#doing sustained thinking & strategizing & research
whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
in my dream job era
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
In the last 30 days, I have sold almost 100 copies of "You Look Like Something Blooming" with no marketing, a book that is almost 13 years old. My vitality and quality of life is my unintentional brand and they speak louder than any advertisements I could have ever done. This is what the new earth looks like, Loved Ones. Taking care of my body is my passion and the key is begin to make money off of what you are most passionate about. The things you like to do, talk about, teach, research, share, and ruminate over are part of your brand. Doing what you love, in the manner in which you love it, at your pace, is regenerative living. We have to begin to think more magically and strategically and build new systems of living that benefit our wellness. I wanted readers to see the process, development, and evidence of what it looks like to follow your heart—to go slow, to take your time, to rest while reaching your goals, to gestate with your work, to stay devoted and know that you are safe while doing so, and allow the divine to fill in the pieces that you can't see with your own eyes yet. This is how the divine feminine works in practice. In the "regular" industrial publishing world, this level of sustainability is unheard of. We have to live more meta-magical and regenerative to transcend these exhaustive systems of power and domination. These results and statistics are what makes me a deeply magical woman undeniably so -but they are also what makes my new work even more magical for readers to meet their own abundance that will set them apart from the "standard" status quo way of being in their bodies and living in this world yet bring them closer towards being a REAL support for collective wellbeing as we learn to master the anti-life systems put in place to keep our bodies more hard and burdened and less soft and unstoppable, like water slipping through the fingers of corporate structures. What is it you love to do? Begin to reinvent yourself from there. --India Ame'ye, Author
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freedombloggers · 3 months
Finding Your Niche: The Key to Dominating in Affiliate Blogging
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Alright, gentlemen, today we're diving into a crucial aspect of affiliate blogging: finding your niche. This isn't just about picking something you're interested in; it's about strategically choosing a niche that sets you up for success and domination in the affiliate marketing game. So grab your coffee, sit back, and let's talk about how to find your niche and crush it in the world of affiliate blogging.
First things first, what exactly is a niche? Simply put, it's a specialized segment of the market that you're targeting with your blog. This could be anything from fitness and health to personal finance, from travel to technology. The key is to find a niche that aligns with your interests, expertise, and most importantly, has the potential to generate revenue through affiliate marketing.
So how do you go about finding your niche? It starts with self-reflection. Take some time to think about your passions, hobbies, and areas of expertise. What topics could you talk about for hours on end without getting bored? What problems do you have personal experience solving? Your niche should be something you're genuinely interested in and knowledgeable about because trust me, blogging about something you don't care about is a one-way ticket to burnout city.
Once you've brainstormed some potential niches, it's time to do a bit of market research. Start by checking out what's already out there. Are there other blogs or websites covering similar topics? If so, what's their audience like? Is there room for you to carve out your own space in the market? Don't be discouraged if you find competition; competition means there's demand, and where there's demand, there's opportunity.
Next, consider the monetization potential of your chosen niche. Sure, you might be passionate about underwater basket weaving, but is there a market for it? Are there products or services you could promote as an affiliate within that niche? Do some digging to see what kind of affiliate programs are available in your niche and what kind of commissions they offer. Remember, the goal here is to make money, so choose a niche with profit potential.
Another factor to consider when choosing your niche is audience size. While it's important to be passionate about your niche, you also need to make sure there's enough demand to sustain your blog in the long run. Ideally, you want to target a niche with a large enough audience to attract advertisers and generate traffic, but not so large that you get lost in the crowd. Strike a balance between passion and profitability to find your sweet spot.
Finally, don't be afraid to niche down even further within your chosen niche. For example, if you're interested in fitness, instead of just blogging about "fitness," consider focusing on a specific subset like bodybuilding, CrossFit, or yoga for beginners. Niching down not only helps you stand out from the competition, but it also allows you to become a go-to resource for your audience.
In conclusion, finding your niche is the key to dominating in affiliate blogging. Take the time to reflect on your passions, do your market research, consider monetization potential and audience size, and don't be afraid to niche down. With the right niche, you'll set yourself up for success and be well on your way to affiliate marketing domination. Now get out there and find your niche, gentlemen!
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malewifemaki · 1 year
WAIT🤚 I saw someone tweet about Sendoh possibly changing schools and moving to Kanagawa due to stress from the prestigious Tokyo middle school and it got my delusions working and it led me to this delusion of mine that what if his priveleged peers from that middle school tend to casually look down on others and so my baby thought "damn these mfs are shitty 😭" (as someone who is a product of a private school, some students tend to treat "others" as if they're inferior) and that the school was way too strict, when we all know Sendoh doesn't like conforming to rules and tends to take it easy.
Alsoooo look at this fanart: https://twitter.com/babie_0423/status/1661801601932357632?t=Uu8_N1VGT19Zrx3WXeScNw&s=19. I think I read somewhere in the manga that Taoka scouted him (?) Knowing how strategic that coach is, he probably took some time first to research Sendoh and found out that he's a marine nerd and lured him into Kanagawa lmao. He probably left Tokyo for Kanagawa's sea 😭 and his parents were probably like "mmkay do what u want, love <3".
Again, he really looks like a kid who came from a warm household with open-minded and extremely supportive (and rich to be able to financially sustain his independent living in a different place 😭) parents.
I also think he lives alone!! That fanart was very cute, he used to dress somewhat decently n then became this↓.... Can relate. Like what if he used to NOT be tardy?
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mitchipedia · 1 year
I used ChatGPT to do background research about a company I’m writing about
I’ve got an interview with a VP at a major vendor that I followed closely while at Light Reading but haven’t paid much attention to since. It’s for an article I’m doing on that company’s overall strategy.
I’m diving into some background to prepare for the interview, and I decided to start my research with ChatGPT. I asked: “What are some questions I can ask COMPANY-NAME about its overall strategy.” (I used the company name, which I’m redacting here.) ChatGPT had the following suggestions:
Can you tell me more about COMPANY’s current strategic priorities?
Who do you see as your competitors?
How does COMPANY differentiate itself from competitors in the industry?
Can you speak to any recent acquisitions or partnerships COMPANY has made, and how they fit into the company’s overall strategy?
