#descendant of blackbeard reader
Not so abandoned manor - Harry Hook x reader - Halloween one-shot
inspired by the invitation~!! also less of an x reader and more of a “has reader character in it and Harry clearly has a bond with them” lol
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This was stupid, this was so fucking stupid; why was he doing this?!
Chad had dared him, that’s why. Stupid fucking prince Chad Charming. Harry swallowed harshly, spinning on his heel as he trekked through the dark forest that surrounded him; autumn leaves crunching beneath his feet as shadows danced behind his back-the moon being his only other light.
Harry let out a shaky breath as he broke through the forest line-coming upon the abandoned manor that sat deep within the Whitby forest. There had been rumors of a monster within its walls; with gleaming red eyes and fangs of a beast. Back on the isle, he would’ve been one of the first to storm the abandoned white and black stone walls-but in Auradon; he wasn’t as keen.
Considering in Auradon, death was much more…permanent.
Harry must’ve stood at that forest line for a solid hour, staring hard at the foliage and dust-covered manor, not a light to be seen from the window, nor a life wandering the grounds. It had been abandoned for years, built in the 1800s, and collecting dust since the 1980s.
“New Carfax abbey” Harry muttered to himself as he read the faded sign that sat on the pathway toward the manor. He took a deep breath, clutching his hook in his left hand with the flashlight held strong in his right; his phone sitting fully charged in his pocket-ready to text Uma and or Mal to get him out of there-just In case.
They had all grown up in a place where monsters reigned supreme, so the rumors here-could hold all too much truth for kids like them. Harry slowly walked up the gravel pathway, furrowing his brows as he got closer to the manor, seeing what looked to be scorch marks upon the white stone, buried underneath vines and natural decay.
“oookay” he muttered, taking one final glance around him, his hook still tight in his hand; before he made his way to the grand front doors, pushing them open with his shoulder with great difficulty. One was nearly off its hinges and the other had clearly gone too long without some oil.
He jumped at the sound of snapping twigs and crunching leaves behind him, he whirled around, pointing the flashlight in the general direction he had heard the noise come from.
He saw nothing, nothing but the shadow of trees, and a fox. The fox spotted him and froze, but it almost looked like it wasn’t looking at him, but over his shoulder. He learned a long time ago, that animals didn’t just-look at random things. Harry whirled around again, seeing nothing within the void that was the main hall. Harry took a deep breath, carefully stepping further into the manor, his flashlight scanning back and forth until the feeling of being watched faded away.
“fuck this, fuck this, fuhuhuhuck this~” Harry sang to the tune of that one Mozart song to relax his nerves, which were going through the roof. “this is stupid, this is so fucking stupid-I'm going to fucking kill Chad” Harry continued to try to calm himself down as he walked further into the main hall, his eyes catching onto a cobweb-infested statue that depicted a dragon overtaking a knight-a stone spear pointing directly at him “not creepy at all” Harry grumbled, seeing the long-rested ash resting upon the curves of the statue.
And well-everything else. It almost looked as if the place was set ablaze, and then was-magically put back together-because the only burn damage was ash and the scorch marks from outside. Harry turned, pointing his flashlight into a dark corner of the room, furrowing his brows at the stone hallway; it looked old-very old. He leaned to the side, licking his lips; as the feeling of being watched suddenly returned.
“nope,” he muttered, turning away and jogging up the stairs, nearly breaking into a sprint as it felt like something followed him from that stone hallway. He quickly turned, holding his hook defensively as he pressed his back against the wall; pointing the flashlight every which way. “is-is anyone there?” Harry called out, nothing answered, but he heard the flutter of feathered wings as his voice spooked a bird.
He hated this-he absolutely fucking hated this. He wanted to go home-he wanted to fucking run. You know what, he wanted his sister! He genuinely wanted his big sister, he felt like a scared little kid again. He jumped as his phone buzzed against his thigh and he fumbled to take it out, sliding his hook into his belt loop as he did so. He huffed the text he got.
‘prince asshole-
Remember, no leaving until you get a picture of that chapel’
Right, the stupid rumored chapel of the abandoned manor. Apparently, the place used to be owned by some lord of whatever-and he was into weird shit-like demonic weird shit-holding blood ceremonies in a hidden chapel within his manor.
And if that wasn't a recipe for a horror movie? Harry didn’t know what was.
Harry turned, seeing a hallway to his left, and another to his right. He took the left first, ending up down another hallway that just led to a set of bedrooms. “Alexander suite” he muttered, shining his light onto the rusted gold plate. He opened the once lavish door, slowly creeping inside the dark room. He took a deep breath, this room felt much less-heavy-then the rest of the manor.
The moonlight easily illuminated the room, making it much easier to see. He closed the door behind him; he didn’t like his back to the void that was the rest of the manor. It wasn’t a gigantic bedroom, nothing compared to bens, but it was a good size; his eyes glazed over a set of Russian dolls, all painted white yet cracked with age. He ran his fingers over the painted wood before his eyes met his own, a cracked mirror sitting atop the dresser he now stood in front of; the four-poster bed and windows behind his shoulder. 
He hummed, furrowing his brows as he saw…a shadow, a human figure; standing just behind the flowing curtains. He slowly drew a pocket knife from his pocket, flipping it open and skillfully throwing it at the shadow-swallowing as it landed in nothing but wood and fabric.
He quickly stalked over, ripping the knife out and pushing away the curtains, that feeling of being watched returning heavily. “I swear to the gods if this place is fucking haunted” Harry grumbled to himself, flinging the curtains away and turning; screaming as a pair of red gleaming eyes met his. He fell on his butt, holding his hand to his chest as the sudden figure burst into laughter, stepping into the moonlight to reveal-
“You should’ve seen your faaace~” you laughed, kneeling in front of him and taking his face, his cheeks ice cold but warming with the flush that was appearing. “(y/n)!” Harry snapped, his breathing rapid and heavy as he glared at you, pouting as you continued to laugh “ye scared tha’ hell outta me!!”
You just scrunched your nose at him, taking his hands and helping him up, grabbing his flashlight and knife while you were at it-Harry having dropped them in his fright “kinda the point baby blue,” he flushed at your stupid old nickname for him, you meant with absolute fondness, but it didn’t mean he didn’t find it a bit-embarrassing. You didn’t use it around anyone other than him thankfully. “What’cha doin’ in a place like this anyway?” you just watched him pout as he pocketed his knife and grabbed his hook from his belt “Ah, Chad?”
Harry nodded once, walking over to the door, and glancing at the painting that sat on the wall next to it, it felt….odd-for some reason. Like It was watching him, no-warning him; telling him to leave. He brushed off the feeling; opening the door and walking out, huffing as he stepped back into the void of the manor, turning the flashlight back on, and walking back down the hall-this time; with you at his back.
Which honestly, made him feel a lot better-because who better to roam an abandoned manor with-than a vampire? Who was the descendant of Blackbeard no less. He froze as something ducked behind the corner, the floor beneath it creaking. He reached back, grabbing your gloved hand. “Harry?” you asked quietly, you knew he wasn’t a fan of places like this-even back on the isle. But something was setting him off.
“Shadow, saw it with the flashlight,” Harry muttered, bringing you towards him till you were practically against his back, your chin resting on his shoulder. “Floor creaked too.”
You furrowed your brows, you didn’t hear anything, and your hearing and sight were 12x better than the average human, you could see near perfectly in complete darkness and hear whispers through walls. And you heard nothing from the floor except your footsteps. You didn’t tell this to Harry though, you would not send him into an episode.
So you squeezed his hand instead, following him down the hall and around the corner, his shoulders dropping a bit as you saw nothing but old carpet and an empty hallway. Harry sighed, shaking his head “I swear,” he muttered, ending the sentence there as you both continued down the hall; passing by a small kitchen, several bedrooms; and entering a very big bedroom, clearly the master bedroom.
“Wow” you muttered, closing the door behind you and spinning on your heel to get a good look at the dark-colored room; the darkness of the night nearly blending in with the walls. The sheer curtains flowed with the wind that came from the shattered windows, the moon barely illuminating the large four poster bed-the sheets stripped and a large dark blanket lay decaying on the floor.
“(y/n)?” Harry called out to you, voice meek and-scared. You hummed, turning to look at him, seeing him locking eyes with a faded portrait of a man…a man who looked-all too much like him. “Harry?” you whispered back, walking up to him and taking his arm; squeezing it as he keep staring at the portrait. Their eyes matched, that ocean blue; one painted and the other pinpointed in fear.
“let’s find that fucking chapel and get out of here” Harry snapped, taking your hand and nearly storming out of the room, the shadows that danced around his feet and back almost coming to life as he raced through the halls-just wanting to leave already.
“Please tell me you’re hearing and seeing things too” Harry muttered as he came to a sudden stop, the two of you finally on the ground floor once more; standing in the middle of the main hall. You glanced up at him; then shook your head. To you, this place was just an abandoned manor, not a lick of supernatural to be seen or heard-other than that portrait. Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes; his brain was fucking with him. which wasn’t uncommon, he had a plethora of mental issues that made him hallucinate in many ways; tonight seemed to be audible and visual.
He had seen shadows, heard creaks of wood, eyes flashing in the dark, whispers in the back of his mind, dark chuckling, and sets of claws retreating from corners. He was going to fucking lose it, and he needed to get out of this stupid fucking manor before he had an episode. “It’s a hidden chapel right?” you asked, pointing his flashlight towards the stone hallway Harry had noticed upon his entry. Harry hummed, nodding a bit as he tried to ground himself in reality. “Then it's probably going to be through that-like-through servants' quarters, something only those who live here can access easily.”
Harry blinked, well-if anything-it wouldn’t hurt to look. “let’s go, if it’s not there, I’m going to hang Chad by his thong” Harry muttered, grabbing your shoulder and tugging you into his side, keeping you close (mostly for himself) as you ventured into the stone hallway. It was long, damp, and just-so creepy. But it wasn’t for naught, because at the end of the tunnel, and to the right-was the chapel.
It was covered in scorch marks and ash, the pews cracked and near destroyed from fire damage, the stone roof practically a void of soot. “Well, we found it” you muttered as Harry snapped a picture with his phone, happy to be done with it all. “let’s go baby blue” Harry grumbled at the nickname and went to follow you out; but paused, his eyes locked onto the alter. “Harry? Harry come on, your brain is playing…tricks…on you” your voice fell into a whisper, Harry’s hand reaching back to grab your arm as you both stared into the reflective eyes within the darkness that was the alter-buried in wood and ash.
Whatever it was-chittered like a wild animal, a clawed hand slowly reaching out to push itself out. It hissed and Harry screamed, chucking his flashlight so hard it cracked on impact-the impact being the beings nose and forehead. It grunted in pain and fell back, giving you and Harry enough time to turn on your heels and run for it; Harry’s hand never leaving yours as you heard something-two somethings-chasing after you, both snarling and chittering like feral animals.
“Go go go!” you yelled, shoving Harry forward and swinging around; your eyes gleaming in the dark as they met three sets of reflective eyes. Vampires, not of your “updated” kind, but of the old word.
And one looked too much like Harry to be comfortable. You snarled, taking your pistol, your real loaded one and not your prop one Ben made you get; and shot point blank, the one with long dark hair screeching in pain as it went right through their forehead and they dropped. You drew your short sword and sliced at the shortest one, its black blood dripping from your blade as the third one, the Harry imposter, met your fist.
It flew back, crashing into a support beam as you turned and ran; meeting Harry outside and grabbing his hand “Run, gogogogogo!” you rambled quickly, the two of you disappearing into the forest as the three beings stayed within the ‘abandoned’ manor; all staring after the pirate teen who looked very much like the master of the house.
The imposter smirked, his eyes flashing in the dark.
“Sooo how was-oh shit what happened?” Chad’s smug smirk dropped at seeing the two of you; completely rattled. Uma leaped up to check on Harry, his eyes far off and flickering to red. “vampires” you answered breathlessly “and-not me, vampires, the old kind-the dangerous kind.” Chad went pale, vampires had always been a rumor about that manor-but he never expected them to be-well, real. Since all the vampires of the last few decades were sent to the isle. But apparently, not all of them had.
“Please tell me ye didn’t dare anyone else ta’ go there” Harry whispered, his hands clutching onto Uma’s as she calmed him down. Chad shook his head, for once; telling the truth. “Good. Dare me ta’ do anything like tha’ again, and I will strangle yeh.” Chad swallowed harshly and nodded; very much knowing Harry wasn’t joking-not after something like that.
“Are you both okay?” Evie asked, holding out two caramel apples, the caramel still soft but not dripping. You both took them eagerly, needing some sugar in your bodies after the insane adrenaline rush. “yeah, Harry threw his flashlight at one, I think he broke its nose” you chuckled, and Harry finally smiled, quiet laughter coming from his throat “and then I shot one, got another with my sword, and got the first one in the face with my first-yes there was three. And I swear to the gods, if anyone goes there to try to prove us wrong, im not saving anyone's ass.”
