#directly to the 'small social circle' revelation which ended romantically
wyllzel · 5 months
some of my favorite early game gale lines:
when he's telling ur character about mystra and he says something like "she was my teacher, my lover, and my muse" and u can reply with something like "bold - few would dare to reduce a goddess to their 'muse'" and instead of getting mad he just gives this wry smile (!!) and is like "i am, after all, the villain of the tale" 🫣
if ur playing a human (sorry for being boring), when ur debriefing about raphael's initial visit, gale will say something like "devils are fueled by ambition - just like humans" and u can reply with "speak for yourself, gale 🤨" and all he says is "fine 😐" before continuing on w his monologue LMAO
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thesagedahlia · 4 years
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🐏 Aries Season (Mar. 21-Apr. 19) ♈
Some of you may be lacking discipline or direction when it comes to your next path in life, this can be referring to self employment, getting a new job, or getting a business plans together either, solo or with others. It seems to be discontentment with what has been achieved so far & a wishing to do more. Some of you may have been in contemplation, planning, & introspection of what your next moves are, & now is the time to raise to the exciting challenges of building your quality of ambition. Some may have been holding themselves back due to lack of ambition or confidence. This is a chance to be optimistic about making progress, & come out of a negative energy, major stress, anxiety, & worry. You can really take off in whatever you're setting your mind to, but you need the self-confidence & logical planning. Don't operate from a blocked intuition, or a disorganized stance; it's easy to get delayed by things that are a hindrance in your life (this can pertain to relationships; romantic, platonic, & business). It's possible that some of you are focusing on loss or staying attached to what you're used to, which can to to cause more delay in your efforts. Don't allow yourself to overlook your achievements, blow up your failures, & know that it is okay to have a balance between the two.
Be careful if you are making choices out of pleasure if you're lacking the mental clarity. People may be engaging in the use of their skills for evil, manipulation, conman tendencies, or even infidelity, & some have been making choices out of pleasure & secrecy or in spite of another. Someone may have or will be receiving some type of info that creates transformation within a dilemma or this communication is about one's specific transformation. All is emotional for whoever this resonates with, and is regarding a transition that is harmful and unhealthy, that will prompt to change this dynamic. An outcome that is out of one's control has transpired & someone will be gaining a lot of public support & communications.
Other people's jealousy threaten to interfering in someone's life & could be hiding within a loving social circle. Some of you may have made choices in order to gain compassion by way of flattery. Be careful who you let close to you around this time, as you may make bad choices in support of other people. There is also the possibility that situations of affairs & infidelity may come out for you. Someone may have messy ambitions or wanting too many things. It is quite possible to enter into conflict within your relationships that are keeping you from making better choices. There may also be worries regarding opening up to new experiences, or discovering new opportunities & exploration of finding out the truth after scandal, breakups, or adversity.
Someone may be restricting themselves after much delay & disorder. Progress has been halted after much upheaval, & someone may be feeling trapped because of broken promises, not finishing what was started, impatience, & instability. There may have been a secure defense or security created in one's authority, after dealing one necessary trials & tribulations. Some were even dealing with abuse & pain, whether emotional or physical, that is hidden or disguised as something less threatening. This may have been a red flag for those dealing with this, & may have needed intuitive guidance to pinpoint it. Communication regarding these changes will bring forth the transition into a more liberating time.
Some partnerships may be dealing with some disorder or upheaval, after some unwelcome changes, delays, or external forces bring revelation or trauma, even loss or a shaken up foundation that illuminates a relationship that is destined for nothing positive. It may have been a situation that has kept either party on edge & in a defensive state. Some can be dealing with those refusing to compromise in situations where it is greatly needed. For others, it has caused lack of self-protection, physical burnout, or even a mental breakdown. The struggle that you may be dealing with may have caused a wave in your hope & faith in it working out in one's favor. Outcomes regarding this have been uncertain & it has caused vulnerability, low self-esteem, & lack of confidence. It's possible someone overlooked a situation in the hopes that it's outcome would change, but it hasn't gotten things to go anywhere. Deception & manipulation may have been used to keep things together, yet emotional/mental turmoil, emotional detachment/coldness, & conflict, has caused disregard for consequences. There may be a need to break free & end conflict, but only one party is open to healing things & making things work. Make it important to put your self preservation first, so if there is a decision to be made regarding this, don't wait too long to make it. If contemplation is needed, you may need to have a clear mind about how you plan on reacting.
