asthecrowrambles · 2 months
so sneepy rn...boppers. i destroy you back tomorrow okay? okay..
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v-anrouge · 1 year
Imagine petting bird Rooks wings and he just 0-0
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lobslobslobs · 24 days
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* every fucking time i listen to a lemon dekon song my Brain
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ti-does-art · 1 month
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Group doodles
Dekon(3rd) is more like a GILF. Hes like 420 years old
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illusionaryneil · 2 months
was tagged by @slugs-at-midnight !!!! thankyou so much for tagging me i love tag games like this!!! :]
Favorite color: green!!!
Last song: What's In The Box? - Erik Nervous
Last movie/TV show: currently watching Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo hrhejfhdkdhdh
Next on my watch list: planning on watching Thrashin' tomorrow in the middle of a silly 80's kick rn!!
Last game: Stardew Valley!!
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: sweet!!
Relationship status: single!!
Last online search: "electric dreams dvd"
Current obsession: Hylics and Stardew Valley are in the front of my brain rn, but Gumby has been bouncing around more! silly 80s movies has been hanging out in the brain soup as well jdjdjdh ohyeah Lemon Dekon is starting to bounce around again which has been super great hehehrjdhdhd
Greatest flaw: my biggest is that i struggle a lot with opening up about my feelings and emotions still but slowly getting better with it at least :] also i tend to start way to many projects at once and get burnt out which makes it harder for me to actually finish what i initially said i was gonna do 💀
gonna tag @eggratgremlin @corntort and @rhythmjigoku !!!
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pedropascal-y · 10 months
today’s shower thought:
bella ramsey acting THE HELL out of this scene
credit : dekon on yt
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bugctrl · 9 months
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my evil rat baby dekon. they smell like wet fur and dirt (gross).
ms paint doodle.
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meganechan05 · 9 months
And my brain late at night has another theory that is very much based on anime.
Specifically, Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Skayer.
Even if we don't know if Rita is related to Karras, perhaps them being chosen at five to be retainer is based off them having heterochromia.
From what we've seen in the previews, Karras has white hair and later gains the blue eye when using the sealing technique. But as Rita uses it, it's the opposite. Perhaps the effects of the technique is very similar to the Demon Slayer marks in KnY and is a sign that the person with one or both can use the technique and thus be chosen.
A wild assumption simply due to how Karras and Morfonia both have silver hair but not the eye, and Rita has the eye but not silver hair. Also the fact that when choosing a retainer is dependent on when they find someone with signs that might allow them to.
On the SHT TikTok account, we can very much see the cast of KingOhger at a warehouse on location. We can tell it's a later episode because of Himeno's dress which she last wore in Episode 26. In said tiktok, Rita's hair is actually back to normal rather than having the white streaks like we see in the preview, meaning it's a temporary effect active only when using the technique and fade some time after. This is also proven by how Karras is seen using the technique in the flashback with the blue eye but show up to Gokkan in present day with both eyes being brown.
This would work similarly with Demon Slayer Marks where, if the swordsman reaches a certain criteria, they would be able to gain a mark that would boost their physical abilities in battle. Only in Karras and Rita's case, seal a target of their choice.
Now in Dekon Slayer, a person could either be born with the mark or gain it later. This is seen with Yoriichi who was born with his mark while Tanjiro seems to be a different case but is able to keep his even when not pushing himself. Doing so would only make it larger. All other Demon Slayers would have their marks form and disappear.
Karras and Rita is a combination of both where they could be born with one and temporarily get the other when using the technique. But why?
That I'm not sure, myself. My theory is initially that Rita is a descendant of the original seal user considering they're the only one that has the eye and the episode is focusing more on their eye than their hair. Having Karras find a young child with the eye would most likely have her choose them to become the next King in order to learn the technique for emergencies should normal imprisonment not be a viable option for a criminal.
But what does it mean for Karras and Morfonia?
Perhaps them having silver hair would mean they're descendants of the original user's students if not the original user, themsekf. But perhaps more of an offshoot with the ability similar to how Breathing Techniques change depending on the users. But what connects them all in KingOh would be a connection to Gokkan or the element of ice as we've seen in the preview where Rita begins frosting over while using the technique.
Maybe that's why they primarily show off the eye when in Gokkan. Strengthening their connection to the icy land.
And what's important to note is Rita hiding it. Perhaps Karras had them hide their eye for their safety and to keep the special technique between the Supreme Justices and those they deem worthy or able of using it. Especially since Rita was still so young when Karras brought them under her wing. If anyone were to find out, especially the Bugnarok and the Galactinsects, it could put the child in danger when they weren't ready.
As for Morfonia, it's more than likely the delay of her recruitment is due to Rita believing the secret must be kept as is which would make it hard for them to choose someone they've actively looked for signs for. It would mean bias and it would be suspicious to everyone else. If Morfonia was, say, a criminal judged by Rita, perhaps Rita found a loophole and hired her under the guise of getting out of jail. It would make sense why Morfonia is the only one with silver hair out of the entire main cast and why Rita chose them without giving a proper explanation.
