#dad is reportedly Not Doing Great but i haven't talked to him for a couple years
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mrs-johansson · 2 years
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 2:
Later when the food was finished, we all sat down at the table and had early dinner together.
Léa has been talking about her cases for a long time. She and mom had a floating conversation while dad and I were just listening. When it became quiet, I saw dad take a deep breath with a smile on his face. "And how has it been Y/N? Anything new lately?" That's why he is my favorite. I know you're not supposed to pick between your parents, but if you have a way better relationship with one of them it's already decided I think. "I just booked a new role a couple of weeks ago. I don't know if you've heard of Brian Stevenson, but he is a lawyer and the movie is about one of his first successful cases. Michael B. Jordan found me with the part because he is one of the creators of the project. It's not a big part but it's for a very good cause so I took it." "Brian Stevenson? I went to school with him." Dad said and my eyes widened. "Did you actually?" "Yes, we were friends to be exact. He became thriving. And who do you play?" "A local advocate. Kind of the sidekick of Brian." "Are you doing any kind of research?" "Yes, I'm reading the book version now, and the cast is set to meet with Biran before we start shooting so.." As I finished my sentence I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Quickly slipped the device out and it was an unknown number. "Sorry, I have to check this," I stood up from the table, leaving the house and walking to the patio which was a bit chilly.
"Hello?" I spoke. "Hey, it's Scarlett!... Johansson," the woman said, making me frown and also leave my mouth open. "Oh, hi." How did she get my number? "How can I help you?" I asked awkwardly. "Right, sorry. When we bumped into each other the other day I think my necklace accidentally fell out of my bag and I can't find it anywhere. I was hoping you might have grabbed it and it's with you somewhere," She said. "Let me check," I made my way back inside, earning a questioning look from my family. I held up my pointing finger and quickly grabbed my bag which was upstairs.
"What does it look like?" I asked, putting the phone on speaker so I could look for the necklace. "It's gold and it has a Rose sign on it." I was looking through my bag when suddenly a chain got tangled between my fingers. I carefully lifted it out and there it was. "I've got it," I said. "Oh thank god, thank you." She let out a relieved sigh. I chuckled lightly and put the necklace in my wallet just so I won't lose it. "I'm actually in Boston at the moment but I could ship it back if you'd like." I changed it back from the speaker. "I could wait until you get back, I'm in no rush. It's in safe hands." "It sure is. I'll be back around the 27th, I could give it to you then." "Yeah, that would be great. Thank you again." "It's nothing really." "Oh now that we're speaking, I saw you're on for Carol." "Yeah, I just got the script this morning. I haven't had the chance to look into it, but I like the first scene." I explained. "Are you booking it?" I asked. "Yeah, I think so. It seems like a great one." She said. "That's great." I cleared my throat. "Well, I'll see you soon then." "Yes, thank you again." "It's nothing." "Bye!" Her raspy voice got quiet, she probably lifted the phone away. "Bye," I said before hanging up.
"Who was it?" My mom asked as I sat back at the table. "Scarlett Johansson," I said and everyone got quiet. I looked up to see them all waiting for some kind of explanation. "We bumped into each other the other day and I accidentally grabbed her necklace. That's it," I said, taking a bite of my food. "Oh okay."
*next day*
"I'm leaving," I yelled at the front door. "Okay, bye! Tell Florence we said hi!" Heard my dad's voice from somewhere around the house. "Okay, bye!"
While waiting in front of Flo's hotel, I was scrolling through Instagram when my eyes caught an article.
Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost reportedly ended their relationship just after 6 months of dating. "The two just have different lifestyles," said the source.
I didn't even know they dated. Not that I have time for other people's relationships, I don't even have time for mine.
"Heeeeeey!" Florence brought me out of my thinking by jumping in the car. "What's up, dude?" I smiled, hugging her immediately. "You smell good boo, what's this?" I tapped her shoulder and she flipped her hair, brushing off her shoulder. "I just bought this, like it?" "It's delicious." "So where are we off to?" Flo asked. "The café we always go to."
