just-me-writting · 5 years
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(Posted it on discord but I spent the whole day on it so I post it here too!)
Here is some Needle stuff.
Protass belongs to @quest-vessel
Mini belongs to void 
Trident belongs to @the-fool-of-fortune
Marquis and Lys belongs to @ivoirecrasfali
Nix, Nox, and Nox belongs to @dajermce
Hoodlum belongs to ♧rare-radi♡hoodlum♧
Johnny belongs to JC.
Blossom, Rose and the Au belong to @sothequeensays
The rest belong to me.
Hope you enjoy.
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lilith-lavenda · 5 years
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So I posted this on Discord but I will post it here again. 
Here we have Needle being a cult leader and Fior being too stupid to realize that they are in a cult.
This Idea was given to me by @dajermce (Thanks Buddy!)
This AU belongs to @sothequeensays
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sothequeensays · 5 years
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<< Previous // Journey Page 5 // Next >>
Blossom gets a mission from her mother while the rest of the Vessels begin to grow restless.
@canyounotx52 @firaknight @silkvessel @dajermce @kaleidonoping
You might have to hunt around a lil’ bit, but they’re all there ;)
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ivoirewylld · 5 years
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If the story of the comic was real, everyone will agreed to say “Yep, it happen like that”.
A big gift to @sothequeensays and everyone who is participating to this AU so far.
For the last picture : I try my best to put a least one Calico vessel from everyone, but my paper was to small, so, instead, I choose to put one calico vessel from everyone after my big “I draw every one” moment. But in my heart, each Calico is in the group hug.
Featuring :
Blot, the first one, from @upsetfawn
Marquis, by me (Which wasn’t really the “second one”, to be honest.
Atlas, from @minekaart
Split, from @silkvessel
Nix, from @dajermce
Herb, from @headphoneslynx
Corona, from @violet-shadows64
Silk, from @lilith-lavenda
Atilla, from @askvesselstitch
Sholi, from @glitchfriskt
Lilea, from @firaknight ’s sister
Charu, from @my-cannibal-blackberries
Ring, from @cocoart-jelly
Dip, from @kaleidonoping
“Orca” (they don’t have a name, so sorry >-zugadonblacephalon
Calico, from @crystalpeaks
Love and peace to every one, and I’m ready to die freely now.
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ask-creeptale-au · 7 years
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@dajermce Ask Flowey
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itsjustforce · 7 years
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Finished this last night, featuring all but a few of the MIB members I’m sorry to the MIB peeps who aren’t featured , I didn’t have enough open space where I could show your OC’s fully, or their full face in general. FeelsBadMan.
But first, here’s some general info and also a warning!
Don’t steal my art, and if you do you’re gonna have a big problem on your hands. Good luck trying to get the watermark off if you do steal.
Who or what is MIB?:
MIB is basically a group of people who met on DeviantArt by a similar interest, and we’ve all been super close. Some were there from the beginning, some joined later. We are a group of creators, let it be art or writing, who still hang out, talk, show art, etc.
But yeah, this features most of MIB and our sexualities. Asexual, panromantic, gay, bisexual, aromantic asexual, questioning, and straight ally.
And so, here’s the Tumblr usernames of the people who both are and are not in the drawing because I had no room.
Cookie: @pixieduststudios
Sweet: @xsweetpeepsx
Pencil: @starlightbornsister
Kat: @abstract-kat
Ferret: @juno–pears
Ender: @enderzfox
Book: @thegamingbookworm
Rosie: @rosie-the-writerpotato
Willow: @willowwispflame
Zero: @zero-endierien
Mil: @miladycanteven
Dajer: @dajermce
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just-me-writting · 5 years
A Prince and A Needle meet an Adventurous Trio
Aaaaand here is Chapter 5. I also published this story on AO3 in its entirety. Hope you like this
Marquis belongs to @ivoirecrasfali
Nix, Nox, and Nok belong to @dajermce
This AU belongs to @sothequeensays
Needle flinched at the loud voice. It reminded them of memories they would rather keep deep in a forgotten corner of their memory lies.
Wait, did this person mention their name?
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Needles voice was laced with suspicion. "Ah c'mon, don't say you don't remember us!" Slowly they took of, what seemed to be, disguises. They were siblings. The black and white marks gave it away. Just who where they again? "Who are you again?"
