#dicon shenanigans
jeonsupershy · 5 months
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kashi's every month of 2023 ☁
thank you for tagging me you guys😭💞 i appreciate you so so much @jeonwon-wonwoo @irlvernon @goblinvern
rules: link your favorite and/or most popular post from each month this year (totally fine to skip months) and tag some CCs you love to do it, too!
i was in quite a slump for a long time (life happens ig) and after almost a year i got back to giffing thanks to svt and caratblr🥺 i only started giffing this august for svt so i'll start from there🏋️‍♀️thank you to all my lovely mutuals and caratblr for being so welcoming and kind❤ i hope to get better at giffing and do more fun stuff next year heheh~
most popular: grape game from this year's gose (i cackle everytime i see it on my dash😭) personal favourite(s): meme-woo | gam3bo1 #9
most popular: glasses-woo from catch-stock ep (i love this sm) personal favourite(s): smug wonwoo | cheol's cozy live | people like him die first in movies
most popular: waggle waggle mingyu (not even surprised) personal favourite(s): waggle waggle cheol | monster gfx | bite size bean jam pancake(s) | mingyu highlight medley | meme-shua | the cutest ahjussi (sorry all these sets are v v dear to me 🤧)
most popular: if not boyfriend, why boyfriend shaped (my first 1k set here🥺) | mingyu to mingoo personal favourite(s): gyuhan shenanigans ft. cheol | diamond days wonwoo | losing my sanity
most popular: gam3bo1 2023 (my personal fav) personal favourite(s): dicon behind wonwoo (so bf coded)
being a part of caratblr this year has really given me so much joy so thank you so much🥺💖 i'm not going to tag anyone since i'm sure everyone's done it by now hahah but if you haven't and want to, please tag me so i can see and admire them too💞
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valonqarya-blog · 7 years
Battle Scene
Spoilers S7E4 - this scene was lit af, literally.. I loved it, top episode...it was absolute mayhem: I cried for Tyrion's conflicts and how sorry I felt looking at how lost his brother and the Lannister's army was by the end. Cried also thinking about Jaime's perspective of the event as well as Dany's, but my heart stopped in two moments...when Drogon got hit I cried and was shaking, then when Jaime tried to stab Dany in the back omg (old habits die hard) ... if they don't start putting some breastplates or some other form of armour on those dragons I'm going to be pissed.
I doubt that was Bronn at the end in the water with Jaime. I believe it was Dicon (sp?). Maybe they'll both be captured or Jaime will have to symbolically get rid of the Lion armour in order to resurface without being weighted down by all that iron, including his golden hand.
I'm sure that right after these shenanigans Bronn is like "..fuck this, I'm outta here, see ya, everyone!." He gave the Lannisters plenty of time to keep their promises, I'm pretty sure Bronn will switch sides soon or is just fed up with the whole thing and ragequits. He's always putting his life on the line while being taken for granted. His character revolves around gold, and it was so cringey when he even considered the option of taking time to collect the coins he dropped instead of immediately running away to save his life. That's when greed fucks up with your logic and he's so far there. I doubt his loyalty to the Lannisters will last much longer.
It was honestly hard to root for anyone during the battle. I felt bad for everyone involved.
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