seakclauswinkler · 2 years
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Except the Greek symbols, letter with in the top, upper part, all forms are ‘ S ‘ letters. Might ad further letters later. The paintings backside although work in progress, just with oil paint, full abstract. The ‘ S ‘ basic style is based on two large wall paintings i painted when being invited to beautiful Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 2008. I am sure I painted ‘ S ‘ letters like this before. I remember sketching ‘ S ‘ letters like this sitting in newzeeland, in a mansion, on the hill, watching the black beach, where they filmed the Xenia Movies Tv series, and Lord the rings, in September 2001. The ‘ V ‘ looking lower part bow of the ‘ S ‘ might be a reference to ‘ V ‘ in Vulvae, the ‘ V ‘ in Silvia, or in Just ‘ via ‘.( Roman for way/ street). I was born, and Iam living in a area next to old Roman road 2000a+ years old. A lot larger roads/ streets with in the area here are build by Roman legionaries. My name is although derived from Santa Claus/ Claudio, a old Roman name. Due family history, hugonotts East Prussian/ slesian/ Lithuanian, from the migrant sides of the family i might although having a certain realationship to roads. My greatgrandfather 12 year service infantry, my grandmother/ father 5 month everyday russian dive bombing attacks on there 2 horse carried wagons. The name ‘ Claus ‘ implicit suggests as as warning how women can behave, belonging to street. Although “ loving “ / liking them for who they are. Not judging hypergamous/ promisq/ high bodycount behavior. De pedestalising possible niceguy/ intrinsic shame mh-complex behaviors to ‘ Via = Road/ street = Claus. All path ways body exists/ entrances are just roads. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #Road #Street #shebelongstothestreets #Mhcomplex #MHKomplex #Strasse #V #Via #Letter #S #Artistlogic #intrinsicmotivation #Value #Redpilled #romanroad #spqr #thesestreetsaremadeforwalking #diestraßewillnurvondirgelaufenwerden #havingarun #buchstabentorte #lettercake #Es #grandfather #12ender #Landwehr #SantaClaus #artistmanifest (at Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CihIKSwI_8d/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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