#didn’t expect Carlitos to win but that was a great match from both of them
schumi-nadal · 3 months
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Carlos Alcaraz & Jannik Sinner - Indian Wells 2024 🇺🇸
Another date match, another hug at the net 🥹🥰
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NXT Review- November 15, 2017
Hello hello! Here’s my NXT post. I know it’s a little bit late for this one, but it was a busy day for me, and I’m at least happy I got something posted for it! Thanks for checking it out!
Please please please please feel free to leave me some feedback or critiques on how these posts are doing, I’d really appreciate it! Also, please feel free to send me a question or send me your thoughts on the show! Thanks so much!
After being a little let down from last week’s show, I had some high expectations for this show, since it’s the show before War Games.
On Street Profits/Sabbatelli and Moss
First off, I’m a fan of all four of the wrestlers. I think all of these guys could do great either as singles or tag team competitors. I really dig the vibe that the Street Profits bring to the arena, and they’re already super over with the crowd. I just wish they were featured on the programming more in matches rather than backstage segments. I wanna say the same for Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss, but Tino is basically a Chris Masters lookalike, and Riddick Moss is basically Carlito with a ponytail. This was a great match that showed that both teams know how to grapple well and that they can hit their technical marks. The thing that really confused me in this match was the ending. Why and how did Angelo get the win with a right hook in the jaw to Tino? It didn’t make sense with the flow of the match, but kudos to all parties involved in this match for putting on a great first match!
 On Velveteen Dream/Aleister Black
At first, when they first started feuding, I thought this was a weird feud for both of them. After a few weeks of seeing them go back and forth, and bringing in the angle of the “say my name!” thing for Dream, I have faith that this match will be a fan favorite this Saturday at War Games. Aleister and Velveteen are both super athletic, and I can’t wait to see what they do this weekend!
 On Lars Sullivan/Raul Mendoza
This was just a squash match. Just filler, even when Kassius Ohno came out to “save the day”. The one great thing in this match was seeing Lars just dominate and throw Raul around with such power. Love it.
 On Ember Moon/Mercedes Martinez
I’m not sure how I want this match to go. I’m very exhausted with Ember; I don’t think she’s interesting anymore. I think she either needs the title, or maybe she gets called up if she loses on Saturday to be in the Women’s tag match at Survivor Series? I really loved seeing Mercedes in the Mae Young classic, and she was an instant favorite for me, but seeing her now in NXT has really been a let down. I don’t feel like she’s giving it 100%, and it seemed like Ember was half-assing her moves as well. I’m not surprised that Ember won this match. It makes sense for her to take the win before War Games, and it’ll most likely be her or Kairi who wins on Saturday.
 On Cien Almas/Drew McIntyre
I guess they didn’t have time for a full confrontation for them, because this was the worst way to end NXT for me personally. The show should’ve ended with the women. Drew said something, and then it was over? And to be perfectly honest, I don’t see why Cien is getting this title shot for War Games. He’s been in NXT for a while, so I guess his name should be in the running at some point, but I don’t see why it wasn’t Adam Cole going for the title. I hope they both put on a great match on Saturday, but I’m not gonna be upset if it’s not up to par.
Overall, not that much of an exciting show, but it was slightly better than last weeks. I’m pumped for War Games, so I’m really looking forward to that!
Stay tuned for more posts!
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wrestlingisfake · 7 years
Elimination Chamber preview
John Cena vs. AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Baron Corbin - Cena is defending the world championship in a six-way elimination chamber match.  The ring will be surrounded by a metal platform supporting a domed cage, with four plexiglass pods next to each ring post.  The match starts with four wrestlers locked in the pods and the other two in the ring; a pod is randomly opened every five minutes.  Eliminations can occur by pinfall or submission, and the match only ends when all but one wrestler is eliminated.  The last guy left is the winner and champion.
Barring a weird plot twist, the winner of this match will go on to defend the world title at Wrestlemania XXXIII against Randy Orton, who earned the title shot by winning the 2017 Royal Rumble.  So this will either be about making John Cena look good ahead of a big match, or quickly shifting the title onto someone else for a different direction.
