#ctc zine
mintcaboodle · 5 months
lifes dream to be invited as a guest artist to a zine
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sharkyboye · 5 years
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unedited entries for the ctc Appretiation zine
ignore the captions lol
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cr-yellow · 5 years
CTC Zine information Masterpost
There were a lot of posts so I thought I’d all put it on one post for you guys, nice and easy! 
Here’s the original post detailing what types of submissions we’re taking 
To break it down: Submissions opened up April 12th at 4, and they end the 10th of May. You may submit Fanart, Fanfic, Cosplay, or Designs.
Here’s the original post about submissions and where to submit (P.S. it goes to [email protected]
Here’s the original post about guidelines and rules for your piece  I’m not giving you a tl;dr one for that because it is incredibly important you read that yourself if you are submitting
All updates/new posts about the zine I will add to this post, and I’ll reblog it every day until submissions are done!! 
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junipeach · 5 years
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since the zine is up ill post this lil begonia now!!
my sappy msg is already in the zine but kdfjdfgj thx 2 @velinxi for ctc and also being a rly kind supportive person :)
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dominaecaede · 5 years
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Day 25:
To all of my followers, this is my gift to you!
I can't count how many times I've wanted to stop posting art this year. The feeling of not having the right materials, not being as well known as other artists, my art not nearly as good, being refused from all kinds of zines, and so on. My confidence in my art was constantly wavering. With the major hardships that occurred to me irl and the whole Tumblr Purge and me losing my other blog, everything just got worse. 2018 was a really crappy year for me. I know it sounds like I'm just being emotional or I'm just whining, but here's why I'm saying all this: I'm still here. After being so close to hitting that "deactivate" button, I'm still here. I realized that all of your support had me thinking I had a little more potential than I thought. I still have confidence issues with my art; it's always gonna be a thing with me. However, now that I know you guys like my art that much to hit that follow button, I can keep drawing day by day with the little material I have and continue to grow. When I say I appreciate you guys, I really do! So here's my token of appreciation and gratitude to you all!
May you all have a Merry Christmas, and to all a good night. 💕 Thank you for joining me again for CTC!
Merry Countdown to Christmas! 🎄❄️
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velinxi · 5 years
how old is laurence? he seems pretty young,,
he’s 16!
are we allowed to edit that picture of Iris on that last picture on that one picture of Marge krumping™ or no
Even if I say no will that stop you?
Hi Vel!~~~ I luv all ur work and I don’t know if u take constructive criticism, but I think now that ur style seems to be settling ur starting to have a bit of same face syndrome with the way u draw. Like I think all ur characters kind of have the same face shape, but u maybe have 2 diff shapes of eyes that u draw with and pretty much the same nose and mouth all of the time. Just wanted to let u know Incase u do take constructive criticism, though others don’t sometimes so I hope ur not mad >~
I’ll do my best. i dont have much time for studies nowadays (for the past months really) to solve this problem. Ive been focusing on freelance work and school. its not an excuse but I’ve been trying to get better at this since last year. I hope you can all forgive me
Since Laurence doesnt have a character profile on the website, is he a side character?
I plan to update the site’s character profiles after this chapter
had an idea that it would be totally awesome for there to be a ctc zine! Like a collab with a ctc artists and writers would be awesome!
That’s an awesome idea! I never have time to organize fun events like these but it sounds cute
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azariaspace · 6 years
Goals Assessment
An assessment of these posts and their feasibility and achievement or lack thereof so far as I’ve moved on campus and tomorrow’s the last day before school starts.
It’s under a read more for good reason (it is hecka long), but I really want my friends (and anyone!) to read it and see how much I’ve grown.
18 Goals for 2018
1. Pass all my classes (interim, spring freshman, and fall semester).  I want to say with As, but a) interim is just pass/fail and b) that doesn’t really matter.  Also, learn to study.
So, yikes, I didn’t do that.  I didn’t do the thing with all A’s and I didn’t do the thing with the simply passing, either.  But I failed two last fall and I failed one in the spring, so we’re doing better, and I’m retaking the two I failed in the fall this fall, so we’re atoning.  I also think I know how to pass them.  I really know how to study.
2. Get a job during interim, get a sustainable job for during the semester, and get a real job for during the summer.
I didn’t get a job during interim (well, I acquired one then, but I didn’t start it then), but I did get one during the semester!  I don’t know what I meant by “real job”, but I worked at a church in the summer.  I’m also working as a props master this year, which is a theatre and a management job, so it’s fun and real?
3. Become my floor’s Barnabas (the position that leads the spiritual development of the floor – something I would apply for and get in interim/early second semester freshman year and start as a sophomore).
Yes!  Did it.  Crushed it.  Just finished training.
4. Become an RA (something I would apply for… again… as a sophomore in the fall, even if I wouldn’t start working until 2019).
Haven’t yet had the chance to try, but I’ve already been asked about it.
