#do NOT interact with this twink no matter your gender
polygones · 2 months
malevoversary day 6/7: side characters / free choice
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[ID: An artwork of Parker, Noel, Oscar, Larson and the Butcher from Malevolent. Above them read the words, 'died because of a book', 'bleeding out in Spain', 'amputated and forgotten about', 'blinded and sent to the Dreamlands', and 'exploded' respectively. They all have displeased expressions. \End ID.]
[ID: An artwork of Arthur Lester from Malevolent doing the 'Ah, Eto... Bleh' pose. He is putting his hands on top of his head and sticking out his tongue playfully. \End ID.]
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epickiya722 · 2 months
I'm new to the JJK fandom, and after one month of interacting with the fandom, I noticed that many view Gojo as a womanizer. I believe it to be false.
Maybe it's because of that one time Gege commented that he doesn't see Gojo being faithful to a woman (that man looks like a twink, so I don't blame you, Akutami). Nonetheless, I do not believe it means that Gojo is a playboy/ fuckboy.Let me tell you: while Gojo got the looks, it does not change the fact that he got no hoes He's a hoe repellent no matter the gender.
He is that type of guy that is really handsome, but the moment he opens his mouth, your perception of him changes so much that you would find Deadpool's left ass cheek more attractive. Hell, even Toji's worm. My dude is annoying as hell. He is rude, tactless, and privileged. Add to that the fact that he might also have mommy and daddy issues  because I'm sure he was not treated like a normal kid (but that is another discussion for another time).
Gojo might also have a lot of trust issues combined to the fact that he tends to isolate himself by not letting himself get too close to others. Like this guy is the strongest sorcerer, and his birth caused a shift in the Jujutsu world. Since his birth, people have been trying to kill him. Even the higher up in Jujutsu, see him as a nuisance and are waiting for the opportunity to do him dirty and you to tell me that he doesn't have trust issues? He has infinity on all the time, to the point that he does that subconsciously, and you want to tell me that he's gonna drop that just to get laid? So that he can get  a cursed technique aimed right at his balls?
And even if he is a playboy in the sense that it's not sexual and it's just emotional cheating. The dude feels like no one can relate to him. No one understands what it's like to be at the top, to be the strongest. So what would be the point?
I like Gojo, but in real life, being in a relationship with this man means you'll probably be his therapist because I know this guy has a lot of issues. At least he got money, so you'll be compensated I guess?
I'm rambling a lot, and it's not structured, but I also do not want to write a whole essay in your ask box.
In conclusion: It must be the cash cause it ain't your personality or whatever Beyoncé said.
What do you think?
When I tell you that "womanizer Gojo" is one of the characterizations I hate that some of the fandom has given him I HATE IT.
This is why we take the time to reread something and better understand it because in what world does a womanizing Gojo fits? Especially, in canon when it would be hard to maintain a romantic relationship given the risks Jujutsu sorcerers take? And with the description you gave are other reasons why Gojo wouldn't have a significant other.
Let's be honest, if there was one person who could handle Gojo it was Geto. This isn't me saying this as a shipper, but just stating a fact.
Like, if he would have a romantic partner, it would have him. Shoko's their friend, yes. But that is the most that she sees herself as. Chapter 220, she states hell would freeze over before she falls for any of those two. She's aware of the flaws they both have, but that doesn't she didn't want to be there for them.
One thing I like about Gojo is that despite the reputation he has as a sorcerer, he got his flaws that make him human. Just me, but I don't see the point of adding more flaws to him if I like him already as he is. Like, come on. Just make an OC, at this point.
I know sometimes canon can suck, but fanon? Is worse sometimes.
It's like how some people will depict Yuji drinking and eating anything because "Oh, he's a total dumbass".
I hate that. Yes, Yuji states he's dumb, but he has displayed he does have intelligence and sometimes even he ain't with the bullshit with others. When he said he'll eat anything, it was more on the lines of "I'll eat a cursed object to save people" not "I'll drink gasoline because I was dared to".
Like, damn, he ain't that careless! He ain't that stupid! (Just giving him the Kaminari treatment, huh?)
Just... I wish more people actually stop and think about what they're reading instead of running with it and going with a depiction that others say is "canon" (it's not) or "better than canon". Especially, with a media that isn't from your native country.