How does COMPANY approach innovation and staying ahead of emerging technologies?
Can you discuss any challenges or opportunities you see on the horizon for COMPANY?
How does COMPANY prioritize and approach sustainability and corporate social responsibility?
Can you speak to COMPANY’s approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the company and in the broader industry?
How does COMPANY work with customers to understand and meet their needs?
Can you discuss any recent or upcoming product releases that you’re particularly excited about?
How does COMPANY approach talent acquisition and development, and what opportunities are there for employees to grow and advance within the company?
These are damn good questions. They’re generic—not specific to the company or even the tech industry—but helpful. This is a list of questions to get me started, and I’ll continue to work on them and polish them before the interview begins. A few questions are missing, but there are also a few I would not have thought to ask.
I’ve been using chat AI for a week now, and this is what I’m finding: It doesn’t do creative work, but it’s great as an assistant. Kevin Kelly said it’s like having an intelligent intern helping you out, and I think that’s a good metaphor.
I ran this post through Grammarly after writing it, and Grammarly suggested corrections to phrasing in ChatGPT’s questions. One AI is now correcting another AI!
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In an increasingly technologized and connected world, it seems as if noise must be increasing. Noise, however, is a complicated term with a complicated history. Noise can be traced through structures of power, theories of knowledge, communication, and scientific practice, as well as through questions of art, sound, and music. Thus, rather than assume that it must be increasing, this work has focused on better understanding the various ways that noise is defined, what that noise can do, and how we can use noise as a strategically political tactic. Noise Thinks the Anthropocene is a textual experiment in noise poetics that uses the growing body of research into noise as source material. It is an experiment in that it results from indeterminate means, alternative grammar, and experimental thinking. The outcome was not predetermined. It uses noise to explain, elucidate, and evoke (akin to other poetic forms) within the textual milieu in a manner that seeks to be less determinate and more improvisational than conventional writing. Noise Thinks the Anthropocene argues that noise poetics is a necessary form for addressing political inequality, coexistence with the (nonhuman) other, the ecological crisis, and sustainability because it approaches these issues as a system of interconnected fragments and excesses and thus has the potential to reach or envision solutions in novel ways.
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ariealblogs · 2 years
The Pitch Deck for Influencer Marketing Agencies
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How Influencer Marketing Agencies Can Pitch Influencer Marketing Successfully
PR is no longer just about media relations. The bounds of “earned media” now extends beyond reporters into the social media realm, and beyond.
In fact, many companies are looking to increase brand awareness, engage consumers, and drive sales through influencer marketing! According to a recent survey, 51% of marketers say that they spend between $50-$500K per year on influencer marketing, and 15% reported then spend $1M+.
Budgets are by no means small! There’s so much potential in influencer marketing for agencies that want to provide impact to new clients or expand existing accounts. Below, we offer six tips for creating an irresistible influencer marketing program pitch (you can also get a template deck here).
1. Set the scene with data.
Similar to how you compose a pitch to a reporter, it’s important for influencer marketing agencies to start by giving your client context. Why invest in influencer marketing now? What’s the potential impact? Why is it relevant to them?
It’s even better if you can answer these questions with data. Try finding stats that frame influencer marketing as a no-brainer strategy. For example, 70% of consumers are more likely to buy a product from a brand if they collaborate with an influencer they know and trust. Or, 54% of marketers strongly agree that influencer marketing has successfully increased brand awareness. The goal here is to show them what they're missing out on!
2. Map the influencer marketing program to their business goals.
There are different tactics (and influencer types) that will help drive brand awareness versus conversions, and so on.
When building your deck, start by reiterating your client’s goals to them and then show them how your tailored plan — from influencers, to trends, to metrics — will help them reach those goals.
If you don’t already know the client’s goals, then make sure you ask them ahead of your presentation. Do they want to earn more brand awareness or drive sales? Are they interested in reaching new audiences or strengthening loyalty amongst an engaged community? Do they have a specific brand mission or values (e.g. diversity and inclusion, sustainability, body positivity) that they want to promote?  
3. Come with a tailored list of influencers.
The basis of a good influencer marketing program are good partners. As such, it will be important to provide a sample list of potential influencer partners in your deck. This is your chance to prove that you are advisors who know how to be strategic and data oriented!
When finding influencers for this sample list, provide basic metrics about them (follower size, engagement rate, video view rate, etc) but also be prepared to explain why you believe they are a perfect fit for your client.
Pro tip: If you already have access to Traackr, try using this special technique for finding high performing influencers.
4. Highlight a few relevant platforms, content types, and influencer trends.
Take your pitch a step further by highlighting your research and expertise in the industry. Pull a few content and platform trends that you think your client could utilize in their influencer marketing program. For example, beauty brands that are looking for interesting and engaging video content might want to know about the beauty influencer ASMR trend. Or fragrance brands that are having a hard time representing their products on social media might be interested to learn about influencers who create scent inspired mood boards (example of this in our most recent State of Influence report).
If you feel that you have enough information about your client’s goals and messaging, you could even mock up a few possible campaigns with influencer rosters, themes, and metrics!
5. Show how you will provide transparent measurements of success.
58% of marketers say that measuring the return on investment (ROI) is the biggest challenge when producing successful influencer marketing programs. As your client’s trusted advisor, you have the opportunity to help them be one of the few who know exactly what impact their influencer marketing programs have.
In your deck, lay out a plan for regularly and transparently reporting on program and campaign performance. Some of the best metrics that are important report on include:
Performance metrics
Number of activated influencers
Number of posts
Number of views
Number of engagements
Engagement rate
Spend efficiency
Cost per Post
Cost per Thousand Impressions
Cost per View
Cost per Engagement
Cost per Click
Fun fact, if you have access to Traackr you can save time by exporting all of these campaign metrics directly from the platform into powerpoint slides.
‍Tip: Trying to explain the value of influencer marketing to your executive team? Here are some tips from an expert who’s been in the industry for over a decade.
6. Show a few influencer marketing success stories to seal the deal.
If your influencer marketing agency has examples of previous campaigns and programs that you’ve run for other clients, great! If you don’t have any case studies of your own, here are a few that might be helpful:
How Colgate-Palmolive and its agency partners cut down influencer campaign costs by 40%.
