marthamiibo-blog · 10 years
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so diddlyscar and i decided to do some (purposely shittly) drawings of ace attorney
on the left we have diddlys drawing of apollo and phoenix with makeup on
on the right we have my drawing of athena getting kicked out of court
we aren't sorry
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qhos · 10 years
for the character rate do Prussia and uh, sniper
Prussia: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know
Sniper: somewhat attractive | eh | not really my type | pretty | handsome | beautiful | stud | gorgeous | SWEET LORD MERCY
can you relate to this character on a personal level?: no | not really | somewhat | yes | they are me
would you date/be friends with this character in real life if they were real?: total bros | friends | best friends | date | become their steady boyfriend/ girlfriend | neither | i don’t know |
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deadblog707 · 10 years
this is hinat but tbh i cant be bothered logging in
Name: hinata hajime Gender: female Height: 5”? taller than levi Orientation: who knows anymore Age: 15. hinata is like 15 right Eye Color: i dont know. like green. i dont stare at my eyes in the mirror thats scary Hair Color: ginger as fuck Smoking?: no Drinking?: no Drugs?: no Job: getting through school living on a prayer Favorite Color: purple or brown its a metaphor Favorite Band: shitty techno remixes nobody has heard of Siblings: my sister who randomly shouted no at you in ACNL Tattoos?: yeah whole dragon tattoo on my back fight me Favorite Book?: how to pick up chicks in 5 steps (expiration date reference im so sorry) Perfect Date: margaritas on the beach w me and u and my girls (chicken strips if ur up for it)  Hobbies: bad puns, getting headshots no scope get pwned n00b haha Why should I pick you?: bae we’ve known eachother for years ;) Why do you even want to date me?: because ur the komaeda to my hinata. the eiffel tower to my spy
(this is a joke tho swift would murder me) 
im swooning hinat really
swift would probably hurt anyone who breathed on me
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koalas are mildly terrifying bc they will absolutely mess you up. they are cute yes but demon spawns. jokes on everyone, they visit australia zoo and spy gets his suit wrecked bc of the koalas claws. 100 dollars down the drain and now spy is in a horrid mood for the entire trip
I feel like koalas are in a gang, and they just have this mutual agreement that they hate humans and they’ll use their cuteness to their advantage.
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theawesomerazz · 10 years
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this au will be the death of me
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peachtheplum · 10 years
(i got two of these so ima just post them in the one thing k? k)
Rule #1: always post the rules Rule #2: answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, then write eleven new ones Rule #3: tag eleven peeps then tell em ya tagged em Rule #4: tell the person that tagged you when you’ve answered their questions
Q.) What’s your middle name? A.) Kay.
Q.) What’s your favorite feature (of your own, of course)? A.) Hmm... probably my eyes.
Q.) Are you crushing on anyone right now? A.) I have a datemate, so yes. uwu
Q.) What was your first URL? A.) For tumblr? The one I have currently lol. For anything? Something lame and embarrassing probably I don't remember
Q.) What brought you to tumblr in the first place? A.) The majority of my friends have tumblr and I wanted to know what the heckie all the fuss was about. Lo-and-behold, here I am, trapped for eternity.
Q.) Do you easily trust people? A.) Not really, no. People are difficult.
Q.) Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? A.) Introveerrt
Q.) Do you believe in the science of astrology? A.) Heck yea
Q.) Do you believe magic is possible? A.) I like to believe it is, ye
Q.) What is the most unique thing about yourself? A.) Jeez, I wouldn't have a clue. I don't really notice my own characteristics and quirks and all that hoo-haa all that much, so I can't really answer that soz
Q.) Is knowledge power or ignorance bliss? A.) The former, mainly, but in some cases not knowing is better than knowing.
Q.) What do you look for in life? A.) Happiness, peace and just living it how I want to, I guess.
Q.) Would you rather have a pile of pillows or blankets? A.) Blankets fo sho, yo. Wrap me up like a burrito
Q.) What is the one thing that peeves you off the most? A.) Hmm... that's an interesting one. Just... human stupidity I guess; how people can be so ignorant about the importance of the environment or an individual's identity, whether it be gender-orientated, sexuality or the likes, and hard-core religious nuts who try to convert every atheist, gay and sinner they come across. Shit like that really gets under my skin and I need to take a breather so not to punch a wall lol
Q.) Do you believe in ghosts/demons/etc.?  A.) Indeed I do.
Q.) What is your favorite color? A.) Puurrple
Q.) Why is it your favorite color? A.) Fucked if I know, man. Purple just connects with me on whatever weird level a colour can
Q.) Favorite time of day or night? A.) As much as I bitch and complain, I actually really like the mornings. As in, really early mornings, around sunrise when it gets chilly and fresh in the air and the sky is a gorgeous colour as the sun peaks over the horizon. The only downside is getting out of bed >:u
Q.) What draws you to people? What you see on the outside, or what may lie on the inside? A.) Inside. Definitely inside. I don't care what they look like, if they're a good person and our personalities are compatible, we can get along easy.
Q.) To be honest, are you most likely to do the talking or the listening? A.) Listening. I'm not so good when it comes to talking.
Q.) Favorite animal? A.) Animals of the canine variety uwu
Q.) What do you think about meeting new people? A.) It's fucking nerve-wracking. Talking to people I don't know, especially in person, is far from my forte. How I have friends is beyond me omg
1) Your favourite music artist? 2) Hugs or kisses? 3) Are you happy with where you are in life? 4) Three fears? 5) What's something you hold dear to you (material possession or otherwise)? 6) Your main/favourite fandom? 7) Do you believe there is more out there than just us in the universe? 8) A cause you're passionate about? 9) Opinion on long distance relationships? 10) If you had the option to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 11) If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
thank for the questions sweethearts
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davespritenotdave · 10 years
2, 9, 10, 11, 12 homestuck asks!!
whoops! sorry its late :P
2:Your Patron Troll- uh if its the one with the birthday adding up its kanaya. but if its the horoscope one, its eridan (its very shocking i know)
9:What’s your Fetch Modus?- wallet kinds the best!
10:Strife Specibus allocations?- uh gunkinds cool. since i dont know anything else cool :P
11:What’s your Title (X of Y; example Heir of Breath)?- uh im not sure with this one either. i like heir of hope but some survey said im a page :/
12:Prospit or Derse?- prospit of course! i dont have weird stuff going around my head! im like dave!
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marthamiibo-blog · 10 years
Red, Gray, Pink
Red: 5 facts about my best friend
huggable, cute af and could take u down in a minute
is actually apollo justice
she and i are trash queens of the trash kingdom
she can literally cheer up anyone just by smiling
she’s always there when i need her and i’ll always be there for her when she needs me omg
Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
they care for me and i love them omg
my dad is really good with computers and helps me out with mine a lot (thank you so much dad ahh) and hes funny and i love talking to him
my mum is really really really kind and smart and funny and i love her to bits
they both are amazing human beings and without them i wouldn’t be here
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deadblog707 · 10 years
im going to send tumblr user diddlyscar pictures of kise
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theawesomerazz · 10 years
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cries i need my tablet back so badly
also there are the sailor moon floaty pastel thingies
but yeah a poor quality colored photo of sailor gemini from the sm!stuck au
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deadblog707 · 10 years
tumblr user diddlyscar can't handle KISE... the fiNAL MEMe...
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deadblog707 · 10 years
me and diddlyscar will be making jokes about that equius patron anon until we die
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