Everyone nodded, and very soon-word had spread about the encounter- the people of Auradon were warned to NOT go to the manor. Some tried, even with the deadly warnings from Uma and Mal, but were thwarted with a magical barrier; put up by FG herself to protect those stupid enough to try to go to the manor anyway.
Only glimpses were seen then, of three figures, one looking all too much like one; Harrison James Hook.
ye, the other fic i was writing for Halloween took me forever to get past a page-and yet this flows out in like-a day n a half-i really do still love Harry, but its not as easy to write for him anymore :c 
anyways, permtaglist!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar​ @dai-tsukki-desu​
@imtryingthisout​ @remembered-license​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
@thetrueghostqueen​ @littlewierdalien​ 
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erii-ya · 2 months
Punishing Female Trafalgar Law
A Valentine’s Special One Piece FanFic
CW: **NSFW, smut, bounded, finger-fudging, swear words, dominant reader, submissive Law, spoilers, not proofread**
WC: 1.7k
Dedicated to Anonymous (This may not be to your liking, but I thought of dedicating this story for you still. But I’ll make another one more decent. 😅)
“Y/N-ya… ngghh… s-stop this…” Law huffed. Feverishly squirming under his restraints while you take your time thrusting two fingers inside his wet sex. Choking back a sob, not wanting to accept the fact that you are in control this time and not him.
An unexpected opportunity arises, much to your luck. After getting hit by one of Blackbeard’s men’s devil fruit, Trafalgar Law was turned into a woman. The lasting effect of the DF power is unknown, so you took the opportunity before you missed the chance.
Restrained in your bed by seastone cuffs is your captain and partner, Trafalgar Law, in his female form, as you like to call it. Why you have a seastone cuff is thanks to you being a weird collector of unusual things.
You gave her a maniacal grin, “Aww, the princess wants me to stop?” you teased. Curling up your fingers inside him, hitting that perfect spot you know so well will make him see stars - or hearts.
Law writhed in pure bliss. He didn’t expect this to be too…good. Now he knows just what you feel whenever he does this to you. “Yes…nghh-no… ahh fuuuck.” and for the nth time, he squirted. 
Making a mess on your shared bed and on you, but you didn’t care. As if it’s not enough torture for Law, you played with his clit while he's at it, the same as what he does to you. Overstimulating him while he moans and spasms uncontrollably under you.
The way he looks right now, sweat forming on his forehead, the uneven pump of his chest, and his half-lidded eyes full of undeniable desire and excitement, made you even more eager to mess him up. You want him to experience the same things he’d done to you, how he played and bullied you down there.
Law was gasping for air, looking at you. He wants to say something, but his thoughts are still in disarray after another display of performance. Without missing a beat and to build up his arousal, you shamelessly suck up your fingers that were covered with his essence, licking it clean. You saw how his eyes widened and gulped down in anticipation.
You hover over him, giving him a sloppy kiss to which he hungrily returns. “Can you taste yourself? You tasted so sweet, love. Just how I like it.” you told him in between kisses. Law only moaned in agreement.
“Good girl…so obedient for me.” you cooed. You act precisely as how he is when he fucks you dumb, and you, in fact, are enjoying it. The feeling of being dominant over him for the first time in the course of your sex life was so satisfying it’ll be etched in your memories forever.
Breaking the kiss, you slowly descend to suck on his melons, going down to his sex, leaving a trail of bite marks and hickeys on his body. “Wh-what are you-ooohhh shit…” he hadn’t got time to finish his words when you started to ‘eat’ him out. 
You had never done this before, so you mentally followed how you remembered him doing it with you. Licking his folds while playing with his clit, seems to give him the same amount of pleasure as you experienced since he started to convulse again and was trying hard to squeeze his thighs shut. But he can’t because his legs are splayed out in restraints for you.
“You truly do too much work for me whenever you do this, don’t you?” you stopped for a bit, making him whine in dismay. “Oops, sorry. Were you enjoying it? Just want to appreciate you for a minute.”
“Y/N-ya… stop… t-teasing… m-me…” said Law, heavily breathing, lust covering his strained voice. “I-I want… to cu–ngghhh” moaning louder when you thrust your digits inside him again.
“You’re saying something, hon?” you asked, mischievously toying with him while you continuously pounded your fingers painfully slow inside him. You can feel him clench your digits in their every thrust, desperately clinging onto them for immediate relief until you see him starting to buckle up his hips, attempting to chase his climax.
Then you stop. Removing your fingers inside him.
Law glared at you due to your sudden halt. He was almost there, reaching his needed peak, but you mercilessly stopped and left him hanging on nothing. “W-wait.. Why’d you- why’d you stop?” he groaned.
Eyes lustful, you stared back at him; licking your lips, you asked, “Was it good?”
“Yes… yes, babe, so please… let me cum.” he begged. 
The surgeon of death BEGGED.
It boosted your ego so much that you can’t stop thinking how you’ll prolong this game with him. He’s not the only one on edge for a while now. You can feel your own wetness dripping down your legs. If only you could be turned into a guy right now, you’ll definitely fuck the lights out of him.
You walk over to his side, tracing your fingers on his sensitive skin. Sitting down, you gently wiped away his drool and tucked the strands of loose hair covering his sweat-covered face behind his ears. Slowly laying down beside him, giving feathery kisses on his cheeks, your arm snaked behind him so you could fiddle on his hardened nips, pinching them from time to time while the other hand reached down on his sex, your middle and ring finger alternating between circling his clit and lunging inside.
Law felt the familiar knots on his stomach again, heat building up along with it. “Babe…” he said breathily. “Please… let me cum…” pleading for an immediate release.
You stopped what you were doing and shushed him. Cupping his face with one hand, you close your mouth to his ears, licking it sensually as how he liked it. 
“You want to cum, hon?” Law nodded eagerly, lust drunk. “Me too. Can you feel how wet I am for you right now?” you cooed—placing one of his thighs in between your dripping sex and humping on it. The squelching sound it made was too much for Law to handle. Giving him shivers, and you feel his body tense against yours.
“This is so unfair, love.” whispering in his ears in a flirtatious tone. “As much as I want to play and tease you more while you’re in your female form, I wish you could fuck me senseless instead.” 
Hearing your remark made Law choke.
“Fuck me so hard the only thing I could do is scream your name.” you added. “But I guess it’s not my lucky day, so to be fair, cum for me instead… but only through my voice.” purring to his ears. 
As much as it pains him to admit, Law was actually enjoying this sadistic side of you. He was so thrilled seeing that confidence while you tormented him the whole time. And that dirty talk… hot damn. It makes him too impatient to go back to being a man so he can wipe that smug grin off your face using his cock.
Law’s already at his limit. Your voice sends a tingling sensation throughout his body, and it’s not helping him at all. He started jerking, trying his best to free himself from his shackles, and you’re enjoying watching him try.
To add more fuel to his now blazing fire of desire, you continued purring sweet nothings and dirty talking through his ears. Biting it, then licking, then moaning deliciously after.
“It’s alright, love. You’re doing great.”
“Ngghhh yes… yes that’s it… cum for mee”
“Can’t wait to have you inside me again. My pussy’s throbbing just thinking about it.”
“I am so hot and ready for you, babe.”
“I need you, Law.”
“I love you, captain.”
“Remember to pump me up with your seeds once you're back.”
“I want all of it. I want all of you.”
As soon as you said the last word, Law went on an overdrive—his slim female body spasms in delight with his successful release. Appalled that he came to a climax because of your voice. 
You didn’t interrupt him this time and let him chase down his high. Planting kisses on his face, neck, and shoulders.
“Such a good boy.” you said, wrapping him in a hug as he pants, trying to get even breaths.
You both stayed in that position; moments later, you heard his light snores. Seeing that he’s already out cold, probably due to your exhausting torture, you carefully stood up and removed the seastone cuffs securing him one by one.
There were red marks around his wrists and ankles, proof of him trying to unbind himself the whole time. Feeling a pang of guilt, you softly caress the marks as if it’ll help heal them.
“I may have gone overboard. I’m sorry, love.”
To appease him when he wakes up, you change your clothes to one of his since yours has gotten quite messed up earlier and go over to the kitchen to get him some water and whip up an Onigiri. 
As you return to your shared bedroom, you are so busy mentally thinking about the other things you must prepare to clean him up that you don’t notice the towering shadow in the room waiting for your return. You placed the tray you were holding on his desk near the entrance and were about to close the door when you saw Law –in his original, manly figure, in all his glory, closing in on you.
‘Oh no. This won’t be good.’
“Fuck. I forgot somethi–...” You frantically turn around to open the door when Law cuts you to it, pinning you in place between him and the door.
Feeling his breath in your ears, he whispered, “Why the rush, Y/N-ya? Didn’t you say you are so hot and ready for me?”
“I should’ve left you in cuffs until morning.” you whizzed. 
Law only chuckled; wrapping his other hand on your waist, he spun you around to face him. There, you saw golden eyes staring back at you, piercing your soul and your very core. You swallowed up a lump.
His eyes are still lustful; you know he’ll go feral any minute because you awaken the beast.
“Who would’ve thought this was YOUR lucky day?” mocking you for what you said a while ago. “I hope you built up enough stamina because just as you wished, I’ll fuck you so hard; not only will you scream my name… but you may also not be able to walk for the next. Three. Days.”
‘I am sooo dead.’
(*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*) (*/ω\*)
A/N: Never thought my first Trafalgar Law fic would be smut. Not even sure if I intended it to be a dirty smut or a decent smut if that makes sense. Happy Valentine's to all!
My bisexual heart had never been triggered by a fictional character until this dazzling pirate captain came to my knowledge. Thank you, Oda-sensei! Thank you for making Trafalgar D. Water Law. I hope the live-action will do him justice, too.
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Too Soft to Be a Pirate
Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
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I have never written fan fiction before, but over the past few weeks these amazing blogs have been absolutely keeping me fed:
@raggedy-dxctor @run-me-through-but-not-like-that @stedefxckingbonnet @dragon-kazansky @gonzo-rella @izzyhandswhore @seafoam-inserts @hard-to-be-the-bard @brwnicons
Thank you all for your amazing stories and for your inspiration. I figured I would give this a shot. I am hoping this is going to be a series. I really am writing it for myself and if someone else likes it too that's a win. It's a slow burn. The slowest burn of all time.
{Next Chapter}
Summary: The story of how you end up in Blackbeard's crew.
Chapter 1: Little Mouse
You stood on the quarterdeck, your arms resting against the weathered wooden railing of the ship as you gazed out at the vast expanse of the sea. The rhythmic dance of the waves was a peaceful distraction from the anxiety that had weighed on your chest all week. You had followed your best friend to a life on the sea, and along the way, you had fallen for him. You thought he had fallen for you too. As the moon hung low in the night sky, casting its gentle glow over the ship, your mind couldn't help but wander to the tender moment you and your best friend shared your first kiss under the same moon. But now, you could see he was falling for someone else on the ship, and the pain was like a storm surging within you.
He had barely spoken to you all week, despite living on the same ship. It’s hard to avoid someone on a ship unless you’re really trying to. Your loyalty to him and the promise you made to stand by his side kept you here. You actually grew to love a life on the sea, but it was tearing your heart apart to watch the person you loved fall for someone else.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure approaching from behind until a strong hand gently rested on your shoulder. For a second, perhaps out of pure habit, you felt your stomach fill with butterflies at the sight of him. But reality came crashing back, a cold pit settling in your stomach as you remembered why you were out here alone in the first place.
"Hey," he said stoically, "I've been looking for you." 
“That’s a surprise”, you shot back, before taking a deep breath to regain your composure. 
As the moon ascended, casting a cool, silver glow over the ship, your best friend's gaze settled on you. You could sense the frustration in his eyes as he took a deep breath, preparing to speak.
"Listen," he began, his voice a mixture of regret and pain. "I think you realize I’ve found someone else, and it's difficult when you both are here” His voice hardened, and he continued, "They mean the world to me, and I don't think it's fair to anyone involved for you to stay on this ship. I need to see where this goes, and it can't happen with you constantly by my side."
You reluctantly tore your gaze away from your friend, tears welling up in your eyes. His words stung, but deep down, you knew he was right. This ship, once a safe place, no longer felt like home. In a soft voice, you whispered, "I’ll leave at the next port we dock in, I’ll find a new ship"
As if acknowledging the weight of your decision, his strong arms enveloped you.. You leaned into the hug, your eyes closing as you sought safety in the warmth of his embrace, as you were so accustomed to doing. You felt his breath against your ear as he whispered “That’s not soon enough. I’m sorry, but you’re getting off the ship now”. The arms that were gently holding you wrapped tightly against your waist, squeezing the wind from your stomach, as he hurled you towards the edge of the ship. As you tumbled backward, his whispered words still echoing in your ear, the sea greedily welcomed you. The waves wrapped around you, their embrace tinged with the sting of saltwater, and you descended into the depths of the ocean.