How Beekman 1802 built awareness and drove sales with TikTok influencers.
How BFGoodrich reached newer, younger audiences with sports influencers.
If those case studies aren’t relevant to your client’s industry, put your googling skills to the test and find a few influencer marketing campaigns that have made the news! Here are a few brands from various industries that have become known for great influencer marketing over the years:
e.l.f. Cosmetics
Rare Beauty
Fenty Beauty
Charlotte Tilbury
Sam Edelman
American Eagle
Meliá Hotels
Otherwise, you could browse past winners from specific influencer marketing awards like the Shorty Awards, the influencer sections of Digiday’s Content Marketing Awards, the Webby Awards, and more.
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viveksethsblog · 1 year
What Future Holds For Green Energy
Over all these years, I have been giving priority to incorporating Green Energy practices with the work our organization does. Lately, I have been researching tremendously on the future of Green Energy because I believe this how a real growth looks like: Moving ahead with a sustainable world. 
As the world walks on the path of growth and progress, and explores new avenues of Science and Technology, we as a collective society, are becoming increasingly aware of sustainability and the role that Green Energy plays in it. By 2024, 33% of the world's electricity is forecasted to be generated via Green Energy which is about 1200 GW! 
The future sounds exciting. 
Let's Dive Deeper Into Solar Energy!
Solar energy’s convenience in terms of its reliability is no surprise for anyone. Residential solar power is expected to grow from 58 GW to 142 GW by 2024. Moreover, once the solar panels are installed the operational costs are way less as compared to the other forms of generating energy. In the near future, solar facilities will continue reducing their variability rates by storing electricity during the day and running at night. 
Here’s an Quick Insight of the Rise of Geothermal Capacity
Geothermal energy ensures a reliable and strategic way of integrating itself into all kinds of electrical power generation systems. To generate geothermal energy, water is drawn from the underground reservoirs under high pressure when the water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity. The awesome part about Geothermal Energy is that the steam in the process is cooled off and condensed into water again which is pumped back into the earth, ready for another reuse. Geothermal capacity is projected to grow by 28% reaching 18 GW by 2024 proving to be a promising way of energy production. 
How Can We Leverage The Wind Energy For A Hopeful Future?
The wonderful part about Wind Energy is that not only wind is an inexhaustible source of energy, but it also provides electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air. Hence leveraging Wind Energy and setting up the right infrastructure to do this is the need of the hour. Moreover, the onshore wind capacity is expected to expand by 57% to 850 GW by 2024. 
Adding to this, extensive research is being carried out by scientists to create airborne wind turbines in which the components are either floated by a gas like helium or use their aerodynamics to stay high in the air, where the wind is stronger. These systems are being considered for offshore use, where it is expensive and difficult to install conventional wind turbines on tall towers. 
All in all, with the variety of innovations and advancements in Wind Energy production, I think the future does look bright!
What Can We Do?
As consumers, we have several opportunities to make an impact by contributing to a sustainable future by adopting Green Energy Solutions. There are alternatives for a greener way of life like energy storage solutions with safe and environment-friendly battery solutions with a greater life span. 
Vivek Seth
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indianchamber · 19 days
Need to Ramp Up Green Skills Hiring
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Critics often complain about increasing unemployment in India. Have they looked at sectors where there is increasing demand for people, yet qualified people are difficult to get? The famous poem ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’, comes to mind and the line “Water, Water Everywhere,Nor any drop to Drink” seems very apt in the labour market of today. One such sector where there is shortage in India is the shortage of individuals required for roles in renewables and green construction. The jobs are being generated across the hierarchy- Chief Sustainability Officer, Sustainability Engineer, Environmental Manager, Environmental Auditor, Compliance Specialist, Landscape Architect, Solar Installer, to name some of them. While the demand for green skills is rising by 8% in India, the people with those skills are growing only at a rate of 6%, market data is showing. The ILO estimates that shift to a Green Economy will create 100 million new jobs by 2030 of which 30-35% would be in India, as per various Research Reports, many of these jobs require a solid foundation in STEM skills, with engineers being the most in demand. Operational Management skills are equally important, which helps the organizational restructuring needed to support green initiatives. ESG implementation is no longer a wish list, but a reality. Sustainability Specialists and Transportation Planners lead the strategic initiatives promoting Environmental responsibility and resource efficiency. Soft skills such as Design Thinking, Creativity and Adaptability are highly important for sustainability challenges and fostering innovation.
The predictable go-to solutions are building Industry-Academia synergy where increasing courses on Environmental Management would help and may be some incentives could be given for the same. We can also help by hosting targeted workshops on Green Skills training. What are your thoughts? Do share with us.
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cleekleequlee · 20 days
When we talk about change...
(An english version can be found after the Chinese... Notion helped me with translation and I corrected a few places too.)
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在昨天Dorst的keynote speech裡,Dorst用哥白尼提出日心說(as in Copernican Turn)來舉例變革之難。哥白尼的理論得以被大眾接受,卻是得益於“拜日教”的Kepler出於信仰的研究。在評論這種“三觀不合但的確有用”的幫忙時,Dorst說了下面這句整個speech裡面讓我印象最深的一段話。
“If it works, it works. Doesn’t matter why people actually make the jump, as long as they make the jump. The good design always gets what are people actually thinking now, how can you understand that and how can you help them make that jump to think about these things.”
這種實用性體現在Dorst演講和點評的方方面面。比如他提到荷蘭項目中非常複雜的nature vs. farming的尖銳矛盾,以及在空間、社會、政治上多層次的複雜性。這樣的問題如何給出“解決方案”?Prof Dorst給出的答案是在矛盾各方的價值層面尋找共同點,最後落在一個詞“Vitality”上,然後圍繞這個詞建立”學習循環“ learning cycle, 看起來更像是一個institutionalised action research mechanism,把professional world和society通過doing and reflection連接起來。這能解決政府提出的nature vs. farming的問題嗎?未必。但這個過程同時也會提供更多對這個問題的理解、讓決策者自主發現問題的不切實際、或者提供更多的frame問題的方式。
從某個角度來說,Dorst還沒出版的新書的題目Creating space for deep change,跟我的human nature encounter是有一點相似的。有contact zone,才有機會暴露系統之間不同的邏輯和假設。這些假設不僅是看待和理解(make sense)世界不同的方式,他們也在這個世界以某種方式共存。就好像農業耕作以及架構其上的農民的時間分配、村莊的娛樂活動與祭祀、供應鏈的活躍程度及匹配,都會與這個時間線所匹配(coupling),不同價值的理解並不是要尋求consensus甚至homogentization,而是在boundary的negotiation和translation(這一點又想起了Anna Tsing在mushroom和friction兩本書裡精彩的詮釋)。
如果用兩個詞總結Dorst的中心思想,我會說是halfway(借用Barad的Meeting the universe halfway)和condition.
