yeahgen · 5 years
damekatana replied to your post: privately wonders how many extra beds the hospital...
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but maybe extra bandages will be more useful
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jijinoke-blog · 5 years
       ✿ ― @damekatana
time and time again, he finds himself at the bar in cotes, drinking sake that burns as runs down his throat. he glances at the company around him, some of whom are eyeing him in return. “like what you see?” he asks, flashing a grin in his drunken stupor. he leans on one hand, blue gold eyes staring into the nervous stranger’s eyes. he speaks softly,
          “fortunately for you, i am rather lonely. unfortunately for you, i don’t care.” 
with that, he stands from his seat, walks out of the bar into the beautiful night’s embrace. 
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he has no plans. he has no idea. he has no one. so, he wanders through the ward that brings tingling of familiarity. he wanders aimlessly. a lonely swordsman walking through the night without reason, without purpose. 
he bumps into another man, or a child. he stands a whole head taller than the person he bumped into, so perhaps it is a child? but why would a child wander around this late at night without any supervision. he blinks multiple times, he squints in an effort to see the person who he should apologize to. 
“my apologies, child,” he slurs and then bows, too deeply and elaborately. when he tries to straighten himself, he struggles, stumbling on what should be graceful feet. “i hadn’t seen you there,” he says. well, that’s a lie. he had saw him, but his drunken mind saw no need to avoid him. 
“ah...” he pauses, a feeling managing to pierce through his mind’s muddled thoughts. “you seem...” he struggles to find the right word. never in his life (with a human form, that is) has it been this difficult to find a word that can aptly describe the sense, the feeling he felt. finally, he grins when he manages to find the exact term to convey himself--
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sakyuu · 5 years
“You’re just a kid and you think you can take me?”
“You shouldn’t react that strongly to bumping into someone.”
The man just wanted a fight. A troublesome, untrained drunk with an itch to take out his anger on anyone just had to step in front of him tonight. The possible loss of his obscurity bothered Dune more than the man looming over him, so his desire for the scene to escalate was nil. He looked away, risk or not.
Little Tokyo’s cheerful lighting brightened the night between glowing signs and paper lanterns. He valued it as a place to overhear men like this, as opposed to being the target of their aggression. Rather than planning a run and earning more attention, he scanned the people, and his eyes fell on someone about his height with some type of blade sheathed at his side.
“I have to go meet with a friend now,” Dune addressed to the man. He pointed over at his target, currently clearly visible across the street. “You won’t make him wait, will you?” 
“I don’t care, you---” The man hesitated after looking that target over, likely spotting the same weapon Dune had. Someone was a real threat here.
“Have a good night.” Taking the uncertainty’s opening to walk away, he waved at the younger man ahead as if they’d known each other for a long time. 
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“Would you pretend we’re friends for a moment?” he said, up closer. He subtly tilted his head toward the drunk across the street that was still observing them out of earshot, then righted it again. “I don’t think he’ll come after you.”
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omgaoneko · 5 years
☆.。.:*  @damekatana
Spirale was a nightmare. Or maybe it was the map app on her phone. Or, just maybe, Rebecca had no sense of direction when it came to the city. 
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“Hey, excuse me,” she called, trotting up to him, “could you help me? I’m looking for this place, it’s meant to be around here somewhere.”
Retrieving and unfolding a flyer from her pocket, she held it up to him. It advertised Ikigai Flower & Bakery.
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attacherbullet · 5 years
starter - @damekatana 
She’d saw some Sangvis carries blades like that except that its futuristic to him but this was actually the first time HK416 saw a blade so ancient to her. There was no suspicion.
Seen people totting with blades, she’d ask if he was a merc or not.
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“For someone like you, i can feel that you’re good at assassination. Are you some kind of a mercenary?”
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eusyram · 5 years
Send me “Switcheroo!” and I’ll redesign your muse as if they were from my muse’s universe
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character notes:
unfortunately, he’s too young to be a love interest, but he’d be perfect as a little brother character in a high school romance world somewhere
to keep him from being annoying, the s.u.e.s collectively agree that he’d have to be elementary age or younger
he’s mostly there for fluff moments and sympathy points before they put him in the back burner for the main course, romance~
“i don’t know, i guess i’ve always wanted a younger brother.” - mary sue I81238219381T81
“i’m sure we have the power to age him up too, but he’s kinda cute when he’s small and squishy, don’t you think?” - mary sue 2323B3232Y23
“i wanna poke his cheeks.” - mary sue 454Y12313B
“the s.u.e. romance manual recommends either small children or fluffy animals as ideal bait to score the Nice Guy type male lead. it never fails!” - mary sue 6H123123B
“especially if you push them in front of a bus.” - mary sue 186N12319
“shhhh, that’s the plot twist talking, not us!” - mary sue 09K12330
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immolatusagnus · 5 years
@damekatana > @yeahgen
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“He’s onto us! Run!”
