#csm chapter 146
minimal-effort-name · 8 months
wait, nevermind she's definitely not dying, she's probably gonna pull some emergency powerup, she's needed for the big plan involving the death devil plan, she can't die. So Yoshida is probably heading for the chopping block, I am sorry home of sexuals but chainsaw man's gay man is probably dying on Halloween.
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dentedaluminum · 8 months
Okay idk about all y’all, but I was getting pretty antsy about Fujimoto possibly losing the plot this arc. But of course, now that the entire string of dominoes has been set up, they’re starting to fall and I for one could NOT be more ecstatic
I also predict we’re about to feel some real heartache here pretty soon…
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ashleythehollow · 8 months
So, uh, just read the newest chapter of Chainsaw Man, 146, and.....
WHAT THE FUCK IS EVEN HAPPENING?????????!!!!!!!!! It's getting insane. I feel like after so many chapters of slow build up we're back to batshit insanity. I'm over exaggerating, but it feels like things are really getting intense now, rather than the lowkey feel that most of part 2 has had. I honestly just can't wait to see for more
Also I'm still waiting for Reze, I know it's copium at this point but Fujimoto please I'm begging you
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formatuiium · 8 months
is fami going to be the final villan like makima or is it going to be the death devil????
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fenixfuego15 · 8 months
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this is how I’ve been feeling about all these new chainsaw man chapters
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ddenji · 8 months
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i need more than 2 panels of asa in a chapter. like fujimoto is just teasing at this point... he knows she's beloved and he's keeping her from us. i need more girlfail content!!!!
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numbmontezuma · 8 months
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yuzukahachimir · 8 months
"She's going to make everyone terrifies of chainsaw man and war to get them both super duper duper strong"
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Help,this was so unexpected and I can wait for see what is going to happen.
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sugar-grigri · 8 months
Like Prometheus, the heart will be bruised
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When Fujimoto makes a revelation, it's important to remember that this revelation never comes out of nowhere; there are always clues to it in the previous chapters. These clues don't serve to make you want to know what happens next (which is difficult with CSM), they serve above all to make your experience as a reader more gratifying, especially on rereading.
Well then, let's get started! In chapter 146 Fujimoto introduces an exceptional new demon, the Fire Devil.
What I find particularly interesting is the extent to which his power and this chapter are based on the same way a fire works
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Barem's statement to his contractors alone makes sense, because to take the form you desire is to escape your condition in the same way that humans in prehistoric times began to use fire, moving away from their ape-like status.
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In the same way, the fact that the fire demon gains in power as the number of its followers increases makes perfect sense. It works like a kind of fire that goes up in flames.
Now let's take a step back. It was while I was rereading the last few chapters that I realised a number of things...
Let's start with the fact that the fire demon was right under our noses, as shown by the presence of fire every time Fujimoto placed this false demon of justice, whether with the class president literally pulverised by Yoru or Yuko burning her neighbour's body.
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But above all it's clear how the fire demon fulfilled the expectations of these two contractors
The President wanted to be seen by Mr Tanaka, hence the plurality of heads.
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As for Yuko, she was an intrusive person (although I like this character) who wanted to know Asa's secrets, their exchange of secrets being for her the proof that they had become best friends.
Yuko seemed like an isolated person who was desperate to get into people's heads, hence her mind-reading powers.
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This also works with the old man from the church who also contracted the false demon of justice, his thesis was that he could fight demons by becoming a demon... which he did.
The other point I want to make is that Fami's plan is bound to have flaws, not only because it would be more interesting from a narrative point of view, but also because we sense that she's trying to find the right tactics.
Her first tactic was to starve Yoru to get complete control of the war demon, but that didn't work.
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Every time she tried to starve Yoru, Chainsaw Man or Denji were around, which gave Fami the idea of a possible partnership between the two, rather than fighting each other.
Hence the fact that she explains to Yoru that cooperating with Chainsaw Man wouldn't prevent him (or at least the black Chainsaw Man) from being killed, as this cooperation is more than necessary.
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I'm also intrigued by this line because, in the light of the last revelation, it only implies even more that Chainsaw Man must become this super-powerful champion.
The church is really trying to help him, in other words the church is really trying to restore his power and even increase it.
But what I find even more incredible is the fact that Asa and Denji are in the same position
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They're both at the heart of Fami's plan, but they're also both host to one of those demons that can kill the Death Demon.
But their situations were different; Asa fell into the trap by tying up with the church, while the passivity that could be taken from Denji was in reality a form of resistance.
This is particularly striking in several chapters
Denji had not succumbed to the temptation of becoming a divine being with the church, whereas Miri Sugo could despise him for only wanting to remain a chair, to act like a chair - this act of depreciation goes completely against the veneration of the church.