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somehowmags · 10 months
also honestly, girl at an all boys school has been such a common trope for YEARS like. i know not everyone is insane like i was and went through a gacha phase but the fandom was literally 1/5 built off a girl mc in an all boys school trope. obviously we were all kids when we made it so gacha mvs weren't the best for the portrayal of nuanced, gendered issues or specifically, proper handling of misogyny for the matter but like. the theme itself definitely not weird as bad as people think. yuu literally got their asscheeks yoinked to an alternate world them being a girl is the least of their concerns. if any thing, it can be more interesting to see how characters differently interact with yuu and come to build positive, intimate and meaningful relationships with her especially as guys who have had limited interactions with girls, so both yuu and the characters learn from each other putting aside the main character development in the storyline. adding onto the feeling of the divide yuu would feel at the beginning as someone who's both from another world and of another gender in nrc. these girl in an all boys school plots often end up as a harem story where the mcs are just a blank slate in the character drama. and i hate it cause most of the times it ends up perpetuating the notion that guys can never be friends with girls due to romantic or sexual interest electing the girls as either someone to possess in a relationship or someone not suited to them at all, just generally being misogynistic pricks, or actually being a decent friend to a girl is humiliating and a sign of inferiority. or girls just aren't as interesting. my best friend is the lesbian to my gay twink and building relationships with people fundamentally different than you can be so, so beautiful and fulfilling. i love seeing girls and guys just being HOMIES!!! seeing fem yuu's learn and stumble and grow with the nrc and just. overall people drawing and writing their yuu's with their favorite character is like fuck, speak your truth man. to be honest i was mainly speaking about the inexperienced first years but just any character. malleus, lilia, vil, etc etc. let's go yuu nation
tdlr its a really intriguing dynamic and allows for a lot of possibilities a fan could think of. masc yuu's are great, gn yuu's are great, fem yuu's are great. some twsties need to LET OTHER twsties just enjoy their whimsical thoughts.
YES YES YES YES EXACTLY AGREEING WITH ALL OF THIS!!!! having a girl in an all boys school or a boy in an all girls school has been a trope for years, and sure sometimes it is used for uh. fanservice. but when it is properly explored it can be a really interesting trope!
i saw someone say once (before yuuka came out) that there shouldn't be an official fem yuu because then the studio would HAVE to canonize a yuu ship which is soooooo. firstly why would having a fem mc mean that you have to ship them with someone, and secondly what about the studio implies that they would ever do that, and thirdly what an ass backwards misogynistic take, and fourthly you have to understand that f/m and f/f ships are not lesser than m/m. please LKAHSDFLKASDHFLKH the lengths people go to to justify not liking fem yuus. i laugh but it sucks going in the twst tags sometimes because people are so mean its depressing.
nyeah i feel like fandom is a bit like. too romance focused. people can do whatever the hell they want forever ofc! i like shipping also! i am known to enjoy an reader insert fic! i buy romance novels and play otomes all the time ajksldfhlakshdfasldhf but it sucks when its all that there is yknow. i love pushing dolls faces together to make them kiss but sometimes i would also like to play something else.
i also wish there was less disdain towards different yuus. like man we're all stuck in disney anime boy hell can't you guys suffer with dignity like the rest of us instead of being mean. we should all hold hands and imagine our favorite characters together.
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
I really appreciate your response to that ask, I think it feels mean. I didn't really realize how much representation meant to me until I saw a character say the word trans on screen, and until I saw the pool scene in shrill. Representation made me feel human, sure its not complete activism, but for a few moments I saw myself portrayed as beautiful, as desirable, as worthy. I've worked hard on deconstructing fatphobia, but seeing myself on screen portrayed so favorably was life changing. We deserve to see ourselves through loving eyes
I think part of this might be an age thing, tbh.
Right now, when we are in a glut of often sanitized but ever present representation (and in many cases "representation" ie the diversity is on the screen but isn't... saying anything or representing anything other than 'this person exists') where shows vie for quota-esque diversity, it's easy to say "This is doing nothing."
Because a lot of it IS doing nothing... or close to it. Truly, the 18th rendition of white, skinny twink coming out to his parents who immediately accept him is doing minuscule work, a fraction of what some people claim it does.
But like... as someone who grew up before that... especially before the internet really existed as it does now, so if something wasn't mainstream you were fighting for your fucking LIFE to find it (and often were not getting it, especially because a lot of the time you didn't even have a space where someone was gonna tell you what ot even look for), like... I have a clear moment of "first times" with media representation that looks to me.
I have a clear cut before representation and after.
I have a FIRST skinny twink who comes out to parents who mean well and try their best to be accepting but maybe ar econfused.
