#cwp dante
campwillowpeak · 1 year
MAMA SLOTH, I CANT FOCUS ON HIS HEART (please dont make it bigger)
Dante Tiddy you say?
Make them bigger you say?
Make them wet you say?
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yanderesotherhalf · 2 years
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That feeling when you're gonna be surrounded by cute counselors for an entire summer.
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Okay I've been way too obsessed with @campwillowpeakk lately and I'm so excited to see where it goes~! Gotta say the characters are too cute not to draw so I hope I did em justice with these doodles! Nearly impossible to pick a fav out of them all so I ended up doing all of them lmao
Keep up the great work and thanks so much for working on such a cool project! can't wait to make more fanart as we get to know more about this lovely hopefully-not-murdered cast!
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Campwillow Peak Incorrect Quotes
Author's Note: with my mc Mori and one(1) with Tsubaki & Elias cause yes and also @campwillowpeak, here is my offering to the great mama sloth lolol I hope you get a little chuckle from one or two of these
Dante: You remind me of me wh-
Mori: That's just mean.
Harper to Gavin: FUCKING please let me point my laser pen into your eyes. Nothing will happen I promise, please. We're friends, right? Friends are supposed to trust each other :)))
Mori: *walks up to Jazz* Hey Jazz, wanna see a magic trick?
Jazz, already suspicious: *sighs* I guess
Mori: *pulls out a bottle of cologne and sprays a noxious amount into the palm of his hand, drops the bottle, pulls out a lighter and flicks it on close to his hand, setting the cologne and his hand on fire* look :D
Jazz: OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK?!! *Dumps her water bottle onto Mori's palm*
Jazz, after scolding Mori: Where the hell did you even learn that?
Mori: Harper :)
Jazz: Of course you learned it from him 🙄
Mori: God has let me live another day, and I'm about to make it everyone's problem >:)
Mori: You ever see something that changes your life and you're just like "huh.."
Harper: I saw you ❤❤
Mori: Honestly that's so cute and sweet but it kinda makes this awkward because I was gonna show you a picture of Gavin in a turkey costume.
Dante, after putting out a fire in one of the cabins: We call that a 'traumatic experience'
Dante: *Looks at Harper* Not a 'bruh moment'
Dante: *Looks at Mori* Not a 'L + Ratio'
Dante: *Looks at Gavin* And definitely not a 'Oof lmao'
Mori to Harper: What did you do?
Harper: ........
Mori: I'm not mad, I just need to know if I have to lie to the police again or not.
Harper: again?
Mori: Long story, don't worry about it, but I still need to know--
Mori: Okay hon, time for dinner-- OH GOD WHY IS THERE BLOOD ALL OVER YOU?!?! ARE YOU HURT???!!
Tsubaki, signing: No, I poked Uncle Elias really hard with a pen :D
Mori: Oh okay. Well come eat, dinner's ready :)
Elias: Oh fucking thanks bro I appreciate the help
Mori to Elias while getting a first aid kit: SHUT.
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kai-jk · 22 days
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Noel in @campwillowpeak should of been posted this,just got a lil lazy
Here some info on how I think Noel will think about CWP Cast
Dante, Noel see’s him as a father figure and a couple of times she accidentally calls him dad,seeks comfort from him tbh
Gavin, Noel see’s him as a little brother so she sometimes overprotective of him,helps him get W Rizz (at least try’s to) sometime laughs at his jokes
Malik, Noel has a massive crush on him sadly will never tell him, might give the hint though,but she happy already that there friends
Harper, Noel seen him make a few forest fires but she never really acknowledged it,but she loves doing crazy activities with him
Jazz,Noel admires her and has much respect for her,there very good friends!
Sophie, Noel probably best friends with her,loves sleeping on her lap whenever she can,Noel Spoiled her a lot and still probably do
Cammi, Noel hangs out with Cammi a lot most likely, probably argued who pays everything while hanging out though.
Sorry if this is so long! Hope y’all enjoy
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indycinders · 7 days
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here's my Cara Mia for @campwillowpeak ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ more info and a close up of her reference below cut~
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-She has a 10 yr old son named DJ!! He's an awesome little kid that's always filling leadership roles in school and he's got a nice lil group of friends.
-Most likely will be used for most of the yan games I like lmao
-The way that DJ came to be is very traumatic for her. The tattoo on that's shown on the app is on her right inner forearm. It's a SA survivor tattoo. You can probably infer the rest from that.
-Despite that, she's worked hard as hell to give her and DJ a good life.
-She came to CWP because the camp that DJ went to didn't have any open counselor positions and CWP was the closest.
-Unlike my other OCs, Hana grew up with amazing parents. They're very loving and caring. She's an only child so she was spoiled but raised with good morals and values. They love DJ and give her breaks often even though she doesn't ask.
