#drdt talentswaps
fatherfigurefusion · 2 months
Give me two (or possibly more) DRDT characters, and I’ll give you the differing dynamics they have in my AUs! You may also request their dynamics in a specific AU! (Look in tags for the AUs!)
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cider-est · 9 months
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POV: You're being interrogated by 2 amateur detectives and they know you're full of shit.
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bleuflowerfields · 1 year
ult matchmaker arturo is on the brain right now for if I ever make a talentswap AU
bro would be borderline unprofessional but God would it be funny if he was just like "GOD you get no game because you're ugly as hell wtf man" while working with a client. he won't say it but it would be sorta obvious from the fact that his face is all scrunched up
might elaborate on this later idk
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weightedblankettt · 10 months
Hi guys. SO. I have this really really old talentswap drdt au from a few months ago and I like all of the character designs (but they’re in gacha cause. I cant exactly draw.) and I have … I have a lot of thoughts about some of the cast that i Cannot display because i havent planned them our but Im going to post the talent/personality swap list here and hope for the best, SO.
Teruko Tawaki: Motivational Speaker
Xander Matthews: SFX Artist
Charles Cuevas: Guitarist (Zither Player)
Ace Markey: Student
Arei Nageishi: Personal Stylist
Rose Lacroix: Rebel
Hu Jing: Plastic Surgeon
Eden Tobisa: Jockey
Levi Fontana: Clockmaker
Arturo Giles: Art Forger
Min Jeung: Matchmaker
David Chiem: Lucky Student
Veronika Grebenshchikova: Chemist
J Rosales: Pet Therapist
Whit Young: Horror Fanatic
Nico Hakobyan: Bowler
Mai Akasaki: TV Show Host
AND i made their new secrets in here:
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googledetective · 7 months
istg this is the last talentswap I’ll do for drdt 💀
(yup, talent swapping between the cast members)
Teruko Tawaki - Ultimate Art Forger
Xander Matthews - Ultimate Student
Min Jeung - Ultimate Clockmaker
Arei Nageishi - Ultimate Matchmaker
David Chiem - Ultimate Lucky Student
Charles Cuevas - Ultimate Motivational Speaker
Whit Young - Ultimate Bowler
Eden Tobisa - Ultimate Harp Player (not Zither bc she is not Chinese and might not know the instrument)
Ace Markey - Ultimate Pet Therapist
Rose Lacroix - Ultimate Horror Fanatic
Veronika Grebenishchikova - Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
Hu Jing - Ultimate Jockey
Levi Fontana - Ultimate SFX Artist
Arturo Giles - Ultimate Personal Stylist
J Rosales - Ultimate Rebel (her mom would’ve been like a politician)
Nico Hakobyan - Ultimate Chemist
I promise I’ll go back to meme posts now guys 🙏
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summerotakuchan · 1 year
Y’know what? Fuck it, I’m going to make a DRDT Talentswap AU
Stand aside, gentlemen and ladies!
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fatherfigurefusion · 25 days
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (DRA Edition):
Teruko Tawaki- Ultimate Maid
6/10: Can't believe Teruko got Ultimate Maid again. My viewpoints still stand. (Also, imagine Teruko as one of the masterminds!)
Xander Matthews- Ultimate Sniper
7/10: I'm just imagining Xander as being an assassin against the Spurlings and other corrupt individuals, and that's just an awesome concept!
Eden Tobisa- Ultimate Surgeon
8/10: One smol cutie pie as another smol cutie pie!
Hu Jing- Ultimate Exorcist
9/10: Hu with a traditional Chinese spiritual edge? Yes please!
J Moreno- Ultimate Sprinter
6/10: J just doesn't give me much "sprinter" energy, even if they are a bit jock-ish. They just give me more weightlifter or boxer energy.
Veronika Grebenschikova- Ultimate Merchant
8/10: Don't know why, but it's surprisingly fitting and yet unnerving in a truly Veronika way! She'd be able to sell you only the craziest and most cursed of goods.