There may be some combative or hostile energy within a situation, where you may be dealing with a partner who is jealous, a cheater, or possessive. Communication with a person may be sharp, impulsive, direct, or assertive, even aggressive. There may be much introspection, day-dreaming, or fantasizing about a solution that requires intense focus. A light ending to small conflicts is sudden & painful, & it could be after an outburst of repressed aggression. Corrupt or decaying conversation/communication with an ungrounded or wicked individual has slowly begin to lack and playfulness or innocence. There may be growing conflict within a couple or a tension building between two parties.
You may be reaching an end of hardship or are overcoming adversity. Some may be recovering from revelation of the truth heartbreak, betrayal, trauma, or loss. Bad things are being cleared away from your life, as you take a rest & contemplate the lessons that were needed to be learned. You may have been quietly preparing to move or end the conflict surrounding you. There may be a peaceful resolution after uncovered crime or major sacrifice that may leave someone in a state of regret. For some, there may be some ending to these hardships that have begun to grow out of control, or receiving news where you may make the decision to do so. This may be in the form of breaking away from dominant people, & ending or interruption in communication somehow, & this can pertain to family or traditional values. Your suspicion may have overwhelmed all areas of your life, even deep family connections & loyalty to them.
There may be some past influences, situations, or relationships that are needed to be revisited by a passionate individual. It feels like communication about reconciliation or reunion, & there is action being taken on an opportunity to sweep someone off their feet. There is much energy & passion with this person & they may be cited by impulsive actions as well. This can be strictly financial or in relation to a new job, but overall it is an opportunity for happiness or stability; a strong foundation is what is pushing this approach & is creating a base for the future. In the past, it may have been confusion about meaning in life, lack of trust in the universe, or hopelessness, as well as confusion about commitment or promise to discover this, which is leading to a sudden transformation of this individual. This feels like a masculine energy who is moving away from tradition, or leaving home to desire a family of their own, which may have caused conflict between desires & tradition for some time before this change of pace.
Some of you may be developing more hits intuitively when it comes to those you let into your space. The balance within your energy is bound to be thrown off due to deceptive or envious forces. Things will become illuminated to those seeking some sort of truth, & this can be directly related to relationships, whether romantic, platonic, business related, or familial. Someone could either be engaging in the deception, or it is happening to or around them. There may be a little bit of a revelation, whether outwardly or internally, someone seems to be coming in to awareness to this, if they haven't already. There is a dark, manipulative energy that is causing a betrayal, but it feels hidden. This can be someone that is impulsive, rebellious, or direct, that is causing stunts in someone's growth, as well as the people around them. The more spirituality that is studied, the easier it will be to point these energies out. For some, self doubt is a manifestation of being around this energy, as well as self-esteem & for others, unhappiness within families or negative influences of the family are coming up. This person or group of people seem to use emotionality to keep a person binded it to the situation, & this is what caused delays in stability. The situation is empty, & there is only a matter of time for it to become destructed by deception. Treachery is a warning for this time, & it will be an ongoing stress that will be taking on too much. Good fortune is followed by this conflict, as this situation is not meant to be & will be easily forgotten is one wishes is to, otherwise it will continue to create creative blocks and unhappiness.
There some stagnation or incompletion within empty affairs that seems to be involving a 3rd party. Someone is going through some psychic or empathetic development that may be allowing one to see a situation for what it is. The negative may have been overlooked within it, or someone was reluctant to rock the boat, but for some, cheating or gossip of cheating, or just plain deception, is what has brought once to this point for this time period. A dominant feminine energy is seeing a love letter or compassionate communication as having an overpowering force over them, that have a deeper or underlying meaning to it that may be unpleasant. A feminine is dealing with difficulties concerning a masculine & it may be like jumping down a rabbit hole of secrecy. It may have been an obstacle to learning this because it was masked & overlooked.
