#donniesbrows asks
sanfezu · 5 months
Fez, Hey Fezzz!!
Sooo I was looking through your art, as you do, and I stumbled upon this drawing. Could you tell me what program and brushes you use?
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More specifically, what brush is that for the background color there? (I mean, I would also like to know what the other brushes are that you use, but mainly wanted to know what this one was)
The program I use is Adobe Photoshop 2023 The brush I’m using is “Wootha - Chalk Dry Hairy 01” and it was found in the Lynn Chen Brush Set 2018
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chiscribbs · 4 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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He came this close... 🤏 (Thank you! Congrats on making it into the main bracket! Good luck in the competition! :D)
More @tmntaucompetition shenanigans!!
[Grown Apart AU] [INTRO]
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alitteraladhdmess · 4 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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Hahaha Donnie’s found his true love!! From one uranium lover to anotherXD
Lee’s just done
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dykeatello · 4 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
Leo takes two vials of Uranium and eats them, glass and all. He glows bright green for approximately three seconds before asking Raphie to shake him like a glowstick.
She does not shake him. He pouts at her.
(tysm for the ask! love the drawing btw ^_^ gl in the competition!) @tmntaucompetition
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
Sorry to ask, but what are the AUary prompts for?
Also wdym the theme is decades? How do the themes work?
(sorry, I've never done this before :/ )
ok so auary and such were for times before the comp was running again, bc it was so dead on the blog I posted weekly prompts for a bit, but for the comp u can ignore those lol
Theme meaning that if you want to do propaganda, it can be based on the decades! It’s a merely optional thing to do, and some people have already done some propaganda if you want to take a glance at what I mean. The main brackets starts at the 1920s then 1930s so on so forth, prelims are any decade before 1920!
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allyheart707 · 4 months
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Note: Mikey’s food is usually great, just stay away from his ‘new recipes’ if you like your taste buds -❤️🐢
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So many people offered poor Mikey things- he is running out of room to carry it all! (doesn't help that he HAD to get two of everything-)
He is desperately trying to tell your Mikey to set two cookies on his muffin box without dropping his flowers-
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@addystuffs He gratefully took the red box of muffins on top- in hopes of keeping the stack from falling.... sadly, it seems that did not save Finley's muffins for long D:
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@pigeonsgrame2 Mikey is very excited to share these with his brother! He has never had a dumpling before!
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@donniesbrows He has no idea what that pretty rock is, but he definitely wants one! Maybe his brother would like one too??
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@fanartmayhem Mikey thinks those might be the best smelling things he has ever smelt and asks for an orange and purple one!
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@littlemissartemisia Oddly enough... the purple one is missing?? So he takes the orange and red one instead! He is very excited to show his brother!!
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ghosty-0w0 · 3 months
internet fams huh….
Parents 😄:
Papa: @alitteraladhdmess
mommy: @theycallmehummus
mama Koda : @animal-lover-forever
Grandparents 😇:
Grandpa: @mikebeanz Mike’s fam list
Aunties and uncles?:
Sibs 🫂:
Big sis: @yummii-qt
lil bro: @s1eepy-0
Feral goober sib: @riseleon
Moth sib: @clanofjones
Lil gamer sis: @gamerblade1
mushroom sis: @peoplepersonoaktree
the brows tm cuz: @donniesbrows
my children 🥹:
son: @kaidiaisamazing
@averagetmntfan @amat3ured1t0r @kraang5 @allyheart707 @b00tyyyshker9000 @mikey-rottmnt @potatoeofwisdom @vaudeville-moggie @kittynumyum @justmesadlysry @karmacomesaround @qeelovestea @chaos-potat @ender-outlaw @m3l0man14c @arise-children-angel-is-here @c00kietin @godofautism @clown-froggi @missingleon @echodoesstuff62333
partner ❤️:
if y’all would like to a parent figure or sub just ask and I change it! 🫶🫶🫶 love my fam
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banana-pancake5 · 4 months
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Thank you all SO MUCH! I can’t believe 100 people are following me!!
Here’s the info for the dtiys:
There is no deadline or prize this is just for fun!
It doesn’t have to be this exact drawing as long as it’s of my sona (preferably with the wings shown)
You may include your sona or any of my ocs in the drawing if you want to :)
Please @ me when you post the finished drawing
And use the tag M3B100Dtiys
If you have any further question please send me an ask!
This is my first time doing anything like this so sorry if I’m missing anything!
Little rambling under the cut!
Literally can’t believe this! Ty to everyone who has supported me you’ve all been so kind!
I had sorta slowed down with my art, and I would barely draw unless I had crazy motivation. But thanks to everyone on tumblr (my mutuals, followers, and other people in the fandom) I’ve been so inspired and now I draw practically every day! So sincerely thank you. I’ve seen so much improvement in my own skills and it’s been so fun getting to create my own au and draw fanart for others.
I want to thank a couple people specifically so here we go (also if you don’t follow these people give them a follow!):
@sleepis4theweak you were my first mutual I actually talked to and you’ve always been so kind! You’re the whole reason I started to engage in this fandom and I’m so glad I did so thank you.
