#divine solitaires
Solitaire diamonds hold a timeless allure and unmatched elegance that make them a coveted choice for jewellery enthusiasts. These exquisite gems, characterized by their single, dazzling diamond centerpiece, exude sophistication and grace.
Solitaire diamonds are celebrated for their simplicity and purity, allowing their inherent beauty to take center stage. Whether adorning engagement rings, earrings, pendants, or bracelets, solitaire diamonds make a striking statement, symbolizing everlasting love, commitment, and refinement.
Crafted with precision and attention to detail, solitaire diamonds are often set in high-quality metals like gold or platinum, enhancing their brilliance and allure. Their versatility allows them to seamlessly complement any style or occasion, from everyday wear to special celebrations.
From classic round cuts to unique shapes like princess, oval, or emerald, solitaire diamonds offer a plethora of options to suit individual preferences and tastes. Each solitaire diamond is a masterpiece in its own right, reflecting the craftsmanship and artistry of skilled jewellers.
As an investment, solitaire diamonds hold enduring value, making them not only a symbol of love and beauty but also a wise financial choice. Their rarity, durability, and timeless appeal ensure that they retain their worth over time, making them treasured heirlooms for generations to come.
For those seeking the epitome of luxury and sophistication, solitaire diamonds stand as an exquisite choice, capturing hearts and imaginations with their unparalleled radiance and allure.
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anxietymoss · 1 year
It has come to my realization, and believe me i find this hilarious but fully believe it works, that i have been using solitaire as a form of divination and not only that its very accurate (to me at least).
This got me thinking about tarot in general and how really the decks that people use have an arbitrary meaning that only holds true if the person reading them believes in the meaning. So why not just use a random deck of playing cards? Why not use uno cards or any other type? What is stopping people from taking the tried and tested methods and extrapolating a new modern way that works for them? Im sure some people are, but there needs to be more (if only from the amount of chaotic joy i get from saying "it isnt in the cards" and the cards in question are an online game of solitaire)
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rootandrock · 2 months
I've been using a deck of "Spanish suited playing cards" that I'd picked up for... maybe 50c as a fidget toy. Shuffling over and over and over, dealing out for solitaire, playing a game, loading them back together, shuffling over and over.
It took me about a week of this to realize this was me getting to know a divination tool.
Thoth deck: "Riffle shuffle me and I will SMITE you." This deck: "If you don't riffle shuffle me constantly I will develop separation anxiety like an idle Huskey and eat your couch."
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nemosisworld · 6 months
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...   Je ne cesserai pas de chanter la morsure rouge des lèvres, l'épaule insoumise, les aisselles surprises, les seins toujours à l'heure aux rendez-vous nocturnes.  ...   Je ne cesserai pas de chanter tes hanches profondes, tes chevilles noyées dans les nuages, tant de pensées vagabondes, tant de fumée divine.   Je ne cesserai pas de chanter ta chevelure courante aux pieds des arbres solitaires blessés de feuilles et d’œillères.   Je ne cesserai pas de chanter la rue, le parc, la mer, car je te connais, car je t'aime et te connais.
Edmond Jabès
Corrie Lejuwaan
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sleepdepravity · 9 months
in celebration of one of my sister's friends admiring my "gamer swag" (all the games i've played that are apparently obscure) i've decided arbitrarily to try to dredge up some obscure games to share with you all in case people are interested in that sort of thing. in terms of determining the obscurity of the game, i think i'm gonna go with less than 1000 reviews, and/or looking at all-time peak concurrent player stats in steam charts. whatever i feel like maybe. Also, if there are absolutely no guides on steam or the internet, then i guess that's for sure obscure.
also these are all games that i've finished. some of them i finished a long time ago so i may not remember much about like. quality. or how good they are. shrug. they're interesting though.
