Styrth Sunil Suvarakr Sylgran Synrob Taleifthie Talerm Tamalkarr Tamunwe Tanus Teigroth Tekland Tellebas Thaneld Thorbjor Thorynd Threak Tibbilub Tolena Tolyn Tonena Torand Toretarg Torid Toven Tover Trenni Trosna Ugole Ulaie Ulaieloki Ulebrie Ulfrekoner Unalna Unwelyn Urarga Urideld Usheimvani Valdrevenge Valette Valia Vamundaril Varaune Vekkeeja Veler Vennette Vermius Verste Vexus Vinwen Voadla Voici Voldi Vollder Wanna Warkus Wayndorth Wildhn Wylastorn Xanda Yamaen Yaminth Yarth Yater Yourt Ysgart
same thing but shorter names
Acolu Addriarak Adellesi Adir Aera-Goren Agmurt Ahjis Ahjotig Ahka Ahkagurz Ahzirir Alev Alfgar Alingalus Alive Aloth Amar Amasius Annia Anvanir Aphi Aquisem Arictump Arnith Arns Arrevyn Arric Asbjolgar Astan Astre Astrius Astroth Atteir Avulver Azza Ba-Eydir Badicuthar Bage Banmarag Banthug Barena Barrul Beencars Beirianner Bela Bethel Blion Blob Boet Boldan Borthe Brach Brake Braul Bren Brid Brunwenn Brysteaub Buir Buius Cald Calna Camanacane Captargar Carruufth Carvend Cicky Cle-Eimas Cline Colderanos Colla Collesing Coloodr Corm Cous Crachimund Crana Cru-jolf Crub Curahffyn CuSight CuSigro Cyna Cynd Dald Daleron Dalub Dawn Deenna Deethius Dego Doneas Dong Doren Dra-Sharos Dragen Drearther Drielce Drik Dulaiq Durir Edinius Edis Edleno Eimpharr Elia Elmar Elmart Enda Eria Evir Fainether Fairantus Faral Farm Farsain Feadius Fear Fela Fesur Findur Firkul Fjorda Fjorn Floch Fral Frel Frenz Frisearne Fron Frus Furgnian Gabi Gada Gallinea Galthrald Ganar Gath Gelanicard Gend Genord Ghamingak Ghonord Ghos Ghurian Gilotila Gion Giralbur Gisand Glod Glor Gorna Gralamir Gralx Grebetaite Greno Grer Gresaak Gretter Grik Grik'r Gris Grla Grub Gruk Guacciust Gundonir Gundse Gwila Haeleepta Hajni Halder Hama Hamariar Harse Hatu Hearle Hearren Heman Heren Herie Heriele Herstorni Hespert Hessa Hevenicce Hewolake Hodmorrice Hoggilhelk Hona Horgaan Horsa Hro-Shinne Hund Idge Iene Igmuna Ilane Illindar In-Hadriis Inim Iro-Sus Iron-Hod Irotherste Irounarth Isos J'da J'zag J'zarli Jius Jorlood Jorthryl Jurt Kain Kair Karave Karulice Kaynd Kayya Khang Kibele Kinuingvi Kjeer Knuir Knus Korex Kren Lachei Larin Larth Lawar Legolda Leims Leone Leoth Liellera Llafnan Ller Lodus Lorysta Loth Luar Lucarrie Luckbrys Lundse Lurd Lynd Ma'da Ma'zada Maid Malawan Malia Mane Manus Marius Marr Marrinis Mart Marthavyn Masya Mauranria Mavalemash Maver Meli Merc Milthone Mitus Mjorn Mogariria Mogmana Mogran Moir Moiri Morelebash Morsomona Mot-Plindt Nagrouth Naravyn Nard Narlinus Nast-Pli Nazid Neldhnise Nenwea Neptiani Nert Newengara Nielle-Fur Nigara Nigdi Nilormi Nimunne Niria Njar Norz Nytemmar Octer Octius Odfer Odva Oglus Olfgargend Ondona Oner Orclorkil Orgeida Orid Orlame Oslius Paccia Pach Pactia Parzoggil Pavenach Perlund Plieria Prearyn Prini Prornarm Ra'da Rage Rageigul Rakelphin Rayla Razaderi Razeng Rebasya Ren-Hild Reverlord Revida Rhius Rian Rockbles Rocked Rocky Roggis Rogromm Rommar Romo Rongaar Roro-Shar Rung Saarr Sabeth Sabi Sablood Saenose Saff Sala Sall Samp Sank Saven Seperos Seria Serith Shar Sheth Shien Shonne Shorriang Shuck-Beim Shur Sibethreth Sight Sigius Signa Silheir Sixto Skaen Skel Skuluria Skur Solfr Soner Song Sord Soreda Sormo Ster Stergart Stone Strovel Strys Svard Sver Swar Swold Sybil Sybine-Fir Tach Tamel Taundurza Thanne Thar-Shur Thaven-Fir Thon Thryn Tibelde Tora Torn Tren Troki Tsrantus Tsur Tult-Fis Turikkerna Turir Tursail Tuts-Tand Ulan Unas Unbjo Ungelka Unli Unwel Ushna Valbori Valiah Vanthis Vekeeja Veklais Velok Vexius Vicky Vigi Vinnek Virier Vitter Vivalkird Vold Vortwogdia Vyrri Wici Wilm Wing Winmidar Winna Wylgis Wynar Wyne Ynger Yourrikus Zahffynd
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rediscoverthe80s · 2 years
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Look, I'm on a 45 picture sleeve! Season 2 of Thrift Store Horde starts tomorrow with me and my pals Adam and Kevin showing off our #thrifting finds on YouTube. Subscribe to 'TRNTV' to watch along. And shout out to Chad Droze for making our teaser images! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf8-UAbugi4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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staticdive · 2 years
DROZE & Nino Bellemo New House Remix
DROZE & Nino Bellemo New House Remix
Never Thought (Nino Bellemo Remix) We first heard from singer/songwriter DROZE in July of last year upon the release of his single “Never Thought” on Miami-based record label Gonna Be Music. That track introduced a multi-talented multi-instrumentalist with a soulful R&B voice and a love of House and modern EDM bangers. Growing up in both New York and Miami, Droze was heavily influenced by the…
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