David Chiem- Ultimate Cheerleader
10/10: What is an inspirational speaker if not just a professional cheerleader? Also, David with "Mean Girls" energy.
Arturo Giles- Ultimate Police Officer
9/10: Arturo Giles with Tsurugi Kinjo's viewpoints? Terrifying, but fascinating!
Levi Fontana- Ultimate Clown
2/10: Definitely not.
Ace Markey- Ultimate Inventor
7/10: He does have a similar energy to Miu Iruma, so I can kind of see it!
Min Jeung- Ultimate Lawyer
9/10: Considering how much of a studying nightmare law school is, I can very easily see Min as a lawyer who suffered the horrors of law school!
Whit Young- Ultimate Professor
8/10: He'd definitely be one of the "cool" professors!
Charles Cuevas- Ultimate Lucky Student
8/10: Second time Charles was assigned "Ultimate Lucky Student". And I do wonder what an Utsuro-fied Charles would be like. (Also, Charuko being co-masterminds real!)
Arei Nageishi- Ultimate Soccer Player
10/10: Assigning Arei an athletic talent? Too easy!
Nico Hakobyan- Ultimate Priest
8/10: What could be worse than giving the insecure nonbinary (and probably neurodivergent) teenager a healthy dose of Catholic guilt? Also, I love the concept of the dynamic between Exorcist!Hu and Priest!Nico!
Rose Lacroix- Ultimate Pilot
8/10: Imagining combining Rose's genius and sleepiness with Haru's crazy plane-flying skills. She'd probably be able to fly a plane while completely conked out!
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fatherfigurefusion · 3 months
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (V3 Edition):
Teruko Tawaki- Ultimate Maid
6/10: Pretty mixed on the idea. On one hand, Teruko's personality doesn't really owe well to being a maid. On the other hand, the talent can easily factor into her backstory, having to work as a maid in order to avoid living on the streets.
Xander Matthews- Ultimate Cosplayer
7/10: Can kind of see it. Would probably specialize in shonen cosplays.
Eden Tobisa- Ultimate Robot
8/10: A robotic clockwork Eden would be adorable!
Hu Jing- Ultimate Detective
8/10: Yep, I can easily see it. Pretty funny that she got the protagonist's talent last time, so the wheel landed on another protagonist talent.
J Moreno- Ultimate Child Caregiver/Assassin
9/10: They definitely have the Maki-esque personality for it.
Veronika Grebenshchikova - Ultimate Astronaut
9/10: The talent provides the right amount of risk and intrigue to fuel her. Also, Veronika with a galaxy theme would look SO beautiful.
David Chiem- Ultimate Pianist
10/10: I feel as though David's fashion sense (just swap out the star pins for music note pins and it would be perfect) and struggles with the limelight would owe well to an Ultimate Pianist. Similar situation with Hu, in that he had the protagonist's talent in the DR1 edition, and got the (initial) protagonist's talent in this run.
Arturo Giles- Ultimate Entomologist
9/10: A creepy butterfly-pinner aesthetic would honestly fit Arturo very well. Maybe, instead of just ugly people, he just hates people in general, preferring the company of "beautiful" insects.
Levi Fontana- Ultimate Supreme Leader
5/10: Levi Fontana, a notorious pushover, as an Ultimate Supreme Leader? Maybe it could factor into his dark past. I also think Levi could rock the uniform.
Ace Markey- Ultimate Magician
4/10: Can't exactly picture him as a magician.
Min Jeung- Ultimate Tennis Pro
9/10: Tennis seems like the most fitting sport for Min!
Whit Young- Ultimate Adventurer
9/10: It's the Rantaro energy. I can also imagine Whit being able to speak multiple languages, in order to facilitate his communication with others.
Charles Cuevas- Ultimate Artist
8/10: When seeing this prompt, I can't help but imagine Ena Shinonome.