And that first time mattered a fucking lot to me. And I wasn't even skinny or a twink. I was just a fat bi girl (didn't even really figure out gender stuff til much, much later, in part BECAUSE of media representation) who really wanted to come out and didn't know what i twould look like. Didn't know what acceptance looked like.
I was a kid who watched QAF and didn't know it was okay to say fuck my oppressors, I don't need them. Until I saw a bunch of grown adult characters, who had lived through horrific things, get to say "Fuck straight people, I don't need them."
I didn't have tumblr or twitter or fan spaces that were 90% LGBT people my age. I just... had that. And... a lot of my first mostly LGBT spaces were through fandom.
Which isn't to say fandom or representation is inherently revolutionary or even just progressive or without fault. Or that those things should be in yoru only interaction with LGBT spaces and activism.
I am just saying that as a kid... I didn't have EVEN THAT.
And it was fucking miserable. I watched QAF by myself. Read my probelmatic and ultimately harmful yaoi/shounen ai shit by myself, maybe shared it with some friends who humored me. I did the work by myself where the media was all I fucking had and it sucked.
It sucked to be alone in it.
And this all changed SO fucking rapidly. Like the media landscape and LGBT-politics I had in middle school and the media landscape/LGBT politics I had in college are like night and fucking day.
If you are even five years younger than me, there is a chance you grew up with the glut. You have no clear cut "before" the "Eh, it's not revolutionary but it makes me feel warm inside" representation. You just have the "Is this all?" moment. It's your normal. But it wasn't mine.
So, yeah, let's demand better. Do better. Do other shit because we realize this isn't the be all, end all of "work" for any marginalized community.
But also realize that media matters.
And also... I still haven't seen media that perfectly captures me and some of that STILl does bother me. And I'm still fairly privileged, so like, if we can't get "Kinda fat, definitely hairy, nonbinary bisexual girl with mental health issues and physical health issues who is still strugglign to grow up as she approaches 30" imagine all the people being left in the fucking dust, waiting for THEIR "I feel TRULY seen, not just in one aspect of my identity, but in all of it, together."
How many stories are STILL going untold and leave people feeling isolated, wrong, like maybe their life isn't worth sharing with the world.
Whose combination of identities are used as like jokes when it comes to like "WAH GO WOKE GO BROKE MEDIA? WHAT'S NEXT? A DISABLED BLACK TRANS WOMAN WITH THEY/THEM PRONOUNS?" Like... disabled black trans women with they/them pronouns exist. And aren't getting their stories told. And are now being told that even WANTING their stories to be told is ridiculous and laughable.
That fucking matters. That's harm being done. That is something rectified by the normalization of not just ONE of the facets of their identity but all of it, together.
So many of us have to piece together parts of our story to see the whole picture and that still isn't fair.
But if you have all of your pieces wrapped up together in one character, one show, one book, you don't see the struggle left over for everyone else.
When you have a lot of something, one more or one less piece of it doesn’t make a difference. But when you have NOTHING or just a piece of your story, even just one retelling of your story or something adjacent to it can change everything for you.
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gothwarlocks · 3 years
Tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad, thank you!! 🥰
Tagging: @kyber-heart, @alexithemandalorian, @sentinelapologist, @blueburds, @clonethoughts and anyone else who’d like to. 🤠
TW for some nsfw subject matter and kink discussion to be safe. I omitted a couple things from some of the questions without changing them, if that’s alright (like, gendered terms that sounded odd or felt limiting, to me.)
Tag your OC that is a wild Happy Top. That one oc that happily shares their love with anyone.
This is totally Azmodai. He’s very happy to top, experienced enough to deliver, and knows this combination is a commodity lol. He’s also just a fairly kind person that likes to listen and cater to his partners’ needs before his own, something I think dom tops should always do. ☺️
Lorn and Azzy are an item, by the way, but they’ve got an open relationship. They are just each others’ primaries. Something I always forget to mention!!
Tag your OC that has the KINKIEST MIND. And I don’t mean the most massive kink. I mean that OC that is into A LOT OF STUFF.
My sorcerer that I don’t talk about enough, Andras. They are pretty out there. They’ve dabbled in everything from bondage to blood play to using the Force in less-than-intended ways. The way they perceive their body as a thing they possess to mold to their will leads them to experiment in many ways with various partners. They enjoy feeling out their limits and pushing beyond them. 👀
Valen’tin is a close second, though. He has a similar relationship with kink and his body and mind.
Tag your OC that carries a pillow around just so someone makes them BITE IT. Your ultra-super-mega bottom/sub OC.
