#daemon supremacy
blush31 · 2 years
He is Daemon mf Targaryen 😤
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rottentiger-art · 2 years
I just love the detail that he cuts just above the tongue, he left it intact, you can see it when Vaemond falls to the floor
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drakaripykiros130ac · 1 month
I swear…if they even dare to have Daemon physically abuse Rhaenyra on or off screen (something that NEVER happened in canon), I will officially be 100% done with this shitshow.
The choking scene was bad enough (as confirmed by the actors themselves). There had better be a good explanation for that bandaged hand and the bruise on her cheek in that promo.
Daemon Targaryen was many things. But he was NEVER physically abusive towards any of his wives (not even Rhea Royce, the wife he despised).
The only ones to suffer Daemon’s wrath are his family’s enemies.
For what possible reason would Daemon inflict harm on the love of his life?
It’s pathetic how Condal tries the most despicable things to get the GA to root for his greenies, and it still doesn’t work. What is this guy’s problem?
And I can’t believe GRRM lets him butcher his absolute fave like this. Shame on him.
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whateveryeah · 3 months
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uchiha-no-hime · 8 months
Let's admire the moment of teenage girl emotion that Daemon had when he noticed Rhaenyra looking at him
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Kicking his feet, giggling, twirling his hair
Daemon is his teenage dream era 🤣
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jonquilspool · 6 months
daemon and aegon ii have very similar attitudes and beliefs the only difference in outcome is aegon was primarily raised by an overbearing mother trapped in the feudal dystopia that is being female in westeros while daemon was primarily raised by a distant father trapped in the feudal incestual dystopia that was the targaryens under jaehaerys. in this i will--
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oh i see the hotd fandom has quickly reached the levels of racism in the asoiaf fandom concerning non-white/non-valyrian characters; how majority fandom ships a problematic white couple at the expense of the poc around them and how it’s detrimental to the narrative. ah yes, i am familiar with your game…unfortunately
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No one's talking about how Craghas Drahar keeps looking at the sky because Caraxes might be with Daemon. Caraxes' huge ass will easily blow their strategy so they used Laenor's Seasmoke instead. What an absolute introduction of a new dragon
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thevhagarwriter · 2 months
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Oh hell no 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
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akinatrix · 2 years
Let's be real alot of us have our tumblr history looking like this since House of the Dragon came out
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
Green stans: “Rhaenyra’s healthiest relationship was with Harwin. Daemon groomed her.”
You have no idea how tired I am to hear this.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as a healthy relationship in the ASOIAF world if you keep your 21st century mentality.
In a world where incest and child brides are normal (not only for Targaryens, but for all the other Houses in Westeros as well - yes, in our world, cousin marriages are incestuous, and so are those between uncles and nieces, but hey, by medieval standards, especially in a FANTASY series, it’s not), there is no such thing as “grooming”. Those who try to play the “morality police” are highly amusing sometimes.
But, let’s go with that. Let’s discuss Rhaenyra’s “healthy” relationships in contrast to Daemon’s “grooming”.
In order for “grooming” to actually take place, Daemon needed to be a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s young life. Which he clearly wasn’t. Wanna know who was?
These guys:
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Yep, that’s right.
Crispin - has been her sworn shield since she was 14 (and he was drooling and obsessing about her since the first moment he saw her). A constant presence in her life for many years. And he didn’t waste the opportunity to get close to her through this job. He eventually took advantage of Rhaenyra when she was drunk and upset, and slept with her to satisfy his sexual desires.
Harwin - People tend to call his relationship with Rhaenyra the healthiest simply because he is a “good guy” compared to Daemon. That’s the reason. He was a good guy. Loyal and sweet (dumb as wood however). But that doesn’t change the fact that in the show, as well as in the book, Harwin had been a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s life from a very young age (especially in the book). This whole thing led to him starting an extramarital affair with Rhaenyra and giving her children. You call this “healthy”?