-The lil profile picture where she's wearing a hat was a picture DJ took of her at the baseball game they went to for his last birthday :D
-The ring she wears on her pinky finger is the baby ring she got for DJ. (it's a family tradition to get rings for babies when they're born) It has his birth stone (topaz) and his birthday engraved on it!
-The bracelet is a friendship bracelet from DJ of course hehe.
-One of my HCs for CWP is (once the events are over) that she and Dante get together and he ends up helping coach DJ's little league team 👉👈🥺
uhh i think that was it /v\
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
Heyyy, sorry to bother you but could you please put all the romantic interest character designs in one post? I'm a little lost on who some of these characters are cause I'm new and would like to put a face to a name. 😅
Please and thank you. 🙇🏼‍♀️
Sure thing! Tho some I only have just sketches and chibis for atm!
Harper: Our resident yandere boy:
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Gavin: Canonically has 0 game, but he tries his best:
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Sophie: Sweet and Spicy
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Dante: Firefighter Daddy
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Cammi: Busy bee head counselor in training
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Jazz: Head Mommy
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One of them isn’t romanceable tho, not saying who :^)
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
Ok, now I'm actually curious. Please do take your time with this question or simplify it if it is complicated.
What is actually Harper 'thought perception' about them when he looks at/interact with the other counselors w/ or w/o the MC is around?
When he looks at Gavin he would think 'ugh I hate his face' in his head
And how would he actually thought of them if the MC is dating one of the other counselors? Would he also change his perception/reaction towards Sophie if the MC dates with her?
Sophie when MC isn't around:
"Ah... least it's just her, she's pretty good at telling when I'm not in the mood to talk, looks like she's doing her own thing anyway... wait... didn't she already paint her nails like 3 times yesterday?"
Sophie when MC is around:
"I guess she's not so bad, she's friendly enough... as long as she isn't too friendly to MC.. squinty eyes"
Sophie if Dating MC:
".... I could proooooobably just scare her away"
Dante when MC isn't around:
"Ugh him again... you set one room on fire and he just won't leave you alone... God it's like I can feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head... would you fuck off already old man?"
Dante when MC is around:
"I have more important things to pay attention to than him rn~"
Dante if dating MC:
"HAH it's gonna be so fucking ironic when I light you up"
Cammi without MC:
"Uuuuugh if she's coming over to tell me to do one more thing I'm going to throw her in the lake I s2g"
Cammi with MC:
"... If she's gonna ask me to do something it better be with MC too"
Cammi dating MC
"Setting her Cabin on fire could be a good warning... maybe she'll even get out in time"
Jazz without MC:
-Most likely dips as soon as he sees her coming-
Jazz with MC:
"She's coming to talk to both of us? Ffffff... what'd we do?
Jazz dating MC:
"Shiiiiiit she's probably gonna be a hard one... she almost sleeps as little as I do too... maybe if I can catch her alone..."
Gavin without MC:
"I swear to God almighty if he tells one more bad joke I'm nuking him"
Gavin with MC:
"I swear to God almighty if he tells one more bad joke I'm nuking him"
Gavin dating MC:
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
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Harper: 6'9
Jazz: 5'11
Cammi: 5'3
Sophie: 4'8
Dante: 6'7
Gavin: 5'10
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
The RO's reactions
Hey I'm leaving...grabs keys and coat...to go to the grocery store, do you want anything?
Harper: Panicked, already dressed and throwing his shoes on "WAIT FOR ME WE'RE OUT OF POP ROCKS!"
Sophie: "Wait wha-?? ... Oh... Can you pick up more cat treats?"
Dante: "We need more milk if you can grab some? Either 2% or whole... 1% is just fake milk water"
Cammi: "I.... You really need to word things better"
Gavin: "BRUH YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK... Can you get me some gummi worms?"
Jazz: ".... You did that on purpose"
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
MC: I think I have ligma
Any on the cast: what’s ligma?
MC: LIGMA BALLS!!! So basically, let me explain. Ligma isn’t a real disease or a real word but it sounds like one. So it’s like an easy way to get someone to ask “what’s ligma” because it sounds like you have a disease or illness. So then when someone asks you say “ligma balls” (which phonetically sounds like “lick my balls”) it’s easy to lure someone into a funny joke and then it insinuates that they want to lick YOUR balls. So this is pretty hilarious on a multitude of levels. Firstly, (obviously) the other person doesn’t want to lick your balls, so it’s funny that you made them say something which demonstrates their desire to lick your balls when they in fact do not want to lick your balls. Secondly, it’s onomatopoeic, almost an onomatopoeic pun, so it’s pretty funny that “ligma” is phonetically interchangeable with “lick my”, at least in an certain accents. It may be difficult to achieve the same result with different accents, as some accents will hard pronounce the “ck” whereas others will omit the “ck” into a “g” sound, taking slang and cultural pronunciations into account, resulting in “ligma” instead of “lick my”. This makes it easy to fool those who are used to “g” pronunciations as a replacement for the “ck” plosive, or other variances. Do you get it?