I feel like he’d protest being branded as a pillow-biter but this is so Lev lol. He’s a tough as nails bastard and doesn’t really exude what most people are accustomed to with sub bottoms, but boy is he ever lol. He just needs the right man to blow his back out 😌❤️
Tag your OC that would make GOD their BITCH. The top dog. The top bitch. The dom to dom them all.
Azmodai doesn’t have that kind of aspiration. Kyr’ilsaar, though... 🙈 I mean everyone reading this on my page should know by now that that man gets off on power dynamics and asserting himself as the “top dog”. It’s a product of him feeling belittled and smaller than the legacy of his father and the Sith that conspired against him. Kyr lives out some of that fantasy in the bedroom. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Tag your OC that makes rocks cry. The little one that likes cuddles and being pet. The one you gotta be gentle with because they are so soft.
Ylan! Next question.
Tag the OC that flips you over. That shy one that makes you think you are in charge and later ties you up and gags you.
Andras again! For context, they’re a vers bottom (and I guess a switch, but it’s conditional). I’m going to rerun the entire game on a clone of them soon so you’ll see them much more but just know that they are...funny. 😏 They would totally get a kick out of pulling stunts like this. I’m sure they’ve fucked some moff in this manner slkdjlsdk 🥵
Tag your MOST endowed OC. That OC who WILL break you just with COCK.
Y’all got me it’s Azmodai 😔 and for some extra lore, he has a golden frenum piercing because I think they’re neat and he would be extra enough to have one to match his gold nipple piercings.
Runner-up is Valen’tin!!
Tag your tiniest OC. That OC that is a sweet piece of cuteness. But that has a body so flexible that they can easily take the last OC
Not exactly a tiny, but Lorn fits this category. Though still strong, he’s a smaller-set man (~5′6″) and a perfect fit for Azmodai (~6′2″) 😩
Tag your OC with the MOST sensitive Body. That OC that can’t have a massage without moaning. The OC that goes wild just from kisses.
Valen’tin 🙈 but in all seriousness. He’s someone with a history of trauma and hardships so genuinely tender feelings and gestures can get him off as well as rougher interactions.
Tag your OC that has the WEIRDEST KINK.
Aw I wouldn’t call a kink weird even if it crossed my mind. Kink exists as something outside of the mainstream and kind of depends on its taboo-ness to function because a lot of it can be about the subversion of it. Anyway if I must give an answer, maybe I could give a few that are less popular?
Andras: Knife and blood play (general edge play), size kink (for partners larger than them), (very careful) Force lightning
Kyr’ilsaar: Force use (especially choking), orgasm denial, praise kink (latter two aren’t that weird but he gets off on being pissed off and worshipped which is...fun lol)
Lev’rani: public sex (and specifically the fear of being caught--I forgot the term..)
Tag your most VANILLA OC.
This is an evil question. I don’t think Any of my toons are vanilla, but if I am forced to comply here: the least adventurous is probably... Ylan. He IS your typical Pillow Princess Twink.
Tag your OC with the largest collection of SEX TOYS.
sldkjflkj LORN 🥵 I don’t even know why that was such an early established thing for him but I’ve always thought “yeah he’d be the type”
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oceancoralx · 4 years
 Hey everyone, I’ve just been lingering about. Been avoiding Tumblr RP because it’s not really where I’ve felt the most comfortable (even though I’ve made some amazing friends, you guys know who you are and you guys are awesome). I tried to return through discord because that’s where I felt more comfortable but I haven’t checked there in a while either. Life has been pretty terrible honestly and my muse has been drained as the distractions and problems piled on top. I just wanted to drop in and give an update. Also... wow, there’s a lot of drama I’ve seen. Another reason I’m very hesitant to come back but I’m glad certain things are being addressed such as toxic masculinity and racism, especially within the sect of “gay rp” (idk, but you guys know what I mean). Anyone else, this ain’t about you, and I appreciate you guys because your talent is off the charts.
I try and lean less towards that gay rp end of the spectrum tbh because fetishization tends to happen, I’ve noticed, and there’s also been stuff to do with consent that, while I have to say is my problem considering it’s not my business, I’m very concerned about and uncomfortable with as they’re portraying non-con for fulfilment rather than being addressed as what it is. Or at least being treated as a trigger with a warning or anything at times. I prefer story based rps than smut (which I prefer to do with rpers I’m comfortable with) and that’s just my own personal preferences that doesn’t impact anyone but it’s a huge part of rp, technically and I think it’s worth putting my two cents (is that what Americans use? Is that the phrase?) in. 
