#del sol vanderburgs
eljeebee · 4 months
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The ocean was cool. The waters were calm, and it will only move with the breeze of the gentle winds.
As the waters move along the shore, the sound of swishing waters could be heard.
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The sounds of a fin slapping the waters stopped, when the creature of the water gathered her arms to the top of her head and dove deep within the ocean.
A moment later, she resurfaced, giggling.
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With a sigh, her body relaxed on the surface of the ocean.
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Under the moonlight, she slept amongst the waters.
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veonoticia · 6 years
El impresionante hallazgo que anunció la NASA
Este jueves, la NASA celebró una conferencia de prensa para hacer un gran anuncio sobre un descubrimiento hecho por su telescopio espacial Kepler dentro de su misión de búsqueda de exoplanetas.
Fuente: EFE
Durante la conferencia, la NASA informó que descubrió dos planetas nuevos, Kepler-80 g y Kepler-90 i. Ese último cuerpo celestre es el tercer planeta que órbita el sistema planetario de la estrella Kepler-90 que, desde ahora, es el primero—aparte de nuestro Sistema Solar— que cuenta con ocho planetas, según conocemos a día de hoy.
El descubrimiento se ha llevado a cabo gracias al telescopio Kepler y la inteligencia artificial proporcionada por Google. El hallazgo se produjo de la mano de los investigadores Christopher Shallue y Andrew Vanderburg, quienes entrenaron a un ordenador con inteligencia artificial para identificar exoplanetas en las lecturas de luz registradas por Kepler: un minúsculo cambio en el brillo capturado cuando un planeta pasaba o transitaba frente a una estrella.
Inspirada por la forma en que las neuronas se conectan en el cerebro humano, esta “red neuronal” artificial identificó a través de los datos de Kepler las señales de tránsito débiles de un octavo planeta que orbita alrededor de Kepler-90, en la constelación de Draco, reseñó EFE.
Cerca de un 30% más grande que la Tierra, el Kepler-90i, como se ha denominado a este octavo planeta, está tan cerca de su estrella que su temperatura superficial promedio se cree que excede los 425 grados centígrados, similar a Mercurio.
El planeta más externo del sistema es el denominado Kepler-90h, el cual órbita a una distancia de su estrella parecida a la que separa a la Tierra del Sol.
“El sistema de estrella Kepler-90 es como una mini versión de nuestro sistema solar. Tienes planetas pequeños adentro y grandes planetas afuera, pero todo está agrupado mucho más cerca”, dijo Vanderburg, astrónomo de la Universidad de Texas.
Por su parte, el director de la División de Astrofísica de la NASA, Paul Hertz, indicó que “tal como esperábamos, hay descubrimientos emocionantes acechando en nuestros datos archivados de Kepler, esperando la herramienta o la tecnología adecuada para desenterrarlos”, indicó.
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eljeebee · 4 months
Alas, Penrose had to leave.
But she couldn't get enough of this mermaid lover of hers. She had to kiss her again, in the middle of Perlas's living room.
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When they let go, both of them were panting hard. They had just recovered from the passionate dance they did in bed earlier, but kissing and touching each other are enough to rile them up again.
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"You know, Rose, if you have time to kiss me again, you have time to take a shower," Perlas teased, giggling. "We're both clammy."
Penrose bit her lip. "I have to leave early though..."
Perlas touched her forehead to Penrose's. "I know."
She was about to move away when Penrose took her hands.
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"I don't know what this means, Perlas," Penrose muttered, looking down at their hands, "but you've captivated me. Thank you. You've put my mind in ease. I don't know how, maybe your mermaid powers? But thank you. I'll keep this a secret."
"Our relationship?" Perlas almost frowned.
"No, no," Penrose shook her head, squeezing her hands. "Your identity. I want to protect you from harm."
"Oh," Perlas breathed. "Thank you, my Rose." She winked, "I don't mind being in a relationship with you, you know."
Penrose chuckled. "I'll come back for you, Perlas."
"Pearl," Perlas said.
Penrose tilted her head, confused.
"Pearl is what my name means," Perlas tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ears.
"I'll come back for you, my Pearl."
They shared another chaste kiss.
"You know, what we did earlier, it wasn't mermaid magic."