Arei Nageishi- Ultimate Inventor
9/10: Very fitting for her (in terms of personality mostly), but just imagine the "maintenance scene" but it's Areden.
Nico Hakobyan- Ultimate Anthropologist
10/10: This could actually work REALLY well!
Rose Lacroix- Ultimate Aikido Master
8/10: Terrifying prompt: Rose Lacroix, but able to beat someone up.
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cider-est · 9 months
An Idea for a Talent Swap Au (Spoilers!!)
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Thinking about how similar Min and Xander both are + the paralels between the two, I realised that maybe, if they had different circumstances, they could've had each others talents.
And thus this AU was born!!!
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I'll just ramble about some of the ideas I had (feat. some doodles i made). Btw if you dont understand my handwriting, I put a description on each image for accessibility purposes :] (let me know if I fucked them up pls!!) (also Im not a native english speaker so if I fuck up the grammar let me know aswell!!!)
Backstory changes!
I was mainly focused on making this as close in character and canon as I could? Like imagine if they had made one different choice and their lives would have changed completely, butterfly effect and shit.
This means that I had to come up with how they even got the talents in the first place and who they were before the killing game. This is what I ended up with!
In this Au, the Chariton incident did not happen, so Xander's family is alive and well. This means he did not have his realisation that school sucks and that Gpa doesn't matter.
As for Min, for some reason or another, (I've been toying around with the idea that she got burnt out) was not able to achieve the Ultimate Student title. We've seen that she can get quite angry about the school system, so I'd imagine she could take her frustration out on similar unjust systems.
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Dynamic between both of them
I also think they'd have a very interesting dynamic! First impressions, probably not great! Min would definitely have a lot of pity and compassion for Xander, having been in his situation before. I don't think Xander would be a big fan of that though, after all, in his eyes, Hope's Peak is a great institution which has given him the opportunity to be an Ultimate. I think his position would take Min by surprise, but she could later on understand where he comes from.
Maybe it's just my "Ex Religious Vibes (tm)" but I like to imagine that Xander would eventually disilusion himself with Hope's Peak. Although since they are on a killing game, the odds are low as fuck. The only way for that to happen during the killing game would have to be for Min to talk about her backstory.
However for that he'd have to 1. be willing to listen 2. Min would have to be willing to share her past (which, she doesn't really seem like the type to ""trauma dump"") so yeah;; not gonna happen.
A shame because they'd have a really cute dynamic. Personally I think they would behave kind of like siblings, bickering and fighting, but still caring for each other quite a bit. Feel free to interpret them as you wish though :3c.
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Personality, Talent, and misc. changes
In this Au, I wanted them to mostly keep their personality but have them impact the way they tackle their new talents + have some changes due to their new backstory.
Min, since in this au she's very familiar with pushing yourself beyound your limits and its consequences, I'd like to think she would have a more gentle side to her, and remind her fellow students when to take a break (much to their surprise). She wouldn't want people to be as hard on themselves as she once was.
As for her talent, I think she'd definitely be more thorough with her research, and more careful as to who she'd expose and how she'd expose them. She'd read a lot of sociology, psychology and law books; essentially mastering the theory side of her talent. However, due to her intimidating and unrelatable personality, she'd have to work extra hard to rally people and have them join her side.
Because Xander having survivor's guilt is so essential to his character, I wanted to sort of pay homage to that. However, since his family is alive, I replaced it with other forms of guilt. Moreso with the guilt of not being constantly productive that comes from toxic work habits, plus the guilt and cognitive dissonance that comes with participating in Hope's peak's shady pratices and yet feeling like you should be grateful for their generosity.
He still has a very fiery and passionate personality, which he keeps under wraps to maintain his "Very Responsible Ultimate Student" persona. Being so determined, I figured he wouldn't have such a big problem with motivation and procastination like Min, although he, kind of like Eden, would have a problem knowing when to stop and take breaks.
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Story changes?
