#death and daydreams ; wishlist .
batbrides · 8 months
tag drop.
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
The (old) announcement for the new earth Avatar series in 2025 is making the rounds on twitter with so many reactions being wishing for a Bolin-like mankisser Avatar, which has led me & my maladaptive daydreaming to concoct this speculation/wishlist/fanfic, hope you enjoy:
Technology has evolved to be somewhat modern day tech with majority population no longer very spiritual & dismiss bending & spirits as being "old head" stuff & glorified pretty animals & weird martial arts, and now the Avatar isn't considered a big deal anymore. This is part of the main conflict with the new Avatar
Korra dies at around 80ish, mostly b/c I want old lady Master Jinora to be the new Avatar's main spiritual teacher
Show starts with Jinora copying her dad's lead and summarize the end of Korra's life before zooming in on her and the White Lotus going around the Earth Kingdom searching for the new Avatar. Unlike w/ previous generations, there's hardly any Avatar claims, which is nice b/c no random false claims, but Jinora gets annoyed at how un-spritual and downright flippant people are about the Avatar cycle nowadays.
This search goes really wrong though... b/c 20 years after Korra's death and they still haven't found the new Avatar 😨. WL members begin wondering if the cycle is broken, but Jinora doesn't give up hope in finding Korra's reincarnation.
Jinora may be an old lady, but she's very spry and agile and credits the Air Nomad lifestyle for how she doesn't slow down at all in the search.
Scenes begin getting interspliced during the Avatar search, cutting to some ”random” Earthbender (obvs the Avatar). He's some big buff brown athlete dude who is trying to make it to the big leagues of pro-bending... but he struggles a lot. Backstory: he's dirt poor and kicked out by his family after being such a failure in school, turning to sports to try to live out his dream is a last ditch effort. Very last ditch b/c if he doesn't win tonight's match money, he's not gonna make rent and end up homeless, so he's very stressed.
Cut to some of the younger While Lotus guys who pass by the local small-town arena and then ask Master Jinora if they can take a break this weekend and watch a local pro-bending match. Honors was at first gonna say no, but her gut/spiritual connection to the previous Avatar suddenly tells her that going inside might be a good idea.
They walk in to see a pro-bending match in progress, and it's pretty neck&neck with our Earth Avatar looking like he might be able to pull out a close victory..... until the enemy's team's earthbender sends him flying back, and instead of falling normally, our Avatar gets genuinely scared that he's gonna break his neck and experiences a slowmotion "life flashing before my eyes" near-death moment where he gets sad b/c.... he's kinda a loser and his life sucks!
That's when he suddenly airbends and catches his fall.
Jinora & the WL are overjoyed to see this and it's a big huge moment..... until they zoom out and it turns out nobody else in the arena gives a single fuck outside of the fact that airbending is cheating ”yellow fan! move back 1 zone!" even our new Avatar's teammates are pissed at him
Jinora gets really mad "Um, hello? That's the Avatar!" but nobody cares beyond the game. Jinora starts grumbling abt "young folks"
Our new Avatar doesn't even care much either and just pleads with the ref that he just did it on accident, but the yellow fan goes thru.... and it ends up costing the match!
new Avatar leaves the match dejected and kicked off the team "if you hadn't done that Avatar mumbo jumbo, we would've won the prize money!" and new Avatar leaves teary eyed and cursing this "stupid Avatar stuff"
Jinora & the WL drop in on new Avatar (literally, Jinora is too excited and just flies down from the sky) and new Avatar yells abt "I don't have any money, scary airbending Grandma-mugger! Please don't rob me, I'm already homeless!"
It takes a while for Jinora to convince him to come with her (turns out, he doesn't know much abt Avatar stuff either, Jinora really starts grumbling abt "young folks" now) but in the end the White Lotus win him over by pointing out that the Avatar gets free room & board from the WL.
scene break to the following day, preparing to take a Sky Bison to the Fire Nation, & the new Avatar asks why they're going there
Jinora explains that the WL has contacts with the traditional Sun Warrior pueblos who have agreed to train the new Avatar in Firebending (Jinora then wonders aloud if the offer still stands after being 20 years late in finding him)
new Avatar guy then asks why Fire first, & not Air. Then Jinora starts lecturing him abt having to go in the order of the Avatar cycle ”It's Earth Fire Air then Water. How do you not know this?"
While she's ranting abt this, some dude shows up and new Avatar tries to hide by earthbending a hole into the ground... it turns out to be his dad. Somehow, his dad found out abt him being a late bloomer Avatar (new Avatar bragged on corny Instagram-parody abt being the new Avatar, it wasn't as popularly received as he had hoped, most ppl called him a liar)
NA's dad, same dad who kicked him out of the house for being a jobless loser dropout, suddenly wants to schmooze up to the White Lotus, after confirming that his son wasn't lying
Argument ensues, but ends with his dad at least being concerned abt his son travelling overseas and insisting that the WL take his number and give him updates. While climbing onto Sky Bison Jinora takes some grandma-ly pity on NA and tells him that they won't update his dad if he doesn't want them to.
