#dragon age maric
pumpkincalico · 11 months
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Maric just shrugging off a cryptic warning Flemeth gave him about a man he just met not 3 days ago will never not be funny-
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I just finished The Stolen Throne and I’m a mess
Loghain is such a great character and Rowan deserves better, Maric deserves slap. I wan’t them to be happy but also knew what’s coming from the game. So many emotions... considering replaying Origins with different choices, help
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rock-teh-elf · 1 year
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ladydulazy · 1 year
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thedreadfulwolf · 3 months
...so is it canon that Maric has a thing for elves?
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chevalierlogan · 8 days
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“Do you need to say good-bye?” Maric asked him cautiously. He shook his head. “No,” he rasped. “I did that long ago.” - Dragon Age: The Calling
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nullphysics · 1 year
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A smattering of other dragon age draws
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ajw-post · 6 months
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Here are all the steam trading cards for da:o!
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sinquisition · 7 months
I love how Howe is like. Just some guy who works for Loghain if you play most routes.
Like if you're a Cousland, absolutely fuck that guy he killed your family, etc etc. But if you're an Amell or a Surana in particular (who are more isolated from regular Fereldan politics in my brain, but I suppose that depends on how you imagine the Circle and how interested in politics your character is) you might have zero idea about who this tool is other than "he's the acting arl of Denerim and he works for the dude who's tried to kill us a few times". Which admittedly is a perfectly valid reason to dislike him, and that is added to once you see the torture stuff while rescuing Anora, but like. At this point you've fought so many people and dealt with so many nobles and you've got the landsmeet looming over your head quite imminently, not to mention the Archdemon. So it's very plausible that your non-Cousland Warden can just kinda forget about him in all but the vaguest sense.
And then Nathaniel breaks into your new castle (his old castle so it stings more for him) to kill you but you barely remember killing his dad in the first place so you're just like oh. Sorry bout that. Wanna join my blood club?
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illusivesoul · 9 months
Why Rendon Howe is evil
This is a little theory thats been going around in my head for several days.
Rendon Howe. Evil personified. Probably one of the most despicable and hated characters in the Dragon Age series. One of the characters thats most easily defined as being just plain bad and evil, with good reason. Even in the game itself no one likes him (with 1 exception that I'll mention later in this post)
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In the game, we really aren't given many reasons as to why he is the way he is and why he does the thing he does beyond saying he's evil, power hungry, and like he himself says as he dies, "I deserved more!" But recently I started to become curious about him to try to find out what had made him become like this, cause I prefer villains to have some complexity that goes beyond just "He's evil just because".
Rest of the analysis under the cut.
My main theory of why I think Rendon became "evil" is cause he may have suffered brain damage due to his injuries while fighting against Orlais with Maric and his rebels. My first thought for this came cause historically, Henry the 8th of England suffered several brain injuries during sporting events, and its believed that his injuries led to him having a severe personality change, which led to him become more radical, tyrannical and murderous.
After the death of his father and the Howe family joining the rebellion, Rendon joined Maric's forces and became close friends with Bryce Cousland, future Teyrn of Highever, and Leonas Bryland, future Arl of South Reach. The 3 of them fought together in the Battle of White River, which was the worse defeat the rebels suffered in the war against Orlais, and only 50 of the initial thousand soldier strong fereldan army survived.
Rendon was very badly injured during the battle, and Bryce and Leonas had to dragged him away to safety as the rebel army was crushed by the orlesians. Bryce was injured in the arm while trying to save Rendon from a chevalier. They got Rendon to Redcliffe and stayed with him for a month while he recovered before leaving to rejoin Maric and the rest of the rebel forces. While Rendon recovered in Redcliffe, he was tended to by Leonas's sister, Eliane, until he eventually recovered months later. He eventually proposed to her and they got married.
And here is the first bit of evidence we get of Rendon's attitude and behaviour completely changing after that battle and his wounds. From the wiki: "Leonas had become concerned by the changes in his friend's behavior since the battle and attempted to prevent the marriage." And some other quotes from Leonas that we get to her in dao: "Rendon Howe was no friend of mine. The boy I knew... died at the Battle of White River" and "That he didn't die years ago is the only thing worth mourning here." Leonas cut all contact with Rendon after he told him that he was only marrying his sister for her dowry and connections.
This goes back to what I mentioned earlier about the one person that seemed to care for Rendon. That person is Bryce Cousland.
Bryce and Eleanor were the only people that attended Rendon and Eliane's wedding, and even though Rendon was treated as a pariah by almost everyone in fereldan nobility, Bryce still maintained a friendly relation with Rendon, and seemed to have an almost protective attitude towards him, which contrasts greatly with how Leonas feels about Rendon. And this is where I came up with another theory about why this is. I believe that Bryce feels personally responsible for the injuries and near death that Rendon suffered during the Battle of White River and feels that he is somehow obligated to look after him. I can only hc why these could be, but maybe Rendon got injured while protecting Bryce, or maybe Bryce's actions during the battle led to Rendon's injuries. Maybe that's why Bryce seems to have keep pushing for the friendship that he once had with him, even though he clearly no longer was the same person. Cause Bryce felt responsible for the way Rendon had turned out.
Its possible that Rendon was just always like this, and those months he spent recovering just made him become super resentful against everything and everyone, but I do believe that the near death injuries he suffered during that battle, including possible head injuries and brain trauma, led to his personality changing and to him becoming the sheer villain we see ingame.
And to finish, a bit of background as to why Rendon would have hated Bryce even despite of this, here's a bit of info about them and about the relation between Highever and Amaranthine.
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Rendon's father, Tarleton, supported Orlais during their occupation of Ferelden, and was eventually hanged by the Couslands before the Howes officially joined the rebellion. Adding the fact that Highever was once part of Amaranthine before they rebelled to gain their independence and annexed a good part of southern Amaranthine after winning their independence war, it adds some context to how Rendon could have seen this part of his greater vengeance against the Couslands and Highever for killing his father and taking away land from Amaranthine.
TL,DR: Rendon Howe suffered grieveous injuries during the war against Orlais, including possible brain injuries which may have led to a complete personality shift and to him becoming the person that we see him being in the game.
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saltska · 5 months
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Loghain Mac Tir and Rebel Prince Maric Theirin 2012
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pumpkincalico · 11 months
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Maric, rowan and loghain have SUCH  chokehold on me it isnt funny
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The Stolen Thore 
Again, last before I’ll jump into next book. Wanted to warm up with paintings because I’m going to reopen painting commissions
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bladra-uwu · 6 months
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I love them 😭
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iamclarex2art · 1 year
Dragon Age Parallels
The King of Ferelden and their loyal guard
(King Maric and Loghain ------ King Alistair and The Hero of Ferelden, Ashira Cousland)
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A Dragon Age commission for @southern-stark 😊
My commissions are still open if anyone is interested~ feel free to dm or email me!
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crunchbuttsteak · 7 months
In a world state where a Surana Warden romanced Alistair, do you think Loghain saw them together and was just like “This is Maric all over again isn’t it?”
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