deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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jesse-boredom · 7 years
Emperor X playing the LA National Forest fillmed and edited by Adam Boren Bennett 6/18/17
Shot for Bored to Death and From the Earth
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sweetrobberypt2 · 7 years
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show this Saturday @deathbyboredumb
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Our annual #psychobabes is back this weekend!! Starting tom! W @deathbyboredumb 's forest fiasco & Sat and Sun curated by me & @sarah.cisco starring all my fave most bold & innovative femmes of LA!!! @erleen_nada @kinetic_attack @loveydoveinc (at Happy Tom's Restaurant)
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andrewblackdrums · 7 years
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Rally your squad this Saturday July 8th for this treasure hunt. The treasure? A sick show in the forest featuring @dommengang and #theprimals brought to you by @omni_events_ca and @deathbyboredumb (at Angeles National Forest)
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ergotizm · 7 years
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Photographer: @suzette_subliminal . Her work is up on @deathbyboredumb site. #egretsonergot at @theechola 2/2/17
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Last night in #LosAngeles. Much love to everyone who came out. 🔊💥🔥#ToughLoveintheAfterLife 🔊💥🔥 #Repost @deathbyboredumb ・・・ @deathmachinesny tearing up the #honeytrapwarehouse !! #boredtodeath #deathbyboredumb (at Downtown Los Angeles)
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
Horse Head -- This Mess Is My Mess
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Gothboiclique, known commonly as the acronym GBC, have quickly risen from Los Angeles DIY musicians to an idolized rap collective. They’ve accrued a loyal following in no time, and now are renowned for their nostalgic sad rap output and kinetic live shows. Lil Peep has taken to the big stage quickly and is the group’s de facto leader, but most gloss over its other members and output outside of the totemic emo-rap they’ve become famous for.
Gothboiclique is actually composed of many members, and Horse Head is one of them. Since I met and became friends with Chris (senior year highschool), I've been a huge fan of his different bands he started. I've even had some of them perform at parties I'd throw at my moms house whenever she would be gone on business trips. Aside from these projects he formed, he’s always created under the moniker Horse Head or simply from what I remember, "Hh".
Horse Head's recently released album, This Mess Is My Mess, is a hybrid piece, but one which reveals his songwriting credentials; smooth vocal delivery and ability to make RnB that doesn’t sound artificial. In an age where most RnB acts are auto-tuned into the next decade and blurt out meaningless lyrics, Horse Head stands out: he can not only sing, but write catchy, hook-filled tracks without resorting to cliché.
The resonant melody of standout track ‘Time Bomb ft. Lil Peep’ is beautifully balanced, Horse Head's affecting vocals nostalgically recalling the ghosts of a young relationship; carrying these vibes through the album to the final track 'Bad Feeling’.
Making reference to Blink 182 songs, the OG Gothboiclique member shows his whimsical side, and it’s refreshing to hear an RnB singer not taking himself too seriously and having fun with a record.
Lyrically, Horse Head is able to elevate himself far above the overcrowded marketplace with a combination of earnestness, humor and intelligence.
This Mess Is My Mess is relevant, fresh and well-produced (by Fish Narc): Hh is already set for stardom, and it’s not hard to see why.
Written by Horse Head. Produced by Fish Narc. Mixed and Mastered by Yawns. GBC 2017
Album release date:26 September 2017
Stream the album HERE
-Jesse Boredom
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
Overlake -- Fall
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Shoegaze’s loveliest quality can often be its most frustrating: monotony. There is almost always the hushed vocals, the wall of distorted guitar, the reverb-tinged snare drum pops, and that hazy, overall swirl. Not every song "classified" under shoegaze employs this formula, yet it’s prevalent if you listen closely. Overlake's new LP Fall doesn’t try at all to reinvent shoegaze, and this turns out to be a wise, welcoming decision by this ambitious Jersey City trio.
With such a diverse collection of tracks there needs to be a level cohesiveness tying Fall together. Tracks like 'You Don't Know' & 'And Again' give the album some breathing room between its more emphatic and energetic songs. The understanding of dynamics on this record is also something that is truly phenomenal - The way they shift between mood and atmosphere. One minute you can be embraced in a graceful soundscape full of optimism and positivity before coming crashing back down into a moody, melancholic pit of despair. The way Fall has such a tight grip on your emotions is what makes Overlake's music truly great. A song like 'Can Never Tell' makes it. All this said,  Overlake’s latest output is an experience waiting to reward the dedicated listener willing to explore.
Fall is out now on Bar None Records - Stream and Purchase the album or pick up a copy at their L.A. show on November 1st at the Silverlake Lounge.
-Jesse Boredom
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
Dose of Reality: Dimensions,Perception,Psychedelic Experiences
I once took 2c-e and lsd together, woah.
It was insane night. It starts with me and three friends in a car, in possession of a bunch of weed, a bunch of acid, and some 2C-E that my brother ordered through the deep web.
We got pulled over on the way out of town and I was arrested for an outstanding warrant for a court date that I missed while I was in custody; for running from the police, long story short. Whatever.
I don't know how familiar with the justice system you are but that's a different topic. My bail was set at somewhere around $250 cash; I called a bondsman and was bailed out in 45 minutes. Never did sort out why I had a failure to appear on a date that I was in jail for, but they assured me things like that weren't on any sort of permanent record. Riiiight.
So we finally left town, what a heavy experience already, and headed toward this spot my friend said was "really awesome"; out on the arm overlooking mudflats and watching the 3rd most drastic tide in the world.