Fast forward to NA meeting a Sun Warrior Master (their people are one of the few civilizations still keeping the traditional bending and spiritual practices alive, part of why Jinora picked them) and NA begins his training... poorly
The SW Master gets very frustrated at how blockheaded this guy is and how little he pays attention (on more than one occasion, NA pulls out his phone and desperately tries to convince social media that he really is the new Avatar, but everyone keeps accusing him of using a greenscreen filter or something to look like he's on vacation)
Sun Warrior guy ends up dragging Jinora aside and having an outburst and saying some... not so nice things about this new Avatar. He starts asking Master Jinora if it's possible that intermixing between nations has somehow produced multi enders, maybe he just has an airbender & earthbender parent. Jinora tells the SW Master to stop being ridiculous, and then he escalates as says that even if NA is the Avatar, he won't teach him b/c he's ”a lost cause"
NA accidentally walks in and overhears this, and it hurts his feelings and he starts getting existential b/c "it's happening all over again! o sucked at school! I sucked at probending! now I suck at this too! my dad was right.... I should just go home" 😢
the Sun Warrior Master feels bad & tries to retract what he said, but Jinora says that she'll talk to the NA
Jinora decides to change up the schedule the rest of the day and train the NA herself. He gets excited at first b/c he thinks it's for airbending"at least know I can airbend!" but turns out Jinora just want to do some simple spiritual meditation stuff as something (hopefully) easier for him to help build his confidence
Meditation practice goes similarly awful (he can't concentrate or relax to save his life) but the conversation does turn to Jinora talking about the spiritual aspect of Avatars and asking him if he's ever connected to any past Avatars
Jinora decides to try something, and takes NA to a shrine that she had once visited with Korra in her later years. Jinora hopes that this place might help him connect to Korra (possibly for selfish reasons b/c Jinora misses Korra)
It's late at night at this point, and the NA just ends up falling asleep rather than meditating. Jinora sighs and reasons that it's only his first day.
But ... turns out that during his sleep, NA does make contact with the spirit of old gray Korra... and she slaps the NA's spirit awake
NA freaks out "Why are you blue & glowy? Wait why am I blue & glowy?"
Korra doesn't have time for his questions and starts getting into it "Finally! It's been 20 years! You're old enough to be a fully realized Avatar, so why is this the first time I finally made contact with you? You've gotta be a bigger spiritual blockhead than when I started out!"
NA confused and explains that he's not a realized Avatar, it's just his first day
Spirit Korra freaks out and starts shaking NA's spirit like a ragdoll "You just started!!? We don't have time for this! I need to warn you about something! Here, it'll be easier if I show you!"
Spirit Korra touches his forehead and shows him a vision of a worldwide apocalyptic event that's like a climate change fueled by the modern-tech world's disconnect & mistreatment of the spirits hanging around the material world.
After the vision Korra lets him go and yells at him to hurry up and finish his Avatar training. And then before she wakes up him again she asks him to send her regards to Jinora btw.
Cut to the waking world, Jinora is concerned over where NA's spirit went and shaking him. Then he wakes up screaming and asking if being an Avatar always means that "scary old ladies are yelling at me... Oh... she told me to tell you that 'Korra says hi'"
And that's where my maladaptive daydream decided the 1st episode of this hypothetical/speculative show would end, but here's also 2 other "scenes" I daydreamed where the new guy's Team Avatar forms.
1st scene is him perhaps going on a trip away from the Sun Warriors' remote traditional village and going to a semi-rural fishing town and ending up meeting some bronze-skinned rough-and-tumble looking firebender dude seaside restaurant that he flirts with.
The NA wonders if he could flex his Avatar status to help with flirting with the fellas, but his recent failures w/ Avatar training has him feeling down and ending up losing his nerve and goes to leave. But the firebender guy sees the depressed NA first and invites him for a bowl of this town's specialty noodles.
They hit it off well, and NA enjoys getting to forget abt Avatar training (Jinora will yell at him later when he ends up missing the whole day's practice). NA asks firebender guy what he does, and he says he works on his dad's fishing boat as the chef ”stereotypical, right? they always ask the firebender to cook. I'm good at it though" And when he in turn asks the same question, NA tiptoes around the Avatar stuff (after how everyone else in his hometown and his old probending reacted, he thinks it probably won't be "cool" to say he's the Avatar)
But turns out, firebender guy thinks it's awesome, and NA is like "You're the first person other than Master Jinora to think me being the Avatar is cool😊" "Who's Master Jinora 🤔?" "One of the old ladies who yells at me 😐"
2nd scene is the waterbender & Airbender girlies of the team being introduced.
the waterbender is a traditional southern water tribe student who's doing field research for her thesis on Sun Warrior culture. She doesn't use waterbending much for combat at first (she mostly just uses it to create ice magnifying glasses to read ancient texts)
But she ends up getting roped into Avatar business after running the airbender girlie, who is Jinora(& Kai)'s granddaughter!
