#darya ceridwen artemi
umbralstars · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rufus Blaiddyd/Original Character(s), Rufus Blaiddyd & Original Character(s), Rufus Blaiddyd/Darya Ceridwen Artemi Characters: Rufus Blaiddyd, Darya Ceridwen Artemi, Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd Additional Tags: Blaiddyd Bastards, Domestic Fluff, Newborn Children, Original Character(s), this is the fluffiest thing I've ever written, rufus gets to be a good parent every so often, childbirth is mentioned but there is nothing explict or shown Summary:
This time he would live up to the ideal of 'fatherhood'. Rufus swore that to himself the moment he decided to make this child his heir. So what, truly, does he have to worry about? Happy birthday to my boy Emyr!!
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umbralstars · 2 years
Waking up next to someone wasn't something Rufus was used to. Much less were the emotions that gripped his heart like a vice. 
(Explicit fic beyond the link, AO3′s link sharing is a bit broken rn)
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umbralstars · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lambert Egitte Blaiddyd & Rufus Blaiddyd, Rufus Blaiddyd/Original Character(s) Characters: Lambert Egitte Blaiddyd, Rufus Blaiddyd, Original Characters, Darya Ceridwen Artemi, Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd Additional Tags: Ficlet, Family Fluff, Lambert gets to hold one of his nephews for once in his life Summary:
Being a new parent is tiring work, but the little moments Rufus gets to spend with his family makes it all worthwhile.
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umbralstars · 2 years
otp asks for Darya and Rufus: 20, 50, 52
otp asks for Emyr and Glenn: 27, 30, 36
Got very long so putting everything under the cut
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
I need everything for this to last
I have a playlist worth of songs but right now I’m feeling “Don’t You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love With You)” by Kaden MacKay and while I mostly see it from being from Rufus’ perspective it still definitely fits Darya. It kind of encapsulates the entirety of their relationship. The fact that they fell in and out of each other’s lives, the fact that these are exactly the sentiments he had before they sat down and worked out what they wanted their relationship to be and look like, and even to her death where Rufus is left still very much in love even long after she’s gone.
For a more Darya centric song I definitely recommend “Midnight Oil” by Tommee Profitt because it fits with her needs and exceptions from Rufus with wanting a true partner in more ways than one. She wanted a relationship built to last, and truly believed that Rufus could give her one where she was happy out of all people. These are by far my favorite lyrics from the song for her:
“So when you’re ready take off your mask
I want a love where my heart can stand”
Who's more likely to do something out of spite?
One would think it would be Rufus, but Darya is more willing to do something out of pure spite and he won’t even realize that it’s coming. It’s like small spiteful things though (like putting in requests for her own meal at dinner if Rufus chose something she didn’t like) because they honestly don’t get into arguments or fights all that often and that would be what facilitates her doing something.  They have a pretty crucial agreement about openness and honesty, along with trying to resolve things before they devolve into fighting or taking out stress on the other.
One time of prolonged arguing though had Rufus overworking himself mostly out of spite, he ended up inevitably with a migraine, and Darya, after making sure he wasn’t hurting himself, left him to deal with it alone also out of spite. It ended with them both apologizing to the other and having an actual discussions about what caused the arguing in the first place.
Describe their weekend getaway?
Honestly, a getaway for them is probably staying close to home or going to County Samara just to enjoy some time away. They would enjoy things like going for longer horseback rides in the forests around Samara, perhaps stocking up arrows for a hunt while they’re out (Rufus is very much a fan), eating lunch in the gardens without having to worry about going back in for work later, and going out into the town to patronize restaurants or other businesses. For more extensive trips they love going to Derdriu to relax and have a bit more anonymity for any activities out in the city.
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Glenn akdsnkk. Emyr’s Crest makes him less susceptible to alcohol (and recover from hangovers faster) so Glenn naturally is the lighter weight between the two. Emyr will always make sure his beau is taken care even before he takes care of himself if he was indulging too.
Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I’m going to assume this is for some kind of event like a ball. Pics below is a balance of what I have in mind.
Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Glenn: Oh Emyr would dress him up like you wouldn’t believe. The man has an eye for fashion and knows what works best for Glenn and what he really enjoys. It would honestly be very simple but utterly elegant. Drenched in Fraldarius greens and furs, light armor pieces due to that being popular in Faerghus for formal wear.
