#cw wing gore
demonslushh · 3 months
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Oh yeah, i just realized that I actually have some more Mind stuff from like, forever ago. A doodle page sort of deficated to my headcanons. (Don't mind that these are all uncropped for some reason?? I'm not fixing it. Too many screenshots.)
One aspect of this I do want to delve into are his wings, or moreso his lackthereof. In my other post you can see he does have wings but they're broken and totally nonfunctional, and really either way it works, i just changed to the latter when drawing him because it looked cooler.
abut overall, I've not really seen the idea bounced around too often to play with angel/fallen angel imagery between heart and mind, and I thought it would be really fun to play into fallen angel imagery for mund since a lot of demons represent knowledge and science, which is very applicable to him, and since Heart is already angel themed. Much like the headcanon that heart's eyes were taken as a punishment by Soul for the fighting, I like to think that at some point, Mind's wings were shredded by either soul or Heart — Soul, as a punishment just the same, or Heart, in a different attempt to let out his anger and violent tendencies on Mind.
The Halo is more straightforward. But there is the one where Mind seems to be crying, which I don't necessarily think he Feels sadness because his emotional network isn't very complex (for ... obvious reasons.) But no less, being in a manifeststion of a body gives him tear ducts, and under stress he just cries oil or something akin to it, a dark black sludge. He doesn't understand why it happens even when they're not whole, because he thinks he shouldn't be able to cry at all. He doesn't like it.
And that's about it. Enjoy!
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lillyosaurus · 2 months
and i’ll talk until my tongue is tied up ! ! !
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fivevotesdown · 3 months
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make sure to eat your leftovers
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bogcreacher · 8 months
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now make a balloon animal (close ups under the cut)
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gaytedlasso · 1 year
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In the church of a lonely highway motel,
an angel falls
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bone-yarddz · 4 months
TW for horror/gore artwork under the cut
Sometimes I forget how fun this genre is to draw. SOOOO quick fanart for @ravewing ‘s infection AU, which is very awesome so go check it out :)
Anywhooo here is the art of the Stage 4 infected dragon!!
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sodapop-drawz · 3 months
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it is taking a while to as good on digital as i am in traditional but while I'm struggling trying to do that here some more artwork your yall
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cinnamon-flame · 8 months
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Star light, star bright,
First star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight.
I decided to draw more Starlight going mad with her animus powers, this time in a funky greyscale/color mix!
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ravewing · 17 days
hate them. hydrogen bomb
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charliemotha · 4 months
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You are far too nice, mercy has a price
It's the final crack, we're bound to break the ice now
You reveal your name, then you let him live
Unlike you, I've got no mercy left to give 'cause--
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eternal-moss · 1 month
Falin panel in my style
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:D I suddenly felt compelled to redraw the panel. Miss Touden you are my muse
Lineart + original panel under the cut
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I mean, look at the improvement from one drawing to the other, Ryoko Kui’s art makes me think hard about anatomy + physics and it feels really good to draw :3
\/ original panel!
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namesareweird579 · 4 months
More fanart for the fragariapathosis au
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axolodoll · 2 months
He’s pretty dead
(old drawing from 2021)
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New drawing under the cut
(gore warning)
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paintingpuff · 6 months
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The Very Natural Life Cycle of a constantly reincarnating God
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Silent Night, Deadly Night (CW: Blood)
Swift, near silent wingbeats cut through the peaceful atmosphere of the starry clear night of the Cod Empire. Light of the half moon illuminated a winded figure as he landed gracefully on the wooden rooftop, his feet not making a sound. Cyan locks peeked out of the hood as he crouched down, tucking away his large white grey speckled wings into the grey cloak that concealed his body.  Straightening up, Scott stepped toward the edge of the roof, easily moving through the night as he did a thousand times before. His eyes settled on his targets house; a cod noble who had been trafficking eleven people from Rivendell to blackmarkets around empires land. A sneer of disgust curled underneath the icy blue mask with an imprint of golden antlers concealing his identity.
The house was obviously own by someone in power and with money. Unlike  commoners of the Cod empire, this house was built with fine wood, magic to prevent rot and to keep it looking polished, even in the low light of the night. Hopping the gap, Scott moved to his target’s house.  Mindful to tread lightly, he made his way to the other side of the home to a window leading to the bedroom of his prey. A smirk played on his lips as he crouched down to remove the latch but was pleasantly surprised to find the window wide open to let in the cool summer breeze. He slipped into the room without any difficulty.
He glanced around the darkened room from his crouched position where he landed. A desk scattered with papers sat against one wall with a bookshelf nestled next to it in the corner, a wardrobe took up another wall and in the middle of the room was a large king size bed with a sleeping figure on it. Upon standing up, Scott headed toward the bed, pulling out a knife from his belt the process.
As he got closer, Scott froze as he realized that his target was not alone, for a young eleven boy was laying on the floor beside his bed, bound and gagged. Red blotches on his arms and face told Scott all he needed to know. Icy fire flashed through Scott’s veins at the thought of what this person might have done to one of his siblings citizens.
