#dodgeball hong kong
amarbeast · 2 years
The Best King Kong Balls (Edition of 1) Sculpture in 2022
The Best King Kong Balls (Edition of 1) Sculpture in 2022
Hello everyone in this article, we are discussing about the great King Kong balls structure. This is very old structure, it is designed by modern technology. It has become in the best tourist places. About millions of peoples come to see and take selfies with this stachue. In past years, it has broken all the records of all the past years because in Past years the amount of tourists is more than…
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atlanticcanada · 10 months
New Brunswick farm offers authentic country experience during summer camp
At Boyle Family Farm in Lutes Mountain, N.B., the sound of turkeys, horses and other farm animals is what greets the campers every morning.
This summer camp offers an authentic country experience focused on fun on the farm all summer long.
“We offer archery, we do horseback riding, there’s bottle feeding and tending to animals,” said owner Mitchell Boyle. “On hot days, we have water activities, bouncy castles, wagon rides and then whatever we can get into for the day.”
“I don’t think a lot of the children today are getting exposed to stuff like this, so to see them learning about horses, playing with the cows, playing with the turkeys -- it’s just all happiness,” added Boyle.
The day camp runs from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, giving campers the chance to really immerse themselves into the farming experience.
“It was really fun. I like animals and there was fun activities,” said 7-year-old Fiona Lloyd.
“There’s been goats and tiny horses out here that we’ve been able to pet and play with. There’s a petting zoo area way out there that has pigs and sheep and goats and chickens, so that’s nice.”
For many, the week at Boyle Family Farm is their first time truly experiencing everything that a farm has to offer.
“I really have been wanting to do horseback riding and I really love farms,” said 11-year-old Grace Hines, who attended camp for the first time this year.
She says her time at camp was more than she expected when she started at the beginning of the week.
“We have done horseback riding, archery, dodgeball. We’ve played on hay bales, we’ve played on slip ‘n slides, we’ve done a lot,” she said.
Farm camps are available weekly, with the last one wrapping up on Aug. 25.
It’s open for kids ages 6 to 13 and officials say they have had campers from all over, including Ontario and Hong Kong.
“I hope that many years from now, they’re telling their kids about when they came to this farm and used to do that in the summer time, so a little bit of legacy,” said Boyle.
It’s a family-oriented farm with everyone included in the activities and he says having kids around is something they all look forward to.
“My favourite part was [Friday] when I got to groom the horse and lead the horse out of the stall,” said 9-year-old Ariel Pieffers, who is back for her second year.
“I love animals and I love horses and they have horses,” she added, admitting that Lucy was her favourite if she had to pick.
While the goal is to provide a fun-filled week for all the campers, Boyle says he hopes that their time on the farm will last much longer then just the summer.
“I hope we build agriculture,” he said.
“That’s what I would like to see, so I’d like to see some of these kids catch the bug and want to either move into cattle in the future or row crops or horses, but I think agriculture is what we’re trying to push on these children.”
Eight-year-old Vayda Landry is already looking ahead to her future.
“I love farms and I really want to own one when I’m older,” she said.
She says she hopes to own cows, dogs, cats, sheep and goats after spending the week at farm camp.
“One of my favourite cows is there. His name is Norman and I loved seeing him last year because he was really cute and nice,” she said.
However, Landry isn’t the only camper who has been influenced by the camp.
“It’s made me want to live more in the country when I’m older,” said Hines.
“I just really enjoy animals and if I’m older if I have a farm, I’d want to a summer camp like this because it’s fun to see kids enjoying it too.”
Boyle says he can see a noticeable difference in each camper from the start of the week until the end and the reaction from families has been extremely positive.
He says that he also gives away camp spots for kids through pay-it-forward and other platforms to try and ensure that every child gets a chance to experience what a farm has to offer.
“Having kids around is the highlight of our whole year so we’ll never stop doing it,” he said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/ODj4MIs
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redvanillabee · 1 year
15 Questions!
Thank you @kookaburrito for the tag! Love you <3
Are you named after anyone? Not really, no. That's not something we typically do.
When was the last time you cried? ...I don't know
Do you have kids? No
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only when I'm upset or annoyed with people
What's the first thing you notice about people? I guess their clothes? Not in a judgey way; my eyesight isn't the best, so it's easier for me to see what they are wearing
What's your eye color? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I can't do scary movies.
Any special talents? I have a good memory?
Where were you born? Hong Kong
What are your hobbies? Writing, listening to podcasts, and I guess I'm actually interested in working out now?
Do you have any pets? Had some family pets when I was a kid, but not now
What sports do you play/have you played? I played dodgeball and squash for a short while in university. Now I mainly cycle or...play Ring Fit Adventure
How tall are you? 164 cm
Favorite subject in school? English Lit, biology, history
Dream job? I don't know if I have one anymore. I'm in education now; is it the best job? Not really, but I really enjoy what I do. So I guess if I have to pick one, I am doing my dream job.
Tagging: @likea-black-widow-baby @3friesshortofahappymeal @dnptheinfinity @hecckyeah @historymaiden :)
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sulan1809 · 2 years
Kunio-kun - O Mestre da Porrada
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Kunio-kun é uma franchise muito popular de games no Japão, que surgiu pelas mãos da Technōs Japan. A série é popularmente conhecida pelo nome de Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (熱血硬派くにおくん), com o nome Nekketsu fazendo alusão ao lugar onde Kunio cursa o ensino médio. O sufixo “kun”, usado após o nome do protagonista, é um título honorífico informal japonês, geralmente aplicado aos jovens do sexo masculino. A franquia começou no arcade antes de aparecer no console de 8 bits da Nintendo, o Famicom, intitulado NES em solo americano. Mais tarde, Kunio se tornou o principal mascote da Technōs Japan, aparecendo no logotipo da empresa em vários jogos e comerciais de televisão.
Alguns dos primeiros títulos da série Kunio-kun foram localizados para o Ocidente, tais como Renegade, River City Ransom, Super Dodge Ball, Crash ‘n’ The Boys: Street Challenge, e Nintendo World Cup(uma adaptação ocidental de Nekketsu High School Dodgeball: Soccer Story). A vasta maioria dos games da série Kunio-kun permaneceu restrita ao território japonês, e Super Dodge Ball,  conhecido no Japão como Kunio no Nekketsu Tōkyū Densetsu(くにおの熱血闘球伝説), foi o último game desenvolvido pela Technōs Japan, especificamente para o hardware Neo Geo MVS da SNK, antes da empresa declarar falência. Desde 2015, a Arc System Works detém os direitos sobre as propriedades intelectuais da extinta Technōs Japan, sendo Double Dragon e Kunio-kun dois exemplos.
O primeiro título da série, Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun(1986), internacionalizado como Renegade, foi criado por Yoshihisa Kishimoto. Ele lançou um game semi-autobiográfico, baseado nos tempos em que ele cursava o ensino médio, com o protagonista, Kunio, vagamente inspirado nele mesmo. Kishimoto (não confundir com o autor original de NARUTO, Masashi Kishimoto) relembrou as experiências dele nos tempos de ensino médio, se metendo em brigas diariamente, o que foi parcialmente desencadeado por um rompimento com uma garota que o largou. Kishimoto também era fã dos filmes de artes marciais de Bruce Lee em Hong Kong, especialmente Enter the Dragon(1973), último filme do cineasta sino-americano antes da morte dele em 1973. Kishimoto criou elementos do filme Enter the Dragon com os das experiências da juventude dele para criar a temática de Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun. Ele desenvolveu Double Dragon(1987), que foi originalmente concebido como uma sequência direta de Renegade, antes de se tornar um novo game com um elenco, temática e cenário diferentes. O título do game e o protagonista principal, Kunio (renomeado como "Alex" e "Crash Cooney" nos Estados Unidos), foram nomeados em homenagem ao ex-presidente da Technōs Japan, Kunio Taki.
Games produzidos pela Technōs Japan
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Arcade)
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Famicom/NES)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu (Arcade)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (Famicom/NES, PC Engine)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: PC Bangai Hen (PC Engine)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: Soccer Hen (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Kōshinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundōkai (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantō Hen (Game Boy)
Nekketsu Kōkō Soccer Bu: World Cup Hen (Game Boy)
Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zen'in Shūgō! (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: Kyōteki! Dodge Senshi no Maki​ (Game Boy)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: CD Soccer Hen (PC Engine)
Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu: Subette Koronde Dairantō (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: PC Soccer Hen (PC Engine)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Kōshinkyoku: Dokodemo Daiundōkai (Game Boy)
Shodai Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Super Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: MD Soccer Hen (Sega Mega Drive)
Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu (Famicom)
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League (Famicom)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku: Dokodemo Kin Medal (Game Boy)
Kunio-kun no Dodgeball da yo Zen'in Shūgō (Super Famicom)
Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes (Famicom)
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Yakyū de Shōbu da! Kunio-kun (Super Famicom)
Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zen'in Shūgō! (Game Boy)
Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka (Super Famicom)
Kunio no Oden (Super Famicom)
Nekketsu! Beach Volley dayo: Kunio-kun (Game Boy)
Super Dodge Ball (Neo Geo)
Million Co., Ltd.(Publisher: Atlus).
Estes quatro games foram lançados no Game Boy Advance
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX
Kunio-kun Nekketsu Collection 1
Kunio-kun Nekketsu Collection 2
Kunio-kun Nekketsu Collection 3
Million Co., Ltd.(Publisher: Arc System Works)
Super Dodgeball Brawlers (Nintendo DS)
River City Super Sports Challenge (Nintendo DS)
River City Soccer Hooligans (Nintendo DS)
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun Special (Nintendo 3DS)
Riki Densetsu (Nintendo 3DS)
River City: Tokyo Rumble (Nintendo 3DS)
River City: Knights of Justice (Nintendo 3DS)
Arc System Works
River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Stars Special~ (Sony PS3, Steam)
Nekketsu Taisen Kunio-kun X (Mobile)
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Dodgeball ALLSTARS!! (Mobile)
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Street (Mobile)
Downtown Nekketsu Jidaigeki (Nintendo 3DS)
River City: Rival Showdown (Nintendo 3DS)
Kunio-kun Nekketsu Complete: Famicom Hen (Nintendo 3DS)
River City Melee: Battle Royal Special (PS4, Steam)
Kunio-kun: The World Classics Collection (Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One)
River City Melee Mach!! (Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC)
Stay Cool, Kobayashi-san!: A River City Ransom Story (Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Kunio-kun no Sangokushida yo Zen'in Shūgō!
Mas afinal, quem é Kunio-kun?!
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Kunio(くにお) é o protagonista da franquia que leva o nome dele. Kunio serve como o grande guardião da Nekketsu High School na luta contra escolas rivais, e é o capitão da equipe Nekketsu Dodge Ball. Embora seja interpretado como um delinquente juvenil que gosta de brigar, Kunio tem um coração de ouro e sempre se arrisca pelos companheiros dele. A única fraqueza aparente de Kunio são as mulheres... O melhor amigo e rival de Kunio é Riki(りき), o banchō da Hanazono High School. Depois de unir forças no centro de Nekketsu Monogatari, os dois sempre são vistos trabalhando juntos como aliados contra uma ameaça comum, mas continuam a rivalidade entre ambos em várias competições esportivas.
River City Girls - Agora é a vez das garotas chutarem traseiros
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Em 2019, a Arc System Works trouxe um spin-off diferente para a série Kunio-kun. River City Girls é um game de beat ’em up com gráficos modernos que apresenta as protagonistas Misako(a morena) e Kyoko(a de cabelos laranja), que partem em uma missão alucinante para resgatar Kunio e Riki, que foram supostamente sequestrados por uma poderosa organização criminosa. River City Girls é a primeira colaboração entre a Arc System Works e a WayForward, e a segunda vez que a WayForward trabalha em uma propriedade intelectual que anteriormente pertencia à Technōs Japan Corp, tendo trabalhado anteriormente em Double Dragon Neon. River City Girls estava em desenvolvimento há quase três anos. Um diretor da WayForward apresentou Tierney a um game do SNES, Shin Nekketsu Kōha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, durante o desenvolvimento e ele imediatamente demonstrou interesse por Kyōko e Misako, as duas personagens femininas jogáveis em River City Girls. A WayForward queria que essas duas personagens assumissem o papel principal, pois eles já criaram jogos com fortes protagonistas femininas. 
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kaileryamamoto · 4 years
Rules: Answer twenty questions and then tag twenty bloggers you want to get to know better
Tagged by @namackinnon my fellow ehlers supporter thanks for getting me an excuse to take a break from math
Name: charmaine
Nickname: char (please just call me this bc charmaine is only used for when people are done with my shit)
Zodiac Sign: gemini
Height: 5′2.5 (that .5 is really important)
Languages: cantonese, english, mandarin, a bit of german
Nationally: hong kong/canadian (dual citizenship come through beep beep)
Favorite Season: spring
Favorite Flower: not a big flower person
Favorite Scent: vanilla? i guess?
Favorite Color: blue
Favorite Animal: some kind of fucking fish i guess idk. i love aquariums. CLOWNFISH under the sea.
Favorite Fictional Characters: ehhhhh everyone from b99′s cool i don’t really have any
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: all
Average Hours Sleep: depends lol bad day 6 good day 9
Dog or Cat Person: cat
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 1 comforter
Dream Trip: winnipeg (haha)/yellowknife/germany
Blog Established: this blog? november 23 2019 was my first post i believe
Follower Count: 208
Random Fact: i got a concussion from getting hit by a dodgeball in october last year
i’m just gonna tag @markpysyk @rustytanev @wheelerblake @jtmillers @big-horsejy @kotkaniemi lol uhh please ignore this if you desire to thank you
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larriefails · 5 years
28 is not a Larry number - a masterpost
Since @theystudyrainbows has decided to put all the Larrie delusions on this number in one handy masterpost, why not debunk it all in one go?