Halfway代表的是不同角度之間的common ground,好像boundary object這個概念一樣,能夠讓不同的人哪怕以不同的詮釋都能夠找到感興趣的角度並展開討論。在farming的案例裡,vitality這個詞在雙方之間構建了基本的信任。能夠找到這個halfway point並把它用“誘人的”方式呈現出來,是需要對雙方深入的理解和一點天份的。這並不只是創造一個buzz word,而是能夠獲得雙方信任、開啟對話的基礎。在反思我自己的研究的時候,覺得雖然做了很多思考,但在這個“向下”或者向外延伸的動作還是做的遠遠不夠。if it works, it works。任何好的intention都需要解決現實的問題和關注才能被接受,在學術界也是一樣的道理。
而condition,更像是一種允許兩種系統展開長期structural coupling的架構,可能是某種流程和循環(比如前面講到的learning cycle,或者某種committee;以及Dorst對於設計學院“Lab-Academy-Podium-Temple“的設想),物理的空間,多元化、藝術化的形式(比如他提到了一個項目利用theatre作為雙方溝通的方式),也可能是跨越系統的個體(比如在nature vs farming的項目中,他們挖掘了幾個從非務農進入農業的個體案例;在演講裡也用到了Amar Bose貫通學術和實踐/商業的案例)。
關於theory和practice的關係,決定了學院的基本定位。(在這裏深深的感受到古典哲學底子太差)如果考慮可能的幾個選項, 選項A:transcendental,理論才是世界的實質 (abstract but true) (哲學家) 選項B:representational,理論是世界的抽象模型幫助我們解釋和理解(科學家) 選項C:理論和實踐是平等的對話夥伴,intellectual和practical/material各司其職,互相交流。現實為理論添磚加瓦甚至更迭朝代(Thomas Kuhn),而理論為現實提供想像和可能性。 提出reflexive methodology的mat alvesson一定屬於C,但更偏重於前一半即現實對理論的challenge與創新貢獻。而Dorst的想法似乎更偏向後者,即理論為現實提供想像和可能性,這些可能性的實驗會引導現實提出新的問題。
在他提出的Academic discussion <→ model <→ practice中,我自己應該也是在從academic discussion發現想法,構建model,供practitioner用新的方式去實踐(這個實踐者是誰在我的情況下也需要仔細考慮,是entrepreneur, CEO還是designer)
在deframe-framing experiment - strategic intervention/the studio的流程中,可以看做我是在deframe and reframe sustainability,然後通過experiment的方式提議新的intervention。如果從這個角度往下想,下一步的intervention不能只停留在walk,而要把movement、process的概念放入其他設計中,比如spatial design,sound design,interaction design,graphic design,或者甚至可以重新想像sustainability的項目,以不同的視角會怎樣?這個方面需要再看一些more than human design的具體內容。
講座後的Critic幫助我理出了在現在這個階段我對研究最簡短的總結,也就是multiplicity of nature, and the non-linear consequences of this understanding in living and organizing. Professor McWhinnie所謂的clarity。但每次達到這樣的clarity又會有一種自我懷疑——這是不是太簡單了?以及在這個簡短介紹中,我關於practice在change project中的重要性似乎又被淡化甚至排除了。。。
During yesterday's keynote speech by Dorst, he used the example of Copernicus proposing the heliocentric theory to illustrate the difficulty of change. The acceptance of Copernicus' theory by the public was thanks to Kepler's research out of faith in "Sun Worship". When commenting on this kind of "disagreeable but indeed useful" help, Dorst said the following sentence in his speech that impressed me the most.
"If it works, it works. Doesn’t matter why people actually make the jump, as long as they make the jump. Good design always gets what people are actually thinking now, how can you understand that and how can you help them make that jump to think about these things.”
This practicality is reflected in every aspect of Dorst's speech and comments. For example, he mentioned the very complex “nature vs. farming” issue in the Dutch project, as well as the multi-layered complexity in physical space, society, and politics. How to give a "solution" to such a problem? Prof Dorst's answer is to find common ground in the values of the conflicting parties, finally falling on the word "Vitality", and then building a "learning cycle" around this word, which looks more like an institutionalised action research mechanism, connecting the professional world and society through doing and reflection. Can this solve the nature vs. farming problem proposed by the government? Not necessarily. But this process will also provide more details and nuanced understanding of this problem, allowing decision-makers to discover on their own the impracticality of the problem, or provide more ways to frame the problem.
From a certain perspective, the title of Dorst's unpublished new book, Creating Space for Deep Change, is somewhat similar to my human nature encounter. With contact zones, there is a chance to expose different logics and assumptions between systems. These assumptions are not only different ways of viewing and understanding (making sense) the world that abstractly and intellectually exist, they also co-exist - sharing the same time and space - in the world in some way. Just like seasons in nature corresponds to the time allocation of farmers, village recreational activities and rituals, as well as seasonality of supply chains, thinks in different worlds can adjust to match in their rhythms (coupling). The goal is not to seek consensus or even homogenization, but to facilitate in the boundary zone negotiation and adjustment, a work of translation (which reminds me of Anna Tsing's brilliant interpretation in the two books, mushroom and friction).
The appreciation for this lecture may come from the fact that few people understand the difficulty of change so deeply, the different time dimensions of various institutions and systems from government companies to nature, and the uncontrollability and irrationality of changes in human behavior and thinking patterns. From a certain perspective, "solving the problem" itself is often an unrealistic expectation. The solution on paper, from "facts" (as represented and reductive) to "therefore" (the implications and actions) is easy to achieve. But real life often slaps you in the face , backlases in unseen places, leading to greater injustice.
