deathtwonormalcy replied to your video
There is just something so special about these two.like they were so young when they met and here they still are.and like you can see why they are friends .show me your friends and I will show you who you are,darius being misha friend is just one more reason to love who misha is.
Ikr? I love them. I love their friendship. They know each other so well, they have been friends for 30 years! And it shows. They know how to play each other, they have the same views, the same kind of humor. Misha shared this friendship with us and I feel so lucky. Because Darius is so so smart, and it’s a pleasure to read some of his thoughts too. He was there for Misha when he was down about the elections outcome, and we saw that little bit of Darius trying to cheer his friend up. I imagine they went through a lot together, and they are still there for each other. I hope we get to see Darius at more cons with Misha.
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deathtwonormalcy replied to your post :idknow how i'm feeling about the dean-daphne...
@destieldrabblesdaily I think the issue have seen people have with it as to do with Dean being 38 and Daphne being 16 or 18 in Scooby universe.but I never watched Scooby so am not well informed about her age.
Yeah, same here! I’ve seen her at different ages over the years, like in the cartoons she was supposedly 16/17, but then a movie was released in which she was clearly 20+. So I guess SPN is free to work with whatever version of her works for them. Whether or not that will be clarified in the crossover, for now remains a mystery I guess. :p 
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anti-jack-kline · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “Cas fans actually get angry at the lack of Cas and Jack bonding I am...”
I don't think Jack only brainwashed cas ,I think he brainwashed fandom too.the fact that people bought into such an obvious ploy blow my mind.this are the meta writers who analyze to death the color of the curtain yet they just ignored the very real evidence of brainwash and just took Jack at face value.
I have been wondering the same for a while now. I freely admit to being a destiel shipper (albeit one who unfollowed a ton of blogs because I couldn’t stand the “Jack is Dean’s and Cas’ son” posts) and I am utterly confused. My analysis of the situation was never “Jack acts so much like Cas oh my God precious” but “this manipulative writing makes me want to throw my TV across the room” because that’s all it is. 
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
that spoiler about harry misleading James about his feelings was so misleading,i mean the scene did not read like that to me at all,harry was honest,he told James i know i cant give you what you want,but he also was open to maybe exploring the possibility of them in the future,that scene felt like harry was for the first time opening himself up for a relationship with james.
I was pleasantly surprised it wasn’t Harry being a dickweed!!! He sounded pretty sincere, and I think if a certain pair of selfish idiot dickweeds didn’t guilt him into pleading guilty and following the advice of a man they hardly know and shouldn’t trust, then everything would’ve turned out alright smh.
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deandelreys · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post “sam drank blood but now after 13 years he suddenly has problems with...”
I think about that woman all the time when fans get self righteous about cas .Like drank blood direct from an innocent woman,and the fandom as largely forgotten her.
every time people write how sam is so gentle and would never hurt anyone i’m like hmmmm i’m sure poor nurse nancy would disagree
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flyingcatstiel · 6 years
@deathtwonormalcy re my tags on this post
@flyingcatstiel​ your taggs are killing me.omg yes.like the very idea that people who claim to love cas would be on the same side as those who hate him in their reaction to casless episode!,like cant even put into words how fucked up that is,you care more about your subtext that you dont even care what going on with the character ?how is that being a fan of cas.
We are truly living in a bizarro land where destiel fans celebrate Cas’ death with posts like “BURN CAS BURN”  while waving their “Number 1 Cas Fan” cards and calling sad Cas fans uneducated simpletons. After 12x23 there’s no difference if it was a Cas hater blog or destiel positive blog, they all loved Cas being dead. 
And now, when I snooped around anti destiel blogs, they literally said that s13 is so much better because Cas is dead. Sam and Dean have good relationship, Jack is a good addition. The episodes are so much better because no time is wasted on Cas and his boring side story lines. The focus is on the Winchesters as it should be and those rare mentions of Cas name are easy to ignore/mute/skip over. 
While on this side of fandom, spn/destiel positive blogs were gushing about how much Castiel’s influence is all over the episodes even when he’s not mentioned or on screen. The most destiel-y season!!!! Cas is dead, who needs Cas when you can have Negative Space??? Or Jack mimicking Cas’ iconic scenes? 