In terms of a toxic masculinity argument, I don’t think that particular issue was addressed as well as it probably should have been in the post I saw going round but it’s definitely a part of it. I think the types of muses we glorify are very evident but I do believe that that’s almost entirely okay. Be attracted to what you’re attracted to or gravitate towards and do you! But I do see a lot of muses (sure, twinks can be a part of this conversation, okay, but you know a lot of other groups as well) are neglected. I think white, traditionally masculine muses with perfect, muscular bodies are favoured (fine) and also “gay” (stereotypical) behaviour, attributes, traits, features are rejected (eek ok)/deemed unattractive and I do think that there has been a problem where it’s teetered towards a kind of toxic masculinity/internally homophobic direction (not always but there’s been some of that.) I don’t think it’s intentional because we can all like what we like but what we put out with that sentiment has crossed the line a few times and that’s where we need to be careful. I also understand that a lot of these things aren’t going to be addressed when your characters are smutting it up because those rps aren’t that deep and you’re just trying to enjoy writing. I’d just say that be careful within those spaces that we don’t put out any harmful messages or idk make a conscious effort to try and be positive in any way we can? You’d think this is a very simple thing but if people are still agreeing that this is still happening then it’s something that needs to be realised and put into words. 
Idk. Could be as simple as putting a trigger warning or... rephrasing? Sometimes the character is just like that and that’s fine but acknowledgement OOC or something? I don’t know, maybe even that seems a little much but it at least makes the distinction between the character and mun. I don’t believe your characters represent you, wholly. Just be aware and conscious of these things and outside of your character interactions, especially if your character is intentionally problematic or toxic ect, try and be decent to everyone. Muses are fictional but the many muns behind them are real people and however great or small, you have an impact on the environment you contribute to. The argument I saw being conveyed was not well put but I think that just because the person arguing them has problems of their own (valid ones which I am about to address) lets not disregard everything they said from the conversation because I think we should still talk about toxic masculinity and homophobia in areas that were not addressed. Also the attitude of non-binary and trans muses as being less than is also something I acknowledge has happened a few times. We’ve come a long way since now these characters are actually being included and brought to the surface of attention and I don’t think that any of us are trying to be harmlful (or I should hope not) but I do think in queer spaces we should be the ones to make room/welcome these types of people and issues safely and comfortably into them. I’m not saying you necessarily have tor rp with muses you don’t want to, I’m not policing you to be more diverse and inclusive but be open minded and aware that you are making an impact in your threads, muses, bios, rules pages and ooc messages and be mindful what sorts of messages your words are communication. I want it in writing that trans men are no less of a man (same for trans women but I see even FEWER of these muses) and we should be learning to adapt to this understanding of gender rather than conveying attitudes of the past that harm people within the community. Also no matter what the body of the non-binary muse is like, respect that they’re non-binary if that is the decision from the mun. Don’t erase that by disregarding chosen pronouns for your own fulfilment in the story. A character being non-binary shouldn’t change what they contribute to the story, especially if the story is two characters flirt in an undescribed location with a convenient bed and the only thing they have in common is that they’re horny and hot. 
In terms of racism, now this hits a little harder. There’s definitely a problem there (as pointed out by a lot of the people who responded to the toxic masculinity post). I empathise with the sentiments expressed about the blatantly harmful attitudes geared towards Asian and specifically Korean muses, as well as a general attitude towards all POC muses. This needs to change and if you think that this whole preferences thing doesn’t mimic the problems of the real world towards POC than I think you need to rethink. Many different muses of many different ethnicities have been either rejected due to physical preferences and the argument that due to this being done in a space where we create fiction that means this is okay I think is very questionable. Whole races of people being generalized and boxed into one is not where we should be at. You being comfortable with only FCs who are actors is fine, or FCs that supply no significant age gap is completely fair but implying a whole race of people is unattractive? I’m not putting words into anyone's mouth but please do not do this. Especially right now, we shouldn’t be doing this and we should already understand why this is bad. On the other side of the spectrum, the fetishization and stereotypes, especially in the way it is advertised is very grim. Fetishization of a whole race of people is dehumanizing, especially if that race is an oppressed minority. I’m not accusing anyone but PLEASE just try and consider your approach to interacting with POC muses in this way. It requires so little effort to just question whether something is okay. I don’t think it is hard to listen to what is going on in the real world and not project those harmful things in order to fulfil your fantasies. I think there’s a problem there if certain fantasies are fulfilled on the back of people getting hurt. Just do your research and try to offend anyone is what I’m saying. It’s very simple. Just grow as a human. Pretty much if you’re not talking from experience, just be respectful, whether you’re putting out a muse or trying to interact with a muse. Make a mistake and then try and then learn and grow. Don’t try and box POC muses into ways they can fulfil your fantasies based on very tired ideals of who they are and what they can offer. I’m saying it again, just be respectful. Question what you put out, think about it and try not to hurt people through what you communicate. Have empathy. I’m reiterating the same things because these are simple thoughts that should just come so quickly and casually. There are so many people with a multitude of different experiences interacting with this and probably people who have more knowledge on it but lets not just address these issues when someone needs to be called out. Lets put a stop to it in general. This shouldn’t have just been made aware of when it was right there in front of us. 