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Even the introduction is a mess. The 28 is not “a One Direction fandom mystery” at all. It’s Louis’ jersey number that he was assigned at Doncaster Rovers and that he has since then adopted. But then again, Liam’s kidney and the Belfast canceled concert are not mysteries either
How decent of you to say that some of these are coincidences, considering literally all of the following is bullshit
The fact that “too many people to name” contributed to write this drivel makes my heart ache
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Harry has no connection to the number 28 whatsoever
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The problem with you attempting numerology is that there are only 9 possible digits (as the addition of two numbers can never be zero). So, you clown yourselves because it leads to this
Eleanor was born on July 16th 1992:
7+1+6+1+9+9+2 = 35
3+5 = 8
Oh no!
But also, Zayn was born on January 13th 1992:
1+1+3+1+9+9+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
(: Ya see how that’s just not good?
Not only that, but also, as I said, Harry has no connection to the number 28, but for shits and giggles
Kendall Jenner was born on November 3rd 1995:
1+1+3+1+9+9+5 = 29
2+9 = 11
1+1 = 2
So.. basically this is worthless information that you pulled out of your ass. Or I could easily claim that 28 is an Elounor or a Hendall number
You also use this method to count Harry and Louis’ X Factor numbers, but as we’ve established, there are only 9 options, the odds are stacked for this coincidence
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How is that 28? That’s 82.. A completely different number. In the UK the date is written day/month/year. So the “same gig” was the 8th day of the 2nd month. 82. It’s very funny that, since you’re Italian and live in the UK (both countries that use the day/month/year system) you’ve written every date so far that way, but now that you want to say this other random date is connected to 28, you switched to month/day/year.
Also, where is the year in this equation? We’ve been using the entire date so far, but now we’re only focusing on the day and month? (and switching order?) That seems very convenient. Almost like, if you try hard enough, any date can add up to 28 in some way?
November 17th 2011, Louis and Eleanor’s anniversary: 11+17=28! Oh no! DRATS! It’s still an Elounor number!
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And now we’re just ignoring the month and only focusing on the day. And not only that, but ignoring half the time they were there (the 27th) to only focus on the 28th. That is, once again, very convenient
But continuing with your own ridiculous logic. We know that Louis and Eleanor went to V Fest together in 2011, because Eleanor said so on twitter when Sugarscape wondered if the “brown haired girl” holding hands with Louis at V Fest was her
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V Fest was on August 20th and 21st 2011. What do you know? 20+8 = 28! Damn... this is getting suspicious. Louis!!! Did you get the 28 for Eleanor? :)
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This is a whole ass facepalm. I’m going to link the video here just so it’s verifiable how unhinged y’all are
He literally turns for 1 millisecond, and is looking in the general area of his right because that’s where everyone else in the band is standing. The fact that y’all still do this shit is so embarrassing for your life and your soul
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But why don’t you tell the truth? That y’all decided their anniversary was the 28th and then created this completely impossible to prove “receipt”? How is it proof of anything if it came AFTER y’all had decided the 28 was their anniversary? Your circular logic knows no bounds
Harry has not used the 28 number AT ALL. Louis hasn’t used the 28 as his jersey number “often,” he started using it in 2013 when it was assigned to him by the Doncaster Rovers when he was signed as a semi professional player
This is from goal.com, one of the most important sources of soccer information in the world X
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The article is from September 2013 and John Ryan, the chairman of the Rovers, explains that 28 was HIS number, that HE used for a match. Soccer players have assigned numbers throughout the season, and the number 28 had been retired from the line up after John Ryan used it in 2003. He decided to bring it back to give it to Louis. And Louis was signed as a soccer player professionally with that number. That’s why it’s important to him, you bag of nonsense. This was his life long dream in the club he loved. He probably spent hours and hours daydreaming about being signed professionally to play soccer and when he finally accomplished that, it was with the number 28, so of course it’s gonna be important to him!
Find ONE INSTANCE of Louis using the number 28 before the summer of 2013. ONE. You won’t! The tattoo came after that, him wearing it on his jerseys came after that. According to Larrie Lore Harry and Louis started dating in 2011 (apparently September 28th 2011, go figure), but for two full years neither of them did anything related to the number 28 whatsoever!
Why didn’t Louis wear the 28 in his first charity match in 2012?
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The fact that he wore 17, which is his and Eleanor’s anniversary. LMAO can you say ouch? Furthermore, Louis didn’t CHOOSE the 28, it was ASSIGNED to him because it was the symbolic number the chairman had used back in 2003. It was a retired number that no player had used for 10 years, and they decided to give it to him as a gesture. Man, that would be a HUGE coincidence if out of 40 something available numbers in a soccer line up, Louis had wanted exactly the one that was retired and meant a whole lot for the chairman, instead of the chairman offering it to Louis, like LOGIC says. Another HUGE coincidence that he had not bothered with the 28 at all up until that point and then started having it everywhere. But I thought Larries hated those?
After this you list all the times Louis has used the 28, which there are a lot, but all come after 2013, I don’t want to add more pointless screenshots here. Doncaster Rovers jersey (from 2013 on), dodgeball jersey (2015), in ears (2015), tattoo (2015), BTY music video (2017), LTHQ’s first IG username (2017), his playlist (2018/2019)
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How is that... 28? That’s 90028. And this isn’t a date, where you can just pick the number apart as you wish. This is a zip code for a secret show the Rolling Stones played in LA in 2015
Not only that, but Harry (and this is hilariously tragic for you) was ACTUALLY AT THE GIG! THAT’S WHY HE POSTED THE PHOTO!
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Posting the screenshot with the date so you can see. May 21st 2015. Article by the LA Times X
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This is Harry at the actual gig with Mick Jagger you absolute MORON X
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And this is Harry wearing a Rolling Stones shirt the day after the gig because he’s that much of a fanboy
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Why is “professional” in scare quotes?? I can’t believe that you just added 1+2+3+4+5+6+7. Oh my god. I can’t believe I have to say this but *whispers* those are consecutive numbers. They just used consecutive numbers... And why would Harry’s HQ account managed by the team that’s “oppressing them” use a secret code with their beloved 28? How does that make ANY sense?
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The article is wrong. He wore TWENTY-SEVEN Gucci suits. I can’t believe that’s a sentence I just typed, but alas
1- Basel, 2- Copenhagen, 3- Hamburg, 4- Milan, 5- Bologna, 6- London I, 7- Hong Kong, 8- Bangkok, 9- Rio de Janeiro, 10- Mexico City I and II (same suit), 11- Houston, 12- Fort Lauderdale 13- Nashville, 14- Hershey, 15- Philadelphia, 16- Toronto, 17- MSG I, 18- DC, 19- Detroit, 20- Indianapolis, 21- Chicago, 22-St. Paul, 23- Denver, 24- Seattle, 25- San Jose, 26- LA I, 27- LA II
In 60 concerts, he also wore Charles Jeffrey 4 times, Saint Laurent 3 times, Palomo Spain 2 times, a custom kilt, Harris Reed 5 times, Clavin Klein 6 times, Alexander McQueen 7 times, Givenchy 4 times. Just so you don’t think I’m purposefully missing out on a suit to make it 27. The article probably counted Mexico’s suit twice. But it’s not 28 suits, it’s 27. The Mexico suit was the same both nights
I would love to know how this would be relevant to Larry or how this would mean the number 28 is important to Harry. Does he have OCD? I don’t get it
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Here we have another round of “I will MAKE IT FIT 28 IF IT KILLS ME!”
Let’s see the different tactics that you used
Adding day and month
Taking only the day
Adding day month and year. Except you left out the 2 in 2017. Because otherwise it wouldn't add up. I can’t deal with thisodnadmsla
Harry performed track 2, meaning, his lead single that he was still promoting, Sign of the Times, and 8 Ever since NEW YORK because... he was performing in... New York...
Only the day. Wow, you actually repeated tactics once!
Adding two completely different dates together, that have absolutely no correlation. How are Sweet Creature, Harry’s promo single, and the music video for a different single, related in any way? What? Why not Kiwi’s music video? Why not Two Ghosts music video? Why not the release of either of those singles to radio? Can you make it any more obvious that you’re just pulling this completely out of your ass?
You repeat tactics again, except it’s the most ridiculous tactic of adding all the numbers in the date except the 2 of the year and it’s for “Harry posted link to Twitter to Sign of the Times music video PREVIEW.” Oh my god
And now you’re counting days between two dates, because that’s not unhinged. I’m guessing you mean the April 14th not 24th, but that also wasn’t the date? It was the 13th? It depends on the time zone you were in?
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For someone who, according to you, plans with such precise care to match to 28, he didn’t wait until it would be 28 days for everyone. It’s not even because it was tweeted at midnight UK since this is like 3/4 AM UK time. In fact, it wasn’t midnight anywhere relevant (or anywhere, in general since it was at .54 minutes). So not only is this ridiculous, it’s also incorrect
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1. That’s not a fan, that’s his cousin, but Larries know barely anything about Harry if it can’t involve Larry so I’m not surprised you don’t know
2. Imagine him asking “please, make the password add to 28“ to his staff. I have tears in my eyes picturing it
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That’s his Hamburg concert, which you can tell because of his suit, which was on MARCH 25TH 2018 (he posted the pictures the day after)
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AKA 250332018 which is what the password says
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You not only confused an 8 with a 9, but also created numbers out of thin air because of a pixel smudge and failed to realize it was the FUCKING DATE. WHICH DOESN’T EVEN ADD TO 28! 2+5+3+2+1+8= 21
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This is perhaps the most ridiculous thing written in this post, which is already one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read. Can you imagine Harry counting to 28 in his head in the middle of the concert? I can’t y’all, this is too much. You’re A GROWN WOMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING? I also found it incredibly suspicious that you didn’t outright link the video which you do throughout the post, and turns out it is because he didn’t pause for 28 seconds (what is this fucking sentence?)
He stops playing and singing at 2.40. Then speaks until 2.43. Then the “pause” which is just him trying to get the audience to stop screaming until 3.07 when he says (I can’t really make it out) “now you” or something like that. And then he says “for your eyes...” and lets the audience sing at 3.09. Literally none of these timestamps add to 28 and he had no way of counting to 28 since he was silencing people the entire time. And just like when he switched “I have love you since we were 18″ to “I have loved you since I was 16″ hitting his own chest, or when he said he fell in love to What Makes You Beautiful, you missed the entire point of this bit, which is Harry’s LOVE FOR HIS FANS
He has loved us since he was 16, he fell in love to us to What Makes you Beautiful, and he was letting us sing that part of the song every concert. He “paused” to shush the nonsensical screams, then he would give the audience the cue and let them sing. Several times he dedicated the song to specific fans in the audience, people with cancer, little kids, a fan that had neck surgery. By making it about Larry, you stripped it from its actual meaning and Harry’s love for his fans. But you always do shit like that
Regardless, he didn’t pause for 28 seconds. Wrong
And you end the post with the most anticlimactic possible tone
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Here’s the video
Harry is talking about anniversaries because he’s reading a sign from the audience... about.. anniversaries
Y’all are the definition of clowns. All that fuss for the 28 and THIS is your proof?
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Game Giveaway, COVID-19 Edition
Hey, everyone! If you’re stuck at home with nothing to do, I’m here to help! The usual rules apply: first come, first served, be nice to each other, don’t be greedy.  You'll need to do your own research on the games to make sure your computer is capable of running them. I'm not giving any recommendations because I don't know anything about the vast majority of them, and I don't want to point out the "good ones" so they get snatched up quickly. I will update the list as games are claimed, so every title on the list should still be available, but I'm only human, so I apologize in advance if you request something that's already been taken. Multiple titles on the list mean I have multiple keys for that game. Send me a message with the title you’d like and I’ll send you the key!
1 Screen Platformer
11-11 Memories Retold
A Glider’s Journey
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Action Henk
Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX
The Adventure Pals
The Adventure Pals
Almost There: The Platformer
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal
Ancient Planet
Animal Super Squad
Anna’s Quest
Anomaly 2
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly Korea
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
ARMA Gold Edition
Artemis: God-Queen of the Hunt
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Assault Android Cactus
Auto Age: Standoff
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Back to Bed
Battle Riders
Battlevoid: Harbinger
Bit Blaster XL
Black the Fall
Black Mesa
Black the Fall
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
Bleed 2
Bomb Defense
Border Force
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Bounty Train
Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics
Chime Sharp
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Colt Express
Company of Heroes
Crazy Machines 3
Crusader Kings 2: Dynasty Starter Pack
Cthulhu Realms
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Rising 2
Deadlight: Director’s Cut
Death Squared
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Defend Your Life: TD
Deponia Doomsday
Deponia Doomsday
Dimension Jump
Downtown Drift
Draw Your Game
Dreaming Sarah
Duck Game
The Dwarves
Emily Is Away Too
Endless Legend - Classic Edition
The Escapists - Alcatraz
The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
The Escapists - Escape Team
The Escapists - Fhurst Peak
Euro Truck Simulator 2
FaceRig Pro
The Fall
fault - milestone two side:above
fault milestone one
Fearless Fantasy
F.E.X. (Forced Evolution Experiment)
Fidel - Dungeon Rescue
Fight’N Rage
Filthy, Stinking, Orcs
Finding Paradise
Flat Heroes
Fluffy Horde
Forged Battalion
Framed Collection
FreeCell Quest
Frog Detective
Full Throttle Remastered
Galactic Civilizations III
The Gardens Between
Gloom: Digital Edition
God’s Trigger
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Guild of Dungeoneering
Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hacknet Labyrinths DLC
Hand of Fate 2
Hard Reset Redux
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Her Story
Hero Defense
Hexcells Complete Pack
Highway Blossoms
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
How to Survive 2
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 2
Immortal Redneck
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Infested Planet
Invisible Inc.