I think at this point everybody is expecting Bray Wyatt to win the championship here, setting up a breakup between him and Orton.  The only real questions are whether WWE can come up with some other compelling outcome, or if they can make a Wyatt win not feel so obvious.  Knowing WWE these days, I’m not confident they’ll put in any effort on this, so I look forward to a boring-ass finish and Wyatt celebration.
Randy Orton vs. Luke Harper - Harper was a charter member of Bray Wyatt’s spoopy creppy cult, but when Orton joined he was skeptical and eventually quit over it.  If Orton really did join the Wyatt Family with an ulterior motive to destabilize the group and betray Bray, then driving a wedge between Bray and Luke certainly makes sense as a first step.  Beating the shit out of Harper would be a great step two, just in case Harper has second thoughts and tries to help Bray when Orton turns.  Of course, we don’t even know that Orton’s even trying to destroy the Wyatt Family from within, so this is all just speculation.
I don’t think WWE’s #2 golden boy would win the Royal Rumble just to get jobbed out to a Man Mountain Midcard, so it’s a safe bet Orton wins.
Alexa Bliss vs. Naomi - Bliss defends the Smackdown women’s title.  Apparently someone at WWE finally remembered Naomi exists, so they gave her a title shot.  That’s nice!  I’d like to see Naomi win but I bet she won’t.
Nikki Bella vs. Natalya - This looks to be the final blowoff for the “Natalya beat up Nikki at Survivor Series then denied then admitted it because Nikki fucked John Cena” storyline, and gosh what a shame to see it end.  Word is going around that Nikki’s neck is still giving her trouble and her full-time career is all but over.  She’ll probably win here to set off whatever farewell she gets at Wrestlemania.
Becky Lynch vs. Mickie James - Three women’s matches on a pay-per-view?!?!?  Well, it makes sense when all the men are in just four matches.  I just didn’t think WWE would ever figure that out.  Becky’s still pissed at Mickie for returning to WWE to interfere in her title match.  So this is all young-vs.-old, even though it’s like 30 vs. 37.  Mickie should be booked like a dominant legend over the long term but for now the priority is probably to protect Becky and set her up for Mania.
Jason Jordan & Chad Gable vs. Heath Slater & Rhyno vs. Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso vs. Tyler Breeze & Fandango vs. Konnor & Viktor vs. Aiden English & Simon Gotch - Jordan & Gable’s Smackdown tag team championship is at stake in a six-team gauntlet match.  Two teams start the match and whichever team loses a fall is out, and then the next team comes out, and so on and so on until five teams have been eliminated.  Order of entry is typically random but sometimes the champions are given the last slot. 
This is basically filler to give the tag division something to do without having to put any serious creative thought into it, which kinda sucks.  The format of the match favors a title change but it probably doesn’t matter since all twelve of these guys will just be losing the Andre the Giant battle royal in six weeks anyway.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kalisto & Apollo Crews - This is a two-on-one handicap match, where the bad guy is the one with the odds stacked against him because this company couldn’t book a wet dream.  Ziggler turned heel recently (if I lost to Miz a million times I would turn heel too) and has been feuding with both Kalisto and Crews.  I guess he was on Byte This or Carlito’s Cabana or something and he said he could beat both of them at once so now he has to prove it. 
Kalisto and Crews are going to look really fucking stupid if they come up short here, and this is WWE so I bet they will.  But Ziggler is a certified loser and I’d be an idiot to bet on him to win.  So this is like some buttered cat shit here.
Mojo Rawley vs. Curt Hawkins - This is for the pre-show, and never before has a match been better designed to take place before everyone gets into the building.  I guess Rawley wins.
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Havin’ a Few Drinks and Watching: Judgment Day ‘08
The title of these posts are self-explanatory. Occasionally I will have a few adult beverages and watch an old PPV. All the writing (aside from this introductory paragraph) was written live by me throughout the night and unedited from its original form.
My first reaction of the night is that I already absolutely loathe this PPV’s theme song three minutes in. It is called “Take It All” by some Danish band called Zididada, and I’m convinced that it’s the same line over and over again. I hate it more than I hate myself.
