blastlight · 3 months
NOISEMASTER MENTIONED!!! i love this interview
EDIT: this is so cool, look at him NOW
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st4rguy · 2 years
i'm bored as hell so i have decided to subject all of you to my cucumber quest headcanons. this is going to be whatever characters i want in the order of the character card things, BASICALLY ALL OF THEM ARE TRANS. YOUR FAV: TRANS
Cucumber, trans, I've seen one very good fics with transfemme cucumber but i still like transmasc cucumber and for the love of god i can't decide, either bi or aro ace, im indecive
Almond, bi, she/her
Bacon, transfemme lesbian thats literally basically canon and i will keep saying it till the day i die
Cordelia, she/they bi
Peridot, transfemme, she/they, lesbian
The Nightmare Knight, agender they/it, aro ace
Cosmo, genderfluid any pronouns, bisexual,
Nautilus, maybe Transfemme?? Pan she/her
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Ggdg is a famous face in webcomics, and a few other mediums too. The artist and brain behind works such as Lady of the Shard, Idle Divination, Undyne’s banging outfit on her date in Undertale and countless other contributions to UTDR, and their most recent hit Soul of Sovereignity (soulsov real 2023!)—but they got their start with original storytelling through the much beloved Cucumber Quest:
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Narrative wise, Cucumber Quest is as the requester for this review put it about “bunny kids going on a quest to save the world”. Like a lot of ggdg’s work, CuQu is steeped in their love of JRPGs, and there’s an undeniable touch of JRPG flavour in the plot.
The comic opens with our antagonist having acquired the seventh of their eight macguffins required to summon the big bad, and later our heroes must re-collect these macguffins and fight all the disaster masters they’re associated with, and defeat the evil Nightmare Knight!!!
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Cucumber Quest is a comedy and a parody of fantasy video games, but it does all this from a place of sincere love and joy. I’m confident if you asked ggdg if they they thought all the incredibly clunky, tonally dissonant kingdom hearts cutscenes with michael rat talking about the heart of the darkness to cloud final fantasy or whatever were “cringe”, they’d say “are you kidding me they fucking rule”.
Cucumber Quest is filled with jokes, but it’s never meanspirited. It pokes fun at the trappings of fantasy video games, and as it does, it goes “but that’s why we love them so much!”
It’s not all jokes though, there’s a sincere heart at the core of CuQu. Ggdg loves their characters through and through, and the story loves them too. While the setup of the story might suggest a simplistic angle of good-vs-evil like a lot of video games, it is very quickly revealed that this story is anything but. The biggest heart of the story is the Nightmare Knight himself:
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The truth of his motives and why any of this is even happening, whether or not our heroes will find out the truth and break the cycle, or if everything will continue as it always has are the crux of the plot. But to hear more about that, you need to read it for yourself!! If you like sad dads though, this is The comic for you.
You’ve probably noticed by now also, the use of colour in CuQu is absolutely stunning. Everything from their big set piece atmospheric pages with deep, powerful emotions seeping from every panel as they use limited colours to create a specific mood, to the individual panels of their lighthearted pages—ggdg has a masterful control over colour and mood. The entire comic is just a visual delight, and you can pick any random page in the archive and be provided with a treat for the eyes.
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Cucumber Quest it should be noted is an incomplete story. Though not wholly abandoned, it last updated in 2019. Since then, ggdg has been busy focusing on other projects—the newly released soulsov is one such project. One day, perhaps after soulsov’s conclusion, perhaps earlier, perhaps later, ggdg intends to return and wrap up the remainder of CuQu via a series of scripts and illustrations.
It was a story a bit too big for its breeches if you will: after almost a decade of work it was nowhere near reaching its conclusion, and understandably ggdg needed a break.