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Jump Stars
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Kentucky Route Zero
Kentucky Route Zero
Kero Blaster
Kingdom: New Lands
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Lara Croft GO
Laser League
Last Day of June
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
Lion Quest
Loot Rascals
Lost Castle
Love is Dead
Love Letter
Machinarium Collector’s Edition
Majesty 2 Collection
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Master Spy
Memory’s Dogma CODE:01
MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures
Mimic Arena
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minion Masters
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter 1
Monstercat Gold 1 Year
Moon Hunters
Motorsport Manager
Mr. Shifty
Mr. Shifty
Must Dash Amigos
Mysterium - Hidden Signs (expansion)
Mysterium - Secrets and Lies (expansion)
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project
NBA Playgrounds
Nemo Dungeon
Neon Chrome
Neon Drive
Nex Machina
Ninja Senki DX
No Time To Explain Remastered
Offensive Combat: Redux!
Old Man’s Journey
On Rusty Trails
Outlast 2
Override: Mech City Brawl
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2
Painters Guild
Paper Fire Rookie
The Park
Partial Control
Passpartout: The Starving Artist
Pirate Pop Plus
Planet Alpha
Pony Island
Pool Panic
Potatoman Seeks The Troof
Pretzel Rocks Premium (1 year)
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project CARS
Project CARS 2
Prototype 2
Pumped BMX+
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Q.U.B.E.: Director’s Cut
Q.U.B.E. 2
Quest of Dungeons
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
The Red Solstice
Regular Human Basketball
Regular Human Basketball
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil Revelations
Restream (1 year)
Rising Dust
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (includes 2 DLCs)
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Road Redemption
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder
Rogue Rocks
Running with Rifles
Rusty Lake Hotel
Samorost 3
Sanctum 2
Satellite Reign
Scanner Sombre
Scanner Sombre
Scanner Sombre
Scrap Garden
Scythe: Digital Edition
Seasons After Fall
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Seven: The Days Long Gone
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Snake Pass
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite V2
Songs of Skydale
Sonic Mania
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Axiom
Space Run Galaxy
The Spiral Scouts
The Stanley Parable
State of Mind
Steamworld Heist
Steamworld Heist
The Stillness of the Wind
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Sudden Strike 4
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain’s Edition
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
The Surge
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Tales of Berseria
Team Racing League
Think of the Children
Thomas Was Alone
Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Deceit
Ticket to Ride: First Journey
Tiny Echo
Tom Clancy’s The Division + Survival (uPlay)
Tormentor X Punisher
Tower of Guns
Tower Unite
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Train Valley
Tricky Towers
Tricky Towers
The Turing Test
Twilight Struggle
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Victor Vran
Void Bastards
Wargame: Red Dragon
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Wasted Pizza
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut - Standard Edition
We Were Here Too
The Window Box
Witch It
Wizard of Legend
World to the West
Wurm Unlimited
XSplit Premium (1 year)
Yoku’s Island Express
Yume Nikki
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition
Zombie Army Trilogy
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thisguyatthemovies · 6 years
ROGO (Read one, get one)
On the surface, the Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson summer blockbuster vehicle “Skyscraper” and indie dramedy/musical “Hearts Beat Loud” don’t seem to have anything in common.
Dig deeper, and you’ll find nothing.
But dig deeper still, and you’ll discover a common thread: These are films about fathers trying to keep the family unit together. In “Skyscraper,” Johnson, possessing inexplicable superhuman powers, must save his ridiculously perfect nuclear family (himself, his beautiful/smart/badass wife and, of course, a son and daughter) from an insanely tall burning building. In “Hearts Beat Loud,” Nick Offerman, a widower pushing 50 who won’t let go of his rock star dreams, tries to convince his teen daughter to not go, at least for a while, to medical school on the other side of the country while also dealing with an aging mother who needs full-time care.
Johnson (and do I really need to say “spoiler alert” here?) succeeds, while Offerman wins in his own way, learning to let go in a happy ending sort of way.
Let’s save the best for last.
Hand it to The Rock. People like him. He has “it,” meaning charisma on top of charisma. He is big enough and strong enough to kick ass, but in a nice way, one that makes it safe to take kids to his movies. He is the lead in seemingly every other movie released, and though many of them are not good movies, few place the blame on the star himself.
And that’s the case with “Skyscraper.” Johnson does what he can, and then does what no other human could possibly do, but it matters little in a movie that mixes “Die Hard” and “The Towering Inferno” and then disposes of the good parts of those films.
Johnson plays Will Ford, a military veteran working as an FBI hostage rescue team leader until he loses a leg in an explosion. After recovering, he starts a security business, and he wants to take that business straight to the top – literally. Johnson gets the contract to protect “The Pearl,” 225 stories of futuristic skyscraper in Hong Kong, not realizing he is being set up.
The setup part and most everything else to do with the “plot” aren’t the point. Eventually a McGuffin is revealed, but one could argue the whole story is a McGuffin. Cutting to the chase, the skyscraper is set on fire by the bad guys, and Will Ford’s family just happens to be trapped almost 100 floors up.
That’s when The Rock springs into action. Keeping in mind this is a man with a prosthetic leg, he climbs an adjacent tower to get above the fire line (the 96th floor) in the building, the construction of which conveniently has not been finished (because of the bad guys), which is good news for our hero, because it means he has access to such vital tools as ledges, steel beams and a crane.
Ford utilizes them all, and a lot of duct tape and that prosthetic leg to get into the building, defeat the bad guys (with the help of his wife, played by Neve Campbell, who thankfully apparently always carries a pair of scissors in her pockets) and rescue his family. If you doubted the outcome, you probably thought the Washington Generals were going to beat the Harlem Globetrotters.
That the hero can jump great distances, cling to the side of a skyscraper and somehow escape from inside a giant spinning turbine is ridiculous, of course. But so, too, is most everything about “Skyscraper.” Rawson Marshall Thurber, who got his start with “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story,” wrote and directed, and one would hope that he did so with tongue in cheek or that maybe this was a cheesy homage to action/disaster movies of decades ago. But this film takes itself so seriously (where are the snappy one-liner catchphrases these things usually include?) that any fun or humor seem inadvertent.
The sound of music
Like “Skyscraper,” “Hearts Beat Loud” doesn’t aspire to be great art. But it is infinitely more enjoyable and believable, even if you find it a stretch that Offerman (Ron Swanson from “Parks and Recreation”) could have a hit indie pop song.
Offerman plays Frank Fisher, an aging musician who once made a record but now reluctantly continues to operate a record store in the Red Hook portion of Brooklyn. His daughter Sam (Kiersey Clemons) has dreams of her own, but they involve going to UCLA to study medicine. Sam studies hard despite her father’s best efforts. He insists they have jam sessions, with him on guitar and bass and Sam singing and playing keyboards and operating samplers. Frank recognizes Sam has a gift. Her mother, who was killed a decade earlier in a bicycling accident, had been in a band with Frank. And his mother (Blythe Danner) also had been a singer in her younger days.
The father/daughter jam sessions produce a song, and Frank puts it on Spotify (under the band name We’re Not a Band), where it quickly lands a place on an indie pop playlist. This convinces Frank that his future is in music, and his daughter’s future should be, too. Therein lies the drama part of this dramedy (though the film doesn’t have a lot of laugh-out-loud moments): Sam yearns to be her own young woman while Frank tries to keep her in Brooklyn so they can record more songs and play live gigs, for at least one more year.
The joy in “Hearts Beat Loud” comes mostly from the chemistry between Offerman and Clemons; watching as Sam and Frank switch roles, with her playing the practical adult; and the nearly ever-present music, composed by Keegan DeWitt, which is pleasant like indie pop should be but, like the movie itself, doesn’t offer much along the lines of real substance. The musical climax is a presumably one-off gig on the record store’s final day.
Clemons does her own vocals, and one gets the feeling she could be a real-life pop star if this movie thing doesn’t work out. As Sam, she keeps the door open to a singing career. She goes off to UCLA (while her father takes a job at a friend’s bar and stuffs tips into a jar labeled “Sam’s College Fund”), but she also starts playing small solo gigs in her spare time.
The film benefits from strong supporting roles, including Danner, who gets the movie’s most sentimental scene; Ted Danson as the bar owner who had to give up on his own performing arts dreams; Sasha Lane as Rose, Sam’s girlfriend; and the always great Toni Collette as Frank’s landlady and sort-of romantic interest.
“Hearts Beat Loud” tugs at the hearts strings, but ever so gently and briefly. The dialogue is nice but not particularly deep or clever. This isn’t the type of film that you’ll be discussing with friends for days.
But you will have had a pleasant enough time. And here’s guessing you will have tapped your toes a time or two. 
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iammarieli · 3 years
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💓July Photo Dump💓 1- first outing after qaurantine w/@easontang0305 and waited 45mins for an afternoon tea 2- stand up paddle board where my arms are very tired and @li.thomas.378 dragged me to the shore (📸+coach @jacky.sup ) 3- a day to Discovery Bay w/@easontang0305 and it was roasting 4- trying out AR dodgeball for the first time and it's great fun even when you're k.o many times 5- cute pic w/@kit_chan_429 after having dinner (mwah) 6- trying on the @ayase_yoasobi × @uniqlo_hk_macau collection tee cause it's so pretty (but I got the other one) 7- staycation w/@sharon_lohsy @lm_lhn_02 @_janice.wong_ @samantha_tfboys to celebrate bdays 8- went and have tea w/@sammiii_withani and realised how expensive the thing I was playing cost...but it's pretty! 9- learning how to fly a drone and hopefully will get a good grade lol 10- finally got my second dose of Biontech vaccination and couldn't move my arm afterwards yay (at Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSJT9bqh-kH/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
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You Win Some, You Close Some
By Nate Kreiter
(Editors Note: While in the crowd at the 2015 WDBF World Championships in Las Vegas I saw two of the greatest closeouts I’d ever witnessed. As all of us sometimes find ourselves outnumbered in closing situations I asked Nate if he would write a rundown of those games while sharing his in-game thought process, and I really appreciate him for obliging. When that last game finished with a kill followed by a double catch (a 5 point body count swing in 3 seconds for anyone keeping track) that gymnasium was absolutely electrified and I am excited to relive those moments both through written word and the accompanying video. A huge thank you to Dodgeball Ottawa both for filming and for allowing us to share their footage. I hope you enjoy this entry and that you will reach out to submit your own articles/videos to The Neutral Zone as this is a space by dodgeballers for dodgeballers. - DT)
I'm a confident player, that's never been something I've ever tried to shy away from. I believe the mental aspect of the game is as important, if not more so, than the physical aspect of it. No matter the odds we're facing, if I'm ever needed to close a game for my team I feel like I have the edge over any opponent I’m matched up with. If you ask any of the top players in the game, and more specifically the top closers, they'll tell you the same thing and if they don't they probably aren't one of the best.
I'm going to tell you about the best close in my career, well 2 of them, but they were during the same match and just a few minutes apart.
It was the 2015 WDBF World Championships in Las Vegas. USA was a strong team but we were about to go up against the two-time defending World Champions in team Canada. The previous year in Hong Kong they had beaten up the 2014 USA team pretty badly in the championship match. In 2015 we had a retooled roster and by most estimates a stronger USA team but Canada had also strengthened their squad. We faced off in the last round robin match of the first day in what many people believed to be a preview of the championship match.
The first two games were extremely competitive and we split the wins 1 each. The third game started and it seemed like just when I began to settle into the rhythm of the game...I looked around and found myself all alone out there with all 6 members of the Canadian team still in the game and bearing down on me.
Watching the play back weeks later I saw how it went wrong for USA in that game so quickly. A quick hit off the rush, followed by Canada grabbing a ricochet catch off of our counter throw, a nice face shot, a second ricochet catch off of a backline counter, and then a multi throw to take out my last remaining teammate...and all in the matter of seconds.
I had a choice to make right then and there. Do I take a risk and attempt a catch to bring in some help and hopefully make it 2 versus 5 or do I sit back and protect myself with a blocking ball and trust in my arm to make this happen?
The main issue with the 2nd option is that these are timed matches and if I waste 5 to 7 minutes and then lose the game anyway, I'm putting my team at a significant disadvantage as we’d need to win more games within a smaller window of time.
It wasn’t an easy choice to make so I’ll break down my thought process:
I looked around and saw that I had a majority of the balls and one of their guys was up front at the line in a risky position so I figured I'd try to get him out and then reassess the situation from there. I took a shot and missed but he didn't back up at all and ended up on his knees so I took a second shot and managed to brush his back as he attempted a throw from the ground. Ok, now we have a 1v5.
I could see they were very confident in their numbers and talent on the floor, as they should have been, so I made sure to remain calm. You can sometimes dictate an opponents offense by posturing, pump faking, and keeping them on their toes by throwing at them when you have multiple balls, so using those tools I started looking to try to force them into solo throws to make it easier for me to survive or even potentially make a catch.
After a couple of solo shots are traded back and forth I make a throw on their back corner that fortunately was accurate enough to hit his front foot. I took the shot at the foot because it was a low risk high reward throw. He had a ball in his hand so going low avoids a ricochet or a drop catch. Worst case I miss low and fall back. And I was free to take that shot without repercussion from the other corner because he wasn’t in an attack position so I knew he wasn’t coming at me.