She flies over to the SW pueblo to see how her old granny is doing
she has a sort of funny half-camaraderie half-antagonism relationship with Granny Jinora, b/c she's a master Airbender who genuinely cares abt Air Nomad culture, but she also likes new untraditional modern tech social media fashion stuff too, and that part kinda annoys Jinora since her granddaughter kind of runs a nomadic travel page and takes lots of pictures
Jinora's granddaughter and the water tribe thesis writer meet at the Sun Warrior village, and the water tribe student complains that there's practically nothing to make a thesis on since the Sun Warriors are very protective of their culture to actually let her study anything beyond some old statues at the gate. She rambles aloud that the other grad students were doing much more exciting theses, and that the only novel thing she could do was either try (and fail) to convince the secretive Sun Warriors to let her do a paper on them... or do a paper on the mystery fate of the Avatar in the 20 years since Korra's death
Jinora's granddaughter ends up being a big blabbermouth and spilling every abt why her granny is here with the Sun Warriors
They both get roped into Avatar destiny stuff as a result
Some other random thoughts I had: it'd be cool to do another southern water tribe festival arc at some point, except this time with nods to Korra and Katara in the festival and an update on the spiritual connection there far away from the big metropolises.
Plus, it'd be cool to see Tenzin's kids and grandkids at some point, with a joke about Rohan being forgotten, b/c he was just a baby while his whole family saved the world a million times, so a self aware jab abt Rohan being old and still salty abt missing out on the adventures w/ Korra 😤
OH my gosh i love that! Babe you've got some spectacular ideas, write a fic! Granny Jinora oml 😍 and I genuinely feel for the new avatar. Its easy to feel like a failure and i think a lot of us could relate lol
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jwowwsboobs · 7 months
is there any particular outfit piece that ur looking 2 get/is on your wishlist? if so what is ur plan with it & where would u wear it to
the most specific outfit piece ive looked 4 was a leather harley davidson halter top which i found THIS YEAR after abt a year n 1/2 of watching ebay listings n waiting but usually i try not to focus too much on super duper specific items of clothing cuz ill get fixated n do nothing else BUT look 4 it ... most of what i like is just casual clothing, jeans, tank tops n shirts cuz i do literally 3 things: eat, sleep, thrash, repeat. kidding LOL but i really just like being comfy. i do have a couple pieces like my beloved harley top tht i bust out 4 parties n that sorta thing (wore it when i played my last show lol) but other than that ... i am kickin it in my dirty ass sneakers jeans n a tank top LOL !! i always always always keep my eyes peeled 4 things tht remind me of my favorite parts of fashion from the 70s n mid/late 2000s (well like. 2003-12 tbh its not exactly pure mid 2000s cuz of my love 4 jersey shore n their clothes) !! that being said. the top 3 like...pieces im always keeping an eye n an ear 2 the ground (ebay) 4: (read more cuz there r pics <3)
lowrise jeans w fun things on the back pockets / butt, like these super cute jeans from red pepper !!
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i love love love the look of big patches on jeans esp in the back i feel like its so playful n fun n a little sexy !! i dont like highrise jeans which totally bums me out cuz most of the flares i find / see r high rise n i exclusively wear flared jeans LOL ... like i said most of my style is pretty casual i am not usually putting in a ton of effort 2 look put 2gether n cute n whatever literally i just throw on jeans n a shirt i got at a show n call it a day but having jeans tht hv exciting details like this get me thru life fr <3 my favorite pair r my flame flares which u cn kind of see in my avi but some better pics r below. i wore out th first pair of them (below) n had 2 make another one but they r literally like. iconic 4 me im almost never not wearing thm. wearing them rn even !
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2. vintage band shirts 4 bands tht i cant/wont see in concert ... rn the shirt ive been lusting after is this dope ass etown concrete (BEST JERSEY HARDCORE BAND WILL FIGHT 2 DEATH ON THIS) shirt thats got fuckin mike "the situation" on the back n it says "JERSEY CORE" on the front in the jersey shore font. i am literally so obessed w it u dont get it ... im praying itll still b on ebay in a couple months so i cn get it 4 my bday cuz i am. not prepared 2 drop 124 on a fucking tshirt. yet. but i will. i am not sharing pics cuz i am very paranoid someone will buy it out from under me so i am #gatekeeping. i promise its sick as fuck tho
3. nearly anything thts sort of r bikerish whether tht b theyre vintage or reprinted harley davidson shirts (like my BELOVED "put something exciting between yr legs" tank top) or just from a brand thts demographic is bikers (anjill or not has some CUTE jeans tht im infatuated w!! look at these blinged out jeans like omggggg ... so sad theyre out of the ones w angel wings on the back but honestly idrc im sure theyll come back lol)
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4. pretty much anything they were wearing on jersey shore ... ed hardy, rush couture, affliction, yoga pants, furry boots, shirts w obnoxious sayings on them ... great 4 daily life, 4 shows ... rush couture is my fav honestly, i like the tracksuits they hv on their site rn but hvnt bought one yet n honestly probably wont 4 a while from the state of my bank account 😭😭 oopsie! but anyway yeah ed hardys great n all but ppl charge wayyyy too much 4 those jeans n same w affliction its so . ugh !!
