romanticrota · 1 year
Ho smesso di parlarti, non di amarti.
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thelittepoet · 3 months
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New mafia character :D
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mafiasky · 8 months
السبب الحقيقي لانتقال جود بلينجهام نجم ريال مدريد 🤯
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winryofresembool · 2 years
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Lol we finally started our fma rewatch and well, this was our reaction to when a certain OP started playing
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merenguehastalamuerte · 6 months
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diabolik-boys · 2 years
How the s boys react when a new sacrificial bride appeared but she is exatly like Cristia and she act like her and she like to whatch the Garden in the window,just like her
=============== Shu Sakamaki ===============
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"I already know Subaru isn't going to like you. You best stay away from him. As much as he and I don't talk, I wouldn't want you affecting him like that..."
Shu really wouldn't want to mess with this bride. He'd feel uneasy and overall on edge.
Concerning that this bride acts just like Subaru's mother, he would expect a full-on rage from him eventually.
Even though he doesn't feel responsible for Subaru, he would do his best to try and look out for him and try to keep the bride away from him.
Would probably assume this would be one of Heinz's plans.
=============== Reiji Sakamaki ===============
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"Stay away from Subaru. Do you understand? Do not go near him, do not interact with him, do not even bother him with anything. His relationship with his mother already strains him enough. He does not need to be reminded of her from you."
Reiji immediately would keep the bride away from Subaru, at all costs. He wouldn't want anything to negatively affect his youngest brother anymore than it already does.
He would be very adamant on making sure the bride knows to not interact with him, and would probably make it forbidden.
Regardless, he knows the triplets will still most likely entertain themselves with the bride. Reiji, however, wouldn't interact much with her.
Immediately would probably assume something is amiss or his father caused this situation to happen.
=============== Ayato Sakamaki ===============
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"Yer too quiet. And Ore-sama doesn't like that. Ya' also probably shouldn't mess with Subaru. I ain't like him much, but I don't want him t' break everything in the mansion either. I like my bed."
Ayato really probably doesn't care if the bride meets Subaru.
But, he cares about his home being torn apart. So he'd warn her and probably try to keep that situation from happening.
He'd probably still pursue the bride like he would any ordinary one for blood and his own amusement.
=============== Kanato Sakamaki ===============
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"Hm... You really are distant, now aren't you? Well, do you have a reason? You almost make me want to turn you into a doll. You'll be silent there too. Ne, maybe I'd stay away from Subaru, though... You kind of remind me of his mother..."
Kanato most likely doesn't want any drama with Subaru. He'd warn the bride to not interact with Subaru, but not nearly as much as Reiji or Shu probably would.
He'd get irritated if the bride was just always acting like Christa, though, and would start to wonder if his father had something to do with it.
He'd use the bride as he would an ordinary bride for blood and possibility of making her into a doll.
=============== Laito Sakamaki ===============
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"My, my... You behave too much like someone we know. I really would advise not to interact with Subaru. He's the youngest, I'm sure you know. You act like... someone he knows. And it would send him probably into a rage none of us want to see..."
Laito has a few more boundaries with this bride that he usually never keeps for any ordinary bride.
He wouldn't want to get into any fights with Subaru, let alone have Subaru interact with this bride, really. He's friendly whenever he can be with Subaru, and wouldn't want to see him in a more negative headspace than he already is.
Would warn the bride to stay far away from Subaru and not interact with him.
=============== Subaru Sakamaki ===============
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"Who the fuck are you!? Answer me! Why the fuck are ya' acting so much like my mother!? Have you gone up and talked to her!? Are ya' just making a fool out of me and her!? Ya' better get fuckin' lost before I snap yer goddamn neck!"
Subaru would immediately blow up in rage and fury. He would immediately assume that the bride is mocking him and his mother.
This would cause him to start to destroy a lot of different things. Windows, walls, furniture. He wouldn't be able to hold back his anger.
He would shortly after probably assume his father, yet again, had something to do with this. He might even be in such a rage he confronts his father, himself. As well as his mother.
Subaru would not be very mentally sound after this. He would be in a darker headspace than usual.
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luiscristiano · 4 months
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fancooking · 10 months
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beatriz-garrido · 10 months
Abigail Araujo - Yo Me Rindo A Él (Videoclip Oficial) | Musica Cristia...
Me uno a esta preciosa y canción de siempre palabra a palabra y letra a letra.
Te invito a hacer lo mismo y te aseguro que jamás habrás podido soñar nada mejor.
En su amor precioso que merece toda mi rendición...