All of them rn:
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
Sooo what are the RO's jealousy levels/what makes them jealous and how do they remedy that??
From most jealous to least
Harper: You paying any attention to other people will make him at least some kind of jealous.. so only pay attention to him :)
But no, Harper is super easy to make jealous, and he can be kinda clingy when he is, he'll ask if he did something wrong, if everything is ok, if there's anything you wanna talk about... and if you aren't very open to talking about it or he feels your hiding something... its ok! Really! This is what he got all those locks for his basement for :)
Sophie: You being what she may see as being overly friendly towards someone would make her jealous, she's afraid she's gonna be left again :(
Just reassure her you love her and give her some time and affection and she'll be oki
Dante: He already had one person leave him for someone else, he doesn't want it to happen again, if he feels like you're drifting to someone else he'll sit you down to talk, and if you reassure him and communicate with him that no, you're not thinking of leaving him, he'll still be worried but he'll swallow it and not bring it up again. Best way to fix it is to plan a date night or two, tell him what you love about him and maybe shit talk his ex with him a little
Gavin: Gavin may not actually notice at first that there's something he should be jealous of, but when he does oh boy will he get antsy... he'll kinda walk on eggshells and assume you're doing it on purpose cause of something he did. Give him some love and attention and just talk to him about why he doesn't have to worry and he'll be fine, he's best with clear, verbal communication.
Cammi: To make Cammi jealous she needs to feel like she's being neglected/ignored. She gets you both get busy from time to time, but if she starts to feel like you're just blowing her off then she'll think is something is up. Make time to spend with her, whether it be working on things together or just hanging out and it'll be fine 👍
Jazz: Jazz doesn't really get jealous, if she feels something is up she'll straight up just ask you. Though some time and attention spend on her wouldn't go unappreciated.
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
How would everyone draw themselves if asked?
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They all did their best :P
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
Something like the jealousy ask but with protectiveness? Like most to least protective and how they act when they are as well as what would make them feel like that.
Most to least protective!
Harper: Harper would literally kill for you, if he found out someone had or was even thinking about hurting you literally nothing could stop him and if it was bad enough he would do it in the worst of ways. Then he'd come home and honestly coddle you, give you anything you need, clean you up, cook for you, reassure you things will be ok and that he took care of everything
Thats why he wants to keep you nice and close! He wants to keep you safe and protect you from everything~ His favorite place for you is wrapped up in his arms where he's sure no one could ever hurt you~
Dante: While Dante wouldn't kill for you, he'd definitely break some ones face in for you. He'd definitely be very "Fuck around and find out" when it came to keeping you safe, someone tries to start shit and he'd definitely be ending it, after which he'd make sure you're ok after whatever happened
Sophie: Sophie may be small and seem meek and fragile, but you don't mess with whats her's, if someone was threating you she'd immediately be in as close to their face as she could, tearing into them and shoving them back. And got forbid things got physical or they already hurt you. She'd be biting and scratching and kicking... There's a reason you don't fuck with shorties
Jazz: Jazz is honestly terrifying when she's angry, while she wouldn't jump straight in to fighting someone, her pissed off presence is usually enough to send most people running. After which she'd walk you home and make sure you had everything you needed
Cammi: Cammi is protective, but she's more likely to turn to her brothers for help is she things things are gonna get physical. She knows her strengths, and physical strength is not very high up on the list.
Gavin: Gavin does want to keep you safe, but he's more the kind to try and diffuse situations with words, and if something had already happened to you, he'd put most his focus on the then and there, helping take care of you, making sure you would be ok, trying to make you smile again with his bad humor.
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campwillowpeak · 1 year
what everyone (including mama sloth and bonedaddy) favorite type of bread? (I like roti, naan and baguette)
I fuckin love Naan
Bone's is Sourdough
Harper's is Focaccia
Sophie's is Brioche
Dante's is Concha if that counts
Gavin's is Garlic bread
Cammi's is Bread pudding
Jazz's is Pretzel buns
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
May I ask, what is the ROs romantic and sexual history like? Are any of them virgins? Have they been in love before? Have they had/would they prefer casual or serious/long-term relationships more? etc.
Harper: The only sexual partners he's had in the past is his hand, he's never been interested in anyone other than MC
Dante: Had a couple short relationships in high-school and was married at one point
Sophie: Two past partners, both of which got scared off pretty quick cause of how sexually intense she is
Gavin: Canonically has gotten 0 bitches
Cammi: Has had a few partners but never got past making out... though she has held hands before marriage so take that how you will
Jazz: Had a handful of partners in the past, she was kinda a troubled teen so a chunk of em weren't so good tbh
All of em lean towards preferring long term relationships, though some more than others
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campwillowpeak · 2 years
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