The mercy of a quick kill melted away from Scott when he saw the boy. He walked over to the door and locked it, as well as grabbing a chair, propping  it under the door handle as a precaution. He walked back over to the bed, pulling  a rope from his belt after placing the knife back in its holder. He pulled the rope taunt then sprang.
He leapt on top of the man, shoving part of the rope into the man’s mouth, preventing him from screaming for help as the man started to flail as he woke up. Scott kept a firm grip on his target, jaw tightening as muscle memory took over as he tied his target up to the bed. His target’s hands stretched above his head as the man shouted muffled curses and calls for help through the rope gag.
Scott took the knife from its sheath and stabbed it in to his victim’s thigh, making them give a muffled scream of pain. His icy gaze stabbed into the, now crying, nobleman.  “To think I was just gonna kill you in your sleep as a mercy. Then what do I find in your room? None other than a stolen citizen from our empire.” Scott hisses into his face.  He yanked out the knife from the thigh and slashed through the nobles nightshirt, creating a huge bleeding snowflake brand on the man’s chest. The whole time as he drew the snowflake the man screaming and cried through the gag. Only once Scott was done was when he heard the far too soft whimpering from behind him.  Scott swiftly stood up from where he was crouched over the man and moved off the bed before turning to the bound child. The boy was wide awake and his eyes were filled with fearful tears. Scott looked away from the boy’s gaze, his heart hurting, hating when children looked at him like a monster. It wasn’t his choice to be what he was today. He was put into this role and he was making the best of it.
Slowly he approached the shivering boy, his hands open to show him that he wouldn’t hurt them. Once he was close enough, he crouched down to get closer to the ropes around the child. The injured kid flinched back hard, making Scott’s blood boil with anger and hatred for his current victim for ruining this innocent child. As he slowly began to raise the knife was when the kid started sobbing. Scott’s heart broke. 
“Sh… Sh.. It’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. All I am going to do is cut the rope, okay?” He made a show of cutting the ropes attached to the bed frame then moved onto the rope around his legs. “There. All done.” He says with a gentle smile, even though he knows the kid could not see it.
The kid stared wide eyed at him as though in shock that he would help him. Scott grabbed the gag from the child’s mouth then patted him on the head. Scott frowned as he realized he couldn’t just take the kid with him, no matter how much he wanted to. He stood up and walked back to the nobleman and cut the rope from the bed frame and dragged the kicking and flailing guy to the window.
Ripping off the gag, Scott held the weakened man by the throat over the two story drop. The man’s screams attracted all sorts of attention onto him, most importantly, the local guards. Usually he would avoid confrontation at all costs but he need the guards to discover the elven child in the room. Scott smirked as he let the man fall, not caring enough to look at the sound of a pained scream and then silents.
Screams and panic spread across the neighboring house as the guards broke down the door of the house he was in. His eyes widened a fraction in surprise as he spotted a cod head run into the house as well. He leaned against the window frame as he waited, listening to the sounds of pounding feet up the stairs before the door was broken down, the chair breaking as well as the guards flooded the room. The child scrambled away and cowered against the wall as the guards paused in shock at the sight of the elf boy.  The Codfather pushed his way through the crowd of guards, an iron sword in one hand, seemingly just a shocked at the sight as all his guards before snapping out of his stupor.
“Who are you!?” The Cod Father demanded. 
Scott smirked as he said, “No one you need to know. Just take care of the child and send them back to Rivendell.” He dramatically bowed then let himself fall backwards out of the window.
Jimmy rushed to the window to look for the assassin. He started back as a blur nearly hit him. Staring up at the night sky, the assassin flew into the distance, disappearing from sight as fast he was discovered.  As The Cod Father stood in front of the window, left with an assassination scene and more questions than answers.         ———————————————————————————————— Scott landed silently in the courtyard of the castle, guards greeting him and informing Scott he is requested in the throne room. Guards he passed nodded their respects to him as he passed through the halls. Reaching the red doors of the throne room, Scott paused and took a moment to take a breath and pull down his hood and mask before he entered.
The plush carpet underneath his boot as he walked towards his brother who lounged across the throne glancing at him and perked up. A smile making itself known on the demon kings face. Scott knelt down and bowed to the foot of the throne. 
“Brother.” Scott greeted, looking up at him.
“Brother. Welcome back.” Xornoth said as he walked over to Scott’s kneeling form. “Rise, little brother. I have told you that you don’t need to kneel down for me. We are equals.”
Scott shakes his head as he got up. “You and I are not on the same level. Mother and Father had me trained to be your protector and right hand.”
Xornoth cupped Scott’s face and rubbed a drop of blood off of his cheek. “That doesn’t mean that I can’t care about you too. Remember it’s you and me against the world.” Xornoth’s eyes flashed red as he held his face a little bit more possessively.
Scott’s eyes flashed red briefly before he groaned and shoved his brother off him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m gonna go to my room to sleep.” He grumbles as he turns away.
“Sleep well Brother! Hope Exor makes your dreams pleasant.” Xornoth calls after him.
“Exor help him.” Scott says fondly as he walks out of the throne room and into his personal chambers. Scott barely took off his boots before passing out on his bed, blood still covering him.
(1571 words)
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miscellaneouscanine · 7 months
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