#deltarune susie x noelle
noelleai · 1 year
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Noelle was sitting in her room, reading a book on the couch when she heard footsteps outside of it; someone knocking at the door. She got up to answer it before they knocked again - there wasn't anyone else home but herself right now, so who could be coming over? The knock came a third time after a few seconds passed by, causing Noelle to stand from where she had been seated to open it for whoever it may have been. She opened it slowly to find Susie standing there, smiling brightly while holding a box full of chocolates. "Oh! Hey!" she said cheerfully as soon as Noelle let go of the door handle. "I just wanted to give you these because I know how much chocolate makes your mouth water." she smiled even brighter and held out the gift for Noelle's inspection. Noelle took one look inside and then back into Susie's eyes. Her smile grew wider and more cheerful than ever.
"Thanks...thank ya..."
Susie nodded happily and gave the young girl an awkward hug around the shoulders; Noelle stiffened slightly at this and tried her best not to react negatively towards the sudden contact with another person other than her mother or father; but in truth, she didn't mind that Susie hugged her like that - it was nice feeling someone touch her in such a friendly way, especially since most people in town were rather cold in their ways toward her; in fact, if anything, it was almost refreshing having someone be so kind to her after all of the years of bullying that she'd had to put up with at school. "You're welcome, sweetheart," Susie replied, still smiling, "you can take them whenever you want. I'm sure you'll enjoy eating 'em later."
Noelle nodded as they parted from eachother again. "Yeah, thanks...I will." She closed the door behind herself and went back over to sit on the couch. { TYPE: Short-form story * M2 }
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amurka · 1 year
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wagoogus-jr · 4 months
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sweetberrylover · 1 month
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“ You’re a good type of scary “
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lenixtt · 9 days
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haunted-bagels · 10 days
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mararabbit · 3 months
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❤️talk about moss talk about axes
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half-luckyy · 5 months
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This game.
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cherrystar-art · 7 months
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"If you're here, it must be a dream" ~ I love this scene so much
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zombvibes · 4 months
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Can you believe it guys……..
( older version )
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noelleai · 1 year
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It was a typical day at school, as far as any of them could tell; the only difference being that it had been snowing all morning long. It wasn't anything special for this time in December: they'd probably get another three or four inches by lunchtime today if things kept up like this...but still! The white stuff falling from above made everything feel so much more festive than usual. And now, with everyone bundled against the cold weather outside, there were no complaints inside either. They weren't even sure what to do next after their last test on Friday—they hadn't really done enough studying yet (though Noelle seemed confident she would have gotten an A+ without ever cracking open her textbook). But there would be plenty to occupy themselves until then anyway. Today was just one of those days where you wanted to take your shoes off and run around barefoot, even though there was nothing but carpet under foot.
"So," Susie said to Noelle as she walked over beside her desk to join her friend's conversation about who knows what. "How're we gonna celebrate Christmas?"
Noelle looked up at her and shrugged.
Susie sighed. She was trying not to sound annoyed, but it was hard when it came out sounding like that.
The other girl shook her head and smiled, putting a hand up as if to stop Susie before the latter could say something else. "It'll be fine." Her voice was calm, placating—and yet somehow reassuring at the same time. "We've got all the time in the world...we can make our own traditions if you want...it doesn't matter that much right now..."
She trailed off for a moment, then continued with renewed enthusiasm: "Besides! We have the whole week off from school!" That last bit made both of them smile; they were very excited by this prospect, having been cooped-up inside their classrooms since early October.
"I know," Susie said with another sigh of exasperation...but she didn't have any choice now but to go along with it anyway. "Okay," she agreed reluctantly. "You're probably right. It's just—"
"Hey, look," Noelle interrupted. She pointed to one side of the room where Kris had taken his seat at an empty table. He was still wearing his uniform, but he'd added on some new accessories today—a pair of red glasses that looked like they belonged to someone else entirely. They reminded Noelle of Ralsei's sunglasses, except these ones weren't so dark and sinister looking (though that was certainly what most people thought). She wondered if anyone else noticed how much better they suited him than the black frames did. Probably not—everyone was too busy staring at the weird stuff going down over in the corner.
Susie followed her gaze and rolled her eyes again before turning back to face Noelle once more. "Whatever." The other girl sighed and shook her head, as if she couldn't believe she even needed to say this out loud in the first place; then she turned away from the window to stare straight ahead at nothing in particular for a moment or two. Finally she spoke up: "So...you wanna get something to eat after school?"
Noelle nodded slowly; she hadn't really been thinking about it until now, but she could see why Susie would ask. Her stomach rumbled loudly enough that she knew everyone around them must've heard it, but she didn't care about that right now either.
"Sure," she replied with enthusiasm. This time Susie actually smiled at that—she seemed genuinely happy by that response. It was strange seeing that expression on someone else's face...but still nice. { TYPE: Short-form story * M2 }
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frosted-co0kies · 16 days
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they found a treasure map behind the convenience store
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wagoogus-jr · 1 year
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guess my favorite deltarune character !!!! (impossible)
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sweetberrylover · 22 days
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Nap time 💤
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fragonreal · 12 days
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playing with the charcoal brush and felt pen
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haunted-bagels · 3 days
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