Aviary Attorney
Chicken Police
Blacksad: Under the Skin
A Case of Distrust
The Flower Collectors
The Forgotten City
Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game
I hope she's ok
Legal Dungeon
Lucifer Within Us
Paradise Killer
The Occupation
Root Letter
The Shapeshifting Detective
Silicon Dreams
The Sinking City
Song of Farca
Visual/Sound Novel types (minimal gameplay)
Alone With You
428: Shibuya Scramble
Booth: A Dystopian Adventure
Neo Cab
Signs of the Sojourner
Adventure/Puzzle or whatever
A House of Many Doors
Battle Chef Brigade
Falcon Age
Genesis Noir
A Golden Wake
I Am Dead
Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective
Lemon Cake
looK INside
The Low Road
Mind Scanners
Minute of Islands
Mu Complex
Robot Island
Senna and the Forest
Small Radios Big Televisions
The Solitaire Conspiracy
Song of the Deep
The Spirit and the Mouse
Still There
Summer Paws
Tick Tock Isle
The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Four Last Things
Walk around a cool place and pick stuff up
Heaven's Vault
Deliver Us the Moon
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Ghost on the Shore
Haven Park
In Other Waters
The Magic Circle
Mail Time
Mu Cartographer
Paper Beast
Paradise Marsh
Penko Park
Here Comes Niko!
Sea of Solitude
Summer in Mara
Time on Frog Island
Train Station Renovation
The Horror of Salazar House
Moons of Madness
Subway Midnight
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neopolitansworld · 5 months
List of my Precure Fanseries:
Divine PrisMagic Precure:
Cure Jewelry (Pink Leader) - Haia Kusaka Cure Crystalline (Blue 2nd Cure) – Ayako Kamisato Cure Celestial (Yellow 3rd Cure) – Anastella Miyoshi Cure Regalia (Purple & White 4th Cure) –?????? Cure Solitaire (Red & Black 5th Cure {6th Ranger}) - ????????
Flairy Precure
Cure Tulips (Pink Leader) – Kiyomi Cure Buttercup (Yellow 2nd Cure) – Momone Cure Lavender (Purple 3rd Cure) - Akoto Cure Hibiscus (Red 4th Cure) – Chizuru Cure Waterlily (Light Blue 5th Cure) – Sayuri Cure Fae (Green 6th Ranger) - ?????
Let’s Go Live Precure:
Cure Nature (Green Leader) – Kirika Cure Astral (Purple 2nd Cure) – Claire Cure Hydro (Blue 3rd Cure) – Saori Cure Scorch (Red/Yellow 6th ranger Cure) –?????? Cure Cool (Grey/ Blue Silver 6th ranger Cure) –???????
Lightmis Precure:
Cure Beam (Yellow Leader) – Chinatsu Cure Lustre (Dark Blue 2nd Cure) - Tsukiko Cure Shadow (Purple 3rd Cure also 6th Ranger) – Dusk Cure Glimmer (Pink 4th Cure also 6th Ranger) – Dawn
Kitai No Pop Precure / Whimsical Pop Precure:
Cure Cupid (Pink Leader) – Miyu Cure Herb (Green 2nd Cure) – Hinari Cure Torch (Yellow 3rd Cure) – Nakano Cure Glacier (Blue 4th Cure) – Fuyuko
????????? Precure:
Cure Volley (Pink Cure) – Sango Blaze Volley (Red Cure) - ????? Scuba Volley (Blue Cure) - ????? Swift Volley (Yellow Cure) - ????? Aero Volley (Green Cure) - ????? Titan Volley (Orange Cure) - ????? Lithe Volley (Purple Cure) - ?????
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cssnder · 3 months
Hey! I was just wondering what you like to do aside from writing? You seem like such an inteteresting person and I want to know a bit more about your hobbies/interests...
Have a good day!
Bonté divine, there are so many to be honest but I will try my best to put most of them here.
hobbies/activities i love to do: learning languages — I'm a polyglot and I love to study languages, these days I am learning Polish; reading, which I do plenty of; memorising poems and short stories; studying — anything that sparks my interest from ancient history to art to philosophy; theatre & cinema — I want to be an actress on top of being a writer so practicing acting, reading books on the craft or plays, watching films (especially silent films or bergman films!); playing chess or playing card games — solitaire, euchre, bezigue, poker (yes I'm boring like that); playing violin, piano or my guitar; writing songs; knitting; painting, filmmaking... and frankly many other things!
other interests: floriography; poisons; ancient civilizations; the art of making perfumes; ornithology and dendrology — I have always been fascinated by people who can recognise different sorts of trees or birds, so far I'm only versed in lepidopterology; the romantic era; gothic architecture; german expressionism; silent films;... and an awful lot of other things really.
I hope you're having a wonderful day!
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changeling-fae · 3 months
random OC ask: what is the most unique thing about your OC? what is the most mundane thing about them?
how do they feel about those two aspects?