Now, let’s move on to Daemon. Daemon has been in and out of King’s Landing for years and years. Rhaenyra rarely saw him because he was mostly off on his great adventures. And whenever he returned, he always brought back incredible gifts for her, gifts she treasured and always got her thinking about him (somehow, certain people got it into their minds that a hot uncle giving gifts to his niece equals ‘grooming’. Maybe he should have ignored her and/or treated her like shit instead. Would have been “better” or “healthier”). Since they are Targaryens, Rhaenyra naturally developed a crush on Daemon from a young age. And why wouldn’t she? Daemon was young, handsome, a dragonrider, wielder of Dark Sister, a warrior, blood of the dragon and he was always gentle with her.
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People perceive Daemon giving Rhaenyra gifts on the few times he returned to King’s Landing, as “grooming” simply because they are uncle and niece. But unlike Crispin and Harwin, Daemon wasn’t a constant presence in Rhaenyra’s life. Nobody said that Daemon is moral (he became attracted to Rhaenyra and demanded young virgins who looked like her in brothels), but you cannot say that Rhaenyra’s relationships with Crispin or Harwin are healthier than the one she has with Daemon.
Daemon and Rhaenyra may be uncle and niece (which I repeat, is NOT incest by medieval standards), but they have gaps of many years between them (time in which they had not seen each other). Months, 3 years, 10 years etc. The brothel incident itself happened after years of them not seeing each other. They were still obviously attracted to each other, even more so as Rhaenyra had grown - and they “consummated” their attraction by kissing in that brothel Daemon took her to. And when they finally got together, they were both adults, having had previous relationships, they still wanted each other and went for it. Daemon is supportive, he genuinely loves her in his Daemon way, he is her true shield, her protector, her pillar of strength and he gave her legitimate Targaryen children, which strengthened her claim to the Iron Throne. Yes, you heard me. Legitimate. Just as their marriage is also legitimate. To the world, Laenor is dead. No one has seen or heard from him in over 7 years (the time apart itself represents grounds for separation). Perception is what matters.
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That’s all I’m gonna say.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉
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uchiha-no-hime · 8 months
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He never looked at anyone as adoringly as he did Rhaenyra.
And some random haters have the audacity to tell that he never loved her.
When the only person/woman he truly loved and gave everything for was always Rhaenyra.
She was always his only one
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cateyesinlove · 1 year
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Restricted touches
“Elain, you are about to pass out from exhaustion,” Anwar spoke from the perch Elain usually had around the kitchen for him. “Just take a break.”
“I can’t,” was her only answer as she continued to mix the batter of the new recipe she had come up with. 
“You can't take a break or pass out?” Arwan rebutted, exasperated. “Because you can definitely pass out, I can feel how tired you are, you know.” 
As the months passed and the day of Nesta’s and Cassian’s mating ceremony approached, Elain felt more stressed. She loved how much trust her sister had in her, to believe that Elain could be in charge of the decorations like the ballroom, the flower arrangements, the table’s center, and the cake. However, she should have known it would be too much work for one person.
So that led them to today. Elain had started baking 5 different types of cake since before the sun had gone up, Cassian and Nesta were coming during dinner for cake testing. The thing about Elain that Anwar disliked was how much pressure she would put on her shoulders and how she thought she deserved no help.
“I’m only going to tell you that if you pass out and Feyre finds you on her floor, I will tell her everything,” Anwar said angrily.
“And what exactly is everything,” She asked, rolling her eyes at how dramatic her dæmon could be while serving the batter in a tray to put in the oven.
“That you aren’t sleeping because you dread seeing the shadow singer the next day and how you are going to bed incredibly late to not have to think about it and how you are basically slowly killing yourself” Anwar answered exasperatedly, flapping his wings.
“Anwar!” Elain exclaimed, offended, turning to look at him after putting the cake in the oven. 
“You can’t even tell me it’s not true!” he rebutted glaring at her.
Elain sighed and dropped herself on a chair. 
Anwar expecting a comeback waited on his perch but when Elain rested her head on the chair and hid her face with her hands staying quiet, he was at her side in an instant, he landed on her shoulder and started rubbing his head against the side of hers trying to console her and give her some comfort. 
“I’m sorry Elain,” he murmured in her ear, “I’m just worried about you.”
Elain let a small sob get out and Anwar could feel the tears running down her face and had returned to trying to comfort her, neither aware that someone was watching. 