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sweetfanged--a-blog · 5 years
@damekatana liked for a starter
Xue Yang was angry. Pissed off, even. What had all of that been about? The concept lingering in his head of a calmer, happier life where he was so... timid! He was livid and when he was livid he acted out.
It only made sense, really.
The unfortunate delivery NPC he’d turned his attention on was less than happy that he had torn the case of food from the back of their bike; but they didn’t dare approach the young man. He waved the replica wooden sword at them casually with one hand, the other popping sweet and sour pork balls into his mouth. They were just barely sweet, how disgusting.
Almost as if throwing a tantrum he picks up the container of rice and pork and tosses it aside -- right at the arriving Fudou Yukimitsu. He doesn’t seem to notice - or if he notices, he doesn’t care - that another person has arrived, just his distaste in his stolen meal.
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“How gross. Don’t you have anything sweet in this bag of yours? Who makes something labeled sweet and uses such a weak sauce?”
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oneneetblackcat · 5 years
“How did you get up there?”
It’s funny cause he’s a cat | Accepting 
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“I don’t remember. I was really tired and wanted a high spot to sleep on.” Maybe it was the cat part of him that had him wanting to climb up to taller spaces before settling down for sleep. 
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fibermade-blog1 · 5 years
▤ = falling asleep on them .
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse —
▤ = falling asleep on them
Fudou’s drinking habit is no secret. He can play it off well sometimes (not that he’d pass a field sobriety test), but the smell of sake tends to give him away. Nevertheless, she hadn’t expected him to nod off on the train, of all places. His sorry state manages to evade her notice until he slumps against her shoulder.
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“... You’re drooling on me.” She gives him a gentle nudge, hoping to rouse him without incident. “Oi. Close your mouth.” This is embarrassing!
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kejidotori · 6 years
damekatana replied to your post: cough cough  i knew it. im sick  cough cough 
smears yagen cooties on your arm i mean what
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i never asked for this and now you mock me
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yeahgen · 5 years
damekatana replied to your post: nom nom nom
now now you’re the one who eats people in this relationship
you’re right
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feed me
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informationpurge · 5 years
5, 23, 27, 33, 38, 42
5. How do they move? Are they clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Mechanically. Robot jokes aside, Yesod’s movements are very controlled and precise. Aside from the occasional anxious adjustment of his gloves or collar, anyway.
23. How intelligent is this character? Are they book-smart or street-smart?
Fairly intelligent, but it’s pretty much all book-smarts. He enjoys (or... enjoyed, rather) nerd past-times like word games in canon, and I assume that applies to things like crosswords or sudoku as well.
He has the emotional intelligence of two ice cubes.
27. What are their areas of expertise? What, if anything, are they interested in learning more about?
This is headcanon, but given that Lobotomy Corporation was researching otherwordly beings and their Cogito serum appearing to have biological origins, I’d say that Yesod’s expertise in life was as some flavor of biologist or chemist.
He enjoys sorting data and improving efficiency.
28. Are they an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert and anti-friend.
33. Describe the character’s sense of humor. Do they appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Yesod’s sense of humor is really poor. But, everyone has at least a little one... he’d prefer black humor and word play. If you tell him a toilet humor joke he will probably stop speaking to you.
38. What is something they don’t want anyone to find out about them?
That he cares immensely about basically everything and it kills him inside whenever someone is hurt or killed. He’s not as effective at suppressing his emotions as he wants to think. He spends a lot of time beating himself up over everything ever.
42. Are there other, unrelated people whom they considers part of their family? What are their relationships with them?
Yesod would say he doesn’t have time for friends or family... but then he remembers the names of every employee who passes through his department, as long as he can. And, when it comes to the other Sephirot, he admires Malkuth, head of the Control Team, the most.
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reigyo-blog · 6 years
@damekatana liked for a short starter!
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“Rather than consuming such drink, why don’t you try this drink they call ‘boba tea’? It’s much more delicious.”
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foxfiresfancy-blog · 5 years
A half asleep text
To: Purple boy
[txt] hey
[txt] ur hair’s purple right
[txt] does that make it grape flavored?
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isolaradiale · 5 years
Hello! I'd like to reserve Saber (Benienma) from Fate/Grand Order. You can contact me @kagemoguri on twitter, thank you
– mod altair.
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