If I were to summarize Dorst's central idea in two words, I would say they are halfway (borrowing Barad's Meeting the universe halfway) and condition.
Halfway represents the common ground between different perspectives, like the concept of boundary object, which allows different people to find interesting perspectives and start discussions even with different interpretations. In the farming case, the word vitality builds basic trust between the two parties. Finding this halfway point, an intersection, requires carefully exploring the complexity of the problem, each party's standpoint and their multiplicity of each party (farmers are not only farmers, they are sons and daughters, fathers, hobbyists, etc...) and presenting it in an "enticing" way requires a deep understanding of both sides and a bit of genius. This is not just about creating a buzz word, but about gaining the trust of both sides and opening up the basis for dialogue. In reflecting on my own research, I feel that although I have done a lot of thinking, this "downward" or "outward" reach, extension of a two-way dialogue is far from enough. If it works, it works. Any good intention needs to solve real problems and concerns to be accepted, and the same holds in academia.
On the other hand, condition is more like a framework that allows two systems to carry out long-term structural coupling, it may be some process and cycle (such as the aforementioned learning cycle, or some committee; as well as Dorst's vision for the design academy "Lab-Academy-Podium-Temple"), physical space, diversified, artistic forms (for example, he mentioned a project using theatre as a way of communication between the two parties), or even individuals who cross systems (for example, in the nature vs farming project, they unearthed several individual cases of non-farming entry into agriculture; in the lecture, he also used Amar Bose's case of bridging academia and practice/business).
But in the end, I still have a few unresolved questions that need further thinking and exploration:
On the relationship between theory and practice, which determines the basic positioning of the academy. (I deeply feel that my classical philosophy foundation is too bad here) If we consider possible options, Option A: transcendental, theory is the essence of the world (abstract but true) (philosopher) Option B: representational, theory is an abstract model of the world to help us explain and understand (scientist) Option C: theory and practice are equal dialogue partners, intellectual and practical/material each have their own responsibilities, and they exchange with each other. Reality adds bricks and tiles to theory and even changes dynasties (Thomas Kuhn), and theory provides imagination and possibilities for reality. Matt Alvesson, who proposed a reflexive methodology, certainly belongs to C, but he emphasizes more the first half, that is, the challenge and innovative contribution from the empirical to the theory. Dorst's idea seems to lean more towards the latter, that is, theory provides imagination and possibilities for reality, and these possible experiments will guide reality to propose new questions to theory to solve.
When we talk about theory, what theory are we talking about? Is it scientific theory or humanities theory, and what are their assumptions? This seems to cause quite a bit of misunderstanding when discussing related issues.
Considering own research direction, I can find my own position in several frameworks mentioned by Dorst. For example,
In his model of university of Academic discussion <→ model <→ practice, my research seems to be also discovering ideas from academic discussion, building models, and providing practitioners with new ways to practice (who is this practitioner in my case also needs careful consideration, is it an entrepreneur, CEO or designer)
In the process of deframe-framing experiment - strategic intervention/the studio, it can be seen that I am deframing and reframing sustainability, and then proposing new interventions through experimental methods. If you think from this angle, the next step of intervention should not only stay on walking, but put the concept of movement, process into other designs, such as spatial design, sound design, interaction design, graphic design, or even can re-imagine sustainability projects, how would it be from different perspectives? This aspect needs to look at some more than human design specific content.
After the lecture, the Critic helped me sort out the shortest summary of my research at this stage, which is multiplicity of nature, and the non-linear consequences of this understanding in living and organizing. Professor McWhinnie's so-called clarity. But every time I reach such clarity, there is a sense of self-doubt - is this too simple? And in this brief introduction, my emphasis on practice in the change project seems to be diluted or even excluded..
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digitalbraino · 22 days
Which is the top ranked digital marketing company in Indore?
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Determining the top-ranked digital marketing company in Indore can be challenging, as rankings can vary based on different criteria and perspectives. However, I can provide insights into each company to help you make an informed decision.
Top 10 digital marketing company in Indore
1.Digital Braino:
Digital Braino is known for its innovative approach to digital marketing, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and creative strategies to deliver impactful results for its clients.
2. Innovination:
Innovination stands out for its data-driven strategies and comprehensive digital marketing services, helping businesses achieve their goals through tailored campaigns and strategic execution.
3. Diginfo:
Diginfo specializes in providing end-to-end digital marketing solutions, with a focus on driving traffic, increasing conversions, and maximizing ROI for its clients through targeted strategies.
4. Namastetu Technologies:
Namastetu Technologies is recognized for its holistic approach to digital marketing, offering a wide range of services including SEO, social media marketing, and content creation to help businesses succeed in the online space.
5. Inchtomilez:
Inchtomilez is known for its creative flair and out-of-the-box thinking, crafting unique digital marketing campaigns that resonate with audiences and drive engagement.
6. OMR Digital:
OMR Digital focuses on delivering measurable results through its data-driven approach to digital marketing, helping businesses achieve sustainable growth and success in the online marketplace.
7. i-engage:
i-engage specializes in creating personalized digital marketing strategies tailored to the unique needs and objectives of each client, with a focus on driving brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.
8. WOWIT Digital:
WOWIT Digital is known for its expertise in performance marketing, utilizing advanced analytics and optimization techniques to deliver quantifiable results and drive business growth.
9. Mr.Digito:
Mr.Digito excels in providing innovative solutions for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and reach their target audience effectively through digital channels.
AASMO DIGITAL offers a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, leveraging industry best practices and cutting-edge technologies to help businesses thrive in the competitive digital landscape.
the top-ranked digital marketing company in Indore ultimately depends on factors such as specific business goals, budget considerations, and the level of expertise required. It's essential to conduct thorough research, consider client testimonials, and evaluate each company's track record before making a decision. By doing so, businesses can partner with the agency that best aligns with their needs and objectives, setting themselves up for success in the digital world.