Thanks for the asks! I found this one a bit challenging which is always a treat. <3
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Her most unique thing is probably her convoluted conception/lineage. The granddaughter of Graz'zt through a cambion mother who stole Bhaal essence and combined it with her reproduction with a divine soul sorcerer of Eilistraee drow man. So she's got ridiculously powerful blood as a strange little godling of chaos, evil, and good divinity.
Her most mundane thing is she spends a portion of everyday tending to her body. She's got extreme scar tissue (both old and fresh) on her shoulder blades that cause her pain frequently that she has to tend to every morning with a salve to help with stiffness. She's also a dancer and acrobat and tries to keep herself limber. She was trained as an assassin but she has genuine enjoyment in performance arts and that means keeping her body in shape through cardiovascular and flexibility exercises and resistance training. And then of course rest so as not to damage anything.
How she feels about these two aspects is she loathes her abyssal blood (specifically about her mother), has contempt for Bhaal (though it's hard to differentiate her violent urges being from him or her demonic influence; it's both through amplifying each other), and has very complicated feelings around the spark of Eilistraeen divinity passed on from her father. The spark of divinity and her abyssal blood are constantly at war inside her so anytime she uses magic, it hurts her to some degree.
Pain is just a part of her life and she's learned to cope with it (both healthily and unhealthily depending on the cope).
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His most unique thing is being a tiefling born in the hells and being a former spy of Glasya who has survived being a prisoner of war in Zariel's domain for over a decade.
His most mundane thing is he likes to smoke a tobacco pipe and knit. The smoking is a vice but he finds comfort in the smell (my grandpa was a pipe smoker, smells so much better than cigarette smoke), and he finds knitting meditative.
He's a very... in the moment kind of person. His history doesn't cause him much pain or anything, just how the chips fell. If anything he's proud about his ability to not crack after the literal hell he endured and lived through.
Being on the MP means he has much easier access to tobacco pipe goods (not an expensive import like in the hells markets), he totally bought from Arron immediately when he saw it and had the best smoke of his life after a decade of imprisonment. And again, knitting is just meditative for him.
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Most unique thing is being the daughter of an archfey but technically a tiefling because her mortal mother was tricked by a night hag.
Her most mundane thing is she plays fantasy solitaire with herself often. Or plays against herself in lanceboard, just to keep her mind sharp.
Her thoughts on these aspects are pretty straightforward. Her father is her patron to help her get out of the night hag's contract and while she's naturally clever, she's had to work her whole life to keep ahead of both the marks she's forced to deceive and to survive the hag's hagspawn son who was holding her reigns before her abduction. So she's a survivor first and foremost and keeps her mind sharp for adaptability.
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Most unique thing about him is he's draconic sorcerer half-drow part of a prophecy which he's actively rejecting.
Most mundane thing is he's very knowledgeable about wool quality as a resource.
How he feels about those aspects is he's spent over two decades running from the prophecy he overheard about how he has to destroy himself to save the world, something he very much doesn't want to do. And with the wool quality thing, he feels nostalgic and melancholic mostly, given that he was born and raised on a sheep farm before he ran away. He'll judge the quality of wool with both a hidden pride and feelings regret towards his mother (and sisters), who he never said goodbye to.
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Most unique thing about her is she's a drow adopted and raised by gnomes in Baldur's Gate (deep gnome father and forest gnome mother) who has made a career in underdark cartography.
Most mundane thing about her is she loves to read, draw, and cook. Just does really well in domestic settings and is a real homebody, despite her hands on approach to underdark exploration.
How she feels about these aspects is she's very happy and proud of her family and is very close to both her immediate family and her extended family (she has so many cousins and nieces and nephews). No one in her family treats her any differently for being adopted or drow (her father found her abandoned in the underdark and brought her home) and they're all supportive of her career, which she initially started to help with designing maps to show the safe routes for her family's frequent expeditions for their jewelry shop in the city.
Her family is the most important thing in her life.
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Most unique thing about her is she's fey-like creature that can naturally shrink to the size of a thumb thanks to her mother being a feylost mortal who had been stuck and pregnant in the feywild for a number of years (not that she knows this, she never knew her mother).
Most mundane thing about her is she likes to whistle to herself. She can carry complex tunes and can be caught whistling little ditties to herself.
How she feels about these aspects is a sort of "it is what it is" attitude to her abilities. It was harder on her sense of self as an orphan child on the streets but it also gave her an edge once she started thieving for survival pretty early. Now it's just who she is.