The next moments were a blur. Amidst the crashing waves, you remember fighting the tumultuous current and trying to keep your head above water. After a while it was impossible to tell how long you’d been treading water. It felt like hours. Before you could truly process what was happening you felt your body being lifted into a dinghy. The next few moments were hazy and felt like flashes, 
Your eyes fluttered open to find two formidable pirates peering down at you. One of the men had a long white beard, but what drew your attention the most were the gentle depth of his eyes. Soft and understanding, they betrayed a kindness, immediately putting you at ease. The second man had sharp, calculating eyes, locking onto you with an intensity. 
“Ivan. Look what I found when trying to catch some fishies” the man with the beard exclaimed. You slowly sat up on a large ship, adorned with black sails. You noticed the ship was empty on deck, except for the two men still staring at you. 
“Izzy is not going to like that you brought them aboard” Ivan remarked with a hint of concern in his voice. 
"I am so sorry if I’ve caused you any trouble, Thank you for helping me" you murmured apologetically, still trying to process what was happening. As your body realized it was on solid land, no longer at the will of the sea, exhaustion overtook you. Your eyes began to close as strong arms wrapped around you once again and the quiet sound of the continuing conversation between the two men lulled you to sleep. 
When you awoke again, you found yourself nestled behind some barrels and quickly assessed that you were likely in the galley. Your clothes had dried and you were wrapped in tattered blankets. Eventually, the two familiar faces from the previous night greeted you. They introduced themselves as Ivan and Fang. They handed you a few pieces of bread and a cup of water before beginning to speak.
“We’re keeping you here until we figure out what to do with you” explained Ivan. “Fang is worried that Izzy is going to throw you right back into the ocean if he finds out you’re here”. 
“Okay” you whispered. Not having the energy to ask any follow up questions. You felt numb and shrunk back against the barrels wanting to feel as small as possible. As the men stood up to leave you grabbed both of their hands and thanked them again. Lost in your thoughts, you failed to observe the softening of Fang and Ivan's expressions at the gentle squeeze of their hands. 
These interactions continued over the next few days, with both Ivan and Fang stopping in to bring you food. There wasn’t a lot of conversation exchanged between the three of you. You admired how both the men seemed to look out for each other and now for you, for some reason. 
Two days passed, then one night Fang slipped into the galley, maneuvering behind the barrels to join you. “You mind if I sit here with you?” he asked gently, “Captain is playing knife parade again. I don’t like that game”. 
"Please do," you said, shifting to make space for him to sit. "What's a Knife Parade?"
“Oh, it’s a game where the Captain chases you around the ship with a knife, screaming that he’s going to kill you,” Fang explained matter-of-factly, but you could sense the fear in his eyes. 
“That’s terrifying” you frowned, squeezing Fang’s hand. “I would be hiding back here too”.
Fang flashed a smile, then playfully bumped his shoulder into yours. "I knew it was a good idea keeping you on the ship. You seemed too innocent and helpless to leave behind”
"I feel like that's not a positive thing," you chuckled, exchanging a smile with Fang.
 “I think it is. I knew you wouldn’t be a threat", he said back to you gently. “You’re too nice to be a pirate”
"I could say the same thing about you," you began, but your words were cut short by the abrupt sound of the galley door being flung open.
"Fang! Your Captain is looking for you," a gruff voice called out, interrupting the moment, and the man's eyes narrowed as he spotted both of you sitting on the floor. "What the fuck is this?"
Fang swiftly rose to his feet, his demeanor taking on a more rigid stance under the scrutiny of the man. You, too, slowly stood up to meet the intimidating figure before you. He wasn't overly tall, but still taller than you. He wore leather trousers and a leather waistcoat. His green eyes were piercing into you. Despite the fear you were feeling, you couldn’t help but notice the striking handsomeness etched into his features. 
"I found them tossed overboard, boss. They weren't going to last much longer," Fang explained.
The man scrutinized you, assessing your perceived threat level. "You know the rules, Fang. Blackbeard doesn’t allow pets on board," he sneered, casting a mocking smirk in your direction.
"Blackbeard?" you whispered in disbelief as the man seized you by the arm, forcefully pulling you away from the safety of the galley.
“How the fuck did you not know whose ship you’re on. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to be that clueless” he muttered, casting a disdainful look at you. 
The next few moments you were being pulled across the length of the ship with Fang following closely behind. Ivan's nervous gaze caught your attention, but you averted your eyes quickly, not wanting to draw him into the unfolding scene. The captain's cabin door was forced open abruptly, and your body was forcefully yanked to the ground. You gathered you had finally met Izzy. It became clear why Fang and Ivan had been hiding you from him. 
“Look at what I found, Captain,” the man said smugly. “Fang was hiding a little mouse below deck. Sneaking them food”. You shot a glare at the man who had forcefully brought you to your knees.
The imposing figure standing before you was a tall man with piercing brown eyes, tan skin, a long curly beard that added an air of ruggedness to his presence. His long salt and pepper hair cascaded down, framing his face. Like the rest of his crew, he was dressed in dark colors, and the unmistakable gleam of a gun and a knife at his side hinted at the formidable reputation he carried. Blackbeard looked you up and down with a measured curiosity before speaking. "Leave us," he commanded sternly, then, directing his attention at Fang, mumbled, "I'll deal with you later."
“Captain,” Izzy said with a condescending tone, “Do you think that’s wise?” 
“Izzy. They’re fucking tiny. What do you think they’re going to do?” Blackbeard scoffed, rolling his eyes at his first mate. 
Izzy left in a huff, and Fang trailed behind him. As Fang closed the Captain’s door he cast a pleading look at you, his eyes betraying his worry about what was going to happen. The knot in your stomach tightened at his look of concern. 
As the door shut, leaving both of you alone, you noticed Blackbeard's face soften. He reached out his hand to you. "Here," he whispered, lifting you to your feet. "Sit down, little mouse," he said, guiding you to a chair in front of his desk. Blackbeard's eyebrows furrowed, and he stared at you for a while, as if formulating a plan for what to do next. “Have you worked on a ship before?” he asked. 
“Yessir,” you answered quickly, “For a couple of years”. 
"Do you fall off ships pretty often?" Blackbeard asked, raising his eyebrows and giving you a sarcastic smirk.
As you allowed yourself to finally think about the event that brought you to this point, the emotions you had been suppressing for the past few days began to overflow. Tears started streaming down your face, and you hurriedly tried to wipe them away. “Um”, you stammered, “I didn’t exactly fall. I got pushed off the ship”. 
"What could you have possibly done to deserve that?" Blackbeard asked, his expression a mix of confusion and curiosity.
You gave up trying to wipe your tears, your voice shaky as you continued. "My friend knew about my feelings for him, but he started seeing someone else. I guess he wanted me off the ship as quickly as possible, so he pushed me overboard."
“Shit” he muttered, lips pursed, squinting in contemplation. "You got dumped... quite literally, right off the ship." He glanced down, noticing your distress, and knelt beside you, gently patting your hands that rested on your lap. "Breakups can be rough, mate. I once had a guy stab me after I broke up with him," Blackbeard chuckled, “Calico Jack”, his eyes glancing away as if lost in that particular memory. “Luckily, he missed all the important bits”
Blackbeard stood back up in front of you and walked back around behind his desk, his eyes glancing off, like he was in deep contemplation. "Iz would probably want me to throw you back overboard to teach Fang a lesson. That would be the usual," Blackbeard mused. “But we’ve lost quite a number of our crew in raids lately though and I’ll be honest, I’m tired of the usual. It’s fucking boring.” 
You looked at Blackbeard curiously as he mulled over different ideas. This wasn’t the pirate you had envisioned from the stories you had heard during your time at sea. He was more charming than you expected him to be, yet you sensed how quickly he shifted from one emotion to the next. He seemed tired and disillusioned with the life of a pirate. . 
"You can join the crew, little mouse," Blackbeard said decisively, a smug grin accompanying his words. "I need you to do me a favor. First mate Hands is going to be waiting outside those doors for my decision. I need you to tell him something for me."
You exited the Captain’s cabin and found the first mate exactly where Blackbeard predicted he would be. “First mate Hands?” you said cautiously, “Blackbeard wanted me to tell you that I’m the newest member of the crew, and it’s your job to keep me alive, Captain’s orders”. 
The first mate glared at you with a look of disdain. “Fucking twat”, he muttered, heading back into the cabin you had just left.
You locked eyes with Fang and Ivan on the deck, and gave them a small grin. You rushed over to them. “The captain said I could stay,” you said with relief. 
Fang and Ivan visibly relaxed, and Fang gave your arm a playful nudge. "Well, look at that—the friendliest pirate on the seven seas," he remarked with a grin.
{Next Chapter}
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I'm bored, so have a (possibly) triggering first chapter look-see of my Ouizzy fic "A Dance With The Devil" that I'm gonna post. I plan to rewrite it to be more canon-accurate but also throw in a little personal spice since I love writing angst.
Also! For those of you who happen to read it anyways, I'd absolutely LOVE some feedback. (That includes the negative feedback. I don't get better unless it's given, and I strive to better my writing). Alright, let me put the trigger warning so we can be prepared!
TW/CW: implied/explicitly expressed abuse, canon typical violence, panic attack, mild aggression, and mentioned amputation and consumption of a toe.
⚠️Reader's discretion is advised.⚠️
Chap 1: Izzy's Torment.
Edward was in a horrid mood again.
Well, Blackbeard.
As typical, Izzy tried keeping things running as smoothly as possible, only speaking when spoken to and snapping orders at the crew if any were caught slacking. He spent the majority of his day limping around the deck, weight leaned on his cane. His foot fucking hurt, and the bandages around it chafed and caused the somewhat healing wound to open and bleed.
Izzy bites back a curse. Literally just a week ago when Blackbeard returned from being willingly captured by the English, Izzy had been force-fed his toe. He remembered that night with very little fondness despite the relieving excitement that coursed through him seeing that dark, malicious glare from Blackbeard. He swallowed thickly, once again reliving having to consume a piece of himself. How fucking poetic.
Leaning against the railing of the Revenge, Izzy stared out into the expanse of water surrounding the ship. The sun was hanging high in the sky, beating down on the deck in exhausting heat. He pulls away, sighing roughly and turned heel towards the lower decks to check in on the crew, to make sure they weren't slacking. They had a tight schedule, and Izzy made sure of it so they would stay busy.
As he descended, he could hear soft murmurs and hurried conversations before they went completely silent. Izzy's stony glare cast over the crew as they stand awkwardly in a circle, eyes directed at the ground as if in submission. Maybe it was genuine submission- that's all Izzy had disciplined into them in his fourteen hour power-trip when Edward was gone.
"What's with all of this... nonsense? Having a little chat with each other? Talking feelings?" Izzy rasps in lilting sarcasm, leaning on his cane with a scowl. No one responds, all except Jim. Their eyes remained trained on the ground, something unusual and out of character to their normally intense glare.
"We need an intervention." Their voice was slow but sure, and then the intense stare strays to Izzy. There was a small shock that ran through him, so subtle he wasn't sure it even happened. He nods his head upwards, chin slightly higher in curiosity.
“An intervention, ay? Ed wouldn't be too fond of that.” Izzy points out, tapping his cane against the floorboards to emphasize it. He sauntered forward, his scowl turning softer. “It's suicide to try and talk him out of this.”
“Still- it'd be better. For all of us.” Frenchie piped in, nervously looking anywhere that wasn't the shorter-statured man. Izzy had noticed the bard was very iffy about eye contact, fluctuating between a hard stare and no eye contact at all. The first-mate didn't know what to make of it, and instead decided it wasn't worth his time- knowing Stede Bonnet's crew, they'd have Izzy soft-side up and forcefully coddled like he was part of their crew. Part of them.
“Get back to work. Fuckin’ useless twats.” Izzy snarled, turning away. A deeper part of him knew that Jim was right- hell, even Frenchie! Of all people, excluding Jim, Frenchie actually had a point- one stating that sitting idly by would only make things worse. Izzy would never admit it, even in his dying breath that he agreed with Stede fucking Bonnet's maniac of a bard. Shame worms its way up Izzy's spine, settling in the center of his chest like a weight in his ribcage.
He… wanted to mutiny against Blackbeard. The one thing Izzy swore his life to uphold the name of, and here he was regretting his choices. A sickening feeling sits ominously idle in his gut, like a viper waiting to strike… waiting until Izzy is distracted. The first-mate swallowed back the rising pain in his throat, stalking off to the top deck and not even waiting to see if the crew listened.
He found himself below deck in his cabin. He was pacing the cramped room, hands tangled in his graying hair, trying to calm the raging storm of emotions in his mind. Izzy was never one for emotions, always keeping them bottled up until they all came out in spiteful insults and barked orders. Right now was not one of those times.
In a swift attempt of releasing his pent up self-destructive loathing, he grabbed a stool and threw it against the wall, the wood exploding into splintering shrapnel as it made impact. Izzy let out a strained shout, heaving in breaths as his attempt of control became vain. He had never let the thought of mutiny cross his mind.
“Fuck. Fuck!” Izzy growls, sitting roughly on his rickety cot and burying his face in his hands. He was sure his death was imminent if Blackbeard heard any whisper or word of possible opposition. The crew would die alongside Izzy if they didn't cower to the Kraken's absolutely mental demands and pressuring emotional manipulation.