5. n speaking of things ppl overcharge 4 ... of course. juicy couture anything !!!!!!! ive been on the hunt 4 an (affordable! please god) hot pink juicy tracksuit like the kind paris had in the 2000s just 2 lay around the house in LOL but im also carefully watching out 4 a daydreamer or just any of their cute bags cuz i love purses but i am pretty picky abt my juicy cuz its SO expensive. kinda hv 2 b tho n its worth it 2 b
thts kind of all i can think of. usually when i pop in the thrifts i look 4 shit like belts or necklaces or rings tht i dig but i cant wear rings or jewelry very much anymore cuz im either 1) at school or work (no jewelry policy <\3) 2) at house parties/shows moshing 3) laying in my bed recovering LMFAO. i also love looking 4 cheap cowboy hats cuz i LOVE a cowboy hat n i usually always end up giving it away 2 someone at a party or a gig LOL currently all out of cowboy hats but im gonna get some in january probably . idk. need 2 save my money LOL !!
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
[ ☆ ] ~ This song from L.ove/H.ate got me tinkin bout if Eira had to kill her brother because he knew something and she knew he would tell someone or he did tell and it’s causing a lot of trouble
I want that drama. The utter betrayal
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dcscrtribbons · 3 years
Angst thread where Mint struggles to remember what her parents even sounded like. She still remembers them cause she was 8 when they died/vanished but after a while you forget their voice.
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ketsuekki · 4 years
anyway here’s an idea / wishlist / daydream dump of minami shit:
nun au. naruto / kiri nun for the drowned god?? medieval / modern / whatever christian nun?? some obscure and lowkey nefarious religion nun?? idk but i’m into it.
demon au. let minami try to get your muse to give in to their most fucked up wishes and intrusive thoughts bro... also lots of selling your soul to the devil and possession and exorcism and genie in a bottle stuff here too.
red riding hood au. yeah hfhf. minami can be either a murderous red riding hood or lady werewolf who transforms via litcherally mauling her wolf meat off herself to reveal her human form which is very sexy of her i think.
guard dog au. not rlly an au but basically a situation where minami protects your muse and does their bidding bc they either paid for her to do so or she’s genuinely loyal to them for one reason or another. this one is v cute and also kinda fucked bc it’s her ‘please use me’ ass THRIVES lol.
high school au. minami is an asshole illiterate delinquent emo jock (what a package ladies) who has definitely killed people lol. probably gives your muse swirlies.
playground sadist au. basically any situation where your muse and minami interact as children. she hasn’t really developed the few wishy washy morals she has an adult and is exploring her sadism w growingly brutal delight so uh. good luck charlie. wouldn’t rec touching this one unless you’re chill w animal abuse / death and bullying / harmful behaviour to children. if your muse isn’t also a budding sadist she’ll most likely upset them with her behaviour tbh.
more tba when im not braindead.
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annakie · 4 years
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My mom got me a Kitchenaid stand mixer a couple of years ago, and I decided I didn't have counter space for it, so it mostly has sat in a box since then, with only a couple of uses.  When I’d think about using it I thought about getting it out of the heavy box, then putting it back, and rarely wanted to do that.  Its home has been my dining room table, which has been housing a lot of misc. stuff since the floors were redone, and those things have slowly been sorted through. Nearly done now.
For Christmas, my brother, SIL, my 3 nephews and 1 niece all drove down to my parents house, which is a 1 hour trip for me and about a 9 hour trip for them.  My SIL’s parents also flew in, and my parents and aunt (mom’s sister) were there as well.  
Lots of words about family and my house and stuff below.
My mom has had the same stand mixer for, not exaggerating here, 51 years, and it was a year or two old when she took it from her grandmother.  My dad has kept it in working condition the whole time.
This past week, one day while I was at work, my mom was trying to make something and the mixer sparked and smoked.  It looked bad for it to keep working.  So my SIL had the amazing idea to give my mom a new Kitchenaid mixer for Christmas.  She and my brother had a beautiful light blue, 5 quart Professional Plus mixer overnighted to the house.  I didn’t know it was coming, and Christmas Eve night a couple of hours after I got there, my dad walked outside and was like “There’s a package on the front porch, what is this?”  My mom walked outside and just started crying.  It was just the most perfect family moment.  My mom deserves the world, and getting this beautiful new stand mixer was the absolute perfect present.  We brought it inside and she sat on the floor and took it out of the box and marveled over it and cried.  It was beautiful.
My dad did manage to bring the old mixer back from the brink of death, and the old mixer still has one advantage over the new one -- size.  My parents are mostly full-time RVers.  They have the house as a home-base but they’re usually there 3 - 4 months out of the year and mostly live out of their RV.  The new mixer is much too big for the RV. Mom and I talked about trading mixers, mine is a few inches shorter than hers since hers is the crank-lift kind and mine is tilt-head, but she said she loves her new mixer too much to trade.  So for now, it’s for use at-home only, though she may need to change her mind eventually depending on if dad can keep the old mixer going.
So we baked even more than we planned to this last week so we could use the new mixer.  I was making baked French Toast Christmas morning (using the mixer to beat the eggs, worked great), and showed mom the list of accessories for the mixer, waiting for her to express interest in one of them.  She went “OOH!” at the Ice Cream maker.  In my family we generally just spoil the kids and the adults get each other white-elephant level gifts.  I got the guys knitted winter caps with an LED on the forehead and the ladies thick fleece socks, plus got my mom a glass nail file.  But mom chipped in a lot of money for my floors, so I thought, I wanted to get her something nicer.  So yesterday, the Ice Cream Maker arrived on her doorstep.  Still can’t use it on their next trip, but it’ll be nice for other times in the year.
