#discouraged and uncomfortable
fourthclone · 14 days
i got two replies out , woo . now i'm going to sleep .
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vimbry · 3 months
when I tag things as not sfw or similar terms, I hope people realise it's following the Actual definition of "not safe for work," i.e. material best not to view around certain places/people because it may get you in trouble and therefore filter, such as at work.
I saw someone go on a little rant on some art somewhere over how a person before them had tagged it as partial nudity, in their words, to be on the safe side, bc there was a very obvious peek of animal woman nipple in one of the drawings. and this second person got so passive aggressive about it, like, "ohhh nooo, a Nipple!" because they thought people should focus on destigmatizing nudity as inherently sexual, which I agree with, but I really don't think the initial tags came from a place of prudishness, and more, you know, if you get caught scrolling past big furry nipples in the wrong place, people might have something to say about it.
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butters-flower-mom · 4 months
Idk how many people have told you this, but you are THE butters fan to me lol. I get reminded of you every time i see his little face
Thank you so much! It's weird but nice to know someone thinks about me. I often feel like I exist in my own separate little bubble on this site.
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sexyorc · 2 months
man the crew I work on is still pretty decent but I feel like it has taken a turn for the worse since our old crew lead left. It’s not as fun and it doesn’t feel like hanging out with friends anymore which I guess is to be expected because it’s a job, but things used to feel so much more companionable. I like the new crew lead as a person but I don’t like him as lead, I’m kinda disappointed so far
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chocolatewoosh · 5 months
you ever considered opening doodle reqs on like kofi?
I actually have!! But after thinking on it I'd much rather prefer to see and approve what's being commissioned of me first.
As far as I'm aware, with kofi, people would usually send in their idea AND money at the same time, which means I'd HAVE to fulfill the commission regardless of my thoughts/feelings on the matter! Or refund them! And that makes me uncomfortable!
So while I super appreciate the thought, if I were to do something like that it'd be organized like my usual commissions and I'd take slots, payment through paypal, etc, or I'd just take on free requests like last time!
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hikari-writes · 1 year
Long rant?? Confession?? Idk anymore- ahead 👇👇 :
Okay soo,,, ive studied at a religious boarding school for over 5 years and its been drilled in my mind ever since i first entered abt this thing called "ikhtilat". We were told to always "take care" of our ikhtilat. (In malay is jaga ikhtilat but idk whats the suitable translation so i just directly translated that skdwjerj) ikhtilat basically means "interactions between the opposite genders". And to "take care" of that means to not go overboard with your interactions with the oppgen and always maintain professionalism.
If youre confused abt what it means to "not go overboard", i think the easiest way to put it in terms that everyone understand is basically, dont be a pick-me girl/guy. But it goes a bit deeper than that. Unless theres a business that involves the oppgen, interacting with them for a casual chitchat (especially if youre ALONE with that oppgen) is kinda, well......not well looked upon, lets put it that way.
U cant have a physical contact w an oppgen casually if theyre not your mahram (mahram means someone you cant marry, i.e siblings and uhhh etc etc.) and youre not married (yet). So "taking care" of ikhtilat is precisely to prevent that.
So why did i bring this up? Well its to give u a clearer picture on why i feel this way whenever this happen to me.
I....dont know how to react whenever my friends told me abt their irl crush- like?? Idk the appropriate response to it? Especially to my muslim friends-- like,, should i hype them up? Should i ship them?? I have no clue- 😭😭 on one hand, i would feel bad if i direct them to a sinning path (of breaking ur ikhtilat and leading to couple,, which could lead to another big sin which is zina or s3x b4 marriage) but on the other hand, it feels like im a bad friend if i dont support them? Not that crushing is a bad thing and will all lead to that path, i mean its just a crush, but again, whether in public or in private i dont know what i should say or do whenever they geek out abt thier crushes-
I deeply respect ppl who can hype them up bc im a super bad hypeman when it comes to love since i cant understand the feeling 💀💀 (feat. me and my aromantic ass except when it comes to fictional charas)
But hey! Im genuinely happy for you if u have a crush on someone !! Whether its just a deep crush or just a "i think theyre cool" crush :D it means ur crush can bring even a lil bit of smile to ur day and thats good for u!! Im glad ur crushes can make u happy im happy if ure happy <3333 i just have trouble thinking of an appropriate, non cheesy response (bc i think if i said "im happy ur crush makes u happy" out of the blue thatd be a bit ...💀💀) to ur geeking-- BUT IM GENUINELY HAPPY FOR U OKAY !?
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britneyshakespeare · 8 months
might fuck around and buy my friend a copy of the riverside shakespeare (1973) for his birthday
side note it astonishes me that ppl are selling this book for between $50 to $100 secondhand in some places. you can get it for under 10 bucks at so many online retailers. it's a fifty-year-old tome that was commonly used as a college textbook, there are so many fuckin copies still floating around out there and most of them on the market are in the acceptable-to-good category of condition. how could one you have be worth much more than that? is yours in extra special superb condition? what?