As far as the whistling, it's like someone who crackles their knuckles a lot, doesn't really notice or pay much attention unless given a reason to.
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myjustice · 5 months
i really appreciate that the salon solitaire fable in furina's character story implies that she recalls the time looping & how it unsettled her a bit that it sounded so familiar to her until it literally came to her in a dream to answer her question in the form of that very book she was reading.
Crabaletta made use of the time loop triggered by opening the door to solve the mystery of the Master's death and discover the mansion's secret, freeing all its inhabitants from an ancient curse.
crabaletta = furina ( presumably still with her divinity ) the door = istaroth's power ( istaroth was the shade of time ) the master = the water dragon sovereign/their authority ( she wanted to return it to its rightful owner plus needed to be done to save the people of fontaine ) the mansion = fontaine the mansion's 'secret' = the original sin ( egeria taking the primordial water & making oceanids into humans ) inhabitants = the people of fontaine ancient curse = the prophecy
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sleepy-vix · 10 days
Hi, Vix.....Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
oooh this is such a cool ask hmmm lets see. i dont know how to rank it but i'll try my best
1. Angel Devil (chainsaw man- animanga). he's just so me. also, his hair is so cool, his power is so interesting, and he's depressed and angsty (i mean, what more can i say?).
2. Chen Kitay (the poppy war trilogy- books). he's so cool i want to be his friend so bad. he's everything i want in a character- CRAZY smart, devoted, realistic, and familiar (if that makes sense?)
3. Tori Spring (solitaire/heartstopper/osemanverse- book, webcomic, tv series). i feel bad putting her so low but i like angel and kitay more 😭. anyways she's SO ME. everything she says is so relatable. also she's everything i like in a character- she's the oldest sister, she pops up mysteriously here and there, and she's got the same mental issues as i do. #socoquetteamirightorwhat.
4. Wanderer (genshin impact- video game). his lore is so intricate and interesting and cool. i hate hsi fanbase but i don't let that ruin my enjoyment of his character.
5. Jo March (little women- book and movie). i talk about her too much T-T euihsfdhuhewuh i will refrain this one time. the short story is that i love everything she says.
6. Ray (the promised neverland- animanga). he was my childhood. i had a huge hyperfixation on the promised neverland and ray was my favourite (obviously) because he was smart, mysterious and angsty T-T also he has mother issues (though that's not relevant to why i like him,,,, or is it??)
7. Yuki Yoshikawa (horimiya- animanga). I'm going to be so honest right now, i watched horimiya just for yuki and toru. i don't really care about hori and miyamura T-T like they're cute but if yukitoru wasn't in the show i would've dropped it. i even read the manga to see more yuki and toru. also yuki is so real... i'm not saying that she's me but maybe she is...
8. Dazai Osamu (bungou stray dogs- animanga). he's my comfort, my muse, my imaginary friend, you know? i feel like he deserves to be on this list.
9. Chuuya Nakahara (same as above). "scary? my god, you're divine" - lana del rey. i think ms del rey sums it up perfectly.
10. Henry Winter (the secret history- book). let's be so real. one does not read the secret history and somehow avoid falling in love with henry winter (i say falling in love in a very arospec way btw- i don't have a crush on him and i imagine him as ugly tbh but i think his mind is so brilliant and it would be cool to have conversations with him or be the subject of his attention ???? idfk.)
tysm for the ask :))) i rambled alot and i probably wrote more than you cared to know sorry about this oops lol T-T hope to see you around ! :D
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lepartidelamort · 5 months
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Hommage à Louis XVI
Le 21 janvier, avec le meurtre du Roi-prêtre, s’achève ce qu’on a appelé significativement la passion de Louis XVI. Certes, c’est un répugnant scandale d’avoir présenté, comme un grand moment de notre histoire, l’assassinat public d’un homme faible et bon. Cet échafaud ne marque pas un sommet, il s’en faut. Il reste au moins que, par ses attendus et ses conséquences, le jugement du roi est à la charnière de notre histoire contemporaine. Il symbolise la désacralisation de cette histoire et la désincarnation du Dieu Chrétien. Dieu, jusqu’ici, se mêlait à l’histoire par les Rois. Mais on tue son représentant historique, il n’y a plus de roi. Il n’y a donc plus qu’une apparence de Dieu relégué dans le ciel des principes.