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bluurockmngmt · 23 days
Crafting Success: Essential Steps for Male Creators to Excel on OnlyFans
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In the dynamic world of content creation, establishing a successful presence on platforms like OnlyFans demands strategic approaches, especially for male creators aiming to stand out. With the digital landscape featuring intense competition, understanding the keys to excel on OnlyFans can significantly enhance one's visibility and subscriber engagement. This article explores essential steps male creators can take to craft their success on the platform, with a focus on SEO and audience engagement strategies.
Understanding Your Niche and Audience
The first step toward success on OnlyFans is identifying and understanding your niche. Male creators should focus on their unique talents, interests, or areas of expertise and consider how these can appeal to specific audience segments. Conducting keyword research related to your niche can help in optimizing your profile and content for search engines, thereby increasing your visibility.
Content is King: Producing High-Quality, Engaging Material
Consistently creating high-quality, engaging content is non-negotiable. Content that resonates with your audience, whether it's fitness tips, cooking classes, or musical performances, should be crafted with professionalism and authenticity. Including relevant keywords naturally within your content can further boost its discoverability. Also think that you can only do this and let a male OnlyFans agency handle your account and make money while you’re doing absolutely nothing except for making content!
If you're looking for male OnlyFans management you can find us at www.bluurock.com.
Optimizing Your Profile for Maximum Visibility
An often-overlooked aspect of OnlyFans success is profile optimization. Your profile should include keyword-rich bio descriptions that clearly communicate your niche and what subscribers can expect from your content. This not only aids in attracting the right audience but also plays a critical role in search engine visibility.
Leveraging Social Media and Collaborations
Expanding your reach through social media and collaborations can be a game-changer. Sharing previews of your OnlyFans content on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok, with strategic use of hashtags and keywords, can drive significant traffic to your OnlyFans page. Collaborating with other creators can also introduce your content to diverse audiences, enhancing your visibility and subscriber count.
Engagement and Community Building
Engaging with your audience goes beyond replying to comments or messages. Hosting live streams, Q&A sessions, and offering personalized content can foster a sense of community and loyalty among subscribers. An engaged community is more likely to promote your content through word-of-mouth, amplifying your reach and success on the platform.
Tracking Performance and Adapting Strategies
Regularly analyzing your performance metrics on OnlyFans and social media is crucial for understanding what content performs best and why. This data-driven approach enables male creators to adapt and refine their content and SEO strategies, ensuring sustained growth and success.
In Conclusion
Thriving on OnlyFans as a male creator involves a blend of content excellence, strategic SEO practices, audience engagement, and continuous adaptation. By crafting high-quality content tailored to your niche, optimizing your profile, leveraging social media, and building a strong community, you can significantly increase your visibility and success on the platform. Remember, success on OnlyFans is not instantaneous but the result of persistence, creativity, and strategic planning.
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pgsenergyservices · 28 days
GHG Protocol Scope 1, 2 & 3 are explained by the Best GHG Consultant in the Industry.
PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd
PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd. is a leading provider of expertise and advice in the field of sustainable energy, which is located in the centrally located urban area of sustainable energy that also promotes the path to a brighter and more sustainable future for all.
Think of a large office where people who have the same passion for GHG emissions research are working and are tirelessly looking for ways of understanding the complexity of GHG emissions. Regardless of the background noise of innovation and dedication, PGS is one of the leading GHG consultancy firms in the industry
With a legacy steeped in environmental stewardship, PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd has earned its reputation as a trailblazer in navigating the intricate landscapes of GHG emissions. Our journey began not merely as a consultancy, but as a crusade for sustainability, driven by a fervent belief in the power of data-driven insights and strategic guidance.
As we embark on this journey through the GHG Protocol, let us delve into the realms of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, guided by the expertise of one of the best GHG Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 agencies, PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd.
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Scope 1: The Foundation of Accountability
Scope 1 emissions represent the cornerstone of an organization’s carbon footprint, emanating directly from owned or controlled sources. These encompass emissions from onsite fuel combustion, process emissions, and fugitive emissions, among others. For industries reliant on fossil fuels or chemical processes, Scope 1 emissions serve as a poignant reminder of environmental impact.
According to recent studies by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Scope 1 emissions account for approximately 40% of global GHG emissions, making them a focal point for mitigation strategies. PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd, with its arsenal of analytical tools and seasoned consultants, provides invaluable assistance in quantifying, monitoring, and mitigating Scope 1 emissions for organizations across diverse sectors.
What specific analytical tools do PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd use to quantify and monitor Scope 1 emissions?
PGS EPL uses advanced analytical experience to quantify and monitor Scope 1 emissions accurately. We provide emission inventory, continuous emissions monitoring systems, and carbon accounting tools.
These tools help clients understand their emissions, identify areas for improvement, and implement effective mitigation measures to reduce their environmental footprint.
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Scope 2: Illuminating the Indirect Pathway
At the time we are moving further into the GHG Protocol, we cross the Scope 2 emissions that are generated indirectly from the consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam. Although it appears to be at a distance from the actual work of an organization, Scope 2 emissions have a great impact on the carbon footprint of a company. In the present world, the global energy landscape is shifting to renewable sources and so, the significance of Scope 2 emissions management has now become the main point.
The IEA‘s recent reports state that Scope 2 emissions are very important for the direction of global decarbonization. PGS Energy Services (P) Ltd, with its vision and expertise, has come up with a partnership with its clients to help them deal with the details of Scope 2 emissions, which eventually leads to the introduction of cleaner and more sustainable energy sources.
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Scope 3: Unravelling the Web of Indirect Impacts
In the intricate tapestry of GHG emissions, Scope 3 represents the myriad indirect impacts arising from a company’s value chain, including upstream and downstream activities. From supply chain logistics to product use and disposal, Scope 3 emissions encompass a broad spectrum of interconnected factors, often extending far beyond organizational boundaries.
Studies conducted by the World Resources Institute (WRI) underscore the significance of Scope 3 emissions, which can account for over 80% of total emissions for some industries. PGS EPL helps clients reduce Scope 3 emissions by identifying hotspots and implementing reduction strategies throughout the value chain, utilizing their holistic approach and expertise.
