#don't get me started on how adaptations treat lucy
canary0 · 2 years
steps up to the mic, clears throat
Mina Harker was the protagonist of Dracula. The last line of the book is literally about how incredibly brave and smart she is and how everyone was working for her sake, including her. Stop making her the damn love interest in adaptations.
Thank you.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
Their timing to finally decide on separating them is not my only problem. It's the act of separating them that gives me chagrin the most. It's probably me not knowing much shows, but we haven't had any good same-sex slow burn in a while and with how much of it lines up pretty well instead of adapting their story so that it can happen they... decided to make their spinoff a fanfic of this show (not just Buddie, but everything else about LS is OG fanfic). I remember someone said "They wouldn't waste a huge amount of production cost dedicated to Buck and Eddie's scenes to make them not canon in the end" but guess what? I guess those production costs are wasted after all. Not so much waste as they could lure a viewerbase out of it given their intentions are in a confusing scale of "we know what we're doing" and "very unintended," but you get the gist.
"There are other shows" but how many will have a good slowburn for same-sex couples? I understand it's more of me mourning the idea of a storyline, but it's still disheartening all the same. Sorry for being very bitter on your ask, but I don't really know where else to go.
I agree with you about Buddie not being treated like a legit slow burn, many of us do (separation is not part of the formula) and I actually put out this post that's making the rounds in my notifs which summarizes how we looked like we were starting the process in s3 and then there was backtracking to be done. I don't recall the production comment you mentioned (Maybe I blocked it out. I'm sure it came from one of the "You don't understand long form storytelling" folks.) but that sure does feel like a silly thing to say! For one, there are scenes the show spends enough time (and money) on that never see the light of day - the girl who reappeared in 5x10 after her entire arc was cut from Ghost Stories, Lucy's scenes from 5B, for ex. - and two, they're not "wasting" anything if they interpret Buddie scenes one way and allow us to think differently. How would depicting two men with a close relationship that rejects toxic masculinity be a "waste" of production? 🤔 Sounds like someone wanted to convince themselves as much as everyone else. Same-sex/queer slow burns (to reiterate: not what the show has done) are an anomaly, and I think part of it could be that The Powers That Be want their audience to know they've found one piece of media where "baiting" does not apply. (I think about the NCIS franchise and how the Hawai'i installment wrote Lucy & Kate as love interests in the pilot.) People (understandably) are just. Tired. Tired of being strung along, tired of waiting for confirmation, tired of wondering if the gays will ever get to be happy. They *welcome* pre or quickly established relationships because they *know* they'll have something to look forward to with every episode.
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yallemagne · 1 year
Oh my god. This is why I have no patience for complaints going waaaaah a couple of people on tunglr write fics where Renfield is too complex or Jonathan is too badass or whatever. Like spare me y'all, far worse shit butchering the characters and the themes is distributed to millions every year through musicals, movies and books
Even the worst fanfic writers... I dunno, some of them are very bad... no, no, jokes aside. Even the worst fanfic writers have nothing on fucking Frank Wildhorn and his crew. Dracula das Musical and Jekyll & Hyde the musical romanticize and fetishize rape, murder, and abuse so damn much and they make MONEY off of it. They do it with silly lil catchy songs that draw in audiences that are willing to overlook the bad because "haha this song is so romantic". It's a song about rape, but okay, hun.
You can depict awful things happening or being said without supporting those things. I'll give even the most self-indulgent fanfic writers a chance because that is what fanfic writing is supposed to be: self-indulgent. Even when it's obvious that a fic writer actually does romanticize bad things... it does overall less harm than actual big adaptations.
By rewriting Dracula into a romantic musical where Dracula is the romantic lead, the writers are posing Dracula as being in the right. There is no nuance. His evil actions are EVIL they cause SO MUCH PAIN, but they smush in a few more weepy ballads about being lonely and say "he's actually a good guy once you get over your girlfriend's untimely death and start huffing lead paint". This is unlike, you know, classical tragedies where the main character gets his comeuppance because of some fatal flaw. Dracula does not die at the end of the Dracula musical because of any of his actions or character flaws. He dies because the writers realized at the last second that Dracula getting the girl is a bad ending.