I've not yet given too much thought on how this would change the story and I'll need to do a little but of guessing work. So, if I were to guess, Min would have to be the one to recieve the "kill teruko tawaki" letter and attempt to murder her, while Xander would be the one to stop her.
Her murder plan would probably be much more elaborate than Xander's, but she'd be easily overpowered by an enraged Xander. I don't know what would happen after that? My ideal scenario would be Min giving up on murdering Teruko and they all stay alive but...yeah no. Someone's gotta die and narrative-wise it makes sense for these two to die.
I don't think Xander would try very hard to hide his crime. The solving would probably be mostly figuring out Min's murder plan. He wouldn't straight up admit it, but he wouldn't fight the accusations very much. I think David would be the one to defend him, he'd get really depressed, but hey! Atleast he gets closure in this au :').
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Dynamics with the others?
I've not yet thought about how their relantionship with the others would change aside from Xander would probs try not to get into fights (and fail) while Min could be more confrontational but still plenty antisocial. Anyway!!,here's an extra doodle on their thoughts on David.
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Anyways that's all I have for now!! If you liked this au, feel free to add on to it or borrow ideas, that'd be hella sick!!! Just give me some credit and it's fine.
Also as a reminder: [[Do not repost my art anywhere else]]
Thank you for reading!!
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fatherfigurefusion · 4 months
AU where I give the DRDT cast original talents (plus my reasons for these talents)
Teruko Tawaki, the Ultimate Police Officer
(NGL: In addition to my theory of Wolfgang Akire getting a Teruko arc and my mental association between Teruko and Tsurugi Kinjo, the other reason I made Teruko a police officer was because of a Paw Patrol DRDT AU that had Chase as Teruko.)
Xander Matthews, the Ultimate Graphic Novelist
(He'd honestly write some pretty awesome graphic novels, probably centering around awesome adventures of rebellion and vigilantism.)
Eden Tobisa, the Ultimate Petsitter
(I only really gave her this talent due to that one remark she made in the prologue: "Do you think I walk dogs, silly?")
Hu Jing, the Ultimate Kickboxer
(I just love the mental image of a buff yet still chubby Hu who can and will beat someone up.)
J Moreno, the Ultimate Chess Grandmaster
(Just have the Rosales be a high-grade military family with J being groomed to be their best military strategist, only for her to just want to chill and play chess.)
Veronika Grebenshikova, the Ultimate Dollmaker
(She just has "dollmaker"/Jane Doe from "Ride the Cyclone" vibes.)
David Chiem, the Ultimate Part-Time Worker
(Customer service voice. Can also swap the XanVid dynamic by having David be a massive fan of Xander's graphic novels.)
Arturo Giles, the Ultimate Caterer
(Spending his whole life catering to and being surrounded by celebrities? That is Arturo's dream. Would cook the most elaborate and expensive dishes ever.)
Levi Fontana, the Ultimate Undertaker
(Maybe the indifference that comes from years of dealing with dead bodies could tie into both Levi's struggles with being seen as "heartless", despite wanting to be helpful, and Levi's friendship with the talentswapped Ace.)
Ace Markey, the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator
(A cowardly yet competent paranormal investigator is a character prompt that's too much comic gold to pass up. Also, see Levi's prompt above.)
Min Jeung, the Ultimate Archer
(I decided to swap Min's academic talent for an athletic talent, and found that archery would fit the focused and stoic Min. Also, Mafuyu Asahina.)
Whit Young, the Ultimate Model
(It's the Adrien Agreste energy. Also based around my theory that Kai and Diana would act like Whit figures for Damon, and decided to give Whit a talent that combines both Kai and Diana's talents.)
Charles Cuevas, the Ultimate Debater
(It's the Damon Maitsu energy.)
Arei Nageishi, the Ultimate News Reporter
(What better way to ruin people's lives then to dig up dirt on them and then put them on blast, on national television?)