Just speculations. All speculations.
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welpitty · 10 months
here are my thoughts
Neil how fucking dare you (it was a fucking masterpiece thank you so much)
can't wait for season 3
like I actually I will start jumping pn the walls the time it [HOPEFULLY] drops
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demonicshowdown · 10 months
late, post-poll anti mammon propaganda but as much as i love mammon as the next obey me fan i think he doesnt even qualify to be on a dekonic level next to asmo (puppet history). he's a demon character from a dating sim thats meant to make him look likeable. not that demons are unattractive but theres something a bit unfair with mammons bonus likeability and conventional attractiveness as opposed to asmo puppet historys charm as a demon. like on a meta level despite mammon being a demon he's considerably nicer (because hes supposed to be appealing) and not usually exhibiting really demonic traits. yes he is the avatar of greed but we most often see him being the victim of his own greed much more than like, evilly inspiring others to be greedy
anyway dropping in again for asmo obey me propaganda because asmo is way lower on the popularity polls than mammon, but if we're considering like the actual qualifications for this poll i think asmo deserves the more demonic title. with him being canonically a bit messed up and mammon being the older brother type who's more in control of his sin.
to conclude i hope the obey me fandom participating in this poll realize it's not a popularity contest (which btw mammon canonically cheated at the in-story popularity contest and got disqualified as a result) and its a demonic showdown ^^ the point is literally not abt how sweet and good they've been to the MC it's abt how DEMONIC AND EVIL they are
Don’t worry. You’re just in time to vote in the finale.
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darkestspring · 2 years
I will never stop giving ideas!!! I’m your new personal idea demon just throwing feral thoughts out into the void 👹👹👹
i love feral ideas and speaking of feral i want to talk about dekon reader more (ps. you should look through my demon reader tag, its so fucking hilarious i love demond reader, aemonds supernatural guardian who regularly fucks alicent)
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dammbach2022 · 3 months
Dienstag 19.03.2024
Einsatz: 644
Gegen 03:33 Uhr wurde die Feuerwehr Waldaschaff und die Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2 zu einem ABC THL BIO/Chemie | Gefahrstoff - THL Chemie Austritt im Freien im Ort alarmiert.
Wir wurden zu einem ABC THL BIO/Chemie alarmiert.
Gefahrgutaustritt im Freien - in Waldaschaff - Feuerwehren im Einsatz
Um 03:05 Uhr wurde die Feuerwehr zu einem Einsatz wegen eines unklaren Geruchs an einem mit Stückgut beladenen Sattelzug in der Walburgstraße in Waldaschaff alarmiert. Bei Ankunft der Feuerwehr wurde ein intensiver Geruch in der Umgebung des Lastwagens festgestellt, woraufhin weitere Einsatzkräfte nachalarmiert wurden.
Ein Trupp unter Atemschutz begab sich sofort zur Erkundung. Es wurde eine Pfütze mit einer unklaren Flüssigkeit am Sattelzug entdeckt. Der Auflieger wurde von mehreren Trupps unter Chemikalienschutzanzügen (CSA) geöffnet, und es stellte sich heraus, dass ein Kanister mit Essigsäure undicht war. Essigsäure, vor allem in konzentrierter Form, kann verschiedene Gefahren mit sich bringen. Durch ihre ätzende Natur kann sie schwere Haut- und Augenverätzungen verursachen. Beim Einatmen ihrer Dämpfe besteht die Gefahr von Atemwegsreizungen. Zudem kann sie bei bestimmten Reaktionen brand- und explosionsfähige Gase freisetzen. Der beschädigte Kanister, der auf einer Palette verlastet war, wurde von den Feuerwehrkräften und dem Stapler einer örtlichen Firma geborgen und in einer Bergewanne gesichert.
Die CSA-Träger wurden im landkreiseigenen Abrollbehälter Dekon dekontaminiert. Schadstoffmessungen in der Umgebung des Lastwagens ergaben mit den Messgeräten der Feuerwehr keine weiteren Nachweise.
Die Hauptdurchgangsstraße von Waldaschaff musste für die Einsatzmaßnahmen vollständig gesperrt werden, was zu erheblichen Verkehrsbehinderungen im morgendlichen Berufsverkehr führte. Die Bevölkerung wurde über Katwarn informiert.
Nach Abschluss der Maßnahmen wurde die Einsatzstelle einer Fachfirma zur Reinigung übergeben.
Der LKW-Fahrer wurde vom Rettungsdienst untersucht und blieb unverletzt. Vor Ort waren zwei Rettungswagen, ein Notarzt sowie ein Einsatzleiter Rettungsdienst.