Les révolutionnaires peuvent se réclamer de l’Évangile. En fait, ils portent au Christianisme un coup terrible, dont il ne s’est pas encore relevé. Il semble vraiment que l’exécution du Roi, suivie, on le sait, de scènes convulsives, de suicides ou de folie, s’est déroulée tout entière dans la conscience de ce qui s’accomplissait. Louis XVI semble avoir, parfois, douté de son droit divin, quoiqu’il ait refusé systématiquement tous les projets de loi qui portaient atteinte à sa foi.
Mais à partir du moment où il soupçonne ou connaît son sort, il semble s’identifier, son langage le montre, à sa mission divine, pour qu’il soit bien dit que l’attentat contre sa personne vise le Roi-Christ, l’incarnation divine, et non la chair effrayée de l’homme. Son livre de chevet, au Temple, est l’Imitation de Jésus-Christ. La douceur, la perfection que cet homme, de sensibilité pourtant moyenne, apporte à ses derniers moments, ses remarques indifférentes sur tout ce qui est du monde extérieur et, pour finir, sa brève défaillance sur l’échafaud solitaire, devant ce terrible tambour qui couvrait sa voix, si loin de ce peuple dont il espérait se faire entendre, tout cela laisse imaginer que ce n’est pas Capet qui meurt mais Louis de droit divin, et avec lui, d’une certaine manière, la Chrétienté temporelle.
Pour mieux affirmer encore ce lien sacré, son confesseur le soutient dans sa défaillance, en lui rappelant sa « ressemblance » avec le Dieu de douleur. Et Louis XVI alors se reprend, en reprenant le langage de ce Dieu : « Je boirai, dit-il, le calice jusqu’à la lie ». Puis il se laisse aller, frémissant, aux mains ignobles du bourreau.
Source : Albert Camus, L’homme révolté, La Pléïade, p. 528-529.
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Elevate Your Love Story with Exquisite Solitaire Couple Rings
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Explore our stunning collection of solitaire couple rings, crafted to symbolize eternal love and commitment. Discover timeless designs and impeccable craftsmanship at Divine Solitaires.
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calpurnia612 · 10 months
songe d'une nuit caniculaire
j'ai tant rêvé d'amantes en mon lit solitaire tant supplié les dieux appelé leur mystère puis tant imaginé leur étrange beauté que j'ai vu des mes yeux qui ont tant sangloté
j'ai tellement voulu de leur charme bizarre succubes que la nuit dans son règne barbare m'a montré si souvent dans leur simple appareil l'espoir de les toucher m'a privée du sommeil
je les ai invitées dans ma folie extrême à vivre mon fantasme et les choses que j'aime je les ai caressées dans un monde secret c'est un enchantement qui en moi est ancré
j'ai vécu à genoux peut-être suis-je morte mais vivre ou trépasser finalement qu'importe êtes-vous là doux anges au fascinant regard prolongez s'il-vous-plait ce divin cauchemar !
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rekikiri · 2 months
For the reading ask game
7 and 10!
hi mundane!! <3 thanks for the ask :))
7. tell me about the last thing you actually finished reading?
so if we count actual books, I’ll include the carry on series as a whole! I really enjoyed the books even though ‘wayward son’ and ‘any way the wind blows’ were very different from ‘carry on’. I enjoyed ‘carry on’ more now than I did when I first read it though. I like the way it dealt with simon’s mental health struggles and his relationship with baz even tho I wanted to bonk him upside the head a lot while he was making stupid decisions haha
10. tell me about your top (any number you want) favorite books?