Now we have a 1v4 and the game seems a lot more manageable. My back was definitely still against the wall but now I've hit two of their players while they’ve been unable to take me out yet. My confidence was slowly rising while theirs seemed to be wavering ever so slightly. They were doing a great job of holding the line and keeping me back on my heels but I've been there for a while now and so I’ve grown strangely comfortable with it.
They do a great job of trying to make me pay for throwing up at the line by spreading out and charging me from the weak side after I make a throw. I made a choice to dodge low and fortunately for me they threw high. I did my best to force them into a couple more solo throws.
Being patient and trying to dictate the other teams tempo is so important. If you get antsy and make even one little mistake because you rushed, the game ends and all that work you put in is for nothing. You want them to make the mistake and then make them pay for it.
They spaced out across the floor in order to put a multi throw on me but I got off a quick counter and managed to hit the left side player on the foot while avoiding the right side salvo.
It’s 1v3 now and at this point I’m beginning to feel like the game is mine.
A solo thrower attacks from the left side and is slow on the back peddle as I look to counter, very likely attempting to bait a catch from me, but I tried to place the throw a bit outside of his body and he was unable to pull in the catch.
When you are facing an exceptional catcher you know they are looking for the catch, so you want to try to get them to commit to making a difficult play by putting the ball close enough to be tempting but outside enough to make it hard on them. Fortunately he was unable to make the play that time.
Now it’s down to 1v2 and they’re really locked in on working together and are putting together some great multi throws forcing me to block and dodge simultaneously.
I throw a quick counter during a multi throw and the left corner blocks my throw into his foot as I turn and manage block the right corners throw.
Now it was 1v1 and I knew no matter who I was up against right then it was my game. Momentum plays an enormous role in every sport and Dodgeball is no different. The energy of the crowd and the teams had really shifted and I could feel that energy push from them and knew there was no way we were going to lose this game now.
After a few back and forth throws I charged the line and his foot went over the back line on the retreat and the game was ours.
Four games later and I’m facing a 1v5 all over again. Team Canada had once again made some great plays to put us in a difficult situation and it felt like deja-vu. It wasn’t at all a surprise that they played so well together. They were the defending champs, they played calm and smart and they had all around talent top to bottom on that team. They were always a rough matchup for anyone and even though I was always felt confidence in our team versus theirs it was never a surprise if they beat us. However now I’d already faced down a 1v6 and the lingering momentum from that match helped me feel extra ready for the challenge at hand.
(9:13 and 9:27).
To save you from another long winded explanation I’ll just say I made a couple accurate throws to hit 2 of their players.
The game ended in a flurry as all 3 players charged the line but I hit the middle player in the leg with a quick counter in the midst of their charge and then caught the two remaining players moments apart. I’d love to say those two catches were on purpose but the truth is that throughout those two games that was the one moment that was unplanned for.
In sports luck is sometimes a factor. But what I’ve learned over the years about lucky plays and fortunate bounces is that the more prepared you are for every situation you could be faced with, the more likely you are to place yourself in the best position for those plays to work out in your favor, and fortunately for me and my team that play went in our favor.
A lot of closing is in your mentality. If you’re still in the game, it's never over. Whenever the odds are against you the other team is more likely to play loose because they think they’ve already won. Use that to you advantage!
No matter the odds you’re facing, who you’re playing against, or what’s on the line, stay calm, asses the situation, BE PATIENT...and close it.
-Nate is a 5 time UDC National Champion (Doom), 5 time Elite National Champion (Doom: 2 in Open, 1 in Coed 8.5, 1 in No Sting, and 1 in Pinch division), WDBF Silver and Gold medalist (USA), and when not playing dodgeball is a fashion designer and the creator of N8. Find his clothes at ShopN8.com
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internetloot · 7 years
(via Deadspin)
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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I posted 5 times in 2021
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I added 11 tags in 2021
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#kunio-kun - 1 posts
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Longest Tag: 8 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
Kunio-kun - O Mestre da Porrada
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Kunio-kun é uma franchise muito popular de games no Japão, que surgiu pelas mãos da Technōs Japan. A série é popularmente conhecida pelo nome de Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (熱血硬派くにおくん), com o nome Nekketsu fazendo alusão ao lugar onde Kunio cursa o ensino médio. O sufixo “kun”, usado após o nome do protagonista, é um título honorífico informal japonês, geralmente aplicado aos jovens do sexo masculino. A franquia começou no arcade antes de aparecer no console de 8 bits da Nintendo, o Famicom, intitulado NES em solo americano. Mais tarde, Kunio se tornou o principal mascote da Technōs Japan, aparecendo no logotipo da empresa em vários jogos e comerciais de televisão.
Alguns dos primeiros títulos da série Kunio-kun foram localizados para o Ocidente, tais como Renegade, River City Ransom, Super Dodge Ball, Crash ‘n’ The Boys: Street Challenge, e Nintendo World Cup(uma adaptação ocidental de Nekketsu High School Dodgeball: Soccer Story). A vasta maioria dos games da série Kunio-kun permaneceu restrita ao território japonês, e Super Dodge Ball,  conhecido no Japão como Kunio no Nekketsu Tōkyū Densetsu(くにおの熱血闘球伝説), foi o último game desenvolvido pela Technōs Japan, especificamente para o hardware Neo Geo MVS da SNK, antes da empresa declarar falência. Desde 2015, a Arc System Works detém os direitos sobre as propriedades intelectuais da extinta Technōs Japan, sendo Double Dragon e Kunio-kun dois exemplos.
O primeiro título da série, Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun(1986), internacionalizado como Renegade, foi criado por Yoshihisa Kishimoto. Ele lançou um game semi-autobiográfico, baseado nos tempos em que ele cursava o ensino médio, com o protagonista, Kunio, vagamente inspirado nele mesmo. Kishimoto (não confundir com o autor original de NARUTO, Masashi Kishimoto) relembrou as experiências dele nos tempos de ensino médio, se metendo em brigas diariamente, o que foi parcialmente desencadeado por um rompimento com uma garota que o largou. Kishimoto também era fã dos filmes de artes marciais de Bruce Lee em Hong Kong, especialmente Enter the Dragon(1973), último filme do cineasta sino-americano antes da morte dele em 1973. Kishimoto criou elementos do filme Enter the Dragon com os das experiências da juventude dele para criar a temática de Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun. Ele desenvolveu Double Dragon(1987), que foi originalmente concebido como uma sequência direta de Renegade, antes de se tornar um novo game com um elenco, temática e cenário diferentes. O título do game e o protagonista principal, Kunio (renomeado como "Alex" e "Crash Cooney" nos Estados Unidos), foram nomeados em homenagem ao ex-presidente da Technōs Japan, Kunio Taki.
Games produzidos pela Technōs Japan
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Arcade)
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Famicom/NES)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu (Arcade)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (Famicom/NES, PC Engine)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: PC Bangai Hen (PC Engine)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: Soccer Hen (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Kōshinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundōkai (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantō Hen (Game Boy)
Nekketsu Kōkō Soccer Bu: World Cup Hen (Game Boy)
Downtown Special: Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki da yo Zen'in Shūgō! (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: Kyōteki! Dodge Senshi no Maki​ (Game Boy)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: CD Soccer Hen (PC Engine)
Ike Ike! Nekketsu Hockey Bu: Subette Koronde Dairantō (Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: PC Soccer Hen (PC Engine)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! Harukanaru Kin Medal (Famicom/NES)
Downtown Nekketsu Kōshinkyoku: Dokodemo Daiundōkai (Game Boy)
Shodai Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun (Super Famicom)
Nekketsu Kōkō Dodgeball Bu: MD Soccer Hen (Sega Mega Drive)
Nekketsu Kakutō Densetsu (Famicom)
Kunio-kun no Nekketsu Soccer League (Famicom)
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shinkiroku: Dokodemo Kin Medal (Game Boy)
Kunio-kun no Dodgeball da yo Zen'in Shūgō (Super Famicom)
Nekketsu! Street Basket: Ganbare Dunk Heroes (Famicom)
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Yakyū de Shōbu da! Kunio-kun (Super Famicom)
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0 notes • Posted 2021-11-24 23:17:02 GMT
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Go Nagai - Um mito colossal por trás dos mechas japoneses
No que diz respeito ao universo dos mechas, o que te vem à cabeça?! O Megazord dos Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?! Daileon, o super-robô de Jaspion?! Bem isso não vem ao caso. Um certo mangaká japonês, Go Nagai, teve muito destaque por séries como os polêmicos Devilman e Violence Jack, com temas muito explícitos de NSFW(Not Safe For Work), mas as obras de maior impacto deste artista foram as criações dele no melhor estilo do gênero Mecha, como é o caso de Mazinger Z e Getter Robo. Em Mazinger Z, somos apresentados a um jovem chamado Koji Kabuto, que ao perder o avô dele para os capangas do Doutor Hell, depara-se com a maior criação do Dr. Kabuto, Mazinger Z. Em posse do poderoso Mazinger Z, Koji passa a defender a Terra das ameaças do megalômano Dr. Hell. Em Getter Robo, três adolescentes pilotam três tipos diferentes de máquinas voadoras que podem se transformar em três tipos de robôs, no melhor estilo Megazord, para lutar contra as forças do mal. Groizer “X”, também de autoria de Go Nagai, tornou-se muito popular no Brasil pelo nome de “O Pirata do Espaço”. 
0 notes • Posted 2021-09-02 11:16:29 GMT
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Akuma - O Supremo Mestre dos Punhos
No universo de Street Fighter, houve muitos vilões, tais como Gill(o detentor do infame “RESURRECTION”), Seth, Garuda(Street Fighter EX) M. Bison e até mesmo Sagat, que era o antagonista do primeiro Street Fighter, de 1987, e que ao ter o peito dele rasgado pelo Metsu Shoruken, executado por Ryu, decidiu treinar para ficar mais forte e se vingar do lutador japonês, mas ele se redimiu dos caminhos vilanescos, buscando um dia duelar com Ryu, mas de maneira honrada. Durante um certo tempo, M. Bison foi o principal vilão de Street Fighter, pelo menos até a Capcom lançar Super Street Fighter II Turbo, em 1994, que teve uma massiva recepção do público, principalmente por conta de um lutador muito poderoso, Akuma(悪魔), conhecido como Gouki(豪鬼) no Japão. Se por acaso o jogador conseguir derrotar todos os oponentes sem usar continues, obtendo uma alta pontuação, ou chegar à luta final em menos de 25 minutos, Akuma vai se revelar. Os jogadores também podiam jogar com Akuma a partir de um código secreto. Akuma é um lutador muito poderoso, que se auto-intitula como Supremo Mestre dos Punhos, e está sempre em busca dos lutadores mais poderosos, como por exemplo, Ryu. Akuma tem diversas técnicas de combate, como o Ashura Senkuu, um teleporte que ele usa para se desvencilhar dos oponentes, e dispõe de um golpe muito periculoso, o Shun Goku Satsu, em outras palavras, com essa técnica, ele agarra o oponente e executa uma sessão de golpes especiais em uma tela censurada preta ou branca, dizimando o adversário em segundos... O kanji Ten(天), que significa paraíso, é visto nas costas de Akuma depois que ele finaliza os oponentes com o Shun Goku Satsu. 
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Akuma é um guerreiro frio e calculista e extremamente poderoso, cujo único principal propósito é aprimorar as habilidades de combate dele, enfrentando e destruindo os lutadores mais fortes. Akuma raramente exibe qualquer sinal de emoção ou humanidade, além de ocasionais explosões de raiva, e raramente sorri. Ele, no entanto, não se envolverá em batalha contra pessoas indefesas e, em alguns casos, pode até mesmo defendê-las, seja como um chamado justo ou como uma reflexão tardia de conquistar um grande adversário. Akuma detesta o irmão super-sensato dele, Gouken, por se recusar a abraçar o lado sombrio da arte Shotokan, o Satsui no Hadou, e também culpa o irmão dele por ter selado o Satsui no Hadou em Ryu, evitando que o jovem lutador alcançasse o verdadeiro potencial dele. Akuma tem um grande interesse por Ryu, uma vez que ele foi o único lutador humano que se aproximou de derrotá-lo. 
A inspiração para a criação de Akuma
Segundo a Capcom, Akuma foi desenhado por Akira Yasuda a pedido de Noritaka Funamizu, acerca de uma piada de 1º de abril publicada em uma edição da Electronic Gaming Magazine, em 1992. O dito boato envolvia uma série de truques absurdos que o jogador tinha de desempenhar na versão original do Street Fighter II para desbloquear um lutador secreto chamado Sheng Long, baseado em uma tradução errada da citação vitoriosa de Ryu. A aparência de Akuma lembra a de um Nio, um de um par de guardiões que simbolicamente protege os templos budistas e outros estabelecimentos contra influências negativas. A beligerância de Akuma é um contraste direto e provavelmente deliberado com o propósito do Nio. A vitória de Ibuki e Yun cita contra ele no Second Impact referindo-se ao Nio; Ibuki é lembrado dos leões Shishi de tema semelhante, enquanto Yun, brincando, tenta se lembrar de ter visto Akuma em um templo antes da partida. Em Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, o cenário de Akuma tem duas estátuas Nio no fundo, o que reforça a conexão do Supremo Mestre dos Punhos com essas estátuas budísticas. 