5. Learn to drive and have a car on campus.
Nope, but I did start learning!
6. Have more than $1,000 in checking and savings.  Be fiscally responsible. Also, tithe.
2 outta 3 ain’t bad?  I have more than $1,000 in each, and I’m fiscally responsible.  I don’t tithe, but I’ve started a program to get there.
7. Go camping, or at least hammock often.  Also, get more plants.
Got more plants and I’ve got a hammock which I’ve used a bit.
8. Be a minimalist, both on-campus and at home.  And be an environmentally-responsible minimalist.
I got rid of a lot of stuff, but I don’t think I’m a minimalist yet.
9. Deepen my personal spiritual faith.
Jesus and I had a bit of a time.  But we’re working on it.
10. Become a full-fledged vegetarian.  Hop off the pescatarian train.
Crushed it.  Haven’t eaten meat since the first of the year.
11.  Sleep at a reasonable hour.
12. Do CTC again, but only when it’s helpful and feasible.  (So definitely interim and spring, but maybe not fall – and if not, that’s okay.)
13. Make sure my FYP (four-year-plan) is realistic, because I should have to take more classes than I have to.  Also look into auditing psych classes, or maybe just… take them.
I haven’t looked at it in forever oops.
14. Start serving at the church I’m going to.  Also, be serious about my attendance there.
I didn’t go back to that church and didn’t start serving the church I then went to.  Then I worked at a church, but got paid for it, so this is a fail.
15. Be serious about my meals.  If I’m on the 21 meal plan, use all 21.  Evaluate whether 15 is realistic.  Learn to cook.
This is half a no, but I can’t fix it because now I’m on unlimited meals.  I did learn how to cook though!
16. Sleep more and at decent times. And work on other things, like washing your face and using lotion so your hands aren’t dry.  I need to take care of myself.  And that includes seeing a therapist on-campus, because mental health is important, too, and my mind is nebulously… not right.  I’m not equipped to go beyond that, but, if nothing else, I can talk about stuff from my past.
I think the sleep on is a no.  Washing face is a soft maybe.  Lotion is a no.  It’s true that I need to take care of myself.  I saw a therapist thrice and then... stopped.
17. Read more for fun.
I didn’t during the semester, but I did over the summer!
18. Make an Instagram (the one I have now is garbage and is gonna be deleted probably) and take a picture every day.  Learn to appreciate life.  Write a caption – or don’t – but know that what you see is beautiful and a privilege.  The life I am living is beautiful, and even if not every moment is, I am in love with it.  I want to share that.
I remade the Instagram and set the goal, but I didn’t stick with it.  But I think I really did shift how I viewed life, which is the biggest goal of all.
Things I Want to Do This School Year:
-24-Hour Theatre
I really want to do it.  It’s one weekend, and I can spare myself for that long.  It won’t fall on a show weekend (because it’s done by the same people), and it’s not on a mandatory Barnabas day (I can skip anything that might fall on the same weekend).  It’s something I really want.
-fully prop three shows
It’s my job.  I have to.
-ASM a show
Again, it’s my job.  I have to.  But I really want to do it well.
-help the rogue production of AaOL (set designer? Stage manager? Whatever they need)
I think I’m going to have to let this one go.  Arsenic and Old Lace, if it happens at Calvin, will be beautiful, and it will be beautiful without me.  I don’t have the time for two shows at once, let alone two shows and whatever else I do at once.
-host a Seder and cook for it
I want to do this as part of my job as Barnabas, as a gift to my floor, and as an honoring of my ancestry and an expression of where my faith meets my heritage.  Food brings people together like nothing else, and while many people will go home for Easter, many people won’t, and this is a way they can have something special.
-play my uke well
I thought it would be necessary for Dorm Worship, but it won’t be.  We’ll see if it happens.
-bake bread once a week
The quick, simple bread!  Barnabread will be a much rarer commitment.
-write the first draft of a full-length play
I want to work on it if nothing else.
-help lead a club
It’s something I’ve committed to and I want to do it well.
-help rewrite the lgbt dorm workshop
I think I’m going to have to let this one go.  It’s a lot of work I don’t have time for.
-organize and catalog all our props
It’s a bonus part of Props Master I put on myself that I want to see started if not finished.
-make a movie
I think it’ll have to go on the backburner, if not nixed.
-get As in every class
I want it.  My GPA needs it.  Some other goals need it.
-get us gender neutral housing
I really, really want to help with this.
-get the job of ra for next year
I don’t know why this is always on my heart and mind but it is.
-get a theatre summer job
maybe with my current boss
-cold knight plunge
enough said
-get on the Israel trip for next year
I want it
-fuckin learn how to drive and get my license
I want it! (maybe with less swearing tho)
-get in a relationship
If it happens that would be lovely, but bruh I don’t even know if I have time for a relationship.
-clean and be neat
*looks at my desk* hmm wouldn’t it be nice
-sleep eight hours every night
I really want to try!