oooh okay so I’m going to list the top ones that come to mind. I just know that I’m going to end up leaving off a book I LOVE and then ill feel like a moron but here’s the first that come to mind <3
the diviners by libba bray (series)
- one of my all time favorite series. I love the characters, the world (its set in New York City in the 1920s but with magical elements). Also has sooo much more representation than I anticipated going in! One of the few books I remember having legit asexual rep that I have read. It is lovely and I wish more people read it. (I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much from a book as I do when I reread the last book in this series. Don’t let that deter you!! It has a happy ending) has one of my favorite book boyfriends here
all for the game by nora sakavic (series)
- if you follow me or see me ever, this should not be a surprise whatsoever haha
the hunger games by suzanne collins (series)
- I read this series 12-13 years ago and it is one I reread still (most recent reread was dec 2023)
three dark crowns by kendare blake (series)
- love the sibling dynamics and the magic system is so interesting??? One of my favorite book boyfriends of all time is in this series
a far wilder magic by Allison saft
- very great book, has one of my other favorite book boyfriends. It’s kinda inspired by fullmetal alchemist in terms of the world aspects and the relationship gives me major mustang/hawkeye vibes
the raven cycle by Maggie stiefvater
- very popular series and I love the characters so much. they are just so special to me
under the whispering door by tj Kline
- the most recent read that I am putting here. I haven’t decided if this is necessarily a “favorite” but I read this book because Spiritfarer is one of my all time favorite video games and this has a similar concept. I couldn’t put it down and it made me cry like a baby but I really enjoyed reading it
percy jackson - rick riordan (series)
- I think the size of the fandom speaks for itself here lmao but its one of my favorite series I read last year
solitaire and radio silence by alice oseman
- separate books but I’m listing them together because same author. I LOVED these because of the friend dynamics (also aled is demi like me, which is a big thing that got me to read RS and I’m so glad I did)
six of crows - leigh bardugo (series)
- popular series, love the characters so much haha
I probably missed some great books but if you’re looking for recs!! these are some good ones to start with!!
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
“Tarot cards are evil!!!”
Theyre literally a deck of cards. Originally a playing game. You can do divination with anything you dont even have to use a premade system. People use regular playing cards too, are you gonna freak out every time you see someone playing solitaire? Flipping a coin is technically the same thing. Believe in it or don’t nobody’s putting a gun to your head but stop calling things you know nothing about demonic and think about who stands to benefit from making you afraid of something thats harmless and fake at worst or something you might actually find helps you communicate with god better. Who do you think wrote the same bible that told you divination is evil? Who benefits from organized religion??Who stood to benefit from controlling aspects of spiritual expression?
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aurevoirmonty · 5 months
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" Le 21 janvier, avec le meurtre du Roi-prêtre, s’achève ce qu’on a appelé significativement la passion de Louis XVI. Certes, c’est un répugnant scandale d’avoir présenté, comme un grand moment de notre histoire, l’assassinat public d’un homme faible et bon. Cet échafaud ne marque pas un sommet, il s’en faut. Il reste au moins que, par ses attendus et ses conséquences, le jugement du roi est à la charnière de notre histoire contemporaine. Il symbolise la désacralisation de cette histoire et la désincarnation du Dieu Chrétien. Dieu, jusqu’ici, se mêlait à l’histoire par les Rois. Mais on tue son représentant historique, il n’y a plus de roi. Il n’y a donc plus qu’une apparence de Dieu relégué dans le ciel des principes.
Les révolutionnaires peuvent se réclamer de l’Evangile. En fait, ils portent au Christianisme un coup terrible, dont il ne s’est pas encore relevé. Il semble vraiment que l’exécution du Roi, suivie, on le sait, de scènes convulsives, de suicides ou de folie, s’est déroulée tout entière dans la conscience de ce qui s’accomplissait. Louis XVI semble avoir, parfois, douté de son droit divin, quoiqu’il ait refusé systématiquement tous les projets de loi qui portaient atteinte à sa foi. Mais à partir du moment où il soupçonne ou connaît son sort, il semble s’identifier, son langage le montre, à sa mission divine, pour qu’il soit bien dit que l’attentat contre sa personne vise le Roi-Christ, l’incarnation divine, et non la chair effrayée de l’homme. Son livre de chevet, au Temple, est l’Imitation de Jésus-Christ. La douceur, la perfection que cet homme, de sensibilité pourtant moyenne, apporte à ses derniers moments, ses remarques indifférentes sur tout ce qui est du monde extérieur et, pour finir, sa brève défaillance sur l’échafaud solitaire, devant ce terrible tambour qui couvrait sa voix, si loin de ce peuple dont il espérait se faire entendre, tout cela laisse imaginer que ce n’est pas Capet qui meurt mais Louis de droit divin, et avec lui, d’une certaine manière, la Chrétienté temporelle. Pour mieux affirmer encore ce lien sacré, son confesseur le soutient dans sa défaillance, en lui rappelant sa « ressemblance » avec le Dieu de douleur. Et Louis XVI alors se reprend, en reprenant le langage de ce Dieu : « Je boirai, dit-il, le calice jusqu’à la lie ». Puis il se laisse aller, frémissant, aux mains ignobles du bourreau."
Albert Camus - L’homme révolté - 1951
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