Cyber Akuma(Mech Gouki)
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1 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 22:11:39 GMT
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Mega Man ZX é um game de ação ao melhor estilo Metroidvania que a Capcom lançou em 2006 para o Nintendo DS. Os eventos de Mega Man ZX se passam 200 anos após o término da série Mega Man Zero, que culminou com a destruição definitiva do Dr. Weil e de Ragnarok em Mega Man Zero 4. O maior diferencial de Mega Man ZX é poder escolher entre um herói masculino(Vent) e outro feminino(Aile), que controlam o Biometal “X”, Girouette, por outro lado é um NPC, e é detentor do Bio Metal “Z”. Tirando isso, a jogabilidade de ambos Vent e Aile é a mesma. Devido ao sucesso de Mega Man ZX, uma sequela foi criada em 2007, denominada Mega Man ZX Advent, e em 27 de fevereiro de 2020, Mega Man ZX foi relançado como parte de Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection, para Windows, PS4, Nintendo Switch e Xbox One. 
Vent e Aile usam o M.E.G.A. System (Meta-Encapsulated Granule Awareness SYSTEM), conhecido como R.O.C.K. System (Rebirth Of Crystallized Knowledge SYSTEM) na versão japonesa, para ativar os Bio Metals e se transformar em uma forma semelhante na qual o Bio Metal foi baseado. O Player inicialmente usa o Bio Metal "X", inspirado no Mega Man "X", enquanto o Bio Metal "Z", inspirado no herói principal da série Mega Man Zero, é exclusivo para Girouette até certo ponto do jogo. Ao fundir os Bio Metais "Z" e "X", Vent e Aile assumem a forma de Mega Man ZX, ganhando novo poder, em consequência disso, o Bio Metal “X” não pode mais ser utilizado, sendo disponível novamente apenas depois que jogadores finalizam o game nos modos Normal e Hard com os dois personagens. Os Bio Metals “H”, “F”, “L” e “P” são inspirados em Sage Harpuia, Fighting Fefnir, Fairy Leviathan, e Hidden Phantom, e podem ser adquiridos dos Pseudoroids, garantindo aos heróis habilidades extra-especiais. 
O Bio Metal Secreto “OX”
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1 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 12:22:30 GMT
As sete personalidades de Sensui
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Yu Yu Hakusho teve lançamento na forma de mangá em 1990, vendendo cerca de 50 milhões de cópias no Japão, e até mesmo sendo premiado em 1993 como melhor mangá shonen. Tamanho sucesso deu origem à adaptação em anime em 1994, que fez muito sucesso internacionalmente, inclusive no Brasil, onde é lembrado como um dos melhores animes de todos os tempos, que se destacou mais pela dublagem, que era recheada de muitas piadas e frases cômicas. Yu Yu Hakusho também teve diversos vilões, alguns bem interessantes, como é o caso de Younger Toguro, que vendeu a alma dele, mas não a honra dele, e outros bem desprezíveis, como Seiryu e Suzaku, que foram derrotados por Hiei e Yusuke, respectivamente. Mas o mais interessante desses vilões foi Shinobu Sensui, principal antagonista do arco do “Capítulo Negro”. Na trama, Sensui queria abrir um buraco dimensional com o intuito de atrair monstros de classes “A” e “S”, advindos do Makai(魔界), para promover terror e desespero no Ningenkai(人間界), e exterminar os seres humanos, pois segundo Sensui, seres humanos eram criaturas desprezíveis, patéticas e sem nenhum valor. No entanto, o maior empecilho para os planos de Sensui era uma barreira espiritual de energia dourada, que separava o Ningenkai do Makai, permitindo apenas que os monstros de categoria “B” pudessem atravessar, enquanto que os monstros de categoria “A” e “S”, eram repelidos pela barreira. A única pessoa que possuía poder para romper a barreira era Kazuma Kuwabara, um rapaz muito brigão e encrenqueiro, rival de outro bad boy, Yusuke Urameshi, então o paspalho, ao despertar o poder da “Espada Dimensional” no confronto contra Mitarai, também conhecido pelo nome “Seaman”, acabou por se tornar alvo dos esquemas maquiavélicos de Sensui. Existe uma certa doença chamada Transtorno Dissociativo de Identidade. A pessoa que sofre desse transtorno cria uma segunda personalidade para lidar com situações que normalmente não teria estabilidade emocional para enfrentar. Em Yu Yu Hakusho, somos apresentados a Sensui, que ao presenciar uma situação traumática, na qual um grupo de super-ricaços inescrupulosos se divertiam com o sofrimento dos monstros que eles capturavam, acabou desenvolvendo seis personalidades extras e passou a desprezar tudo que sentia sobre a humanidade, então ele se rebelou, planejando o extermínio da raça humana. 
As Sete Personalidades
Minoru é a personalidade suave, calculista, e teórica. Por possuir uma boa oratória, ele acabou por atrair, isto é, persuadir muitas pessoas para a causa dele, e foi o primeiro a lutar com Yusuke. Minoru é perito na arte do Resshūken (裂蹴拳), um estilo de artes marciais que se assemelha ao Kickboxing da vida real. Em outras palavras o Resshūken é uma arte marcial que consiste na defesa com os braços e no contra-ataque com as pernas. Ao fundir o Resshūken com a energia espiritual, Minoru desenvolveu a arte secreta do Reikō Resshūken(霊光裂蹴拳), desenvolvendo duas variações efetivas e brutais de combate, a primeira delas é o Resshū Kō Kyū Ha(裂蹴紅球波), que consiste no uso de uma bola de energia como se fosse uma bola de futebol, com poder suficiente para destruir um apartamento inteiro, e com essa técnica, Minoru foi capaz de anular o grande efeito destrutivo do Leigan(霊丸), disparado por Yusuke; a segunda técnica, denominada Resshū Shiendan(裂蹴紫炎弾), consiste de uma rajada de bolas de energia de alta precisão, efetuada de maneira podológica, que se assemelha a uma das técnicas de combate mais icônicas dos animes, o Meteoro de Pégaso(ペガサス流星拳), utilizado por Seiya, o cavaleiro de Pégaso, protagonista de Saint Seiya(聖闘士星矢). Na mente de Sensui, Minoru é representado pela cor verde, ou púrpura, quando Itsuki se refere a outras personalidades. 
Kazuya é a personalidade mais cruel, desalmada, violenta e inescrupulosa de Sensui. É um assassino sádico, psicótico, e sem remorsos, que foi concebido para o propósito de fazer todo o trabalho sujo, algo que Shinobu e as outras personalidades não poderiam tolerar, muito menos fazer. Kazuya é a manifestação psicológica de todo o ódio que Sensui sente pela humanidade. Na mente de Sensui, Kazuya é representado pela cor vermelha, que representa o derramamento de sangue causado por ele. Kazuya tem a capacidade de materializar uma arma no braço dele, intitulada Arma Sólida(気硬銃), que ele demonstrou ao pegar Yusuke desprevenido, depois do confronto com Minoru, sendo que Yusuke não fazia a menor ideia de que Sensui tinha outras personalidades. Depois, Kazuya torturou Yusuke severamente com o uso da Arma Sólida, sentindo até prazer no choro do protagonista. No entanto, mesmo com o poder e periculosidade que ele representava, Kazuya foi ineficaz em lidar com Yusuke, que insolentemente debochou dele, dizendo que Kazuya não passava de um fracote, e que a personalidade anterior, o teórico Minoru, era quem tinha mais chances contra ele. Depois disso, Yusuke deu uma grande surra no fanfarrão, que caiu de joelhos e deu lugar a Shinobu, a personalidade original de Sensui, que é mais brutal e eficiente em batalha. 
Naru é a personalidade inocente e sensível de Sensui. Naru é a personalidade feminina de Sensui, que emerge apenas diante de Itsuki, compondo as mais belas poesias que ele já ouviu, e é a personalidade favorita de Itsuki, atrás apenas de Shinobu, o Sensui original. Assim como Shinobu, o Sensui original, Naru tem muito amor e consideração pelo Ningenkai, mas entende que os seres humanos precisam sofrer e morrer pelos pecados deles. Na mente de Sensui, Naru é representada pela cor verde pálida. 
Jooji é um especialista em armas e um ótimo estrategista. Yoshihiro Togashi, autor de Yu Yu Hakusho, deixa no ar a possibilidade de que foi Jooji quem projetou a Arma Sólida para Kazuya usar, embora no anime, Itsuki tenha deixado claro que apenas Kazuya pode manipular a Arma Sólida. Jooji possui um temperamento muito forte, e o desprezo que ele sente pelos seres humanos é tão grande, que ele chega a sentir nojo, diferente de Kazuya, que é movido pelo ódio. Na mente de Sensui, Jooji é representado pela cor azul. 
Makoto é o principal encarregado das tarefas domésticas com as quais Sensui tem de lidar, como limpar, cozinhar e fazer compras. Makoto é talvez a personalidade mais extrovertida de Sensui - talvez a única personalidade capaz de demonstrar algum senso de humor. Na mente de Sensui, Makoto é representado pela cor laranja. 
Hitoshi é a única de todas as personalidades de Sensui a demonstrar algum tipo de afeto ou senso de amorosidade, no entanto, por ser um pacifista anti-humanista moderado, em contraste com o arrogante, agressivo, super-inflado e convencido Kazuya, Hitoshi relaciona-se apenas com animais e plantas. Hitoshi talvez foi aquele que mais provavelmente convenceu as outras personalidades de que o único problema do Ningenkai eram os seres humanos. Na mente de Sensui, Hitoshi é representado pela cor amarela. 
Este último é a personalidade original de Sensui, sendo uma condensação das outras seis personalidades. Aparentemente todas as características presentes no jeito de ser de Sensui foram amplificadas e separadas, cada uma com um lado diferente da psiqué dele. Shinobu é capaz de demonstrar o poder do Brilho Sobrenatural(聖光気, Sei Kō Ki), um poder que segundo Koenma, é o mais alto escalão de energia sobrenatural, e que para alcançar esse poder, todo o processo envolvido leva quarenta anos de muito treinamento e disciplina, uma coisa que nem mesmo Genkai, embora com toda a experiência dela em artes marciais, foi capaz de adquirir. Shinobu, ao despertar o SeiKōKi, demonstrou o poder equivalente ao de um monstro da categoria “S”, e por ser a personalidade mais brutal e eficiente em batalha, foi inclusive capaz de matar Yusuke, algo que nem mesmo Kazuya, a personalidade mais cruel, mas a mais fraca em termos de força física, pôde fazer, e até mesmo resistiu ao Dragão Negro(邪王炎殺黒龍波), lançado por Hiei. Shinobu é capaz de converter energia em matéria sólida, sendo envolto por uma Armadura Defensiva(気鋼闘衣), além disso, Shinobu também possui como meio de ataque o Reppa Fūjin Ken(裂破風陣拳), um ciclone vertical, que circunda o oponente, cortando-o com lâminas afiadas. Quando Yusuke foi revivido misteriosamente, ele adquiriu o poder de um monstro de categoria “S”, e juntamente com Koenma, atravessou o buraco dimensional em direção ao Makai para acertar contas com Sensui. Shinobu alternou da Armadura Defensiva para a Armadura Ofensiva, e por um certo tempo, ele levou a vantagem sobre Yusuke, que ainda não tinha total controle do imenso poder recém-descoberto que ele tinha naquele momento. No entanto, as coisas pesaram feio pro lado de Shinobu, quando Yusuke foi possuído por Raizen, um dos Três Reis do Makai, então o protagonista infligiu altas doses de brutalidade e selvageria no vilão, e somente foi recobrar a verdadeira consciência dele quando viu Sensui sendo mortalmente atingido pelo Leigan que ele disparou. 
2 notes • Posted 2021-09-04 13:43:07 GMT
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theliterateape · 4 years
I Like to Watch: The Rock (1996)
by Don Hall
With the slowly creeping reality that Hollywood isn’t making a lot of new movies just lately and having already watched fucking everything out there twice, the re-watching of those films you remember from decades prior to pandemic is exactly what streaming provides.
Back in the days of Chicago, at one of the many BUGHOUSE! shows, Joe Janes and Brian Sweeney debated on the topic “Michael Bay: Hack or Genius?” This is not to re-litigate that debate but I highly recommend you listen if you’re so inclined. It’s flat-out hysterical.
I’m not what you’d call the biggest fan of Bay’s oeuvre but when Bay is at his most Bayness, he can create some truly remarkable cinema.
The Transformers was a blast up until the Shia LaBouf character was aged out. Giant robots fighting over dominion of the Earth? That magically turn into vehicles created by humans? From outer space? C’mon!
The Bad Boys trilogy was an exercise in the chemistry between two incredibly charismatic actors with some of the most badass car chases and explosions known to film. Scorsese might have cornered the market on brilliant storytelling, amazing and creative camera work, and the best use of scoring in history but you aren’t gonna find a single Humvee chase in Cuba that destroys an entire five blocks of buildings while the leads trade comic quips throughout in Age of Innocence.
I loved The Island just because the whole thing was so completely ridiculous and fun.
Bruce Willis playing hardcore driller-dad to Ben Affleck? Billy Bob Thornton as a crippled NASA scientist? Steve Buscemi doing a callback to Dr. Strangelove? Strippers, outer space Evel Knievel, and blue-collar morons saving the planet? Huge destruction of Paris, Hong Kong, and Wall Street by asteroids? Few hunks of cheesecake laden with sugary strawberries and rich chocolate sauce covered in Reese’s Pieces chased by a Peanut Butter Chocolate shake couldn’t top Armageddon.
But the sheer out-of-body beauty and over-the-top ridiculousness of 1996’s Nicholas Cage/Sean Connery spectacle The Rock is the pinnacle of machismo Michael Bay genius.