Nico Hakobyan, the Ultimate Robotics Engineer
(Just swap out their love and understanding for animals with a love and understanding towards machines. Possible Entrapta kin.)
Rose Lacroix, the Ultimate Street Performer
(She would most likely take up busking, in order to support her family. I could easily picture her pulling multiple party tricks out of nowhere, wowing everybody around her.)
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fatherfigurefusion · 4 months
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (DR1 Edition):
Teruko Tawaki - Ultimate Affluent Progeny
3/10: Ironic that the canonically homeless character gets the “Ultimate Rich Kid” talent. Honestly, unless she has a Byakuya-esque upbringing, having that much money would solve practically all of Teruko’s problems.
Xander Matthews - Ultimate Programmer
8/10: Honestly, he may be a bit loud and overbearing for a programmer, but I could easily imagine him as a hacktavist of sorts.
Eden Tobisa - Ultimate Detective
9/10: Just imagine Eden in an adorable little detective outfit!
Hu Jing - Ultimate Fanfiction Author
6/10: Can’t really picture it.
J Moreno - Ultimate Fashionista
10/10: Fitting with both their backstory and their current self.
Veronika Grebenschikova - Ultimate Gambler
10/10: It’s the Yumeko Jabami energy.
David Chiem - Ultimate Lucky Student
10/10: Have you seen how many David/Teruko talentswaps there are?
Arturo Giles - Ultimate Soldier
6/10: He’d kill for a celebrity, so I can probably see it.
Levi Fontana - Ultimate Novelist
6/10: He’d probably write some REALLY dark stuff, but I just don’t think he has much “writer” energy. On the other hand, HuVi being a writing couple is a heartwarming concept.
Ace Markey - Ultimate Martial Artist
8/10: Worst nightmare: Ace Markey, but he actually fights back. He’d most likely be more of a crackhead scrapper compared to the controlled and zen style of Sakura.
Min Jeung- Ultimate Moral Compass
10/10: Literally the same talent.
Whit Young - Ultimate Clairvoyant
10/10: Whit’s whole thing about “intuition” owes well to the Ultimate Clairvoyant, and I can use this opportunity to give him trauma, regarding him receiving visions that he is quick to deny and block out.
Charles Cuevas - Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
8/10: The concept of a rebellious Charles is cool, and could put a contrast between him and Affluent Progeny Teruko.
Arei Nageishi - Ultimate Swimmer
10/10: A cutesy athletic talent is right up Arei’s alley.
Nico Hakobyan - Ultimate Pop Sensation
7/10: They certainly have the adorable appearance and scandal-causing secret, perhaps the socially-awkward personality could be part of their charm (either that or they would mask to an insane degree).
Rose Lacroix - Ultimate Baseball Player
8/10: The concept of Rose using her crazy analytical skills to perfectly hit the ball is a perfect image.
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 year
NDRV3 Characters with DRDT Talents
Korekiyo Shinguuji, Ultimate Lucky Student
(Having been cursed with bad luck his whole life, as an abandoned orphan, Korekiyo finds fascination in the idea and concept of luck, considering it "beautiful". This causes him to be seen as unnerving by others, in spite of his otherwise affable personality. With his massive collection of lucky charms on his person, Korekiyo is determined to turn his bad luck around, survive the killing game, and find his missing sister.)
Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Clockmaker
(This enigmatic young lad, in spite of his immature appearance and personality, is a prodigy when it comes to handcrafting only the most intricate of clocks. His appearance and personality also belies a conniving chronic liar, who speaks entirely in clock and time-related metaphors and seems intent on toying with and confusing his fellow classmates.)
Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
(While a master in all matters of surgical procedures, Maki seems to specialize in cosmetic surgeries for a massive number of celebrities. In spite of this, Maki claims to dislike performing surgery and can't stand the self-centered attitudes of the people she performs her surgeries on. Both in and out of the operating room, Maki is cold and aloof, not willing to engage in small talk.)