"Oh," Penrose blushed. "So I guess we...uh..."
"Drawn to each other? I think so," Perlas giggled. "But I'll show you real mermaid magic."
"A charm while you sail back home," Perlas started. "An inspiring berceuse."
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eljeebee · 3 months
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Perlas stood at the back of her hut. She breathed in the ocean air. "I can hear you sing...why do you keep calling me, Great Ocean?"
The wind whooshed. The waters gently waved, as if beckoning her to come, come child.
She stood there for a moment.
The waves were bigger now. It seemed like it was saying hurry, hurry child, come, come!
She dove.
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As soon as her legs turned into tail, she floated there for a moment. Her eyes found the starry sky. Something feels different.
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The waves pushed her gently away from her hut, as if telling her, move, child, move.
The waters were calling her for her safety. So she followed.
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Tonight, she'll sleep in the deeper parts of the Sulani Ocean. It's been awhile anyway. If it meant that it'll soothe the waters from its worry for her.
And as she swam away from Lani St. Taz, a mist appeared on Hibiscus Hut's deck.
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And suddenly, a pale woman appeared.
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A creature of the night.
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She looked around, then shook her head. "You have been lucky so far, Perlas of St. Taz," she clicked her tongue, checking her nails, "The ocean protects you from me."
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Stepping forward, she regarded the waters of Sulani with disdain.
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"And you have been so selfish," she spat, her spit dropping on the ocean, "I only wanted to ask your Pearl anything she knows about the Vampire Overlord."
As if on cue, her senses were flooded with fishy smell.
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"Eugh," she growled, "you think the smell of a rotten fish would keep me away from you, ocean? The weredogs have the worst smell."
Hissing, she vanished once again, before reappearing at the front of the hut.
The vampire took a deep breath. Her search is hampered.
"He had gathered friends in every corner of the world. Not all though," she scoffed, "the werewolves still despise us."
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"I do not know why," she gazed up at the starry sky. "Is he planning to dominate the world? Ha, and here I thought he's done with domination."
Sucking her teeth, she frowned, "But why gather friends?"
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eljeebee · 2 months
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“My love, I will fight for you. For us.”
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“Robert! I am no longer your wife! I love Mirabella, and if a swordfight is needed for me to show my devotion for her, then I shall fight!”
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“It is done, Mirabella. We are free to love. My husband is dead.”
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“Oh, Genevieve! I love you so much!”
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eljeebee · 4 months
Penrose, Julie, and Seamus went to the public loo to do their business before they ride the boat back to Lani St. Taz. While waiting, Bernie and Margaux had stepped into a secluded spot by the waterfall.
"If you're thinking of being able to kiss me this time, Private Secretary Braxton, then you're clearly mistaken," Margaux said, teasing.
"Ma'am, I'm only here to embrace you," Bernie gave him a wolfish smile.
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They shared an embrace by the waterfall.
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When they got back to Sapphire Shores, they ate dinner once again, together. They started planning what to do on their last day in Sulani.
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eljeebee · 3 months
Del Sol Valley.
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A cloudy morning in The Pinnacles.
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Penrose had already put up the pictures they had taken back in Sulani.
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Margaux chose to have a copy of their group picture, along with the shell she found.
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Seamus chose to place it on his desk. One of the fish he had caught was mounted on the wall.
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Julie was still busy placing her pictures in the frames, and arranging them on her desk. She still has two shells to think of.
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eljeebee · 4 months
As the two private secretaries were arguing, Margaux and her children had decided to do snorkeling.
"You children have been doing it with Penny," Margaux said. "Is it fun? I'm not going to drown, am I?"
"No, Mummy," Julie shook her head, as she handed her mother the gear. "You breathe through here, so you don't have to worry drowning."
"And I'm here to, save you, Mum," Seamus flexed his arms.
Margaux laughed, patting her son's bicep. "Thank you, my strong knight. Now, come on."
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They waded through the waters, before reaching the deeper parts of the ocean.
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They snorkeled around, keeping close together.
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Penrose decided to leave Bernie alone in Sapphire Shores, so she took a walk. It wasn't long when she found out where the royals were. They were snorkeling. She walked to the shores, looking on.
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Her mind wandered off to the argument she and Bernie had earlier.