A holistic approach is used by PGS EPL to reduce Scope 3 emissions:
PGS Energy Services offers a comprehensive, holistic approach to reducing Scope 3 emissions. They conduct a comprehensive emission inventory, supply chain analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon offsetting and renewable energy procurement, and stakeholder engagement to identify, quantify, and mitigate Scope 3 emissions effectively. This approach helps clients achieve meaningful reductions in environmental impact while enhancing sustainability across their operations and value chain.
Scope 3 is based on customer requirements/demand and Scope 1 & Scope 2 are widely used for GHG emission reduction in India.
In the pursuit of sustainability, it is crucial to comprehend and address greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across three different scopes, which are Scope 1, 2, and 3. GHG Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 agencies can be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of the GHG Protocol.
The assistance and direction that we get from our elders will enable you to take the right steps toward the development of a sustainable future. Collectively, we can make use of information, creativity, and teamwork to fight against climate change and consequently, protect our environment for the generations to come. Let us join hands to build a more eco-friendly and responsible society.
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shereen1 · 1 month
Unleash Your Potential: Women Leadership Development at HNI
Empowering Women to Lead: A Catalyst for Change
The landscape of leadership is evolving. Today, organizations recognize the immense value diversity brings to the table. Women, with their unique perspectives, strengths, and approaches, are redefining leadership and driving positive change. At HNI, we understand the importance of fostering WomenLeadership Development.  We offer a comprehensive suite of programs designed to equip women with the skills and confidence needed to thrive at every stage of their leadership journey.
Why Women Leadership Development Matters
Research consistently highlights the benefits of gender diversity in leadership. Studies show companies with strong female leadership experience:
Increased profitability and innovation
Enhanced decision-making
Improved employee engagement and morale
Stronger brand reputation
Investing in Women Leadership Development isn't just about creating a more balanced workplace; it's about harnessing a powerful force for organizational success.
HEYA: A Flagship Program Designed for Women, by Women
HNI's signature program, HEYA, embodies our commitment to Women Leadership Development.  Created by women, for women, HEYA aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 5: Gender Equality. This program takes participants on a transformative journey focusing on:
Self-awareness: HEYA helps women leaders understand their strengths, motivations, and leadership styles.
Skill development: Through interactive workshops and practical exercises, women hone essential leadership skills like communication, negotiation, conflict resolution, and strategic thinking.
Networking: HEYA fosters a supportive network of female leaders, providing invaluable peer-to-peer learning and mentorship opportunities.
Simulation-based learning: This immersive technique allows participants to practice applying their newly acquired skills in realistic business scenarios.
HEYA empowers women leaders not just to navigate challenges but to thrive in them.  The program equips them with the tools they need to confidently lead teams, drive results, and make a lasting impact.
Beyond HEYA: A Tailored Approach to WomenLeadership Development
HEYA forms the cornerstone of HNI's Women Leadership Development offerings.  However, we recognize that every woman's leadership journey is unique. To cater to individual needs, we provide a range of programs, including:
Executive Coaching: Personalized coaching helps women leaders address specific challenges and unlock their full potential.
Mentorship Programs: Connecting women with experienced mentors provides invaluable guidance and support.
Leadership Development for Different Stages: HNI offers programs specifically designed for emerging leaders and seasoned executives alike.
The HNI Advantage: Why Choose Us for Women Leadership Development?
When you partner with HNI for Women Leadership Development, you choose:
Proven track record: HEYA has successfully empowered numerous women leaders across diverse industries.
Expert-led programs: Our faculty consists of seasoned professionals with extensive experience in leadership development.
Holistic approach: HNI goes beyond simply teaching skills; we foster confidence, self-awareness, and a supportive network.
Customized solutions: We tailor our programs to meet the specific needs of your organization and its women leaders.
Investing in Women Leaders: A Win-Win Proposition
Investing in WomenLeadership Development isn't just the right thing to do; it's a smart business decision. At HNI, we are passionate about helping women leaders reach their full potential.
Ready to unlock the power of Women Leadership Development in your organization?
Contact HNI today to discuss how we can help you design and implement a program that empowers your women leaders and propels your organization towards success.
Together, let's create a future where women lead with confidence and drive positive change.
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infyq · 1 month
What is SEO and Digital Marketing: The Complete Beginner’s Guide
In today's digital era, navigating the world of online business can feel like traversing a complex maze. Among the myriad of terms and strategies, two stand out prominently: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Digital Marketing. But what exactly are they, and how do they contribute to online success? Let's break it down in simpler terms.
Decoding SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO is essentially the process of making your website more visible and accessible to users through organic search engine results. It's like ensuring your shop is easy to find in a bustling market. Here's how it works:
Keyword Research: Just like knowing what people are looking for in the market, SEO begins with understanding the keywords your audience uses to search online.
Optimizing On-Page Elements: Think of this as sprucing up your storefront. It involves tweaking various elements on your website, like titles, descriptions, and content, to make them more appealing to search engines.
Creating Quality Content: Content is king in the online world. Producing valuable, relevant content not only attracts visitors but also earns you credibility with search engines.
Building Backlink: Backlinks act as referrals from other websites, indicating to search engines that your site is trustworthy and authoritative.
Technical Tweaks: This involves behind-the-scenes optimizations, like ensuring your website loads quickly and is mobile-friendly, to improve user experience and search engine rankings.
In essence, SEO is about ensuring your website is the go-to destination when people search for information related to your business.
Understanding Digital Marketing
Digital marketing, on the other hand, is a broader umbrella term that encompasses various online marketing tactics aimed at promoting your brand, products, or services. It's like having multiple avenues to advertise and engage with potential customers. Here's a glimpse:
Content Marketing: Sharing valuable content to attract and engage your audience. It's about providing value first and promoting your brand second.
Social Media Marketing: Engaging with your audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to build relationships and drive traffic to your website
Email Marketing: Using emails to communicate with your audience, nurture leads, and drive conversions.
PPC Advertising: Placing ads on search engines and other platforms and paying only when users click on them. It's like having billboards in a busy city.
Data Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing your digital marketing efforts to measure performance and make informed decisions.
Digital marketing allows you to reach your audience wherever they are online, whether it's on search engines, social media, or their inbox.