I’m from the eighties. While not nostalgic for those myriad badass men kicking ass and making jokes about it films, I still grew up with them and can’t help but love them in some way. Explosions and cars and impossible accuracy with weapons that are huge and stupid are quintessentially juvenile joy. The tale that spins the hero saving the world (in whatever parameters the tale decides is “the world” — destroying a globally killing asteroid or saving 70,000 people or taking out the vicious bad guys) is all myth but they’re myths that posit that we sacks of meat and nerves have some control of the events that surround us.
There is a moral code in these things. Sure, lots of killing but in an almost Looney Tunes sort of video game death. Plenty of shit blowing up. Amid the controlled chaos is a code of good guys and bad guys. Extremely binary. Simple. Good guys do all the same things as bad guys do but for the right reasons. Good guys gun people down for love or freedom, they sacrifice themselves for a greater good even when it does not serve their best interests. Bad guys do it for filthy lucre. Bad guys kill for selfish reasons. Monetary gain.
The truth is that we humans are far more like Woody Allen (for the intellectual class) or the idiots from Dodgeball than John Rambo or John McClain. We are beset by complexity, bills, random injuries, and anxiety. Rarely are we challenged in that do or die scenario except for when we pay for it (no one is required to do the Tough Mudder or go skydiving). In the life of the real, there are no genuine action film bad guys or good guys. So we live vicariously by watching them.
In The Rock Ed Harris plays a general in the special forces whose motivation for stealing biochemical weapons and rockets, infiltrating and taking hostages at Alcatraz (by now a tourist attraction), and threatening to murder San Francisco is all about the military’s blatant covering up of covert deaths of American soldiers. His methods are that of a villain but his intentions are honorable.
Sean Connery is John Mason (a character that is no less James Bond if he had been captured in the sixties and imprisoned for 35 years). Mason is a criminal. An escape artist. An enemy of the state whose only motivation for the first half of the movie is get free and create a relationship with a daughter he had with a one-night stand because “she is the only evidence he ever lived.”
Then there is nineties Nick Cage. His character is named Stanley Goodspeed. Stanley Goodspeed. Despite his ability to drive a Lamborghini like an adrenaline junkie on meth and shoot with deadly accuracy when necessary, he is a nerd. A scientist. Awkward and goofy. Despite his girlfriend being super hot and, unlike any nerd in the history of geekdom, his propensity to sit shirtless on his couch, drinking wine and playing the guitar and looking good doing it, Goodspeed is a nerd because Bay tells us he is. And because he tells us he is repeatedly.
Throw in some extraordinary character actors and go to action stars — Michael Biehn, William Forsythe, David Morse, Tony Todd, John Spencer, John C. McGinley — and there’s enough goddamned testosterone in this thing to melt your fucking face.
Three scenes. Twenty minutes to set up General Hummel’s plan (with an incredible action sequence of him stealing the weapons and the obligatory fuck up that lets us see how horrifying the chemical is), Goodspeed’s nerd status combined with his almost godlike ability to handle the pressure of diffusing a bomb in a container while having poison gas shoot all around him, and Mason’s backstory as the British Intelligence guy captured and then the one guy in history to escape Alcatraz (the rock of the title).
From that point, every scene is a ridiculous, masterfully executed action sequence. Non-stop action. I remember reading a blurb about Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple on Broadway that boasted ”a laugh every six seconds. This film can boast a giant action boner every two minutes.
A haircut turns into hanging John Spencer from a clothesline over a building which turns into a massive car chase in San Francisco (like 30 cars are destroyed in this thing), which turns into the Navy Seals dropping out of a plane into the waters surrounding Alcatraz. Then we have Mason navigate the Galaxy Quest back entrance to Alcatraz (Best Moment: Connery opens the door and says, in all his Scottishness “Gentlemen, welcome to The Rock.”) followed by the bad guys slo-mo gunning down the good guys from an elevated position in a prison shower.
All the while one sits in amazement at the glorious weirdness of Nicholas Cage. I wonder what Harris and Connery thought about after each bizarre line reading of lines like:
"I’d take pleasure in guttin’ you, boy. I’d take pleasure in guttin’ you... boy.” What is wrong with these people, huh? Mason? Don’t you think there’s a lot of, uh, a lot of anger flowing around this island? Kind of a pubescent volatility? Don’t you think? A lotta angst, a lot of “I’m sixteen, I’m angry at my father” syndrome? I mean grow up! We’re stuck on an island with a bunch of violence-for-pleasure-seeking psycophatic marines, SHAME-ON-THEM!
“What do you say we cut the chit-chat, A-HOLE? You almost got me killed twice! And my jaw hurts like hell.”
”How, in the name of Zeus's butthole, did you get out of your cell?”
Once everyone is killed and then only two of the good guys left are Connery and Cage, we are treated to lots of showpieces — a gun battle that ends with a bad guy getting his head crushed by a hanging air conditioner, an improbable ride in metal hanging buckets, a show down between Hummel, now reluctant to actually kill 70,000 people and mercenaries he hired (see? Filthy lucre).
Of course, the two of the really bad guys get respectively shot in the chest with a rocket and one of the biochemical pearls shoved in his mouth and everyone wins.
Michael Bay might be a hack. He might be a genius. All I know is that The Rock is the Citizen Kane of a very specific genre of film and it will remain in my movie collection right next to Goodfellas, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Breathless, and Vertigo.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
PlayStation Store Hidden Gems Sale Offers Discounts on Yakuza, Jackbox, and Many More
With a wealth of big spring releases now behind us, the summer for PlayStation fans is gearing up with the release of both The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima. However, if you’re in the mood to try out some lesser-known games to fill some of the time, the PlayStation Store has you covered with its most recent sale.
The PlayStation Store has pulled back the curtain on its next big sale, which this time around is focused around “Hidden Gems.” As the name implies, the PlayStation Store’s sale has a few games that you’ll likely be familiar with, but offers discounts on mostly lesser-known games that still pack a punch and are worth playing.
Taking a look through the full list of discounted games, the Hidden Gems sale definitely earns its name with a lot of great discounts on excellent games that are worth a try. Some of the best deals include the remastered versions of Yakuza 3, 4, and 5, which are each available for $19.99. Likewise, as a big fan of The Banner Saga series, you can grab the entire trilogy for just under $25 and pick up other amazing indies like Dead Cells and Little Nightmares for a good price.
The PlayStation Store’s Hidden Gems Sale is currently running now through May 13, 2020. You can check out the full list of titles and discount offers below:
PS4 Games $Price $Original 101 WAYS TO DIE  $4.99  $9.99 7TH SECTOR COLLECTOR’S EDITION  $17.49  $24.99 8-BIT ARMIES  $5.99  $29.99 8-BIT HORDES  $5.09  $29.99 8-BIT INVADERS!  $3.59  $29.99 911 OPERATOR + SPECIAL RESOURCES  $10.79  $17.99 A KNIGHT’S QUEST  $12.49  $24.99 ABSOLVER  $7.49  $29.99 ABZÛ  $9.99  $19.99 ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN – DANGEROUS DRIVING CRASH MODE BUNDLE  $18.99  $37.99 ADR1FT  $4.99  $19.99 ADVENTURE TIME PIRATES OF THE ENCHIRIDION  $7.99  $19.99 AEREA  $0.59  $19.99 AGE OF WONDERS: PLANETFALL  $24.99  $49.99 AGE OF WONDERS: PLANETFALL DELUXE EDITION  $29.99  $59.99 AGE OF WONDERS: PLANETFALL PREMIUM EDITION  $44.99  $89.99 ALCATRAZ  $1.04  $2.99 AMERICAN FUGITIVE  $7.99  $19.99 ARISE: A SIMPLE STORY  $13.99  $19.99 ARIZONA SUNSHINE  $11.99  $39.99 ARIZONA SUNSHINE – DEAD MAN DLC  $1.24  $2.49 ARIZONA SUNSHINE – THE DAMNED DLC  $2.49  $4.99 ARMIKROG  $2.99  $9.99 ASSETTO CORSA  $8.99  $29.99 ASSETTO CORSA SEASON PASS  $5.99  $19.99 ASSETTO CORSA ULTIMATE EDITION  $11.99  $39.99 AT SUNDOWN: SHOTS IN THE DARK  $7.99  $19.99 BAD NORTH  $8.99  $14.99 BANNER SAGA 1  $4.99  $24.99 BANNER SAGA 2  $4.99  $24.99 BANNER SAGA 3  $12.49  $24.99 BANNER SAGA TRILOGY  $19.99  $49.99 BEDLAM: THE GAME BY CHRISTOPHER BROOKMYRE  $4.99  $9.99 BEE SIMULATOR  $23.99  $39.99 BEHOLDER 2  $8.99  $14.99 BEHOLDER CIVIC DUTY BUNDLE  $11.99  $19.99 BEHOLDER COMPLETE EDITION  $4.49  $14.99 BLACKSAD : UNDER THE SKIN  $24.99  $49.99 BLACKWOOD CROSSING  $7.99  $15.99 BLOOD BOWL 2  $4.99  $19.99 BLOOD BOWL 2: LEGENDARY EDITION  $7.49  $29.99 BLOODROOTS  $13.99  $19.99 BLOODSTAINED: RITUAL OF THE NIGHT  $19.99  $39.99 BLOODY ZOMBIES  $6.00  $14.99 BOMBER CREW  $4.49  $14.99 BOMBER CREW DELUXE EDITION  $7.49  $24.99 BOMBER CREW: AMERICAN EDITION  $5.99  $19.99 BOUND BY FLAME  $3.99  $19.99 BROFORCE  $3.74  $14.99 BUCKET KNIGHT  $3.24  $4.99 CANDLE: THE POWER OF THE FLAME  $3.99  $19.99 CAR MECHANIC SIMULATOR  $17.99  $29.99 CAR MECHANIC SIMULATOR – DLC MEGA PACK  $23.09  $38.49 CARDPOCALYPSE  $17.49  $24.99 CARDPOCALYPSE MEGA MUTANT EDITION  $20.99  $29.99 CHILD OF LIGHT  $4.49  $14.99 CHILDREN OF MORTA  $14.73  $21.99 CITADEL: FORGED WITH FIRE  $23.99  $39.99 CONTROL  $29.99  $59.99 CROSSING SOULS  $3.74  $14.99 DANDARA: TRIALS OF FEAR EDITION  $5.99  $14.99 DANGER ZONE  $4.49  $14.99 DANGER ZONE 2  $4.99  $19.99 DANGER ZONE BUNDLE – DANGER ZONE AND DANGER ZONE 2  $16.24  $32.49 DANGEROUS DRIVING  $11.99  $29.99 DANGEROUS GOLF  $5.99  $19.99 DARKWOOD  $7.49  $14.99 DARKWOOD – SPECIAL EDITION  $8.99  $17.99 DEAD CELLS: THE BAD SEED BUNDLE  $21.59  $26.99 DEAR ESTHER: LANDMARK EDITION  $3.49  $9.99 DEFUNCT  $0.74  $14.99 DEGREES OF SEPARATION  $3.99  $19.99 DESTINY 2: FORSAKEN*  $14.99  $24.99 DESTINY 2: SHADOWKEEP*  $20.99  $34.99 DESTINY 2: UPGRADE EDITION*  $33.49  $49.99 DISNEY CLASSIC GAMES: ALADDIN AND THE LION KING  $17.99  $29.99 DOCTOR WHO: THE EDGE OF TIME  $14.99  $24.99 DOLLHOUSE  $8.99  $29.99 DON’T STARVE MEGA PACK  $10.79  $26.99 DON’T STARVE TOGETHER: CONSOLE EDITION  $7.49  $14.99 DON’T STARVE: CONSOLE EDITION  $3.74  $14.99 DON’T STARVE: CONSOLE EDITION + REIGN OF GIANTS EXPANSION  $4.74  $18.99 DREAMWORKS DRAGONS DAWN OF NEW RIDERS  $13.99  $39.99 DUCT TAPES ARE FOREVER  $1.57  $4.49 ENTER THE GUNGEON  $7.49  $14.99 ESCAPE TEAM  $1.57  $4.49 ESPIRE 1: VR OPERATIVE  $17.99  $29.99 EXTINCTION  $7.49  $29.99 EXTINCTION: DELUXE EDITION  $9.99  $39.99 FARMING SIMULATOR 17  $7.99  $19.99 FARMING SIMULATOR 17 – PLATINUM EDITION  $10.19  $29.99 FARMING SIMULATOR 17 – PREMIUM EDITION  $14.99  $49.99 FLASHBACK  $7.49  $24.99 FOR THE KING  $9.99  $24.99 FROSTPUNK: CONSOLE EDITION  $20.09  $29.99 GET EVEN  $7.49  $29.99 GHOSTBUSTERS: THE VIDEO GAME REMASTERED  $11.99  $29.99 GONNER  $2.99  $9.99 GRIS  $8.49  $16.99 GROUNDHOG DAY: LIKE FATHER LIKE SON  $9.74  $14.99 GUACAMELEE! 