According to research, the dark match for this show was World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly (what) defeating Carlito and Santino Marella. Can’t believe they didn’t air that sure-to-be greatness.
The show starts with JBL fighting John Cena in a match I already regret watching. If you’re curious what period of time we’re in, there’s a sign that says “JBL = EPIC FAIL!” so we’re right smackdab in the middle of when “fail” was A Thing. Another sign says JBL stands for “Judgment Day’s Biggest Loser.” Get fucking wrecked, Bradshaw. John Cena is wearing an NES Cover-inspired T shirt that I wish I owned. This match had some solid heat. The people love John Boy (I believe this is before the “JOHN CENA SUUUUUCKS” chants) and hate JBL (as everyone should). However, everything else is putting me to sleep. I’ve never really enjoyed Bradshaw in the ring, and this John Cena isn’t the Greatest In The World John Fucking Cena we’ve got 10 years later. JBL dominates most of the match with a slow pace. Cena’s selling really looks goofy as hell. JBL’s just destroying Cena at a really deliberate pace, and then out of nowhere Cena hits the FU for the win. Classic “Super Cena” that would get people to hate his overpowered characters before he became Actually Good in recent years. This match was bad and the ending being so sudden and nonsensical didn’t help matters. If we’re rating stuff it’s probably about *3/4.
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We cut to Raw GM William Regal as the match is finished. He seems to have enjoyed the match just as much as I did.
We get clips from an episode of “The Dirt Sheet” (which you can see first every Sunday on WWE.com) with Miz and John Morrison. They’re going to face off against Kane (the ECW Champion) and CM Punk (Mr. Money in the Bank) for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Miz-as-Kane and Morrison-as-Punk have potential, but goofy ass sound effects (FART!) take away from whatever comedic value the segment would have had. Miz is wearing a fedora, a “chick magnet” shirt and some goofy-ass short pants (long shorts?) and it’s nice to see an entirely different Miz have the same level of hate-ability. Mike Adamle keeps referring to Punk as just “CM” and it sounds weird. Punk gets taken to Slamtown with a Moonlight Drive after getting distracted by Kane chokeslaming Miz into oblivion. It’s a fine match. There’s not too much that stands out but I enjoyed the ride. **3/4-***.
Third match of the night is Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho, so hopes are high. I’m not as big a Michaels fan as I used to be, but he was still a heck of a wrestler. Combine that with the GOAT Chris Jericho and you’ve got a stew goin’. That scumbag Shawn Michaels faked an injury to get the edge on Batista in a match where Jericho was reffing, which is how we got here. Jericho’s IC champion, but it’s non-title for whatever reason. Match starts out with some nearfall exchanges and Michaels’ smarmy, cocky ass pissing Y2J right off. Slightly off-topic, but no matter how many times I see them, I will never get used to Shawn Michaels’ Jesus-themed assless chaps. Match is fun, and it’s hard to be snarky or insightful when things are simply “fine.” Michaels tunes up the band right into a codebreaker OUTTA NOWHERE which was a fun moment. Ending is kinda weird. Jericho goes for Lionsault, but Michaels has double knees up. Jericho somehow sees that coming and prevents himself from landing on the knees but Michaels reverses into a pinfall. So that’s why it was non-title. This isn’t a classic match like these two could have, but it’s still very good, even great. **** overall methinks. Jericho and HBK shake hands as a show of respect. Regal reacts to the action by staring off into the distance some more.
JBL interrupts Todd Grisham and Mickie James by saying that actually he beat John Cena and not the other way around. Also he’s not mad, he’s actually laughing right now.