It seems like for some, things around them are delayed, disrupted, or lacking in change or control. External forces may be causing for further delay or stagnation to some action that is wanted/needed to be taken. Whether the action is being referred to as a creative force, a new passion, the acceptance of challenges & new beginnings, or even a new initiative in something, things may have been halted as if it isn't time yet. Past influences or childhood memories may be what is behind this inspiration, & there may be some support behind it as well. There may be an understanding of authority in a sexual relationship for some, others can have this relating to moral authority. The flow of communicating this may have been a burden, or someone may be communicating their suffering. Inexperience could cause confusion, or there could be growing confusion surrounding this situation, & this can keep one restrained.
Injustice within a missed relationship or business opportunity may be causing a lot of stress to someone. There is a manipulative or deceptive nature that has caused the instability within a situation, & there may be a need to rectify the corruption and karmic retribution. There is a feeling of unfairness for the lost opportunity, but a lack of accountability may have cause for its likeness to attain to slip further and further away. This could have been due to a greedy or insecure energy of not being satisfied with one's outcomes, or there was a lack of opportunities to bring back what was lost. There is a confusion about loyalty or a friendship, but one has trust in their emotions about a sudden desire or one that has ended or significantly slowed down. This friendship was a lucky discovery for a masculine, which is prompting him to want to commit to something that promises happiness and security.
An overthinking, overanalytical, or over logical masculine energy that may be needing to wait out an outcome to a situation in their life, that may bring an ultimate resolution, or it isn't needed to wait before making the decision/action. There may be a need to know about what to make of the possibilities, & they can be regarding whatever resonates. There is an opportunity for growth, awakening, & direction, but just as a seed of a flower must take time to bloom, the seeds planted to a necessary transformation needs to be allowed the time & room to grow. It may be hard for some to wrap their minds around the concept of growth or progress, because of the time it is taking to get to that point. Some masculine energy may be experiencing optimism or enthusiasm about wanting to make investments of a familial nature, & making plans for their future, even though not much planning has gone into it. There feels like a hesitation here, & it feels like out of fear of making bad investments or commitment. Someone is nening to face their fears & weaknesses, & they may need to go through some majorly dark times to achieve balance with a feminine energy that is grounded (you may be either energy here). A partnership may have been stagnated or someone was resisting the change out of fear of new beginnings (the masculine energy). There is a need for someone to have to go within themselves in order to receive clarity, & letting go of the control or stress put on the mentally.
It feels like 2 separate energies having to deal with an injustice that has happened between them. One energy is full of life optimism & feeling the thrill in a situation (they have a lot of energy), while another energy is more emotional, intuitive, & feminine. There may have been an unfairness or a corruption between 2 individuals & I could also have to do with dishonesty through communication. A childlike & charismatic energy is rushing & communicatively & there feels like the other individual is intuitively aware. There was conflict in the past regarding the feminine, which was between wanting to be social/dating, or to be isolated, but something about the feminine was a true draw for someone. For some, that masculine followed a social sphere that caused an ending here, but it was regretted soon after
Someone's intuition is increasing about a passionate new endeavor, & there awareness is coming online. It feels like a potential rebirth, awakening, or even and reconciliation brought on by a new initiative from a emotionally balanced masculine (or a masculine is gaining emotional control or maturityl. This is in regards to a conservative feminine energy who may be ungrounded, disorganized, or scare to dream (whichever description resonates) It may take some time for an awakening, as reflection needs to take place, or self-evaluation. The start of a friendship was subjected to danger because of inexperience, & it was a sudden choice to eliminate it. There was flattery & passion expressed to a feminine lightheartedly, & it ended as quickly as it began.
It's coming into a time where some are reaching comfort, happiness, & satisfaction, or others can be establishing their success or achievements & are in the mood to celebrate. Some are coming in to success in all areas, & are entering a change in status. This is an opportunity that is serving as a fresh start for some, as they are hearing or answering that inner call. Moving forward is the one thing that continues to motivate a lot of you, but there is a feeling of disappointment, lack of confidence, or disadvantage in actually achieving more than less. There is also an energy of not accomplishing enough & finding a hunger for more. One's behavior or high moral standards opens new experiences & challenges for an individual, even with inexperience (which may cause lack of confidence in one way or another). Exploring ethics, morality & receiving messages about this (whether internally or externally) is what is pushing someome forward in that direction. One's inexperience, however, may cause obstacles, which is causing caution for any upcoming challenges.