"Those are Nix, Nox, and Nok." Marquis answered for them. Still, Needle did not remember such names. "Doesn't ring a bell. But I guess people don't really talk to me so I don't know many names."
The look on the trio changed from happy to confused and offended real fast. "Seriously? We talk to you every day!" Said the middle one, which Needle assumed to be Nox.
Was...was that true? They couldn't remember them. Were they so far inside their head that they never realized that people actually talked to them? Oh no...ohhhh noooo! What an awful sibling are they to ignore them!
"Oh...uhm sorry. I just don't remember you...anyway, I and Marquis are going to need the train now." As they were saying that the squeezed past the trio with Marquis close behind.
"Where are you going? Maybe we could help! We know our way around Hallownest!" Said Nox again excited.
"Oh? Do you now?" Marquis asked skeptically while Nox nodded vigorously. "Yeah! We have a map full of tunnels leading to everywhere!"
Fuck...they had tunnels! Needle could have avoided all of that turmoil in their escape if they just for once noticed their surroundings! Dear beloved Mother, how are they supposed to handle the outcome of that!
This also seemed to get Marquis attention. "You have that?" Once again Nox nodded. "Well, I guess you can come along, for...additional help." Prideful as always.
"So...where are you going? I mean this tram leads towards the ancient basin and kingdoms edge and well I hope you guys aren't hoping to test yourself in the Collosium of Fools." There was such a thing? "It might seem easy but it's really dangerous and you might die." And Needle decided to never visit that place.
"Anyway! So where are you going?" The rambling of their other sibling was cut short by Nox question. "The Abyss." Needle said continuing their search for a way to make this fucking thing move.
"And why is that?" Whispered another of their siblings. Needle assumed that was Nix.
"Needle lost something down there." Marquis answered for them. Which brought them quiet the relief, knowing full well that they are a bad liar.
"And what exactly?" Nix was skeptical and that made Needle extremely nervous. "Oh well...you know...a thing that I dropped while we, you know left...when mother came and all that shit..."
They looked unimpressed. And Needle looked extremely nervous, which was not hidden by their frantic search...
There was a whisper once again.
"You just want to visit the Abyss don't you?" Needle didn't say anything to that. They were not about to incriminate themselves further.
"If you wanted to go down there we are ready to help!"
"Exactly! We are always ready for another excursion down there. It is an interesting place! So many secrets and mysteries down there..." Needle sighed, having giving up on finding a way to make this thing work. "That's great and all but how do I get this thing to work?"
Nix was the one to help them out there by marching towards one end of the Tram and pushing a button. Slowly the doors closed and the Tram moved towards the direction of the Ancient Basin.
Needle to a place on one of the seats and rested their eyes. They were exhausted! They really hoped that the way to the Abyss would not involve much climbing.
But then again...it could distract Needle from the voices of the shadows. Sometimes they forgot how loud they actually were back in the garden but now on the way to the Abyss they were already undeniably loud. They were once again cursing them.
Needle did not know why they cursed them. They always did that. Since the day they hatched the Shadows just started screaming curses at them. It made Needle resent them. The Shadows made their life mental torture, hoping for one day...maybe one day they could be happy.
And maybe that...creature might be the key to all that. Maybe. But that is yet to come. For now, they will rest their eyes until they arrive at their destination.
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just-me-writting · 5 years
A Needle is a Prophet even if they don’t wish to be.
I guess we are diving into Needle psyche a bit today. Our starring role will explain their hate towards another vessel (which did nothing wrong). 
Marquis and Nix will have his starring role in the next chapter! I promise! However, for this chapter, we meet one of Needles dead siblings. 
I hope you guys liked it!
Nix, Nox, and Nok belong to @dajermce
Marquis belongs to @ivoirecrasfali
Silk belongs to @silkvessel
This AU, in general, belongs to @sothequeensays
The trip with the Tram was far shorter than Needle expected it to be. Maybe it was the fact that they spent most of the ride in their own head...ignoring everything around them. They should really stop that.
"So, from here it's only down and right...and down again. Like really down. The  Abyss really far down."
"Yes, we understand that, Nox. Just show us the way." Marquis sighed annoyed and Needle swore they could hear some endearment in that sigh as well.