Bizzaro land, I’m telling you. Same show, two opposite opinions. Both sides agree that the show is better/ can go on without Cas. And then both sides turn around and kick Cas fans for funsies. 
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nocasnocare · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post: “safeinthetardisandtheimpala: Tonight on “Where the fuck is Cas?!”… ...”
can you imagine how long we waited for cas to be acknowledged as part of the family,for dean to tell cas he is family?,we waited years,years people,and now jack get that acknowledgement in less than half a season.they wonder why am bitter ,let me count the ways.
It’s so insulting I can’t even put it into words. Cas has to go through all kinds of horrors (like thinking he’s so worthless he lets himself be possessed by Lucifer, to name just one) before he finally gets a “oh yeah you’re family BRO” only for the Winchesters to immediately act like they don’t give a shit about him...every fucking time. Even as recently as last season Cas explicity states he doesn’t feel like he belongs, after being with them nine years. But along comes Jack Satan and somehow he’s important enough to warrant almost immediately being given the title of “family.” A term which Dean doesn’t throw around lightly. But lmao it’s okay because somehow Jack being called family is gr8 for Cas/canon Destiel??????? And the blue wings behind the Impala totally indicate that Cas is part of the family and is always with them and--*record scratches*
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yeonhii · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post “Ha!!! I always knew it. Harry has flaws, but he does NOT emotionally...”
I freaked out too,I was like don't ruin Harry character,he will never do that.am so glad,I love harry so much and he as so much goodness and even at his worst moment I life that goodness still shine.thats my baby.
I love him so much he always tries to do what’s best for others even when he has nothing left TT. Watching literally everyone except James turn their back on him and attack him and judge him is killing me TT Harry deserves the world TT
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casandpuppies · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post: lillysilverus: Damn We gotta stop bringing the...
i miss spn angels,when no human or demon was a match for an angel ,when the only thing that could defeat an angel was another angel,dean killed one angle in season 4 and 5 combined on a surprised attack.those were the days of our life
Same :( Now angels are as big of a joke as the whole show is. Of course, I guess that’s not really surprising, considering the crap they steam roll out now. :\ The only way these talentless blobs can keep up is to downgrade everything that was badass so that their shit looks polished.
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replied to your
Cas was supposed to be Jack's protector. Sam now...
dabbs is those people who hate you behind your back,they are the worst i would rather people who hate me to my face,because he acts like he cares about cas,talks like he value the character so when he does everything in his power to undermine the character people dont want to see it because that would mean admitting that dabb is not as nice as you want to believe and that he is not your ally who is going to make destiel canon for you,because to admit that would hurt
Well I guess it is because this fandom likes living in denial. And there’s this whole new wave of shippers that weren’t here to witnessed the slow and painful death of deancas. Because if now they are so eager to find ANYTHING that proves the ship, imagine when we do have it on season 4,5,6,7 and 8. 
After that it all went downhill, a lot of people left fandom, and all we have left from the ship are the queerbaiting crumbs like the mixtape or a few scenes where people shout: husbands! Even though maybe they are fighting til bleeding. 
After 13 seasons destiel is not going to be canon, I think that is pretty clear. How are they going to get together when they are not even sharing scenes? When the magic is not even there anymore. But some people insist and insist, they see deancas in the walls, in the lighting, on a shirt. And they write metas that at this point are more like rules to follow to still believe that deancas are going to be canon no matter what. It doesn’t even matter that Cas is dead ffs. They don’t care, they are so extra that they prefer lying and twisting the truth just to have the feeling of being right. Which they are not. 
In the middle they see everything positive, no critics allowed, they tell people to shut up, and they don’t care if the characters are being destroyed. Not to mention the long and suffering stupid story line with the so promised dad!cas that they still don’t accept is not there and is incredible forced. 
And ok everyone is entitled to an opinion and to watch the show however they like, but to mock people that are seeing the truth is seriously fucked up, live and let live you know?. Also, and for me one of the worst parts, they hurt so many people with their lies! People that still want to believe in the ship, people that only wants to enjoy deancas, and are expecting something from somewhere. And when the truth arrives it hurts so much more. 