*this reading is intended for sun, moon, rising, & venus placements, & is intended for entertainment purposes only, energy is fluid not linear, roles are interchangeable, cross readers (reading for another person's sign) should pick their energy in the scenario, take what resonates, leave the rest*
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illogicalhusbands · 5 years
The Game is Afoot - pt. 3
Bill Masters x Alec Hardy Masters of Sex / Broadchurch Crossover Link to Part 2
I apologize for taking a long while to update! Me and my co-mod have had our hands full the past week with work and other projects. But I’m hoping I can get back to regular scheduling soon! We’re nearing the end of this fic now. I project the next update will probably be the last. Thank you to everyone who’s still reading this! -
“A whisk, Hardy? Really? You’ve been pining over this man for a month and you give him a bloody whisk?”
“Sod off, Miller. It’s a housewarming party and he has plenty of stuff already.”
Miller frowned. “You should at least give something that’ll leave a bigger impression on him.”
“What do I get him, then? A Victorian sofa?”
He put down the whisk and perused the section of the shop dedicated to pots and pans. Both he and Miller had been invited to Masters’ housewarming party the coming weekend and Alec had no idea what gift to get him.
“Now, now, don’t overthink this. You can always go the old-fashioned route.”
“What route is that?”
Miller grinned. “Oh, y’know. Flowers… chocolates… some good wine…”
Alec was scandalised at being reminded of when he was first invited to Miller’s house several years ago and didn’t know what was polite to bring to your friends’ houses as he never had any. “Do not go there, Miller, I swear—”
“See? You’re already a natural at this!” Alec remained silent. “You could add balloons. Or an angel cake.”
“Don’t laugh at my misery.”
Miller gave a frustrated sigh. “I’m trying to help you! Jesus Christ, you two have been circling around each other for weeks! Can’t you move it along?”
Alec rolled his eyes. “Move what along? We’re not a canoe, Miller.”
“You are being purposely obtuse!” Ellie said, shoving a finger at his chest. “You like him—”
“I didn’t say that.”
“—and he obviously fancies you—”
“Now that’s debatable.”
“And Lord knows you are in need of a good shag which, if I’m hearing correctly from the rumours, Dr. Masters is perfectly capable of giving.”
Alec went through a series of multiple shades of deep red.
“Where did I put down that whisk?” said Alec, retreating down the steps he’d gone.
Miller grabbed his arm. Her face softened. “Look at you, you big ol’ softie. Don’t give me that grouchy look. Like you said, he has plenty of stuff. I’m sure he’ll love whatever it is you’ll get cause he’ll only care about who it was from.”
Alec hung his head, suddenly taken by a breeze of honesty. “But that’s not good enough.”
Since that day at the library, he and Masters had only grown closer. It was bordering on ridiculous, really, how much they hung out and had breakfast and texted each other on the phone. And it didn’t help at all that Dr. Masters had an amazing personality to match with his confident facade. He was witty and intelligent. He had a dry sense of humour that eased Alec’s constant worries of saying something that others deem inappropriate. Masters took his rude remarks and added to them a spark of somewhat greater morbidity. Perhaps it had to do with both of them being in morbid careers, but they understood one another at a level that Alec had never experienced with anyone else. Not even his investigative partner and best friend Miller.
He was comfortable around Masters but at the same time it was frustrating to be around him. How could this incredible man continue to carry out charming conversations with him when he was only spitting out dull, dry remarks like a seventy-six year old spinster? How Masters could be friendly with him was completely beyond his comprehension, let alone try to ponder on the possibility of the doctor having a romantic attachment towards him.
Still, Miller was partly correct. By this time he’s able to fully admit to being head over heels for the man. How could he not? Here was a remarkable person who shared his sense of humour and inquired after him as if he really cared. It was a little pathetic, to be honest, for Alec to latch on to one of the first human beings to ever treat him with a bit of kindness. Masters was only the unfortunate victim of his affections.
He was infuriating with his small bowties and neat hair and his “You need to eat more, Holmes” text messages as if what Alec did was of any consequence to him. It was getting more and more difficult to appear unaffected by him.
