#docking safely
rocketrouquine · 8 months
I saw in one of the comments on Ed and Stede breakfast’video that one of the ways you could tell Ed was a bottom (apart from the docked joke) was that whereas Ed still has his rings, Stede had removed his and well…
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Holy fucking shit.
(Even if it’s not for … you know… it’s still so obvious that Stede would remove his jewelry before sleeping. He’s a girl with a routine)
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Does MerKiller like cool and shiny thingamabobs? I have plenty of cool and shiny thingamabobs and he can have them all.
Also, how are Dust and Horror in the Mer AU? :0 They can also have thingamabobs. As a treat.
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Killer: oooo
Thing Horror Is Eating: very big burger
Nightmare In Killer's Imagination: pat pat
Killer In Nightmare's Imagination: chomp
Bonus Comic: also
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tomurakii · 7 months
Gale's interactions with kids are so special to me. Like not in a "make that man a father" way (because all though I do think he has the makings of a good one, he doesn't want kids) but just in the. This is a man who wants to guarantee them good futures, even if they aren't his own.
Like Gale wants to be a professor. He's so great with Mol in the lanceboard scene, he's so adamantly defensive of Arabella in the grove. And it is so relatable to me as someone who doesn't know if they'd ever have kids, but who still wants the best for the next generation and wants to have a hand in helping them. His students, the tiefling kids, Yenna, they aren't his, and they don't need to be his for him to teach and help and care for them. And that's so lovely to me.
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Hi there!
Are you proship? Just curious, no hate /gen
On that note, how/ why did you choose that stance and what're your thoughts on those of the opposite spectrum?
Okay, so here's the thing. I am absolutely, undeniably, both feet in the water, proship. I don't give a fuck what people are into when it comes to fiction. I really don't. Because it's fiction. It's fake. I'm not gonna get all bent out of shape because people play with their dolls differently than I do. That's a waste of energy.
Huge age gap? Fuck yeah, dude.
Monster fucking/humanxbeast ships? Fuckin BET.
Toxic relationship where they're both obsessed? 🔥
Cannibal/vamp/killer ship tropes? I'M HOOKED.
One sided/stalking/kidnapping ships? Abso-fuckin-lutely.
Pet play ships? Hell yeah, brother.
Incest ships? Not really my cup of cocoa, but hey, you do you, dude. It's not hurting me any.
Priest fuckers? And demon/priest ships? Can't get enough of that shit.
Self shippers? Hell fuckin yeah, you get that fictional character's attention, baby.
I could literally keep going, but I'm sure you get the point. In my opinion, people can ship whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting or harassing real people. Do I count antis getting triggered over a drawing or fic as hurt? Nah. I'm talking physical/emotional harm or relentless harassment. You know, the shit antis do to US. From what I've seen, proshippers just wanna play with their toys without some anti coming and kicking over their sandcastle because it's not the way THEY would have built it.
As far as people who prefer to stay away from the proships, that's okay. It's okay not to enjoy something. It's okay to see something and be like "Eh. Not for me." But that's it. That's where it should stop.
What I'm not okay with, and I've said it before, is the pointless attacks and the superiority complexes. The people who feel the need to pound their opinions into your head. These certain people who get offended by proship and think the whole world has to stop and filter/censor themselves for their benefit. I'm not gonna cradle someone who feels the need to cry and complain about lines on paper.
You don't like something? I can respect that. Move on. But leave people alone for fuck's sake. You know what I mean? What is the fucking point of going on someone else's post and telling them to hurt or kill themselves? What's the point of seeing someone's work and instead of scrolling past like an adult, they write some huge paragraph as to why we're going to hell and they're better than us in every way? The same goes for proshippers who attack other proshippers. I don't get it. The name calling, the fucking one sided dick measuring contests, the holier than thou mindsets. Over a drawing or a fic? Really? C'mon.
There are ships out there I really just don't like, but damn I can appreciate some good ass art when I see it. I won't seek out a fic on a ship I don't like just so I can leave some shitty comment. I will never be some anti screaming into the void of the fucking internet because someone drew or wrote about a problematic ship. I don't like to argue about this stuff, but I will defend myself and I will defend other people who just wanna play pretend.
Something antis need to understand is "DNI" works both ways. Don't like it? Don't interact with it then. Plain and simple.
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tennessoui · 7 months
Once they finally acknowledge to each other and others that they are together, I am imagining that Obikin announcing that they are taking up a new couples hobby and everyone who knows them just praying it's not theirs.
this works for so many of my AUs and also canon that I can’t tell if it’s referencing something or just a statement of fact. obikin is a menace on every level.
they take up like. Couples pottery and they’re being snide across the room to each other and sabotaging the other one’s projects and then when they’re all fired, they paint them with sickeningly sweet images of scenes from their relationship.
worst thing in the entire temple from start to finish💯
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waitinginthecorner · 1 month
I think I had my first panic attack tonight lol
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Ranger's Apprentice AU where the banishment wasn't just for a year and this changes surprisingly little about the third and fourth books until very near the end (apart from Horace having more stress and Halt having more internal angst).