Nonetheless, what exists is a wonderful heartfelt story and visual delight that deserves a read and the patient wait for its conclusion some day ❤
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vendetta-botwright · 1 month
._. XD Me cae mal por querer quitarle el macho a mi hermano, yo ando tranquilo, pero ya que no me cuque que ni las cien Torah la van a salvar de un vudú del universo.
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skubri30 · 11 months
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PLAN DE CUQUES - Bouches du Rhône
Réparateur de roues en déroute
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arsene-et-jonas · 2 years
On vous attend nombreux NRJ Marseille info/résa: https://www.festindayfestival.com/
➡️ @festinday_festival
🔥La billetterie est en ligne, pour réserver:🔥
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#festival #jokair #bengous #jessymatador #lynamahyem #eklips #cephaz #faflarage #worldsapart #tragedie #madamemonsieur #marseille #chateaudelabuzine #festindayfestival #leonshowman #lirro #Ridsa
Découvrir Marseille Marseille tranquille ma ville
J'habite Marseille 12ème J'habite Marseille 11 et 12 ème arrondissement J'HABITE ALLAUCH , PLAN DE CUQUES ,CHÂTEAU GOMBERT J'habite Marseille 13013 / 13012 j'habite Marseille 4 ème et 5 ème J’habite le 13010 à MARSEILLE J’habite le 6ème à Marseille J’habite le 13013 à MARSEILLE
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tvfsud · 2 months
CONCERT / Mélodies éclairées / VINSCAT & ÉLISE et leurs musiciens LIVE at Plan de Cuques à L'espace Miremont https://youtu.be/D61JG134fV8
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agence-fa · 7 months
Prix coup de cœur du jury pour la rénovation énergétique d'une copropriété à Aix en Provence
Deux copropriétés récompensées pour leur projet de rénovation énergétique
Les projets récompensés pour les Trophées Réno Copro’ de la Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence ont été présentés par Laurent Simon, Vice-président de la Métropole délégué à la Transition énergétique et valorisation des ressources durables et Maire de Plan-de-Cuques, lors de la cérémonie de remise à l’occasion de la 10ème édition du salon #RDVRENO le 18 mars. 
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Les projets lauréats sont dûment documentés et constituent de véritables mines d’informations pour quiconque souhaiterait se lancer dans la rénovation énergétique de sa copropriété. Des témoignages de copropriétaires montrent que bien des avantages sont à la clé des travaux ambitieux. La preuve en images : la copropriété lauréate du Grand Prix a été filmée dans une courte vidéo présentant le projet.
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Découvrez les lauréats → https://bit.ly/3n6DkCv
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informativosevilla · 1 year
Les cuques i les lletres
Les cuques i les lletres
VALÈNCIA. Els antics egipcis consideraren els escarabats copròfags, que se soterren en les dunes per a ressorgir-ne transformats i fan de la matèria més baixa el nodriment de les seues cries, un símbol sagrat del cicle de la mort i resurrecció de totes les coses. És sols un exemple primitiu de com l’estudi dels insectes infon un sentit de meravella per la varietat heterogènia de la vida i avesa…
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blastlight · 2 years
diversity win! the henchwoman who has aided in attempts to take over the world 99 times is transgender!
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chloesdiaries · 2 years
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Séance de sport en plein air, au bocage, Plan de Cuques
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mmak · 4 years
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tvfsud · 4 months
Un soir de rires et de chansons à l'Espace Miremont À Plan De Cuques un triomphe ! https://youtu.be/EPKwpjcLh84
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shuuos · 5 years
reasons why everyone should read cucumber quest:
a e s t h e t i c
very cute art style, 10/10 would recommend
great storytelling and plot, gets u real invested in the plot
i would die for the entire cast w/o question
the character designs r really cute
lots of casual lgbt rep (including but not limited to: canon trans lady, gay rabbit kings......, wlws abound)
not enough fans on here.... blease i need friends
it does modern fantasy RIGHT
it’s free to read unless u want to buy the physical books like i did (they’re.... so pretty)
there’s a meta knight gijinka, need i say more
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