#cryptid plays clangen
whispering-clan · 2 days
Updated Crestedstar design!
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look! she has her star marking! YAY!!!
yes, she does canonically have a chest/ "heart" star mark, I just forgot to add it in her OG design. she was designed a while before the other leaders so the star marks weren't really on my mind at the time :P
some bonus Crestedstar lore since a lot of ppl have asked about her collar's star shaped tag-
Her collar is part of why she was chosen to be the next leader of Singingclan! She had been taken by twolegs and had been given the collar by them, but she escaped and returned to the clan. When she returned it was at a time when the old deputy was ready to retire, and the star on her collar was seen as a sign from Starclan that it was time for her to be the new deputy!
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cryptidclaw · 5 months
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Singingclan's leader <3 i love her :3
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whispering-clan · 13 days
Moon 26: Interlude Part 2, pg. 1
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Posting these pages separately so that yall can get updates quicker! sorry this is taking so long! updates will come quicker once this interlude is over!
Not much happening in this page but now you have met the other leaders!
I also discovered that drawing and writing 6 characters having a conversation is exhausting.... (also ignore that I misspelled Scorchstar's name it would take forever to fix)
Whisperingclan Master Post | Previous Update | Next Update
Leader designs below! (if there are any inaccuracies with their designs in this page... shhhhhhh)
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whispering-clan · 3 months
Moon 26: Interlude Part 1!
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Sorry it took so long to make this update! I had art block for a bit but im back!!
Please enjoy Tempeststar in her girlboss to fail-girl era
I think there will be one other part to this and then /maybe/ a bonus extra interlude unrelated to this one bec there is some other characters I wanna explore :3
Whisperingclan Master Post | Previous Update | Next Update
New Tempeststar design below!!
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whispering-clan · 28 days
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Sorry the next update has taken so long to post! I’m on break now so I’m going to try to finish it this week!!
Here’s a sneak peak at a sketch for one of the panels (featuring silhouettes of the other leaders~) while y’all wait!
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whispering-clan · 3 months
Whisperingclan Family Tree!
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I decided to draw the full family tree/trees for the clan + some bonus relatives that i made up just to expand some lore! Maybe they will show up some day... who knows...
I will be updating this post as the trees and allegiances change with new versions of the tree! I may also make an allegiance post using these drawings too :3
hopefully I didn't make any mistakes with this, but I probably did so don't judge me T-T
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whispering-clan · 4 months
Whisperingclan Moon 26!
Adding Trigger Warnings for this one! Tw: heavy blood/gore ; Tw: animal death/death!!
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This is a long one, hopefully Tumblr wont fuck up the quality too much T-T
For those of you who don't kno wtf just attacked Tempeststar (which fair) its my oc Bignose, at this point in time Bigpaw! he was adopted into Singlingclan and raised by Marigoldheart as her son!
... he didnt mean to maul & kill Tempeststar, he just didnt know his strength and just wanted her to stop hurting his momma :(
doodle of the HORRIFYING MONSTER that took Tempest's first life:
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lots of other new characters this moon!! I love Crestedstar <3
also YAY Snowfrost graduated!!!!! its so funny that she's charismatic now though lmao
Whisperingclan Master Post | Previous Update | Next Update
Bonus! designs for Crestedstar and Marigoldheart!
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whispering-clan · 4 months
The Costal Valley Territories
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I made a map of the Whisper-verse clan's territories!
These clans live alongside the sea in a small valley split by a river!
Note: this map is more representative than entirely accurate, I just tried to show the basic idea of what the territories look like.
Descriptions of the Clan Territories below!
Moon Island:
Moon Island is both the gathering place for the clans on the full moon, and the place where the majority of the clans (excluding Whisperingclan) go to speak to Starclan. In the middle of the island where the trees form a circle around a large stone, the leaders will perch for meetings. This is also where cats wishing to speak to Starclan sit- under the light of the moon and stars.
Age/origin: Youngest clan; formed after the founders were banished from Roaringclan for a coup against the new leader.
Territory: the tallest mountains, rocky, though with some trees, grass and bushes interspersed with the stone. There are a few small creeks and pools running through the mountains due to rain and snow run off, there are also several caves within the mountain. The winter is the worst here with the high altitude and high snowfall.