Now, part of this ask is evidently referring a bit to some... recent drama. I've ranted about it before, so I'll spare specifics. Now, Dracula from the Dracula musical is an awful person, but the narrative functionally treats him as the underdog hero of the story. Look at all these cuckolds trying to keep him down. All he's trying to do is harm women, is that so bad? So, when a story depicts a character doing something wrong, the people who adore that character will probably be fine with it so long as the story does not acknowledge those actions as wrong. Because... if your favourite character... did something bad... then, are you bad?
No. Your poor little meow meow is kind of an asshole, I thought you knew this. That's what made you like them, right? Renfield did bad things. It's only fair to acknowledge that. He attacked Seward-- and yes, I know a great deal of y'all were in support of murdering Seward, but he did it so Seward would be unavailable to watch Lucy. He's indirectly responsible for Lucy's death. He's directly responsible for Mina's assault (though he did try to stop it). He tries to atone and gets killed after going against Dracula, but it doesn't take away the damage his actions caused. There's not enough content surrounding Renfield, to be perfectly honest. Though, I dread the writing that will result from that godawful comp-het disaster of a movie coming out.
I've never seen any fics that make Jonathan "too badass", honestly. Most fanfics severely undercut his capabilities and agency because um *whispers* most fanfics are Dracula/Jonathan. For once I want a Dracula 2020 fic that gives Jonathan a gun and fr kills Dracula. But that aside, that aside, even the stories that do make Jonathan "badass"... they don't really. He's strong and sexy, obviously, but that's just canon. The fact they go more in-depth as to how and why he's strong and sexy doesn't make it unbelievable. And those fics don't strip him of his weaknesses, he retains his PTSD. No fanfic like... ever... has made Jonathan a macho man.
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maroonghoul · 8 months
Terror Time 2023!: Days 1 thru 6
Alright! Meant to start a few days ago, but got busy. Here we go!
Dracula: Pages from a Virgin Diary Sometimes, I like starting my annual marathon with one of the many adaptations of Dracula. I was considering the Coppola movie from 1992, but the more I thought about how much I don't like the actual story changes from the book in that one, despite the title. (Mostly how it treats the female characters), I switched it with this one. Turns out those themes were here too, but unlike with the other movie, at least it was made by a director who admits he's doing something different with Dracula, and not claiming he's doing the definitive version only to not do so. That was interpretation. This is almost a parody, what with the opening montage nailing the uncomfortable themes of the original, and the Count literally seducing people with all his (stolen) money!
If any horror story lends itself to ballet, Dracula naturally makes the most sense. I'm only surprised to not hear at least a little nod to Swan Lake in there. I don't know if it's a rights thing or it would've been distracting, but oh well.
Telling the story out of order like this is pretty interesting. Introduces the vampirism more gradually and saves Transylvania, arguably the best part of the story, for the middle. Bit of a shock that this version rushes through that, but I guess you couldn't justify dancing while looking over legal documents.
But yeah, surprisingly this does make a better argument for why Dracula might be the real good guy better then Coppola's did. Maybe because the light dialogue leaves a lot more open, but it can be argued what's done with Mina and Lucy is either more consensual or more due to the normal men's biased outlook. They only think their nightmares are over by the end. But history can show it has only begun. Once you've had a taste of Chinese ballet dancing Dracula, you can't really go back.
Body Bags (1993) This theming on this one's a bit weird. Stories one and three are about serial killers, and two and three are about surgical implants gone wrong. You would think that if these themes weren't there, or one was present in all three (besides of course, at least one person has to die to fit the framing device). I mean, at least the nature of the horror is a bit different each one. First one's a slasher, second one is sci-fi with aliens it turns out, and the third is supernatural in the form of possession. But, from what heard is right, these segments really were the only one's from this rejected TV show that worked. the framing device is fun, even though it's surreal to see John Carpenter on screen for once. as for the stories themselves;
The Gas Station these places are scary enough to be at for long amount of times even without the crazed killer. I relate too much to that whole bit with the keys. Last note is slasher settings usually are one of two types; either the character is invading area the slasher is more familiar with or vice versa. Kudos to this one for making us think it's the second one while it's more of the former. Also, yay Sam Raimi cameo!
Hair Easily the least effective, but it at least makes me feel better about losing my own hair. Though that jazz music is really out of place. Just does not work.
Eye I think I saw this remade in the second V/H/S movie. But at least why it's scary is a bit different each time. Also, the inciting incident makes me like to pretend it's Dr. Strange's origin gone even more horribly wrong. I get why it's making him see visions of the dead killer's life, but does it possess by infecting his bloodstream or something? I feel bad for his wife and I also feel bad he ever got to play one last time when he felt like he had hope again. I guess they didn't have enough money to film at an actual baseball stadium.