Listen, I’m not here to police or tell people how to go about RP. Get weird, go crazy and be out there. Characters and threads are not real life, I understand that but just be aware of the impact around that little bubble within the thread. Try and make a conscious ever to put out positivity outside of your threads when you’re contributing to your blogs. Or at the very least, don’t put out negativity. Make sure that no one feels unwelcome or disregarded or hurt when they come to your blog. RP is a social activity (wow I sound like an annoying, patronizing teacher while I write this) and that means that no matter how introverted you are, you gotta navigate it that way. Just don’t be a dick. This isn’t a call out post, just a “think about it this way the next time you try and put something out there.” This was my opinion on a few things that have been circling and a few things that haven’t been touched upon much. I’m also open to criticism myself if there’s anything I should have said, got wrong or missed out. Like everyone else here, I make mistakes and I am trying my best. I don’t think many of us are harmful or negative people, but sometimes when we are otherwise distracted we can slip up so it’s good to direct our attentions back to those areas. Ok I’m done.
This is probably a mess of a post.
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naernon · 6 years
Since I keep having this ruin my days and is generally a thing that has made me incredibly conscious of my own mental deterioration as a result of my dysphoria, unfollow me if you’re transphobic, cissexist, whatever you wish to call it.
This includes associating any gender to any sort of genitals. I don’t fucking care who you are. If you look at my damn body and sort me automatically as female, as a woman, then get away from me. Same for any trans woman.
This excludes just following game categorization, of course, I mean, there’s male and female characters and that’s generally how it goes and has always gone so there’s not much to do there. So saying female and male characters is fine. I don’t care. But if by your own DAMN JURISDICTION YOU CONSIDER ME A FEMALE, A WOMAN, IN ANY SORT OF MANNER, UNFOLLOW ME.
I’m tired of being mislead. I’m tired of being drawn in by cis people in general under the guise that I am actually a man, only to see y’all go back to the normal schedule of vagina = woman and dick = man. No matter what, I will always see it. It will always send me into breakdowns. But goddamn, if I’m on a blog of one of my main coping mechanisms, something that has saved me in the past few months, such as TES, and I have the ability to control my own dash and turn it into a safe space, you know damn well I will.
I’ve brought this rant to my main/personal multiple times and it’s about time I’ve brought it here. Not that it does anything, because you people don’t fucking listen. For some reason, cissexism and subtle transphobia despite claimed trans allyship gets to me more than anything else ever could. I don’t know anyone on here personally but it still feels like being backstabbed. And no one has qualms about what I see. I feel like the resident batshit trans man who is too sensitive to handle the real world and constantly bitches about shit that really isn’t transphobic but for his sensitive little pussy ass, it is. I generally feel like I’m going mad.
I am not a female. I have never been a female. People consider me to be one because I have a vagina and tits but I feel nothing towards womanhood, because I am a man. And yet, I’m constantly seeing otherwise. I can’t handle it. It’s killing me. I don’t know if the majority of cis people are just too dense to have any sort of self-awareness as to the implications of what they’re saying but it’s a constant game of excluding trans people. Non-stop. Always. Always. If I see one more cis gay twink joking about how pussy and how unfamiliar it is to them because they’re GAY and they only like MEN or anything of the sort I will lose it. I can not handle this. I’m fucking serious. Unfollow me if you are not affected by transphobia/cissexism and you’re not willing to have any self-examination of your fucking words despite that.
Better yet, block me. Hardblock. Hardblock me so I forget about your blog and I won’t realize what happened until months later and by then, the absence of your blog on my dash is utterly insignificant. I don’t want to interact with you fucking people.
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tall-glass-o-gay · 7 years
Gay ask game: odd numbers?!