After getting to the café, we got our usual order. Can't miss my usual oat milk latte with THE best avocado toast. "So, I have something to tell you," I said, and Flo looked up from her phone with an excited expression. "You're seeing someone?" She asked with a smile but I shook my head. "No. I finished the script a couple of days ago and I want you to read it," I said and her face lit up. "You're kidding..." "No! I wanted you to read it first in case you'd be interested if someday I'll bring it to a studio," reached into my bag and got the thick layers of paper. "Omg just let me read it already," Flo rushed her words out and I handed her the script and she quickly flipped to the first page."Don't worry darling..." She read the title out loud. "What's the plot?" "A 1950's housewife, Alice, living with her husband, Jack, in a utopian experimental community begins to worry that his glamorous company may be hiding disturbing secrets. And yeah, it's kind of a psychological thriller." "Just what I like," She locked her eyes on the paper and read a couple of pages then looked up at me. "Can I take this home?" Flo asked. "Yeah yeah, just don't spread it online please." "I would never," She put her hand on her heart and put the stack of papers in her bag.
"So you really doing this, huh?" Florence asked with that witty British accent. Wish I had an accent that cool. "It's been my dream for years," I said with a small smile. "I know and I'm so happy and excited for you. I can't wait for this to become a big thing." "I don't know if it's gonna be big though," I shrugged. "Uhm halo, you're Y/N Cole of course it will be huge," She said with an eyebrow raise. "We'll see." I chuckled.
"And what's up with you? Anything new?" I sipped my coffee which arrived just about 2 minutes ago. "Now that you're asking..." Flo smirked and glanced around us, probably checking who was listening. After she saw there was no one surrounding us she leaned forward. "I'm gonna be part of the MCU," she whispered and my eyes went wide. "You what?" My mouth fell open and she nodded. "Playing who? Are you gonna be a superhero? Dude that's fucking amazing. Flo, you're not kidding are you?" I leaned forward, trying not to scream out of happiness. "I'll be Black Widow's long-lost sister." I leaned back in my seat not even believing what I heard. "This is crazy. So what, you're an Avenger now? Will you be in the new one?" "No, I'll be in the solo movie but, Y/N you can talk about this to anyone. Marvel will haunt me down if anything gets out." "Solo movie?" "Fuck..." Florence sighed and closed her eyes. "Black widow's gonna get a solo movie?" "Yes..." She whispered and I smiled so widely my face started to hurt. "I'm done, why am I talking?" Her hands covered her face. "Sorry, I calmed down. So, you're a superhero," I whispered. "I'm not telling anyone, calm down." I patted her shoulder. "Thanks." "So that means you're gonna be playing with Scarlett," I sipped my coffee. "Yeah, cool right?" She said with a smile and I nodded. "Actually, I've booked a movie with her too." I looked down at my hands. "You did? What is it?" "Well, uhm it's a... uhm... you know drama and... romance kind of thing. It's too set in the '50s." "Romance? You're her best friend or what?" She took a bite of her toast. I raised my eyebrows and cleared my throat before answering. "More like her lover..." I mumbled. Her movements stopped and her gaze was quickly lifted to me with a smirk on her lips. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "Don't give me that look," I sighed. "I don't know what you are talking about," Flo said. "It's not even sure if she'll book it. When I talked to her she said she probably will-" "So you talked to her?" "Why are you making a big deal out of this?" I asked, not really understanding her actions. "I don't know, Scarlett seems like a nice person." Flo gave me a look and I just focused on the edge of the table. "I don't know her." I shrugged. "Get to know her. You guys are gonna be working together, possibly. Use the opportunity, look the least you get out of it is you get a new friend." "Yeah."
"Would you be open to a relationship at the moment? For real, be honest, babe," Florence took a bite of her food and looked at me curiously. "I don't know to be honest. Lately, I've been feeling more responsible I guess. I just want to find someone who I can see a future with. You know, like a lasting relationship, and maybe settle down, have kids. It's been so difficult to keep a relationship alive while working and I just need someone stable," I said. "I understand. I can totally see you as a mom, not gonna lie," She grinned and I just chuckled. "Yeah?" "Mhm, having your baby around at all times and dressing them in cute outfits. Omg them painting, can you imagine? I would be the best auntie," I smiled at her words and nodded. "Well yeah, you'd have to fight for that place with Léa," I said. "Oh my god, how's Léa? Is she dating Chris yet?" Flo asked and I just shook my head with a frown. "No, and it's so bothersome. But, I made progress in my mission, Chris said he will ask her out. So, I need a plan for Christmas." "I just can't believe they are still not together. The time they are wasting is so much." "I KNOOOOW... Honestly, I'm done with those two," I sighed.
