#drivers career f1notebook
f1notebook · 3 years
Lewis Hamilton's stats
Hey people ! Here is the new thing I was talking about yesterday, it's not really a presentation of the drivers because it's only focused on stats. The goal is to show the drivers from another angle, we all know their way of driving, their engagement but the number are quite difficult to have on mind every time, so I decided to make a little post about it, and because I absolutely love numbers, and it is a lot of fun, so here we go.
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I decided to start with Lewis because he is the most successful driver in the history of F1. He has been in the sport for many years, there is why I decided to mix Lewis at McLaren and Lewis at Mercedes. It was important to me too to remind the new fans that Lewis wasn't born with Mercedes and he has a history with McLaren, reminding legacy.
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We first start with a chronological frame of Lewis' career, he left karting and started a single seat in 2002, he was 17 years old, which is kind of unusual for a driver now. He started to really shine in 2005 when he won the F3 euro series and the GP2 (old F2) the year after. What assured him a seat at McLaren.
In 2007 he had an amazing season, the best F1 rookie season ever, almost winning the championship, which happened a year later.
Red Bull dominated the championship from 2010 to 2014, during this kind of time, Lewis decided to take his chances at Mercedes, after Michael Schumacher left the team after helping them built a great environment. At the time, almost everyone thought he was ending with his career as Mercedes wasn't fighting for championships.
Lewis proved them all wrong in 2014 when we won the championship and since then, expecting made to 2016 when Nico Rosberg took the championship, he has been winning.
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We continue with some pure stats, and they are all incredible. I didn't include the 2021 season as it is still going.
I calculated Lewis has taken part in 14 F1 seasons, disputing 267 Grand Prix. He was the first to take the checkered flag 95 times, which means he has won more than 35% of the race he has taken part in.
The craziest stat for him is the podiums, Lewis has 164 podiums, more than half of the race he has disputed, 61,42% to be precise, it's absolutely insane.
Like the Grand Prix, I calculated the maximum points Lewis could have gained if he has won all the Grand Prix he raced in, 5958 points, he gained in real life 3778, again, more than the half, absolutely insane.
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To finish with this post, I made graphic of Lewis finish standing in the championship for every year as the number of wins, podiums and pole position he got for every year.
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I truly hope you enjoy this post, it is a little bit different from what I do usually. Please let me know your opinion and what I can improve on this. If you want more, please let me know which driver you want (on the 2021 grid please, I am going to do the 20 drivers first and if you enjoy it and want more, I will extend to all-time drivers)
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f1notebook · 2 years
Sergio Perez - Career's stats
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Hey there !
Here we are again it another post about the drivers' career ! After Lewis, Valtteri and Max, it's time for Sergio.
Hope you enjoy it ! Next one will be Charles !!
(The 2021 season isn’t there because I made this like 3 months ago)
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f1notebook · 2 years
Charles Leclerc - career stats 🥰
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f1notebook · 3 years
Max Verstappen's career
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Here you have the little post about Max's career like I promise. For this one we are kind of doing a test, it's a preposition my lovely @babssionate did and I am thinking about it for a while so let's see how it works.
So you have the 5 pages of Max's career on the top, without comments like I always did. Now I am taking some info I want to talk about and so I can do it. Let me know what you think !
So let's start with the first one :
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The real interesting thing here is that Max only made a year in single-seater juniors, he never drove in the F2 championship for example. And he went from karting to F3 immediately, not droving in Formula Renault or similar categories.
Max was karting until 2013, it was the year he won the World KZ Championship. That winter he tested various cars, one of them being the F3 car and decided to drive in that category. He didn't win it but he came 3rd, which isn't bad at all. The big surprise comes here, when Red Bull decides to put him in an F1 car at 17 years old, the youngest F1 driver ever.
It could have been a disaster, with only one year in single-seater it was a risky move that most of the drivers couldn't take as normally they need time to learn and to progress. However, Max didn't let anyone indifferent with his drive style (I won't talk about it as I believe @race-week would do it wayyyy better so nicely ask her if she can if she hasn't done it yet)
You can see his precocity on the team he needed to make his way from Torro Roso to Red Bull, help a little bit by Daniil but it's still insane, especially looking at his results and the fact he won his first race with Red Bull but you all know that story.