When Alec walked into the cafe one sunny Wednesday morning, he found Masters already seated at their usual table. It was rare that the doctor arrived earlier than he did. There was a tray of scones in front of the empty seat across from him. Alec, perplexed, occupied his seat.
“I know you usually drink your tea on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t make a habit of it,” said Masters before digging into his own club sandwich.
Alec stared wordlessly at him. He didn’t know whether it was on purpose or not, but Masters had scored another point against him. The scones were Alec’s favourites from the menu. He’d only had them a handful of times around him. Had the doctor really been paying attention to him the whole time?
Masters looked captivating in his silver dress shirt and tartan blue bowtie, teasing smirk dancing constantly on his lips. He more found it interesting now rather than irritating as he did during their first meeting. Here was the man who already knew his favourite food whereas the only things he knew about Masters were whatever information that could be gleaned from the internet or, god forbid, a dossier. It made him feel dreadful.
They settled into light conversation for the rest of the half hour. Alec hoped the rest of the meeting would remain unremarkable. They got up and walked out of the shop.
Halfway out of the door, he heard a voice from behind him. “Alec? Is that you?”
He turned to see a familiar woman with strawberry blonde hair and a fringe that swept just below her brows. For a moment he struggled to recognize her, then it clicked.
“Katie?” Alec recalled the person he’d gone on a blind date with several months ago. It was at a momentary phase in his life wherein he tried his hand at rebuilding relationships. He went on a couple of blind dates but none had really worked out well. At most he’d had a nice dinner and some company, but no one was truly able to take his attention the way… well, the way the dapper doctor currently beside him did. “It’s good to see you,” he added politely.
“Yeah? You’re looking good nowadays. Been hearing a lot about you from the news.” She tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“Wish there was nothing to hear about, actually. Hearing about me is a sign of terrible news in this town. S’why no one can stand me,” he said in half-jest.
“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true. We’re very grateful for the work you’re doing.” Katie fidgeted on the strap of her bag and sighed. “Listen, I know you’re a busy man, but I had a lot of fun on our date and I was kinda hoping you’d call…”
Alec blanched. He did not fail to notice how silent Masters was throughout this entire ordeal. “Yeah, I’m… sorry about that. The um, cases just kept coming,” he finished flatly.
Katie seemed oblivious to his tone. She was a sweet girl, but truly dull. She laid a hand on his forearm. “Yes, I understand that completely.” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “But if you ever have some free time, I’d really look forward to hanging out with you again.”
Alec didn’t know what to reply to that. This was exactly why he didn’t do romance and dating anymore. There was so much energy required and he couldn’t be bothered with all these social niceties and he didn’t have the heart to shoot her down directly, especially with Masters around to see it as that would only be doubly embarrassing for Katie. Still, he had to say something.
“Katie, um… look. I’m actually… seeing someone now.” He winced as the words came out of his mouth. Katie looked crestfallen.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t…” She dropped her hand. “I just didn’t expect you to… I mean, I didn’t think you…” She shook her head. “Anyway, she must be an exceptional girl and I hope you two’re happy. Do I know her?”
Alec resisted the overwhelming urge to groan out loud. Was there no way to escape this conversation? What was he even going to say?
He startled at Masters clearing his throat, momentarily having forgotten that he was still there. “Actually, he’s not dating a woman.” His hand shot out, fingers twining with Alec’s with a flourish that appeared practised, like they’d done so plenty of times before instead of being the first skin-on-skin contact Alec has had with the man he lo—greatly fancied. “But you are correct with us being very satisfied in this relationship,” Masters added in a friendly tone.
But when Alec turned to look at him, he was anything but polite. Eyes slanted and chin pushed down to his collar, regarding Katie as if she were nothing but a nuisance. Something about that look tickled Alec’s insides, a thrumming sensation pooling in his gut. Katie’s lips parted with shock before she shook herself out of it and turned back to Alec, wanting to say something more. Just when he started to revel in the warmth of Masters’ hand, he let go. Alec tried not to feel dismayed.
He was still incapable of speaking and thankfully, Masters seemed to realize this. He spoke again, “It was lovely running into you, but my little sleuth here has a lot of work to attend to. If you’ll excuse us.”
“Down, Watson,” Alec couldn’t resist teasing. This was also the first time Alec had called him that out loud.