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The fact that Denji belittles Chainsaw Man by acting in a humiliating way is in itself an act of protest against the fact that he is becoming a hero incarnate in whom the church will project itself.
I'm well aware that Denji wasn't aware of all this, but it's precisely his personality and deep-seated nature that allow him to go against this plan.
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The fact that Denji wants people to find out he's Chainsaw Man defeats the whole purpose, because giving this mechanical monster an identity, a human head, makes it impossible to identify with him.
Yes, the impostor is pretending to be Chainsaw Man, but this generic character with his abstract and broad speech means that everyone can admire him and continue to project themselves as Chainsaw Man.
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What Fujimoto has done from the start is underline Denji's flaws, his deep humanity and his own self-deprecation, he's too strong a character and so far removed from the imaginary Chainsaw Man that it would make any admiration and identification collapse.
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Above all, Denji and Asa are cannon fodder for their own demons, Pochita is subject to Denji's dreams and wills, which are always in pursuit of integration among humans and literal contact, and when the heart isn't split in two, the brain is, Asa with her moral dilemmas, her intellectual capacities that escape the law of retaliation how advocated by the war demon
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That's why the rest of the plan is as follows: Fami knew that the public hunters would fight back, so she deliberately let them.
The public demons immediately set about neutralising Chainsaw Man, so she wanted to kill two birds with one stone, Asa, i.e. bring back as many followers as possible with a new figure. But above all to draw the attention of the public hunters to Asa. Wouldn't Fami take advantage of the fact that Asa could be massacred by Yoshida to force Yoru to change host...... to Yoshida?
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Just like the fact that Barem is quite close to Denji.
Remember when Fumiko said she was a fan of Denji, Barem intervened and said he preferred Chainsaw Man?
Time to separate
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Barem propagated the fact of becoming Chainsaw Man like a fire that would spread, this time the punishment was not for Zeus to make humans mortal but rather immortal and monstrous demons.
But the fact remains that the rule will continue to apply and, like Prometheus, a heart will be sacrificed and bitten by the birds
A heart bitten by a bird
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iridescentscarecrow · 8 months
Weapons and War: The Chainsaw Man as a Produced Image
i've been building this theme analysis up for a while with a variety of posts but csm 146 actually entirely validated what i Think the narrative of csm part 2 is trying to do, so i'm attempting to collate the main thread of my thoughts in one post.
iconography in part 2:
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the symbol of chainsaw man appears throughout part 2 in various instances. it's so ubiquitous. a lot of the story has denji attempting to claim this identity for himself:
this identity which found its origins in part one but really comes into its own in part 2.
the commercial use and the production of this image is what is poignant here. from the symbolic use of CSM related products, to the church's more actively malicious utilisation of this image to aid their own activity, to barem's confession in this chapter which underlines
how and why this icon is being produced as a separate entity. devils strengthen themselves off fear, off their perception and a molding of that perception Means things.
the role of the protagonist: asa and denji
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what's more interesting here is how the story's narrative hinges on dispossessing denji from his identity as chainsaw man. you see him grapple with this identity at various points. you see yoshida actively attempt to turn him away from it.
it's a little meta, in how the role of the protagonist transfers from denji to asa simultaneously as denji's presence in the story dissolves into what chainsaw man is. his disenfranchisement collides with asa's occupying of the protagonist role.
the weapon hybrids being brought back is relevant here. asa / yoru's power is quite literally turning people into weapons. denji's image represented form is as a weapon. the infamous promotional art has asa wielding a chainsaw.
both denji and asa parallel each other in wonderful ways but war situates itself on How it uses its tools, its people in systems to propogate this violent reality. one which pushes what seems to be an Ideal outcome. that sounds familiar, doesn't it? (psst. it's fami's plan)
fami and yoshida
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war thus functions as a mechanism which weaponises the chainsaw, or the icon of the chainsaw. war is the stage upon which weapons are utilised, and weapons further emphasise a state of war.
that's fami's plan as of csm 146. that's its literal quality (and fjmt loves literal metaphors in his stories. think the darkness devil and its arc's theme of ignorance).
meanwhile yoshida's actions here are ones opposing asa's (his personal ideologies are interesting too but in this chapter he functions as an agent, as the actor of Another force). his targeting of asa's limbs is purposeful on both an in-world level (functionally disabling her from making weapons) and a narrative level (arms = weapons. he's disarming her.)
yeagh. excellent chapter and i feel very very validated.
links to a few of my older thoughts:
iconography re: denji and asa
denji's struggle with this image of himself / more of the same thing but in context with part one
more asa and denji parallels, this time re: their desires and the metaphor of the screen
some thoughts on the first hints of this as in yoshida's suggestions to denji
EDIT (25/10): long meta on part one's metanarrative which seems relevant here
i am so, so ill actually.