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eljeebee · 4 months
"You really are a passionate woman, Rose," Perlas noted, they now sat on her dining table. "You care for the children's wellbeing. I would only hope Bernie will come to his senses. I do not know how these...royalty of the landfolk work, but the children loves their father, may he rest in peace, and if they find out Bernie and the lady duchess is in love, it can be devastating for Julie and Mousse."
"I know," Penrose took a big sigh. "I guess I'll just let it be, see what happens when we go home."
"You're still troubled."
Penrose bit her lip, "I don't know. I—I feel tense. I feel hot. It doesn't help a hot mermaid is beside me, you know."
"Well," Perlas stood up, pulling her along. "You can show this hot mermaid how a rose like you be passionate with the things she like..."
Penrose felt her whole face turn red.
"Uh! But if you want of course," Perlas cleared her throat. "I don't want to force you."
"Please, doing the deed with a mermaid? Hell, yes," Penrose bit her lip, breathing hard.
Perlas smiled, pulling her to the bedroom.
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Penrose doesn't know what happened next, or how this lead to her left in her underwear (with her bra thrown to the side), but all she could focus on is the giddiness, and the heat on her abdomen, and how Perlas's dark warm skin caresses her pale one.
How her soft lips touches the freckles in her body. How she smelt of the sea. It all feels too much. But the troubles in her mind washes away. It's calming.
Perlas kissed her lips, "What's wrong, my Rose? You're deep in thought."
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Penrose ran a finger on the scar across Perlas's stomach. She felt her suck in a breath. "Sorry."
Perlas chuckled, kissing Penrose's cheek. "Curious?"
"If you don't mind," Penrose chased the other's lip.
"I was caught in a skirmish before. A band of vampires found me, they wanted to take me in, get my...blood. They wanted to test out the theory that drinking merfolk blood could enhance their use of their dark magic."
"That's horrible," Penrose murmured. She ran her hand over the scar once again, as if soothing it.
"I fought against them," Perlas continued, her fingers dancing on Penrose's shoulders. "I got wounded. The blood seeped out. They were hungry. But one certain overlord of the vampires appeared. He casted them away. He hid me here in Sulani, and promised to keep me safe. He still does, and I owe it to him. I told him, whatever he wants, I can get it done. He only shook his head and left."
"So you're in hiding here."
"For many years, yes."
"How old are you?" Penrose asked, brow quirking.
Perlas rolled her eyes. "So many questions, Rose." With a sigh, she took Penrose's breath away by kissing her passionately. When she broke the kiss, Penrose was left panting. "Shall we continue?" the mermaid teased.
"Yes," Penrose moaned as she felt a hand gently rubbed the hardened pebble of her left breast.
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As the night went on, the hut was filled with sweet moans. A soft cry, and another encouraging moan, soothing coos, would follow.
Penrose would come undone with Perlas's hands.
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eljeebee · 4 months
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Bernie gazed at Margaux's eyes. His eyes flickered to his lips. He can't help but lick his, wetting it. Slowly, he moved. He inched closer. Her eyes fluttered close.
Bernie closed his eyes. He let their bodies move. Let it connect. Let their lips touch each other.
A hand on his shoulder that gently pushed him away brought him back.
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Margaux looked down. He can't see her expression, but her eyebrows were furrowed. Her lips into a frown. She felt like committing a sin.
Bernie took a deep breath, chest heaving.
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She tried schooling her expression. Her hand moved to his chest.
"I..." her voice almost a whisper, "I'm sorry, Bernie. Let's...let's not."
"Of course," he said. He gave her a small smile. A pained smile. "I understand."
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eljeebee · 13 days
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Fall shenanigans.
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eljeebee · 21 days
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“You’re up,” Bernie smiled at Margaux, placing down his coffee and waffles adjacent to the Duchess. “Excited for the Starlight Accolades, Ma’am?”
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“Hmm,” Margaux hummed, “I guess I am. It’s been a while since my last nomination.”
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eljeebee · 4 months
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Penrose walked, deep in thought.
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She continued walking. A local gave her a nod. She forced a smile when she returned it.
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She could just quit being the Assistant Private Secretary, you know. Then that means she doesn't have to deal with this mess.