Izzy Hands wanted to turncoat on Blackbeard, the man- no, the myth- he helped create. To break the promise he had made so long ago that it became the very air he breathed to upkeep. All for just a little taste of comfort in a trying time that won't last. He was stupid for letting himself be so… invested in the damn crew. How they felt, how they saw him, how they fucking bitched and moaned about how horrible Blackbeard treated them and yet, Izzy understood. How, he'd never know and even if he did, he'd never tell.
Of all people, Israel Hands understood their pain. Of all things, he could empathize with their distaste and wariness of Blackbeard's volatile behavior. The only grace Izzy gave the crew was being the one who took the brunt of all of the Kraken's anger and physical violence. And he wanted it. He deserved it.
A strangled sob left him, his heart hammering in his chest as his throat felt like it was closing. The walls felt like they were closing, his vision tunneling into the abysmal darkness of his own mind, eating away at whatever control he had garnered before it all went black. Silent. His body ached, his chest tightened and he couldn't breathe. He blindly grabs at his shirt, the collar, ripping at his clothes just for some air. Another noise left him as his struggles proved fruitless and he felt suffocated in the weight of this newfound desire to flee. To run from his past, his choices, his actions.
And as if it were as sudden as it set in, he calmed. His breathing was still yet heavy and sharp, sweat soaking his brow and clothes. He was shaking, hands gripping the front of his leather vest like his life was on the line. And it was. If he even told Ed about any of this, he'd lose another toe- no, his entire foot, maybe his life. He inhaled sharply, shakily. He had to set this right.
Whatever it was he needed to do, he'd do it. He stiffly removed his hands from his shirt, gingerly flexing his fingers to get feeling back into them. Smoothing back his disheveled hair and wiping his forehead with his sleeve, he took in a steadier breath. He'd steel himself, force back all of this panic and anguish and become Izzy Hands again. Cold, stoic, and damn near emotionless. Calculated- not some emotional disaster who couldn't even fathom not being dependent on his captain.
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ofmdbigbang · 2 years
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Title: Land of All Author: MoonyGolightly Artist: Madval Beta reader: Kino Wolf Characters: Blackbeard|Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Izzy Hands Relationship(s): Blackbeard/Stede, hints of Blackbeard/Izzy and future Blackbeard/Stede/Izzy. Background Jim/Oluwande and Lucius/Black Pete Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Angst, romance, reunion Warnings: Mental health issues (including CPTSD); graphic violence, mention of past child abuse Summary:
In the aftermath of Stede not meeting him at the beach, Blackbeard descends further into his new identity of the Kraken, while Izzy can only watch, and Stede unwittingly follows the Revenge. All three come to powerful realisations about themselves and each other, and the eventual reunion of Stede and Ed is nothing like any of them imagined.
Wordcount: 12,526
Land of All by MoonyGolightly
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avelera · 2 years
OFMD Season 2 Prediction: The Redemption of Blackbeard
Ok ok, so, another thought around Stede's "glow up" at the end of Season 1 (I mean, just look at his hair, his posture, the romantic puffy shirt, the single hand raised like a beacon to hail his crew, the everything wow) but with Stede now looking so amazing and Ed being so fucking horrible at the very end, I think we're going to get a reversal of the S1 theme of "Why the heck does Blackbeard like this loser Stede?" turning into "Why the heck does Stede like this monster Blackbeard?"
(cut for length because of who I am as a long-winded person)
Quick context, but one thing I saw across my many years as a fanfic writer over many fandoms was lot of kvetching over whether one person in the ship deserved the other person. You write a fic where one of them supports the other and get the inevitable troll being like "OK but why does this person deserve this perfect angel of a character," or whatever. It's an irritating comment when used to ship-police people but there is an interesting kernel of truth in it for writers, because too often romances (especially generic male-gaze het romances) can ignore whether or not we have some evidence that the protagonist is actually worthy of this beautiful, incredible love interest's affections. (By the way, with Bagginshield I saw trolls pestering people about both characters not being good enough for the other so eh, I don't take the trolls too seriously.)
But the thing is, in "Our Flag Means Death" Stede is.... kinda pathetic in the first season. I mean, it's real, legitimate question that everyone is asking, especially Izzy Hands, of why the fuck the legendary pirate Blackbeard is giving this guy Stede the time of day, let alone swooning over him.
I mean, Blackbeard as a love interest is legitimately amazing. He's the most remarkable sailor a hard-ass like Izzy has ever met, his name strikes so much fear that he doesn't need to fire a shot. But he's also sensitive and vulnerable and wonderful about Stede's hobbies. He's A+ red silk boyfriend material, caring about Stede, being patient with him, and generally looking at Stede like he hangs the moon. It's wonderful stuff.
Now, we as the audience see firsthand how Ed and Stede complete and fulfill each other in intimate moments that few other characters see but let's be honest... Stede still kind of sucks. He's still a deadbeat dad, he's often self-absorbed and oblivious to what other people want (like when he barges into his wife's new life, or even just when he tries repeatedly to force his crew into his vision of a healthy lifestyle, regardless of what they want). There is a legitimate question to be asked if Stede is worthy of Ed. And by the end of Season 1 we have the answer, he's glowed up. Stede's a romantic hero now, he's dealt with his bullshit and he's become worthy of Blackbeard's affection as a self-actualized adult ready to be his full, authentic self with Ed.
Ok that's great and all, like that's a pretty standard emotional arc, especially in a romance, but what does that mean for Season 2?
Well, in Season 2, I think we're going to get the formula reversed. Stede is all windswept and handsome and self-actualized, he settled his family drama, he's realized who he is and who he loves and all his good qualities like caring for his crew are going to stop being silly unwanted eccentricities and really make him the "better" partner of the two, I mean goddamn he almost looks angelic in the last shot, it's the promise of the Gentleman Pirate that Blackbeard was swooning over in the first place.
But Ed? Ed has fallen into shadow. He's got messy eyeliner and he kills without blinking, tortures without remorse, and has clearly descended into a pit of self-loathing. He's a fucking mess. We might even have moments where we wonder if he's redeemable (IMO, Lucius is alive but that's a pretty serious line that Ed crossed by trying to kill a member of Stede's beloved crew).
As fanfic readers/romance watchers, that rather valid question of "Does Character A even deserve Character B?" is going to be deliciously flipped. Does Ed deserve someone as wonderful and caring as Stede? And my deepest, dearest hope is that we will get the same luxurious, intimate journey from the darkest pits of Ed's worst self to show how he's going to become worthy of the person Stede has become.
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Return to the Isle ( Part 4)
Title: Return to the Isle.
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Author: Gráinne x
Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader
Synopsis: Part 4 to my Harry Hook Mini Series. Found Here. Reader eventually comes face to face with Harry Hook on the Isle of the lost.
A/N: I swear I don’t mean to be so late with these posts. But I’m just a lazy person. But here we go… finally. Lol I hope you enjoy let me know what you think and I’ve a feeling we might have two more parts to come. Love Always G xx 💜
Part One / Part Two / Part Three /
 Y/N lay on Carlos’ bed sketching away, coloured pencils everywhere. Three in her hair, two in her hand, one her mouth it was just pencils everywhere. She could hear Carlos mumbling something about “it not being the right time” but Y/N was so busy with the new sketches she barely paid any attention.
Until Mal burst through the door, flashes from the cameras caught Y/Ns attention as she glanced up to see a flustered Mal. “Hey Mal” Y/N gleamed
Before she could answer the news caught Mal’s attention “Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion, when she will officially become a Lady of the Court.”
Mal grabbed the remote in anger cutting off the news.
Y/N glanced at Carlos worried. “Whoa, easy girl”
 Mal still frustrated and upset lashed out. “What? You think this is so easy? You don’t have people taking your photo every time you open your mouth to say Boo! I mean it’s not like I could even say Boo. But you know what I mean… I’m sorry”
Y/N sat up right on the bed, sketches long forgotten. Something had clearly spooked Mal. “Don’t you guys ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?” she asked.
Y/N stood from the bed and made her way over to comfort Mal, she wrapped her in a big hug and whispered in ear so only Mal could hear. “Yes”
Mal smiled weakly at Y/N knowing how much she missed Harry.
“You’re thinking of my Mother, and I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really no.” Carlos finished.
 Carlos stood and made his way over to the two girls “Did you bring it?” Y/N confused looked at Mal, then at Carlos, back to Mal and back at Carlos again.  “Am I missing something?” she asked pointing between Mal and Carlos.
Before either one could answer the sound of the door opening caught their attention. Definitely wasn’t anyone they were expecting.
Chad crept through the door expecting no one to be in the room, trying and failing to sneak into the room unsuspected. When he finally managed to close the door as quietly as possible he turned to face the room, where he was met with three very confused and annoyed faces.
“Hi.” Chad blushed “Just came to use your 3D printer won’t be a sec” Y/N put her hand up to stop Chad from moving any further “Hold on” “How’d you get a key to Carlos’ room?” “Oh I printed it off the last time I was in here” He smirked, proudly
Carlos looking torn between confused and unamused “Uhh…?” Chad picking up on the confusion finished the story “You guys were sleeping. Look I just…” “CHAD” Y/N shouted cutting Chad off mid-sentence. “You can’t go around breaking into other people’s rooms.”
“It’s just Carlos, your printer is so much better than mine, and you install these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine and –“ Carlos who was fuming at this stage pointed at the door “OUT NOW” Chad clearly not picking up on Carlos’ anger tried to stall “Fine, fine”
Chad sulked back heading for the door. Y/N glanced at Mal shaking her head. “Chad!” Chad faced the group hoping they’d let him use the printer. “What? Hmm?” “Leave the Key” Y/N said walking towards Chad, holding out her hand Chad sighed and placed the key in Y/N’s hand before sulking out of the room.
  When Y/N faced the two she could see they were in a deep conversation. Y/N could hear Jane’s name and something about a potion and she immediately knew Carlos had asked Mal to make a truth gummie.
“Carlos. You don’t need a truth gummie to tell Jane how you feel” Y/N spoke “Y/N’s right Carlos because this gummie is going to make you say the truth all the time no matter what. And the only reason we’re asking is because if I took that gummie right now, I would get myself sent back to the isle” Mal finished.
“Which not that it doesn’t sound appealing…” Y/N broke off
 Carlos stuck out his hand waiting for the gummie “I’ll take my chances” Mal shuck her head, disappointed “Okay” However, before Mal could hand it over Dude ate the gummie swallowing it whole. Carlos clearly frustrated shouted at Dude “BAD DOG” “Man that thing is nasty” Dude spoke
 Mal, Carlos and Y/N stood with mouths open wide, shocked that Dude spoke. “And you.. You just got to man up. And while you’re at it scratch my butt.” Carlos looked at Mal fear in his eyes “You heard him scratch his butt” Carlos looked at Y/N pleadingly, Y/N threw her hands up backing away “Nope he’s your dog” “You’re just going to leave me with him?”
Y/N grabbed her sketches and pencils quickly rushing out of the room with Mal in tow “YUP” the two girls called out.
 Y/N was so caught up in the romance novel that the loud bang scared her throwing her off the bed in fear. She peered over the edge of the bed curiously to see a sobbing Mal. “Mal?” Y/N asked curiously brushing her knees as she stood. “I don’t belong here” Mal cried grabbing clothes and bag quickly from under the bed. “Tell me about it” Y/N snorted. “I’m going back Y/N” Mal continued packing clothes, it was only until Y/N noticed the purple did she realise it was her old clothes, before she left the isle, before Auradon, before Ben.
 “Seriously?” Y/N gulped, this was a chance for Y/N. To go back, to see Harry, to explain and to see Uma. Without another thought Y/N grabbed the bag from under her bed, already filled with the necessities. “Let’s go then” she stated.
Mal stared at Y/N and then at the bag. “You’ve been thinking about this for a while?” she pointed at the bag Y/N sighed nodding “Yes but who was I going to tell, certainly not Evie. Now c’mon let’s go. Grab your mother”
Mal pierced a few holes in a cardboard box and grabbed her mother from the tank which she resided in. “Let’s blow this popsicle stand” “Hey” Y/N whined “That’s my line.”
 Y/N held on tightly to Mal as she drove the motorcycle to the edge of Auradon. She could see the Isle more clearly now. They were nearly home. Y/N handed Mal the spell book to get them across the water. “Noble steed, proud and fair, you shall take me anywhere” Mal handed the book back to Y/N as she placed in the bag. “Please work” Mal prayed
 Y/N squealed as the motorcycle bounced a few times on the water before reaching the Isle and breaking through the barrier. The skidded to a halt in the lower town. “Hey” “Watch it!” A few of the towns folk shouted and grumbled at the disturbance. Y/N scoffed “BITE ME” Mal turned to face Y/N grinning from ear to ear. Y/N high fived Mal, they made it to the Isle again. Mal pushed off and drove towards the hideout.