do ppl just think everything vintage is valuable... bc oftentimes it just isn't
#idk#tales from diana#i just figure as a book my copy has meant a lot to me#like it is no exaggeration at all for me to say the riverside shakespeare changed my life#changed my reading habits changed my relationship to art#despite being such an unwieldy inconveniently gigantic and uncomfortable physical object to read from#i still have read uhhhh like 17 plays in there and a number of the poems.#not to mention all the supplementary materials like introductions and historical essays#if 5 years ago my grandmother didn't let me take home my aunt's old college textbook i cant imagine my life now i genuinely cant#i already did read shakespeare at that time but i had read so few. i didnt know how to continue. whether to keep buying copies#going to libraries etc#i never wouldve bought myself the complete works at that age i had no money#if i HAD bought myself smth i mightve gone for that b&n coffeetable book w no fucking supplementary material at all#that thing is a waste of paper btw ive probably said that before#that thing was not made to actually read shakespeare from but it's made to look like a good deal for beginners#FUCK THAT THING i mean i suppose it's not crazy expensive but it's not HELPFUL#anyone would be discouraged trying to read from that by themselves#anyway this friend also already does like shakespeare and stuff we talk about it sometimes. he took a class at one point in college#but i dont think he owns the complete works. i texted his gf asking him if he still has his textbook from that class#i dont think he does bc i know him to have rented textbooks most of the time buuuuut#just checking#im excited teehee#itd be a nice personal gift. i love mine not just for the wealth of interest it's brought me but the personal attachment to my copy#id like to have that kind of bond through an object w someone else.#plus it's just a nice thing to have around the house#it sat in my grandmother's house as a pretty untouched object for more than 40 years#it sparks curiosity. it's wonderful. it's a great reference. it holds the complete works of shakespeare!#yeah im excited about this
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zeriphi · 9 months
I’m putting together all of the greatest tmnt accounts to find all the letters of the alphabet and you earned a spot congrats tap and Butter where the first to figure out what’s going on that why i recommend you reach out to them for help
find the soup and good luck
…… aight. I’m flattered I suppose.
I’m still very confused.
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some of you in the d20 fandom need to learn proper note etiquette fr
if it’s an ambiguous comment use some tone indicators, don’t tag a ship in art of two characters if it’s not explicitly tagged, etc…
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waterfall-ambience · 2 years
ok- gonna try something. i’m taking requests for hermitclone stuff, they’ll all be done in the my “20 minute shitpost” style unless i think it’s funnier to do so otherwise. i’m turning on anon. go nuts.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
the excitement of finding someone with a common interest in the server was immediately ruined by the reminder of the fact that i doubt i’ll make any friends or actively talk to someone in dms or whatever since my mom will look through my messages and interrogate me about anything
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fleurladari · 2 years
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  --just a sort of soft reminder for those following this blog!!       lysandre is a very exhausting muse for me to write, his activity will not be consistent and he is the one muse of mine that will do whatever he pleases with drafts, asks, etc. if he loses the inspiration for things he likely will just drop them. if you ever want to continue something that i have yet to reply to, feel free to dm me and i’ll make sure it’s in my drafts, but lysandre is a muse that i really can’t force. it’s also good to remember that this blog is still in heavy progress and there are a lot of things i still don’t know about lysandre because he either hasn’t told me or i haven’t had the time to work it out. i am unlikely to reblog memes on this blog unless it’s simple things and headcanon based and starter/inbox calls are few and far between. this is a muse driven blog, so a lot of things will be done either from my muse reaching out to yours or your muse will have to reach out to him.
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Take: We as a fandom (Star Wars) would benefit deeply from remembering that what we are fans of (Star Wars) is a hot mess of patchwork in all directions that sometimes directly contradicts itself. We need the strength to sometimes view "x horrific thing" not as a horrible moral failing of the characters and instead just as "they were trying to patch up this particular plot hole, did not think it through and ripped three new ones"
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aanalytic · 3 months
my space-alien-pretending-to-be-a-person disguise wasn't very good today and everyone could tell :(
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stonesandswords · 2 years
i hate trauma. i hate trauma. i hate trauma.
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Some companies are so arrogant… I got this email inviting me to an interview and they included a link that just says “to accept the interview or view further information click here”. Who said I wanted to accept?! I literally marked the job as ‘no longer interested’ on Indeed
#i clicked the link and there’s no option to decline 🙃 they really want me to email them huh#i just don’t know if they know what they’re getting into. i’m going to send an email that’ll make them Wish they’d included a decline button#the reason i don’t want to work for or even interview with this company anymore is twofold#first off the interview is ‘one way’ which means i’m supposed to spend my time making a video basically advertising myself and based on that#they’ll decide if they want to interview me properly. which to me just seems like a massive waste of my time and extremely disrespectful#if you’re going to do regular interviews anyway just start with that. why make people jump through hoops like this?#just read my fucking cv if you want to know about me#it just seems like a way for them to weed people out with minimal effort and idk. i can’t put my finger on it but it doesn’t sit well for me#and i know i’d feel uncomfortable as fuck talking into a camera so i wouldn’t get the job in this way so it really would be a waste of time#the other reason is more serious but basically i read some reviews and testimonials for the company that were REALLY bad#someone said they discourage people from taking time off; the accommodation is really bad; & they know someone who was so stressed working#there that they attempted suicide#so like. it’s a no from me#to me the only question is do i go total scorched earth in my email or do i just politely decline#if they’re the type of people who ignore indeed notifs saying ‘i’m no longer interested’ they might be the type of people who ask#for feedback about why i don’t want to interview with them#i think i’ll just remain polite but a little snide like ‘hi; thanks for the opportunity; but i did already note via indeed that i’m no#longer interested in this position. thanks again for considering my application but i will be declining this interview. kind regards; ellen’#if they ask for reasons i will give them reasons. but for now i think this will suffice#personal
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