Kirumi Tojo, Ultimate Personal Stylist
(Famous for her attractive appearance and gothic punk fashion, all the spikes and leather belie a loyal and kind-hearted woman. If one wishes to improve their wardrobe, Kirumi will always be there to help, with her knowledge on all matters fashion. However, while she may normally be passive and obedient, let's just say that this leather hides silk, which also hides steel.)
Rantaro Amami, Ultimate Zither Player
(While infamous for his travels and the wealthy family that he is a part of, Rantaro is even more famous for his innate talent in playing the many instruments of the zither family. Rantaro is known amongst the class for his bountiful wisdom, his coolheadedness, and his attractive appearance. Having 12 younger sisters back home, Rantaro appears to have a brotherly instinct, when it comes to a couple of people in his class.)
Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Effects Artist
(As the son of a famous actor and screenwriter, it was only natural that Shuichi would be an expert on the ins and outs of the film industry, although his main speciality is in special effects. In spite of his status as a blueblooded prodigy, Shuichi is also extraordinarily humble and timid, possibly due to all the hotshot actors overshadowing him.)
Kaede Akamatsu, Ultimate Jockey
(Having a love for horses since she was young, Kaede won many horse-racing competitions and always has a spot in her heart for all of her horses. Cheerful and energetic even off the track, in spite of her legions of fans, Kaede is also rather socially-inept, spending more time with horses than with actual people.)
Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Matchmaker
(Referring to herself as the "Ultimate Cupid" and fashioning herself in a similar manner, if Himiko senses the right chemistry between two people, they would be destined to be happy together. Outside of romantic pursuits however, in which case she becomes extremely conniving and ambitious, Himiko is incredibly lazy and would only ever put in the absolute minimum effort, if asked to do something.)
Gonta Gokuhara, Ultimate Horror Fanatic
(Having been raised away from civilization by a bunch of eldritch horrors, Gonta is an expert when it comes to all matters horror. He is very enthusiastic when it comes to the topic of horror, and would love to talk at lengths about them. In spite of his creepy fascination and bad tendency to psychoanalyze, Gonta prides himself on being a kindhearted "gentleman" to everybody.)
Ryoma Hoshi, Ultimate Student
(Truly an academic role model in every sense of the word, Ryoma is renowned throughout his school for topping academic charts and being diligent towards his studies, and always being eager to assist other people. He is even a star member of his school's tennis club. According to some unreliable sources, though, Ryoma is more lazy and pessimistic than what his public appearance would seem.)
Miu Iruma, Ultimate Chemist
(Specializing in the studies of pheromones and aphrodisiacs, Miu is about as perverted and bawdy as one would expect from someone with that line of study. In addition to her sex-laden speech, Miu is also highly proud of her intellect and appearance, and is always ready to put down other people for their perceived lack of intelligence/beauty. Unless they talk back to her...)
Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Pet Therapist
(Garnering fame in her hometown for being able to rehabilitate and reason with even the most disobedient of pets, it is often rumored that Tsumugi has the ability to speak to animals, something that she would neither confirm nor deny. Generally preferring the company of animals to people, Tsumugi always tries her best to blend in to the background and seem as "plain" or "unnoticeable" as possible.)
Kiibo Iidabashi, Ultimate Bowler
(Raised by a former bowling champion, it didn't take long for Kiibo to pick up their father's craft with ease, eventually joining the best bowling league in the country. Having spent a good portion of his life having their favorite sport be belittled and mocked, Kiibo is notably sensitive and overprotective, when it comes to the topic of their talent. Apart from that, they remain kind and cheerful.)
Kaito Momota, Ultimate Art Forger
(Despite referring to himself as the "Modern Day Da Vinci" and being genuinely talented at all artistic pursuits, Kaito's talent is one of the more sketchy and morally ambiguous of his class. Having been exposed for his forgery by the authorities, Kaito seeks to turn over a new leaf and remake himself with a brand-new heroic image and persona, seeking to restore the rapidly-disappearing art of the past.)