-do devotions every day
It’s in my schedule!  I really want to try!
Yes please I need to file for a mail-in ballot
-maybe try therapy again
... we’ll see
-love with reckless abandon
Blog about gripes I have with the way my school treats queer students
Mmm yes.  But also no pressure to do so.  Only when it’s useful for me.
Steal and implement the 95 stories project from Hope College
That’s a lot of work.  I want someone else to spearhead it and to be a part of it.
Make a zine about queer student experiences
See above.
Get to a reasonable weight
Pursue minimalism
Slowly but surely
Read for fun
... Didn’t I see this before?  I feel like it’s healthy and important.
YouTube video at least once a month
I feel like that’s a reasonable goal.
So many deep chats
I’ve already had one with a first-year and like three with my returning friends.
watch my friend finish playing undertale
It’s up to her.
Be on a church council
I’ve committed!  It’s happening.
Choreograph something
It’s for a class lol.  There’s no backing out.  But also I’m so, so excited.
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roman1two · 4 years
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All orders will receive a FREE zine 📦 custom destructible eggshell stickers! Black ink on white eggshell material, link in bio #sdslaps #sdstreetart #laslaps #sfslaps #pdxslaps #pdxstreetart #nycslaps #nycstreetart #perilous #perilousstreetart #ctc #madi1 #chiko #roman #roman1 #romanone #romanstickers #romandesigns (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hNLWEpYYS/?igshid=1k9nogjknuhiw
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velinxi · 6 years
hi! so i am male and i really want to ship begonia and heather but im really scared of being accused of fetishizing? like i really want to ship and support more f/f ships but i am terrified of being accused of fetishizing them when i wouldnt even think about fetishizing lesbians or anyone for that matter but i just want to make sure shipping them is okay? another question, so far ctc has 2 f/f couples and one m/m couple, do you have any plans to make the numbers even? ty!
Hello!! Simply shipping and appreciating a f/f ship is not fetishizing and I’ll be more than glad to hear you support them as a lesbian gal myself ^_^ I definitely plan to add more, though I’m still unclear about whether they’re “even”
Hello! I´ve been following your comic for a year and I love your work! I was wondering if you could share brushes, tips, a tutorial that you have watched... Anything that leads to a style similar to yours, meaning that it doesn´t use lineart at alll. I´m an artist (or I like to be called it :P) and I got into digital art a few weeks back, and I feel like the way you colour would fit my style, but every guide I see is orientated towards artwork using lineart... Thanks a ton in advance!
Hello!! I just use the airbrush tool, and I do indeed use a lineart? but it’s just a really rough sketch lol
How much is shipping to the UK for the brogane zine?
Unfortunately shipping outside the US for me is always going to be around $14-16 ;_; I’m so sorry I wish I could make it less!!
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velinxi · 7 years
Helo! I'm a big fan of your art! and I saw your faq that said you are going to an art high school. I have been looking at some of those in my state and there is one that I toured about two hours away. It is a boarding school and I'm not sure If I want to go because of family, friends, and pets. I want to know if it is worth it to because I really want the education and art practice from it. Is it worth it to go?
Hmmmm honestly, I wouldn’t recommend if its just a high school? I’m not an expert on this but I think its best to just stay local for now! Search for schools with art programs!
EDIT: mister13eyond said: Re: anon asking about boarding art high school: I went to one and found it extremely helpful. Not just for art training but it prepped me a lot for college socially and life skill wise. It didn't cost me anything bc it was a state funded school, so that was a big factor- might not be worth it if it's expensive, but it was like a free practice with work ethic & life skill for art life in college!
I was wondering when we can expect our broganes zine to be shipped?
Hello! It should ship in early November! ^_^
hello friend i have been following ctc forever and i just wanna say i see your art all the time and every time i see ctc or whatever you’ve drawn i fall more in love with your art style and i just wanna say i love it so much and i’m so grateful you’re using the talents you have to give all of us things to smile about, so thank you
T-thank YOU!!
ctc: aka smol black cat and golden retriever are gay
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velinxi · 7 years
I'm just kinda guessing but isn't the brother Lillium? It just sits right in my mind because the opening art of the chapter of Lil boy without his head and the way the brother talked.
Nope Lillium is 100% NOT Iris’ brother
How do you draw smoke so well?
Airbrush tool!!
can you include all your old brogane drawings in your zine please? ;;
The broganes zine will include all of my old bro au art, an exclusive 27 page comic starting from Keith’s adoption into the household, and some new doodles!
I don't know if this has been asked before but how old are Iris, Lillium and Begonia?
Iris and Begonia are currently 18 and Lillium’s age is unknown for now! but he is definitely within the same age range
How did you make a website for your webcomic, CTC? I'm just curious since I want to start a webcomic some time later, I'm not sure how to.
I hired a programmer to help me out! ^^
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