The Blackcoat's Daughter The slowest burn of a horror movie I think I've ever seen since the Invitation. I didn't have any clue as to what the threat was until she called that nun the c-word. That kinda gave away the whole game, especially funny considering what I rewatched a few days later, as you can see. But yeah, once you see exactly where it's been leading up to, it sticks with you. The second part does too. Like the darkest possible Exorcist sequel you could've gotten without including a demon. Just goes to show rehabilitation and therapy are just as, if not more, crucial to get right as the actual saving.
Night of the Living Dead 1990 I haven't seen the original in about 14 years, so I can't do much to compare the two. Most of what it does different is cool, especially where the first zombie comes from. Other parts were making them more consistent with established zombie lore, but I'll still miss that trowel kill. There's still not as many zombies as most films that came after this one, but these are actually some of the scariest looking zombies I've seen in a while. I would've liked if just a little bit more of it was set at night, though.
How it changes the characters is a bit of a mixed bag. Yes, it's cool to Barbara a lot more competent. And I even liked how her arc to be tougher and less of a "helpless woman" has just led her to a world filled with toxic masculinity. That bit actually aged well. Less so what happened to Ben, though that's not Tony Todd's fault. Mostly how they changed his death. Sure, it meant they shifted his original death to Cooper who deserves it more, but sadly the original still resonates more in our world.
So yeah, an effective update of the story for the 80s/90s. But not too much for now.
The Exorcist I'm still on the fence over whether I'm going to see the new one. Luckily, this anniversary screening can tide me over.
Watching this now, I think a big reason why it's easy to consider this the greatest horror movie of all time (not the scariest movie of all time. That's different), is that most of it's scenes feel like a film rather than a movie. That might seem like a weird distinction, but it's the best to describe it. Friedkin pretty much directed every Regan-less scene so realistically and down to earth, more so then even in the most mature and sophisticated horror films made today. I know that sounds like an insult, but it's because those films go heavy on the atmosphere. Here there is none for the most part. Only character.
Of course, that changes with Pazuzu itself. I get the feeling most films, back and then or today, horror or otherwise, would either make it more ambiguous or more arthouse. This kind of performance you expect to see in more campy horror movies that aim for the cheap seats, but it's here in a movie with very down to earth 1970s filmmaking. Sure, it's laughed at now because we're all familiar at it or we're just in shock. (Or there are actually a lot of non-possessed kids who act like this), but I think that juxtaposition is why it's still leaves as big as an impact as it does.
You do it all subdued, people just look at the film as art. You do it like cheap shockfest, no one but the established horror fans will pay attention to it. But here, the world actually feels normal, and Pazuzu is made as urgent a threat as humanly possible to it. Hell, you can argue Linda Blair's, and Mercedes McCambridge performances being cranked up to 11 compared to everyone else works so well, because it's literally a different species pretty much.
Sure, a lot of horror is about the nasty surprises the world turned out to have had all along. But the first part of that is a clear idea of what we thought the real world is before it's upended like this. A lot of horror movies play like we feel like we're observing theses events from outside. That can be played with brilliantly, but I do feel the best one's are the ones who place as close to the level the characters are when experiencing. The Exorcist is one of the best films to have done that, so that's why I think it has landed as so many lists of the best Horror films of all time.
I leave what it says about faith, demons, and the belief in god to those more knowledgable in such subjects then I am.
Crimes of the Future Not really a horror movie, at least not to the extent The Fly, VideoDrome, or even the Dead Zone is. But it's definitely a Cronenberg movie.
I missed the bioengineered technology, even though no company today would make such things. But outside of that, I was expecting more of this to make me feel sick or at least wince. But most of the gross stuff is biopsies or body piercings taken to the next level. Not exactly Jeff Goldblum losing body parts one at a time, but considering what I think the point of this story is, I think it's intentional.
I relate so much to Saul at the start of this, considering I came down with some really bad acid reflux earlier this year. I'm not sure his solution is right for me, metaphorically speaking. But maybe I need to apply it to something else in me. Cronenberg for so long made films about the worse things that can happen to the human body. Maybe the reason he took a break from that until now, is he got a lot of time and step back, think, reflect, and maybe made peace with a subject that is still very much considered his oeuvre. The moral of the story; learn to get comfortable in your own skin. Or accept what makes it different from what society tells you it should be. Learn to live and make peace, even if it means you won't fit in.