 Evie paced outside the door for a good few minutes. How could Y/N leave her here, how could Mal leave her here. She gripped the note tighter in her hands and pushed the door open to Ben’s office. “Ben?” Ben spun round to face Evie, face beaming. “Evie! C’mon in” he waved her in. Evie handed the note written in her sister’s hand writing to Ben “They’ve gone back to the Isle.” Ben sighed, sinking back into his chair.
“Ben…” “This is all my fault. I blew it with Mal. She’s been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding I just went all Beast on her. I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg her to come back.”
Evie sighed she knew Y/N really wanted to go back to the Isle she didn’t realise how much though. “Ben. You’ll never find her. I know Y/N has so many secret hideouts they could be in any of them. You need to know how the isle works and…” Evie trailed off as another idea hit her.
“You have to take me with you” Ben grinned “YES! Uh are..are you sure?” Evie nodded “Yes, Mal’s my best friend but Y/N’s my sister I need to find them both. Oh, we’ll bring the boys as well, because there’s safety in numbers. And none of us is too popular over there right now.” Ben hugged Evie tightly “Thank you”
Evie pushed Ben back to make sure he understood her properly. “Let’s get two things straight. You have to promise me that I won’t get stuck there again, or Y/N?” Ben nodded “I promise” “And there is no way you are going looking like that” Evie scoffed at his outfit. Evie grabbed Ben to get some Isle clothes that would help him blend in.
 Mal and Y/N made their way to Lady Tremaine’s Curl Up & Dye to get Mal’s old hair back. “Place hasn’t changed” Y/N declared looking around the room as young Dizzy swept the floor blasting tunes in her kick ass headphones. “Nope” Mal nodded Dizzy eventually noticed the two standing in the doorway and as always, she was super excited. “Mal. Y/N.” She hugged the two “Is Evie back too?” “As if!” Mal snorted. Y/N elbowed Mal to shut up. “No Dizzy she hasn’t come with us. It’s just us.” Y/N smiled.
Y/N walked off taking a little tour of the place as Mal and Dizzy talked. She noticed the broken mirror which she and Harry broke when they took their paintball fight into the shop, Dizzy clearly liked the splats of colour as she added to the ones they created. Y/N’s heart twinged thinking about Harry. She was this close, finally back on the isle again.
“How far can I go?” Dizzy asked “The works? I mean whatever makes me feel like me again. But you know…” “Way worse?” Y/N butted in. Mal winked at Y/N “Exactly” Dizzy jumped with joy at the news “Yay”
  Y/N sat on the chair filing her nails as she watched Mal get the whole treatment, first the hair, then her nails. After two and a half hours Dizzy spun Mal to face the broken mirror. Mal bent a little to look in the cracks. “There I am”
Y/N threw her feet off the table and stood up, “Eh Voila”
Mal handed Dizzy some money for her hard work. Dizzy was so shocked she smiled so brightly. “For me?” Mal nodded “Yea, you earned it.” Dizzy skipped over to the cash register to place it inside.
Y/N was grabbing her bags from the back when she heard the commotion. She made her way out from the back when a voice she longed to hear reached her ears. She knew Harry wouldn’t be able to see her from where she stood, but she could see him. “Fork it over ye runt.” Dizzy handed the money to Harry pouting. “Now the rest” Dizzy grumbled getting the rest out and handing it over too.
 Y/N scooted around the pillars to avoid being seen by Harry. After all this time, and not being able to see him, and now she could, she didn’t know if she was ready.
“hmm.. Thank you” Harry grinned waltzing towards the door. “Still running errands for Uma, or do you actually get to keep what you steal?” Mal snarked. Harry stopped, and turned slowly to face Mal, grinning from ear to ear “Well, Well, Well. What a nice surprise” Harry ran the hook through Mal’s hair. “Hi Harry” “Just wait till Uma hears your back. She’s never going to give you your old territory back.” “Oh, well that’s okay! Because I will be taking it” Mal sniped back. “I could hurt you” Harry threatened “Not without her permission, I bet.”
Harry tutted and waltzed out towards the door again, a little glimmer in his peripheral caught his attention and he slowly turned to face it.
Harry’s breath got caught in his chest. Y/N was here too. Sitting on one of Dizzy’s chairs looking anywhere but at him. Trying to act like you didn’t care but he noticed your leg bouncing, the anticipation, the anxiousness it was killing you.
Y/N rose up from the chair and finally made eye contact with Harry, he stood there long enough staring, it was starting to bother her. She knew Dizzy and Mal was watching the interaction between you both, least you could cut the tension with a butter knife.
 “Y/N/N?” Harry finally spoke. Y/N walked towards Harry holding her hand out, “Give it back” Harry looked confused. There she stood looking brilliant and fabulous as ever. Y/N grabbed Harry’s hand that held the money taking it with ease, he put up no fight. He was just glad you were back. “Here Dizzy” Y/N handed the money back over. Dizzy grabbed the money and ran to hide somewhere safe. “Your back” Harry spoke again. “Yes. Now leave… please” Y/N motioned towards the door. “But don’t you want to come back to Ursulas?” “Yes. No. Yes. No. I don’t know yet Harry” Y/N shouted
 Harry huffed. He stomped his foot in frustration, “Well when you know, you know where we are.” Harry scoffed and stormed out. Mal who watched it all placed a comforting hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go?” Y/N shrugged “I don’t know, I guess I wasn’t ready to see him just yet.”
“Later Dizzy” Mal called out as she and Y/N left the salon. They made their way to the hideout. Mal threw a rock at the sign and lead Y/N up the steps. Y/N fell face first onto the sofa. She screamed into the cushions that only muffled her scream slightly. Mal sat on the end waiting for Y/N to come around. “What happened?” Y/N peered out at Mal from under the cushions. “I think I love him Mal”
Did you like it? Request Tags Here & Request Part 5 Here.
TAGS: @stevebuchananparker267 @green-days-american-idiot @tegan-eva @awkward--sloth @imnobodiesbitch @scxrletwitches @cubedtriangle @cece-daughter-of-pitch-black @jackyfrost01 @kristalhi @coffeeeaesthetic
EDIT: Part 5 - Something Evil This Way Comes
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aces-sweetheart · 2 years
heat of the moment
♥  pairing: ace x gn!reader
♡ description: ANGST; The originally civil discussion quickly descended into a near-screaming match lacking any logical arguments and letting the winner be decided by who could say the most hurtful things the loudest. Ace won.
♥  warnings/info: angst with happy-ish ending, ace is mean in this zoinks, post-enies lobby spoilers.
♥   ♡   ♥
You liked to think you were pretty good at reading Ace’s mood after being with him for so long. You knew when he needed to be by himself, when he needed a shoulder to cry and anything else to help him. But apparently that wasn’t the case. Both of you were breathing heavily, the only sound filling the tense atmosphere of the room. Your argument had no doubt been heard by the rest of the ship, maybe even the nearby islands.
The argument started over him wanting to pursue Blackbeard. Thatch’s death had hit him hard and he insisted the traitor had to pay. Everyone on the crew, including Pops, begged and pleaded with him not to do it; it was too much of a risk. But Ace, stubborn as ever, wouldn’t have any of it. You were the last hope to stop him.
It hadn’t started off as an argument; you calmly told him you didn’t think he should go on a manhunt for Blackbeard and that was all it took for him to snap. He was tired of everyone trying to change his mind and the fact that even you, the love of his life, was trying to stop him infuriated him. 
His voice rose before he could think twice. The originally civil discussion quickly descended into a near-screaming match lacking any logical arguments and letting the winner be decided by who could say the most hurtful things the loudest.
Ace won.
“Why does it matter what I choose to do? It’s not like we’re even a couple.” The scathing remark on the tip of your tongue withered and died. You couldn’t even speak, your mind desperately trying to process what he just said. 
“What do you mean?” It was impossible to keep your voice under control. It shook as you tried to hold your tears back. 
“I mean I don’t want to be with someone who looks down on me so you have no right to say shit about me or my decisions. Now get out of my room, I have to pack.” The look in his eyes was what floored you the most. The usual soft gaze he reserved only for you was cold and harsh, no hint of fondness in it. But the look didn’t match the tears brimming his eyes or the trembling of his bottom lip.
You had seen him do this before; he was shutting down. Right before your eyes he was rebuilding the walls he spent so long knocking down. You felt helpless in that moment; how could you even stop him? He was so headstrong and stubborn that it felt like you couldn’t do anything to change his mind. Instead you did the only thing you could; you ran.
Your feet carried you out of the cabin. So many emotions flooded your mind as you ran past your confused crewmates, their concerned expressions blurred. You didn’t stop until you reached the stern of the ship. There was nowhere else to go; you were in the middle of the ocean and it would be days before you would reach solid land. The realization made another wave of tears stream down your face. You fell to your knees sobbing. 
You weren’t sure how long you cried for until you heard someone approaching you. Without looking up, you knew who it was. Heavy footfalls caused by his signature black boots usually made you smile in anticipation but now they filled you with a sense of dread. The last person you wanted to see right now was your apparent ex-boyfriend yet there he was. You stood silently and turned your back to him. Your arms rested on the railing and you kept your eyes on the moon reflecting off of the sea, hoping he would leave. He didn’t
Instead he came to stand next to you although a few feet apart. Neither of you said anything; what could you even say at this point? The damage was done. But he had come out here with a purpose and he wouldn’t waste this oppurtunity. 
“I’m sorry.” He said simply. All you did was nod in acknowledgement and wait. It wasn’t easy for him to admit he was wrong and it was even harder for him to accept the fact that he hurt someone he loved so you gave him some time to collect his thoughts. You could almost hear the gears turning in his head over the crashing of the waves against the Moby Dick.
“I shouldn’t have said what I did. Everyone has been telling me not to go after Blackbeard and then when you did it, I snapped. I was out of line for taking my frustration out on you and hurting you. Just because it was in the heat of the moment doesn’t make what I said okay even if I didn’t mean it.” By now his breathing was shaky and he was crying. Again you nodded, taking in everything he just said.
“So you don’t want to break up?” You finally responded, worry lacing your voice. 
“No. I want to be with you if you’ll let me.” His body turned to look at you and your watery eyes met. You both looked like absolute messes, the effect of the fight apparent. He slowly inched closer to you, giving you a chance to back away. When you didn’t he moved over even more and lightly grasped your hand. Your grip was weak, just barely reciprocating, but he could still feel your fingers lightly wrapping around his. “I clearly have my own issues to work on and I promise to. I won’t let my anger get the better of me next time and I especially won’t take it out on you. Even if you don’t want to be together anymore, I have to apologize.” That was all you needed to hear.
“I still want to be with you too but you do have things to work on.” His breath hitched and his hand began to slide out of yours. You quickly grabbed it and rubbed your thumb against his warm skin. “And I’ll be by your side the whole time.” A sigh of relief left him and more tears trailed down his freckled cheeks. You reached over to wipe them away with your free hand and he did the same for you before leaning in to kiss your forehead. You both weren’t naive enough to believe that things would go back to how they were; they’d be a bit off for a while. But seeing the sincerity and love in Ace’s eyes assured you that you two would be okay.
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whitelionspirit · 3 years
Hi Madi ☺️ I hope you're doing well and don't forget to take care of yourself. May I request Marco with the prompt 8, please? Tysm and take your time. ❤️☺️
A/N: I’m doing well for the most most part thanks for asking! I try too but with everything going on in the world it can be hard sometimes. I am just ready for spring to come already! I hope you enjoy this little fic I really do have a soft spot for Marco 😌. X
Paring: Marco x G/N Reader
Prompt: Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
warning: pre Wano spoilers.
wc: 1,030
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The home island of Whitebeard was a beautiful place nestled away in a valley hidden from prying eyes. You could only imagine what it once looked like; according to the elders, it was disarray. If only the residents knew who had given so much for the place where he grew up. Coming here with Marco was the best decision you had made since the disbandment of the remaining crew.
The sun was high in the sky as you made your way through the village, fresh produce in your grasp. You were greeted with welcoming hellos as you made your way to the edge of the town. Far up on the hillside resided the cottage which you shared with your lover. The sight of the doctor and the mink Nekomamushi made your heart warm. You knew the reunion of the two had been a heartfelt one.
You walked up the hill just as Marco let out a loud laugh which made the mink join him. They both turned as you stopped before them both Marco smiled at you as you shifted the basket in your grasp.
“(Name)-yoi,” Marco said as he took your appearance in.
“Marco-yoi,” You said back teasingly as Nekomamushi let out a laugh.
“I can see why now you like this one so much, Marco!” the mink said as you snorted.
Marco just sighed as he shook his head, “Yeah, yeah.”
“I’m going to start dinner. Are you joining us, Neko?”
The mink shook his head as he explained he would be heading out soon. Nodding you head into the home and set about making dinner.
You never imagined two years ago you would be here with Marco of all of the people. Though the world worked in strange ways, you supposed. You never had a personal attachment towards him, yes he was a comrade on board the ship, but your time was spent with navigation. The weather was your calling, and even now, your days were spent predicting the weather for the coming harvesting season.
Unsure of where you wanted to go after the pay-back war, you decided to tag along with Marco. The doctor was a rather sweet man with a mischievous streak about him. He made you laugh, and you reassured him when he was having a bad day. It all worked out in the end, looking up from cutting the vegetables. You noticed the orange rays through the window. The sun was finally getting ready to set, it seemed.