I also got an ask for 15, so I’m just going to answer this one and hope that it’s sufficient.
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
My perfect date isn’t necessarily a specific event, but it requires the right person.  So long as the connection is made, it doesn’t matter so much what we were doing to form it?  That being said, I think it would be fun to go to a con and cosplay together and try a bunch of novelty and otherwise food.
3. do you want kids?
Eventually I’d like to be established enough to take in foster kids.
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
I would say my first date with my boyfriend Jay, buuuuuuut the reason it was cute was also the reason it was obnoxious.  We were holding hands while walking to a sushi place near the college they were attending, and that was cute and really fulfilling, except for the fact that we were stopped several times by straights who wanted to congratulate us????  And otherwise be bothersome???  Gross.
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
Both, and consequently neither.  I go to bed late and wake up early, but I think my early rising is more definitive of me.
9. opinion on brown eyes?
I never understood the whole brown eye support stuff I saw on Tumblr because I honestly always thought brown eyes were the only nice looking ones.  My eyes are open and lifeless and dull.  Browns, as a general rule, lack the capacity to be those things. 
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
Reptiles, yes.  I have a crippling phobia of rodents right now and I honestly have no idea where it came from or how to deal with it.
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
I don’t know that I had any, honestly.  I always understood before I really had the words for it.  One of m early thoughts about what it meant to be attractive to other gays was something formed by the kind of porn I was watching at the time: I thought the only way someone would like me is if I was a skinny little twink.  That’s certainly a misconception, after a fashion.
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
Well, I tend to be attracted to more masculine presenting people overall.  I can say I am not attracted to particularly “manly” people though, and I tend to prefer looking at people with a darker complexion.
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
Home with a blanket gay.  Though cafes fit my vague aesthetic more readily than night clubs.
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?
Video game gay.
21. favourite gay youtuber
That’s a little difficult, but I think it’s a toss up between Zack Zakibe and Devon Bumpkin, the latter has a real name that I am unfamiliar with.  Zack is really entertaining and I think he’s really cute, and I really appreciate Devon Bumpkin’s building ability in The Sims.
23. have you ever been in love?
Several times, yes.
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
I mean, those are pretty clearly defined feelings to begin with for me.  I suppose the biggest difference for me is that I will readily interact with people I want to emulate, but you’ll be hard pressed to get anything out of me if I’m into you.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
Please, for the love of whatever is out there, take your damn time finding what works for you and makes you comfortable.  Along the way, you will meet so many people who will show you that the world is so much bigger than you could have dreamed, and so are you.  You should use that perspective to humble yourself and keep your heart open to the people around you.  Some dead, important, probably white guy said something to the effect of “Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle”.  I suppose, my advice is to follow that axiom with the recognition that it implies a mindfulness of others and their experiences, and that you are a part of “everyone”.
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
This still makes me cringe, but I initially came out as bi because I found it easier.  Bad, bad, bad decision.  I did a bad.  And my dad was just like “You know you still use condoms, right?”  I mean, important advice, but it was coming from a guy who is hardly present in my life.  I suppose the whole initial experience was a big ???????? for me.
Thanks for the ask, dear anon!  I apologize for getting to it late. I’ve been doing performances for the last week and it’s draining as heck to do a musical.  
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drake-the-incubus · 4 years
Unpopular opinion: Most callout posts nowadays are just people finding a reason to whine about things without doing research on what the topic is about.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
So you’re right! You’re absolutely right. I’ve gone through twenty call out posts, and they’re... nit picky. I can’t trust shit in them and half the time it’s wrong.
It’s not a tool of protection but rather dog piling and honestly it’s scary how well it works.
I saw one about shipping the other month, and while I don’t care much for what ships are what, I found myself gag at the end.
At the end of it, on a small sidenote which wasn’t even MENTIONED they talked about the person being abusive.
I was horrified and had to go down a rabbit hole because that was important.
Like half the things people spend hours on don’t even matter half the time. Like really, they don’t mention it. I’ve seen someone say, “saying queer” is a horrible offence.
Being pansexual is biphobic.
Being ace/aro is homophobic.
Nonbinary folks are transphobic.
Being trans is misogynistic.
At this point I see a form of oppression or bigotry thrown around and I spend five hours on the one topic to make sure if it’s okay.
Fuck I saw someone calling POCD pedophilia just the other day, and as someone who knows how distressing it can be to deal with intrusive thoughts, and having my psychology knowledge, I was horrified.