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Emyr: Glenn would revel in ensuring Emyr is drenched back to front in finery befitting of a prince. Gorgeous brocades and velvet, he thinks blue is Emyr’s best color for real, and of course fur because no Grand Duke of Itha can be seen without any. He wants to make absolute sure Emyr looks good and feels good and while he’s not the best fashion wise he knows what he likes to see Emyr wear and will put together an outfit based on gut instinct alone. He would also help Emyr decide how to incorporate elements of Srengi/Zemlja clothing and aesthetics into his formal wear because for Emyr it’s very important he can show that part of his heritage just as much as his role as Faerghal nobility. 
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Emyr actually because he’s likely to be still awake at that time. He knows how to cook a good simple meal with Glenn help for a few parts albeit. Sometimes Glenn will pick out recipe cards he had Fiachra write down for him, but other times they improvise with what they think sounds good. They enjoy late nights snacks like scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches, left over rice with meat they can flavor an sear, just a meat and vegetable skewer, and other stuff like that.
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umbralstars · 1 year
Decided I should make an actual pinned post about myself
Hello, my name is Stars and this is my main blog. I don't actually have any side blogs, so anything my little squirrel brain is interested in at the moment is what you're gonna get. I post fanfics and art whenever my brain chooses to co-operate
- Stars Writes / Stars Draws (my creative tags)
- Stars Rambles (general blogging tag)
My current interest is Fire Emblem as a general, but a particular focus on Three Houses currently with Heroes, Fates, and a few others on the side occasionally. I mostly post about my worldbuilding for Faerghus (or Fódlan in general), and a lot about my ocs. Please note that I am very fond of the Blaiddyds
My AO3 if you're interested in learning more!
In terms of other interests I may occasionally blog about:
- Pokémon
- Okami
- Ace Attorney
- Elder Scrolls
- Monster Hunter
- Final Fantasy (particularly 7)
- Linguistics
- Worldbuilding
- Cartography
- Anthropological topics
Or pretty much anything that draws my interest at the moment. I do want to say that I am autistic and do have ADHD so my interests will change over time, but these are the big topics that make me happiest at the moment
OC Tags:
Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd (oc version of this character I made before Hopes came out)
Darya Ceridwen Artemi (Emyr's mother and Countess of Samara)
Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd (Dimitri's cousin and heir to the Grand Dutchy of Itha)
Valerius Gawain Kheiron (Blaiddyd bastard, servant to House Fraldarius)
Prince Remi (MU for FE Fates)
Dainnronil Alkinan (ESO Vestige)
Just for a starting point for the ones I post most frequently about. Asking about said ocs is a surefire way to make my day ;)
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umbralstars · 2 years
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"I can't get my mind out of those memories
Now time to tell them 'Don't take my dream'"
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umbralstars · 2 years
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https://picrew.me/image_maker/197122 (credit for the profile)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Faerghal and Srenghalreg
Age: 38, died in 1167
Birthday: 20th day of the Garland Moon 1129
Height: 5'4
Fyodor Artemi (Younger brother)
Rufus Cassius Blaiddyd (Lover)
Emyr Artemi Blaiddyd
Yekaterina Deryn Blaiddyd
Residence: Samara (formally); Castell Itha
Title: Countess of Samara
Faction: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
Basic Backstory
Eldest daughter to the Count of Samara with a younger brother who is 4 years her junior
Samara is a small, but powerful, trading County (city-state) which sits on the river throat between all the major trading routes of the Nothern Faerghus
Other lords around Samara are always trying to fold the stupidly rich city into their own borders
Darya's mother was originally from Sreng while her father was the step-son and chosen heir to the last Count
Darya was given one of the highest quality educations available in Faerghus between the County library, the Fhirdiad School of Magic, the Officers Academy, and studying in Embarr for a time
She's intelligent, very well read, and an avid writer/artist. The ultimate conversationalist
Her brother is named heir to Samara in 1147 after he reaches an age where death in childhood finally goes way down
Darya feels cheated out of her birthright due to her putting in the work while Fyodor continued to be utterly unconcerned with ruling effectively
Their father favored Imperial mindsets towards primogenuture (as well as being partially raised in the Empire so has their cultural views towards women) and thus wouldn't budge
Her mother even tries to convince their father to switch favor to her instead, but to no avail
She goes to the Officers Academy when she's 15 years old in 1147
She first meets Rufus as they're in the same class and form a friendship while at the school and maintained occasional contact in the years afterward
When she was 22, Fyodor had her temporarily banished because he feared she would be a threat to his power
This only fueled her hatred of him as she had to take up residence in Fraldarius with a friend of hers
Darya continues with her studies in the intervening years while secretly holding aspirations for the County seat
She begins her programs for attentively listening to the people through reading their letters and finding ways to solve complaints. It's a small thing but it's what she could do to address their concerns with power in the hands of her brother