Marco hadn’t come in yet, so grabbing a rag, you cleaned your hands and went to find him. Opening the door, you peak out and notice he isn’t anywhere in sight. You frowned, knowing where he probably went off to.
Not far from the village was a field that overlooked the ocean and in that field was a hill with two graves that sat atop it. The heartache you felt seeing them so often soon became bearable. Though for someone like Marco, it was hard, and you often found him here when he was troubled.
It really was a beautiful sight with the lush greenery and the view of the water perfect for two free spirits. As you walked closer, you could clearly see Marco sat in front of Ace’s grave with Luffy’s fresh bounty in his hand. It had arrived with the paper only this morning, along with news of Sabo and the revolutionaries.
Finally making your way up the hill, you stood behind him as he turned to look up at you. You smiled as you reached out and squeezed his shoulder. He returned with his own smile as he went back and sat both articles of paper on the wooden crate.
“He would be proud of them both, you know, and I know he’s grateful for you keeping him updated.” You spoke softly.
Marco hummed as he sighed and finally stood up a wince on his face as he stretched. You laughed, which made him pout as he glared over at you.
“You are getting old there, birdy ~” You teased.
Marco just huffed and leaned down, taking your hand in his and squeezed it.
“Dinner is almost ready; I was wondering where you had wandered off to.”
Marco looked down at you and smiled at you softly as he lifted your hand and kissed it softly. A dusting of pink appeared on your face as the action your ears turned red as he peaked up at you. The lazy expression on his face had you memorized as he kissed your hand again before releasing it.
“Marco,” You whispered.
“(Name), I’m leaving for Wano yoi.” Marco finally said, your eyes widening at his confession.
Your posture stiffens at this, not in a maddening way more of worry because you knew what that entailed. “I won’t stop you, of course.....but I am worried.” You confess.
Marco sighed heavily as he wrapped his arm around you and brought you closer to him.
“I know, but I need to go,” He paused as he whispered the next part. “I wasn’t able to Blackbeard, but maybe I can stop Kaido and makeup for the time we didn’t know in the past.”
You hummed as you hugged him closer to you as he buried his face into your neck.
“You do what you need to do, alright.” You say as you pull away to look up at him; his face pulled into a frown.
You reached up and placed a hand on his face stroking it softly over the roughness of his beard. You pulled his face closer to your own and kissed him thoroughly with a softness to it. He hummed into the kiss as he pulled you closer to him again.
You pulled away with a heavy breath. “I’ll be here when you get back, alright? So don’t keep me waiting.”
Marco grinned at your statement, the last of the sun’s rays danced across his glasses as they shimmered in the light. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he began descending from the hill.
“Don’t worry, I will come back, I promise,” Marco said, making you smile, knowing his words rang true.
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See You Again (A Harry Hook x reader story)
wow! Part 8 is finally here! i had a lot of fun writing this part!!
Part 8
Summary: When Hadley, Daughter of the feared ruler of the Underworld Hades, is sent along with her 4 best friends to Auradon Prep she must leave behind a certain pirate who stole her heart.  Will she be able to keep the promise she made to him or will it all go up in flames?
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Descendants.  Hadley and the plot between her and Harry are mine.
The day after Mal had given Ben the love cookies and the big win for the tourney team, Hadley sat in her eighth period class; History of Woodsmen and Pirates.  They had just finished up a unit on good pirates which Hadley came in the middle of when she was brought from the isle. She came in the middle of the learning about Blackbeard. She also learned about Captain Jack Sparrow, even though some people believe he is bad he did live on the isle for a short time before he was pardoned by king beast and was free to sail.
“Okay class settle down” Mr. Collins said when he walked in the room.
Mr. Collins was a middle aged man with a large gut and a slight bald spot in the back of his head.  He wore a pair of thick rimmed glasses that sat over a crooked nose.  He took a stack of papers out of his briefcase and started passing them out.
“Today we start our unit on villan pirates.  I am passing out a small quiz for today's pirate. Answer as much as you can.  Return It to my desk when you are done.”
Hadley looked down at the paper placed on her desk and her heart skipped a beat.
                                      Pop Quiz on Captain Hook                             1. What is Captain Hook's full name?                Captain James Hook                                2. Name Captain Hook's first mate.               Mr. Smee                               3. What are Captain Hook's crimes?               Murder ( he threw a crew member overboard after he wouldn't shut up)                Attempted murder ( tried to kill Peter Pan, Wendy and the Lost Boys)                Kidnapping ( Tinkerbell and the Native American princess Tiger Lily)                Manipulation ( Tinkerbell)                  4.Where did Captain Hook sail before being put on the Isle of                                                              the Lost?                Neverland, just off the coast near Mermaid lagoon and Skull Rock.                         5.What is the name of the crocodile that ate his hand?                Tick-tock                        6.What is the name of Captain Hook's ship and where does it                                                    reside now?              The Jolly Rodger now resides ship wrecked on the Isle of the Lost just off the opposite coast.  It serves home to his family of three children and him.  
Hadley was the first one done due to her extensive knowledge on the infamous Captain thanks to Harry. She smiled at the memories of when she and Harry would stay up late on the beach of the Isle and tell stories of their parents past and laugh at how they always went wrong.  She stood and walked over to Mr. Collins desk, handing him the paper with a light smile.  Gotta blend in right?  
Sitting back down at her desk she fiddled with the silver hook around her neck working on her drawings. Not once since she'd been in Auradon had anyone asked why the daughter of Hades had a hook around her neck.  Probably because they were afraid if they asked they'd see a side of her they wished they hadn't.
When everyone had finished, Mr. Collins graded everyone's papers and stood at the front of the class.  
“Well done, some of you were able to answer the whole quiz.  The others who were not able to, don't worry we will go over everything in the next two classes.” He held one of the papers in his hand.  “ Now there was one of you who went above and beyond the questions and gave a little more information.  Hadley it’s impressive, you know more about Captain Hook's ship and his crimes than I do.  Well done.” Collins smiled at her.
A deep blush spread her cheeks when he called her out.
“ That's only because she's a villain too!”  Percy Pan, son of Peter Pan, loudly announced.
Mr. Collins glanced over at Percy.
“That maybe true but she has knowledge on the subject that even rivals our textbooks, Percy, and she shared it. Thank you Hadley.”
Percy began mumbling about how his father was better.
Hadley stopped mid shade and glared over at the orange haired boy.
“well your dad made him the way he is now!” Hadey snapped.
“ He was a villain before my father even knew him” Percy sassed.
“That maybe true but before your father happened Captain Hook wasn't insane.  Your father cut off his hand and fed it to a crocodile, unprovoked might I add, who then tried to eat him every chance he got.  Your father constantly tormented him with clocks and crocodile shadows just to get a laugh.  Your father constantly attacked the Captain, who at this point was an older man and could barely keep up. He stole his treasure on multiple occasions and hid it for Hook to find.  He stole his ship, took his treasure and his hand.  All because he was an adult?! So yes naturally Hook wanted revenge.  Who wouldn't.  He may not have been nice to your father but he was and still is an excellent Captain, with a loyal crew who would lay down their lives for him.  He is as close to a real father as I can get! And I won't tolerate anyone who talks down to someone just because they're a villain.” By this time Hadleys hair was flaming red, taller than her father's her eyes turned a brilliant shade of ruby red and a fire quickly spread over her body as she shook in anger.
There was fear in Percy's eyes as he started at the goddess.  
“Okay okay! Hadley calm down!” Mr. Collins gasped.  
Hadley pinched the bridge of her nose  and took a big breath sighing out “I'm cool. I'm cool. I'm fine. I'm cool.”  The flames slowly absorbed back into her, her eyes returned to their normal blue along with her hair, which still held a soft glow. She sat back down in her seat as Mr. Collins looked to her with pure astonishment in his eyes.
“Hadley, would you mind sharing how you know so much about Captain Hook?”
“ummmm…. My best friend is his son, Harry Ho-”
The rest of the class gasped.
“There's more of them?!” Percy stammered.
Hadley turned to look at him with her jaw clenched and a murderous look in her eyes.
“Yes in fact, Captain Hook has three children, all of which I am close with.  His oldest daughter Harriet and his youngest daughter CJ, who are like sisters to me.  So I suggest you zip it, otherwise Hook's hand won't be the only human body part fed to Tick- Tock.” Hadley's hair glowed a bright blue as Percy sunk back in his chair. She turned back to Mr.Collins, her gaze softening slightly but still holding a hard stare.
“ as I was saying, i am best friends with Harry Hook, his son.  Captain Hook told us his  stories when we were young.” She sighed.
“ Thank you Hadley for sharing with us. Now as many of you know Captain Hook used to sail in Neverland…” Hadley tuned Mr. Collins out for the rest of the class.
When the bell rang she marched down to the courtyards with tables.  She found Doug, Dopeys son, sitting at blue picnic table working on homework.
Hadley slammed her books down, startling him.  Her head dropped on to the books as she sat down.
“ Bad day?”
“You don't know the half of it.” she groaned. “ I snapped at Percy Pan, threatened to feed him to Tick-Tock the crocodile if he didn't shut his mouth.”
Doug laughed but before he could say anything Evie ran up behind him holding a paper I front of his face.  
“ for the first time its like I'm more than just a pretty face.” Evie smiled.
“A shocker hu?” Doug laughed.
“ I've never thought you were just a pretty face E. You've always been smart.” Hadley said looking up at her best friend.
“ Thanks H.  But I bet I could get an A on the next test without the mirror.”
“Of course you will -”
“There you two are!” Mal exclaimed stomping up to the table. “ I have been looking for you literally everywhere!”
Hadley and Evie looked at each other concerned.
“what's wrong?” Evie asked.
Mal let out a long breath. “ Ben just asked me out on.. on a date!” She whispered the last part.
Evie glanced at Hadley who snickered at her friends horror stricken face.
“ We can handle this!” Evie and Hadley stood up ushering Mal back to the dorms.
WHOA! ok guys so thats part 8 DONE! If you liked this part and would like part 9 please like,comment or relog!  This story can aslo be found on my Wattpad page as well (@phelpsphan).  Also if you want to be tagged in this series to know when i up date it please message me!  
Tag list: @sexyshortie-universe // @haroldhookwriter
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hopeatermain · 7 years
What I wrote and plan on writing.
Okay. I am now going to explain exactly what I plan on doing on tumblr: write an Assassin’s Creed/[PROTOTYPE]/InFamous: Second son story, with a lot of one-shots linked to the main story, one way or another. To read the stories, you just have to click on the bold, italic and highlighted titles at the start. Linked to the story, I already wrote:
Are you okay?, a one-shot establishing the relation between Arno and the three other assassins of Unity. This is the background of the three other assassins.
Fucked up shit, a one-shot that explains why Desmond and Alex know each other prior to the story.
Hey there, little one, a one-shot introducing an OC and explaining how Jacob and Jack met.
Who’s your wife?, a one-shot that seriously implies AltMal and Malik’s first reaction to Maria.
Cercando di flirtate con la signora, a one-shot where Ezio tries to get laid and a twist ending.
The Akomish boy, a one-shot that explains how Desmond and Delsin met during Desmond’s search for an Assassin hideout. Humor and newly formed friendship.
Fabien, a one-shot were Agape asks Thomas about his son, Fabien. Angsty fluff with a dash of romance.
WHAT THE F-, a flash-back on Alex and Desmond first meeting and putting the [PROTOTYPE] part of the conflict on set.
Neutral territory, a heavy spoil for The child of Izanami and Connor and Shay meeting in front of Haytham’s tombstone.
The child of Izanami, a multi-chaptered prologue telling the life of Chihiro Amokin, an assassin/Ninja in Japan during the Kamakura period.
Part 1: Chihiro, a ten years old little girl, ran away from her burned village before meeting the Asashin Grand Mistress, Leiko.
Part 2: each five years, the Shoshinsha of the Nihon Brotherhood must got through a challenge to gain the right to wield a Hidden Blade. Today is the day of the challenge.
Part 3: Chihiro get rid of a target, and you get the framing of the story: Kaori Ikarinoshi, her descendant, as been kidnapped by Abstergo as Subject 13 to relive her memories.
Other Stories I write:
Hopeless Order: An Assassin’s Creed/Danganronpa cross-over.
Non-linked to the story:
It’s the last time I’m picking you up, a one-shot were Haytham is forced to pick up his son from a late night party.
New town, a x reader with Arno set in a modern AU.
Other things related to the story I plan on writing:
 Main informations that does not spoil anything.
There will be time-travel shenanigans. Else, I don’t know how to write an Assassin’s creed fanfic.
Some oc’s. Nothing major, just for the backstory.
Unless specified, every one-shot I will write are a prequel to the thing.
Axeman (Edgard), Ice cream (Agape) and Green Coat (Thomas) are all real people and not just Arno’s palette swap. (<= I am bitter and will always be bitter over this.)