This seemed to have done something to the man as in the next moment, Masters’ arm crept behind his back, sliding over the fabric of his cotton dress shirt, touch ghosting over the muscles of his lower back. Warmth radiated through his spine. Alec let himself bask in it, quivering in the heat. A hand fastened itself onto his waist and Masters pulled, securing him to his side. The movement was all very languid, Alec’s shoulder and ribs coming naturally to latch onto the planes of Masters’ sturdy frame. Alec was stunned—pliant against him.
He sneaked a glance up at Masters’ face. He was still staring down at Katie with a hint of amusement in his eye, a particular twinkle. The face of a winner, with Alec as the prize.
Alec was experiencing a torrent of emotions, but it was far from being unpleasant.
Finally, they walked out of the cafe and after a considerable distance was made between them and the establishment, Alec spoke.
“I am very sorry about what happened back there.”
“No, I should be the one to apologize.” Alec believed this was the first time he saw Masters looking, of all things, sheepish. “I didn’t mean to do all that but.. But it was the quickest way to get rid of her, and you were looking like you were in trouble—”
“Nononono—” Alec hurried to console him. “You did, um… help me, with that. I should thank you, I suppose.”
Masters avoided his gaze, all traces of his previous bravado vanished. “Probably shouldn’t have done it, though. Might make it hard for you to get another date. And the touching might have been too much—”
“Is that what you think?” Alec’s breaths were shallow. “Because I don’t. Want it. Another date, that is.” His cheeks radiated with sudden warmth.
“Oh. That’s… good.” A gentle smile graced Masters’ face, though he was still avoiding Alec’s gaze. But there was a flicker of something in his eyes… one that looked a lot like… Hope?
He muscled his way through the rings of nervousness forming in his throat. “And I don’t mind the um, touching.”
Masters laughed. “Good.” The cheekiness was back in his tone.
Alec could sigh at the sight of him. His eyes sparkling with amusement, thin lips curled up into a teasing smile, and the sun’s rays touching upon his hair and his skin, making Alec’s fingers tingle with the desire to touch. It was too much, but also not enough.
Still he’d be content just to have this. Masters, gleeful and teasing, beside him in the mornings challenging him and helping him out of sticky situations. Truly it was more than enough. More than he deserved.
“I’ll see you this weekend for the housewarming,” said Masters before walking in the opposite direction from where Alec was headed. Alec’s gaze trailed behind him for an eternity after.
Another day had passed. The breakfast with Masters went more or less normally and he was glad that things seemed to return to their ordinary ways. Alec arrived at the station. A burst of whispers rang through the moment he entered the room.
He glared at the other officers, drawing up to his full height to appear intimidating. But they mostly all glared back. They were also mostly coming from the women (and some men) in the room.
“What’re you all staring at? Bugger off! The safety of the town depends on it and you’re here babblin’ like children!” At this, the officers whipped their heads back down to their workstations. The sound of shuffling papers and pressed keyboards filled the room once more.
Miller greeted him at the door to his office. Alec crossed his arms. “What?”
She was beaming. “Finally! Took you long enough, sir.”
“What the deuce are you talkin’ about?”
“Please. Everyone knows about it already. No need to hide it from me.” She clapped her hands. “You and Dr. Masters are dating!”
Alec could’ve sworn his soul just left his body. “I-wh-mff!—”
Miller poked his arm. “Look at you all adorably flustered! Heard it from down the grapevine, but everyone says it comes from a very reliable source. Came straight from your mouth, they say!”
Alec could feel the mortification stretching through him. To hell with this stupid, bloody town! If the entire community heard—nay, god forbid Masters heard of this! He panicked. Masters would never speak to him again. “God, that wasn’t—! UGH. It’s not true. I was caught off guard!”
“Oh,” Miller’s face drooped down with dismay. “Well, that’s not what every body thinks.”
Alec remembered the most charming welcome he’d just received when he entered.
“What’re they all staring at me like that for? I haven’t done anything to them!”
“Not personally, no. But they’re bound to resent you in some way or another.”
“Yes, and I have no idea why.” Alec’s arms flew up and flailed.
“Surely you do,” said Miller, smirking. “Whether you like it or not, Alec Hardy, you just managed to reel in the most eligible bachelor in Broadchurch.”
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