We’ve got a Women’s Title match with Beth Phoenix vs. Melina vs. Mickie James. Because this is a women’s match in 2008, everything feels rushed. Even introductions. Lillian Garcia takes absolutely no pauses in the introductions. Just gets it done. You can tell all three women want to get as much of their stuff in as possible in their token 5 minutes of the show, and things are fast-paced but still pretty smooth and REALLY fun. Beth Phoenix lifts both Melina and Mickie for a backbreaker, and it gets one of the best reactions of the night. Mickie finishes Melina with a DDT in less than 5 minutes. They really made the most out of the time they had. They left me wanting more here. ***1/4
Next up is the World Heavyweight Title match, which was stripped from Taker by Vickie Guerrero. Vickie’s fiancée Edge is naturally the one in line for the shot. There’s a sign that says “I only came 4 Edge,” which… extremely same, IF YA KNOW WHAT I’M SAYIN HERE. There’s also a man in the first few rows wearing a very large, floppy sombrero, and I hope whoever was behind him beat the shit out of him after the show. As for the match? It’s an Edge vs. Undertaker match. So just imagine you’re seeing one of the many Edge vs. Undertaker matches, but not, like, one of the BEST ones. Just a good one with some shenanigans thrown in. LITTLE BABBY versions of Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder show up to distract Charles Robinson while Edge exposes a turnbuckle. Undertaker wins by countout, but Vickie makes sure to note that the title can’t be won on DQ or countout. So we get a countout finish and still no champ. Fun stuff! Match is like a ***1/4-***1/2 overall. Taker’s mad so he gives Edge a tombstone after the match for his troubles.
WWE only scheduled six matches for the night, so MVP is out to complain that he’s off the card. He challenges anyone who wants to fight. United States champion Matt Hardy comes out to accept the challenge for his Brother Nero. The crowd’s loving the impromptu Jeff appearance since he had just returned from a wellness suspension. Apparently MVP is the highest-paid athlete in Smackdown history. I like him just fine but that seems like a poor investment, doesn’t seem worth it. Like we just saw a match with Edge and Taker. You’re paying MVP more than them? Is everyone on like crazy cheap Steph Curry contracts where you didn’t know they’d be this good? Anyway, the match is mostly okay, but nothing too special. Weeeeeeeird ending though. Jeff misses the Swanton Bomb. MVP sets him up in the corner, misses the charge, and loses to a Whisper of the Wind literally like 20 seconds after the missed Swanton. Sloppy as hell there. **1/4.
There is nobody I hate more than Sombrero Guy. Seriously. Imagine paying hundreds of dollars to be sit up close at a PPV only for some dude in a floppy ass sombrero to block your view.
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I am starting to feel very sleepy. It is 2:15 a.m. as I write this. All that remains is the main event. The main event is Triple H vs. Randy Orton in a steel cage match. There are few things that seem less appealing than this match in this moment. Lillian Garcia pronounces Randy’s last name as “Or-taaaaan.” It starts with a moment where Randy immediately rushes for the door and dives (heh) for the exit before it’s even closed as the bell rings. I’m not expecting too much more where either guy really rushes to do anything, though, because this is a Triple H and Randy Orton main event, and we’re gonna have to sit and suffer through it, dammit. There’s a comment about how these are the kind of matches that shorten careers, but really all this match is shortening is my patience am I right? You know what looks silly as hell? When Randy Orton’s selling submissions and just randomly starts flailing around like a Bayley buddy. When dude’s trying to reach for the ropes he looks like a cat trying to paw at a ball of yarn. A chair comes into play as Randy grabs one while being dragged back into the ring. We get a few spots based around that. Lots of cage-climbing spots down the stretch. I complain, but I do like the overall oldschool feel of the match in that they’re not going overboard and keeping it simple. Lots of focus on escape, no run-ins, only one weapon introduced outside of the cage. How well it works is obviously up to debate. But I give it some credit. The match isn’t bad, honestly. It’s just that Trips and Orton lack the chemistry to bring it a step above “good,” and it lacks consistency because Trips has gotta have his matches be more “epic” than they need to be. I’m tired. Triple H retains with a Pedigree. ***1/4
Overall, Judgment Day 2008 is a decently solid show. There’s only one match that’s too essential, which is the Jericho-Michaels match. However, the Women’s triple threat, Edge-Taker, tag team match and even the main event don’t make me regret watching too much. The MVP-Jeff Hardy match is easily skippable, and the JBL-Cena match is straight up bad. I’m not gonna rush to revisit even the better matches soon, but you could do much worse than this on the Network.
Overall Grade: C.
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