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But why is she thinking so hard for this? Why? If she could just quit and leave this all behind, why is she so damned peeved in all of this?
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She gazed on the horizon. The orange sky turns into purple, into the deep dark blue of the night sky. The moon starts to rise.
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She took a deep breath.
If Bernie cares for the duchess, she cares for the children. To her, the wellbeing of the Lady Juliette and Lord Seamus Vanderburg is the reason why she's bothered with Bernie and his...feelings with the duchess.
The Duchess Margaux was devastated when Prince Seamus passed away. The indecisiveness in living in Bridgeport and Hidden Springs, back and forth, and then "settling down" in Bridgeport, and then finally settling in Del Sol Valley was evident. And who took the heavy brunt of it? The children.
She saw the way Julie broke down. Julie, who tries to keep their household light and cheery, because the young girl can't bear to see her Mummy sad, broke down. She can only give so much happiness before it all came crashing down.
And Mousse? Mousse, tough Mousse. He assumed the head of their house. He assumed that role when his Pop died, because to him, it felt right. He took the burden off of his sister. He stood, mighty and strong, beside his sister and mother, protecting Margaux from the already scornful looks of the Royal Family, that is mostly directed to their mother.
Bernie would be the final straw that will finally break this little family.
Penrose hopes her superior will come to senses. She can't bear to think what will happen to the children if Margaux loses her status.
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eljeebee · 4 months
For the whole morning, it kept raining. The heavy rain was replaced with warm thunderstorms, that everyone had to stay inside, afraid that they might get struck by the lightning.
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Bernie went to the deck to take a quick look. There's almost zero visibility in the islands as the monsoon progressed. He clicked his tongue, shaking his head, before going back inside.
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As locals and tourists alike stayed inside, one child of the islands, a daughter of the ocean, was left outside.
The thunderstorm lessened into a shower, but it was still dark, and it looked like it could continue on the whole day.
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Perlas was in the middle of the sea, far from her hut and the Sand Simoleon Beach. A conch on her hand, she raised it.
"That vampire can attack me anytime with this weather," she muttered. "I will not let them take that chance."
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And then, using her mermaid magic, she blew the conch like a horn.
The shower stopped. The dark skies, the mist that it brought with, slowly vanished.
Perlas of St. Taz smiled when the sky brightened. Satisfied, and safe once again, she hurried back to her hut, before anyone could see her in broad daylight.
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eljeebee · 2 months
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In Del Sol Valley, one of the early risers in Duchess Margaux’s household would be Penrose Walters (second would be Bernard Braxton). When she wakes, Penny would immediately whip her phone out, immediately looking at the household’s schedule. Her eyes would be glued on her smartphone screen, even when brushing her teeth (would blink away when she washes her face) and changing her clothes. As soon as the schedule was fixed and there were no overlapping engagements or agenda, she would now go down to the kitchen.
Penny would brew coffee, only for her superior, Bernie, because the rest of the household drinks tea instead.
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For breakfast, she decided to make waffles – but this time, in fall style: pumpkin spice. It may be the start of fall in Del Sol Valley, but the temperature was still quite warm. Still, there’s no reason to not get into the fall mood, right?
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The rest of the household would soon rise awake.
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eljeebee · 21 days
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Studio PBP – 6:00 PM.
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“…for Best Acting, the victor, is a renowned actress, and her most recent performance from Of Tea and Treachery. We present to you this Starlight Accolade…Margaux Jones!”
Margaux went up to the stage, as the host presented her with the award. Taking a deep breath, she looked on, breathing slightly heavy, and said, “Oh, gosh, hello…”
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Bernie smiled at her, as if encouraging her to speak.
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“I’d like to thank my supporters, who have been with me since from the beginning, who never left when I was on hiatus. Thank you for continuing to support me. I would also like to thank, my private secretary, Bernard Braxton, who accompanied me – ”
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The crowd clapped as she gestured to Bernie, who stood and waved before sitting down. One audience hummed to herself. She smiled, but one wouldn’t be able to read what she was thinking that time.
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“Thank you, to my assistant private secretary, Penrose Walters, who couldn’t be here. Thank you for allowing me to practice my lines with you! And finally, thank you, to my children, Julie and Mousse. They are my rock, and the reason I keep going. Thank you.”
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