Like I say in another post I’m not critic of spn because it’s a hobby. I don’t wake up and say: lets see what I can rant about spn today. It’s not like that. I rage and I’m angry about the treatment tptb give Misha and Cas. And I speak up, can’t shut up, because staying silent and saying that Dabb is the most caring showrunner ever about destiel and Cas, is accepting all the bullshit that they are now giving us. If people continue clapping and accepting this shit, well then, nothing is going to change. They are giving him the green card to do the exact shit we said he was going to do.  
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deathtwonormalcy replied to your post: so from now on I can suddenly tag posts about...
i can just imagine the mood on spn gossip right now lol
Omg lol, I was just thinking about that as well, like my dash is all celebration, but how is the other side of the fandom taking this? :p 
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deanirae · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy skomentował(a) Twój post “jtmcas: deanirae replied to your post: [[MO i...”
And I really think spn writers are getting their ideas from fandom, like am beginning to be really paranoid that they are on Tumblr reading head canons for ideas
4000% same. even if they don’t actively tumblr around for hours, they definitely do try to cater to the most influential parts of fandom and incorporate their headcanons no matter how dumb they are
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punkascas · 7 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post “casskellington: apermanentsituation: casskellington: ...”
sometimes you read something so on point you almost run back into fandom and then you remember you are out.perefct analysis ,now i want to read your end-verse cas
one day i will write a properly set endverse fic, so i can write endverse!cas and endverse!dean in all their dysfunctional glory. but also basically anytime i write cas he’s gonna be based on endverse!cas. bc i mean. 
hi. im kat. i cant function without thinking about endverse!cas. 
i do have a fic outlined that’s set in endverse but it’s endverse in 2040 and dean and cas haven’t spoken in 26 years bc Reasons and then cas shows up at dean’s door with a mute six-year-old girl who is a clone of dean’s soul, but angel-ed up. again bc Reasons. and since heaven is gone and lucifer is gone, there are no more angels. so she’s basically the most powerful thing in existence. except she’s dean and also she’s six and also it’s a post-apocalyptic world à la mad max. cas named her after who he loves most. 
(”you named—that, it—humanity? we’ve talked about this,” dean growls. “you’re not supposed to name shit anymore, cas.” 
”uh, humans name their offspring angel all the time, dean,” cas huffs back, all squinty-eyed affronted. “a street runs two ways.” 
“that’s not even how that saying goes!”
“would you prefer i named her coffee?”
“wh—no. you suck at naming things. you literal jackass.”
“i see your ability to create double entendres has improved with the years. i’m a little turned on now.”
“get out, cas.”) 
so then dean takes to calling her hubert for short.
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smallhorizons · 7 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post: i was really excited to dress up for halloween &...
no one as come by mine too,i wish i did not buy those candy because they are going in my mouth come tomorrow and that not a good idea right now
luckily i live with 4 other people but like. i bought a TON of candy yesterday, so even with 5 people i'm sure i'll be eating way too much too. fistbump of solidarity for us & all other people forced to eat their own halloween candy.
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sorenkingsley · 6 years
how are you feeling?,i know my son,i know he would not through james under the bus.
I AM SHOOK!!!!! Harry actually being smart AND showing loyalty to James, omg, they’re so in lOVE!hgfduighudifg
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deandelreys · 6 years
deathtwonormalcy replied to your post “guys tell me ur fave underappreciated episodes i’m curious”
I feel like season 7 had some really great episodes that get thrown out with the baby water.1- meet the new boss,2-hello cruel world,3-party on garth,4- reading is fundamental,and of cause cross road blues.
Cross road us from season 2 but it's one 9f my favorite episodes in the whole series and it never makes top 10 of people's list which I don't get,the feel of that episode everything from set to direction it's just wonderful,and it's one of those episodes that stay with you after you watch it.
 godstiel deserves more love from castiel fans tbh......................
but yess crossroad blues is literally up there in my fave episodes!!! it’s very pretty episode, i love the natural lights on their face...and dean is so cute when he gets excited abt demon deal lore and i like how brothers learn more and more abt demon deals&hell hounds and how dean comes to realization that john sold his soul for him
and that scene with that crossroads demon and dean ahhhhh
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