*Day before Christmas*
"Y/N you're in charge of the turkey," Mom said as the four of us gathered around the kitchen. "Like always..." I murmured. "You can't deny that you make the best turkey," Léa said. "Why thank you," I nodded.
The thing with turkey is that it takes so much time to make it right. I need a whole mental preparation for that.
*next day, before dinner*
Everyone was already dressed up nicely and the table was set perfectly. The Christmas tree was glowing and the food was almost done. The Evans' were on the way and I was just feeling so happy and ready to get my sister and Chris together.
Around 7 pm, the doorbell rang. "Léa, get the door," I said and she rolled her eyes at me and walked to the front door.
Couple minutes later all I could see was the Evans' floating in the living room. "Hello everyone," I said with a smile. Lisa looked at me instantly and walked up to me with her arms open. "Y/N, honey, it's so good to see you again," She said and wrapped her arms around me. "You too, Lisa. You're glowing, you look very nice," I said and she quickly waved me off. "Oh stop it. Look at you, such a beautiful lady," She looked me up and down. "You always enrich my ego, whenever we meet." I smiled.
"Where's my baby doll?" Heard Scott's voice and a second later his big arms were around me. "Scott!" "Hey, you! How are you?" He asked, taking a tiny step back. "I'm great. How are you? I haven't seen you in so long." "I'm doing good. I missed you, babe. Oh, I saw Lady Bird the other day, it's brilliant. You're just so amazing," Scott said, his hand on my shoulder. "I'm glad you liked it." "Honestly, I see why it has an Oscar buzz," He said walking past me to my mother. "Even if it has, I don't think I would get it." "You say this before every award thing," Chris joined the conversation. "And I haven't got any of them," I tilted my head with a smile then we shared a hug. "But I don't need them anyway. I act because I love it, not for some gold status," I sighed. "And that's why you deserve them," Chris said. "Why don't we get to the table? I can't wait for you all to destroy the turkey in 15 minutes that I made for hours." I said and a couple of them chuckled.
After everyone settled down at the table we shortly started eating. Light Christmas music was playing in the background. The lights were making the house so pretty. But ME, I was just sitting there like a goddamn sociopath. I was so anxious about how they liked the turkey.
"So?" I asked, looking at their faces, but not seeing any reaction. Chris was the first one to look up from his plate. "It's amazing. Somehow you make it even better every single year." He said and I let out a satisfied shaky sigh. "Oh okay, thank god." I started eating too and not gonna lie, I cook fucking fantastic.
Soon we finished eating and we gathered around the tree. I grabbed all the presents that I got for them and Scott stood beside me. "You got it?" He whispered to me and I nodded, handing him the envelope. "Okay, since you're the youngest, you start Y/N." Mom said and I smiled proudly. "Brilliant. Then, mom, this is for you." I handed her the bag, which had First Folio by William Shakespeare. She looked inside the bag and her eyes went wide. "It's a collector's piece so you can't read it, but it'll look nice in your office," I said and she smiled at me. "This is nice, thank you," she said. "Of course." I stroked her back and she stepped away to put the bag on the couch.
I gave all my presents out and last was Léa. "And you, dear big sister. I thought you could use a little holiday. Tuscany could be nice," I gave her the envelope and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Oh, you shouldn't have." She opened the envelope and when she saw only one ticket, Léa looked up at me questioningly. "Okay Scott you turn," I patted his shoulder and he walked up to Chris. "Great minds think alike, I got you a holiday too, buddy," He said and Chris took the ticket. "When do I go?" He asked and checked the date. "January the 2nd," I said. "But mine says the same," Léa spoke. "Oh wow, what a coincidence." I sighed, wrapping an arm around Scott's shoulder, who was acting surprised. "What a shame, you guys have to go together." He said and Chris shook his head with a smile.
"Merry Christmas," I said.
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