Camp: the Whispering Cave, a large cave filed with mystical glowing crystals which seem to whisper with the words of the Starclan ancestors. There are several pools above the cave, from which small streams of water fall through cracks in the stone into the cave.
Borders: the River marks the border with Roaringclan and SIngingclan; the border with Growlingclan is only marked with scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the mountain peaks becoming lower and sharper in Growling territory.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Singingclan and Echoingclan; territory was once larger, but was taken over by humans.
Territory: grassy, hilly, plains. Notable features are small patches of trees and bushes, a lake, a muddy/ soil patch by the river, and many little burrows to be found amongst the hills.
Camp: the Abandoned Burrows, a circle of empty fox burrows surrounded by trees and bushes.
Borders: the River marks the border with Whisperingclan; the creek marks the borders of Singingclan and Weepingclan; and on all other sides a human fence marks where their territory ends and the Human Farms begin.
Age/Origin: Second youngest, though still far older than Whisperingclan; formed from Singingclan separating into two clans, not from any all out fighting, but the realization that there were two obvious separate groups (in skill and personality) in the clan that could survive better in the separate territories.
Territory: marsh lands and dark forests made up of willows and oaks. The forests have soft thick wet peat, though there are some rocky places. Tall grasses and reeds grow around the marsh giving good cover.
Camp: The Weeping Grotto, a large cave opening within a rocky area of the forest of which is surrounded by the largest and oldest weeping willows of the territory.
Borders: the border with Roaringclan is marked by the creek; the border with Singingclan is marked by scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the change in types of trees; the small piece of border with Echoingclan is separated by the river at it's widest, though both clans lay claim to half of the row of stepping stones which could connect the territories; the border which is not shared with any clan stops where human trails (hiking trails) begin, farther from there are human dens and farms.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Roaringclan and Echoingclan; originally encompassed Weepingclan as well, but they amicably separated into two clans for better survival.
Territory: forests made of oak and birch along with meadows filled with wildflowers and grasses. Through the center of the territory runs the River and a small creek shoots off through the territory as well. the river is banked by reeds and other water plants.
Camp: the River Hollow, a space surrounded by trees in the center of the island in the middle of the River within their territory.
Borders: the border with Roaringclan is marked by the creek; the border with Whispering and Growlingclan is marked by the River; the border with Weepingclan is marked by scent markers, though the change in territories can also be seen in the change of types of trees; and the border with Echoingclan is marked with scent markers, though it is easy to tell where it is, it is where the sand begins.
Age/Origin: One of the oldest clans, formed at the same time as Roaringclan and Singingclan; originally encompassed Growlingclan as well, though unlike Weeping and Singing, the separation was born from civil war, the losing side being Growlingclan.
Territory: a beach, almost entirely sand with only costal plants growing in the territory. There is a cliff line which is made up of rock, at the higher end of which the beach is mostly rock with tide pools, weathered stone arches, and the opening to a system of sea caves. This territory seems small, but the sea caves stretch out underneath for large expanses, and even under Growlingclan's territory, Echoingclan lays claim to all of the cave system even under other clan's terriotories.
Camp: the Sea Caves, mostly the large cavern formed at the front opening of the Sea Caves but some cats may even make their own dens in smaller off shoots of the caves as well.
Borders: most of their borders are at the sea's edge, though their borders with the other clans are marked with scent markers; it is easy to tell where territories end however. the border with Singingclan is where Singing's grass begins, and the border with Growlingclan is where the mountain's stone begins.
Age/Origin: Third youngest, though still far older than Whisperingclan; formed from Echoingclan separating into two clans, two factions in the clan had formed and went into a civil war, Echoing won and banished the losing side to the far less hospitable side of the territory.
Territory: Truly one of the harshest territories, the lower levels of the mountains, rocky sharp lands that end with cliffs along the sea shore that are too high to dare try to reach the sea. There are small groups of shrubs and small trees, but little else in the form of plant life. there are some small pools which are cherished as they are the only certain sources of water.
Camp: the Broken Crag, a cliff face which is broken in places revealing small caves where cats can make dens.
Borders: the border with Whisperingclan is marked with scent markers though the change in territories can also be seen through the mountain peaks becoming higher in Whispering territory; the small border with Singingclan is marked with the river; the border with Echoingclan is marked with scent markers though it is easy to tell where the border is, it is where the sand begins.