Tenko Chabashira, Ultimate Rebel
(Standing up for the rights of women everywhere, Tenko wants nothing more than to dismantle the patriarchy hanging over the heads of innocent women everywhere. Tenko is also well-known for her contributions towards the lesbian/trixic community, garnering a reputation as a lesbian icon. Ignoring her vilurant hatred of men, especially male authority figures, Tenko is cheerful and warmhearted.)
Angie Yonaga, Ultimate Inspirational Speaker
(Traveling all over the country to spread her motivational speeches to as many people as possibly, Angie greets every day with a bright smile and a blessing being made towards Atua, while encouraging others to do the same. In spite of her title being "inspirational speaker", it wouldn't too far off to call her a "preacher" or a "missionary" with how dedicated she towards Atua's word.)
Miyadera Shinguuji, Ultimate ???
Had this AU in my mind for quite some time now, and I'd love to hear any thoughts on it.
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 months
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (DRDT Edition):
Teruko Tawaki- Ultimate Pet Therapist
6/10: I can kind of see this. She probably would have a particular attachment to black alley cats.
Xander Matthews- Ultimate Jockey
8/10: I can easily see Xander's aggressively-British self as a jockey! Also, animal-lovers Xanruko? Yes please!
Eden Tobisa- Ultimate Student
10/10: She's already a massive goody-two-shoes (/pos), so this talent would be perfect for her!
Hu Jing- Ultimate Lucky Student
7/10: I swear to god, Hu always seems to get the protagonist's talents in these wheel swaps! Hu with Teruko's luck would also lead to some delicious ANGST!
J Moreno- Ultimate Matchmaker
5/10: J with Whit's wardrobe is a VERY cursed image! But I can't really see J concerning themselves with romance.
Veronika Grebenschikova- Ultimate Clockmaker
9/10: Steampunk Veronika would be an awesome design concept!
David Chiem- Ultimate Special Effects Artist
4/10: While David may have the theatre kid energy, I feel like David's angst comes from him being thrust into the spotlight, so I can't really see him managing the stage tech.
Arturo Giles- Ultimate Personal Stylist
10/10: Possibly the most fitting talent for Arturo apart from Plastic Surgeon!
Levi Fontana- Ultimate Inspirational Speaker
6/10: As much as Levi is more of an actions guy than a words guy, the opportunity for Huvi as TeruVid is the concept ever! He would look dapper in a suit that he would unbutton when his secret inevitably comes out!
Ace Markey- Ultimate Zither Player
3/10: Ace doesn't really give me "music" vibes, let alone "zither player" vibes.
Min Jeung- Ultimate Rebel
9/10: Xander/Min talentswaps are freaking awesome, and character parallels real!
Whit Young- Ultimate Chemist
8/10: I'm just picturing Whit in one of those punny graphic tees with periodic elements spelling out a phrase!
Charles Cuevas- Ultimate Horror Fanatic
6/10: While Charles' hemophobia would be a massive handicap in this talent, I'd imagine that he would be a particular snobbish critic who'd look down on all other genres.
Arei Nageishi- Ultimate Art Forger
9/10: Arei's personality and backstory owes very well to a criminal talent!
Nico Hakobyan- Ultimate Bowler
7/10: All I can think about is @weightedblankettt's talentswapped Nico with Arei's personality and talent!
Rose Lacroix- Ultimate Plastic Surgeon
9/10: I can easily picture Rose working as a back-alley plastic surgeon to help support her family, with her photographic memory making her a surgery master.
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fatherfigurefusion · 4 months
Randomly generating Ultimate Talents for the DRDT cast and ranking them on how fitting they are (DR2 Edition):
Teruko Tawaki- Ultimate Swordswoman
10/10: Fun fact: I've seen a theory on DRDT's TVTropes page that claims that the DRDT characters based off the canon blackened, with Teruko being based on Peko. And honestly? I can see it! Also strengthens the Kagami allegations.