"Alright, this way!" Nox started to lead the way and everybody followed. It felt weird to Needle. Suddenly it hit them. How would they distract their siblings? They hadn't thought that far! For Mother's sake, they didn't think they would get that far! Well Okay, that's a blatant lie. They, however, did not expect more than just one sibling to lead them to the Abyss.
They probably should think about a plan but the Shadows weren't screaming so fucking loud. Why were they always so loud!
"Are you okay, Needle?" A whispering voice rang through all the screaming Shadows. It made Needle almost jump out of their own shell as their head turned rapidly towards the source of the voice as they are met with Noks void filled eyes staring back at Needle with concern. "You were holding your head like it was hurting. So I just thought...well that you were hurting, you know...."
As Nok was rambling Needle tried their best to comprehend what was going on. It took them a few seconds to realize what the concern was. It also took them a few more seconds to realize that they have stopped walking and that the group was staring at them.
"Ah...yeah, I...I just don't like loud noises..."  their voice was weak but loud enough for everyone to hear. There was a moment of silence from the group before Marquis decided to speak up. "There are no loud noises."
Needle just let out an awkward chuckle before looking down once again. "Yeah...can we just move forward? Just ignore this please..."
Another moment of silence before they started to move again. It brought Needle a feeling of delight when they didn't ask.
The whole way to the Abyss they did not speak other than a few questions from Marquis. To Needles annoyance, they did have to climb a bit but they soon arrived at the entrance of the Abyss, which from above has not changed much. Well...as much Needle could see it was still a dark, loud hell that they actually didn't wish to return to.
At least the way down was still the same as their...dream? Still, Needle decided to follow the lead of the trio. Maybe they could fall behind and wander off. That's at least what they planned to do with Marquis. Who once they arrived to the bottom actually did wander off, with only Nox following behind...well now was just to get rid of the other two...man they did sound like an absolute bastard talking like that about their siblings They ignored the majority of their stay in the garden and didn't even bother to remember but what has to be done will be done.
Looking around for a way to lose the two Needle found this place to be rather...skullless. Not that they didn't appreciate that they weren't exactly fond of the idea of walking in their dead sibling's corpses. However, the graves were still very unnerving. Where did they come from?
"We made them." A whisper said as it made Needle realize that they had asked that question out loud. "We come here occasionally to explore and help out the Shades" Shadows  "if they need it."
This took Needle by surprise. They knew of other vessels that could hear these Shadows but they actually haven't actually talked to them at all...well they tried once. With one vessel in particular but it didn't end well. Not that the other would know. Needle actually did talk to them, they tried, but...the moment they saw them surrounded by these Shadows...Shadows that didn't scream, that didn't curse, that didn't...reject them...it made Needle feel these feelings. Feelings that boiled inside of them for as long as they could remember. Rage and envy. Envy at the fact that this vessel had been accepted by the things that rejected them for no reason. As for rage, it was simply the fact this could have been them. The vessel may not have looked happy with its role but in farsight, their fate would have been much tamer than that of Needles (They did not wish to remember their fate), which made them angry to no end. The vessel who carried the name of Silk, a name they both shared at that point in their very young lives and which Needle decided to change afterward, made Needle realize something. Something they did not wish to think about. Not then, not now and not in the near future.
"So, did the Shadows-"
"Shades" Nix interrupted Needle to correct them. "Whatever. Did the Shades ask you to bury their bodies?" The mocking tone in their voice made Nix clearly unhappy but before she could say anything Nok interrupted her. "Some did, others we just buried because they are, you know our siblings." He turned to a grave and so did Nix, seemingly having suddenly forgotten about Needles little sass just a minute ago. As Nok continued to ramble about the graves and for once Needle was actually listening, there was a sudden whisper. "Listen, Prophet. Be quiet and don't say a word." The whisper made Needle realize how quiet it was. When did the Shadows stop screaming? Ans this voice was clearly not Nix. No, Nix would not address them in such a way. Dear beloved Mother, nobody had addressed them as Prophet for almost as long as they have been outside of the Abyss. This was clearly a Shadow.
Anger. They could feel it, all the hate that they harbored for so long. It almost wanted to turn and find the voice only to scream at them. They did not care if their voice did not allow, they would break it if it was necessary.
But yet...they did not do such a thing. They stayed quiet. Like the Shadow has requested. "Prophet, I am the Guide. This is my title as I have no name, so you will address me as such. I am here to guide you to your prophecy. Today the Void called, our Lord called and you came. So please move slowly and follow my voice."