Beatriz Garrido 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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medinahazleyes73 · 10 months
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Una fe fundamentada en la cruz
A pesar de que se enfatiza mucho sobre la importancia de la fe, a menudo no se reconoce correctamente de qué se trata. La fe no es una pasión ni una convicción incondicional, sino que es la de- terminación y voluntad que vence al temor y reprime los deseos de la carne. La fe es inocente pero no ignorante. No obstante, este valor y determinación nacen de la sabiduría de conocer a Cristo. La fe consiste en confesar a Jesucristo con convicción y esta confesión debe estar respaldada con un claro conocimiento sobre quién es Él y cómo debemos vivir nosotros, Sus seguidores. Es decir, que debemos conocer con exactitud el ministerio de la cruz de Jesús porque es el peregrinaje en el que la vida del cristia- no debe llevar la cruz. Jesús llama a quienes creen en Él, pero el mundo también lo hace. Decirle "si" a Jesús es rechazar al mundo, y decirle "no" a Jesús es aceptar al mundo. El llamado de Jesús incluye una exhortación para luchar contra el mundo y vencerlo. Jesús quiere que derrotemos el deseo innato de satisfacer la carne a través del éxito, la comodidad y la abundancia, y que consigamos lo que hay en Él Por lo tanto, debemos analizar cada día si conocemos el significado exacto de la cruz, si nuestra fe se basa en el conocimiento sobre Cristo y si tenemos el coraje de responder al llamado del Señor.
La Palabra es profunda, Lee Shin-hyung.
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mitra2023 · 1 year
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topmusicacristiana · 1 year
Canciones Cristianas Que Da Paz En Medio De La Tormenta - Musica Cristia...
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444names · 1 year
portuguese names BUT excluding "e"
Aariola Abradra Adadomon Adanoé Adovia Adutra Aldas Alfona Alfor Algio Alianto Aliniz Alira Aliros Aléxim Amacrio Amafiros Amangto Amaria Amarruz Ambos Aminha Amonsão Amorina Ampasaus Ampauloís Ampauxo Amuno Amândo Amântião Ananca Ancia Andra Andris Anicorna Ansaísa Ansta Antas Antor Antur Apozinho Aptilso Arboson Aringon Armarião Armina Armília Arnas Artoro Ascargio Astimor Austálio Aília Balvo Banicos Barcuno Bardo Bargila Barida Barigoda Bario Barra Bartugo Basilia Bassia Bastorio Basão Bilissa Bitão Bracio Branda Brapaidas Braza Braça Bricavo Bristo Bruissa Brunoé Bróna Bróniza Bávindo Bávito Calary Caldo Calho Calia Camigodo Caminho Campano Camélião Canda Canio Cantas Cantião Cantônida Caranto Carco Carcona Carcus Cardia Carga Carão Cascal Caspo Catanto Cavaldo Cavito Cavão Cinha Cipauxo Ciustão Cloto Cloísa Cláco Coaquita Coaroza Conia Conobort Consanto Conçaldo Corgingto Corgo Coriana Corio Crias Cricidas Crina Crinho Cristia Crudá Custa Cácilda Cácio Cásia Cásimia Cátisla Cânio Célisério Céloís Cílino Dalho Dalinho Danco Danda Dangéno Didassida Digasão Digoral Dinarrita Dindro Dingto Ditatinor Ditório Donisa Dudinha Dànata Décias Dériquida Dérisa Fabia Fabra Fabrantos Fabrudu Fagna Farda Fartina Faulcão Figianda Filino Filvodo Filárisa Finha Flopor Fracran Frana Frapomão Fábildo Fátinor Fátinso Félia Gabio Galaz Galcão Galdo Galisbor Gaminas Gasco Gidoso Gilvo Ginard Ginho Godisboys Gomélia Grada Grano Graza Griana Gundruda Guniz Gustonça Guálva Hargia Hinano Ifiga Inola Isbos Istria Jacona Jacor Jaisca Janca Jantos Jorgina Joros Jorranso Jorro Josartomé Jucia Judana Judora Julcilho Julri Junquim Justa Jácias Jónio Júliandro Lacásio Ladro Liangénia Lilho Lilva Lobrais Lomon Lorna Losous Lucar Lucia Lucida Lucio Lucílino Ludia Luido Lyrto Lácio Lídiano Líditto Líviana Lívis Lúcim Lúcipólia Macinho Macás Madora Madra Madrício Mafigo Malcio Malho Manas Manazio Mancordo Manizaria Mantiagna Mantor Manunho Marana Marbas Marmo Marna Marona Marão Maspaio Masta Matiminha Maula Maximbra Maximos Mimoisa Mindola Mirob Modorro Moisaro Monstia Monço Morao