umbralstars · 1 year
Glennmyr: 💕 Describe an ideal date form them!
Rufya: 💔 Has your OC had a bad breakup or nasty ex? If so does this have any affect on their current relationship?
Dainnronil x Fennorian: 💖 What are some little subtle ways they show that they love each other?
They adore going to festivals together. Enjoying their time in the crowd, eating festival food, getting to participate just as themselves away from the nobility. Going out flying together. I think they patronize restaurants a lot, but try to keep it on the dl because Emyr doesn't want it to be a whole Thing.
Anything that they do, they both enjoy being alone in each other's company afterwards. Curled up by the fire with cards or books in the library in their private rooms. That's probably their favorite part of the day.
Rufus has a few nasty "exes" where the relationship wasn't perceived as romantic on his end, but they still ended badly. Rufus' past experiences with relationships is what caused him to initially be wary of his feelings towards Darya.
Darya's previous marriage certainly impacted how her relationship with Rufus developed (especially since it started before that marriage...ended). But I'm still rotating this around so I can't say much.
(Vampire stuff below)
Dainn started bloodletting and filling Fennorian's vials when he notices they're getting low. He knows that the House has servants that keep them fed and do the same thing, but he doesn't mind it and it's not All the time. His blood is strange given his physical Vestige body stuff, but it's still drinkable. Dainn also doesn't have the same negative effects from bloodletting because his body just self repairs so easily.
He'll bring Fenn his vials when he notices his partner is in the middle of a research spell, and reminds him to eat consistently. Dainn is also very careful when using his magic around Fenn given his primary area is sun magic and Restoration. He's also been known to keep an extra cloak in his bag or give Fenn his if need be.
Fennorian was the one to make Dainn's soul gem into a necklace. It was a very delicate process with the wirework and the leather (and was a show of trust on Dainn's part to let Fenn do that at all), but it turned out beautifully and Dainn was really grateful. They both listen to the other infodump and debate magical and historical theorems. Fenn is there during Dainn's bad days and generally they have each other's backs
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isabelgraniglia · 5 years
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Ladies and gentleman.. Ecco a voi...RUFYA !
Una piccola Scottish Fold,nata il 19/11/2018,napoletana con un nome "maldiviano".
Ebbene si,il suo nome è stato scelto durante la nostra vacanza alle Maldive. Ci siamo ispirati alla valuta del posto,per l'appunto, Rufyaa. Noi ci siamo semplicemente limitati ad eliminare la lettera finale così da avere una sola A.
Inutile dirvi che una tantum utilizzo il suo nome per chiamarla...Di solito per me è "cocchettina","patatina" e così via... E' una micetta dolcissima,vuole sempre giocare e,una volta sfinita,sale in braccio e da tanti bacetti... Ha un profilo Instagram e sta gia facendo impazzire tutti!!
nome instagram : My name is Rufya
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mrslackles · 6 years
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In an episode full of great moments, this was actually one of my favourites -- where Wyatt gets all grouchy about Flynn being there and Power Couple Rufus and Jiya just being like Oooooh dram-o-rama and then Rufus just lays the SWEETEST KISS on her head and it’s so brief but I was really wondering about whether it had been scripted or not so I decided to ask Malcom and
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it wasn’t, he improvised it 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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umbralstars · 2 years
otp asks for Darya and Rufus: 20, 50, 52
otp asks for Emyr and Glenn: 27, 30, 36
Got very long so putting everything under the cut
Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
I need everything for this to last
I have a playlist worth of songs but right now I’m feeling “Don’t You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love With You)” by Kaden MacKay and while I mostly see it from being from Rufus’ perspective it still definitely fits Darya. It kind of encapsulates the entirety of their relationship. The fact that they fell in and out of each other’s lives, the fact that these are exactly the sentiments he had before they sat down and worked out what they wanted their relationship to be and look like, and even to her death where Rufus is left still very much in love even long after she’s gone.
For a more Darya centric song I definitely recommend “Midnight Oil” by Tommee Profitt because it fits with her needs and exceptions from Rufus with wanting a true partner in more ways than one. She wanted a relationship built to last, and truly believed that Rufus could give her one where she was happy out of all people. These are by far my favorite lyrics from the song for her:
“So when you’re ready take off your mask
I want a love where my heart can stand”
Who's more likely to do something out of spite?
One would think it would be Rufus, but Darya is more willing to do something out of pure spite and he won’t even realize that it’s coming. It’s like small spiteful things though (like putting in requests for her own meal at dinner if Rufus chose something she didn’t like) because they honestly don’t get into arguments or fights all that often and that would be what facilitates her doing something.  They have a pretty crucial agreement about openness and honesty, along with trying to resolve things before they devolve into fighting or taking out stress on the other.
One time of prolonged arguing though had Rufus overworking himself mostly out of spite, he ended up inevitably with a migraine, and Darya, after making sure he wasn’t hurting himself, left him to deal with it alone also out of spite. It ended with them both apologizing to the other and having an actual discussions about what caused the arguing in the first place.
Describe their weekend getaway?
Honestly, a getaway for them is probably staying close to home or going to County Samara just to enjoy some time away. They would enjoy things like going for longer horseback rides in the forests around Samara, perhaps stocking up arrows for a hunt while they’re out (Rufus is very much a fan), eating lunch in the gardens without having to worry about going back in for work later, and going out into the town to patronize restaurants or other businesses. For more extensive trips they love going to Derdriu to relax and have a bit more anonymity for any activities out in the city.
Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Glenn akdsnkk. Emyr’s Crest makes him less susceptible to alcohol (and recover from hangovers faster) so Glenn naturally is the lighter weight between the two. Emyr will always make sure his beau is taken care even before he takes care of himself if he was indulging too.
Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
I’m going to assume this is for some kind of event like a ball. Pics below is a balance of what I have in mind.
Who's more likely to fire up the stove at 2am because the other woke up in the middle of the night hungry?
Glenn: Oh Emyr would dress him up like you wouldn’t believe. The man has an eye for fashion and knows what works best for Glenn and what he really enjoys. It would honestly be very simple but utterly elegant. Drenched in Fraldarius greens and furs, light armor pieces due to that being popular in Faerghus for formal wear.
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Emyr: Glenn would revel in ensuring Emyr is drenched back to front in finery befitting of a prince. Gorgeous brocades and velvet, he thinks blue is Emyr’s best color for real, and of course fur because no Grand Duke of Itha can be seen without any. He wants to make absolute sure Emyr looks good and feels good and while he’s not the best fashion wise he knows what he likes to see Emyr wear and will put together an outfit based on gut instinct alone. He would also help Emyr decide how to incorporate elements of Srengi/Zemlja clothing and aesthetics into his formal wear because for Emyr it’s very important he can show that part of his heritage just as much as his role as Faerghal nobility. 
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Emyr actually because he’s likely to be still awake at that time. He knows how to cook a good simple meal with Glenn help for a few parts albeit. Sometimes Glenn will pick out recipe cards he had Fiachra write down for him, but other times they improvise with what they think sounds good. They enjoy late nights snacks like scrambled eggs and bacon sandwiches, left over rice with meat they can flavor an sear, just a meat and vegetable skewer, and other stuff like that.
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