Extra point here; I think I understood why Disney timed it so the Ahsoka season finale came out in October. It's the episode where they're fighting space witches controlling ZOMBIE STORM TROOPERS! Rad!
Until next time...
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naachikko · 8 months
I just .....it was just a sketch!
(don't worry, i have some in depth context down bellow!)
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If you want... maybe too much info, i invite you to click around down there!
So Context! [im going to nerd a lot about the Minecraft skins i have done which are not even the 40% of my wardrobe]
On the discord server i mentioned that, when it comes to playing minecraft i often mention "the grand master's teachings".
(Which if you don't know who the great master is, maybe his teachings will give you a clue)
And for some reason, while playing in a new modded server a friend did my brain started drifting away thinking "what if someone who follows the grand master's teaching gets corrupted?" And i started playing scenarios on my brain about a non corrupted Nachiko (because my skins are variations of Nachiko, what a surprise (sarcasm)) talking with a corrupted one.
[Might be cringe so, strap in]
P: "The only thing that works on this world, it's to treat others like they treat you"
C: "tsk. We must stop this cycle before begins a new"
P: "..... "Those who have treated me with kindness, i shall repay tenfold."
P: "And those, who treated me with injustice, that used me...that hunt me down, that hurt my friends.... i shall repay that injustice a thousand times over"
C: " ha! fear and death are the true and only equaliser on this world. What they shall make, we shall break before it's too late."
[Cringe over(?)]
And then i imagine them monologuing to each other quotes and teaching of the great master before fighting.
Then i started drawing....
And eventually my mind visualised the skin i used (and actually drew) for a .... kinda social//tryhard server i was with in friends.
Against the one i did for a RLCraft series.
Both actually symbolise my two mentalities when i play Minecraft on a server pretty well.
A ready for everything traveler with a liking to being flashy and silly just for the hell of it...
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(i was going around with either of these two with a sombrero and dual wielding maracas with my army or crows and a giant pickaxe on the back, everything started with the left skin and eventually evolved in to the swain skin on the right.....which became "Mexican Swain" later.............and it was the birth of Natato btw)
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And an adaptive survivor, whom may die thousands of times just because they know the satisfaction of triumph is sweeter than a free victory, respectively.
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There was an actual evolution: on this one.
The start: was just Nachiko in a potato sack because the gimmick was to look poor. With stones at the end of the hair thingies and no much more detail.
The middle: was all messy and a deteriorated. Scars with corrupted purple underneath (fun fact, it was in the outer layer so i could take the bandages off to show corruption), burn hair and clothes which where also dirtied and a darker shade of light on the eyes. The potato sack became a potato sack robe and a lose piece if it was used as a belt.
The Epilogue: the potato sack was fixed up with rope instead of ditched for a better robe, the belt became a proper belt and now, the hair decorations came back but now mate out of bronze and there was a shoulder piece added to style the roman warrior (also, bronze became my favorite material on RLCraft for no reason) and the messy hair was kept to show that despite all, the world out the is still wild...
(I love making small details, okay?)
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Then i started adding references to my pets on said servers, my army of Crows and my flying hellhound steed (named princess).
... against my boss monster pet the Grue, my three chupacabra (named Lucy, Anais and Marina) and my steed which was a FUCKING POLAR BEAR WOLF HIBRID I NAMED VOLIBEAR.
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Then i ....began to add details and... you know how things ended 😅
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You can see the duality of a person when the most remember phrase for one side is
"the army of crows shall rise at dawn! We must charge to victory!"
and the infamous
"keep killing me all you want. I will keep coming back, while you have only one. single. life."
It speaks volumes that on the social server i loved all my pets and all of my crows (that i named individually) equally while on the RLCraft server i grew so attached to my Bronze Pike that i named it "Ika" and eventually it became a character in the official Nachiko's lore (yes, a weapon in a Minecraft server became a character) and to my chupacabra pet Lucy which was just small, purple and deadly.
(early concept of Ika as a character, since we are here. It follows the logic of "a lost weapon will be wield by the bond with it's master" which from nerd to normal translates "to "the "soul" in the weapon looks like who owned it" so, i drew her pretty much another Nachiko but with the armor i used there. Also fire ears because damn she cooked enemies up good.)