@allyheart707 thank you for always being so nice and supportive of my art and au! Your art always makes my day :)
@bowandbrush thank you for showing so much interest in my ocs it really means a lot!
And thank you to @some-country-bumpkin my first follower and first mutual!
Also want to say thank you to a few people who showed interest in this Dtiys:
@donniesbrows @hellaskeptical @peoplepersonoaktree and @allyheart707 (again)
And thank you to ALL of my other wonderful mutuals and followers!!
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rosecuellar575 · 4 months
Hello rose I have come to see if you can guess who I am :] I will give you a hint I have haunted a lot of ask and one pacifically Donnie brows
let’s see if you can Guess who I am :]
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chaos-potat · 3 months
Do you know what happened to @/donniesbrows? Went to find their blog and it seems deactivated.
The whole situation was upsetting and I'd rather not talk about it
Thank you for asking though, I know it's weird to find someone gone like that
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sanfezu · 5 months
Hey again!
Soo I was wondering, do you do any drawing exercises to improve?? Like any perspective or foreshortening practice? Or just practicing with drawing poses? If so, can you tell me what you do? I seriously need to get better at drawing the anatomy properly. Also, I'm changing my art style yet again and I'm looking for advice :) Thanks <3
Also I love your art :>
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(Sorry in advance if I said something wrong or if that is not helpful at all, I don’t really know how to give advices so, I’m so sorry for that)
Hm, I’m not sure how to answer that question, to be honest. Because I don’t really practice in private, and I post 99% of my new art here, whatever it is. Usually, I try new things without real practice in private and just, go with the flow. But I can’t say that’s a good thing to do.
As I said, I just go with the flow, whatever comes to my mind, I try drawing it however it will turn out, changing stuff if I don’t like something at all. And most of the time I’m not even sure what exactly I’m doing and going with this or that art. 
I really want to say, that it just took me time to draw something that looks somewhat okay?
Just, draw whatever you want. Whether it is a silly, or a serious thing, something cheerful, something sad or depressing, or something in between.
If you want to draw emotions you can give yourself a theme, like the negative and positive emotions, check what emotions are in this or that list. 
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And just draw them, even if you're drawing just “flying heads”, your main goal is emotions. To understand how to draw them. Try to think how this or that emotion looks like in your head, or use a reference from somewhere. Or, you can draw your own emotions, what you feel at this or that moment: tiredness, sadness, happiness, etc.
Just, try new things, I know saying “don’t be afraid to try” is easier said than done (because I don’t listen to my own advices), but really. Try new things, experiment with whatever you want. 
Try using references, whether it is a reference from Pinterest or any other site, or irl. These are helpful. Even pose, if you don’t want to use references from Pinterest or whatever, and if you have a big mirror, just, I know, this sounds “eh”, but you can also pose infront of a mirror yourself, and just by posing, you could see details in your own anatomy, which I believe could lead you to understand it better.
If you want to try drawing clothes, you can also use Pinterest. If you don’t want Pinterest, then who’s stopping you from drawing your own clothes?
Perspective is… uh… I can’t say anything. I never really learned it, I never really tried even, because I’m… lazy. So, I’m sorry, I cannot really say anything about it.
I’m just saying what I’ve been doing (and what I remember doing before? Though, I may have forgotten to mention something I don’t remember at the moment).
Experiment, try new things, don’t be afraid of stuff not looking good (you are learning after all) even if it may frustrate you, I understand, this may be really hard. But we all are learning and it’s okay to not know stuff.
And, thank you very much, I am really glad you like it! 🙏💜
Again, I am so so sorry if it was not helpful at all. Or if I said something completely wrong, I’m sure people who know art better than me would say something more helpful and in a proper way than whatever I just said. I am not a pro, I will never be one, and I just… do whatever and draw however I guess…
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chiscribbs · 3 months
Asking some AU comp competitors & supporters:
- Are there any AUs you weren't familiar with that have recently caught your attention, or that you would like to learn more about?
- What are some AUs/fanworks that you enjoy, and would encourage more people to go check out? (Doesn't have to be in the comp!)
Oooooooooooh my gosh, SO many!! I wasn't terribly involved in the fandom before this, mostly just stayed in my little remote corner and got whatever happened to find its way into my space. This contest has introduced me to a whole host of fascinating AUs that I'm definitely going to be checking out in the near future. Just to name a few: @noval1t's Void Brothers AU, @theemployees AU, @theserpentsnight's Red Rover AU, @phoebepheebsphibs's Until I Found You AU, @twinpathy AU, @separatedleoau (which I'd seen some content of before, but had yet to check out for myself), @donniesbrows' REBOOT: Second Chance AU, @getindumdums' AU (that I got a brief, but very memorable, glimpse of via that one comic lol), and uuuuhhh...oh gosh, so many. Just- A *lot* of really neat and interesting AUs to be had around here that I found thanks to this competition. THANKS, @tmntaucompetition!!! ❤
I've been a big fan of @vangh17a's Wanderer comic and @kathaynesart's Replica comic for awhile! I also absolutely adore @star-sparkler's fanchild Augustine Hamato and @shiveagit's Spiderverse AU is one of the coolest I've seen, the designs are just - *chef's kiss* - SO beautiful! I also have to take this chance to promote an incredible fanfic series that a friend introduced me to awhile back that I have not been able to put down and as someone who typically isn't the most avid fanfic reader, that means a lot - it's called "Mind Over Matter" by @danzinora-switch on AO3. It's SOOOOO GOOOOOD - the characterization is so on-point, the plot is so well thought-out and developed with good pacing that makes it easy to blow through several chapters in a sitting. I especially love the way the author shows whose perspective a chapter is being told from, it's easy to tell which brother is "narrating" based on the way that they think and how they see things. Mikey's has to be one of my favorite examples of this. Anyway - I won't spoil any of the plot, but I highly recommend giving it a read if you haven't already. 👌
Thanks for the ask, btw - this whole event has been such a fun and thrilling experience for me and it's nice to see people out here spreading love & appreciation for each other's works. Hope you have yourself a nice day!