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan Moon 23
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I was DEVISTATED when I loaded this moon to see that my beloved boy Weedpatch DIED, I almost cheated and quit without saving to resurrect him... but the fact that on the same moon a long furred version of Weed showed up??? CRAZY ... so I kept the moon.
I have a whole backstory for Celeste but I will add that during the year 2 line up.
oh ya also Tempeststar demonstrating her great parenting and mentor skills by putting the life of her daughter in danger ... pretty in character tbh.
i really like how the art turned out for this one plz appreciate it I spent wayyy too much time on this.
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
Celeste design and updated Weedpatch (Starclan version) below!
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cryptidclaw · 5 months
Whisperingclan Moon 25
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New layout style!! I like this far better it looks more interesting
Rainpaw is a healer, Hail became a warrior early, Sleet became the clan's first mediator on time... but Snowpaw? She's been left behind... no grand accomplishments to get her parent's attention.
Butterflyfreckle out here seeing this soggy teen and going "oh, you need a mom, guess that's me now"
Also I gave two of the MossSun kits to their moms bec Moss and Sun still havent had apprentices and I thought they deserved some :)
The game gave Hickory to Hailstripe tho <3
oh ya... also this is what Rainpaw was thinking this moon ... such a great healer <3 /s
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Whisperingclan Master Post | Previous Update | Next Update
Updated designs for the TempestBlizzard sisters below (bec they are adults now!) I didnt change much abt them, just updated the drawings a bit to make them look older (I really liked my art for them and I didnt want to completely redo it)
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan Year 2 Afterlife Update!
I medaled with the afterlife so here's an update abt that LOL
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Basically... I love the idea of the cats who fight against Tempeststar and Larkcaw going to the Dark Forest since Larkcaw is the starclan guide and is in charge.
This year Lark realized that she can do whatever she wants, so she let Ravenblur back into Starclan and used him to create a situation (Jagged fighting Raven) that would give her a reason to banish Jagged into the Dark Forest. Jagged had previously been constantly contesting Larkcaw and is very anti-Tempeststar (which is why she was killed last year)
Jagged was named after Larkcaw by Tempeststar bec she was the first cat made a warrior in the new clan... Jagged fuckin hates Larkcaw and refuses to be named after her any more so she is now Jaggedheart (this may partially just be bec I like the name Jaggedheart for her lol)
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
Updated Jaggedheart and Ravenblur designs below!
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan Moon 24
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Annnd with this Whisperingclan is now 2 years old!
Tempest and Blizzard's fam really are the main characters half the time huh ?
Im so proud of Hailstripe , and Butterflyfreckle who was her mentor!! despite all the shit Butterfly went thru this year she was an outstanding mentor and i love that for her <3
Poor Snowpaw is grumpy bec she's behind on training due to being stuck in the healer's den for two months lol
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
Peakkit design below!
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan Year 2 Lineup!
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the clan has more than doubled in size!
24 living cats (1 Leader + 1 Deputy, 3 Healers, 1 Healer Apprentice, 8 Warriors, 4 Warrior Apprentices, 1 Elder, and 5 Kits!)
8 deceased cats (7 Starclan, 1 Dark Forest)
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
I will be posting 3 comps of individual designs + blurbs about each character after this! I will link them on this post once they are posted!
Comp. 1 | Comp. 2 | Comp. 3
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan Moon 22 pt. 2
I forgor to add this part to the moon 22 update so here's a second part!
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more children for my fave dysfunctional family!
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
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cryptidclaw · 6 months
Whisperingclan moons 21-22
two moons this time!
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Ya... tried to prepare yall for Gullpaw dying last update but some of you became more attached RIP
Males are cursed in this clan, there are only 5 males in the clannnn and the two boy kits DIED
In other news, as one gray kit goes another joins, and ofc she's female LOL , I love her little tail tho.
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
Starclan Gullpaw and Duckkit designs below!
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cryptidclaw · 7 months
Whisperingclan Moon 18
things are happeninggg
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oh Creekslip... Im sorry but I choose to make you suffer
Also, Blizzard loves her kits so I feel like she is choosing to hang out in the nursery instead of the elder's den for now, especially since she is the only elder.
Whisperingclan Year 1 | Previous Update | Next Update
Also! Designs for Hoptoe, Wisp, and Blizzardchase (she gets a new one for being an elder) below the cut!
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