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At the end one thing is clear.
"We" both call for the great master, and "we" both claim that "he demands blood"
... RLCraft changes a man.
(When i was invited to a more social server after RLCraft i was farming nether stars from a lot of withers day 5 (even made a skin called "the wither butcher" because the second thing i did there was cooking).... RLCraft fucked me up good lmao...i was invited to other server recently and i got 5 dragon eggs(yes, 5) 3 days in. Without entering the end, no interaction with mods, no stealing, no cheating.)
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(wither butcher Nachiko. Fun fact, Halloween was around the corner so i was prepared with this fancy outfit. Everything was separated by layers. I could take the skulls off and the bandages, bellow those you could see blood and green, putrid hands. Bellow the apron there are some more wither skeletons ribs and on the back you could see a a nether star around the heart area. The idea was to have wither skill as helmet to finish the look. It was a great skin!)
Anyways, sorry for the ummm "lore(?)" Dump??
I hope you liked it and i hope you have a wonderful day or night!
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casuallivi · 2 years
Seeing Azriel being painted as this manic fucked up character during some actions, then painted as this redeemable-phyco-freak who just need the right girl on the next breath is exhausting.
This is not about ships, fuck ships!
This is about Az.
The guy has been a respectable male character from day one around girls, then he was painted as this obsessive freak who sniffed after Mor all the time, when in reality he took 400 years to go clubbing with her and she spent most of her time draped over Cass while Az was in his usual corners half veiled in shadows.
Mor, who knew about his crush, has a 500+ friendship with him, fought beside him, resides in the same houses as him, is the same Mor who cried for him not to join in battle during acowar when his wings were a mess because she didn't want him to fucking die (even when the odds of all them dying were astronomical). But because she recoiled from his touch during the Eris deal, suddenly all this is erased. Mor was hurt from Rhys and Azriel making an alliance with Eris and not telling her, hurt from them colluding with the male involved in such a dark part of her past, a guy who knows a secret of hers.
After meeting Feyre, he remained his quiet self but never treated her with nothing short of respect, participated in her training and later on he was teaching her how to fly, gently asking to touch her wing to make sure they had the correct structure to support her during flight. The same Azriel (along with the IC) took care of her sister while she was infiltrated in Spring, the same Azriel who helped to rescue her and Lucy! when they escaped, who Feyre trusted enough to trust in his abilities to judge character, to avail Lucien, see if he could be trusted.
And talking about Feyre's sisters
Azriel surely didn't treat them bad if Elain, who wouldn't react to anyone, reacted to him, and Nesta, who snarled at everyone, never snapped at him.
With Elain, Azriel is always showed being patient and a friendly companion, enough to have her trusting him to fly down to the town house for the first time. So much, that Nesta who was very protective of Elain never snarled when they were together. I could go in heavy detail on this topic, but i won't, because fuck ships
With Nesta, Azriel is never showed antagonizing her. He understand she is dealing with harsh things in the best of her capabilities, being there when she recruited more priestess, swiftly adapting to the role of trainer, letting her know that he would not be mean to her, but would not allow her to be mean either. Azriel gift her a present, for Christ sake. A Nesta-like gift, not something generic you can get anyone, but something for her readings, which she loved.
and let's talk about the priestess for a sec. The females who are sheltered in the library because they were wronged by males and now they want nothing to do with them. Azriel started to train some of this females, and not once he made them uncomfortable! He's respectful and train them to the best of his abilities, respecting their limitation, encouraging them to best themselves. At some point this females are comfortable enough to sigh when he passes.
That's not something you do around possessive assholes who trigger your running instincts.
So yeah, saying he's exhibiting Tamlin behavior is a stretch that irks me.
This is a story with males who had been alive for centuries, were abused as children, were groomed as weapons during adolescence, used as said weapons during a big part of their adult years, saw their mothers being treated as shit and even killed in horrible manors, lost friends, families, lovers, so yeah, excuse them if they don't act like the perfect prince charming who see the world through pink glasses.
Shit is real, and shit happens.
Romantic love is not the only love that exists! And Azriel being worried about his loved ones doesn't make him a shit person, it makes him a loyal character!
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mr-nauseam · 3 years
Watson Top 5
So I talked about making a top 5 of the best Watsons in my opinion (and clearly my favorites) a few days ago. I barely do it today because again my horrible class attacked and honestly doing this is more fun, so let's get started.