As soon as the words were spoken the Prophet did as such. Needle hated themselves for following orders from the Guide. They were a Shadow, they were below them and yet from the deepest hole in their own mind, the place of memories denied for so long, they knew they could not resist the words of their very own Sibling. Their clutch mate. They did not wish to acknowledge it. They wish to deny it. But they could not in the end. The memories always flooded back.
As soon as Needle was sure that they were far enough away from their siblings they turned around and found themselves face to face with a Shadow. One that looked so similar to the vessel in their dream (or was it a calling?) that they were certain that it was the same being. Still, the urge to scream arose again and still, Needle did not.
"Very well Prophet. You have heard your calling. The Lord and the Void have called you and as I see you met the Maskmaker." The Shadow said as it turned back around to look into the deep darkness of the Abyss and started floating in a certain direction. Needle followed. Not like they had much of a choice now. They already came here and the Guide would bring them to their destination.
"You know I have a name."
"Names are mere titles with no fate attached. I will not address you with a fateless title if have a fate laid out in front of you. You have a title." Needle sometimes wished they didn't. It felt like a wave of memories were suddenly flowing over them. Drowning them in their own despair. The knowledge of their very own life, from beginning to the end was laid in front of them. The path that only brought pain into their life. They had once tried to wander off this path but it only leads to them being hurt. It made them realize how much, outside of their purpose, they were replaceable. They were so often overlooked and ignored. Maybe it was because of their hight or maybe it was because of their knowledge people tended to either not see them or just ignore them. So the decision to find somebody alike. Somebody like Silk. They had hoped they would find closure, that they weren't alone in all this. Yes, They had Mio and Fior but they just took them in out of pity. Needle was sure of that. But Silk was somebody like them and then they saw the Shadows, the Shades, their dead siblings. They were so gentle with them. Whispering. It hurt. It hurt to see that even in their own prophecy...they were replaceable. And suddenly everything broke. They did not wish to speak, they did not wish to even acknowledge such emotions. They rejected them like their very own clutch mates did once Needle hatched. They denied them and buried those feelings face inside whole inside their very own mind. And now. Now they shall behold their very own fate. They could not escape their prophecy. They knew from the beginning, that happiness on this path would not be reachable and yet they had hope that maybe...maybe for once they would not be replaced. Maybe that's why they came. To reassure that nobody else did. To make sure that they were the one that the Lord has called.
Torn out of their thoughts by the sudden halt of the Guide. In front of them was the lake of void. It's shores radiated with power. "Do you know how to call upon the Lord of Shades?" Needle shook their head. They did not know that...even with their knowledge of the life that they would live, they did not know how to call upon their Lord that they would serve. It was fucking pathetic...
"I thought so. Then I shall teach you. Close your mind to anything else other than the Void. Not the voice of the siblings nor on your emotions." That was easier said than done but Needle still tried. It felt like they were returning in their own head but instead of their own voice, they could hear whispers. The prophet could not understand them. "This is the shore. Push past it and you will call upon the Lord, trapped inside its very own." The voice of the Guide was clear as day like their title suggested they were guiding them through the steps of summoning.
Needle, After countless tries finally pushed past the shores and suddenly they mind felt like they were falling. "Put on the mask. You shall not face our Lord with your eyes. Only through the mask, you shall speak to them. At least for now." Needle nodded and even to their mind was falling, they turned their mask to cover their face.
Shortly after that, a voice rang through them and their mind no longer was falling. "Finally..."
Slowly the shore rippled. Multiple gigantic arms rose from below, pushing up an even more gigantic body. Those eyes. Those eight eyes. This was the creature that has called upon them. This was their Lord.
The being lowered its head to stare at Needle. Its white eyes were glowing yet Needle could not read their Lords emotions. Did it even have any?
"You came, my prophet. I believe you know why came. It is finally time. Time to pressure our goal." Its booming voice shook Needles body to their void core. "Find beings willing to worship the Void. Find beings willing to sacrifice their life for the freedom of the void. It will be a long task but we shall be patient."
Slowly their Lord halted one of its hands in front of Needle. One of its fingers stretched forward. On its finger laid something. It was black as the Void itself and carved with the pictures of two Shado- Shades! Shades. They were Shades and the thing was a charm.