Another very interesting thing in Max's career is his loyalty to Red Bull and how he always stays with them, 100% of his F1 career has been made with a Red Bull team.
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Going now to the stats one ! Let be honest, If you don't follow F1, and you hear something about this Max Verstappen guy and go check his stats, you will think he isn't that good. Of course these stats don't include the 2021 season as it still going and I don't know when I will post this when I do it.
But the truth is, 119 starts over 6 seasons and only 10 wins. However what I highlighted here is something I found very interesting, the difference between the wins and the podiums. Looking at it you can just think he doesn't have what it takes to win, however knowing the sport it's completely normal.
Until now, Max was always in a car that wasn't competitive to win championships, a car that was good in some circuit like Brazil or Austria, but didn't make the difference during all championship.
Another interesting way of looking at it is the podiums, because if we say Max's car wasn't perfect and good enough to win, that means a car was, in this case, Mercedes, they were then, theoretically 1-2, one spot left in the podium, however, Max has a teammate that has the same car as him. So the 42 podiums show how dominant he has been on the team. Of course, this isn't math, is a sport, and Mercedes aren't always on the podium 1-2, but it's stats over 100 races with 42 podiums, so at some podium, the tendency is confirmed when he has 35% of podiums.
There is two more very interesting points on this page, first, something I didn't highlight but I should have, is the point Max has in F1, 1162 from 2015 to 2020, 38% of what he could have (fastest point included since 2019), but one even more important point that isn't here, it that Max very rarely finished outside the points. When he doesn't get points is mostly because he didn't show the checkered flag, interesting no ?
The last one is the number of pole positions, even if Max never had the fastest car on the grid, qualifying was not his biggest strength, he is way better during the race, overtaking than doing a perfect lap. (But again, it's about his driving style).
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Moving now to the Championship tracker, the progression from Torro Roso to Red Bull is absolutely insane, but I already spoke about it here. However, I highlighted the positions he finished during his F1 career and how consistent he has been through the years, here again, at least for 2019 and 2020, the theory of the Mercedes is true again.
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The last one, and what I believe, one of the most intresting ones. I obviously put a spotlight on the pole position by year, Max had to wait until 2018 for his first pole position, for the record, from 2016 to 2018, Red Bull only had 1 pole position in Monaco 2016.
Now, my favorite part, the number of podiums, for the info, the 2018 and 2019 calendar had 21 races and the 2020 calendar had 17 races.
Knowing that, it means Max was able to score 52,38% of the available podiums in 2018, 47,62% in 2019 and more importantly 64% in 2020. Those numbers are absolutely insane for a driver that wasn't battle for the championship win or wasn't in a car that won the championship constructors'.
Coming to the end of this post, I think we can all agree Max has a great talent, especially look at his career and how he arrived in F1 and stay, doing well and been consistent.
I wanted to add a little note to something that isn't in the graphs but I believe is important to know and remember. When Max arrived in F1, he was involved in a couple of accidents, and that image stayed in the minds of a lot of people, I think is fair to remember Max has progressed and improved a lot since his F1 debut, and he is nearly never involved in an accident, especially been the guilty one. Most of his DNF have been due to engine and mechanics problems. Remember here that Max has only 2 penalty points on his superlicence. (I wrote this a week before Monza, I just edited the 2 that was a 0 before, I decided to let this part as I believe Max improved a lot since he joined F1 and I like to highlight that)
I really hope you enjoy this post, I wanted to thank @babssionate for the idea and remembering her how amazing she is !
I mentioned a sort of post @race-week does about the driving style, I don't know she already did it with Max, if she hasn't you can always ask but please, I beg you, be nice to this sweetheart, ask nicely and remember she has other things to do !
The next one on the list is Sergio ! Hope he will come soon, probably after the next race !
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f1notebook · 3 years
Valtteri Bottas’ career
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So here is my post for Valtteri’s career after Lewis’ one a few weeks back. I hope you enjoy this one and that it’s helpful. I just wanted to remind that the stats page is based on the Grand Prix Valtteri race, if for x reason he wasn’t in a Grand Prix (what I think wasn’t the case) it will never impact the 100%, because if he doesn’t race, he can’t win. ☺️
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