Mordo Morto Moton Máliana Málio Mária Máximira Míliagão Môniz Nazino Nicartor Nicoro Norrona Nundo Nácianda Nácio Nádio Nápona Nélia Néloís Nóbra Odrota Ofigo Ourtéria Paina Paisa Paiscoso Paldamirs Panconata Paola Parado Paraia Pardo Parra Parso Pascons Pasia Passio Passusto Pastás Patita Patria Paulison Pauro Paurvalso Pauza Pavis Piminho Pingo Pinoé Pirgaza Pláco Pláritos Pláudanto Poldo Poliano Polla Pomba Pomélia Ponria Porga Postino Pozarto Pragosos Pramâniz Priandro Quilvito Quiros Quita Quitor Radronst Raléxim Ramar Ramáliza Ranor Raulilda Razio Raújoa Riagda Riana Riaspaio Rinto Riochagda Ritórina Roditão Rodri Romão Rosolias Rozira Rugazia Runhadria Runidélo Runçal Rutra Sabia Sabila Sabião Santanço Siasta Sicos Sicto Sidora Sidélis Silhão Silia Silino Siloto Silvidia Silvito Simato Soanto Sostis Sárina Sério Síltalita Sônito Sôniza Tancon Tanuno Taraz Tinda Tipra Tomora Torna Trashino Triquis Trícila Tária Tériano Ulila Urtéria Ustim Ustino Valda Valgilaus Valor Valténo Varia Viano Vianson Vicard Victo Viona Vitava Vitora Vitão Wascinto Xavia Xângto Zéfiano Zéfilson Álino Ândrampa Ériana Érica Óriolávia Úrinstaro Úrson
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. #ReveladosLive con Cristias Rosas 📸 Link de transmisión en nuestra Biografía !!! (Dentro del LinkTree) �Como todos los Jueves a las 21:00 #ReveladosLive con la conducción de @luis_chiang_chang_way_photo A través de YouTube, Facebook FanPage, Twitter, Instagram y Telegram. Estarán conversando sobre fotografía de Autor. ✔ Ya sabes! La cita ya está hecha! 📅 Jueves, 09 de Febrero del 2023 a las 21:00 .. Gracias a la gestión + producción de #ElOjoEstaEnLaCabeza . También al apoyo de @itpdatarecovery !! Gracias tambien al apoyo del @minculturape por su linea de Apoyo económico por el #Covid19 del cual fuimos beneficiarios. #FotografiaPeruana Cristias Rosas es un fotógrafo peruano nacido en Lima en 1984. Graduado como comunicador y periodista de la Universidad de Lima, realizó también estudios en fotografía en el International Center of Photography de Nueva York y en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Fue ganador de la beca Lissette Model otorgada por el ICP en el 2014 en honor al mérito académico. Las temáticas trabajadas en sus obras van desde la creación de “Fantasmas” fotográficos aplicando técnicas de larga exposición y duplicación con destellos de flash hasta metáforas visuales que hacen mención a la demencia senil y el estado de coma. Todo ello sugerido a través de imágenes experimentales, a veces en doble exposición analógica en formato medio y gran formato. En lo documental ha retratado a la comunidad Sadomasoquista de la ciudad de Nueva York. Todas estas imágenes cargadas de significancia apelan a la metaforización visual como una plataforma de uso constante en sus fotografías y que han logrado exponerse en diversas ferias de arte en las ciudades de Lima, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile y Punta del Este, además de otras exposiciones colectivas y también individuales en centros culturales y galerías de arte en Itoshima - Japón, Nueva York, Montevideo y Ciudad de Guatemala. En la actualidad Cristias es fundador y director de galería Phuyu, un espacio de arte contemporáneo ubicado en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYX0HSrG9z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailynews9 · 1 year
Ten Hag did not know about Ronaldo's desire to leave Man Utd until the interview
Ten Hag did not know about Ronaldo’s desire to leave Man Utd until the interview
Manchester United boss Erik ten Hag said he only discovered that Cristia no Ronaldo wanted to leave the Premier League club after the forward’s explosive interview with TalkTV, in which he said he did not respect the Dutch manager. ” He wanted to leave, it was quite clear. And when a player definitely doesn’t want to be in this club then he has to go, ” Ten Hag told British media on Friday. ” The…
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