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The Power of Integration
While SEO is just one piece of the digital marketing puzzle, it's a critical piece. InfyQ SEO Experts ensures that your digital marketing efforts are visible to your audience when they're actively searching for what you offer. By integrating SEO into your digital marketing strategy, you can amplify your online presence and achieve your business goals more effectively.
In essence, SEO and digital marketing work hand in hand to drive online success. By understanding their fundamentals and implementing them strategically, you can navigate the digital landscape with confidence and achieve sustainable growth for your business.
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transgenieio · 1 month
How to Build Your Own Multi-Restaurant Food Delivery System?
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The food industry is revolutionizing day-by-day and various advancements are taking place to make the food ordering and delivery process smoother and quicker. Implementing a multi-restaurant food delivery system is also one of the to make the processes easy for both food businesses and customers. An online food delivery system enables ventures to accept & streamline food orders from customers and deliver them to their doorstep.
Businesses can take help to create a food delivery app full-fledged system. It can appear as the right solution for many food startups and leading restaurants to enlarge their businesses. Even, various businesses seem interested in investing in food delivery app development to attend to the current market and customer demands. 
Let’s get into the information on how to create a multi-restaurant food delivery system:
Steps to Build Your Own Multi-Restaurant Food Delivery System
With the help of a leading food ordering app Development Company, ventures can craft their own system by implementing a strategic approach, the latest technologies, and engaging user experience. 
Here is a guide to help you get started:
Market Research & Identification
Before creating a multi-restaurant food delivery system, it is necessary to identify the latest market requirements while analyzing target audiences and the competitive landscape. Consider factors such as preferences, location, age groups, and behavior. Also, analyze competitors and find ways to create strategies and apply unique approaches. It is also essential to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, and features to include.
You need to keep up with the latest developments in voice recognition, personalised recommendations, contactless delivery, and sustainable practices in order to develop a compelling food delivery app. It is obligatory to research the required licenses, legal constraints, and food safety regulations that can directly affect your app’s development process and operation.
Business Model
For a food delivery startup, applying a business model suitable to its long-term goals is an essential thing to do. Various options for business models comprise a commission-based model (charging specific fees from restaurants), a hybrid approach, and a subscription model. The model will also include pricing structure, customer acquisition, key activities, value proposition, and key partners.
If you want to build a successful food delivery app development company, it will involve attentive consideration of every aspect of the business model. Consideration of the local market, requirements of both restaurants & consumers, and the competitive landscape is also needed while choosing a business model to drive profitability and augment inclusive user satisfaction & engagement.
Revenue Model
The main motive behind every restaurant’s mobile app development is to make money. Any businesses that create a multi-restaurant food delivery app add delivery charges, third-party advertisements, revenue sharing, surge prices, and promotional services to monetize it. Adding a revenue model ensures the profitability and sustainability of the system, hence, ventures also go for a commission-based model, subscription-based model, or premium features.
The success of the added revenue model elevates when maintaining a balance between viable competition rates and providing satisfying services contributing to the financial viability and progress of the food delivery application.
Must-have Features
Do you want to create an interesting and user-friendly food delivery app? Next, you have to incorporate both basic and sophisticated functions within it. A restaurant mobile app should have certain characteristics, therefore you may also think about hiring the top developers of food delivery apps. They have expertise and know what kinds of features to include.
The user panel, restaurant panel, delivery crew panel, and admin panel are the four main panels that are present. To ensure that the ordering and delivery of food is convenient, each of these four has to have a special characteristic. Examine these attributes:
User Panel: Order history, customer service, push alerts, real-time tracking, offers and coupons, search bar, filters, call/chat option, sign-up/sign-in, profile creation, dashboard, geolocation, food cart, payment gateway, save address, order scheduling, and so on.
Restaurant Panel: Sign up/sign in, order management, account & management, payment management, dashboard, add items, order alerts, order reports, special offers, customised alerts, payment tracking, order tracking, and customer service are just a few of the features available.
Delivery Personnel Panel: the ability to phone or chat, join up or log in, create a profile, accept or reject orders, delivery history, order management, status updates, and chat assistance.
Admin Panel: Dashboard, profile management, payment management, order management, delivery staff management, restaurant management, discount & promotion management, feedback management, reporting & analytics.
Apply Latest Trends
It is evident that all other food delivery apps are adopting new technologies since it is crucial to remain innovative and offer superior user experiences and operational proficiency. Food businesses can now offer personalised recommendations, optimise the best delivery routes, and anticipate user preferences thanks to the integration of cutting-edge technologies and trends like blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of Things, machine learning, cloud computing, automation tools, and many more.
Using these tech trends not only makes your food delivery app unique, but it also meets the evolving needs and demands of today's sophisticated, health-conscious customers.
Picking a Tech Stack
Including the right technological stack in your food delivery software will guarantee its success and smooth operation. As a result, the tech stack has to have reliable and scalable tools and technologies. 
This is it:
Front-end Development: Flutter or React Native
Back-end Development: Express.js, Node.js
Payment Gateways: Braintree, PayPal, Square API, or Stripe
Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
APIs: GraphQL
Cloud Environment: Google, AWS, Azure
Real-time Location: Core location framework (iOS) and Google Location API (Android)
Real-time Tracking: MapKit (iOS), Google Maps API (Android), GrubHub API and Foursqaure’s API.
The total cost of creating a food delivery service is also significantly impacted by selecting the right technological stack. As such, you should do extensive study before making your choice.
Conduct Different Testing
To guarantee a dependable and seamless user experience, a thorough testing procedure is essential. Food delivery app developers can fix all the problems and faults to improve the app's functionality and efficiency while providing a delightful user experience by running various kinds of thorough testing. Functional testing, performance testing, usability testing, security testing, compatibility testing, regression testing, and other tests are some of these.
This extensive testing will guarantee your food delivery application's success in the cutthroat industry.
A comprehensive strategy is needed to create a multi-restaurant food delivery system, including market research, tech stack selection, and marketing. By carefully weighing the aforementioned criteria, you can ultimately create a profitable and long-lasting platform that will help you maintain your competitiveness in the food business. To get better outcomes, pick a top food delivery app with knowledgeable developers who will work with you from beginning to end to create a feature-rich system that satisfies all of your company's needs as well as those of your clients.
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