Returns to Samara at 26 at Fyodor's request so she can help him solve numerous problems due to his neglect of Samara
Headways new waste management and food programs for the citizenry, makes a suggestion for a Council of the Guilds to be created to aid them in ruling, but Fyodor rejects the idea outright
Meets Rufus at the age of 29 (Wyvern Moon IY 1158) during his diplomatic trip to Samara. She held far more interest in Rufus now due to the political machinations she's seen for the past 12 years
Darya came to him late in the night and invited him for drinks in the private lounge, he was not prepared for her wit and political aspirations
Darya and Rufus craft a plot to kill Fyodor and place her as Coutess and vassalize Samara to Itha
They developed an actual friendship in the intervening months of planning and just casual conversations. Rufus made it a point to travel to Samara rather regularly just to see Darya in person
Fyodor even had the idea to try and set up a marriage between Darya and Rufus just to get her out of Samara
Their actual relationship begins during the Guardian Moon of 1158 and Darya is pregnant with Emyr by early Lone Moon IY 1158
Rufus almost proposes after she becomes pregnant, but Darya (and Rufus for that matter) genuinely has no wish to get married despite how much she does love him
That and any official recognition of their relationship should be after they go through with the assassination
Feels marriage will just ruin their relationship and wants to commit to him without that straining expectation
Fyodor learns of the plot and has a chat with Rufus to try and intimidate him out of going through with it. Rufus decides that he needs to act to protect himself, his lover, and his child
In 1158 LM, Fyodor is killed by Rufus during a hunting trip and Darya is made Countess of Samara
1159 EM, Darya moves to Castell Itha permanently live with Rufus and raise their son together
Darya and Rufus continue to work together improving Itha and Samara in tandem
Darya begins the tradition of receiving and responding to letters personally all across the Grand Dutchy, so that she and Rufus are aware of and can quickly solve problems
They create the first Council together modeled after the Alliance and the long defunct Senate of Adrestia
She helps to patron the arts of Itha & Samara and aids in developing the new magic techniques to making growing crops extremely easy even in the north
Aids Rufus in father consolidation through diplomacy and conspiracy
1167 Darya's health begins to fail as she continues through her second pregnancy
Rufus tried everything under the sun to heal her but to no avail
Much speculation surrounds her sudden bout of illness, but it's never discovered if foul play was involved
Darya passes away not long after giving birth to Katya
Despite her public face as Countess of Samara, Darya is known for almost having an air of mystery around her. She's rarely seen without a smile, and is more light-hearted than her position as a Countess would suggest. She believes that the beliefs others, or society at large, can hold is often overly restricting and thus it is often difficult to sway them. Though she is known for tying to do exactly that. Darya is known for being a fluid, witty, and engaging conversationalist. She has an enigmatic air around her and while her friends grow used to it those who she is only acquainted find it alluring or terrifying; although, she'll admit to fostering this intentionally as she enjoys watching people squirm.
As a Coutess, Darya is infallibly polite to whoever she interacts with. But when speaking to close friends, while she maintains her affable demeanor, she shows a blunter and more cynical side to her, and can even come across as a bit selfish. She's known not ro mince words and will tell the truth to those she deems needs to hear it, whatever it may be.
Darya is voracious when it comes to learning all she can about different subjects as she finds that no knowledge is pointless. She also cares much for her people and takes her duties as a leader in Faerghus to be the most important one she has. As Countess, she's not afraid to break tradition and try new avenues of governance should she believe it overall beneficial to the health of her people and state. She is also not above espionage or conspiracy to meet these same ends. Darya is a lover of extravagance and feels the one of the duties of a lord is to share that extravagance with her people. The festivals in Samara as well as her balls both open and closed to the public are renowned in Faerghus.
Other Notes
She has religious beliefs that are a syncretism of the religious of Faerghus and Sreng and she was the one to pass on some ideas to Emyr while she was still alive
She actively tried to make friends with Rufus' other partners whenever she met them and she was successful a few times
Darya was close friends with Fiachra, but notably never got along with Lady Cecillia
Has a love of sewing, painting, and music
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umbralstars · 2 years
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Dear Goddess, I love this woman
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umbralstars · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Fuukasetsugetsu | Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Fire Emblem Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Rufus Blaiddyd/Original Character(s), Rufus Blaiddyd/Darya Ceridwen Artemi
Characters: Rufus Blaiddyd, Original Female Character(s)
Darya spoils Rufus to an early birthday gift the second they both finally see each other again in Fhirdiad. Rufus decides to indulge. Looking back it probably wasn't the best idea, but damn if it wasn't a good one.
(Additional tags under cut)
Additional Tags: POV Original Character, Exhibitionism, Semi-Public Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Loud Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering
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