So all of that inspired me to appreciate the KitchenAid mixer I have.  I mean, I literally wanted one for like most of my adult life, and would gaze at them at the store, had it on my amazon wishlist for years, and several times almost pulled the trigger but never... quite did.  It was always too expensive, I didn’t know if I’d use it enough, etc.  And I was so excited when I did get one, I think it was in 2015.  And yeah.. like I said... rarely used it.  
My kitchen is a galley, and it’s TINY and not well laid out.  I sincerely hate my kitchen and it is the main reason I daydream about buying a different house someday.  I have a square about 3 feet wide and long, if that, which is really usable counter space that isn’t taken up by the microwave, and the toaster and crockpot were on the wall-part there.  The crockpot found a new home in another cabinet (it’s easy to get out when I’ll need it) and the mixer took it’s place.
I’ve had a red velvet cake mix in my pantry for awhile.  Today, I make cake for the office to eat tomorrow.  Next Thursday, I’m going to make these orange creamsicle cookies, the recipe for which I had reblogged several years ago, and I came across it when I was doing my blog cleanup a few months ago, and have just had it open in a tab for literally like 3+ months. My friends are planning a weekend of gaming next weekend so hopefully I can have these ready as a treat to bring. :)
The other challenge I’ve had in baking is that my oven is very old, and very bad.  It’s one of those things I’ve been wanting to replace since I bought this house in 2003 and the very last appliance, including heater, AC, hot water heater, and even the sinks and toilets, that I have yet to actually replace.  I even got a new dishwasher this year... so the oven will have to wait.  In 2016, though, I got a microwave / convection oven for Christmas.  And honestly, since the day I set that on my counter, I have not turned on the oven.  I’ve used the stovetop plenty, but not the oven itself.  It was always impossible to get a consistent bake in there, no matter what I was cooking, meat or sweets.  Everything was always over or underdone.  Everything turns out great in the convection oven, and though you can’t make anything BIG in it, for cooking for one or two people it’s perfect.
So I hadn’t really baked in the convection oven, though I’d cooked in it plenty.  I realized I didn’t have small-sized baking pans, so I bought a set, and now I’m making two small-sized cakes.  Though I think it’s time to dig out my cake tins... they’ve gotta be in here somewhere.
And I’m also making icing instead of using storebought.  Storebought always had a chemically undertaste I hated.  Hopefully this turns out awesome and I’ll have something nice for my co-workers tomorrow, and can make delicious cookies for my friends next weekend.
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agirlinhell-a · 5 years
munday meme: what's a plot/plots you wanna write that you've never written? what are your favorite hobbies? what are you favorite/least favorite foods? what's a plot that you will never touch? if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
what’s a plot/plots you wanna write that you’ve never written? 
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I have an entire wishlist tag for this!! If I were to pick the ones I really crave for, it’d have to be:
Clementine’s travels with Omid and Christa in the two year timeskip after Lee’s death. I feel as if this transition is extremely important to Clementine’s character, as Omid and Christa took care of her far longer than Lee, Kenny or Jane - and arguably better - than any of them ever did. The moment Omid died, Clementine lost hope in the world again and her mentality becomes a lot more depressing.
The aftermath of Clementine’s exile from The New Frontier and being separated from AJ - from her last talk with Ava to her time alone and then in Prescott, and her dark time spent there. It’s all very much headcanon based, but this is where Clementine truly becomes her own person, this is where she truly grows fiercer, this is where she learns to fight back and become harder and stronger. This is her time when there is no one looking out for her, no one is there to watch her back, and all she has is herself. During her time in The New Frontier, she was a medic and supply runner, but then she steadily grows into one of the group’s fiercest fighters, with help from Ava, who teaches her how to fight and archery, morse code, parkour and survival tactics - Ava is a woman trained in the army, and Clementine took her teachings to heart. During her time in Prescott, Clementine descends into a much darker mentality and it’s possibly the darkest place where she’s ever been and she starts doing many morally questionable things. This is her transition from Season Two to A New Frontier. For a year, Prescott would be her home and it would shape her into someone much darker and demented beyond recognition. That sweet little girl that her parents had raised and Lee had protected was gone in that city, almost like she’d never existed. Whenever she walked into a bar, she could hear the hushed whispers of “it’s THAT girl,” “poor thing”, “didn’t she shoot a walker point blank in the face?”. No one knew her real name, as she never gave it out, so they resorted to naming her “Hellgirl” and Clementine relished in her new identity. She quickly found herself being a mythical figure - and even a bit of a celebrity - a girl of her stature having survived this far into the apocalypse.She learns how to ride a horse and ride a motorcycle in Prescott. She stole, murdered, drank, smoked, got high and gambled… in fact, she made a living out of it as a child mercenary. She was living in sin all at age twelve. She had managed to become quite the thief, as well, as she was light and quick on her feet. At one point, she even owned a bar and had hired wayward men and women to guard her.That girl is gone now, faded with time, yet her wildness is only barely concealed by a stonewalled composure.
Clementine and her time spent at Wellington - I feel as if this would be really sweet to see, something for her to look forward to, somewhere it’s safe for her and AJ… until it’s destroyed, at least.