Die Feuerwehren aus Waldaschaff und der Umgebung waren mit rund 150 Einsatzkräften unter der Einsatzleitung des stellvertretenden Kommandanten Thorsten Fleckenstein im Einsatz. Mehrere Mitglieder der Kreisbrandinspektion unterstützten den Einsatzleiter bei der Einsatzführung.
Die Verpflegung mit Kalt- und Warmgetränken sowie belegten Brötchen wurde durch die Verpflegungskomponente der Feuerwehren im Landkreis, welche bei der Feuerwehr Mömbris-Hutzelgrund beheimatet ist, sichergestellt.
Eingesetzte Fahrzeuge:
Feuerwehr Waldaschaff 10/1
Feuerwehr Waldaschaff 12/1
Feuerwehr Waldaschaff 14/1
Feuerwehr Waldaschaff 40/1
Feuerwehr Waldaschaff 42/1
Weitere Kräfte:
Feuerwehr Bessenbach 12/1
Feuerwehr Bessenbach 40/1
Feuerwehr Bessenbach 42/1
Feuerwehr Laufach 14/1
Feuerwehr Laufach 40/1
Feuerwehr Stockstadt 12/1
Feuerwehr Stockstadt 66/1
Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg 1/12/1
Feuerwehr Aschaffenburg 1/35/1 m. AB A/S
Feuerwehr Mömbris-Hutzelgrund 14/1
Feuerwehr Mömbris-Hutzelgrund 55/1
Kater Aschaffenburg-Land 12/1 (FF Glattbach)
Feuerwehr Glattbach 40/1
Feuerwehr Goldbach 10/1
Feuerwehr Goldbach 35/1 mit AB A/S
Feuerwehr Goldbach 40/1
Feuerwehr Goldbach 59/1
Feuerwehr Großostheim 12/1
Feuerwehr Großostheim 14/1
Feuerwehr Großostheim 21/1
Feuerwehr Großostheim 35/1 m. AB Dekon-P
Feuerwehr Großostheim 67/1 Dekon
Feuerwehr Weibersbrunn 11/1
Feuerwehr Weibersbrunn 40/1
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 1-1
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 1-2
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2-1
Feuerwehrinspektion Aschaffenburg-Land 2-2
BRK Aschaffenburg (Bereitschaft)
Einsatz Leiter Rettungsdienst (BRK)
Einsatz Leiter Rettungsdienst (Malteser)
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plasticfangtastic · 4 months
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Watching a video of a rescue in niagaras fall and am i supposed to ignore the dekon in the water staring down at the rescue workers
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Da fuq
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someonesawsomething · 9 months
Where Is Peter Arie Dekoning?
Where is Peter Arie Dekoning? Peter was last seen on July 6, 1998 #missing #unforgotten #unsolved #sharethispost
Peter Arie DekoningCase reference: 2014003280Missing since: July 6, 1998Missing from: Wainwright, Alberta, CanadaDate of Birth: December 24, 1935Age at Disappearance: 62 yearsGender: MaleEthnicity: WhiteEye Color: BlueHair: Black, ShortTeeth: FalseHeight: 183cm / 6ft 0inWeight: 106kg / 234lbPhysical Build: HeavyComplexion: Light/FairPeter was last seen wearing:Pants: Dark Blue, Black, pants were…
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realita-lampung · 10 months
Antisipasi Ganguan Kamtibmas, Polwan Polres Lampung Utara Giat Patroli
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Satu regu Polwan Polres Lampung Utara Polda Lampung menggelar Patroli Hunting dalam rangka antisipasi gangguan kamtibmas menjelang sholat Jum'at (25/8/2023). Kegiatan tersebut di pimpin oleh Ipda Herawati dengan menyasar Jalan Protokol, Pasar Central dan Pasar Dekon. Selain gelar Patroli regu Polwan juga membagikan nasi kotak kepada warga kurang mampu. Kapolres Lampung Utara AKBP Teddy Rachesna, S.H., S.I.K., M.Si. mengatakan, bahwa saat kaum laki laki menunaikan ibadah Sholat Jumat di masjid, maka disitulah muncul kerawanan, bisa saja momen tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan tindak kriminal. "Dimana kegiatan ini merupakan bentuk langkah antisipasi terjadinya gangguan Kamtibmas di hari Jumat," kata Kapolres. Tidak hanya Patroli lanjut AKBP Teddy, di Hari Ulang Tahun Polwan ke-75 Polwan Polres Lampung Utara juga membagikan nasi kotak kepada warga yang kurang mampu. "Semoga apa yang di lakukan oleh personel Polwan kita dapat bermanfaat bagi orang banyak dan sedikit membantu saudara-saudara kita yang paling membutuhkan tersebut," ujarnya. Read the full article
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radarlampungtv · 1 year
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Marak Pungli, Pedagang Pasar Dekon Protes
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