Azriel stayed behind the wall, his shadows going everywhere and not knowing what to do to console Elain besides repeating over and over to Azriel how heartbroken she was, and why.
She was in the same or worse scenario as Azriel, neither being able to sleep nor being able to stop thinking about the other. Azriel had started to not get more than a couple of hours of sleep, it was starting to affect his senses and making him sloppier when on missions. They were both slowly wasting away since that night. 
“ Oh poor Petal,” murmured Senka from his shoulder as she tried to catch a peak of Elain. “ you need to go in there and console her!” She exclaimed, flapping her wings and taking off from his shoulder. “ That's how we will make it right!”
Azriel caught her before she could make a line for the kitchen, “ no.” He said firmly with his most intimidating voice.
Senka rolled her eyes and swat at him with her wing. “ do not use that voice with me.” She warned and wiggled herself out of his grasp. “ You are both clearly miserable, why not go and fix things?”
Azriel sighed and ran his hand through his hair, “ Rhysand” He answered with an obvious tone. 
“ well fuck Rhys!” She exalted loudly. 
“ Senka!” Azriel reprimanded her. 
“It’s not fair that he gets to be with Feyre no matter what and suddenly you don’t get to have a choice about your own relationship!” Senka exclaimed, annoyed. “ if Aster knew about this, he himself would be kicking Rhysand for this” 
Azriel’s shadow hand informed him that Elain had begun standing up but was looking pale not being able to stand properly. He and Senka had moved to the edge of the wall to peek at the door and when Azriel saw Elain go down, he lunged himself catching her. 
He landed on the floor back first with her on top of him. He had a good grip of her and held onto her neck.
“Elain!” Anwar screamed, flapping above them anxious and worried. “ Elain, Are you okay?”
“ I’m fine,” she mumbled tiredly.
“What happened?” Azriel asked as he re-adjusted Elain closer to his chest and reached a sitting position with her on his lap. 
Anwar looked both ways before getting closer to him making sure not to touch him. “ She-,” he started not sounding sure if to confide in him.
While Elain and Azriel had always had a gentle and blossoming friendship, Anwar was unsure what to make of the shadowsinger. His first days in the world were foggy and confusing but he could remember bits and pieces, most of his clear memories involved the shadowsinger. 
“ Please Anwar” Azriel pleaded as he hold the owls gaze, “ I need to know if we need to get Magda” 
Anwar shook his head, “ she hasn’t slept well in days.” Was the only thing he said before landing on Elain’s lap and curling against her. “ not since the solstice incident.” 
“Oh, poor girl.” Senka lamented landing on Azriel’s shoulder
“I’m fine,” Elain murmured with her eyes closed, and snuggling closer to Azriel, she put her arms around Azriel’s neck.
Azriel’s cheeks turned red and neither Anwar nor Senka could hide her laughter.
Elain for the first time since being washed out of the cauldron, felt safe. She opened her eyes and could see Azrael's siphon and his armor, she could feel something soft next to Azriel’s hair.
Elain gave the bat a small smile and reached for her. Anwar and Azriel stayed quiet as Elain reached for Senka, no one stopping her and when her fingers finally reached her, Azriel closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation and the love of that single touch.
Touching someone dæmons was forbidden in Pyrinthian. Your dæmon was an extension of your soul, touching someone's soul could feel like the worst violation ever, and even amongst mates it was frowned upon but having Elain reach out to his soul and touch it with such care and gentleness, reminded him why he loved her so much. 
Anwar had climbed on his other shoulder next to Elain’s head and had started rubbing his peak gently on his cheek. 
And that’s how Feyre found them. 
On the floor, cuddle up and in their own bubble.
And that’s how she left them and walked away with Nyx in her arms and Aster behind her. 
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ayingdidi · 1 year
“Daemon was forced to marry Rhae Royce at 16!!!” Yeah y'know I would be really sympathetic to his plight if he himself didn't go around raping underage prostitutes who just got their first period in brothels💀 mf also didn't consume the marriage anyways, let's stop acting like Rhae raped him or something.
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reignof-fyre · 5 months
I love the blacks and despise the greens. No, I won't accept any discussions
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