Clementine finally arriving at the McCaroll Ranch and reuniting with AJ... and the possible events that might’ve occurred there.
Clem learning flower language from a book in Ericson’s greenhouse and giving flowers with their own respective meanings to people.
-Clementine dealing with her own mental health issues.
-Clementine becoming a pagan witch and a beginner in witchcraft.
-Ericson’s being haunted by the deaths of Marlon, Brody and Mitch… and who knows whoever… or whatever else lingers through the campus?
Card games with the Ericson’s squad!!
-Clementine experimenting with her sexual orientation.
-Clementine experimenting with her gender identity.
-Clementine discovering and learning more about her African heritage.
-threads where muses talk about things that confuse them.
-threads where muses talk about things that have hurt them in the past.
-threads where muses talk about their deepest fears.
-threads where muses talk about sexual and romantic orientation and relationships (past and present !!)
-Clem as a babysitter to Tenn, Willy and AJ.
-AU where the original concepts that were planned for Season Two and Season Three: A New Frontier happen to Clementine… and make her a much darker character. However, I must warn you that this AU would not be for the faint of heart and contains heavy, mature themes. It is arguably a lot worse than what she endures in canon, and that’s saying a lot. Clementine’s mind slowly becomes darker and demented the more she ages, she begins to look at the world in a nepotistic way, and she will do whatever it takes to survive, and she will brutally murder whoever stands in her way. Basically, this is a much darker version of Clementine and a lot of things in her canon change, i.e AJ is dead, Kenny is more or less Clementine’s enemy, etc.. This verse begins in Season Two and will continue onward from there. HERE IS THE LINK. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.
-AU where Clementine is taken in and trained as a soldier of the Delta against her own will or otherwise.
-Modern AU scenarios!! Youtube Channels, vines, memes, shenanigans!!
-Interactions between Clementine, AJ, CJ and Clem’s pet tigress, Rani, based off of THIS POST. Honestly, Clementine and AJ are one hella awesome duo, but add that in with Omid and Christa’s child and oh, I dunno, A FUCKING GIANT TIGER is even BETTER. Also, CJ and AJ are a lot like brothers and their bond is just so wholesome. CJ’s witty and lighthearted and is one of the only people capable of calming AJ down - CJ is also more analytical and calmer than AJ is. I just want Rani to be feral, scary but also soft and sweet - she has an appetite for walkers and the living alike, and she’s not completely tamed, but she’s mostly cool with most humans, but harm Clementine or the two kids and she will rip you apart and eat you. Clementine found her in an abandoned zoo back in Season Two and has been taking care of her ever since... and now, Rani is HUGE. God forbid you trespass on her eating, that’s not a good time. Also, I just wanna see other muses’ reactions to this huge tiger that Clem easily pets and cuddles with.
-Clem becoming a Whisperer, perhaps with James and Charlie? I haven’t read the comics yet, but I know a bit of what happens and what the Whisperers are really like. It’d be really cool to see Clementine in this kind of scenario - but I don’t think she’d be the same girl we see in canon.
-Clem joining settlements from the comics (i.e Hilltop, Alexandria, the Commonwealth, etc.)
-Harry Potter AU!!
-Naruto AU!!
...and a lot more, but those are the ones I really, really want!
what are your favorite hobbies? 
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Hmmm.. reading, writing, making aesthetics and moodboards, daydreaming, listening to music and cuddling with my cats!
what are you favorite/least favorite foods? 
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MMMMMM PIZZA ICECREAM APPLES PURPLE GRAPES AND COOKIES!! As for foods I don’t like, uhhhhhh… veggies???? Idk I’m not a fan, SOMEONE BEAT MY ASS
what’s a plot that you will never touch? 
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Hmmm… honestly, I don’t think there’s any plots I will never refuse? I’m roleplaying a girl growing up in the apocalypse, after all, so I’m very willing to roleplay morally questionable topics and threads with dark themes? In fact, I encourage it! Please don’t ever hesitate to plot with me no matter how dark it is!!
if you had to rp as a different character/characters, who would they be? 
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Uhhhh… hmmm, I have a lot of ideas from many different fandoms! If I were to pick a few muses, it’d be Daenerys Targaryen from ASOIAF, Nymeria, the Princess of Ny Sar who ended up ruling Dorne from ASOIAF, Lyanna Stark from ASOIAF, Uchiha Madara from the Naruto series, Terumi Mei from the Naruto series, and maybe Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series.
what would be your irl fc as clem you would pick? 
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At the moment, Amandla Stenberg, especially with her Modern AU’s! A lot of people pick Zendaya and I just… why??? She looks NOTHING like Clem??? I’m very picky with my IRL FC’s but it took a long while to pick an IRL fc. Thanks to all of Amandla’s pics with her hair in braids, cornrows and the likes, I just really want Clem with traditional African hairstyles??????  GIVE THAT BLACK SCORPIO QUEEN SOME COOL HAIRSTYLES!!
if you could visit anywhere in the world for your birthday, where would it be?
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God… ANYWHERE? Preferably somewhere in Eastern Asia, Europe or in the Caribbean, because those places just sound so amazing and fantastic to me? Canada doesn’t have a lot of cool things in comparison to those countries imho so it’d be nice to be somewhere else. If we want to be REALLY specific, possibly Kyoto, Japan, Shanghai, China, West Palm Beach, Florida or Jaipur, India.