Slowly Needle took it from the Lords' finger and immediately found themselves filled with confidence. They felt like they could talk to anybody. It felt...new. They never felt like this before and it felt nice. Needle quickly equipped the charm upon them.
"This charm shall help you on your task. It will persuade the strong-willed and manipulate the weaker." The Lord of Shades drew back its hand. "I hope that I have not been mistaken in my faith in you." After these words, they once again returned to the void. Weakened by its presence outside of it.
Needle mind was slowly being filled by it's surrounding again. Still, the words of their Lord still rang in their head. It determined them. They will not be overlooked. They will most definitely not be replaced.
Suddenly, there was screaming. The Shado-Shades. They were screaming. Why were they screaming? They clearly weren't screaming at them. It was a mess of words screeched by those that were long dead, whoever there was one sentence that Needle seemed to understand perfectly.
"He is coming!" A warning. Needle looked alarmed at the Guide who did not look any less worried as they were. "Who is coming?" Needle decided to ask. Slowly her met theirs and she whispered but sounded more like a terrified gasp.
"The Wyrm."
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sothequeensays · 5 years
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Extremely funny conversation I had just now with @dajermce
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just-me-writting · 5 years
A Princes and A Needles travels through the darkness.
(CHAPTER 4 is here. With the help of @ivoirecrasfali, @dajermce, and @marblehornetarts
Marquis belongs to @ivoirecrasfali
Aann belongs to @marblehornetarts
Hope you enjoy)
Marquis didn't lie when he said it was quite a fall. It took them at least a minute to land on something and even then it was not even the bottom. It was merely a cliff to the side of the wall. A dark cave entrance was protruding out of the wall.
Needle felt uneasy about this cave and he could tell that Marquis did as well. "Should we inside?" Needle asked their brother. Even with the uneasiness inside of them, they could feel the urge to enter.
"No." His voice was firm, almost a command. But this did not detour Needles desire to enter one bit. Maybe they could convince him.
"But I really want to go in! Pleeeeease? Just this once!" Dear Mother, did they hate begging but Marquis is not a bug convinced by reason but by emotions. He is a big brother after all.
Marquis let out a sigh. It was clear that Needle appealed to their emotions. "Fine! You may go in but I will not! I will stand guard in front of this entrance!" Even better. Maybe Needle should try begging more...
"Yay! Thanks, Marquis you're the best!" As soon as these words left them they rushed into the cave.
The cave was dark. The only way to know which way you were heading was by letting the wall guide you. However, once Needle was far into the cave they found themselves a light at the end of the tunnel. It was not bright but it was something. So once their eyes fell onto the light their stubs started to move faster. And soon they stood in front of a bug. The bug was big and seemingly hunched over. Their long black arms were moving furiously as they were painting what seemed to be masked.
"Hello, child." The bug started to speak, not stopping their furious movement. "I have been awaiting you."
"You have?" Needle hadn't thought that somebody else other then the Shades and the creature in the black sea would wait for them.
"Indeed I have. The void has been calling for you for some time now. I am surprised it has taken you so long to respond." Could this bug hear them, too? "But since you are here..." The movement stopped for just a second. Slowly the bug reached for one of the masks hanging from the wall and carefully handed it to Needle. As soon as Needle took the mask off of the bugs hands, the hands went bag to their rapid movement.
The vessel looked down at the Mask. It was quite beautiful...it was white with eight black holes drilled into it. The holes the resembled the creature's eyes almost exact. It also had a piece of string attached on each side.  Needle liked the Mask, trying it on immediately. It fit! "Thank you! I like it!"
"Of course you do. Now go, the void awaits you." And Needle did go but not before taking the string and putting them just under their head, carrying their mask on their back.
As soon as they left the cave there were met with the stare of their Brother.
"That was fast." A simple statement that Needle could not disagree with. "Not much to explore."
"And what is that?" Marquis pointed at their mask. "A mask. Got it from the bug inside the cave." Needle answered. "Guess they were lonely and I came to visit so they gave me a mask." They could tell their brother did not believe a word they told them but he didn't push.
Needle was thankful for that.
They soon continued their fall into Deepnest. And once again Marquis was right. As long as they landed on their feet nothing would happen. "So which direction now?"