Concerning the ships, it will mainly mainly follows the canon, besides serious and heavy implications of AltMal and Shaytham because sue me.
I don’t write NSFW. I don’t know how to write NSFW. So, there will be no sexy times. Sorry.
However, there will be references to sexy time, lots and lots of swearing, shameless usage of google translate concerning foreign languages (but french because it’s the one language I master besides english), blood, body horror because Alex Mercer, maybe good actions scenes, angst that may or may not be well-written, and my horrible sense of humor.
I also have a lot of AU’s and other silly things that I want to write, but none of them will affect my big thing, nor will be as major. So, there is:
Multi-chaptered: Alex is a young psychiatrist who just got out of school and is engaged in a psychiatric institution (asylum) and needs to take care of the modern version of the playable characters in Assassin’s creed. It would be mainly angst and hurt/comfort, with a dash of humor here and there.
Drabbles: Alex, Desmond and Delsin are roommates. Self-explainatory Mainly humor.
Drabbles: Switches between Alex, Desmond and Delsin as Virus-Biomass thing, Assassin and Conduit. Will depend on how I decide to write it.
Drabbles: OTP PROMPTS. I HAVE SO MANY OTP’S. Nothing NSFW, tho. Romance, of course.
One-shot: A Modern!Assassin’s Creed Au were Arno, Edgard, Agape and Thomas are in a poly relationship. Romance and fluff will probably be what it’s composed of.
Multi-Chaptered: Altair (16), Ezio (13), Connor, Haytham, Edward (Triplets and 9) and Desmond (5) are siblings who live in a reclusive town. Their mother (Adha) keeps bringing shitty boyfriends home, and they can only hope of when Altair will be legally and adult and get them out of there. Shay (25) is the father of Arno (8) and Jacob and Evie (twins and 3), and is constantly moving due to Arno’s mother, who is a crazy bitch. When Shay decide that they will hide in a little town for the summer, he finds out that one of his childhood friend lives there. Said childhood friend is Adha. Hilarity ensues as their childrens decide to set them up together, for reasons way less hilarious than their means.
Multi-Chaptered: Dance!AU. The dance team of Muamara High, the Hashashins, is about to go for a serious competition against professionals due to one of the low-stand of their team who was given a solo dance, Altair, catching the eye of a Crawford Starrick, a high budget businessman. However, the captain of the team got jealous and expelled him out of the team. Left with only his best friend Malik for support, Altair convinces Starrick to let him perform even if he is not part of the Hashashins anymore. Starrick accepts at one condition: that Altair finds himself a competent team and fast. So of course, he chooses the son of a banker, a native boy with family and anger issues, a guy who’s probably met Blackbeard in a past life, an hopeless romantic and diametrically opposed twins to starts his team, with the washed out father of the Native as a sponsor and a man who got his will to live shattered back when he had their age for a coach. Yeah, this is going to be great. Or not. Humor and drama.
DRAGON AU. I don’t care if I make a one-shot, drabbles or a multi-chaptered thing. Just dragons.
As a thank you for Midnight-Skittles for giving me the idea, I decided to write an Assassin’s Creed/Danganronpa AU. Let the Despair begin!
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Best Friend & First Mate. (Part 3)
Title: Best Friend & First Mate.  
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Author: Gráinne x
Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader
Summary: Part 3 of the Harry Hook mini-series. Reader becomes emotional the more time she’s on Auradon. Loving her best friend from a far, desperate to reunite with him but not wanting to give into the dark temptation that is evil. 
A/N: So this took a while to write because I was following the storyline and I wanted to break off in a good place. This is Part 3 ahh exciting lol, there will be a Part 4 & 5 still to come, so don’t worry folks plenty more of Harry & Reader to come. I hope you enjoy. Love Always G xx
Part One / Part Two /
Y/N stood side by side with Evie on the balcony, this was it the moment they’d be waiting for.
Ben’s coronation had begun and Mal had successfully enchanted Ben with a love spell gaining her spot next to the fairy godmother and that wand.
Y/N played with the ring that sat on her right middle finger, nervous habit that set in even when she was a baby. They’d been in Auradon for four months now and things were… changing.
Evie noticed Y/N playing with the ring and placed her hand gently on top to get her stop. “Hey, you’ll see him soon”
 Y/N didn’t believe her. She didn’t believe she’d see Harry again, or the isle or her mother for that fact. Things had changed in Y/N she didn’t feel the need to prove herself, she didn’t feel like scaring kids or tormenting the student body sure she had her moments when she lost her cool but nobody expected a VK kid to automatically be good. ‘Oh god what is happening’
 Y/N faced Evie whispering “I don’t want to do this anymore” Evie’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she heard her older sister “WHAT!” she whisper shouted. Y/N shrugged “It’s not worth it, look at what we’ve accomplished here” Jay and Carlos gave Y/N that knowing look as they overheard the conversation between the two sisters. “But. You won’t get to see Harry again?” Evie whispered “There’s always a price to pay Evie. Mom taught us that. Harry’s my price to pay… to stay.” Y/N croaked.
 All hell unleashed the moment the wand was removed from the Beast’s bell jar. It shocked the entire room when it wasn’t Mal who got the wand but Jane; the fairy godmothers daughter. Evie, Y/N, Carlos and Jay made it down to the centre of the room as Mal grabbed the out of control wand from Jane.
The gasps and shocks from everyone around the room made a tourney game more appealing. A villain kid with the fairy godmother’s wand, of course she’s going to destroy them, and release the villains from the Isle and let all hell break loose. ‘Not on my watch’ Y/N thought.
“Mal” Y/N called out as everyone stood terrified, Mal turned to face Y/N, wand raised. “We don’t have to do this” Mal laughed “We don’t have a choice Y/N/N our parents would kill us” “You are not your parents, they made their choice” Ben called out. He took a tentative step towards Mal and another as she clearly wasn’t going to hurt him. “Now you just have to make yours” Ben finished holding out his hand in anticipation.
Mal whirled round to face the gang. “I think I want to be good” Y/N smiled knowingly “Me too” “You are good” Ben spoke “How do you know that?” Evie asked curiously “Because I’m listening to my heart” he answered.
Jay and Y/N shared a look “Stealing things doesn’t make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy” she pointed out. Jay smiled nodding “And reading those sappy romance novels and hanging with Evie makes you happy not tormenting kids.” Y/N blushed as Jay spilled her secret liking for romance novels. “I’ll get you for that” she groaned.
“Scratching dude’s belly makes you happy. Who would’ve thought?” Mal smiled at Carlos. “And Evie” Y/N grabbed her sister’s hands in her own. “You do not have to play dumb to get a guy! You are so smart” Y/N hugged her younger sister. Evie beamed as the tears fell from her eyes. Who would’ve thought Evie & Y/N would be the best of sisters.
“And I don’t want to take over the world with evil. I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because being with Ben makes me really happy” Mal cried, the tears falling freely. Everyone around the room began to relax and cheer as the VK kids wanted to become good.
“Us all being best friends makes me really happy, so I choose good” Mal placed her hand in the middle waiting for the rest of the VK kids to join her. It took Y/N a split second before she placed her hand in too “I choose good too”. Evie followed suit and then Jay. Carlos was the only one who was holding back in fear of their parent’s wrath.
“So just to be clear, we don’t have to be worried about how really mad our parents are going to be? Because they are going to be so mad!” Carlos chuckled. “Your parents can’t reach you here” Ben smiled at the group. “Okay. Then good.” Carlos finished placing his hand in the middle. “You too your majesty” Y/N called out. Ben smiled and placed his hand in the middle too.
 The moment was broke however, when green mist appeared from nowhere. It only meant trouble. Y/N gasped “Oh shit” Maleficent had escaped from the Isle after the barrier was broke when Jane stole the wand. “I’M BACK!” She sang. “Go away mother” Mal shouted. Maleficent began to laugh, no way was this her evil, monstrous daughter. “She’s funny”.
Y/N grasped Mal’s hand giving her a sense of comfort and to let Mal know that she had someone there to stand up to her mother. “Wand me!” “No” Mal shouted throwing the wand to the fairy godmother, but it failed because Maleficent froze everyone.
It took five hearts standing as one to defeat Maleficent. All of it only happened because Mal had the courage to stand up to her mother and she had her friends standing behind her united.
Y/N smiled to herself as Ben and Mal hugged, she missed Harry and it looks like she was going to miss him a whole lot more now because they just ruined their chances at going back. 
Uma and Harry watched the coronation tragedy on the small screen in Ursula’s Fish and Chip shop, they peeked a glance at one another mirroring each other’s worried glances as everyone else around them booed and insulted the VK kids for ruining their chance at cursing kingdoms and doing villainous things.
“I..I.. We..We won’t see her again” Harry stated angrily  Uma gripped Harry’s hand tightly “One day maybe” Harry pulled his hand from Uma’s storming out of the fish and chip shop. Uma sighed sadly, she should be happy Y/N was okay and getting a good life but she missed her friend and she missed her first mate. Harry wasn’t the same since she left.
  Y/N waltzed into her shared room with Evie, throwing her bag onto the floor and flopping onto the bed face down. It was such a long day and now she had to do dress fittings for Cotillion with Evie, so many girls had come to Evie begging for her to make their dresses and when they found out Y/N could Sew, it loaded the pressure on the two girls. Y/N groaned into the pillow.
  A knock at the door signalled the first customer of the day. “Come in” Y/N called out pushing herself off the bed. Lonnie walked in looking desperately exhausted. “Hey Lonnie” Y/N sighed “Hi Y/N where do you want me?” she yawned Y/N pointed towards the pedestal “Up here Lonnie” Y/N grabbed her measuring tape and began to take measurements for Lonnie. They discussed colour scheme and patterns before Doug entered the room.
 “Hi Y/N” Doug called out pulling his laptop from his bag and setting up. Doug kept track of all the girls Evie and Y/N were making dresses for. He even had little folders of the information stored away. “Hi Doug where’s Evie?” Y/N questioned writing down the last measurement for Lonnie. “Stuck with Chad. He wants peacock feathers on his cape now” Y/N glanced up at Doug to see if he was joking. He was not. “Wow” she laughed.
“Alright Lonnie all done. See me next week for a trial version of the dress okay?” Lonnie nodded tiredly “Yea see you next week” Just as Lonnie left the next girl arrived eagerly ready to tell Y/N all her ideas. Y/N pouted at Doug “It’s going to be a long night”. Doug nodded typing up Lonnie’s information that Y/N had given him.
 Evie arrived an hour later with Mal in tow. Y/N shooed the last girl from their room so she and Evie could have some alone time with Mal. “Do you’s ever think what we’d be doing right now if we were on the Isle?” Mal asked curiously Evie laughed “That’s funny” she finished the new touches to Mals dress. Y/N smiled sheepishly “Sometimes. I mean no offence but I’d probably be at Uma’s” Evie looked over at Y/N “Thought you were past that?” Y/N shrugged “I am, at least I thought I was… but I’ve been missing it more and more lately.”  Y/N zoned out from the rest of the conversation as she thought back to a time when life was simpler.
 (Before Y/N left for Auradon)
“HARRY” Y/N squealed running across the deck, away from the advancing pirate, donned with water balloons instead of the usual hook and sword. Harry laughed mischievously throwing a balloon at Y/N, she ducked missing her by inches. Y/N cheered sticking her tongue out at Harry. “Hahahha you missed” Just as she finished that sentence Harry threw the last balloon at her hitting her square on the chest. Harry cheered “Gotch ya”
Y/N squealed as the water soaked her t-shirt. “You are so dead Harry Hook” Harry laughed running away from Y/N, she chased him across the ship. “C’mon Harry I just wanna give you a hug” Y/N called “No way ye stay away from ma you lil witch” “Why thank you, nicest thing you’ve ever said to me” Y/N giggled Harry ducked under stairs as Y/N ran on past, he stayed crouched so she wouldn’t find him.
  Y/N tip toed underneath the stairs, ducking so she wouldn’t hit her head just as she got close enough to Harry who was looking out on to the deck waiting for her to pass by again she screamed “BOO” Harry jumped in fright hitting his head on the stairs. “Ow ye lil codfish” Y/N faked insult “Excuse me?” smacking Harry on the arm.
  Y/N crawled out from under the stairs straightening up she faced Harry who crawled out after her, a slight pink tinge to his face. It took Y/N a few seconds to catch on. “Did you just stare at my butt?” Harry’s blush darkened giving Y/N the answer she needed “NO” he lied. “Liar!! Liar, Liar pants on fire” Y/N sang. “Shut up Y/N/N” Harry whispered. Y/N laughed she never seen him blush like that before.
“Well, how was it?” she grinned teasingly. Harry looked on in confusion, the pink tinge settling on his cheeks. “How was what?” “My butt? Did it look good?” Y/N teased. Harry huffed, muttering under his breath “Shut up”
“HARRY LOVES MY BUTT” Y/N sang as she ran away from Harry. He chased her down trying to get her to shut up, everyone around them was beginning to take notice of the two and their antics.