Xander Matthews- Ultimate Chef
7/10: Admittedly, the only reason this is ranked so high is because Xander acting like Gordon Ramsey is a funny concept.
Eden Tobisa- Ultimate Musician
9/10: She'd basically just be Kasumi Toyama.
Hu Jing- ???/Reserve Course Student/Ultimate Ultimate
8/10: This could actually work well with her desire to be useful to others. In a setting like this talentswap 'verse, this could very easily be played for angst.
J Moreno- Ultimate Yakuza
7/10: Mariabella can easily be turned into a criminal mastermind that J is trying to escape, so this talent is rather fitting. Also, just imagine J in Fuyuhiko's suit. Maybe JRuko could have a FuyuPeko-esque relationship.
Veronika Grebenshchikova- Ultimate Gymnast
9/10: Considering her canonical love for extreme sports, this talent would work really well. Also, just imagine a buff Veronika.
David Chiem- Ultimate Animator
4/10: Can't really picture it. Don't know why.
Arturo Giles- Ultimate Team Manager
5/10: Maybe he could simp for athletes? No idea how to work with that talent.
Levi Fontana- Ultimate Gamer
6/10: Can't exactly picture Levi as being a skilled gamer (he'd probably break the controller by accident), but I'm upping the ranking thanks to the concept of Hinanami/HuVi. I'm tearing up, just thinking about Gamer!Levi's execution and IzurHu's reaction to it.
Ace Markey- Ultimate Mechanic
7/10: He does have the Kazuichi energy, but there's something missing that prevents me from giving this idea a higher ranking.
Min Jeung- Ultimate Traditional Dancer
9/10: Just imagine Min in traditional Korean clothes.
Whit Young- Ultimate Nurse
9/10: Honestly, the concept of Whit as a nurse is INCREDIBLY adorable and heartwarming.
Charles Cuevas- Ultimate Lucky Student
8/10: Ironic that the elitist logical snob gets the supernatural commoner talent, but this could actually work (especially in combination with Nurse Whit). I'd imagine that a Charles with Nagito-level luck would further reject help from others (much like Teruko) so others won't get hurt by his luck, but would eventually allow Whit to get a little bit close to him.
Arei Nageishi- Ultimate Animal Breeder
8/10: Considering her whole deal with "survival of the fittest", I'd imagine that she'd breed adorable yet vicious dogs that she'd sic onto people she doesn't like.
Nico Hakobyan- Ultimate Photographer
8/10: Their wallflower attitude would owe surprisingly well to photography. They'd probably specialize in nature photography.
Rose Lacroix- Ultimate Princess
5/10: Well, Rose's name definitely sounds fancy and royal. Maybe there could be some political intrigue between Rose's kingdom and the Spurlings.
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 months
Ok but hear me out
Ace as a bowler
Ace with any athletic talent is just incredibly fitting!
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fatherfigurefusion · 7 months
Upon seeing the two DRDT Talentswap AUs created by @weightedblankettt (the SDRA2 one and the personality swap one), I decided to do the only reasonable thing: switching them around again!
So, I give to you-
Super Danganronpa Another 2: Despairfully Changed Times
"Star" aka. David Chiem, Ultimate ???
Teruko Tawaki, Ultimate Lucky Student
Eden Tobisa, Ultimate Vocalist
Hu Jing, Ultimate Spacewoman
J Moreno, Ultimate Guitarist
Veronika Grebenschikova, Ultimate Broker
Xander Matthews, Ultimate Host
Arturo Giles, Ultimate Psychologist
Levi Fontana, Ultimate Painter
Ace Markey, Ultimate Journalist
Min Jeung, Ultimate Witch
Whit Young, Ultimate Actor
Charles Cuevas, Ultimate Boxer
Arei Nageishi, Ultimate Billiards Player
Nico Hakobyan, Ultimate Firefighter
Rose Lacroix, Ultimate Merchant
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