Special mentions:
THE ONLY REASON WHY LUCY LIU AS JOAN WATSON IS NOT IN THE TOP 1 dominating everyone is because I still don't see elementary. Yes, is embarrassing, but I googled it and 7 seasons looks scary and heavy (I'm bad at seeing very long things, like my god if you only knew how long it took to see jojos or merlin) but soon I will see it and you mates will have to put up with my fangirl screams because it is written in the stars that I am going to fall in love with Joan. Another special mention goes to Jane Watson from My Dear Beloved Detective and god is INCREDIBLE, I LOVE HER, honestly what doesn't have this girl? undoubtedly one of the best Watsons who have touched this earth.
Have you noticed that the mentions are only the Watsons genderbender? It is because I would like to dedicate an exclusive post to them. It is curious (from what I have seen) how it seems that the creators can more easily balance the personality of the character when is a woman (the matter of the masculinity in Watson can be a thesis) but before saying more, I have to see all the adaptations where the female versions appear.
From here there is no one so relevant, I like Watson from Without a Clue bc is a comedy that makes me laugh a lot jsjsjs, I like Dwason, the Watson of Frowares dont look so bad and there are also others but nothing special, so now we go with the top wuuu.
5. Sherlock.
If I declared that this post was influenced by my personal taste, it was especially because of this. I was a great fan of the bbc series, now that I grew up I became familiar with concepts like queerbaiting, ableism, etc. The relationship I have with the series now is complicated, but even so I think that the interpretation of Freeman (let's ignore the existence of season 4 and still, he did quite well with what they gave to him) has some merits. Humor, moments of crisis, expressions, loyalty, dedication, etc. He's a screwed up Watson but interesting in his own way. (And if you like that kind of angst- bad things that give you a chance to fix it, this is ideal for that).
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4. Ritchiverse.
Speaking of somewhat unstable boys, I must say that I feel this is one of the Watsons who knew better how to translate what we saw in the books about his character and to exploit certain sometimes ignored traits (Watson's impulsiveness and recklessness); On screen you understand without much trouble that Watson has a military past, that he has physical injuries that still affect his day to day, but that he does not feel incapable of getting into crazy adventures nor is he going to allow the people to treat him in that way, which is a doctor and a good one, his romance with Mary is one of the best, etc. They really paid attention to doing this boy, in addition to the small but great detail that Law is basically a drawing of Sidney brought to life (and my God he has a lot of Doyle too, which only gives him extra points).
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3. Granada (the serie, not the fruit).
Yesterday I received divine illumination; us we know it (the change of actors) but in the universe of Granada that never happened, they are a single Watson and I love that idea! So the two David and Edward, what can I say that has not already been said? They are the perfect reflection of Watson's character in two very different stages of his life (pre and post Reichenbach), they have the charisma, the sassy side -sarcastic, compassion, loyalty, courage and determination, calm and wisdom and yyyy, oh, I love them a lot and basically they raised the status of doctor uwu a lot but they are in third place.
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2. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson (better known as soviet or russia holmes eh)
One of the few adaptations where there are hugs, tears, affectionate cuddles, etc. Solomin has one of the most entertaining interpretations of the character, there is no scene that I saw, where I would not think "yes, here is an incredible Watson," this Watson is great with his episode full of suspicions towards Holmes, his expression when he discovers that the detective is not interested in knowing If we revolve around the sun. It achieve what for me is the best adaptation of HOUND and that says a lot about this Watson bc HOUND is the BOOK OF THE DOCTOR. You have a smart boy in his way, with his own strengths and weaknesses and he feels human, believable and adorable. They allowed him to have a complete heart and that is why he is the best of the best and he would be if only the position 1 does not exist.
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If you are a fan of Watson, he is here, in this serie, the military guy, the doctor, the healer, the amazing human be, the writer, he is the dream version that was executed to perfection. The greatest success? fuck the canon, and even then, I don't think there is another Watson that feels so real as ironic as it may sound. They really worked hard to give a coherence, a sense and a total meaning to Watson's actions, they explore well the reasons of all those failures and the development that the character has is wuah, I really don't know what word use that encompass everything, maybe satisfactory? Because everything feels good here with Andrei Panin and even so it feels like something else is missing in my description maybe you have to see it to understand it.
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