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arcane-hobo · 5 years
Sebastian Lakota Rowan
(No images belong to me)
Verse: Dungeons & Dragons Date: May 14, 2019
Full Name: Sebastian Lakota Rowan Pronunciation: I’m not even gunna write that out lol Nickname/Alias: Bast, The green man, The reaper Title: non  Pet Name: None
Gender: Male Gender Role: Male  Orientation: Bi-Sexual Real Age: 150 Age Appearance: 30 Birthplace: The Cleopa Tribe in the woods Zodiac Sign: Gemini 
Immediate Family: Lilly Rowan, Anthony Rowan, Marcus Rowan Distant Family: Maverick (Father in law) Parenting: Easy-going Upbringing: Easy upbringing Childhood: playful, full of life Adolescence: -  Adulthood: Widowed Coming of Age: Widowed
Species: Elven Preferred Hand: Right Facial Type: Rough  Eye Color: Bright Green Hair Color: brown Hairstyle: long Skin Tone: tanned Complexion: rough Makeup: none Body Type: built Height: 6′1 Weight: 165 Cup Size: none Facial Hair: stubby Birthmarks/scars: scar on left side of face Distinguishing Features: eyes  Health: Healthy Energy: high energy Memory: Keen Senses: Keen senses, specifically hearing Allergies: none Handicaps: none Phobias: Enclosed spaces Addictions: none Mental Disorders: None
Mode of Dress: Light rogue armor  Grooming: messy Posture: proper Habits and Mannerisms: proper Scent: campfire, 
Mood: melancholy  Attitude: moody Stability: unstable When Happy: social When Depressed: Secluded When Angry: destructive
Current Residence: none Community: none Family: the Cleopa tribe Friends: none Enemies: none that he knows of Bosses: Xeekree Followers: none Heroes: none Rivals: The empire Relates to: none Pets/Familiars: None
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Wardrobe: (See above picture) Trinkets: None Funds: none Home: no home
Neighborhood: non-existent Transportation: none Collections:none Most valuable possession: His silver crossbow Prized Possession: Gussington! 
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Lovers: None Marital Status: widowed Sex Life: none at the moment Type: strong, independant Turn-Ons: someone who can knock him on his ass when he needs it Turn Offs: forceful ones Position: any Plays: robinhood play Fetishes: PDA Virginity: not a vergin Element: earth
Occupation: assassin/ demonhunter Work Ethnic: Prefers to work alone Rank: none Income: only when he gets a job Wealth Status: poor Organizations/Affiliations: The Sapphire tide, The raven queen 
IQ: Education: taught basics School: home schooled Special Education: none Social Stereotype: none Extracurricular Activities: none 
Religion: The Raven Queen Crime Record: thievery, murder, extortion, black mail, ext  Motivation: none Priorities: Food on the table Philosophy: Live for today Political Party: Anti-empire Etiquette: polite Superstitions: Many
Main Goal: Become the Raven queens champion  Minor Goals/Ambitions: Resurrecting his late wife Career: Assassin/ demonhunter Desires: his wife back Wishlist: more bolts, and supplies Accomplishments: 3 Balors killed, and many demons Greatest Achievement: Saving a town from demons Biggest Failure: A balor destroying a town Secrets: Hes an assassin, he has many Regrets: letting his wife die Worries: falling in love Best Dream: seeing her again Worst Nightmare: reliving her death Best Memories: getting married to Alice Worst Memories:  loosing alice lol
Hobbies/Interests: tinkering with his crossbow Skills/Talents: Highly skilled in demon hunting, and assassinations Likes: wine, music, solitude Dislikes: demons Sense of Humor: playful Pet Peeves: many Superstitions/Beliefs: Many Savvy: Bilingual Can’t understand: a lot lol Closet Hobby: Sewing Guilty Pleasure: Sweets
Strengths: His reserved spirit Flaws: he has a drinking problem Soft Spot: gus Cruel Streak: Again, hes an assassin
Powers/Abilities: Ranger/ rogue abilities Weaknesses: Claustrophobia, demons, fire Immunities:none Restrictions: none
Favorite Colors: Green, brown, black, silver Favorite Animals: Doggos  Favorite Mythological Creatures: none Favorite Places: the flatlands Favorite Landmarks: none Favorite Flavors: wine, meats Favorite Foods: steak Favorite Drinks: mead Favorite Characters: none Favorite Genre: romance, adventure Favorite Books: none Favorite Games: none Favorite Shows: none Favorite Music: any Favorite Bands:any Favorite Songs:any Favorite Sports:any Favorite Stores: any Favorite Subjects: lunch Favorite Numbers: none Favorite Websites: none Favorite Words: none Favorite Quotations: none
Least Favorite Colors: bright colors Least Favorite Animals: Bears Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: none Least Favorite Places: the kingdom Least Favorite landmark: none Least Favorite Flavors: none Least Favorite Foods: none Least Favorite Drinks: none Least Favorite Characters: none Least Favorite Genre: none Least Favorite Books:none Least Favorite Movies:  none Least Favorite Games:none Least Favorite Shows:none Least Favorite Music: none Least Favorite Bands:none Least Favorite Songs:none Least Favorite Sports: none Least Favorite Stores:none Least Favorite Subjects: math Least Favorite Numbers:all of them Least Favorite Websites: none Least Favorite Words: none Least Favorite Quotations: none
Languages: Elven, common, Infernal Accent: slight accent Voice: polite and soft Speech Impediments: stutter when taken off guard Greetings and Farewells: “Hey”, “Good to see you again”, “See you soon” State of Mind: everyone cant be trusted
Reputation: Killer First Impressions: weird Stranger Impressions: drunk Friendly Impressions: hiding a true emotion Enemy Impressions: fierce Familiar Impressions: loved Self-Impression: hatred.