Halt literally does not tell Will until they're on the ship back to Araluen; even then, an increasingly worried Horace needs to push him into it
Halt A) refuses to explain it properly, meaning Will is just baffled by the idea of Halt committing treason, and B) moves straight into discussing how this will or won't affect Will's life. He can still go back, and is definitely still part of the Corps, and Halt is 95% sure Crowley will approve Gilan as his new mentor if they ask...
Will has a rare instance of completely losing his temper at Halt in a teenage explosion, ending in a shouted "DO YOU EVEN WANT ME??" as he stomps away
(Yes, at least half the ship heard this. It's fine, it's fine. There are no secrets aboard longships anyway, there isn't room for them)
Will unloads the whole thing to Horace and Cassandra, about how Halt is just planning on passing him off to somebody else now he's rescued and he didn't even tell him and why?? why is any of this happening???
Genuinely, the boy is Very Upset
Horace is not experienced in personal mediation but he is qualified to point out "Um, Halt really hates being banished, he probably doesn't want to inflict it on you too because it's a bad thing"
He also explains the actual story behind Halt getting himself banished, which helps a bit
Cassandra has to process the banishment bit but is more taken aback by the second revelation that Will wants to follow Halt into banishment and Leave Araluen Forever
It's like a domino effect of abandonment issues!!
But because she's shocked, she actually says what she's thinking, which means the boys are able to explain that well yeah, Will doesn't want to leave Halt, would you want to be separated from your dad forever right after getting him back?
She's like "...oh"
The process of drawing that parallel is helpful for everyone concerned, actually
Anyway, Will calms down and goes off to have another talk with Halt (who is ALSO not happy because now he might have to say goodbye to Will forever WHILE Will is MAD AT HIM). Halt explains he wants Will by his side but more he wants what's best for him, and wandering the face of the earth is Not It. Will counters that he'd lose more by losing Halt than by leaving the Corps, which... is a lot for Halt to process, but was also almost exactly Halt's train of thought last book, so it's not like he can just shut it down.
They go back and forth some more but ultimately agree Will is going to stay with Halt. I don't know if Familial Words are actually used but honestly I think they are, because "you're my DAD" is the only context in which this decision makes total sense and they both know that.
Of course, Cassandra has been setting up a counter-scheme with Erak's collusion this whole time, so when they dock in Araluen Erak immediately asks Duncan for the lifting of Halt's banishment as a Formal Diplomatic Boon.
Emergency over, return to your homes, eucatastrophe all round! Will and Halt are just left with the established fact that they would have gone into banishment together if circumstances required it.
Also Cassandra and Will separate on somewhat better terms because she knows how much he wants to go home to his cabin. (Although Will's class issues are definitely still a thing.)
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skelekins · 11 months
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some doodles
wrote pirate brainrot elsewhere but he's some quickies
Southwind (pirate!Fumes) was big but he fought a sea serpent to keep kelek from dieing which resulted in him getting minimized and saved by ocean magic
i mostly wanted to draw Southwind lmao. Kelek is very rough. He doesn't go to the docks or sail but he lives on an island thats mainly populated by pirates/pirate adjacent and helps with moving goods.
Southwind is an information hub whereas Kelek does a lot of busywork - mending and crafting.
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goodgriefwhatanerd · 8 months
You know what, I'm gonna say it. I don't even have any skin in this game, but antishippers with these flashing illegible banners that all boil down to "proshippers dni" are actively making this corner of tumblr less accessible.
Remember when there was that whole push about not making people of colour, disabled people, and non-women feel excluded in selfshipping spaces? Well turns out fuck people with disabilities who can't deal with flashing gifs for whatever reason, I guess. And fuck people who use screen readers because there's never an image description.
I'm not even that badly affected by this shit, but I just don't have the focus today to process written words when there's a visually overstimulating rectangle flashing two inches below what I'm trying to focus on. Stop that shit.
Keep your little fandom spat with your poorly defined terms, I really don't care, but stop making posts that are exclusionary or outright hostile to multiple disabled people in your community.
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corpsoir · 2 years
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skagen and solvei waving at each other :)
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coloursofaparadox · 6 months
its digital viking hyperfixation time again
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
it’s an Anna/Dean fic if Anna is the little mermaid. it is NOT a destiel fic if Castiel is the little mermaid. to be clear.
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glaciermice · 2 years
Mister Stoker, your horror may be strong but unfortunatly my brainrot is stronger
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freebooter4ever · 11 months
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That's the sid hat making another appearance again, isn't it? ^_^ i like how we all assumed he was ordering a sid penguin to be GIVEN to sid but instead geno just wanted to show off his support for his teammate <3
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minkbug · 2 years
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back from an art hiatus, its em bibble time bitch
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powerfought · 3 months
we don’t talk about how i botched my gale romance run with my first haru file and then cried for an hour and a half after beating the game bc i didn’t have the save from the stormshore tabernacle to rectify it 😭😭😭😭
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