People will really go out, use what should be informative words, as buzzwords, and sling around misinformation as a way to condemn people they dislike.
I mean in full disclosure, without ASKING first, someone said I was a MAP/MAP supporter by having one follow me. On which I, a CSA survivor, who never interacted with anything with it and didn’t even involve myself, was put onto a blocklist. Someone who was a mutual at the time informed me of it, and I had to go in and see.
I didn’t even know, there was no verification, the person just followed me. I never got taken off of it. I spoke to them about it, and even told them how distressing it was, and they hardly addressed it.
I’ve seen callouts about someone pointing out there was a rapist in a community, for stalking.
I’ve seen a callout accusing someone of stalking, for them using stat tracker on their blog to tell their stalker to fuck off.
I’ve seen people be called transphobic, for SUPPORTING NON-DYSPHORICS AND NONBINARY PEOPLE.
I’ve been told outright, I’m ableist, for calling myself autigender, because my autism messes with my gender perception. And also accused of saying every autistic person is autigender, and that I’m saying my gender is autism gender. I didn’t realize your gender was cis or trans either.
So anon, I agree, to an extent.
I’ve seen callouts mentioning people who literally support Nazi rhetoric. I’ve seen people condemned for racism and it proven with no change in pace. I’ve seen people condemn child predators, rapists and abusers. On another blog I’ve called out exploitive and abusive tactics in a community I’m in.
I can agree most callouts are shit. I can say I haven’t seen one prioritize abusive/predatory behaviour in a while that I haven’t made or wasn’t made in a specific community, but I can’t strongly agree. Because it erases the issues at hand.
On one hand, fuck callout culture, on the other, I enjoy being warned of Nazis, racists, predators and unsavoury folk in that category.
Part of the issue with callout posts are, accepting with a lack of information.
People lie on the net, and the issue with accepting callout posts is, not knowing when the post is wrong, or not reading past the beginning and accepting it without evidence.
Note, some callouts are made to disenfranchise those who are marginalized, because it’s easy to paint them in a bad light.
I think it should be mandatory for everyone to learn how to spot cherry picking, obscuring information, and false information on a callout post.
If you’re not researching topics in the post, and verifying information, you’re part of the problem.
Also then there comes in, fake callouts. Callouts made for fun, or made as a joke, taken seriously.
Half of these callouts are reblogged by folks who go and say, “critical consumption” and “critical reading skills” whilst I’m watching them blur what a predator is or a pedophile.
A 30 y/o pursuing a 22 y/o can be extremely creepy, but I’m sorry, that’s not pedophilia, and saying it is, a) infantizes the 22 y/o, b) waters down the definition of pedophilia.
I’ve seen 18 y/o’s get called pedos for dating 17 y/o’s in callouts, or heaven forbid they’re a year n a half older and date a 16 y/o. All three of which can graduate and go to college depending on life circumstances.
I’ve seen a 20 y/o still be in high school because they failed so much, he was in my class.
I’ve seen a 26 y/o paint a 16 y/o as a pedophile for having a crush on a fictional... 16 y/o.
I’ve seen ppl condemn 16 y/o’s for making sex jokes, acting like it’s unhealthy of them, and then paint an adult as predatory for making a sex joke, on... their social media, “because of course minors follow them”.
Which is stupid. I don’t even have a lot of followers... I don’t know any ages. I don’t know their stances except shinigami eyes doesn’t label them as red.
And I block porn bots on sight.
I don’t know how a blog with over 20,000 followers or more is supposed to keep track, but apparently.
Necrophiles are okay so long as they don’t support a “homophobic relationship” which is a gay twink being submissive in a relationship with a Dom hunk. Because that’s not realistic.
HC’ing Asians/Autistic people as Asexual is dehumanizing, the callout post screams as ace Asian and ace autistic folks.
So all in all, I can agree, and disagree. Most callouts I see are bullshit. But I don’t know about most callouts. It’s not defineable because I can’t look at every callout made these days I don’t know where to look. But they were once capable of harm reduction and someone thought to weaponize them. But that happened during a lot of old rules added to websites. Road to hell... yadda yadda.
I’m sorry for the word vomit, I’m not great at articulation, I’m like dead tired and decided to answer this.
MAP discourse, Discourse about shipping, discourse about pedophiles ain’t tolerated on this post. I’m not engaging, fuck off. I mentioned it as examples, but fuck, they’re triggering to actually get into and I don’t feel like throwing up into the toilet.
Actually discourse can fuck off entirely, discourse is dumb.
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