We parked in an empty lot then proceeded crossing the train tracks, and headed toward the woods. We took the acid as we entered, and started marching. After awhile we noticed that we had literally began walking in circles, I passed a downed tree that was awfully familiar. By this time I was already a little off. On? Either way, it was kicking in. I felt like a soldier in Vietnam, marching on toward... unknown. We finally found the spot, a crevice in the rock between the mud and the grass, and started a little fire for warmth.
I was already pretty high, when my friend decided it was time to take the 2c-e. About an hour later, Everything around me was emanating explosive patterns; beautiful, intricate, rounded and happy. So much. I can't tell you how many times I thought I was peaking. Really it was the whole time.
We were low on wood so one of my friends ran back to the car to and grabs the power saw he brought to gather some wood. My other friend went off with his girlfriend. We all met back, and got warmer, it was chilly in the wind with no shelter. We brought gear, but never made camp. No one was sleeping that night. So there we were, high as ever, chilling around a fire watching the tide roll in and swallow the rocks, when I noticed by friend with the saw standing behind my friend with his girlfriend, laughing uncontrollably, saw in hand. I thought about it for a bit, and then realized I was experiencing a very Cain and Abel moment. I cried out to him, asking what he was doing and he stopped laughing and looked confused, obviously clueless, and uttered "Uhhh....". He dropped the saw and continued laughing maniacally. Wierd.
Time went on and conversation turned somehow biblical; none of us in the group really being very religious, it was likely satirical. We were having a hell of a time, and someone said "Too bad we can't like, record this and play it back just like this." and someone else piped in "just write a book!" and then my friends girlfriend said "and call it the bible!".
My mind was flying, trying to figure out why religion was the constant subject of matter, spoken or otherwise. I stared for awhile at the embers, watching them dance, thinking of how alive they looked and realizing that we were burning dead life. Freaky. I put a lot of thought into combustion, and the chemistry behind it, the thought of turning something tangible into something barely visible.
At this point, a blunt had been lit, and was being passed around our half circle from my far left to my far right, across the fire. Behold! Creation. I stared in disbelief, but it was an angle thing, so personal. No one else noticed.
I was starting to get really really high and have second thoughts about the whole thing, wondering why I decided to bombard my mind with lsd and 2c-e at once, when suddenly I broke down. I began to try to talk to God, a God I had no idea if I even believed in, and had never felt the urge to talk to before. We talked about decisions, about motive, about consequence, and about reasoning. We talked about where I was in life, what was wrong with the world. Every question I could imagine was answered, in some form. We're not going to get into ego, but you should research it yourself. I started going over a disaster scenario in my head, of earthquakes and landslides, cities falling into oceans, oceans pouring into rifts in the earths surface, doom and destruction. The feeling of realization that I was standing in the middle of two converging plates, on the side of subduction, was simply unimaginable. So many thoughts, so many questions.
Suddenly my mind went silent, and one sentence remained.
"Haven't you learned enough?"
I took this to be referring to my search for the truth, the meaning, oneness, what have you. The search I had been supplementing with psychedelics. Then it hit me. Like a fucking train.
Everyone had thought I passed out, but no, my mind was working so overtime that bodily function was of no concern, and I slumped over.
I felt like every fragment of my physical being had began to fall apart, something I had experienced several times with salvia, when I felt like my fate was held in my will. This couldn't be higher consciousness! This was unconsciousness, and I wasn't sinking into sleep, I was sinking into death. The opposite of what I was looking for. The last eight hours flashed rapidly through my mind, then the last 23 years... faster and faster, important events in my life going by in milliseconds, then BAM. Only a metaphor remained.
Once the train is on the tracks, it's too late to get to the other side.
A train whistle blows. I stand up, my friends look at me questioningly, wondering at the look of complete terror in my face. I rapidly went over the last few perhaps only moments of my life, and the only puzzle I can put together is that something bad could happen any moment, and here I am, stuck on the wrong side of the tracks.
I wanted to run, I tried to explain the best I could what I just experienced, tried to get them to come with me, and then I had another revelation. It didn't matter. I couldn't help them, this was about saving myself. Of course, the Earth didn't open up and swallow us, but had it been about to I would have died there trying to get them to come with me, while they laughed at the insanity of the idea. I determined then that it was important to follow my gut. If I had to run, if I had to be on the other side of the tracks, and they wouldn't follow, it was critical that I didn't wait around.
I ended up causing enough of a stir that we did move "camp" but we didn't go home for quite a while. I would guess the entire experience lasted 14-18 hours, and it was once of the most visual trips I've ever experienced. We sat around a few more hours, and finally we left, but not soon enough for my tastes. I still hate the sound of trains.
I later met a man whose nickname was trainwreck.
The best story he could give me was that he had been living life the wrong way for way too long, then one day he woke in a hospital with his mother at his side. He said he had no recollection of what happened, but the story his body told, and the story the doctors relayed, was that he had been hit by a train.
It's left me wondering.
Heavy. -Jesse Boredom *For the record, I DO NOT CONDONE DRUG USE. Everyone reacts differently to mind altering substances. If you have a bad feeling about what you are about to take I strongly recommend just walking away. Be safe, be aware and please take care of each other.”
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
Wish Blade is a mystified cesspool containing all of your childhood dreams, nightmares, and subconscious associations. It’s a whirlwind of chaos that feels less like a collective journey, but rather a combination of separate happenings purposefully meshed together disjointedly.
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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deathbyboredumb · 7 years
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