2  $4.99  $19.99 GUACAMELEE! 2 COMPLETE  $5.74  $22.99 GUACAMELEE! SUPER TURBO CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION  $3.74  $14.99 GUN CLUB VR  $12.49  $24.99 GUNS, GORE AND CANNOLI 2  $6.49  $12.99 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3 MONSTERS OVERBOARD  $6.99  $19.99 HOTLINE MIAMI  $2.49  $9.99 HOTLINE MIAMI 2: WRONG NUMBER  $3.74  $14.99 HUNTING SIMULATOR  $9.99  $39.99 ICE AGE SCRAT’S NUTTY ADVENTURE!  $26.79  $39.99 IMPACT WINTER  $4.99  $19.99 INDIVISIBLE  $23.99  $39.99 INSTANT INDIE COLLECTION: VOL. 1  $3.44  $22.99 INSTANT INDIE COLLECTION: VOL. 2  $3.74  $24.99 INSTANT INDIE COLLECTION: VOL. 3  $3.74  $24.99 INSTANT INDIE COLLECTION: VOL. 4  $4.49  $29.99 INSTANT INDIE COLLECTION: VOL. 5  $4.34  $28.99 IT’S QUIZ TIME  $11.99  $19.99 JOURNEY TO THE SAVAGE PLANET  $17.99  $29.99 JUMANJI: THE VIDEO GAME  $26.79  $39.99 KINGDOM TWO CROWNS  $14.99  $19.99 KINGDOM: NEW LANDS  $3.74  $14.99 KNIGHTS AND BIKES  $14.99  $19.99 LARA CROFT AND THE TEMPLE OF OSIRIS  $3.99  $19.99 LARA CROFT AND THE TEMPLE OF OSIRIS SEASON PASS  $1.49  $9.99 LARA CROFT GO  $1.99  $9.99 LAST DAY OF JUNE  $5.99  $19.99 LAYERS OF FEAR  $5.99  $19.99 LAYERS OF FEAR + OBSERVER_ BUNDLE  $11.99  $39.99 LAYERS OF FEAR: MASTERPIECE EDITION  $8.04  $22.99 LET THEM COME  $3.99  $7.99 LIFE IS STRANGE COMPLETE SEASON  $3.99  $19.99 LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM COMPLETE SEASON  $3.39  $16.99 LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM DELUXE EDITION  $4.99  $24.99 LITTLE NIGHTMARES  $4.99  $19.99 LITTLE NIGHTMARES COMPLETE EDITION  $7.49  $29.99 LITTLE NIGHTMARES SECRETS OF THE MAW EXPANSION PASS  $4.99  $9.99 LOVERS IN A DANGEROUS SPACETIME  $5.99  $14.99 MAGICKA 2  $3.74  $14.99 MAGICKA 2: SPECIAL EDITION  $4.99  $19.99 MANUAL SAMUEL  $3.99  $9.99 MARK OF THE NINJA: REMASTERED  $9.99  $19.99 MELBITS WORLD  $8.99  $14.99 MINIT  $4.99  $9.99 MONSTER BOY AND THE CURSED KINGDOM  $17.99  $39.99 MORDHEIM: CITY OF THE DAMNED  $8.99  $29.99 MORDHEIM: CITY OF THE DAMNED – COMPLETE EDITION  $11.99  $39.99 MOSAIC  $13.99  $19.99 MOSAIC 1% EDITION  $17.49  $24.99 MOTHER RUSSIA BLEEDS  $3.74  $14.99 MUTANT YEAR ZERO: ROAD TO EDEN  $17.49  $34.99 MY TIME AT PORTIA – HOUSEWARMING GIFT SET  $1.19  $2.99 NARCOS: RISE OF THE CARTELS  $17.99  $29.99 NEVEROUT  $2.39  $7.99 NIDHOGG  $3.74  $14.99 NIDHOGG 2  $3.74  $14.99 NINJIN: CLASH OF CARROTS  $2.49  $9.99 OBSERVATION  $12.49  $24.99 OBSERVER  $8.99  $29.99 OCTODAD: DADLIEST CATCH  $3.74  $14.99 OUTCAST – SECOND CONTACT  $5.99  $39.99 OUTWARD  $17.99  $39.99 OVERCOOKED! + OVERCOOKED! 2  $17.49  $34.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – CAMPFIRE COOK OFF  $4.01  $5.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – CARNIVAL OF CHAOS  $4.01  $5.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – NIGHT OF THE HANGRY HORDE  $6.69  $9.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – SEASON PASS  $12.99  $19.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – SURF ‘N’ TURF  $4.01  $5.99 OVERCOOKED! 2 – TOO MANY COOKS PACK  $2.00  $2.99 OVERPASS DELUXE EDITION  $10.49  $69.99 OVERRIDE: MECH CITY BRAWL – SUPER CHARGED MEGA EDITION  $9.99  $39.99 PATHOLOGIC 2  $24.49  $34.99 PAW PATROL IS ON A ROLL!  $19.99  $39.99 PAYDAY 2: CRIMEWAVE EDITION  $4.99  $19.99 PAYDAY 2: THE CRIMEWAVE COLLECTION  $7.49  $29.99 PERFECT  $5.00  $9.99 PILLARS OF ETERNITY II: DEADFIRE – ULTIMATE EDITION  $38.99  $59.99 PORTAL KNIGHTS  $7.99  $19.99 POWER RANGERS: BATTLE FOR THE GRID  $9.99 ��$19.99 POWER RANGERS: BATTLE FOR THE GRID – COLLECTOR’S EDITION  $19.99  $39.99 PRO FISHING SIMULATOR  $19.99  $39.99 PUMPED BMX +  $3.49  $9.99 RACE WITH RYAN  $26.79  $39.99 RAD  $9.99  $19.99 REAL FARM  $0.79  $39.99 REGALIA: OF MEN AND MONARCHS – ROYAL EDITION  $3.74  $24.99 REGALIA: OF MEN AND MONARCHS – ROYAL EDITION OST COMBO  $4.27  $28.49 REUS  $0.44  $14.99 RIFTSTAR RAIDERS  $4.99  $19.99 RIOT – CIVIL UNREST  $3.99  $19.99 RISK OF RAIN 2  $14.99  $29.99 ROAD REDEMPTION  $9.99  $19.99 ROMAN RUMBLE IN LAS VEGUM – ASTERIX & OBELIX XXL 2  $24.99  $49.99 RONIN  $1.99  $9.99 RUINER  $4.99  $19.99 RUSH VR  $11.24  $24.99 SEA OF SOLITUDE  $9.99  $19.99 SEASONS AFTER FALL  $2.49  $9.99 SERIAL CLEANER  $5.24  $14.99 SHADOW WARRIOR  $7.49  $29.99 SHADOW WARRIOR 2  $9.99  $39.99 SHINESS: THE LIGHTNING KINGDOM  $2.49  $9.99 SHINY – A ROBOTIC ADVENTURE  $0.29  $14.99 SHOOTY FRUITY  $11.00  $19.99 SNIPER ELITE 3  $7.49  $29.99 SOLO: ISLANDS OF THE HEART  $4.99  $19.99 SPACE HULK BUNDLE  $14.99  $49.99 SPACE HULK: DEATHWING – ENHANCED EDITION  $9.99  $39.99 SPACE HULK: TACTICS  $7.49  $29.99 SPARKLITE  $14.99  $24.99 SPIKE VOLLEYBALL  $17.99  $39.99 SPIRIT OF THE NORTH  $14.99  $24.99 STAR WARS JEDI KNIGHT II – JEDI OUTCAST  $7.49  $9.99 STELLARIS: CONSOLE EDITION  $15.99  $39.99 STELLARIS: CONSOLE EDITION – DELUXE EDITION  $23.99  $59.99 STIKBOLD! A DODGEBALL ADVENTURE  $4.49  $9.99 STRANDED SAILS – EXPLORERS OF THE CURSED ISLANDS  $14.99  $24.99 STRANGER THINGS 3: THE GAME  $4.99  $19.99 STYX: SHARDS OF DARKNESS  $5.99  $19.99 SUBNAUTICA  $17.99  $29.99 SUPER STREET: THE GAME  $12.49  $24.99 SURF WORLD SERIES  $8.99  $14.99 SURVIVING MARS  $11.99  $29.99 SURVIVING MARS – DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION  $15.99  $39.99 SURVIVING MARS – FIRST COLONY EDITION  $25.99  $64.99 TERRARIA: PS4 EDITION  $5.99  $19.99 THE ASSEMBLY  $11.99  $29.99 THE BARD’S TALE IV: DIRECTOR’S CUT  $13.99  $39.99 THE COUNT LUCANOR  $1.79  $14.99 THE ESCAPISTS 2 – BIG TOP BREAKOUT  $1.99  $3.99 THE ESCAPISTS 2 – DUNGEONS AND DUCT TAPE  $1.99  $3.99 THE ESCAPISTS 2 – THE GLORIOUS REGIME  $1.99  $3.99 THE ESCAPISTS 2 – WICKED WARD  $1.99  $3.99 THE ESCAPISTS DLC BUNDLE  $3.99  $9.99 THE FISHERMAN – FISHING PLANET  $23.99  $39.99 THE FLAME IN THE FLOOD: COMPLETE EDITION  $4.49  $14.99 THE HONG KONG MASSACRE  $8.99  $19.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK  $12.49  $24.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 2  $12.49  $24.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 3  $14.99  $24.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 4  $14.99  $24.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 5  $17.99  $29.99 THE JACKBOX PARTY PACK 6  $19.49  $29.99 THE LITTLE ACRE  $3.89  $12.99 THE LONG REACH  $1.79  $14.99 THE LOST MORSEL  $2.99  $4.99 THE MESSENGER  $9.99  $19.99 THE SHADOW WARRIOR COLLECTION  $14.99  $59.99 THE SURGE  $5.99  $19.99 THE SURGE – AUGMENTED EDITION  $8.99  $29.99 THE SWORDS OF DITTO: MORMO’S CURSE  $7.49  $14.99 THE TALOS PRINCIPLE: DELUXE EDITION  $4.99  $49.99 THE TECHNOMANCER  $3.99  $19.99 THRONEBREAKER: THE WITCHER TALES  $9.99  $19.99 TITAN SOULS  $3.74  $14.99 TOREN  $2.49  $9.99 TRINE: ULTIMATE COLLECTION  $19.99  $49.99 TRUCK DRIVER  $26.79  $39.99 TT ISLE OF MAN – RIDE ON THE EDGE  $29.99  $59.99 TWO POINT HOSPITAL  $29.99  $39.99 UNBOX: NEWBIE’S ADVENTURE  $4.49  $29.99 UNO FLIP!  $1.64  $4.99 UNO  RAYMAN THEME DLC  $0.98  $2.99 UNO JUST DANCE THEME DLC  $0.98  $2.99 UNO ULTIMATE EDITION  $8.99  $14.99 UNRAVEL YARNY BUNDLE  $8.99  $29.99 VAPORUM  $9.99  $24.99 WORMS BATTLEGROUNDS ALIEN INVASION  $1.49  $4.99 WUPPO  $0.99  $19.99 XENON RACER  $7.99  $39.99 YAGA  $17.49  $24.99 YAGA BAD LUCK BUNDLE  $20.99  $29.99 YAKUZA 3 REMASTERED  $19.99  $24.99 YAKUZA 4 REMASTERED  $19.99  $24.99 YAKUZA 5 REMASTERED  $19.99  $24.99 YESTERDAY ORIGINS  $7.49  $24.99
The post PlayStation Store Hidden Gems Sale Offers Discounts on Yakuza, Jackbox, and Many More by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/playstation-store-hidden-gems-sale-offers-discounts-on-yakuza-jackbox-and-many-more/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=playstation-store-hidden-gems-sale-offers-discounts-on-yakuza-jackbox-and-many-more
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kimreiki · 6 years
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Dodgeball, one of the most inclusive and community driven sports on the planet, takes center stage in New York this summer. Check out the best dodgeball players in the world as The Dodgeball World Cup comes to The Hulu Theater at Madison Square Garden August 3rd and 4th. The World Dodgeball Association represent 62 national federations, 4 continental federations and 67.5 million people worldwide. From Malaysia to Australia via the UK, Canada and Hong Kong, China, it’s the sport of choice for generations of all ages. Three different World Champions will be crowned over two days at The Hulu Theater. Frenetic, graceful, exhilarating and edge of the seat excitement ensue as the games are played to deliver a winner. Root for your favorite national teams to make the final as the nations of the world play their hearts out to become World Champions. 2018 Dodgeball World Cup Participants Men USA / Australia / Austria / Canada / Egypt / England / Malaysia / Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland / Singapore Women USA / Australia / Austria / Canada / Egypt / England / Hong Kong / Malaysia / Singapore / Slovenia Mixed Egypt / Malaysia / Australia / England / Canada / Austria / Scotland / USA / Hong Kong / Slovenia #DWC2018 #WDA #Dodgeball 2018 Dodgeball World Cup 3-4 august in New York !!!
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weekendwarriorblog · 6 years
WHAT TO WATCH THIS WEEKEND – Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation, Skyscraper and More
With the 4thof July behind us, there are only a few more weeks of July, then we hit August where things can slow down considerably. Every summer, there’s at least one weekend where two movies both have great potential to be #1, and this week is no exception as we have a second sequel to a hit animated movie featuring Adam Sandler and friends, while Dwayne Johnson -- arguably one of the biggest Hollywood stars right now -- offers us something we haven’t seen much this summer… an original movie!
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I honestly couldn’t tell you if I’ve seen Hotel Transylvania 2, because I just can’t remember, but I did see the original Hotel Transylvania, probably sometime before the Toronto International Film Festival where it premiered. Honestly, I wasn’t too surprised that it was another hit for Adam Sandler before moving over to Netflix, but I didn’t realize it would be his biggest hit.
The original Hotel Transylvania opened in late September 2012 with $42.5 million, the second highest opening for Sandler after The Longest Yard, which got some help by opening on Memorial Day. Its sequel opened three years later with $48.5 million, trashing Sandler’s previous record on its way to $169.7 million, which is also a record for Sandler… and then he went over to Netflix and has been there ever since. It’s hard to believe but this will be Sandler’s first nationwide theatrical release in three years, although it’s hard to tell whether his presence of that of any of the voice cast will be that much of a draw rather than the characters and situation.
