#discowing Statue of Liberty demon slayer Donna is gonna be stuck in my brain until the end of time so that’s great
TW// mentions of religion, murder, animal death, drugs, and child abuse
Oh my god okay so. I dreamt that all the rogues had moved into this like ancient castle that had been turned into an occult store. Specifically Christian occult because when i went to Fish Mooney from Gotham for my driving lessons i was only allowed snacks that were like traditional orthodox food or red kool-aid to represent the blood of Christ. There was also a stairwell in the church/castle that allegedly led you to a library but the further you went down it would become so dark you couldn’t see anything and you weren’t allowed to bring a light source and there seemed to be water down there and Penguin and Falcone kept trying to kill each other because one of them was the other’s bastard half brother who had been doof from phineas and ferb level horribly abused. Anyways, the rogue’s main thing was they were excited because the earth was gonna stop turning soon for an unknown amount of time as some sort of natural phenomenon.
Their other thing was demons and the demons would possess animals and Jason and Roy realized one of their daughters’ rabbits was possessed because it got a hold of a bag of take out with ketchup leaking through the bottom so he dragged the bag to make the shape of a pentagram before the guys called Donna who apparently was now an exorcist and the costume was a glittery pastel baby blue sleeveless shirt with a giant disco collar like discowing and blue pants that weren’t jeans but were the colour of jeans with big white stars going down from the hips like on the wonder girl costume and silvery/pastel baby blue go go boots and she had pastel baby blue glitter face paint curving from underneath her eyes and a half staff the same color but that had a sculpted snake curved around it like the rod of Asclepius. Donna killed the demon but was very sad about it because killing demons also kills the animals they are possessing.
Anyways, while I’m on the topic, Jason and Roy have two daughters named Meri, short for America, and Rob, short for Robin and Roy’s superhero name is Green Arrow and Jason goes by both “Red Hood” and “Macbeth fire”, although i think that name was recommended by Penguin who is his uncle because Jason’s dad is Carmine Falcone who, as mentioned earlier, were brothers in this reality. Jason has a piercing which I can’t remember if it’s on his ear or on his face but it’s a large tacky janky flat plastic green marijuana leaf with a squarish white boarder and it’s extra sad because stoner!Jason Todd might have been the only redeemable idea in this dream.
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