#disabled saiki
hero-nerd · 10 months
Autistic Saiki headcanon from an autistic
Although it’s not really a headcanon because it does happen in canon
Saikis telepathy is a form of AAC
AAC is augmentative and alternative communication which is communication other than talking
This can include communication cards, devices like tablets with text to speech programs, or body language and gestures
And, if you ask me, telepathically beaming your thoughts directly into others heads fits under that category
We also see him use other forms of AAC in the show, mainly gesturing or facial expressions, instead of talking. It can be seemingly simple things, like when he points at a menu item rather than asking for it aloud
I think it would be cool to see him use other forms of AAC especially in times when he is unable to use his telepathy
Like imagine Kusuke doing his whole big reveal of the device he made that makes him immune to Kusuo’s telepathy and has his whole what are you going to do now attitude
And Kusuo just holds up a hand in the gesture of “one moment please” before going into his pocket or bag and pulling out a small tablet
Kusuke having to stand there semi awkwardly as he waits for Kusuo to get it turned on, opens the program, and types in his message
Then looks directly as Kusuke as he hits the enter button and the text to speech feature reads out: Bitch
And then sibling bickering continues as usual
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
thinking about disabled saiki again.. him using his wheelchair at school on a bad day for his powers has me like
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transmasccofee · 9 months
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really hes an icon
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skitskatstudios · 10 months
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Guess who got a new cane!!! To celebrate, I have given Kaidou a cane. :)
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skippersthecat · 4 months
So, due to Saiki's manipulation, humans are stronger and more resilient than they otherwise would be. Saiki says that in his world, small people can defeat much larger opponents in physical combat, so it's not like this rule only applies to already strong characters. Kurumi is small and thin and can still effortlessly throw a table. Despite everyone's strength being multiplied, Kaidou is still incredibly weak. He can hardly throw a ball two feet and his punches feel like tickles. Would Kaidou have been even weaker if it weren't for Saiki's manipulation? His lack of stength is already significant by real world standards. Was Kaidou supposed to have chronic asthenia and/or a condition that causes weakness?
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fluffydice · 1 month
Under the lens of being partially disabled physically, as in struggling to stand for more than 10 minutes or getting pain from walking after sitting too long…if my parents guilt-tripped me to participate in a sporting event—something they KNOW I would struggle to participate in—and then I caught their asses making home videos of each other to the point where a camera dies? There would be no bound to my rage.
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bugscreating · 3 months
Guys, what if Kusuo was deaf without his powers?
Like I know a popular head canon is his vocal cords never developed properly because he never used them, so without his powers he’s mute. But what if he was born deaf but his ability to read minds made up for it. Because our brains process a lot of things we don’t need to and obviously the process sounds even if we aren’t paying attention to them. So what if Kusuo has only ever heard sounds through other people’s minds
He would never notice when around people and when he’s ‘alone’ he still hears people’s thoughts. He would never be in a situation to notice. Maybe while in the ocean or space, but sound doesn’t travel through the vacuum of space and if he’s underwater he might not be thinking about hearing the flow of water or sea creatures calling to each other
So if he lost his powers he would immediately lose eight percent of what he based his sense of self on, he wouldn’t be able to verbally talk. And sound would be completely gone
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ciderjacks · 11 months
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the hos
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I'm here once again to say that saiki is in fact chronically ill/disabled (I am right)
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banjotheturtle · 1 year
New Kaidou Headcanon!
What if Kaidou has dyspraxia (DCD) I mean I think it fits very well into his already established bad coordination as exampled when he draws Chiyo and in every sports lesson he has in the show, main example being that one ball throwing scene ( you know the one ), also when he flopped at making crepes.
What are your thoughts?
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
need more future in-law interactions between saikis parents and kuboyasus parents.. imagine them meeting for the first time at like a school event and yasus mom goes up to kurumi and kuniharu and is like "your kid the one mine wont stop flirting with?"
i think mama yasu would see how kusuo interacts with kurumi and immediately be like "yeah, this is the one for my son."
we know that aren canonically puts A LOT of respect on his parents.. so i think it's safe to assume that thats the standard in their home.. i want to say its contradictory that despite being raised a murderous delinquent, he was also raised so traditionally, with all the "respect women, respect your elders, respect your parents," etc. but i dont think its contradictory at all, i think its pretty commonplace actually? but yeah, anyway.. kurumi is super ditzy and is always just barely almost getting herself hurt but kusuo is always putting his hand on table corners before she bonks her head, pulling her to his side right before she bumps into things, catching things she drops before they break, etc..
this is a topic i should also touch on without the context of a ship actually.. i just think it would be cute for the others to see how sweet kurumi and kusuo are, and also how SIMILAR they are..
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transmasccofee · 11 months
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im not ok i will never be normal about this guy again happy disability month
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skitskatstudios · 9 months
Saiki wheelchair except it doesn’t have handles because [Nobody push me. Keep your filthy hands off my wheelchair.]
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fluffydice · 5 months
I’ve always thought about a scenario where Kusuo goes to somewhere like Ibaraki or something (Kubosai moment??) where the population is denser, and he’s downtown and hearing so many voices and sounds that he literally can’t make out anything people are saying to him
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akirameta84 · 2 years
saiki with dysarthria who stopped speaking verbally because he got mocked in elementary school by his classmates (and kunihara 100%). so after the incident which was worse because he was being bullied along with asumi, he stopped speaking and decided to just use hypnosis and telepathy :[
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