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friskyeee · 3 months
Hallo! I know you probably don't know who I am, but I'm a moot of donniesbrows and saw your conversation about the autism diagnosis- funnily enough, I had mine a few months ago! From my experience of it, there is nothing to be scared about. Like you said, it's mainly questions. I went to two different people- one more sort of chatted with me casually while doing some games, while the other was a psychologist who asked more straightforward questions.
Also, it will take a while to get results, for me it took a month or two. So, uh, yeah- that was what autism diagnosis was like for me! It probably wouldn't be too different for you :D
THANK YOU- augh that's actually so nice to hear- it's just like, not knowing what I'm supposed to do that's messing with me yknow? Thank you so much though- that actually really calmed my nerves fbakfnalfn AUGH IDK WHAT TO SAY OTHER THAN THANK YOU
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daboyau · 4 months
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
“Uranium?” Donnie echoed, curious and elated at the prospect of gaining an edge over the competition while expanding his own knowledge. He’d heard of it before, mostly in passing whispers of District Thirteen, but all his research had turned up next to nothing. Most of the records had been destroyed during the First Rebellion. 
He took the proffered vial, holding it up to the light, squinting curiously at the faintly glowing contents. As he did, though, he couldn’t help but cast a quick glance at his strange fellow contestant. Most of the people around him were green and scaly, but this was the first time he was seeing one of them up close. He wanted nothing more than to ask the dozens of questions running through his head, but he wasn’t quite prepared to show his hand and announce to the others in this strange place that he was effectively clueless about their own capabilities. 
(And capable they all were. He’d seen some…concerning things. Glowing weapons conjured from nothing. Massive red clothed beasts, standing nearly twice his height. These green animal-people galavanting around in clothes that would put the most elite of the Capitol citizens to shame. Wings and teleportation! The list of worrisome and awe inspiring abilities just went on and on!) 
At least no one here seemed intent on killing one another, weapons or not. The fact that this one was even offering an edge like this was astonishing. He much preferred this to the expected blood shed of the Games. A voice sounded from the distance, so much like his brother that it reminded him of the manners that Raph and Mikey had been doing their best to beat into him most of their lives. 
“Thank you,” he said, not insincerely, tucking the unexpected gift away in the satin lined pocket of the Capitol provided jacket. He felt the assessing eyes on him as he did so and fought to hide the little shudder the feeling evoked. Instead, he smiled, trying his best to make it sincere instead of the tight, half crazed one he’d been wearing for the benefit of his image since they’d entered the Capitol. It was strange to be among these people (Muttations? Heavily modified Capitol citizens? He wasn’t totally sure.) who weren’t expecting him to put on a show for them. They were all just…existing. Most of them even seemed happy to be here, despite the dangerous implications words like competition implied for them. 
He cleared his throat and said, voice just a little too loud, “A man of fashion, I see!”
His competitor arched a brow (were those…drawn on? Over his mask?) as a smile that Donnie could only describe as smug brightened his face. 
“It’s a universal constant,” he said, flipping the dark glasses down over his eyes. “Every Donnie is both the funny one, and the best dressed. Good luck, weird little human me.” 
And with that, he turned and left, leaving Donnie gaping at his retreating back as the idea that these purple and green guys might just be other hims slowly sunk on. Well, no one could say the Hunger Games would be the most exciting thing to ever happen to him, now. 
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sanfezu · 5 months
Oh nooo I heard that your ability to create is gone D:
That's the worst, but honestly the best way to work through it is to practice. Like just don't make anything original and just practice anatomy or foreshortening. Something like that.
Or you could even do more stuff with color theory. You could take an old drawing and recolor it using a different color scheme for a different ✨️ vibe ✨️
Anyways, I dunno. Hope this helps you out :>
Love your work btw :)))
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Thank you for the advices! I really appreciate that! 🙏💜
And, again, thank you!
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tmntaucompetition · 4 months
Hey again, is there a way to know if I need more submissions for my AU? I'm not sure if anyone else submitted it. I would really like to get in.
Ah no, unfortunately. You can ask some friends to submit! It’s not a guaranteed entry though.
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