"East." But where was east? It was really dark. So dark in fact that they didn't know where up or down was. That was until Marquis sprung a little fire. "This way!" He pointed.
They followed as Marquis walked in front of them. Needle wouldn't have minded the darkness that surrounded it little light they had if it weren't for the noise. It was quite unnerving to hear the tapping stubs against the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. So they decided to quietly retreat back into their head. The voices have become a bit louder, reminding them that they weren't exactly whispering in the first place.
Needle has never known what they had done to anger the shadows but quiets a few of them were very much upset since they were born. Screaming at Needle made the Vessel despise them from the beginning of their life. Probably that's why they ignored the call of the creature for so long.
But why did they answer it now? What changed? Was it because they felt the need to? Was it because the creature was desperate? Or was it because they have become desperate? The voices never stopped even after they have left their birthplace. They may have turned to whispers but it was still unpleasant and unnerving.
Were they really going the right path? They didn't mean to complain but...okay they did want to complain! Did they really have to climb that? It was so annoying! They weren't exactly good climbers!
"Are you sure this is the right way?"
Marquis nodded. "The map says it is."
"Are you sure you are reading it right?" Needle could see that this aggravated their brother quite a bit. "I mean are you sure you are not holding it upside down or something?" The step into the next room which to their surprise was quite well lit.
"Well if you do not trust me. Why don't you just ask! We just arrived at the hot spring and there is somebody sitting right there!" They pointed a creature seemingly sitting in the pond of hot water. " Also, I need a little rest. Believe it or not, blinding the guards and lighting a fire is very draining!"
Needle let out an annoyed sigh but did make their way over to the bug sitting in the water, while Marquis made themselves comfortable in the hot spring.
"Um excuse me?" They asked politely trying to get the bugs attention. "Could you help me please?"
The bugs empty eyes similar to theirs fell on them. If Needle had never seen them in the garden before they would have assumed that they were one of their siblings. "Y-yes. If I c-can."
"Would you know how to you would get to the tram?" They pointed at Marquis. "I and my brother have to go somewhere but I am not really sure if he leading us the right way."
"I-I know w-where the Tram is. It's that d-direction." The Bug pointed at the east exit of the hot spring with their tail.
That surprised Needle. They did not expect this stranger to be fully made off of Tail and Head. But they stayed silent about that fact and turned their head to Marquis and before they could say a word Marquis beat them to it. It was like they could read their mind as they said:
"Not now. I do not feel well enough rested." And Needle huffed but once again did say anything about this. So they decided to sit down next to the stranger, their stubs involved in the hot water. They had to admit it was quite pleasant.
But also awkward. Should they say something? Maybe they should ask the Strangers name?
"So, uhm what's your name, if you don't mind me asking?" The Bug like creature looked at Needle and gave a short mumble. "Aann." That's probably their name. "I am Needle. Nice to meet you." The Bug nodded and again silence fell among them.
Dear mother did Needle hate small talk. "So, what'cha doing here, Aann?" Great they made it creepy.
"I-I am waiting for my mother." Well, at least they were nice enough about it.  "What's your mother's name?" Wow, Needle. You are asking all the right questions...to make sure that people are avoiding you. Well, at least they aren't threatening Aann.
"It's M-moriahna..."
"It's a nice name?" After this conversation, their mother would never have to warn them of any kind of interactions with strangers because Needle was sure they are going to avoid them at all cost.
"Is she nice?"
"Yes." And they are back to silence. Despairing, Needle looked at their brother in hopes of him deciding to continue their journey. And were they happy to see Marquis standing up from the water and walking over to them? Needle sprang up and almost leaped out of the cave but not before saying bye to Aann, who just slowly waved their tail at them.
"So I was right about the direction."
"Shut the fuck up." Needles pride was already hitting rock bottom they aren't going to let prick of a brother ruin that even more, than they already had.
So once again they were walking in silence.
At least this silence wasn't awkward...it did take them a bit more time to get to the Tram. Mostly because there was more climbing involved.
Once there, Marquis tried to figure out how to use a ticket and Needle took the time to breathe. Climbing was exhausting...and with only their luck Marquis didn't have to try long as the Tram arrived pretty fast.
Quickly both of them hurried the door to enter only to find three different bugs standing in front of them. They may or may not look familiar.
Needle did not have much time to think before one of them waved.
"Oh! Hey Marquis! Hey Needle!"
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