It wasn’t until he cornered her at the stairway again, did she realise the compromising situation they were in. Y/N’s back was to the wall and Harry had her trapped, both arms pinning her into position. “Ye gunna keep tha up?” Before she could answer he placed a hand over her mouth stopping her, “Right answer only” he warned removing his hand.
“HARRY LO…” Y/N’s answer was cut off as Harry yanked her wrists over his head, grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder and walked towards the berth (living quarters).
Y/N wriggled and struggled to get free from Harry’s grasp all the while laughing at the situation she found herself in. “Harry let me down” Y/N squealed as Harry smacked her ass in amusement. “Oi does that mean you do like my butt?” she sang. Harry roared with laughter as the rest of the crew began to join them on the ship watching the two curiously. Harry felt a slit stinging sensation on his bum and a quiet giggling from the girl he was carrying.
Y/N giggled as Harry jumped a little when she smacked his bum. “Cause baby I do sure love your bum” Y/N whistled.
Harry shook his head in amusement setting the girl upright on her feet again, Y/N staggered off balance, not quite use to the gravity again. Harry grasped her arm to steady her holding on tightly. Harry looked down to see Y/N had a firm grasp on his shirt between her two hands, he peaked a glance at Y/N again eyebrows raised “Ye look like ye wanna rip ma shirt off?”
  Y/N smirked, eyes raising to meet Harry’s “I do” Before Harry could answer that Uma called for Y/N. Y/N released Harry’s shirt and headed off in the direction of Uma, she cast a quick glance back winking at Harry as she left. “Later blowfish” “Later devils bitch” he grinned.
  Uma watched the interaction between the two with a fond smile on her face, her first mate and best friend… who would’ve thought.
TAGS for Mini Series:
 @stevebuchananparker267 @green-days-american-idiot @tegan-eva @awkward--sloth @imnobodiesbitch @cubedtriangle
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EDIT: Part 4 - Return to the Isle
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The Pirate: Esme ‘The Raider’ Blackbeard (Part 2)
Title: The Pirate: Esme ‘The Raider’ Blackbeard (Part 2)
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader
Author: Gráinne x
Summary: Part 2 of Let’s Blow this Popsicle Stand. Reader has gone to Auradon with her younger sister Evie although something doesn’t feel right. Perhaps because she doesn’t have Harry.
A/N: I swear I never meant for this to turn into a mini-series basically. But this has given me so much to work with I just couldn’t fit it into one or two parts. So Yes, there will be more because I’ve so much to give for this. I hope you like this one like you liked the last one. Your love for the first part has been amazing. Enjoy. x
 Part One/ 
Y/N threw the doors open with a bang, interrupting Maleficent on her torrent rant “Hers and Hers crowns…”
“Am I interrupting?” Y/N sneered sauntering towards her mother.
“Always the insolent little brat aren’t you Y/N” Maleficent jeered “Enough Maleficent you will not speak to Y/N that way” Y/N’s mother snapped. Y/N smirked triumphantly, sticking her tongue out at Maleficent.
The Evil Queen turned towards Y/N “And you know better than to rile Maleficent’s scales Y/N”
 Y/N huffed, sulking back in her seat as her mother grilled her about her attitude towards a fellow Evil soul.
“Evie my little evil-ette in training”
Evie bounced over towards her mother to stand next to Y/N “You two just find yourselves a prince with a big castle. And a mother in law wing. And lots of mirrors” Evie and The Evil Queen laughed
“Ah no laughing. Wrinkles”
Y/N scoffed “Pathetic”
Evie peered a glance at her older sister, she would never let Y/N know but there were times when her guard slipped and Evie could see pain and heartache caught in her eyes. The eyes were the windows to the soul.
Y/N could feel the sorrow coming from Evie, she knew Evie was watching her so she snapped her heard towards Evie and stared at her hard.
Evie only ducked her head so Y/N wouldn’t snap at her. This took Y/N by surprise expecting a big speech from her younger sibling, instead The Evil Queen called them both to gather their things, before they could leave EQ stopped them handing Y/N the mirror “Here you can ask it anything and it’ll show you anything” Y/N grabbed it and left the house heading for the car, Evie following suit. Mal was the last into the car, and Evie was all over her looking to fix her make up.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Leave the girl alone Evie” taking the mirror from her back pocket, Y/N threw it towards Evie “Here you take it, I don’t want it”
Evie looked speechless, Y/N always got the cool items from their mother and now Y/N was giving her the one item that would work with Magic on Auradon.
 It took Y/N five seconds from the moment the car doors opened to start a fight.
“My mom’s a Queen which makes me a Princess” Evie curtsied at the Prince
“The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you” Audrey sneered
“Watch your mouth you little toad” Y/N snarled. Nobody insulted Evie but Y/N.
 The fairy godmother was becoming a little flustered as the interactions were not going so well.
“What did you call me you slag” Audrey cracked.
“My bad wrong princess I guess but hey I guess your proof that even god makes mistakes” Y/N smirked triumphantly.
 Ben grabbed Audrey around the waist to stop her from clawing at Y/N, he turned and handed her over to the guards as they escorted her away from the Villain Kids.
Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie all stood smirking trying badly to hide their laughter as the prince faced them with a seriousness on his face “We really want you guys to fit in, make a fresh start here. I am begging you please don’t throw the opportunity away”
“I’m busy can I ignore you another time?” Y/N smiled smugly sauntering off towards the school not bothering to wait for his response.
Evie apologized and ran after Y/N. When she found Y/N she was leaning against a wall beating out a rhythm.
Y/N sighed and turned to face Evie “Sorry. Temper gets away from me sometimes”
Evie smiled “It’s okay it was actually really funny, the look on her face when you called her a toad and a mistake… harsh but then again we are evil”
Y/N grinned “So you, me and Mal? Roommates?”
“Uh duh c’mon” Evie pulled Y/N up the stairs towards the dorms.
 It took a few days for everyone to get use to the idea of the VK kids being there but once everyone settled the time started passing quickly.
Y/N was lounging on the bed reading a romance novel she found tucked away in the corner of the library. She’d never let Evie or Mal see it or they’d never stop taunting her. Their mission was to get the wand and get out. However, when they tried to steal it from the museum it all back fired now there was plans on top of plans to steal the wand and it was giving Y/N a headache.
  She loved the stories about pirates, made her think of Harry and what he’d be up to. No doubt stealing from the innocent and scaring the wits out of everyone. Y/N smiled warmly at the thought.
  “That’s a dangerous smile” Evie taunted as she and Mal came back from class. Y/N threw the book on the floor hoping no one would pay any attention to it.
“Just thinking of the good old days” Y/N lied
“Liar” Evie called “I can tell when you lie”
Y/N sat shocked “How?”
Evie tutted “As if I’m going to tell you then you’ll try conceal it and I’ll never know if you lie again”
Y/N groaned flopping back on the bed.
“You thinking about Harry?” Evie asked
 Y/N froze. Does she tell Evie and Mal or does she sulk for a longer period of time. Slowly sitting up on the bed Y/N met their curious faces.
“Yes. But how do you know that?”
Evie shrugged “Followed you once” turning to pack her bag as if it was no big deal.
“whoa whoa whoa you followed me? Where?”
“Goblin’s Wharf”
“That’s Uma’s territory what were you thinking?” Y/N wailed
“You were sneaking off a lot, just wanted to know where”
Mal who was watching the intense conversation chimed in “How do you know that’s Uma’s territory? Surely it’s the goblins?”
 Y/N sighed pinching the bridge of her nose, she wanted to avoid this. “No, it’s definitely Uma’s.” “Okay and how do you know this?” Mal asked curiously
“Because?” Evie asked.
“Because I helped her take it.” Mal and Evie stood mouths open wide
“WHAT!” They shrieked in unison
Y/N jumped a little “Chill you guys it’s no big deal.”
“What’s no big deal?” Carlos asked as he and Jay entered the room.
Y/N groaned throwing her hands up in defeat. “Y/N helped Uma take Goblins wharf!” Mal cried
Jay and Carlos turned to face Y/N in total shock. Jay reacted first.
“No way you’re the new pirate everyone’s talking about?”
“No, I’m not a pirate. Chill Evie” Y/n motioned as Evie looked ready to pass out.
“I simply helped a friend take something that she wanted. Before I got shipped off here.”
“They’re calling you Esme ‘The Raider’ Blackbeard” Jay grinned
“Seriously?” Y/N looked surprised.
“But your no pirate you’re the Evil Queens daughter” Evie cried.
“I still am Evie but I have friends who are Pirates what’s wrong with that?” Y/N approached her younger sister gingerly reaching for her hand, grasping it tightly in her own. “Nothing I suppose” Evie huffed silently.
 Evie reached into her pocket and grabbed the mirror and placed it in Y/N’s hands. “Ask the mirror to show you Harry.” Y/N glanced up at Evie in surprise “Thank you Evie” Evie grinned before turning to shoo everyone from the room, holding the mirror up Y/N asked, “Show me Harry Hook”
 It rippled a little before a sweaty and angry Harry came into its view. Y/N touched the mirror almost as if she could touch Harry. She watched as he swung the sword fiercely and with great accuracy at his opponent. He seemed relentless, like he wanted to hurt the recruits he took one final swing as the swords clashed Harry leant on the sword pressing it closer to the recruit’s neck,
Y/N watch on in horror ‘Surely he wouldn’t hurt them, he was to train them’. Uma’s voice called out before the sword reached the young recruits neck “HARRY. Let him go” Harry growled in frustration but let up.
The recruit vanished from Y/N’s mirror and only Uma and Harry remained. “What is wrong with you?” Uma shrieked at him
“Nothing” Harry seethed
“Well clearly something is” Uma stood fierce and strong as Harry gave her the death glare.
“SHE”S GONE” Harry roared.
“Who?” Uma looked confused.
“Y/N she was asked to go to Auradon” Harry gave up dropping his sword.
Y/N choked, tears threatening to give way.
Uma stood shocked “When?”
“Five days ago. Why do you think she hasn’t been here?”
“I thought her mother was trying to get her to be more like her and she give in” Uma answered
“This is why you’ve been acting this way?” Uma pressed
Harry nodded “Yea”
“I feel so angry all the time now” he seethed.
Y/N sobbed, she missed her friends. She missed Harry. She hated Auradon the princesses and their pink dresses and stupid no good princes. She missed sword fighting with Harry and learning new tricks from Uma to beat Harry so she could surprise him. “Oh Harry” Y/N cried.
Harry’s head snapped up he looked around in anticipation, he swore he heard Y/N’s voice. “Y/N” he asked gingerly. But no reply. “ARGHG” he roared kicking the post.
  Y/N didn’t see that Harry called out her name, she didn’t see that he kicked the post in frustration. Y/N didn’t see because she was crying so hard she lay curled in a ball on the bed. Y/N lay this way until late evening sun had set, her face now dried from her tears. She clambered out of the bed and ran to find Evie and Mal.
 Y/N found them in Jay and Carlos’ room, she shut the door tightly.
“We’ve got to get that wand” Y/N stated.
“How?” Evie asked
“Mal how’s the plan with Jane going?” Y/N asked
Mal sighed “Not good. Her mom’s not taking the wand out for her”
“We need a new plan” Jay called.
“Back to our room” Y/N called
 Mal yanked open the door leading the way to dorm room, before we could reach the door Ben popped up.
“Hey Mal, I didn’t see you guys today. I was just wondering if you guys had any questions or anything…” Y/N looked at Evie with an eyebrow raised, Evie just shrugged.
“That…you needed…?” Ben finally finished. Y/N could hear Jay and Carlos giggling behind her and faced them with a glare, they shut up quickly.
“Oh wait. Is it true we all get to go to your coronation?”
“yeah, the whole school goes” Ben shrugged
“Wow” Y/N mocked
“That is beyond exciting” Mal exclaimed
“Do you think it’s a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next the fairy godmother, just to sook up all that goodness”
Ben sighed defeated. “I wish you could. But up front it’s just me, my folks and my girlfriend.”
Y/N grinned in triumphant just as Mal spoke “Your girlfriend?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Okay. Thanks. Bye” Mal called pushing everyone into the dorm.
“Oh..” Mal cut Ben off slamming the door in his face.
She turned to face the group.
 “We have ourselves a new plan” Y/N called out.
“Spell book” Mal requested
Evie threw Mal her spell book as she ran her finger through the spells until she found one.
“Ha got it. Love Spell.”
Y/N grinned, once they had the wand she could return to the Isle and get Harry, bring him to Auradon and let the Villain’s rain down their terror of cursing kingdoms and bringing Evil back.
 Part 3???? 
EDIT: Part 3 - Best Friend & First Mate
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Teaser part 3.
Y/N faced Evie whispering “I don’t want to do this anymore”
Evie’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she heard her older sister
“WHAT!” she whisper shouted.
Y/N shrugged “It’s not worth it, look at what we’ve accomplished here”
Jay and Carlos gave Y/N that knowing look as they overheard the conversation between the two sisters.
“But. You won’t get to see Harry again?” Evie whispered
“There’s always a price to pay Evie. Mom taught us that. Harry’s my price to pay… to stay.” Y/N croaked.
Read: Part One/ Part Two/
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