#dragon keeper chronicles
friendrat · 4 months
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brbarou · 3 months
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viridializard · 1 year
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dragon girl : )
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heyitsrink · 1 year
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I've long considered a trip to the Rain Wilds and its wonders. I would not, of course, presume upon your family's hospitality, but I would greatly enjoy meeting you in person. Would you be amenable to this?
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This is how I've always pictured Detozi and Erek because I refuse to believe that the pen-pals-to-lovers storyline does not involve queer people ✨
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lordgolden · 1 year
Gay sex??? In my Robin Hobb book???? AND ITS NOT EVEN FITZ AND THE FOOL?!?!?!?!?!!!!
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fairweathermyth · 1 year
One of the many things that I love about Robin Hobb and the ROTE saga is when characters from one of the trilogies/series references the extremely complex emotional plots of another, which you’ve already read and lived through, in the most eye-roll-y VERY briefly summarized way possible. Thymara describing the harrowing events of Fool’s Fate, one of the more emotionally devastating books I’ve ever read, like this:
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makes me scream! OF COURSE this teenager in a faraway rain forest doesn’t know or care about all that was sacrificed for all of that to happen! She has her own problems!
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people who love mediocre book series where the reading experience is just being driven mad by the untapped potential that this story and set of characters hold would love the heir chronicles
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Tats I'm a pacifist but I'm about ready to make an exception
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Ok so now on to the Rain Wild Chronicles! I’ve heard mixed things about it, but I’m curious what everyone’s thoughts on this series is. I’m going to still read them regardless, but I just wanna know what y’all’s thoughts are :)
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moonzz3-reads · 30 days
finished the Rain Wilds Chronicles and have many thoughts.
I saw online that a lot of people didn’t enjoy them as much as Robin Hobb’s other books, and I can’t say anything on that because I just picked this up at a bookstore and went for it (oops) so definitely read out of order, but I really enjoyed it anyway. The important relationships were fleshed out pretty well, the first two books and the river journey was a little unnecessarily long, but most of it was important for character development and world building, I liked the way the series ended a lot, and I enjoyed the fact that the dragons and their attitudes, especially Sintara’s, weren’t “fixed”. The keepers didn’t turn them morally good, as would have been the case in many other series.
Idk. Brain going crazy, and I enjoyed the series :)
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The true plot of Dragon Keeper is the personal notes Detozi and Erek send each other via pigeon.
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friendrat · 2 months
I am reading The Dragon Keeper Chronicles, and I was talking to my husband about it. He said that the names Crim Cropper and Burner Stox sound like they make a living harassing farmers. And I was like... "The sad part is you're not even wrong!" 😆
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belovedfarseer · 1 year
My favorite part of the series so far is clearly Leftrin and Alise but i also love Thymaras relationship with Sintara, i love that unlike the other dragon-keeper bonds Thymara is trying to be on equal terms with Sintara and thats the source of their conflict, i love Thymaras resolve to be respected by the dragon and how she isnt afraid of her, i think its very interesting and reminds me of Malta and Tintaglia
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Someone, possibly Harrikin, chuckled. Silence fell again. The river lapped at the barge. On the shore, one of the dragons grunted loudly in its sleep and then was still again. Thymara pulled her blanket up over her head to block out the mosquitoes and stared into a smaller darkness.
Nothing was as Thymara had expected it to be. There was no grand adventure to this journey. So quickly the days had settled into a routine. They woke early and the keepers breakfasted together, usually on ship's bread and dried fish or porridge. They refilled their water bottles from the sand wells they'd dug the night before. The hunters left camp before dawn each day, paddling upriver. They needed to go before the dragons' noise and activity frightened all the game. The dragons went next, as soon as they roused; then the keepers set out in their small boats, followed by the barge.
The others traded off partners in their boats, but no one else ever offered to partner with Rapskal. Several of the other keepers had expressed interest in sharing a boat with her. Warken had asked her, and Harrikin. Sylve had suggested twice that they might travel together the next day. But each morning, there was Rapskal, sitting expectantly in the boat by the shore, waiting for her. She had thought of partnering with someone else, knowing that if she did someone would be forced to share a boat with him. But so far, she hadn't. Part of it was that they moved a boat very well together. And part of it was that his good nature and optimism were cheering to her at a time when she felt very much alone. Conversations with him might be odd and wandering, but he was not the lackwit that some of the others seemed to think he was. He simply came at life from a different angle. That was all.
And he was, after all, rather pleasant to look at.
The Dragon Keeper, by Robin Hobb (Rain Wild Chronicles #1)
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lordgolden · 1 year
I’ve only had the bird keepers writing letters to each other for two chapters but oh boy would I die for them and also they should kiss
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ss-hikaru · 24 days
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So it was a bit jarring going from majestic capable dragons from Pern to the poor stunted ones in the Rain Wilds 🤣
I do like how the Bingtown novels focus more on the women's point of view. Although to be honest the only kinda likeable one at the moment is Thymara. Like the Liveship trilogy, I can understand why the female characters are the way they are, but I feel like this time around I have less sympathy for them. I believe in Robin Hobb though, master of the slow burn. There are 3 more books to go afterall 😁
It was kinda funny seeing the Vestrit girls all mature now 😝 I hope we get to see Keffria in one of the next books.
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