#digital government
nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny's found a way to dodge GIW trackers, as well as his parents. Their equipment hunts ghosts, ghosts run on emotion; so as long as he keeps his under a tight lid and doesn't feel anything ever, they won't be able to track him.
It works!
He's able to run from them, and goes as far as New Jersey. The plan was to stow away on a ship, and go to literally any country that wasn't America. He goes to Gotham, which hosts the one harbor he knows where no one will ask any questions.
But because of how weird he acted (completely emotionless during a Joker attack), he was fingered by police immediately.
He's handed over to CPP. CPP doesn't know what to do with a teen literally so traumatized that they don't show any emotion at all, ever. He keeps just...walking out of his placements. Just leaves without a sound.
Luckily, he's always caught, due to those placement houses having quiet alarms and him refusing to run.
They call the one foster parent they know who does.
Bruce Wayne takes in the strange, nameless kid who refuses to talk.
On paper, they gave him the filler name of 'John Doe', for lack of anything better to do.
Bruce does everything he can to make the newest arrival feel at home. Damian, for as territorial as he is, actually breaks out of his shell sooner than expected just to try to get the new kid to speak. To emote. To do something. Duke tries the open approach, then tries the 'no one will ever know, everyone thinks I'm an innocent goody-two-shoes' approach. Nada.
Tim even tries to trick him into talking, but nothing works.
Enter Dick; Dick heard about Bruce's new ward, about the situation, and decided to see if he could get the kid to open up.
Danny though. Danny's in trouble.
The Wayne Manor is weirdly secure, and he can't just walk away like he did his other placements. He can't use ghost powers or the GIW and his parents will immediately know where he is.
He really, really wants to take Bruce up on his offer and just spend the day relaxing. Respond to Damian's attempts to provoke him. Overshare about space facts with Tim.
But most of all, he really, desperately wants to get in a Pun Competition with Dick. He wants to laugh at Dick's jokes, and learn coolass gymnastic tricks!
But he can't!
If he relaxes with Bruce, he'll be content, which is an emotion. If he argues with Damian, he'll get annoyed, which is an emotion. If he sneaks out with Duke and breaks the rules, he'll get happy, which, again, emotion. If he overshares with Tim, he'll get excited, which is, yet again, an emotion!
The worst sin of all, he can't even show proper appreciation of the food the Butler keeps making him!
And now there's even more people coming over!
There's a quiet girl who keeps reading his body language and trying to get him to dance ballet, a blonde girl who keeps trying to kidnap him to take him to BatBurger, a guy with a stripe of white who wants to take him to a shooting range, and it just...he really, really wants to!
He wants to do all these cool things with them!
But he fucking can't!
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christyrdiaz · 1 year
Government IT Solution
Effectiveness in providing services digitally depends on various underlying variables, including education, access to reliable and quick telecommunications services, and digital literacy. The growth of the digital infrastructure also affects how well users can use digital services.
What is the exact meaning of the digital ecosystem?
A digital ecosystem comprises related information technology resources that might cooperate. The transition from structured programming to object-oriented programming to concurrent development took place over the last 20 years. The rapid advancement of technology has substantially increased the complexity of software.
Who uses digital ecosystems, and who can reach you to build governmental software:
Private organizations
Government foundations
Types of government apps and software to support digital ecosystem
1. Performance Management Software
2. Planning and Budgeting Software
3. Special Access Programs (SAPs)
4. Communications Software
5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
6. Government Reporting Software
7. Citizen Relationship Management (CRM) Software
8. Public Works Software
9. Digital Public Service
 If you want to run and promote your organization using a government technology-based digital ecosystem software, get in touch with a reputable software development company with experience creating and updating government IT solutions based on digital ecosystem concepts.
Read Originally Published Blog: https://medium.com/@maulik.evincegroup/the-top-notch-government-software-that-glorifies-the-digital-ecosystem-98c8f8181bc2
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taikova · 7 months
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heres franky! currently rereading water seven so i think some franky appreciation is more than appropriate.
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ghostlylicious · 13 days
hc as julian gets older there are some things he's not allowed to consume anymore and geralt is constantly trying to save his life, like he always does ❤️ and it looks smth like this
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inspired by me telling myself im not allowed to consume smth but consuming it anyways
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glowsticcc · 6 months
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separate post with the drawing by itself, original photo under cut by @qsmp-where-they-shouldnt-be
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crtastrophe · 1 year
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(more Kid Pix 4 noodling!)
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reality-detective · 4 months
"I cannot think of a more dangerous initiative than this."
Nigel Farage comments on the recent call by unelected head of the EU, Ursula von der Leyen, for world leaders to roll out digital ID, CBDC and a cashless society—globally—by 2030.
"If we're not careful, we head towards a Chinese-style social credit system, where unless you go along with the views of the day, you become a non-person." 🤔
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owlssin · 1 year
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cosmosnout · 2 months
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Wanted to draw king’s face reveal in my style
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mutiny-huyutiny · 6 months
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sailing-ever-west · 1 month
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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skialdi · 9 months
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Silly what-if scenario doodle based on a conversation with @mtwiind
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dailyhogz · 3 months
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day 41: sonic wachowski attends SCHOOL (it goes poorly)
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isbergillustration · 2 months
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Sometimes it is imperative to draw a guy in a vat
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rubixcuby · 1 year
Cant take my mind off my Bretty boy 😍💕
TW: bl00d!
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jtl-fics · 4 months
You ever just get consumed by thoughts of an AU of your AU?
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