Family cruises are fairly typical things these days that will give this film a relatability that might have been missing from the previous movies, although we’re still dealing with a comedy featuring some of the greatest movie monsters of all time (or rather versions of them). Animation king Genndy Tartakovsky is back helming the third movie, this time co-writing it as well, as Sandler focuses on his Netflix stuff but still provides his voice and sense of humor as well as all his friends… and the always great Mel Brooks once again voices Dracula’s father.
Not sure what more can be said about Hotel Transylvania 3 other than the fact it’s the first in the series to get a summer release (after getting a kick-off at Cannes!), and it has a number of distinct advantages over Dwayne Johnson’s new action-thriller Skyscraper in that it will be in more theaters (over 4,000) and it has relatively little family competition, basically The Incredibles II in its fifth weekend (so that will likely lose a few hundred screens).
Another thing to consider is that family sequels don’t always do well as previous movies, although that hasn’t always been the case with animated movies (as was the case with Pixar’s sequels). That said, last year’s Despicable Me 3 had a noticeable dip from the previous movie, though.
It seems likely that this movie will have another $40 million plus opening, but we’ll have to see if it does more than $45 million or spreads its business out over the rest of summer, and Hotel Transylvania 3 should be good for $130 million or so domestically.
SKYSCRAPER (Legendary/Universal)
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Next up is that Dwayne Johnson movie, an action-thriller that reunites him with Central Intelligence director Rawson Marshall Thurber, as well as with Legendary and Universal, the latter who wisely brought Johnson onto 2011’s Fast  Five, which in turn helped solidify the former WWE superstar as a bankable box office star.
Central Intelligence did well enough in the summer of 2016 by teaming Johnson with Kevin Hart to the tune of $127 million domestic and $217 million worldwide that Johnson and Thurber looked for another project when Skyscrapercame along. By now, you’ve already seen the trailer which makes the movie look a lot like a modern-day pastiche of Die Hard meets The Towering Inferno with Johnson trying to rescue his family, who are trapped high up in a skyscraper. This is new territory for Thurber, who had comedy hits with 2004′s Dodgeball (a cult classic, for sure) and 2013’s We’re the Millers before directing Johnson and Hart in their 2016 hit.
Johnson had an interesting year in 2017, as The Fate of the Furious dipped from 2015’s franchise record-holder Furious 7, but still grossed $226 million domestic. Paramount’s failed Baywatch remake followed a month later, and that bombed with just $58 million domestic, but Johnson ended the year with Sony’s Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, which reunited him with Hart. That opened meekly with $36.2 million before Christmas, but then it exploded over the holidays and in January of this year, grossing an astonishing $404 million. That’s about as good an example as any that if a movie is good and funny and delivers an experience as good or better than trailers, then it will have decent legs. In April, Johnson starred in Rampage, which looked like a summer blockbuster with giant monsters, but that barely hit $100 million after opening with around $36 million.
In fact, a $35 to 36 million opening is a pretty solid benchmark for Johnson other than Baywatch, and reviews which broke on Tuesday have generally been better than expected.
Basically, this should end up in that same $35 to 36 million range, which puts it in direct competition with last week’s Ant-Man and the Wasp for second place, and that should be a fairly tight race. Then again, with the summer heat and humidity and audiences looking for something to see, this could be a better choice than the Marvel movie and the animated one, so it could break out and surprise.
Mini-Review: Let’s face it that if you’re interested in seeing this movie, it’s because you’re a fan of Dwayne Johnson, and Johnson’s fans probably won’t be disappointed, because Skyscrapergives him another chance to basically be… Dwayne Johnson. It’s actually kind of funny that an actor with so little range could become one of the world’s biggest action stars, but maybe that’s what’s necessary, since none of the past great – Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis, Van Damme, etc. – had that much range, but they were good at doing what they did, and people loved them for it.
In this case, Johnson is Will Sawyer, some sort of military hostage negotiator who is injured on duty but has an opportunity to get a job as the security advisor for the hi-tech Hong Kong high-rise The Pearl. In fact, he moves his whole family in as the Pearl is getting ready to open its residential floors, but he soon learns that the friend who got him the gig is actually part of a plan to destroy the tower and its billionaire creator Zhao Long Ji (Chin Han) by the evil mercenary Kores Botha (Roland Møller).
That’s probably the best I can do with the plot since I was pretty distracted as the film started by a group of “seat-fillers” being herded in, including the one who knocked over a large soda that was pooling by my feet as the film began. Needless to say, it’s a far more complicated plot than should be necessary in trying to explain what the bad guys are doing there and how Will’s family ends up trapped in this enormous building on fire.
Sure, there are lots of questions and problems because the general concept is so ridiculous at times, as is The Pearl itself. While Will is being given the grand tour, he is shown so much high-tech stuff that clearly is only there to act as a plot device later in the film, and that’s exactly what happens. But Johnson himself is quite good, as is Neve Campbell, who is terrific as his wife, and even the kids are decent, but they can’t make up for some of the over-the-top performances from Møller and Noah Taylor as the building’s insurance broker who is so clearly tied to the terrorists.
Put it this way, Skyscraper is better than Central Intelligence in the same way that Rampage was better than San Andreas, and this is about as much fun as Rampage despite it not being even remotely a comedy and being more in the disaster realm of San Andreas. Got all that?
There are more than enough nail-biting moments and solid action scenes that you can almost forgive the weak script and the low-budget casting to allow the majority of the budget to be used on the CG-heavy setting and Johnson himself.
Rating: 7/10
SORRY TO BOTHER YOU (Annapurna Pictures)
Beyond the two wide releases, Annapurna Pictures will be expanding Boots Riley’s much-lauded directorial debut into 805 theaters* on Friday and with so many weak offerings in the bottom half of the top 10, there’s a good chance it can end up as high as 7thplace with just under $4 million. It’s all going to depend on how many theaters Sicario and Uncle Drew retain, since they’re shooting for around the same general $3.5 to 4 million territory.
Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and the Wasp opened below expectations, probably not helped by it being released during the quiet weekend post 4thof July, but we’ll have to see how it holds up in its second weekend, because it has direct competition for family audiences and for older males from the new movies.
1. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation (Sony Pictures Animation) - $43.6 million N/A
2. Skyscraper (Legendary/Universal) - $36.3 million N/A
3. Ant-Man and the Wasp (Marvel/Disney)  - $35 million -54%
4. The Incredibles 2 (Disney-Pixar) - $17.1 milliom -40%
5. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (Universal) - $13.5 million -53%
6. The First Purge (Blumhouse/Universal) - $8 million -55%
7. Sorry to Bother You (Annapurna) - $4 million*
8. Sicario: Day of the Soldado (Sony) - $3.6 million
9. Uncle Drew (Lionsgate) - $3.5 million
10. Ocean’s 8 (Warner Bros.) - $3 million -40%
*Upped this number to reflect the 800+ theaters that will be playing Boots Riley’s directorial debut
Before I get to this week’s limited releases, I want to give a shout-out to the annual FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL of Montreal, which kicks off on Thursday with the World Premiere of Mick Garris’ Nightmare Cinema, the Asian film Last Child and Daniel Roby’s Dans la Brume.  One can expect a bunch of movies that have played previous festivals like Fantastic Fest and Sundance including Panos Costmatos’ Mandy, starring Nicolas Cage and Andrea Riseborough, Piercing, Summer of ’84 and Anna and the Apocalypse (none of which I’ve seen yet!), while also having a premiere screening of Blumhouse’s upcoming horror sequel Unfriended: Dark Web. I’m still dying to see Jenn Wexler’s The Ranger, the directorial debut from Larry Fessenden’s wife/producer, and I’m also interested in Yoko Yamanaka’s Amiko and Robert Krzykowski’s The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot, starring the great Sam Elliot, who will be there in person.I’m not going to be able to go to Montreal this year for the festival, which runs through early August, but I hope to catch some of the films I haven’t seen remotely via links once the World Cup ends.
There are two really solid specialty releases this weekend and another one that’s pretty decent. (And unfortunately, due to time issues, I wasn’t able to finish this up but will have the rest added by sometime Friday morning.)
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Comedian, actor and musician Bo Burnham’s directorial debut Eighth Grade (A24) was one of my favorite movies from Sundance, this one starring newcomer Elsie Fisher as 13-year-old Kayla, who has to get through her last week of middle school with hopes of making a mark after being selected as “Most Quiet.” It’s an amazing coming-of-age film on par with last year’s Lady Bird that shows off the great talent of Fisher and Josh Hamilton as her father. I wrote more about this fantastic film out of Sundance, but don’t let this one pass you by because you may be worn out on coming of age films.
I also can highly recommend Rob Reiner’s Shock and Awe (Vertical/DirecTV), which is getting a moderate release into a couple hundred theaters this weekend. This one is a political drama about the reporters at the small Knight Ridder news network, who questioned America’s decision to go to war in Iraq after 9/11. It stars Woody Harrelson, James Marsden, Tommy Lee Jones and Reiner himself as the journalist who tried to get the story on record and ended up being the only ones to “get it right.” Honestly, this is one of Reiner’s best films in years, pretty much his Spotlight or The Post, part of which can be credited to screenwriter Joey Hartstone, who was able to cull the life stories of journalists Joseph Galloway, Jonathan Landay, Warren Strobel and John Walcott into a fantastically entertaining film. Don’t miss this one either!
Also good and worth checking out is Gus Van Sant’s Don’t Worry He Won’t Get Far On Foot (Amazon), a biopic (of sorts) about Seattle cartoonist John Callahan, as played by Joaquin Phoenix, a man who was paralyzed after being a passenger in a drunk driving car accident (driven by a completely blotto Jack Black). The film follows John’s battle against alcoholism, helped by a new-agey guru, played by Jonah Hill, and an odd group of people offering support. The cast also includes Rooney Mara, Carrie Brownstein from Portlandia and Kim Gordon, formerly of Sonic Youth.
Another artist biopic is Gaugin: Voyage to Tahiti (Cohen Media), starring Vincent Cassel, which opened on Wednesday at the Quad and Paris Theaters in New York. I haven’t seen it but this film by Edouard Deluc is based on Gaugin’s memoir Noa Noa and it takes place around 1891 when the artist got tired of the civilized world and deserted his family to live in Tahiti where he finds hisnew muse Tehura.
Also, Keanu Reeves and Molly Ringwald star in Siberia (Saban Films), Matthew (Frank & Lola) Ross’ new thriller about a diamond merchant (Reeves) and his love being caught in a crossfire between buyers and federal agents when a deal goes wrong…. And hard to believe for Saban’s latest almost direct-to-digital movie, but reviews are atrocious.
I’m far more intrigued by Norwegian filmmaker Iram Haq’s What Will People Say (Kino Lorber), which opens in New York at the IFC Center and will open in L.A. at the Laemmle Music Hall on August 3. The semi-autobiographical film stars Maria Mozhdah as 16-year-old Nisha, living in Norway and trying to fit in while also being the perfect Pakistani daughter. When her father catches her with a boy, she’s sent to live her extended family in Pakistan, where she has to adapt.
This week’s IFC Midnight offering is Aislinn Clarke’s The Devil’s Doorway (IFC Midnight), which will also play the IFC Center on Friday and Saturday night. Set in Northern Ireland in 1960, it involves two Catholic priests who are sent to the Vatican to investigate a statue of the Virgin Mary weeping blood. There, they discover “a depraved horror show of sadistic nuns, satanism, and demonic possession” – sounds like MY kinda party.
Some of this week’s docs…
Fans of jazz and swing might want to check out Jake Meginsky’s doc Milford Graves Full Mantis (Cinema Guild), opening at the Metrograph Friday then in L.A. on July 27. It’s not the usual talking heads music doc either, but it was a little too esoteric for my tastes, even though I dug the music and performances. Probably the most interesting aspect of this doc was going to Wikipedia to learn more about Graves and reading this:
“In 2013, Milford Graves along with Drs.Carlo Tremolada and Carlo Ventura received a patent for an invention that relates to a process of preparing a non-expanded tissue derivative, that is not subjected to cell proliferation in vitro, which has a vascular-stromal fraction enriched in stem and multipotent elements, such as pericytes and/or mesenchymal stem cells, or for preparing non-embryonic stem cells obtained from a tissue sample or from such tissue derivative, wherein the tissue derivative or such cells are subjected to vibrations derived from a heart sound to control the degree of differentiation or possible differentiation of the stem and multipotent elements into several other types of cells and optimize their potency. The invention relates also to a device for carrying out the process, to stem cells obtainable by the process as well as a drug for the regeneration of an animal tissue.”
(I was lost after that first sentence.)
I was even less of a fan of Jonathan Hacker’s Path of Blood (Paladin), based on his book of the same name, that assembles some raw footage of captured jihadi home movies filmed by a group of Muslim terrorists. To me, this was a little bit too much like found footage without commentary, which is certainly a valid documentary technique but not my favorite.
Sadly, I didn’t have an opportunity to see Kimberly Reed’s Dark Money (PBS), which opens at the IFC Center on Friday with tons of QnA opportunities, but it’s very timely in dealing with corporate money being used to influence elections and elected officials. Sound familiar? It premiered at Sundance and won the “David Carr Award for Truth in Non-Fiction Filmmaking” at the Montclair Film Festival, and if you don’t know who David Carr was, then please stop reading this column immediately. Thanks.
From Bollywood comes Shaad Ali’s Soorma (Sony Pictures Releasing), an inspiring sports drama about an athlete who came back after a freak accident.
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