MBTI Personality Type:   The Idealist – INFP PersonalityINFPs, like most introverts, are quiet and reserved. They prefer not to talk about themselves, especially in the first encounter with a new person. They like spending time alone in quiet places where they can make sense of what is happening around them. They love analyzing signs and symbols, and consider them to be metaphors that have deeper meanings related to life. They are lost in their imagination and daydreams, always drowned in the depth of their thoughts, fantasies, and ideas. Enneagram: The idealist Persona/Mask: Reserved and quiet Alignment: Chaotic neutral Symbol: Bear with a sword through it Song: HERE WE GO! Vice: Wrath Virtue: Humility  One Word: reserved 
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years
“plots please”
3 ( or more ) interesting plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses | @thornstocutyouwith | Mun
[ ☆ ] ~ You want even MORE plots? :O With me?? ;u; Alright here goes...
1. Eira does know about magic and aliens and supernatural type stuff, etc. She’s actually part of some agency that tries to keep the peace between all that and the humans. Which of course really just means keeping an eye on them and snooping. Secrets and all that good stuff. She just pretends not to know. Being a conflict of interest, she’s forced to break up with Tancred. ( Would be a much better explanation... ) Then it turns out she needs to protect him because he’s being targeted. He’s supposed to do an important thing or maybe old enemies want revenge. Or maybe he already did a thing that set something off and now he’s the only one that can fix it. Point is, people want him ded :))) Sprinkle in tension of a secret war approaching and angst of being together but not together and finding out things about each other they had no idea about. I sense Wormwood fits somewhere in here... Oo and Aeron could get kidnapped so they gotta get him out along the way ( even tho she’s supposed to focus on Tancred only ). Oh Tancred could not want to and she forces him to come with her. But then Tancred gets taken so she has to pick between them, probably being close to getting Aeron or losing that to get Tancred. Poor Tancred is gonna deserve a lot of apologies for that. Cuz why not give her more reasons to be sorry to him? Not sure what other muses could get involved. Maybe Adom when Aeron gets taken. Adom could get hurt and left for ded ( yet again LOL ) or taken with him ( probably the longer option ) to be tortured so Aeron will give up Eira’s location ( THAT HE DOESN’T KNOW ) to find Tancred. Pre!Oliver could be involved. Ooo sending assassin!Lief? Cuz Tancred could expose his dirty work at the lab ( people like Lief )
2. Multiverse shit. There’s a lead on a body compatible to Bray and Tancred meets Eira in her mutant verse. He calls her Eira and freaks her out because no one calls her that unless they really know her. He explains what’s up and she calms down. The body he’s looking for has a fragment of the M.ind S.tone which I guess allows Bray to hop into that body idk. She offers to help since she’s already looking for her brother so she’ll ask Roman for info that’d be helpful. That actually helps ( somehow ) to finding her brother and what he’s up to. Not good stuff. Then, BIG REVEAL, it’s EIRA’S body that is compatible for Bray since she has a fragment lodged in her brain. Before they can even talk about whether he’s actually going to do anything with that information, her assassin persona, Angel, wakes up as a self preservation thing, attacking him. Puts him in a pretty bad spot. He’s in the hospital and not getting better so Eira goes to this universe’s Tancred for help. Meanwhile getting hunted down because now she knows things like about Angel so she got rid of her headband ( how she can be controlled remotely ) and starts taking suppression medication instead. Though as it turns out this universe’s Tancred has been trying to track her down too because he knows she’s compatible for Bray. They make a deal. He’ll help the visiting Tancred and she’ll give herself up. But having two Tancred’s in close vicinity is BAD. Maybe Tancred was just waking up or maybe he did need help but either way it doesn’t matter cuz it’s gonna be for nothing if they don’t part ways immediately. I’m at a loss for how other muses would fit into this rn but I’m sure there’s something
3. P.rodigal S.on AU ( bc of course lol ) ft. Adom as Malcolm, Oliver from his detective AU?, Aeron who was a suspect and it turned out to be Jace who may or may not have killed Eira ( they’re looking for her ). Maybe Asher is having fun and causing chaos. And / Or Killian.
4. Tripp and Asher. There’s something there. I know there is. Idk what it is yet exactly but my angy boi 2.0 and the Demon of Wrath. Come on.
Bonus: Max ( even tho he’s on my sideblog umbriis ) and Lief. Since he’s dating Riley now, it’s the perfect time to mistake Lief for Riley. Or!! Diego mistakes Riley as Klaus and sees them together and thinks he’s Klaus’ new boyfriend
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