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rakruined · 8 months
And with 146, it all falls into place
So much of part 2 has finally clicked after this latest chapter. The reason behind the Chainsaw Man Church, the reason Fami approached Asa and Yoru, the Justice Devil's true identity... everything's definitely starting to make sense.
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While I'm not entirely positive why fire can transform people (something to do with forging things in flame?), the fact that it gets more powerful the more people it transforms, in addition to being less controllable in greater numbers, definitely reflects wildfires. Maybe the transformation reflects how large scale fires transform landscapes and burn away the old and dead to make way for the new?
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At any rate, the emphasis on marriage with the CSM Church now makes total sense, as it would ultimately be a form of contract stealthily made with the Fire Devil. With those numbers, Fami's true goal may be well within grasp.
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And that's to kill the Death Devil!!! I guess anyone who was theorizing the eldest sister was already in the story was way off the mark, given that she's now (presumably) the big bad. Of course, this being Chainsaw Man I doubt it'll be that simple, but still. It also now makes total sense that Fami's been messing with Denji and Asa all along, as well as why Nayuta went along with most of it.
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This is such a great way to shift the whole meaning of the story. Suddenly our two protagonists, who've been unknowingly at odds for so long, are the last hope to defeat Death. Heh, that's funny. Remember when Yoshida asked Denji if he could erase Death? I wonder what he's up to right-
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Oh. OH. And Yoru is about to get a massive power boost from all that fear. Oh.
Well, RIP Octopus Boy. I'm not gonna lie, unless you have some way of escaping real fast, I don't think you're surviving this one.
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pockethep · 8 months
The Fire Devil
One thing I love about the devils in Chainsaw man part 2 is how creative they've gotten. Everything with the Falling devil and now with the Fire Devil.
It's such a clever misdirect cause not only is about how the chainsaw man church spread but also passion and desire. Fire spreads astonishingly a fast just like how the CSM Church spread to Canada and China and most of Japan. It's also the desire and passion to fight for chainsaw man, although this has twisted into the absolute maximum. As the numbers grow, the battle is only gonna get more intense. And its spreading given the amount of fuel (contracts).
It's so much more than physical fire.
Also, theory for the handful of people who read Fire Punch.
Seigi Akoku, one of the named members of the Devil Hunting club at school and one of the students trapped in the aquarium, is my top pick for the fire devil. Seigi means "righteousness" or "justice", with the justice devil being revealed in 146 to be the fire devil not only that, Yuko said that the Justice Devil was at their school and Yuko also burned her neighbor during Chapter 106: Bonfire.
This is beyond a stretch but Agni (Fire Punch) and Seigi look very similar (even missing the same right eye). This also wouldn't be the first time Fujimoto put a reference from another of his works in (I.E. Nayuta coming from Yogen no Nayuta)
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octopuscontract · 8 months
csm 146 first thoughts (oh god i have not processed anything yet)
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jesus CHRIST i didn't realize the full scale of the church and the mass weddings. this is straight up the unification church. wow
the fire devil is so interesting- is it a primal devil? it spreads.... like wildfire... ZOMBIE CHAINSAW MAN FIRE wow
yoshida is actually going for the kill and also acknowledging that asa doesn't deserve to die? WOW
the death devil being a woman is like the least surprising revelation this chapter
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munchboxart · 8 months
I FUCKING KNEW DEATH DEVIL WAS GONNA BE AT LEAST ONE OF THE STRONGEST DEVILS, though it wasn't a hard guess. Death is feared among both common devils and humans. I swear I talked about this before but I guess not. Plus, before Famine, before Control, before War, there was Death. So it only makes sense.
Anyways, one of my guesses on Death devils power is basically copy. Being able to use any devils ability who has died or is currently occupying in hell. You know how cool it'd be if they were able to transform themselves into the face of said devil?? I feel like if it applied to previous iterations of other devils (like Makima), it might be too strong, but at the same time, it's the death devil, sooo 💀
Maybe be able to use copied devil's power at it's maximum, I don't know. Though if it ends up being something like death devil making everyone kill themselves, it'd be kind of anticlimactic to be honest.
Last thing, I don't know if they (Famine, War and Control) would treat Death as a sibling, since considering how all 3 are with each other, it'd be kind of easy to assume Death was their last sibling. Though, I always had a feeling there was a big gap between the 3 and death, since yet again, death is on another league. Though, it's kind of disappointing to hear that death is most likely a guy ("king of terror"). We need more girl bosses :/ READING COMP DEVIL HAS GOT ME YET AGAIN SHE IS A WOMAN 💃💃💃💃💃 FUJIMOTO LOVES THE LADIES. AND SHE IS IN FACT THEIR ELDEST SIBLING
Whatever's the case, I'm just excited
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